,jsiK.i ! in. I'ly " TUB HKN1 BULLETIN, IIBND, OIIK., WKDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1010. PAOR51. R. M. Smith's Trade Booster VOL. I JULY 2G, 15)10 NO. It H THERE ARE A GREAT MANY REASONS WHY THIS STORE IS ALWAYS BUSY, and keeps doing more and more- business each week. People don't flock to a store just by chance there's a reason for it a real reason of WORTH and SAVINGS. Buying in large quantities, direct from the manufacturer, for spot cash, enables this store to undersell enables this store to give you the cleanest, newest, best merchandise the world affords, at a great saving in price. And again, the great volume of our selling enables us to keep our good constantly on the move always fresh and new stocks for our customers to choose from. Being grateful beyond measure for the tremendous increase in this spring's business, we take this occasion to thank our old and many new friends for their loyal support and patronage. Preparedness Wins in Business, in Life, in War, in Peace; We've Prepared for Fall Trade on an Unprecedented Scale. Ours, is the Store of Assortments and Values Puritan Underrauslins Dainty, pure white, good fitting undermuslins at rea sonable prices! The fabrics used in Puritan Undermuslins are good qual ity and perfectly bleached. All of the garments are neatly made the stitching is even, turned seams are used, the trimmings are carefully matched. The laces and em broideries are unusually good, beautiful and durable. They are garments that dainty women like to wear. We carry a wide range of Puritan Undermuslins, in cluding night dresses, princess slips, combination garments, drawers, corset covers and skirts. We will be fully prepared to do justice to your wants. Everything decreed fashionable in Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Clothing of all kinds will be found here in the largest varieties and always for less money. In another few weeks thousands of dollars worth of the world's newest and best merchandise will be stringing into this store ready for the fall rush. In the meantime we are making reductions on all summer and spring goods and want you to note curefully each item listed below and take advantage of these savings. Everything is exactly as represented we guarantee thisthis store stands for no misrepresentation in any of its advertisements. You may come, confidently expecting goods and values exactly as stated. For tho convenience of thoso who wish to know JUBt tho main features of tho now fall stylos the following mr.y be of Interest. Waistline. Tho preference lo for the normal waistline, but tho high and low wnlstcd offocts nro also in ovtdonco. Skirt. Seml-clrcular skirts havo Adoption. There Is Domo ubo of long tunics. Pleated effects nro coming In strongly. Tailored skirts measure 2 to 3 yards, the dressier sklrto from 4 to C yards. Tho slightly longer skirt will havo adoption. Distended draperies, bustles and polonaises nro a feature of dress klrt of extreme- type. Kodlngoto and long lino draperies are also good. Flaro Bklrta hold their place and tiered and ruffled skirts havo a following. Sleeve. Long sleovcs contlnuo to dotntnnte. A few of tho af ternoon dresses havo three-quarter or elbow-length sleeves. Close fitting alcoves appear In many of tho tallormado, but In dressier gar ments tho sleeves show fullness above or. below tho elbow, lg-o'-mutton and llaro effects, as well as puffs at tho shoulder or at tho elbow, aro among tho novelties. Collnrs. Tho neck-flnlshofl nro an Important feature. High col lars ore In fnvor, ninny opening at Uia throat. Cnpe, sailor and Jan ancso effects aro also In evidence. Stilt Con in. lloth tho flared and tho straight lino offectB nro employed. Tho fitted styles aro being taken up. In length tho suit conts nro usually from 32 to 3C Inches, but shorter ns well as long er lengths nro employed to some cxtont. Separate- Ouit. Tho wldo rlpplo offect nt tho hem nnd olther sovcn-elghth or full length nro tho loading styles In separate coats. Many show novelty in collnrs nnd sleovcs. lluttcrick I'litteniN nnd l'tibllcntlonH on sale nt this fltoro hereafter. in in in in in in in in 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 a o 3 a M a - 3 2 w u 0) ALWAYS BIUNG THIS CAHD And havo your cash purchases rocordod. When thoy roach $GroO you will bo presented with n Ucautlful Fram ed PIcturo or Mirror on pay ment of 89c R. M. SMITH CLOTHING CO. MKN'S AND HOY'S FUHNI8IIIN08 Wull Street Hcnd, Oregon Issued To 4 p u D p. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 a a n n a 100 Beautiful Paintings As presents to our customers now on exhibition at thl3 storo. Among thin classy collection you'll find many reproductions of tho old masters, ancient and modern; a real tasty, and artistic adornment to any homo. Theso paintings and mirrors will bo glvon for tho Bmall sura of 89c to each customer purchasing gooda to tho amount of $5.00. Thoso paintings are handsomoly framod; ready to bo hung and our supply will not lout long, so take early advantago to cocuro ono of these at the normal sum of 89c. It is not necessary to niako a IS. 00 purchase nt ono time. Wo issue purchaser's tickets and cancel amount of each purchao and whenever your purchases total $5.00 you aro presented with tho painting you soloct for 89c. Gloves, Dolts, Shoes, Wash Goods, Trunks, etc. FIIKXCII KID OliOVKS aro becoming scarcer and scarcer; In dcod almost a rarity now. Mr.ny substitutes nro nppor.rlng nnd cruising much nnnoynnco and dlssntlfaction to tho retailer. Kid gloves aro advancing In price and beforo next spring it Is predict ed will become prohibitive In price for tho iwerngu person, Wo huVo n our storo now, real French Kid aloves that v;o aro offering at these old tlmo price.'. HLACK KIDS, only. In size? from C to 8, nt pair 31.2ft HLACK, TAN nnd WII1TI3 gloves In full run of b17.cs up to 8'b at 92.00 HLACK, WIIITK, GHKYH In novelty Btltchcd kids 'in nenrly all sizes up to 7 at 92.SO nnd 9U.00 Supply your wants liberally whllo these last. Send in your mall orders. Children's 2Gc Patent Lo.it her Dolts Iftc Mon's Elastic Melts In Tan nnd Qrey JOc Mon's llandanns, lied and llluo nt a for 23c Men's Work Shoes, pair -..-J. . .92.00, $2.23, 92.no, $a.00 Auguct Uuttcilck Patterns now here. All wash goods at theso timely reductions: Your cholco of any 50c wash goods now .'I.V Your cholco of any 35c wash goods now ,23c Your cholco of any 2Gc wash goods now 10c NONH ItlCSKUVICH COMR. Real German mado linen lnco, 2 lo 5 inches wldo, bo popular In fancy work nor exceptional valuo at, yard 1-54 August Delineator now here, per copy 13c THUNKH, SUIT CASKS, KTC. 34 Inch canvas trunks, strapped 97.30, $H.ft0 36 Inch canvns and metal lined trunks 910, 9l2.no Steamer trunks 910.00 Telescopes, o.ich 7ftc, H3c, 00c, 91.00, 91.23 Suit case 92, 92.1M, 941. up to 910.00 Hand grips .f. , 7, sjio.oo This is the "Norman " Arrow COLLAR It is designed tc meet the fashion able demand for a collar that will admit of the wearing of large knot cravats. Tho famous II. & II. MaternPy corset3 kopt In Block heio strongly endotsod by leading ' hospltnl nurses and physicians, prlco . . . .92.00 IIOSIKHY FOK MKN, WO.MEN.ANI CHIL1HUSN. Heat standard makes in cotton and silk Misses hobo In black, white and tan, GU to 10 at 13c. 25c, Hoc Ladtoo hoso In black, white and ton SlA to 10 nt inc, 23c, hoc Ladles silk boot hoso In all shades at 30c Ladle silk hose at pair si, 91.23, 91.30, $2 WHISK BKOOMS. Tho best whUk brooms, hair brush, celluloid combs and bristlo tooth bruBhea nt, each . . ,23c HIHHO.VS. C3 pieces fancy ribbons, moire and (lowered, oplendld GOc and CGc value. On salo, yard .2te IiACK CUHTAIXB. Full assortment of Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. Laco Curtains at 73c, 91, WI.no, up to 9 Curtain Materials ct yard. . . 10c, iftc, 23c, :3c, not- MB.VS NHCKTIKS. About 16 dozen of mon's four In hand neckties, puro silk and good 3Gc and 40 valuos, on ealo at, each !iSc TAHLK DAMASK. "Mercerized table damask, puro white, now de signs, 64 Inches wide, regular COc and 05c i grade on" salo at, yard 30c lxcii pkhcalk. 34 pieces of 30 Inch Percale in light colors for dresses, watsts, otc, good 12t4c valuo rt, ynrd ,0c A GHAND HAHOAI.V IN COATn LUSTKIl AND KMIIKOIIIKHY COTTON. ' Take Quick Advantage of th.e Itcriuctions. Nob. 10 nnd 15, on snle; ball JJc Kos. 20, 30. 40, on sale; bull Nob. 50 and CO on sale; ball , J1- Nob. 70 and 80 en sale; ball - TAHLK CLOTHS. The best standard make of table oil cloth, in fancy colors only, not plain white, 60 plecea while they last at, yard -Oc R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Oregon'i Fastest Growing Stote If : 1 IT OUR FIRST SHIPMENT OF , FALL SUITS AND COATS . IARE NOW ON THE ROAD Don't fall to co in o Into this storo evcrytlmo i you nro In town and boo tho now things ar- -jjtftj ' , Wlilto Lawn nnd Silk WulMw, In all sizes J99B3jjfflHyfc -rfvl ? J ranging from 34 to 60 In. bust, RijSSratv. 1 )"? M ; nt 91. m, 91.no, 92, 92.no, 9J,9.3, 91.30 TfflB5H0iftON VA : t $1.25 and $1.50 long silk gloves In black tfKvtf? m Jr ' 3 nnd whlto, pair 03c 'Ty fk. h'J ffly'ZA All PnraMiU KncrlllrcI Now: A. H f T 51 , I $1.50 Parasols reduced to 03c (-W JK V VV-.'- ' J $2.00 Parasols reduced to 91.23 VVU JZT 1' Xifc ,N 1 I $3.00 Parasols reduced to 91,03 VX'TKNr I .'tA ' i $3.50 Parnsola reduced to '....92.13 XtfT A. ( mV 5.00 Parasols reduced to U3 T7' Vt' I ' Ladles nicely tailored white skirts ( JT IE lift A. , I 9i.no, 92.no, 9.1, 91, 9 m I 11 N, f I I B W i 1 Bundles stylish tailored Bklrta in stripes at .9-'l J 1 1 I Middy Hlouses, in plain whlto and fan- llt 1 l ! Bcles 9l.2n, 91.no, 9i.no III 1 11 I W Mttle girlls straw hatB trimmed at ..noc, 73c UJll llUv Ladles outing hats noc, 73c, 91, 92 f I Willi " ! Ladles Sport Wclsta of wash silk in sum- Jfl II ill M fl I .ier colors and stripes at 92.no, 9:1 1 ii 1 1 ll) I J f 1'arUIana Corwl The best fitting corset WL JL' I J I of the age and It Btays Ottod to your m7" l u form better and longer than any other fA ft R 5 style of corset Two new styles of thla " "" lJ H I famous corset Just received and we ru "aB"" Th 1 I will place on salo. All sizes now In v? Jfamt B II stock from 19 to 34, at 9U0 wntygSgaimttS )A Q 0iXl yreSs TAIX-'U.M POWDKIt. Monncns Ilorntcd Tnlcum Panilor nt 20c MIKHKK' IIOSi:. JIImmb White Cotton Hose In sizes from 614 to V4 on salo at 2 pairs for anc Mi:.vs iiohi:. Mon's her.vy rnllrond hose in black nnd tiinii, nl ',nlr ...inc APKOX (.'I.N(jlAM. hiC ','nr',B "'"I"-"" chockod gliighnm mill .iimIh (lood 10c quality 011 nolo at . ,,(, v iai)ii:s' hiioiih 97 pair of Indies Hhooo, regular $3.76 ntid $4.60 sliooB, odd ami odiIh, whllo thuy laal, your c.ioI;, pair .Y2.73 IILIMCIimi MI'HI.I.V. C75 nrd of Meacli.nl mhihIIii l.oni(lnl.i mnko In mill unds from 4 to IB ynnls In n pli-o l 'Rri1 0f HOYS SIIOIW. 78 plr nf Ijovh knock iiIhmii kkmw, good henvy lurnlilo kind, regular $3 and $3.80 Bhixm, III sIzom from It, to 6V, your choice whllo tli- last , M2.-I3 l4tdl..H II(.iim lite-.vill made droH of kimi IhIriiiI piircnlfH and gliighaniN. Mlna Tnylor'11 famous giirmeiit ut HI. 23, 91.30, 91.73, ,,nU Wdiiii'iin mill riillilrni MiiaIIii rmlcr Uurmnn MiiiIii undor moat Banltary condltloiiH of ex cellent workmanship: perfect In lit and htyh. look our iuMKirtment of utidorgariiienta over and save tlmo uud wurry of inuklng. IjHlli'fiowii at 7lV, Ht s,,., ?1. IjiiIIi-h (Viiuliliiiiiioii noc-, 73c, 91, anil 91.23 Jjulltw Miwllii I'nd.rsklitH (k-, 91, 91.23, 91.30, 92 LnrileH fn.ct OicrH 10c, 30c 7.V, 91, 91. no ClillilrKii'H .Muslin HniwiTw at 23c iiikI :c FttU fiiMid H'iuu M'uInIh For .MUkoh from 7 to 1 2 yearn at f Mks Sew Ml lllnck patent leather, MUscs and Womens at euch -m m,M niu. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Oregon'i Fastest Crowing Store