The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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(Special to Tho Mulletln.)
HAMPTON. July 22 Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Whltnkor and MIbh Zola
Hurtholomow visited at O. David
son's Thursday, roturnlng homo on
Mlsa Darlo Ilurton returned to
))tirnn Friday.
J. P. Wll'inct and C. II. Harmon
wont to tho mill Friday nftor some
lumber for Mr. 'lliiot who Is go
ing to build a now ham.
D. Spurhcck has guno to southern
lcl'iho to visit his brother.
Mrs. Ilnriiwn and I). McArthur
tool: supper at A. S. Fogg's Friday.
Hon McArthur rnturned Sunday to
work at Flrdale, Washington, nftor
n two week's visit with friends.
Misses Klhul I'okk. Zola llnrthol
citicw and Iorn Crow vlsitnd from
Rurdav to Tuosdav with Mrs. Clar
tmeo Uulfson of Dry Lake.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. I. Warmonth and
daughter Hostile started for Ilond on
Sunday morning.
Mrs. .1. O. Whltaker visited at A.
S, Fork's Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Harrison re
turned from llend Wednesday.
A dcslrnblo bread knlfo freo with
ivory annual subscription to Tho
Dond llulletln.
(Special to Tho llulletln)
.llmmle llrlekey and mother nutocd
to Ilonil today.
Ernest Hester, who has Iippii visit
ing In Lost, Creek canto up Wednes
day nnd took a trurk for llend cn
routo to Tacoma.
Chris Tinner returned to his homo
Btenil after holng In Ilond several
weeks. J
Mr. anil Mrs. 0. nlnmnn nnd chil
dren came over from Muck Creek on
SMturdny for u short slay.
(lovernor Wlthycombo and ox-(Jov-ernor
Hawley of Idaho reentered nt
the IlrookliiHH hotel last week.
.Mr. and Mrs. OHcur liulzeln visit
ed at tjiu llrlekey home one day Inst
Mrs. Jim Drown visited with Mrs.
llornnc- HrniikliiKH yesterday.
Onbrlel llatoutl spent Sunday on
his houtestend.
Mrs. lien Purlntnn and daughter
Krnm wern the Kiiests of Mrs. Hurt
Meeks soveral days this week.
(Special to Tho llulletln)
PINKIIUHST. July 23. -Tho Turn
( lo ball players played Plnnhurst on
Sunday af lei noon. Pluehurst won IS
to G.
Mrs. (loo. Hnydr end Mrs. M. P.
(Iroom were kuosIh nt tho A. MeAlls
tor home Tiiembv.
A. McAllsler hauled boiiio poles
one day last week. Ho Intends to
lint up n derrick.
Ivy and llessle Snyder called at
I ho. .Mock home Wednesday afternoon.
C. II. Spnuith nnd family wero
llnhlng r.l tho Metollun Wednesdny.
The Misses l.uelle and Nellie How
ell and I'hnrlle Howell attended the
dunce kIvimi at Tnmnlo I'rldnv nliiht.
Mrs. (Inner McAllster nnd Infant
daughter of Wnlln Walla, are now
vlslllni; her pnreuta Mr. u,nl Mrs, I..
II. Knot.
('. II. KpuiiKli. Mrs. I.. J. Wlni. ir.
l.nclle Howell. Mm. (ieo. Snyder ami
Mrs. M. P. (Iroom were llend vis
Iters Rutin ilsy.
It. II. Il.yliy and daughter Itulh
nnd Frank Dayton look dinner with
Mr. ami Mrs. Clrmmcn Hnndll Hun
ilay. Mr. sinl ,Mr. .leas Milton nnd ivy
ml I'MwIw Hnyilvr wero giifU nt
the C. It. KpMiiHh homo Sum!).
The Mlotuw Howell, Ilnrry McO-
tilre, (.iitvw (?rk!ng anil Chnrllo
Howell were Mutollus visitors Sun-
t (Senc'al lo The llullotln)
Mll.l.lCAN. July . I. I.. Owen
r.nd Varmin ('leVHimer put up Johu-
oi if hay end also cut and mkml
stunt f It. It. Keller's hay.
It. It. Keller plowed for P. II.
JohlMHiu smvm-Hl days Inst week.
Mr. ( M. Hindu mid rhlldreii
petit Mwmluy nfUrnom nnd iiIkIiI
with Mrs. nullum!.
Mtwu-N. tlall. Itpam, Owen and
novwtcM- hlpel Frank flpencor with
, (heir twuiiis In move Mr. Sclmfer's
wtll drilling eulllt ento Mr. Spun
eer'a pUc He bevtin drilling at
one and nn iteturdn) forenoon they
had gun 116 frtI.
In Kaller. Dr. Mlllri slid two
)thr HtUmittM Iroiii llud chiiih out
bird hunting, gottltm tu Mr. Hi
Ina' In tine fur bnMkfast.
tin. John Holland nnd Mrs. It.
W. Kollcr ealled on Mr. llwi. Cook
ono day htat mk.
Mr. Imi Ituoney moved lo Hond
1 1 join br hush- Nil and to t; ke
irwlr leave of abiwnre Mrs. Marv
A. Rooster, who has Iwhh iiuiloed
at "he Mllllt-atl I "ii. left I'rldav.
Umih. J. Ilwataon. Frank Me
iMiale huiI It. It. Keller sre at Hear
'CfMk hayliiK fur Oiki. Million.
alaaara. I.. A. Itnll and Win Italm
hav Ihmm busy haying; tho past
wai. Mr llsll bus a ver nice
atattd ( tv bust with good Indlrutlons
of wuliiiins.
Otto Itnlin, from ntMr Portland.
Hiant a few days with his brother.
Whi. Itahn.
Unsll Dyer and MUs Aim Klin
Kan who were recently married ex
Itoct to make their home on his
)inmeto.ul for a few months.
Mrs. J. J. Holland pnt Tuesday
with Mrs. Mury Itualu.
Hliuer Dyer has completed three
large waluiliiK tanks for Oeo. Mllll
wn. ThM tlepbonu line from Mllllcnn
P, O. to l-'onwt Itatmers look out
wtalloii uwir Antelope Springs. Is well
under v.
Mr. and Mr. P ll. Johnson and
children and Mrs. It. K. Keller and
children autoed to Pino Mountain
one evening last week.
Eric Hostcland has come out from
Hond to do his having.
K. E. Strahorn, rnllroad man, pass
ed through Mllllcnn Tuesday to In
vestigate the productiveness of the
surrounding country. Ho was ac
companied by Mr. Hudson. presldnt
of tho First N'at'onal Hank, and Mrs.
Mrs. It. It. Keller and children
called at tho Holland homo Wednes
dny. MrB. Fleming, from llend, spent a
fow days with Mrs. C. M. Iloaln, her
daughtor. She also called on Mrs.
Lucy Holland while here.
Miss Sol rn a Drown has returned
from near Hums where she has been
employed nnd is now residing on her
Mr. nnd Mrs. I.nwrence have left
for Nebraska, their former honip,
hoping the change will linprovo Mr.
il.nwronco's health.
Mr. and Mrs. (eo. Cook hnd n
pleasant Biirprlso Wednesday, when
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Hnys from Mad
ras, Oregon, nnd Mr. and Mrs. O.
. Hnys from North Ynklma, Wash.,
nrrlved nt their home to spend tho
greater part of a week. Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Hays are ranchers from Mnd-
ras, Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. N. Hnys own
an orchard and packing house at
North Vnktmn, Washington.
Tho crops nro all looking fine this
Mrs. C. M. Itosln gave invitations
Saturday to the children of Mllllcnn
valley to attend n putty In honor of
Virginia Itosln's 7th birthday on
July 2Uth.
Mr. Fleming from llend, Is mak
ing n cistern for his sister, Mrs. C.
M. Itosln.
Mrs. Win. Itnlin called on tho cook
family Monday evening.
Mrs, Holland and children called
on Mrs. Keller Thursday evening.
Ernest Edmonds came out from
llend Wednesdny as far as Mt. Pine
Inn. P. II. Johnson took him homo
Thursday morning.
Mrs. M. A. Hooney called on Mrs.
Johnson Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Holland nnd children also visited
with Mrs. Johnson for n short time
tho same ifny.
Soven londs of wool en roil I e for
llend pnssed through Milllcau Thurs
Mrs. Holland nnd children spent
Sunday at Mrs. It. It. Keller's.
Sunday Messrs. Hall and llostelnnil
walked up to Mr. I.ees to seo his
grain. Mr. Ilguros on having
about 100 acres of grain cut very
Sundny afternoon Mr. Owen de
livered n load of groceries to II. O.
Wlttwcr of llotnstnd for P. II. John
son. Mrs. Johnson and children ac
companied him for nn outing.
Guests at Mt. Pino Inn for tho
week wore: Mrs. Harry It. Hanklns,
Mrs. O. C. Ounderson, P. H. Coffey,
of Brothers, Oregon; H. E. Moore,
of Mllllcan; W. I. Hubbard, M. Halte
Tonna Vista, Oregon: Frances. D.
Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Doll Davis
of Held, Oregon; Dr. and Mrs. Hor
dron, Mr. and Mrs. Harhlsno, Og
den, Utah; H. Crnmpton, Ft. Hock.
Oregon nnd Dr. II. Houton, Chlco,
"Tho Qlrl and tho Gamo" series,
the third installment of which will
be shown on Friday and Saturday,
Is proving a winner for tho manage
ment of the Hend Theatre. The play
is live, has many g rprlses for the
At the Movies
I tend Theatre.
Tho fallacy of tho saying that n
tr.nn must sow his "wild onto' Is
vividly and powerfully portrnyed in
tho strlklnjr plcturo "Damaged
Goods" to ho shown tonight only at 1
the Hond Theatre. This film ranks
among tho grontost nnd most valu
able contributions to the screon that
has ever been produced, becnuse It j
deals fairly and squarely with ono of
tho world's most vital probb m i
tho sex evil. Tho story does not
stop with tho cowing, but carries tho
uctlon to the harvest. Ministers of
the GoBpel, physicians, fnmous soci
ologists tho country ovor hnvo prais
ed tho plcturo in glowing terms. Tho
plcturo Is free from anything that is
rlsiiuo or racy. It hnndles tho prob
lem In n most dcllcnto manner with
out destroying tho punch that its au
thor Intended that It should have.
In tho larger cities of tho northwest
whoro It has been shown, "Damnged
Goods" has drawn capacity houses In
every particular. Tho plcturo Is one
that every youth or grownup should
witness, Children undor 1G years
aVaaV .
In "Fanchon, tho Cricket," nt tho
Hond Theatre tomorrow evening Is
now In n class by herself, having
formed nn exclusive company. The
fame of Plckford (a stretching more
widely all over tho country.
Chnrllo Chaplin, will rollck again
on the screen at the Hend In "work."
.Most nil tho pictures In which the
$173,000 per year movie freak ap
pears appear to he a combination of
'work nnd fun, hut to see Chaplin ex
clusively In work ought to bs a
drawer for his followers on Saturday
Managers Catlow & Doonar have
advanco bookings on n number of
the biggest photoplays on the mar
ket in addition to their regular Par
amount program. "Trail of tho
Lonesome Pine," Clara Kimball
Young's "Camllle" and by special
nrrangement the new De Luxe edi
tion of "The Spoilers, ' by Rex Honch
will be shown in the near future.
Most" Richly-Flavored Chew
That Was Ever Pressed
N Into Plugs
Tho young trout now being cared
for In tho ponds nt the local hatch
ery and the eggs being hatched arc
attracting considerable attention
from visitors who make their way
to tho hatchery. Tho work Is In
charge of Pearl Lyncs.
lai ITAJ COft
cHAian: ciiAiMax.
ftJl7unY picKronDjki
Hji funouiVl&tnfswncutil XJV
lover of railroad drama.
Mary Plckford, who will bo seen
Tho Crook county teachers Insti
tute this year will fio held on De
cember 18, 19 nnd 20, Tho dntes
were selected at n meeting of tho
county school superintendents re
cently held at Salem.
Wont Ads only ONE CENT a word,
old will not bo admitted without be
ing accompanied by their parents.
ligkiei tflakiei
Steady, evenly dis
tributed heat, un
der perfect control
makes a good oil
stove wonderful
for baking.
f jcrot rz
Ftr lint
Vtarl Oil
AW -flSWIMfi' W
Rood oil
stove is just
liko cooking with
city i;ns. If you
haven't n New Per
ction you've missed
comfort for years. Bakes,
broils, rousts, toasts. More efficient
than your woo J or coat ilovt.anil cotulattta op-
!!. CuU out th coal-hod an J wooJ boa diuJorr.
Kpt inur iifcin roof. Tht long blua chlmnaya pravant
mokaoroJot.ini. 2, lanJ 4-burnar liat,ovtnaarpatala, Atao
CatilnalMoJala with rlralaMCoollnOvan.A your Jaalar today
True Economy
vwwwwww vwvwwww www wvW W
infant the wli itxnilee of on' mony miklne cv rv dollar do full dutv
and jetting in return an article t!ut will utuly you In every way.
U a rtat bargain because It U sold at a popular
prif t tveaux It give you the kind of tewing
you dUjht Inj became It will turn out the work
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
ol tatuiictory tervicei because lU improvements
wlU enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine! because it will please you
with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture.
In short you will find the White reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
Be sure to tec the TWte dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the Chlte Is. If there Is no Thlte dealer bandy, write us direct for cat
alogs. Ve do not tell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
Money to Loan
in sums from $250 to
$25,000,3 to 10 years
time. Reasonable
rates, prompt
J. Ryan b Co.
Red-blooded men with real tobacco
lunger find that they can satisfy it only
ijy chewing, and the most wholesome
And satisfying, tobacco to chew is that
Inade in plug form.
The limit of luxury in tobacco chew
ing is the rich, sweet, juicy flavor that
trickles through your system when you
chew Spear Head.
No other chewing tobacco is so met
Ion, so luscious and so satisfying. No
other equals Spear Head for putting a
keen edge on your appetite.
Spear Head is made of the world's
best tobacco leaf the choicest of red
Kentucky Burlcy. This leaf is selected
for its full, juicy richness with the
most painstaking care, is stemmed by
hand, is pressed into Spear Head plugs
so slowly that not a drop of the rich,
natural juice escapes.
Your first chew of Spear Head will
open your eyes to the genuine enjoy
ment there is in chewing.
Chew the rich and mellow tobacco
that lias been the favorite for a third
of a century that's Spear Head. In
10s cuts, wrapped in wax paper.
fU" - rU-- yi - "" ' "'
And InroNtlgnto our prices
beforo buying your groceries.
"Wo can mivo you money.
Mllllcnn, Ore. Telephone
You hnvo often asked youwolf If It Ir poshIUo to tint! a spot noar
homo, whoro It is bo beuitlftil thnt n man con go to spend a day, a woek
end, or a wholo vacation, and complotoly forgot tho worries of his
business, hln dobtora and creditors, forglvo his enomles and get Into
tuno with tho whole world and nature nt It's host.
THKIti: IS SUCH A lUU'l-::. At loast I l(avo found It no!!!
TAKB TIIK IlKST KOAD OUT OF HEND. go northwest about forty
ni'lea to the point whore you find n lw.titlful vnlloy that looks like
Kreon volvot, Bnuggllng closoly to tho foot of Jit. Jofrorson, with countless
eool nnd sparkling springs nestling In It's bosom, and tho Ilsh-ladon
Motollua Itlver winding to and fro through It'j ontlro longth. TIIKIti:
you will find METOLO: tho Fisherman's 1'aradlso tho Hunter's
Delight the Sportsman's Homo tho IMocsuro Seeker's Mecca and
the Ideal Hotreat for tho tired Iluslncsa Man to recuporato his stranuth
and rovItUTTio his energy. '
METOLO Is strictly n plensuro rosort; NOT a townslto or IiubIhwb
proposition. Every tract and ostato reserved from business uses forever.
Each tract almost as lurge as an ordinary olty blook, yet only costing
from J7C to 125 each. Think of It! summer homo site for about
a hundred dollars, and nearly every one with wator frontago, that oaa
lo purchased on any terms doslred.
Ilulltl your cabin or lodgo out of native matorlals to bo found right on
tho place, and you hnvo no preparations to make when you want nn outing
A hoapltnblo farmor clone at baud provides all the eata and comforts for
See any
Over ono half these trrcts aro already spoken for or taken!
real estate man In llend for selections promptly.
rousAi.i: in k, iv