THE BEND BULLETIN, REND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1010. PAOU If, h s UN X VICTORS 5 TO 4 JV1ILLITES BUNCH HITS y AND WIN In Sunday's (Jumc-Knutsen Pitch- Trliiciillo 8nv n Foster Aggregation cd Good Iinll Houston Wns lilt Demon nml Starts Rally. f Pulling up from tho rear with n two run lead to overcome, tho Shovlln-Hlxon nine Sunday de feated tho Prlnevlllo nlno on tho homo diamond by n score of 5 to 4. Tho ceremonies began In tho eighth Inning when Houston camo up to bat. Houston, previously In tho game lied obtained threo hits out of three times up and wbb ready for a homer which ho produced. The hit, by tho way, was the longest drlvo made this year on tho local diamond. Then followed Whllo, who hit out a clean right field drlvo for threo bases, and came In on a wild pitch 1y, Burdon, That tied tho score. Knutscn on Albco's muff on tho third strike, beat tho ball to first, "went second on Ellis' error and stole third. Totherow camo up nnd lilt n high fly to Dobroy In left field nnd beat tho throw to tho plate. In tho ninth Inning, however, Prlnevlllo gavo tho mill team cause for uneasiness. With two down Bowman got a slnglo and was ad vanced to third when Llntl, with tho mm shining directly In hl3 eyes, dropped Estcs' fly. Ellis, tho next man up, went out Houston to Drain. Vans (Set a Trent. Sunday's gamo wns tho typo of linll that tho fans will turn out In congregations to witness. Tho mill loam was able to tighten In p'nehes. Prlnevlllo scored first when Dobroy boat tho ball to tho ball to tho plato on Qrobo's high fly to loft field. Tho -visitors did not clrclo tho bases again until tho sixth Inning. In the sixth Ustes flow to Totherow. Ellis got n nlnglo and was scored on Bunion's double. Burdon was scored on Mor ris' single. Prlnovlllo scored for tho last time In tho seventh nftor Bow man had been walked, and wra scor ed on Ellis' single. Shuvlln-HIxon's first scoro camo In tho first Inning. Bra'n wont first on Ellis error, was advnnced to scconnd on Llnd's sacrlflco nnd stolo homo when Qrobo tried to catch Houston off second. The mlllltes scored again In tho third with two men down. Llnd went first on Ellis' muff and camo homo on Houston's single. Knutcn Pitches flood Ball. Knutscn, In the box for tho mill team, worked Ilka n etornn. Ha held tho visitors to seoii hits, and -worked finely In tlGhtp laces. His ball was working good and particularly Pi tho last thipc Irn'.iiFi. Ho faded 12 nifn nnd Hi Mod position In lino l-fc.'P'?. White, brl Ind tho bat, pi3 I'r'xt'i'ii tupport. Tho mill team was up and coming all tho ttmo. Houston was tho hit demon of tho game. Of four times up ho got two singles, ono double nnd n homo run. Burdon, pitching for Prlnevllle, was not up to his usual form In Sun day's gnmo. Ho struck out only threo men, but tho six hits that tho mill team mustered woro fatal. Tho summary of Sundny's gamo Is na follows: Lineup. Shovlln-Hlxon AB II II E A PO Brain, lb 4 1 0 1 0 13 Llnd, If 3 1 0 1 0 2 HouBton. 2b ....4 1 4 2 0 0 White, c 4 1 1 0 111 Knutsen, p 4 1 0 1 IB n Totherow, cf ....3 0 0 0 0 1 Holland, ss ....4 0 1 0 1 0 Bakor, 3b 3 0 0 1 0 0 Moe, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 32 C C C 23 27 Prlnovlllo AH II II K A PO irobo 5 0 0 0 1 0 Bowman, rf ....4 1 1 1 0 0 Estes ss 6 0 0 0 4 0 Ellis 2b G 1 2 3 4 2 Albee, o 3 0 0 1 0 4 J.nrdon, p 4 1 1 0 8 0 Dobry. U 4 1 1 1 0 3 Morris, lb 4 0 1 0 0 14 Clark, cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 38 4 7 C 17 24 Hits by Innlnjiri. 1234GG7S9 Prlnevlllo ..01000310 1 C Shev.-lllx. .10100103 x C Scores by Inning. 12 3 4 5 0 7 Prlnovlllo ..0100021 Shov.-HIx. .10 10 0 0 0 Batteries Shevlln-Hlxon: 8 9 0 04 3 05 Knut- Burdon sen and White. Prlnevllle and Albeo. Umpire, C. M. Baker. A desirable bread knife free with rery annual subscription to The Bend Bulletin. HOC.UE MADE CHIEF ENGINEER. (Oregon Journal.) N II Bogue, head of the field en gineers employed by Robert E. Stra horn In surveying his proposed rail road through Central Oregon, has tieen elevated to the title of chief J onglnoer. For the present, or until construction work begins, this will mako no difference In his lino of work. Under construction condi tions, however, ho will have Jurisdic tion over the entire forces that will ho building the Oregon, California & Eastern railway from Bend to Lako vlow, Klamath Falls, Burns and Crnnc. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Tho Dalles, Ore gon. July 20th, 191G. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ooorgo N. Stoner, of Alfalfa, Ore gon, who, on February 27tu, 1911, made Homestead Entry. No. 08200, for S SEU. SV4 SWV.. Sec. 8. nnd NWU, Section 17, Township la South, Itango 10 East, Willamette Meridian, hns filed notlci of Inten tion to make Final Throe Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land aliovo described, before t.ako M. Bechtoll, U. S. Commissioner, nt PrIn,nllIo, Oregon, on tho 2Sth day of August, 191C. Claimant namcR na witnesses: John N. Williamson, Loj ltrtt'ngor, of Prlnovllle, Oregon: A'wtlu Pnrher, Aclbert Powell, of Alfalfa, Oicgon. H. FIIANK WOOPf tif'K, 21-2fc . Prglstcr. NOTICE. SPECIAL CITY ELECTION. STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF CROOK CITY OF BEND Notice Is hereby given Hint n sno' clal election will bo hold In the City of Bond, Crook County, Oregon, on Tuesday, to-wlt: tho 15th day of August, A. D. 1910, between tho hours of 8 n. m and 8 p. m. Tho voting precincts In said city for said election shall bo the samo as tho precincts at tho general election of city officers, and tho snld products nnd tho polling places In ench nro designated ns follows: Precinct 3; Polling placo: Council Chnmher. , Precinct 4; Polling plnco: Held school. Precinct 5; Polling placo: Ilnrvoy Do Armond Garago, cor. Greenwood nnd 3rd. Tho Judges and dorks of election In each of the precincts, respective ly, shall uo as follows: Proclnct 3: Frank May, Clark Rhodes, Joo W. Hunter, Judges of oiectlon; C. W. Ersklno, Carl Hun ter, Clorks of oiectlon. Precinct 4: Paul C. Garrison, W. C. McCulstou, Jnmcs Ilyan, Judges of election; Prlnco Stoats, John Sath or, clorks of election. Proclnct 5: L. D. Wlest, M. J. Kel Ioy, J. W. Hunter, Judges of elec tion; Geo. S. Young, Claudo Kolloy, Clorks of oiectlon. Snld election Is cnllod and held for voting upon tho adoption or re jection of certain amendments .to tho chnrtor of tho City of Bend, adopted by the common council nnd referred by tho common council to tho voters of the city. Said proposed amondmonts are printed In pamphlot form by tho city nnd copies mailed to ovory legal vot er within tho city whoso address Is known, and said pamphlet can bo had at tho offico of tho recorder of snld city upon application. Tho general purport of each char ter amendment Is expressed In tho ballot tttlo therefor adopted by tho common council nnd which will ap pear upon tho ballot, respectively, In the following words: ItEFEIlUED BY THE COMMON. COUNCIL "Shnll tho charter of tho city of Hem!, Crook County, Oregon, bo amended by amending Chapter XXI of said charter by adding thereto a section to bo designated 'Section 21,' ttho provisions of which said section grant to tho common council or said city tho power to buy, build equip, acquire, lease, own, operate and maintain railways and railroads op erated by steam, electric, or other power, within or within and without tho boundaries of snld city and run ning from snld city to other towns, cities nnd points without tho boun daries of said city, nnd to acqulro rights of way, terminals, oasomonts and real proporty within and with out tho boundaries of said city, nnd to bring actions for tho condemna tion or taking of prlvnto proporty for public use in tho same manner as private corporations are authorized or permitted to do uudor tho laws of tho stnto, and to exorcise any one or YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE WE'LL CLEAN YOUR LINEN, . CLOTHES, SILK'BKESSES, Etc. "PUT YOUR BUDS IN OUR SUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRr CLEANING moro of said powors, and to borrow money and fund Indebtedness in ad dition to nil other Indebtedness and without any charter or statutory lim it of Indebtedness by Issuing nnd soiling negotiable warrants or bonds of said city aggregating tho prlncipnl sum of $35,000, payable not more than thirty years nfter tholr dnte, bearing Interest nt a rate not ex ceeding six per centum per annum, payablo semi-annually, to provide funds with which to carry out any ono or moro of tho Dowers granted Jin said Section 21, and providing n direct annual ad valorem tax suffi cient to pny tho intorcst on Bald bonds promptly when nnd ns tho samo becomo duo and to pay tho prin cipal thereof at maturity; and re pealing all parts of tho charter In conflict therewith?" VOTE YES OH NO 300 YES 301 NO REFERRED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL "Shall tho charter of tho city of Bend, Crook County, Oregon, bo amended by amending Chaptdr XIX of Bald chnrtor by adding thereto two flections to be numbered respective ly Sections 27 nnd 28, which sections provldo n method for tho Improve ment of streets nnd the laying of sewers therein In snld city upon pe tition of tho owners of a mnjorlty of tho proporty to bo benefited by tho contemplated street or sewer Im provement, nnd to bo assessed for such Improvement: provldo for tho payment of tho cost of nny such street or sower Improvement nssessod against such proporty In twenty dciiiI annunl Installments with Interest nt six per centum (0) per annum on nil unpaid Installments, nnd tho Issu ance, snle nnd delivery by tho com mon council upon tho application of tho ownor or owners of tho proporty assessed, of coupon bonds In conven ient denominations not exceeding Five Hundrod Dollars ($500) each, and In an aggregate amount equal to tho total amount of tho unpaid assessments for such strcot or sow er Improvements, for which applica tions to pny tho samo In Installments have been filed, which bonds shnll mnturo In ten years from tho date thoreof, nnd bo rodcomnblo on any Interest payment dnto after ono year from tho dnto of said bonds, and benr lnorcst nt a rate not to exceed six per centum (6) per annum, pay ablo soml-annunllv?" VOTE YES OR NO. 30! YES 303 NO Dated this 13th day of Juno, A. D. 1916. vSenl) J. A. EASTES, Mayor. II. C. ELL'S, City Recorder. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY. Snrah J. Boldlng. Plaintiff, vb. Wil liam P. Holding, Defendant. SUMMONS. To William P. Boldlng, tho Defend ant nbove named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You aro horoby re quired to appear nnd answer tho complaint filed against you In tho nbovo entitled suit on or boforo Sep tember 25th, 191G, and If you fall so to answer, tho Plaintiff will tnko Judgment against you for tho relief domanded In hor complnlnt horcln, to-wlt: for tho decrco of this court Lenses We nrc grinding our own lenses. Consulta tion and eye test free. CHARLES H. FRANCIS Al. D. C. Al. OITIOIAN AND OITOMETRIST With Myron II. Syiiioim, JeueliT. Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Walter Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. dissolving the marrlago contract now existing between yoursolf nnd tho Plaintiff; declnrlng tho Plaintiff to bo tho owner of certain rcnl estate, free from all Interest or claim of yourself; permitting tho Plaintiff to uso tho name of Sarah J. Hodkoy. This Summon! Is ordered to bo Borved'upon you by tho Publication thereof In Tho Bend Bulletin, a weokly newspaper published In Crook county, Oregon, by order of tho Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of said Court, said Order being made and entered on tho 15th day of July, 1916, dnto of 1st publication, July 19th, 1916; length of publication, six successive weeks. Dated this 19th day of July, 1916. C. S. BENSON. 20-25c Attorney for Plaintiff. SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby given that on Tuosdny, tho 15th day of August. 1916, r. special election will bo held In tho City of Bond nnd clso In tho territory hereinafter described, for tho purpose of submitting vo tho qunltflcd and Iegnl votors of tho City of Bond and to tho legal voters re siding In tho territory hereinafter de scribed, tho following question; Whether or not t!t ccrpornto 11m 11b of tho City of Bend, Oregon, ns now ueunou snail, bo altered and tho following described territory Includ ed therein and becomo n part there of, to-wlt: Beginning at tho Intersection of tho oaBt bank of tho Deschutes river with tho Bouth lino of Township 17, S R. 12 E W. M.; thence west nlong snld Township lino to tho south quarter corner of Section 31, T. 17 S It. 12 E W. M.; thenco north for ono mllo to tho north qunr tor cornor of Bald section 31; thunco onBt for ono half mllo to tho section corner common to Sections 29, 30, 31, nnd 32 of said township; thenco north for ono fourth mllo to tho north west cornor of south west quarter of tho south west quarter of said Section 29; thenco nlong tho sixteenth section lino to the east bank of tho Deschutes river; thenco south westerly nlong tho snld east bank of the Deschutes river to tho point of beginning. Also; Ileglnnlng nt tho Intersection of tho cast bank of the Deschutes rlvor with tho north lino of tho south west qunrter of tho southeast qunr ter of Section 29, T. 17 S., R. 12 E. W. M.: thenco east to tho northonst cornor of tho bouthwest quarter of tho Bouthwest quarter of section 28 of snld township; thenco north for ono hnlf mllo to tho morthenst cor ner of the southwest quarter of tho northwest quarter or said section 28 thouco west along tho sixteenth sec tion lino to tho cast bank or tho Dcs chutos rlvor; thenco southwesterly nlong tho Bald cast hank of tho Des chutes rlvor to tho point of begin ning. Also; Ileglnnlng nt tho northoaet cornor of tho Bouthwest quarter of tho southwest quarter or section 28, T. 17 S., It. 12 E W. M.: thenco south for ono nnd threo qunrter miles to tho southwest comer of tho south east quartor of tho northwest quarter of section 4, T. 18 S, It. 12 E W. M.; thenco cast for ono hnlf mllo to tho southenst corner of tho Bouth west quarter of tho northeast quarter of said section 4; thonco north for ono qunrter mllo to tho1 northeast comer of tho southwest quartor of the northonst quarter or sctd section 4; thonco enBt for ono quarter mile to tho southeast cornor of tho north oast quarter or tho northeast quartor or snld section 4; thenco north for ono half mllo to tho northeast cor nor or tho southenst qunrter of tho southeast qunrter of section 33, T. 17 S.. R. 12 E W. M.: thonco west for ono qunrter mllo to tho northwest Ground corner of tho southenst qunrter of tho southeast quartor of said section 33; thonco north for ono mllo to tho northeast corner of tho southwest qunrter or tho southeast quartor or section 28, T. 17 S., R. 12 E.. W M; thonco west for ono hnlf mile to tho point of beginning. That the polling places for snld special election within tho city of Bond shnll bo as follows, to-wlt: Precinct No. 3, Council chamber. Precinct No. 4, Reld school. Precinct No. 5, Harvey Do Ar mond's gnrago, cornor Greenwood nventio nnd 3rd street. That tho Judges and clerks for snld oiectlon shall bo as follows: Precinct No. 3, Frnnk Mny, Clark Rhodes, J. N. Hunter, Judges; C. W. Erskliie, Carl Huutur, clerks. Proclnct No. I, Paul C. Garrison, W. C. McCulston, James Rnn, Judges; Prince S.aatK, John Sather Clorks Precinct No. G. L. D. Wlest, M. J. Kolly, J. W. Hunter, Judges; (loo. S. Young, Claude Kelly, clerks. That tho polling places for the ter ritory to bo annexed Bhnll bo at rear or Elder's storo, Kenwood, Oregon, Thnt tho Judges nnd clerks for said territory nt snld special election shall b6 as follows: Kenwood, Oregon, J. Edward Lar son, R. B. Gould, II. Latham, Judges; Hay Lnmherson, Joo Inula, clerks. Done In pursuance to nnd by vir tue of n resolution duly mndo and passed by tho common council of tho City or Hcnd nt a meeting held mi tho 11th day or July, 1916. II. C. ELLIS, Recorder. Dato of first publication, July 12, 1910. Dnto of second publication, July 19, 1916 Dnto or third publication, July 26, 1916. Dnto or fourth publication, August 2, 1916. 19-22c NOTICE OK FINAL ACCOUNTING. Notlco Is horoby given by tho un dersigned, executrix of the estate or Snmuol Johnston, dococscd, thnt sho hns mado nnd tiled with tho clerk of the County Court or tho Statu or Orogon, ror tho County or Crook, hor final accounting or tho administration or said estate, and that the County Court has set Monday, tho 7th day or August, 1916, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of snld dny nt tho County Court room In tho Courthougo nt Prlnevlllo, Oregon, ns the tlmo nnd plnco ror bearing nnd Bottling snld final accounting. At which tlmo nnd plnco nny person Interested In snld estnto may appear and object to snld final accounting. Dated this 3rd day of Juno, 1916. ADA 11. JOHNSTON, Executrix or tho estnto or Samuel Johnston, deceased. 18-21o NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department or tho Interior, U. S Land Olllco nt The DallcB, Oregou, Juno 24th, 1916. NOTICE Is horoby glvon that NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth ind Washington Street PORTLAND, OREGON Centrally Located The Hotel for YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Hooin with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot em's puss our doors. Hotel I'OKTLAND, We believe that there is no Hotel in the entire United States more handsomely furnished or that oilers more to the traveller. HATES $1.50 and up without bath. S'J.OO and up with bath. A. T. LUNDUOUG, Manager Frnnk S. Spencer, or Mllllcnn, Ore gon, who, on Octobor 17th, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010823, for Lots 1-2-3-4 nnd EV4 NWU, Kt, SWUi Section 7, Township 20 South, Itango 15 East, Wlllamotto meridian, lies fllod notlco of lntontlon to mako Final Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, boforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho ilrd dny ol August, 1916. Claimant names ns witnesses: Aaron D. Norton, Louis II. Gloss, Fred O. Klger, I. Lloyd Owen, Peter H, Johnson, all or Mllllcnn, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 17-21p. ReglBtor Special Rates East and California --- -- - Oregon Trunk Ry. Central Oregon L'no --- ---- ---- --- Through Senlio U Spokane over tho (licit lest Scenic Routes In America. CHICAGO $ 72.R0 ST. LOUIS 71.20 DES MOINES 66.85 - -- DENVER 55.00 8T. PAUL 60.00 NEW YORK .'110.00 Proportionate Fares to all otbor places, Hnteo glvon on application. Slightly higher go ing or returning through Cali fornia, Palatini ships "Northern Pa cific" and "Groat Northorn," for San Francisco ovory TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY. Fnros lucludo moals nnd berths and oxtrns without extra faro. ARE YOU (JOINO AWAY THIS HUMMER? Clatsop Beach Is tho placo. Sond for booklot. J. II. CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon. jj Benson OREGON i