A L&-4 ivyok 10. THE 1JE.VD nUIitiETIN, BKNI), OIU3., WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1010. ! M t ' I i COUNTY GOORHIIOCEEDINGS (Continued from Page 9.) J'orcy II. Smith. Jtnor 2.00 J II. Crooks, Juror -'.00 Krnnk Johnson, Juror 2.00 Clydo Kinder, Juror 2.00 Geo. Morgan, Juror 2,00 II. V. Cnrltn, Juror 22.00 M. K. ,lniulus. Juror l'J.20 John KoinmlliiK, Juror 17.20 8. .1. Clement), Juror ...'... 3 00 Edward S. Joih-h, Juror ... 17.40 Frank Hughes, Juror 3.00 Wm. KvurlnKliiini, Juror ... 27.40 li. W. Lone. Juror 3.00 Kred Hoover, Juror 18.90 A. A. MrCord, Juror 10.30 Win. Harold, Juror 15.80 W. J. lluctyoy, Juror 0.00 I). II. Ilodlno. Burv. milipocnn 2. CO Floyd A. Howell, caro 1ila Wcb- ton COO Kd Hnrtitn, wk. for Co. Sur.. 18. 7G J. V. Illanchard, handcuffH for Sheriff C.00 O. Hprliifier. trnnsp. of Uln Wes ton 44.3r. Itcduiotid Spoki'Hiimn, ptR. for Supt 3.20 John Tuck, road work .... 2S.75 John Mllllorn. relator's voters 4.000 W. A. Heaver, preparing hootliH 3.00 Ham Elder rent for vofll pl'es 2.00 Dan MlrlHh, vot'K plnce, precinct No. 4 2.00 Sktmo Ililwo. Co . mdKe 21.00 Ceii. I'rlchard, nurHliiK T. A. I.nniloii 4fi.r,0 Oeo. Ilarnhart. caro patlcntti 23.00 (I. II. Nye, road work 32.r,0 8. li. HohertH, wk. oil voIIiir llHOtllB f'.OO J. II. ItdRonliorK, Co. 1'hys. . 12n.fi0 It. A. AninioiiM, liitnlier 314.32 3.40 2.00 22.f0 203.00 H. M. Doty, repalra for rood John A. Moore, repair work B. W. Klmhlu, rond work . . . Homo 1 lot 11I t nl. caro poor .. 1'. II. I'olndextiir, Coroncr'a foots 3C80 1I4 A. Kelley, Biirv. fees 21S.00 Oscar Hyde, ttrnvclliiK In llydo I'nrk 13r..00 I). P. AdiuiiHon & Co., mdse. for olllcvrs fi.70 H. E. Jones, wood T.0.40 I'rlnnvllle, Mach. Shop, indue. for Illanchard and Knox . . 209. lit) Audrey K. Perry, dep. wntor- master 170.00 Hoy Hnumdo, dep. watermnster 1C0O II. (1. Keuuard, wnterinnMcr 193.34 CdnH. 8. Kdwnrds, visit. Mrs. l'nyetto 80.00 Hoy K. Stuart, wood 193.20 W. 1 KIiik, miUe. for ronds lfi8.03 W. It. flerkliiK, rejsUt. voters 12.r.0 II, A. Koiitur, stamps ft. 00 Prlnevllle DrtiK Co., indue, for hospital, etc Cb.CO HuiiHakor Ktr.Kii Co., frt. road enmp lO.Ofi John Mllllorn, road work ... 4 1.2 r. Hardy Altu, repair of road tools 14.60 Mrs. A. AKOHilnl, Iruudry . . . C.25 JI. II. Clow, nulary for May and Juno ItiO.OO 1'rlnovlllo IMantnR Mills, Idr, etc. "t 33fi.50 J. K. Stewart Co., mdse. . . 104.62 II. V, Fuller, work In Atwesflor'a ottleo 71.75 Jr.mes 10. Fuller, dep. nmoMor 208.00 Marlon Maytleld, ports for rd. 14.13 Chas. W. Hrsklnn, dep. Dlntrlct Attorney f4. 60 A. W, Orator, caro of Fleet wood 56.00 Alfred Muni. mdoo. for roads 878.30 A. E. Hates, remoter, votera 1,60 Albert Nodlo, dep. nssess. . . . 96.60 F. F. WrlKdt, work on furnr.c 3.15 Slatlra IHskh, ocy. to Co. Ct. 23.83 Omar Wilson, ropnlrliiK table, Jury room 2,50 Ladles IMonoor Clud, ront of hall for election , 5.00 1. II. Johnson, roRhterlnR vot ers 4.30 McUhoo & Stovotis, mdse. . . . 5.00 J Q. Ms Koan. serving subpoena 5,00 I). W. FarthliiK, hall ront, elect. 5.00 li, W. (Hllumti, work on road 16 60 Chu. F. I'orrlu, MWVinK wood 3.75 K. I). Iliutou, dep. nhnrlft . . . 6.00 11. W. L. & 1'. Co., Ubor ... 33 62 J. W. I.ewU. haiillitK 50 O. P. Elliott, prof. iohIcm . 2. 50 U K. Smith, dep. amu'r. .. 140.35 J.co Todd, uw of stump puller 4 00 Jatiu Tuak, road work 43 S5 , H, M. Doty, repair itutd tool 10 s: Jos, M. Culver, wood for Ash- Iny ( 00 i 1), A. KmihIhII, tudeo for rwdn 116 24 0, Farror. lumbor 1 1.3b I QMl K. WJm. orotitltlK bootWs 1 for lxl 6 SO J j. ! tfltuttmn, rood work . 185 00 W. II. Ilrny. rwid work . . . 14S.7S ! Q, M. Charlton. dp. . . 100 00 1 A. H. Hownion, canvassing vctea C'00 Homer Norton, cinvnsalng votes H-20 Vm Morse, freighting 2.0O Frank Hoguo, hiingtng lnsano from l.a 1'lno 10.00 O. C. Honklo, bringing Inunno fiom l.a Pino 25.00 W. J. Smith, tranccrlpt .... 24.00 Frank I'orclvnl, dep. nssr. . . GG.OO II. II. Do Armond, special ntty. for Hills 30.00 I II. Davis & Co., indue. . . . 2.30 II. F. Swingle, corvine subp oenas 2.50 II. !:. Novel, Co. vctortnarlr.n 25.00 Owl Pharmacy, Hx by Dr. Van- devert 3"-05 Mrs. C. E. McDowell, board of Insane 0.00 Robert II. Gould, dep. curvr. 198.50 Thco. Aune, dep. chorlff ... 93.85 K. H. Knox, board for prls. . 101.00 Crook Co. Journal, mdse. etc., for olllcers 373.52 Ptinevlllo Meat Mkt., mdse. for Ashley C70 Dcochutcs Power Co., light and wntcr for rock criiBher nnd re pairs - 342.30 J. E. Myers, stamps, mllcago S3. 50 Glndyo Iluyn, work In Supt.'a olllco 35.87 Ozn Myers, work In Supt.'a office 50.50 J. W. Smith, work on examination board 1-50 A. 'Schroder, work on eMimlnr.tlon board 4.50 Rny R. Canterbury, work on ex amination board 1.50 May Howes, work 011 examination board 150 Tiim-n-Luni I.br. Co., lumber 12.70 J. D. Ilowman, road work .. 117.00 II. C. Foste, rord work . , J. H. Steadam, road work . Van Wilson, road work . , (Ills Arneson, road work . . John Taylor, road work , A. F. Hednnr.lt, rond work Klia Helln, road work 11.00 50.55 13.00 1.00 21 50 35 75 7.00 C. L. Gist, rond work 14.50 M. Harrington, road work II. Solman, road work . . . Geo. Wilson, road work . . Lyn Wilson, rond work . . II. Howell, rond work. 61.50 15.00 IS. 50 15.75 S.00 Art Orlbe, road work 17.25 10.00 17.00 12.50 5.00 24.87 20.61 ..9.37 10.93 4.37 25.00 99.97 140.00 36.00 Geo, McAndrow ,road work . Karl Miller, road work L. C. McAndrow, rond work, . II. C. Miller, road work . . . . W. J. Huckloy, rond work . . J. J. Huckley, road work . . M. IC. Hopor, road work . . . Andy Anderson, road work . J. Pickings, rond work Ilcnd llullctin, ptg. CU proc. Rend Hdwo, Co., milso .... Hazel M. Sullivan, (lop. nssr Hazel M. Sullivan, Ct. report Irvlne-Hodson Co., iikIbo. for olllcer 76.09 Glass & Prudhommo Co,, mdse far clerk and supt 96.86 Underwood Typewriter Co., mdse. for nssessor 3.50 Kmel Jacobson, wit. Justlco ct. 43.90 M. A, Palmer, lbr. and work on voting booths 50.68 II. 0, Kennnrd, oxp. & mil. . 60.00 Mrs. 1. Ilia Huntington, hall rent election 5.00 Nick Weldor, dot"ctlvo for dl.it. atty 22.50 Hay Itmborson, nuto hire, liquor ct.se 2.00 J. A. Bastes, Justice foea . . . 25.20 C. E. McCurdy, witness, Justlco court 1.50 C. W. Thorntawalte. wit. Justlco court 1.50 Susa llrady, wit. Justice court 1.50 S. A. Slmonson, witness Justice court 1.50 Kdward Johnson, wit. Justlco court 1.50 Minnie Johnson, wit. Justice court 1.50 Carl Jensen, witness justlco ' court 1.50 Kstor Grnvatt, witness justlco court 1.50 Ashloy Forrest, Juror justlco court 1.00 D. F. Cnrmody, witness Justice court 1.00 J. N. Hunter, -witness JubUco court 1.00 Martin Knutsnn, witness Justice court 1.00 Ralph Hartlctt, witness Justlco court 1.00 II. K. Jones, witness Justice court 1.00 M. II. Horton, witness Justice ct 1.50 John Dick, wit. Justlco 'ct. . . 4.30 N. F. Heed, wit. Justice ct. . 1.50 Ilert Roberts, constable fees . 5.30 L. W. Nixon, constnble foes . . 1.00 C. It. Henry, lbr, for roads 74.52 J. V. Bradley, blacksmlthlng 10.00 Alfred N. ChrlBtcnscn, work In clerk's olllco 12.00 Norrls Illxby, dop. Co. elk... 130.00 N. F. Smith, recording 150.00 A. It. Ilowman, Justlco fees . 35.40 N. G. Wallace, special ntty. . 15.00 J. W. Hamilton, wit. just. ct. S.50 Frank L. Culp. wit. Just. ct. 8.50 L. A. W. Nixon, wit. Just. ct. 1. 60 Snrah J. New-Bom, wit. Just. ct. 0.50 Frank Mc.MamiB, wit. Just, ct 1.50 Lola Weston, wit Just ct . . 10.00 Clara Warmdnhl, wit Just ct 10.00 C. F. Cnple, wit Just ct 6.50 II. P. Holknnp, wit Just ct . . 1.50 J. Cook, wit. Just ct 6.10 D. II. Peoples, Juror Jtut. ct 1.00 John Hoover, Juror Just ct . . 1.00 t. W. Ward, Juror Just ct . . . 1.00 Geo. Reams, Juror just ct .. 1.00 Percy Smith, Juror Just ct . . 1.00 Davo Still, Juror Just ct .... 1.00 O. C. Clnypool, Juror puat ct 2.00 O. C. Hyde, Juror JiiBt ct . . . 1.00 Warren Vnncy, Juror Just ct 1.00 E. Wagner, Juror Just ct . . 1.00 J. D. Lnfollcttc, Juror Just ct 1.00 Hon Zoll, Juror Just ct 1.00 Carl McGee, Juror Just ct . . 1.00 Guy Lafollottc, Juror Just ct 100 T. H. McGee, Juror Just ct . . 1.00 It. W. Zovely, juror Just ct . 1.00 II. A. Sordal, juror Just ct . 1.00 Lex Long, Juror Just ct .... 1.00 C. W. Foster, Juror Just ct . 1.00 Norn F. StearnB, work In elk. offlco 10.00 Collins W. KlkltiB, radso. . . . 30.95 II. J. Overturf, rond work, mil eage and court, two months 371.30 W. It. Corking, edp. co. elk . 17.25 J. F. Hlnnchard, rood work, Co. court mileage, etc 3S5.10 The following bills not nllowed: A. Tomplcton, Judgo elect. . . 3.00 W. F. Edmunson, Judgo elect 3.00 E. II. Edglngton, elk. elect. . 3.00 J. D. Ilowman, elk. elect. . . . 3.00 It. I). Grondahl, elk. elect. . . 3.00 G. L. Moore, Judge elect. . . . 3.00 C. II. Dornslce, Judgo elect.. 3.00 Fred P. Reynolds, elk. elect. 3.00 Erwin C, Trotter, elk. elect. 3.00 J. A. Wntson, elk. elect. . . . 3.00 J. O. Powell, Judge elect. . . . 3.00 S. O. Hardin, judgo elect . . . 3.00 II. Earl Cross, elk. elect 3.00 L. O. Sears, elk. elect 3.00 L. L. Scott, elk. elect 3.00 Coast Culvert nnd Flumo Com pany, brldgo material, not allow'd W. D. Johnson, road work Not allowed Wasco Co., Caro of Indigents Not cllowed High School. Deschutes Power Co., light nnd water 56.20 D. P. Adamson & Co., mdse . 2.45 Collins W. Elklns, mdse. .. 44.39 McCormlck Mathers Co., H. S. diplomas, etc 38.31 W. F. King, mdse 4.50 Prtnevllle Planing Mills, mdse 117,10 Prlnevlllo Com. Club, hall rent for commencement 20.00 Prlnevlllo News, commencement programs 9.00 Mrs. I. Mlchol. mdse 32.50 1). J. O'Connor, repairing type writers 12.00 Jos. Mayer Hros,, mdse. . . 1.24 J. E, Stewart Co., mdse 50 Underwood Typewriter Co,, exp 5.56 Prlitmlllo MMI Mkt., Md. fur roads I v. . 1J,1 It W. Xflly. dftHvorlHK Wil- let boM 30.00 It, H. Knox, tmp, Ct ... 144.36 W. II. Rrummer. rond work . 11.60 llnrrignn & lletnkt. nuUo. fur twdu U3..51 IlAulltm Stugo Utix, stage fr.ro. etc, T.S J, A. Kurmnn, wood 95.00 II, It. lkln. mdso. fur Myex 1.60 Redmond Garage, nulso. . . . J. 35. Arthur Tumpleton. dop. atr. 164.00 ,Mn J. Mtchool, nidso. for roads 57.15 I). M. 1)U. deputy KMessor 84.00 J. F. lloKch, prof, services . . 14.00 U, P. Iloakor. booths for eJevttan and deputy ntmwtor 161.00 IVsohutos Cafe, meals for pris oner 13.15 Thos. a Klwg. dop. assr. . , 113.00 Q iW. Wilson, md 13.96 Prluovllle Steam I-aundry, laun dry 1.J8: S, M., Halloy, dep. csar 130.00, j Washable Painted Walls You have often vtiiuUM llnUli for jour vtnlU niul itillnjiN tlint vtoulil luvve tlio durability of mi oil pjlo.t, )tH with n Kurfiwt' of ft, netful, olet llko apiK-nr-Hiiof. A llnl-b tlutt vnk oaultitry. That ou ctmhl wash without Injury. ACME QUALITY NO-I.l'STItK FINISH In the Ideal lluUh. It U wuiltnry. It rn lo dutst, wIlKsl with n laiiii cloth, or oou nlml with mild Mp a ml wutor without Injuring the tlnUh. Ami It's lnotHMiho nnd mhI1) npidlol tiruvluil on ltko onll uKry Mlut. Mori Information, at our store. Bend Hardware Co. Rnder L. Prewett, carpenter work , 26.00 C. W. Wilson, hire of truck, etc 18.49 Her Left Side Hurt. Mrs. Laura Ueall, Plattsburg, Mlsa. wr'lca: "Last April I got In bnd health; my loft side hurt nil tlio time. I had symptoms of Ulght'e dlsense. I took Foloy Kidney Pills and feel all right now." They quickly relievo brekrehe, rheumatism, aches nnd prlns. Ulnddor tioublci, too, nre corrected by thin remedy. Sold every where. Adv. HALF LA PINE SOLI). (Oregon Journal.) LA PINE, July 20. Alfred A. Aya, manager of the Ln Pino Town site Co., yesterday sold the entire pouth half of tho townslte to S. S. Steams of Prlnevlllo. Tho land In cludes several hundred lots nnd sur rounds tho depot nnd yard sites own ed by the Hill and Harrlmnn railroad sybtems. Says Tlicy uro Wonderful. Hot weather Is doubly dangerous when digestion Is bad. Constipation, Hick headache bllllousncss, or other conditions cnuscd by clogged bowels yield quickly to Foley Cnthartlc Tnh lctc. Mrs. Elizabeth Slnuson, So. Norwalk, Conn., writes: "I can hon estly Bay they nro wonderful." Sold Everywhere. Adv. HOME COOKING Fresh Fruits and Fresh Yegeiables Only everything of the very ltf on our ublei. THE COZY Mn. Nettie Stevrnton Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. Lots 40X105.2375 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lots 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Automoble Life Accident Surety Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET, BEND, OREGON Member Portland Kcnlty Ilonrd. We Know How to Swat the Fly If you want to see n fllylcwt storo Just drop around. AVo will not tolerate tho nppenrnnco of n fly. Our sanitary refrigerator counter keeps our fresh nnd perishable Roods free from contact with dust or flies. Tho very bo.t of grocery merchandise In tlie very best of condition may always bo purchased at BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street, Near Ohio Phone Red 161 EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have Used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. Read this and be Convinced SANITARY BAKERY Hoplmi & Beh, Prop. s BEND, Oregon, July' 1st, 1916, Bend Flour Mill Company Bend Oregon. GENTLEMEN : In response to your inquiry as to the results obtained from your DESCHUTES SPRAY and. TRUE BLUE FLOURS ve are pleased to state that of ALL the flours we have used in our bakery, your flour has given us the best satisfaction of any we have ever tried. We find that we are able to get a BETTER LOAF VOLUME and BREAD OF BETTER TASTE from this flour than from any other. In fact we have built up our trade for our GOOD TASTE BREAD on your flour and we can also heartily recommend it to give good satisfaction. Yours very truly THE SANITARY BAKERY . V ' By R. H. Hopkins 1 t BEND - .-. .;