The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 05, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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After VKIt to Sokurio Swnln Hwitr
Cwnlnccri of l'ulurc and Itellctex
Wwtcrn Idaho Will Heneflt
Direct Omitiiunlcntloii (Jhcn.
That the Strahorn railroad project
la attracting attention elsewhere
than In Central Oro(?on, and that oth
or sections are looking to It for as-
rtstanee In developing their posii-t
Itfus, U Indicated In an artcle appear
ing In a recent Issue of the Caldwell
(Idaho) frlhune. Incidentally it Is '
apprrent that the same confidence'
which to felt locally that the project
will be carried through to comple
tion exist In the other section.
The article, which reported trip
to Spokane and vUlt with Mr. Stra
horn enjoyed hy Swain Heaty, of
Caldwell, la In part ru follow:
"Swnln Ileaty returned the latter
part of last week from Spokane whore
he had heen on Imsliims. While at
Spokane, Mr. Heaty won the guoet or
lr. and Mrtt. Itoltert K. Strahorn,
former readmit of Caldwell and old
time frlendM of Mr. Ileaty.
"Mr. Strahorn, who 1 one of the
Kronteitt railroad Im'ldcra the went
hue produced. Ik ongnned In promot
ing the of rnllroadii In
the Interior of Urecon and optmlntc
up that innipilrlcent empire. Mr.
Heaty Ih convinced that Mr. Stra
horn will carry out hi plana to n
successful conc'tislon, and tlmt Ore
Kon, WnHhliiKton and wwtleni Idaho
will be (,'reatly benetltted hy the now
roc da.
I'mwimiI KoiiKn of HtillroiuN,
"Mr. Strahorn plan provide for
the conatmctlon of h rnllroad from
Hend, OreKoii, to Klamath I'nllM via
lort Hock mid Sliver Uiku; from
Silver lniko to Uikcvluw via Summer
ltko mid Pauley: from (lend to con
nection with O.-W. It & X. lino out
of Valo. The aKKroxate leiiKth of
the proponed road In 100 miles. The
catlmated com! la $6,000,000. Tho
road lire to Imi financed by Indeiiend
ont capital, hut to co-operate with all
minting rnllrimd with which tho new
line will oontiect. The rondit will
open up ImuiHiiao tlinher triictn; tap
m ureal aKrleultural empire; and
bring Into coiiHiiunlrntlon with the
outeldn world n stock country whoso
oxtunt and potential value can hard
ly bo uMlnmted.
"Mr. lltMty la convinced that the
rnllroeilrt will ho of groat henullt to
WHsUrn Idaho. The Hue coniioctliiK
with the Valo branch will kIvu this
section much closer eounectloua with
San I'ninrlscti nnd Nevada iwilntH. In
fiict It will Imhhii tho dlMtanco to Kan
Francisco by wtvernl hundred mile.
It will plitce till suction In direct
railroad communication with Central
OrsMOii and northern Nonda"
Jili U Uk ' aw b I ' "!!
r a l!l KJk ' aTl
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m m a
V. Op'.-
How to Live Long
Hules leprlnted by permission of
Metropolitan Life Insurance Com
pany from booklet issued by it.
A Sensible Cigarette
T 52iQSS3S
IIAHIT.S Ill'liE 12.
Avoid 1'oUonouH Hrupt.
Drugs that give you the habit of
taking them over and over aro pois
ons, Some of theoo drugs are co
caine, horoln, nlcobol, opium and ace
tanllld. Many patent medicines con
Lain each drugs and nre very danger-
o 'S.
The best way to keep your mind
and body strong Is not to form habits
of drinking liquids like spirits, wine,
brer, patent drlnkc sold at soda foun
t; Ins. nnd patent medicines. Do not
drink much tea or coffee.
It Is wrong to think that drinking
much beer, ale and other liquors
gives strength. These only deaden
the tired feeling and do not really
tike it away. You aro moro tired af
ter drinking them snd less able to
keep away sickness.
Do not smoke too much. It would
proiiPbly bo best for many people not
to smoke at all. If you do 3inoke,
do so In moderation.
llt'inl Mini In roitliiiid IUhisIn For
(Orwn Journe I )
HubhlliiK oser with optimism and
booetlug from rsrslllu to tups for
ills homo town, llutth Q'Kiiun of llund
la m visitor In I'ortlund.
Mr. O'Kuiio nmlntalns that I loud
IlKlit now U the llvelU'Ht town In tho
country, and nays tnitulliiK 11011 mid
others who hate laeu there recentb
Rtftett with him.
"WVv a couple of full
illnuor pall beliiK carried to work
ovary morning now.' said Mr O'Kaiit'
"and Hi.ootf population In tho next
two ytors U what we expect. Dwel
lings ihiI twain pieces aro roiik
up all ucr town and ur ni pi em
turn. The mills are running tV
blast ami every line of burliiMM is
wrrwpDHilliiily active. The Shv.liorn
KMIroad prutusli'm Is belm hiip
iaor4l Ih good oh 11 ih. ami August 3
uM w will vote on h bond
!sbm to belli tho eaunw nlong "
Mr. O'Kaue Um Just complete!
erretloH of a now building at Hend.
to ) tniowHi as the O'Kaiie b tiding
kiid eonhliiliig 11.000 iuaro feet of
door Hpuce on the ground llmir.
Mr. O'Kaiie iliove to I'ortlund from
Heuit In hi automobile, and ssmi the
s-ttlafaetlwu of travel and scenery
along the Columlila highway more
iUsn nfKili htm for the nhomluuhlo
ro4a and trouble encountered until
the klKhway was reacbed.
Iti Labor Marked an Epoch In Our
Muilcal Hutory.
Hack in the elKliteen forties n num
ber of traveling orchestras came to
America from Kurupe.
Tho most famous was the (Jormnnln,
which gave Its first concert In New
York Oct. S, ISIS. Tho seed fell on
stony ground nt first. In Hilladolplih
Arch Street hall was tented for $10.
Jim, 1, 18IH the receipts were exnetly
t3.:t). In the middle of the perform
mice the manager of the hall appeared
and threatened to turn out the lights If
tho rental whs not paid Immediately.
To 11 man tho orchesUru voted that tho
lights be turned out. and the concert
Ijiter this orgiudxatloti was more
successful. During the next six weeks
It gave KM concerts In the east, west
and south, beside collulxirntliig In or
alorlo.i and with local choral societies
Jenny t.lnd xniig with them at times,
and they were Jellied by Henrietta
Soutag, Tcdiitco, Auguxt KrelMiiianii.
Ole Hull and others now nnd then.
They dlsbuuded In 1M."I. but where
ever one of their number settled 11
contagion point 'ni established from
which n lovo utid iiprectutlon of mu
sic rndlated throughout the communl
ty. ThU seed scattering us of Inciil
culnhlo value to the Nprcnd of muslcul
taste In America It marked an cmch
In our muslcul blstory. New VorU
Origin of Dukei.
Tho wnnl "duke" Is from tho I-ntln
"dux." a lender. In early Saxon times
tho commanders of unities were colled
dnkes-l. .. the leuders of tho soldiery
In other words, the llrst duku was tho
Ilrst best llghttng mnn. No regard was
hud lo ancestry or present attainments
or niiv other sort of thing beyond the
simple matter of warlike clllclenoy
Naturally the leader of the lighting
would, when the lighting was over,
come In for tlio Hen's hhnre of the
spoils nnd "honors," nnd nnturally
again tho rest or tliu roius woinu -looa
up" to him, and by decrees his superl
orlty would In? Imparted to his family,
utid 11 "nobility" would spring Into be
lug. It all rested, to start with, on
brute force and animal courage coin
blued with cunning lit clubbing uud
It's worry, not work, which
shortens life?
A cold bath every morning la
the best complexion remedy?
Poor health Is expensive?
The I'. S. Public Health Ser
vice has reduced malaria 60
In some locnlltlee?
The death rate from typhoid
fever In the United States has
been cut In hnlf since 1900?
Pneumonia kills over 120,000
Americans ench year?
I'lyless town has fow funorab:?
Tho well that drains tho ce3-
pool Is tho fiij) of death?
Her Left Side Hurt.
Mrs. Laura Heal!, Plattsburg. Miss,
wr'os: "Last April I git In bad
health: my left side hurt all tho tlino.
I had svmptotns of HIght'd d'seasc.
I took Foley Kidney Pllle nnd feel
all right now." They quickly relieve
brekfche, rheumatism, nchoa and
nrlriK Ulnrtilnr tmulilnn. tan. nrn
corrected by thia remedy. Sold ovory-
wnero auv.
Four chairs at your service at the
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
A desirable broad knlfo frco with
ovory nnnunl subscription to Tho
Hcnd Hultetin.
8eo J. Ilvan & Co.. for farm land
lonns. Adv.
For sign painting boo Edwards.
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
"build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
PHONE 381.
lor Hummer Tiouhlcn.
Hay fevw AlUleta tiitHmls and
stbtnii sufferer endure torture.
FoUr's I lousy sud Tar gives relief.
It alkos liiUaWMtlon, clears air pas
wages, oaagg rasping oough, soothes
aul luwls. This wholewime family
remedy oostnliv no opiates ti Ixit
tle lasts a long time. Sold ovury
v. Wat u. Adv.
3 -j 'J!a5
THU ilrst presidents were
.horn t electors wIm
were choxcu by the legis
latures of tho vurlous states.
The rmm lutvlug tho majerlty
of thee elettura wti tUvluro.1
prmrideiit. Tho peroou lwlng
the next greatest number wu
deelsnsl vice president.
The ilrst uksjtlon took place on
Jan. T. list). In the Mute that
luid rntlrttst the ooustltutlon.
The elH tors cltose the preolileut
on rdi. I, l'Mi. The vote, count
il mi April U. ltii, was:
fiisirse Wushltigtou, tl;): John
Adams. SI; Samuel Huntington,
li; John Jay, P; John UiimiK-k,
I; It. 11. IliirrUou, 0. tiiHirge
Clinton, a; John Itutledge. 0,
John MUtou, '.; Jauuvi Arm
strotiK, 1; Kdw-urd Telfair. 1;
Itenjamlu Lincoln, 1, Ten states
voted, but there U no ncorl of
the Hpular vote.
In tho election of ir,2 Wash
lngtoii rtvelvetl 1UJ votes and
Adams T7.
(Watch for th aUctlon of Adsm
In 1706 In our ntxt lue.)
Yes! We Believe In "Preparedness"
IN order to meet the demands of our constantly increasing host of customers,
we are preparing to greatly enlarge upon our present stocks and add new
rnc X arp nrpnarincr tr make manv alteratinns and imnmvpmpnl-R in
our store room which will greatly add to the service and accomodation of our
patrons. We are preparing to have here a Women and Children's Ready-tO-Wear
Department superior to any in Eastern Oregon.
The coming seiison you'll find here the very latest and newest style fancies in Ladies' Suits, Coats, and Skirts.
Misses' and Children's Coats and Dresses a complete Infants Department. Each of these departments will carry
a large ami complete assortment of sizes in all tlmts new and desirable. Our Corset Department and our Glove
Department will be greatly added to. In our Corset Department we will cary the newest and latest Fall Models
in a full run of sizes. In our Glove Department you'll find the world famous Centenieri Glove in the leading
shades and all wanted sizes.
We are preparing to meet your demands with larger and better assortment of thoroughly dependable and
trustworthy merchandise. Wo are preparing to take care of your business and we solicit your business solely
on the merit of our superior qualities and LOWER PRICES quality tells, prices sells. Satisfied customers are
what we want, satisfaction creates new customers. Our aim is to give each customer genuine and absolute satisfac
tion. Umemitting effort is expended along these lines and on this basis we respectfully solicit your patronage.
During the mouth of July we are going to offer some really and truly remarkable bargains in desirable and
wanted goods. We are going to make room and prepare for our Fall Stock, a stock of such varied proportions
that will bring to this store such an increase in business such an avalanche of new customens that you'll be glad
to do your buying in Rend and save tine and money as well. It merchandise of a superior character, latest styles,
ample assortments, and lower prices will get your patronage this store is going to get it, tlmts all there is to it.
This store is one of three others operated in the East, and our buying is done in conjunction with the three
others, thereby enabling us to obtain the lowest possible prices; the latest possible styles. The great volume of
goods purchased 'by this combination of stores enables us to obtain lower price concessions than that to be had by
smaller concerns. Wo know wo buy cheaper, wo know our operating expenses are less, wo know we can sell
at lesS. Now, everything else being equal, we believe you would rather spend your hard earned dollar at home
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
P. S. In a few days you will get our July "Trade Bulletin", a price list of
reductions we are making during July. Send us your mail orders.
bcuti u uwuy. i v iihc i-uimiiH me Hunt . ica hi "inner uuu ucucr uwjrimeius goods tliat we can guar
! anil at prices that none can lower. We will show you everything you can reasonably expect in complete
ments ot iien anu uoys cunning, anoes etc. women aim Children s (Jlothmg, Shoes etc. Dry Goods, No-,
and House Furnishings. Then we are going to come after you and get your business fair enough isn't it?
Want Ad only ONE OBNT it word. I