The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 21, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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    i jU J" J,
Would Mnko Stnto Absolutely Dry
.Step is Taken In Answer to Inltln-
tlve Measure Designed to I'cimlt
Manufacture of Hecr in State
Tricks of the Clever Crooks That
Steal Automobiles.
One of Their Pet Schemes I to Dis
Quito Themselves as Repaired and
Openly Tow the Car Away Ordi
nary Safeguards Aro a Joke to Them.
Tlio prohibition party state control
jfommittee voted to lnltiato nt onco
mi amendment to tlio constitution of
Oregon to mako tlio stnto absolutely
Tlio first petitions for the proposed
tiniondment, which prohibits the Im
portation of liquor into tho stato
vcro put out last week. Workers
will start after signatures immedi
ately, it was said.
Tills tunondment la tho answer of
the Prohibition party to tho Initiative
measura to permit Oregon brewers
to mnnufneturo beer and to fill or
ders from Oregon consumers who,
under tlio present law, have to send
outBldo tlio state.
Tlio amendment to bo submitted by
tho Prohibition party was drawn up
iiv cx-Govornor West. It revises
Section 3C of Artlclo I of tho stato
constitution by insertion of tho fol
1 wing two words: " Imported
As amended thoi prohibition scc
. tlon of tho constitution would road:
"No Intoxicating liquors shall bo
imported Into, manufactured or sold
vlthln this Btnte, except for modlcln
1 purposes, upon prescription of n
l'ccnsed physician, or for scientific
pacrnmental pr mechanical purposes.
"The party has taken this action,"
said J. P. Newell, Prohibition stato
chairman, "becauso nftor waiting for
nine or 10 days nftor tho announce
ment of tho lire wore measuro no
liody seemed to bo doing anything to
offset it. As it Is very Important thnt
action bo taken nt onco or not nt an,
wo havo docidod to moot tlio isnuo
by initiating an amendment to mako
tho state absolutely dry."
A desirable bread knlfo free with
every nnnunl subscription to Tho
Ilcnd Bulletin.
Silver I,uko District Must OrKiinlza
For Protect Ion.
(Silver Lake Loader.)
That the water sources of Sycan
river, Long, Chocktoot and Coyote-
creeks, which were estimated by tho
Reclamation Servlco would amply
supply tho big reservoir to Irrigate
fho Paulina, Horning llond and Fort
Itock units of tho Silver Lake Irrl
ratlcn project, aro liable to bo con
verted to proposed now projects on
tho Klnmnth Indian Reservation. If
thi landholders of tboso suctions
nmed nbovo do not got busy aoon
i nd organize, Is tho opinion of Prod
SI Ilenshaw, of tho U. S. Iaclamatlon
Srrvlcc, who was In Sllvor Lako last
Suurday night and Sunday morning.
Mr. Ilenshaw had driven through
with his family from Fort Klamath.
la tlio reservation, Sycan Marsh and
Thompson valley, during tho day
rcrchlng Silver Lako about 9 o'clock.
"There Is a deep Intorcat manifest
ed by tho Klamath Indians In Irriga
tion mattors," said Mr. Ilenshaw Sun
day noon, "and If tho people of tho
north units of tho Sllvor iJiko pro
ject do not want tho waters of the
Sycan country to Irrlgato tholr
lands, which have already been off
ered to them for tho nsktng, they
will surely be converted to other sec
tions clamoring for projects. It is
a matter deeply regretted by tho
Servlco, this lack of intorest byj-es-Idents
In the north units, whon with
a llttlo effort their wonderful coun
try could ultimately bo made to pro
duce bountifully. For tho life of
me, I cannot understand their attitude."
No waiting at the Metropolitan for
that shave or hair cut. Four chairs
now ready. Adv.
Not a Dad Error.
She (with ncwspaperi nerc's a
funny intstako In tho report of that
affair last night It Bays that Mrs.
fcwellman appeared In a
ampere" gown Instead of "emnlre,
He Well, "ampere" isn t very far off;
ler gown was a bit Rhocklug. Ronton
A Pleasure,
"I put through a big financial deal
last week." remarked Mr. Dustln Stax
"I thought you said you were going
on a pleasure trip."
"Could there bo any pleasure greater
"an putting through u big financial
deair-Wnsblngton Star.
The man who steals nn automobile Is
one or the cleverest mechanicians lu
the country. Hu knows every make of
car from the steering wheel to the tires,
and there It scarcely any precautlou
taken by the owner of the cur to mi'fe
guard his property that the automobile
thief cannot beat
Some car ownors fondly Imnctno that
when they chain ,ho wheel of their car
with a fairly thick steel cuulu they
have wade it Impossible for any crook
to move the nuto from Its anchorage.
The simplicity of this safeguard must
cause hilarity among the motorcar
crooks, for the ordinary steel chain enn
bo cut lu n second with the appliances
that tho motor thieves carry lu their
Hut most enr owners consider they
have made the car Immovable by mere
ly locking the switch box. It will Inter,
est them to know that the car thieves
can beat this piuciititlou very easily.
Am- i-iurcr uicciiiiuitiuu who makes a
business of stealing cars can cross
whes so as to muse Ignition ami move
the engine without bothering with the
switch box at ull. A method that N kin
dergarten to the car thief Is to connect
wires from tho dry cell battery direct
to the Ignition coll. thus starting the
motor without difficulty.
Some cars have devices by which tho
gasoline supply can be locked, nud this
Is regarded by some owners us placing
a hopeless barrloi- ititho way of the
thief who would run off with tho
standing car. For how can a cur be
moved when tho supply of gasoline Is
shut off? Nothing easier. The motor
car thief carries with blm his own sup-,
ply of gasoline in a llnsk. With this
gasoline the uutomobllc thief can nego
tiate ii good ruu with the car by con
necting his llnsk of gasoline direct to
tho carburetor. Feeding tho gasoline
to tho carburetor through n rubber
hose, the automobile thief enn send tho
car sufficiently far to eiinblo him to put
tuo gasoline tank and the car In regu
lar coniinhislon nud speed whero ho
will to safety and a sale.
Hut the commonest and therefore the
safest trick or the uutomoblle thief re
quires no expert mechanical knowl
edge. It simply requires nerve, which
these thieves possess to nn unusual de
gree. This trick Is the old one of drlv.
Ing up In an nuto that looks like a ga
rage repair wagon, hitching n ropo to
tho car that Is to bo stolen and towing
It nwny. The thieves dress for the part
lu oil soaked overalls. When they have
selected the car to bo stolen, picking
ono that Is In a sldo street and not like
ly to bo under the' eye of n policeman
who may have been tipped to watch
the car. the thieves come up to the
scene In their old car, looking llko the
ordinary crew sent for from the garage
to repair ii enr that H lu trouble or isn't
working as well iih Its fastldloin owner
would wish.
They alight from their own ear nnd
make a great pretense f examining
the uir that (hey Intend to spirit nway.
They lemove the hood and scrutinize
the motor They ;et nut a kit t tools
ami tinker for uwhlle with some part
of the Machinery, ir any one should
happen to be watching t''cm or looking
on from a neighboring window nil (he
men do has the appearance of natural
woilc by honest workmen from tho
repair shop. Presently tlio men hold
a consultation, pointing to some part
of the motor machinery, nnd apparent
ly come to the conclusion that the car
cannot bo started with the tools at
their command. Then they hitch a
rope to the car nud tow It nwny at tho
end of their own ear. Could unythlng
be more simple?
Mow can you .beat such n game as
thin; Carrying a)wny part of the ma
chinery does not prevent the thieves
from towing the car nway, Ono sure
way-to prevent robbery Is to havo the
car watched. The policeman on that
patrol will keep in eye on It If you
are only going to mnko n visit to some
office building and coming back In a
short time. Hut if you keep your car
In the street tho entire day no ono can
watch It You aro simply taking a
chance with the car thieves.
There are other ways of making the
path of the motorcar crook as steep
and difficult as possible. One motor
ist believes be has solved the thief
problem by having slot cut In the
clutch pedal shaft Through this he
passes a bar which be locks. So far
Ids car has not been stolen. Another
wnv Is to remove the rotor. This
handsome fnmkes jt very difficult for any thief to
steal the car. for he would have to
carry a number of rotors to be sure
of having one that would fit that par
ticular motor. Philadelphia North
How to Live Long
Rules leprlnted
Metropolitan iLlfo
by permission of
Insuranco Com
pany from booklet issued by it.
UAIIITH Rl't.E 10.
Have Your Ilowcls Move Knch Day.
You should cat good food, but you
must also get rid of whnt is left nt
it in the bowels. If your boveis
niove without effort It lb easy for you
to keep well.
Headache Is often caused by tho
bowels not moving.
Food is tho best thing to mnko
your bowels move. Sometimes your
bowels do not move because your
food Is not filling enough, Unit Is,
does not. havo enough bulk. Thnt
Is one renson why you need foods
that fill you, llko cabhago, boctj, on
ions, carrots, parsnips, etc.
In addition to bulk, your food
should have things in it thnt make
the bowels move freely. Somo foods
which havo these things aro figs,
fruits, bran, oil, vegetables, butter,
cream, sugar, honey, syrup and
Juices of) fruits.
Drink n glass of cold water boforo
breakfast. Do not tako drugs or
medicines to make your bowels move
unless tho doctor tells you to.
A. F. S A. SI. Meets second
and fourth Thursday nights
at S o'clock. Masonic Hall.
J. D. Davidson, Secretary.
Visiting Members Welcome.
It. A. St. Moots first and
third Friday nights rt S o'
clock. Masonic Hall.
Visiting Members Welcome.
O. K. S. Meets second
nnd fourth Monday
nights at 8 o'clock. Ma
sonic Hall.
Mrs. C. M. McKay, Sec.
visiting Members
We Know How to
Swat the Fly
If you vtnnt to nco a llljlevs store JiKt droit annind.
Wo will not tolerate tho nppoariiiiro of n Hyi
Our snnltnry refrigerator .counter keeps our frndi
nnd perishable goods free from contact with diM or Hies.
Tho ery best of grocery iiieivhaudNo In the very beat
of condition may nlwnjs be purchased at
Wall Street, Near Ohio
Phone Red 161
SI. VV. A. Meets first and
third Tuesday nights nt 8
o'clock. Sathcr'a Hall.
K. 13. Hannn, Clerk.
Visiting Neighbors
-- Dirty hands spread much dis- -
A high bred dog has n right to --
have his birth registered oo --
hra a baby?
Tho U. S. Public Health Ser-
- vlco guards American porta to
-oxcludo foreign dlr.onso? -
Health Ib a credit with tho
- bank of nr.turo?
A clof.n gnrbago can Is a good -
-" oxcmplo to tho family?
Filth broods files flics carry -
-- Slouchy postures monaco
- health?
- Health brlncj hannlncce sick-
neis sorrow? '-
Four chairs at your servlco at tho
Metropolitan. No wnltlng. Adv.
Seo Edwards for paper hanging.
Diamonds set whllo you wnlt.
ron H. Symons. Adv.
For farm land loans seo J. Ryan
& Co. Rcnsonablo rates, prompt
service. Adv.
D. W. Griffith
Famta flOO.OOO-a-yar Creator Moo
ing Pictunt
A v
"Walter, the steak is so tough I can't
cut it with this knife."
"Very good, sirI'll bring you an
other knife, sir." Columbia Jester.
To encourage talent Is to create It
Dry and Moist Air,
A cubic foot of dry air weighs more
than a cubic foot of moist nlr at the
same temperature and pressure. The
addition of vapor to a cubic foot of dry
air enlarges tho volume of the mixture
tf tbe air is free to expand, ns in the
atmosphere, and ns the vapor has only
about two-tblrds the density of dry nlr
'at the same temperature and pressure
tbe density of the mixture Is less than
that of dry air-
Don't put off thatching till tbe storm
Is at hand. Irish ProverU.
"A pipeful
of Tuxedo is
a wonder'
fully pleas
ant form of
tobacco en
joyment, mild and
Scores of Big
"Movie" Men
producers as well a9 actors, are
constant smokers and out
spoken friends of Tuxedo. It's
just the soothing, restful, re
freshing smoke men of their
nerve-racking vocation need.
Nothing calms and comforts a
hustler Tike a pipe of mild, cool,
sweet Tuxedo.
XPtU rW' Ttlautftt Plt enJ OtmUt
Tuxedo is aged from three
to five years in wooden hogs
heads to make it mellow and
sweet flavored. But the thin?
that takes out all the bite and
harshness and makesTuxedo
so bland and gentle that it
can't hurt the most sensitive
tongue or throat, is the fam
ous and exclusive "Tuxedo
One week's trial of Tux-
edo will show you.
Youcanbuy Tuxedo everywhere
w2mmwmWm9im J
green tin
In Tin Uu
tniJtrt, 10c
and SOe.
In Glalt
K. of P. Doschutes
I.odgo No. 103. Meets
every Wednesday night
at 8 o'clock. Sathor'3
Visiting Members
Xi. M. McRcynolds,
K. or R. &. S.
I. O. O. 1 llcnd Lodgo
No. 2 IS. Meets every
Mondnv ntcht at S o'clock
S' licr's Hall. Visiting Members
Welcome. It. I. McKIm, N. U
N. P. Welder, Secretary.
I), of It. llend Lodgo No. SOS. Meets
second nnd fourth Friday nights at
8 o'clock. Sather's Hall. Visiting
Members Welcome
Mrs. Ethel M. Fleming, Secretary.
liny your salnd dressing and sal- A deslrnblo
ads In nny quantity from
ly." Adv.
Dot D.ilu-lovcry nnnunl
I llend Uulletln,
bread knife frco with
subscription to Tho
Wnnt Ads only ONK CKNT n word
Export watch nnd Jowelry repairing
nt SymoiiBr Adv.
T. V. 11 Meets first and
third Friday nights nt 8
o'clock. Snthor's Hall.
Visiting Members Invited
to Attend.
C. W. Thornthwnlto, Sec.
..4'AI.MbJu '
ey ."rW3
I O. E. Dcs
diutcs A o r 1 o
No. 2 0 4 3.
McotB every
Thursday at 8
o'clock. Sath
er's Hall. Visitors always Welcome
Chas. W. Ersklno, Secretary.
Lay In your wood supply now at tho following prices:
(jui:i:x t ii-1. ci i wood
,.SU'.(IO Pllll LOAD
.J..-i( PER LOAD
. .ijlil.OII PER LOAD
Oregon Transfer Co.
A deslrnblo bread knlfo frco with
overy annual subscription to The
llend Uulletln.
For the man who
i IS I I
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
v We write insurance in all its branches in world
kno?wn tcompanies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
PHONE 381.