The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 21, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Always the
'That keeps tho pic
ture story of every Joy
ful uvont school days
and Bports, the winter
and summer outings,
tho city boy's trip to
the counti una tho
country boy's trip to
tho city In all these
Micro Is fun In the pic
ture taken frftorwnrd
both (lnd a satisfactory
bend The jsgcagg, store oreoon
John Dubuls was up from Tumalo
on Tuesday.
C. S. Hudson was In Portland Sun
day on business.
Fred N. Wnllaco was up from
Tumalo on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shaw were over
from Sisters on Monday.
.Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sullivan wont
to 1'ortland on Saturday.
J. W. Fisher, a sheepman of Shan
llco, was In town on Monday.
K. Q. Rourk,.n niorchant of Ores
cent, was In Ilend on Saturday.
Dr. J. C. Vandovert and brldo ar
rived this morning from Chicago.
F. A. Connolly, a sheepman of
Mnupln, was In Dend on Mondny.
Judgo and Mrs. T. E. J. Duffy
spent sovornl days hero last week.
W It. P.lley, of La Pine, returned
to Ilend Monday on his way homo.
J. M. Pattou, n farmer of Eugene,
Is In Bond this week on business.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. S. Francis nrrlv
cd In Ilend on .Monday night's train.
I Grand Opening
1 Ball
J' Wednesday" Eve., June 28 I
J Tickets $ 1 .00 I
I Best floor in town. Good music 1
I Fine time promised 1
Brandegee, Kincaid & Co., Clothes
The "Pinch Back" is Dame Fash
ion's latest suit creation for Men,
it is strictly snappy bright and
ideal for summer
Watch for them, they will arrive thlsweek dltect from our
head Ilrandegee-Klncald house In Utlca, Now York. They
Hill be winners. Moderately priced.
The Latest in OXFORDS Just in
soles and
White duck English oxford rubber
Something neat and comfortable, per pair .
Tan oxford, whiter ubber solos and heels, something new
and neat in footwear has Just arrived. Most suitable for sum
mer wear. See our late arrivals In ties. The best assortment
in Ilend.
A new and complete line of trunks and suit cases, Panama
and straw hats.
A, L French
' Men's
C. M. .linker, of the Iteud Oarage,
went to Portland Sunday evening on
George F. Hoover returned on
Thursday -,lrom a business trip, to
Mrs. C. S. Hudson nnd Donald
returned from Portland yesterday
morning. ,
E. M. Thompson returned on last
Thursday from n business trip to
Portland. .
Mrs. J. A. castes lms been confined
to tho house with an attack of grlppo
this week. 4
D. M Davis has moved Into his
now olllco on the corner of Wall nnd
Ohio streets.
Mrs. Harold Makoley, of Pendle
ton, spent Sunday In Ilend visiting
with friends.
Clyde M. McKay was a week-end
visitor In Portland, returning Mon
dny morning.
M. J. Scanlon, of tho Hrooko-Scan-lon
Lumber Co,, left for Portland on
Friday night.
Hand concert this week will bo
held Friday evening on the Mann
helmer corner.
W. H. Stnnts and J. X. Hunter re
turned ycslerdny from a trip to
Klamnth Falls.
J. 0. Kllpack, of tho Hoy's
Olrl s Aid Society of Portland
In Ilend Tuesday.
C. M. Hedlleld, chief engineer of
tho C. O. I. Co., was up from Des
chutes yesterday.
Mrs. Q. II. Furst and daughtor, El
eanor, returned Thursday morning
from a trip to Portland,
C L. Withers, proprietor of the
Chownucan Hotel of Paisley, wns In
Ilend Mondny on business.
Mrs. Walter Coombs returned on
Suudny morning from Portlnnd where
alio visited for n few weeks.
Mrs. J. P. Kcyes nnd children loft
on Mondny evening for nn oxtonded
visit to her mother near Seattle
Mrs. C, E. Dlnsmoro nnd dnughtcr,
Mnrgnret, tire hero from Portlnnd xls-
Itlng Mr. Dlnsmoro for a few days.
Mrs. E. W. Richnrdson Is entertain
ing tho Methodist Ladles Aid at her
homo In Center addition this after
noon. Ed Egll, n well known rancher of
Hums, J. W. Dnlton and Melon Dal
tnn, of Hums, were visitors In Ilend"
on Mondny.
A dance was given nt the Emlilom
Club Frldny night In honor of tho
visiting Hoo-Hoos. About SO couples
were present,
Addison Ilcnnctt, correspondent
for The Orogonlnii, wont to Tumalo
on Sunday to spend a few dnys with
W. D. Ilnrnes.
Mrs. Harry K. HrookB entertained
with nn Informal dancing and brldgo
party nt the Emblem Club on Wed
nesday evening.
MIbs Maudo Mnlkson who has been
visiting with her brother Earlo Mnlk
son, returned to lior homo In Torre
bonno on Monday,
Tho sidewalk' A limit side tho Sam
my building on Greonwood nvonuo
has been rcplnced to conform to tho
now building lino.
Miss E. C. Worloy, of Tho Dalles,
has accepted a position with tho Pa
cific States Tolophono & Tolegrnph
Company, as chief operator.
Mr. and Mrs. X. A. Southwlrk
wore surprised Inst night by n num
ber of their friends on tho occnslon
of their wooden anniversary.
County Commissioner Illnnchnrd
canio over from Prlnevlllo yesterday
and Is out with Commissioner Ovur
turt on county business todny,
Mr. nnd .Mrs. F. P. Hlnuvelt, who ro
contly cnu.e to lloud from Raymond,
Washington, have taken rooms at
Levorett houso on Ohio street.
Assistant Stnto Engineer E, 1. Can
tlno was here for several days last
week in connection with tho opening
of bids for tho road work south.
Tho olllco of tho Mlllor Lumbor
Company lias been moved from Oro
gon street to tho Davis building nt
tho corner of Wnll and Ohio streets.
Ilrlck work on tho Hlppodromo,
tho now building bolng erected by
0. W. Shrlnor nt tho corner of Wnll
and Kentucky streets, Is now finish
od, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Turner of.
Mndrns, woro hero on Saturday, ro-
turning to Tumalo to spend the night
and coming to tho ball gamo on Sun
day. J. M. Lnwrenco spent several days
here Inst week, returning to Portland
Saturday night. Mr. Lawronce will
return to live boro with his family
Miss Ileulah Keagy returned to
Ilend on last Friday from Forest
Grove, whero sho has been attending i
Pacific University for the last nine
Mrs. George W. Turnor. of Min
neapolis, arrived this morning for an
extended visit with her daughter.
Mrs. Ward Coblo. Mr. Turnor will
follow in about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Polndoxter
and Mr. and Mrs. Itny Lamberson
returned on Monday from a several
days trip to the Motollus. They re
port catching 17b trout.
Edward Sutter, an Insurance man
and II. II. Patterson, a nurseryman
of Medford, called on Louis Dennett
on Monday. They came north from
California and wero going to Port
land by auto.
Mayor Eastes was presented with a
beautiful American ling last week us'
a gift by G. Urban, of Portland, aj
pioneer engineer on tli O.-W. It. I
& X. Mr. Urban visited with Mr
Hastes last summer. i
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCann and!
Miss Esther Moore left on Sunday i
for Klamath Falls. Mr. McCann will I
attend the meeting of the Western ;
Pino Manufacturers Association at
McCloud, California. !
The Ilend Huny Bees will hold!
their regular monthly meeting at the
Held school building on Friday at
n.A Hum..,! IaIIai ttia nrAfllrinn t i
i4v. Jiunntu -..vf ..... --.... T
Mr. and Mrs. Wood lluyere, of
Kansas City, woro the guests of Mr.
and Mrs, A. M. Prlngle on Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Uuyers nru on their
honey moon, traveling overland by
nuto. They went south Into Califor
nia from Rend.
Hnrry Eltz, pressman In The Uul
ictln shop, who wr.s taken 111 on Sat
urday, wont to Portland Saturday
night to be with his fnmllv during
lib sickness. His place lu.s boon
taken temporarily by Howard Fvoo
lnnd, of Salem.
w. u. blinuks Iiob been In town
from his La Pino homestead this
week. Mr. Shanks reports that his
wife, who wns severely cut about the
fnco when nn ax with which ho as
cutting wood Hew oft the handle, Is
doing very well.
Announcements hnvo been rec'otved
in Rend of tho i.inrrlnge, on Juno 10,
nt May wood, Illinois, of Dr. J. C.
Vandovert, of Rend, and Miss Har
riet L. DoIboii. Dr. and Mrs. Vnnde-
vert win bo at homo In ilend after
tho first of August.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobb entor
tnlned tho olllcers nnd touchers of
the Methodist Sunday jschool (Inst
evening at their homo. Plans wero
made for tho unnual Sunday school
picnic to bo hold on Tumalo creek
Juno 29. Light refreshments were
G. Stiibblelleld, who Is known In
Ilend from tils connection with tho
bufldlng of tho II. W. L. & P. Co.,
nam, passed tnrougii town on Tmirs
ilny on his way to Poitland. Mr.
Stubbleltuld Is lit present eiigngcd 111
sonio engineering work In tho vl
clulty of Hums.
Tho new Hippodrome will bo for
r.nlly opened nox. Woih'e-ut.y even
ing by a big ball. Special music Is
b'lr.g outlined mid lljor wi'i bu
1 ; til bos condition for tho ocmbIoii.
A pi'oguim of local talent w,l t.Iso
bo c'ven.
We traded In on plnno Biles, two
talking nirehlnos onco n Columbia
Favorite, regular Jfio machine; will
Bell for ?40. One n $211 Victor, will
sell for $17. GO. Dozen rccordH, 21
selections with o-ch. See Kilcrs -Music
Houso this week. Johusun build
ing, Wull street. ICo
1 know thero aio a lot of good
families In Ilend who nro growing up
with tho town would like n plnno,
and expect to got ono Inter. Xow,
wo will rent you n plnno nnd ngreo
to r.pply every cont of rent paid for
six moutliH on tho purchase prlco,
If this iilr.n Interests you nee E. It.
Vnn Dyke, roprnontntSvo Filers Mu
sic House, this week. lfic
The road to quality merchandise
leads straight to this store Our
low prices are an added induce
ment to trade here
Tl'lt SKIItTS A new nsfoitmcnt Just iccclved. Xew
awning striped skirts also white Gabardine, Uopp,
Twills, perfect tailored nt
N1.U.-J, SI. no, St.7."5, .i2. J?!!.?.-,, $:
Xo bettor values are offoreil anywhero nt these low
XEW SUN SHADES Including the now Jnpancso
shapes priced nt .SI.'J.I to Sl.00
Children's sun shades Hoe, nuc, 7,o
XECKWICAU NOVELTIES Neck cords In ninny now
pleasing varieties at znc
Novelty Windsor tics nt urK,
Collnrs and Curt setH v, rt)c
LADIES i XIUJIOirSMXS A special value. Indies '
gowns, lace, nnd embroidery trimmed nt Hfci
Envolope Chcmleu o.V $i,'r
Corset, Covers .v, ,-., ,vi(. 7,vf jj,,,
Wnrnors nnd GoBBnrd IlrnsHlcres ntlo, SMM
Don't forget tin Jltnoy Social to
bo given by the Llvo Wlio Clns Fil
day ovening nt 8 o'clock nt tiio llap
t!st churcli. Adml-sli.i 5 cents, leu
cicam, et'.lie, colTeo and n. r.dwlchcs
to bo sorved nt live cents for each
Hum.. Interesting ii''Kiam. All wel
come Mr j. Levis 'alt, torcher. Adv.
Altfporsoiuc-catching trout uudor
six 'ncliai will bo p'osccutod to tl.o
full extent of tho law.
10c Deputy Gnmo Warden.
Want Ads only ONE CENT n word.
Ilewnro of tho man who would give
you something for nothing. Ho must
charge you double for other nrtlcbs
to mako up tho loos, othorwlso he
would eo bankrupt. I have no $15
Extra spcclnl values
Plain, Hemstitched, Flower
od, Lnco or Fancy borders.
Whito and Ecru, 30 lu
cl.ti vWdo, a. yard
12 I -2c
Iircps, small rash rod each
I'l. !k, medium fclzn curtain
rods with Hutted knob ends,
FOIt MEN Tub silk satin striped shirts French cuffH
Xo iimn's wnrdrolie conipleto without ono of theso
beautiful shlrtB. priced nt 5:i..-ii, yi.nn
.MEN'S E ,i COI.LAKS Now styles JiibI unpiicked
nt '2
You'll see sonio ver iiuusiinl values here In our BliiioV
nt 1.(1(1, si..",(, .s,t,ii
l.iey'ru mndo for men who nppreclntu mmllty, Htyle,
and fit.
Stop and Shop at
gold watches to glo nwny, hut 1 huvi
tho right prlcu on my goods nnd llf
teen yours of experience enables mo
to guurniitoo Biitlsfnctlon, Wutch,
clock nnd Jewelry repairing ii special
ty. Try mo.
P. 13. CHASE.
The Jowelor, Minnesota Ktreot, one
door west of ilend 1'ronB Adv liic.
Dr. Iila Itchrondt, tho well known
optician will lid In Ilend July 1, 2, .'!,
nnd I. Tilling wishing their eyes ux
nnilneil pleaHo remember Hicho datos.
Wright hotel. K.-lTc
You enn got delicious creamy
cattnguichi't'Ho nt American llakery
or O'DouuuII'h market. Ask for It. tC
Oi I
Said to cinpliiislr'' that ve ore nnil iuppllnl with b rgo
stocks In nil dopartmcuts, lnuiMht laiKils "i lore, the iceent
heavy advance and
Said To Sell At Same
Low Prices
Kl'.MMEIt HATS III light weight matorlnU, In white, brown,
Khaki, grey, Ivory nnd pongee fiOe ami 7,"e
MOKQl'lTO NET In blaiik, whltn, grimii, pink, doiibln width
per ynrd I '
.HI'IT CASES In Isalher, fibre, nnd matting, ut -', :, L , fl
SIIIItT WAIS'IS .lint arrived, a uuw shipment, lieautlful
walstH );il,'J.l, ijtl.r.d, .fi.7r,
.MIDDYS For IndluM, In now styles, situ thuin, prlctw
j.-c,, .f i.r.u
WASH GOODS Xew weaves, now materials, In white and
colors . . , , m )&r to :(."
Hound end
other styles at
15c 20c
For Economy
Sake Shop at
Bend' Economy Center
I'ldM' Wo hnvo Just
received u large ship
ment of men'M Hummer
fibre ItntH with our ml
on, given to you I'llEH
E. A. Sather
iOCS-"! - s fNi5
will (,'et J'ou there without difliculty fewer blow-outs,
punctures hotter tread all around hetter service and
more mileage, We carry a full line of UNITED
Skuse Hardware Company
FishinK Tackle. ' Flower and Garden Seeds.
flr, trie organization, urB iuni mi
members be present. I