kr-i33J .:-..--- TIIK REND HULLKTIN, rtKND, ORE., WEDNESDAY. JUNK 21, 1010 PAGE 0. -- ,,,n 'SI n I; r I" ' i. i" H THE BEND BULLETIN (Published Every Wednesday) GEOIUJE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher nonEirr W. SAWYER Editor-Manager. FRED A. WOELFLEN Associate Editor. An Independent newspaper stand ins (or the sjnare deal, clean busi ness, clean politics and the best In terests of Bad and Central Oregon. One Year $ ! Six Months " Three Months SO All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and If renewal Is not made within reason able time the paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any chance of address, or of tailure to re cede the paper regilsrly. Otherwise If an man eTer hsd cause to e grateful to another, Carransa shuUid he grateful to President Wilson f -tho polio which resulted In pla "g him In control of Mexican sffn'rs Whatever we ma think of that , l ley It must le agreed that this 1 . been lis :eult Hut Carracw has tut been gra-' 1 A growing arrows- has Mirked his WAon-:nde a VBrerBen, coupled with an uoi -ingns or an inability to atted the oralnsry police duties of the b--der. Out of this the present w r like eltua'ion has grewn. If wa: .'self come It will nuan tho ollmir-attcn of Carransa and pos sibly a-- occupation of Mexico until that unhaip country Is able to jot em Itself and do its own police work The job '.s our immediate White Man's Hurden ' Though we n.a think that tne mess Is Wilson's fSJli thee outitrj will support the President. 916 Llle.- Weeklj potn s out that Preside' Wilson in Ms speech at Arllngto remeterv. served notu on Vjitii(Mu mn of the conatrr that be welwlll not be resporelble for copies Htendod ,,, pui them to the ac.d tost" to iw )f they were willing to missed . Make all check and orders pay able to The Bend Bulletin. WBONKRDAY. JUNK 21. 11. fat their employees volunteer n r federal t-slning Pros dliavhfs report, that under a recent r ,1 1 1. made by the Comptroller nt Tronsar. Government clerks Ie Ween not I fled that they eanno RMntefi eti ae on pay to atv 1 military traln-ng camp Csn " Oomntroll-r surd the "acid test" Redmond Race Meeting Harness and Running Races Saturday, July 1, 1 T.iheral purses ha l ecn provided for three harness races and two runri-. r'ees at the Redmond track on Saturday July 1, be...ning promptly at 2 o'clock, p. tn Kroc-for-AH Trot ur Pace. Ut.10 Trot or Pace. :l:t0 tin. Trot or Pare. Itunnlni; JJ nml l Mile Kent nml Ralic. The following sne-d horse have been secured for thee race Hal Onwird and Baby Ross, of Prlneville. Raixle Patch, of Stste-s Harvey Harris' big ch Onward mare and Col. Lovela e. o' Redmond; Wonder Why and Poedek of Rend, and . thers AilmUliin 2.V fofr all jnTMins otcr 12 jenrs of ne. And will the cits com tack" aae so. Wi M. THK SCHOOL MEETING. ' .Monday's school meeting suggests fanasftber of thoughts which we are ,.eU for the consideration of our " in tho flnt place tho delay la 'forilag the meeting was dleatTre fal. Called for 10 o'clock it did not feala lor nearly half cm hoar after-! ward, thereby causing a considerable ' laws of Ume to tbooe who took the Teacher In IWn.l 1 1 lull .vliool Married hem has FRAHNS SCHHASSE FOUR BLOCKS OUT anaowacad hour of the meeting ser- taaeir and were there pnncturJIy. ' That mo member of the school board i In Walla Wall.i. (Contributed I The wedding of Prank S I eomtugreial teacher la the high J school, and Mies Clara I.. Schrasse. took piece on the evening of June Kth, at the country home of the bride, near Walla Walla. Washington The weather 'eing favorable, an altar of Horrent was arranged out of door. . i Th brlital rhnru fmm !-,hnr'ii ! a to the diecoanosy of the WBS y b, tne w4,t er. l.)d- BraeNoa. .f-ay minin o. i- ... ,a sr,,, ,Bee tt Dr1o ,ppe,r, was In this number seeats eepeclal ly wwiay of comment. Those of u who have lived here aa- leapth of time are well acquaint- d with the Urdy habits of the town. AVe thlak It about time that we all Francis. Dnningo Amoiinto to $lllt),(KMi I'miii lllc", .Maine llomrlofc-Hiitlne l'nicrt) lotr)cl Little In- ratice Carrlol Plnn Made. (Oreatm Journal. ) lKEVIKW. Jane 1 The blBie started across the street 'i m the hotel and burned a distance f four blocks, it originated st the . me place as the bis Are wh'oi l-urn-eJ I-akevtew's business section 16 pars ago. With plenty of wtter and volun teer help "he flames were kept from spreading to other parts of the city. A cow and a large number cf chick ecs were burnetl to death. WIPED ' Homeless families are lcfng cired , for by friends and plans for rebuild ing are now being made. No wooden I buildings will he pormltted In the burned area. Inatirance. on the ' lid- ling does not total over $12,000 Inilixiilunl ljvf. l'hoil. Individual losses were as follows I I'mbaeh, 7066; Watson. J000; Hunker laundry. 17000: Kuhl paint store, J 1250: Fiek dental offices. tt.060; Mlrlaa bakery. 11S0O. (Jet ty studlc, JJ000: Duckvorth f cd store. J2S0O: Telephone exchange. H600: Snider 6pera house. ."' 00: B. & M.. 2000; Rehart, (200: IT A. I f f Start making every dollar you spend bring its fullest re ti -n your neighbor does why not you? Start doing nil .ur trading at this store we'll save y u monoy on your eery purchase. , Kili:.S I'.N'IOX SUITS In size from 31 to 4C at .. ..loc, ,10c CIIILDREN'S SLEEVELESS VESTS At lO ami 13c ME.V.S WORK SHOES At 2.00, 92.2.1, 2.7.1 ROY'S WORK SHOES At 9Ui:5,52.00,$2.2r. HOY'h UNION SUITS At "c nml 7.1c ".,. Imh Percales, light colors, at " 10c iv inch all Linen Crash, at 12)ic Mill End Apron Gingham, 4 ytrds for 23c -Four i I Ottfltor UBdrtaVlnir nr-tara f&AA. XtmZu Z U ' J"JU.,to.," T".0' Cr? Ch,ff01 W.0CkJ, te "? "hf " n'CU stone works 1000 Mrs', if swaup on ume. m4 ij. Uc irBg a shower of wiped oat la lose than aa hoar In a f.-rroi- minarl. .-0a . .. .. bride's roees The ceremonv was fire Friday aftersmaa. ;.'.!'". er, V,v"' ... I ThO-ateMiaK saeat eonswraMe , . u . ... ' . -w " . . . ." " I" u" " neaiaaaee weeos are estimatea at: 1. . .! ... - ukl !. I " ' "v"' "" "I"'. !"- " prr. uus. lOicuou. - . H-.ll ((. ThuMr. IIAd. m W WW.VH W, MW, ,,W . A .L ivr IN IH R:M. Smith Clothing Company DM AXI l7 WALL STREET BEND'S LEADINd FURNISHERS FOR EVERYBODY THE FASTEST (IROWINfl STORE IN OREOON i --- - - - (jerman M. K. church, at chanpe, laaadry. a numbor of luel- A kitl.. ... 1 ull t AKK !g- . "" '." -I"!. .." ". do W,Uta W"a 0IV" th iwm'dtate, neas pieeos and nearly a dnoa resi-!fi"!."T!r!!- F - 1 f relativas and a fewirteads wre p.e.,denee fell before the flames. 7Lm? e-M n.TI ,,. .hT w11 " ""r ,n' " r Many persons were severely burn fjrtaa: to And that the school board . wli,.. ,. fW- ,.,.. ,. , Lj .u..- . .... .ui- L - wv.s sw - veoeaaasaea v ( - Mfaaa t MS c INCH J" I' . a ronaaee of college days In Wlllcm- among them Maor Harry Ro .- ette Vnirersli). both bride aid who was prostrated b the heat :id he aaally decided to carr out the wfA f 11 voters espreiaed at the Udaesaaar meetlna The six months Malloy. 1000; Duaxaa. 12S00: Frank I jibs, 4000: McKendree. 5. 000: Mrs. Hall. $J09. The heat w-as so Intense thit win dows a blo-k away from the fire xone were cracked. ."T. ..i! , ,w .Hi,in belns prominent members of bed to be remoed to a hospitc Wanana f fesk riA ka. Ia Imasha.v prates at which available sMes are , nar- , ,,. ,,, Uiu I M ha w. now have the beglaalag '" "2 ' i"?' " ?M For sign painting see Edwards. Adv. of cctloa watch will save the district aar farther advances. 1V moct interaatlaK Idea la thU -- ' ,JL 'TI'Tli -i - ... w.- i. w . i, Te groom began the school ye. r coawseuoa. however, is how ane it ,,., . , x.,. .., if we Might all take a!,-,. .' ij i ,.. nk.. ,u.. ' coaiatereUI work of the Bend high ai sjaMO uregon. waere ae was very saecassfsl In this newly orga-' alsed hrrnch of the school system. at he! later la the seleetloa of. taaatiais. to lastraot oaiestsMrca as' la la bMlldlaas ta house iheta. - - school. Mr. sad Mrs. Francis wlU Blak tJaaalp BHHuriAr hAMu in taUatsal oacas ild that tls idea of vklr. ,h(ir n ,, !,.. , ,y,Mll a aalrerstty M . lot with Mark frUnd, fll.P j,T l0. Hoahlns sittlaa on ooe ead of it. la ather words Mark Hepkias a a a faatons aad wonderful teacher and aaaaod aa iao halldiac to d his teachlaa ta. aad the idea wight : taken to heart here. We pat loo math emparels stiiif halattat and aot eaouah oa lui aaae oa iastde After all It I 'n Straatloa ahkh a child seeks in ad If. for coatmerctal or an. reasons the lastractloa i tlfcahted we are wastinc our tax mon ey aad stecllag from oar children i vavitor la towa amy aot like the of oar school building, bat if ta laatracttoa t aood. "we should wofTT" about the balldta. KM that the dletrirt ha reached a aaHt where uaasaol and import sat (aaattoa are eoatina up for set-tleaaeat- qaeatton oa which the aaaajwu of the tax payer are want- rijFr " be hUthly deelrsble if rafapsseetlax coald te held at ajMI place to live any who wish It aadaaortualt to be present We rra Sat so deladad as to suppoee that with the interest shown la aub Ite aaasttoas is Brad, aaleas thc toaafc the pocket hook, people will atahaa taaae atetiaa la say crest aasajbars. Hut it -oaM be aa advaa tiHH the school board mvetina war aa held that aay who wish Head, aad at least It would the aewsaapers an opportualty ta taara what wa Rotac oa aad rs- aaft ta their rwsde-s. Two haadrod aad fort) Ave thous and atras of ataa timber. More acwa of laad taaa are contained la the stato Of Rhode IsUad Oter eea aarat of aoor spare la their mills tad aabatdlsry factories. A hundred liltl of loaxtax railroad in the hajiidjag Three quarters of a miitkn doiatw tavastjad, la wilt aad atcre wlllliiai la ttsaaar. Kaoagh men on the ajurroU to make a pood I city Wasmrh toaaaa la lawber aad sash mmt ioiirt aad hex shook to support a raaaartablo railroad system All of this, mlad yoa. at the nrowrt and Use neadact of oe corporatloa which M and Head lie headquarters and ta, la oftsaaaa.- with the other bt loaal anarsiaaia. asselaK Head upon toe laiawirrl ' waa as aae of the gaast tsapartaat laasaar waaafactar tec pefats a the West, laaeed has it. . ,IUL.U . iu sMtssa War --t hMMod! Truly thayAlilRaoa ras- f oa ta taee the fatare with s&ilefse (toa aad sar)t)V . -f Union Pacific System Ranks FIRST AMONG TRAVEL ROUTES or the United States In Scenery, Service Equipment The three things that ctant Most in making travel pleas ant. Take advantage, of Low Mound Trip Fare and so East this summer ia the cool., smooth. RTaulte-cltMB UNION I'AOIKIO. AsV lor "TOUR" literature and the cost of a )oaraey "back home " lalon Pacific it the popular route to Yellowstono National Park In. tde a visit with your eas ier a trip. Through Sleeping Car Service direst to the 1'ark. J. II. COIUIMTT, Agent. A. I'. KGAN, 1. U. V 1. A. R(H!ND HIP FARES IVllVtT S.V1.tH) Olliull tHt.iHI Kunu City . 0.tH I I St. IauU . . . 71.20 (tilcagu VUM IVtrolt Kl..V WshlBgton kIOS.50 I lkk.tosi..s. ,1IO.t0 New York . 110,70 i The Dalles Sanatorium tei.ei'iiom: li 4001 One i eompb e instlt i,i ns oa the coast Pleas.-n lawns and porches THE DALLES, OREOON lhn "intir'' Tf -TiaiBK In-tItM.n WmftStMj lento ..11 lilt. I ltl 1 M1!! IS. S.iHttntcnlc .t 1T.I f I IrtSTf ..' I' ,. Putting over a good thing 1 ! IK A w 1 Jk ML MaVirvS?- It lips Making good clothes isn'C so very different from male ing other things that are good. It means using the best materials aad putting them Into the hands of the most sklNffal workmen. You oan't slight either ose and gel gaad resalis nobody knows that tetter thaa you do. Hart Soaaffaer & Marx are yar kind of clothes; they're wade of the best ma terials aad by the best work men. Yoa can bay eheaper. Clothes but )oa ean't buy clothes that are lower prto ed la the )oas ran. We are ready to prave lc Always a eowatete, Nae af men's fwratsMags aad Hter shelm sheas. CraiiA t lUrt &U.u S Um MARTIN & SAYE TWc hoa a Hut ScWikt &. Mux dotK WR1TI.IN TOURNAMENT W. H. Martin last Thursday night at the Eagle's smoker, established that he was a better man than any 10 sen in Bend on the mat. when he pinned down the shoulders of 10 1 cat grapplers In a total time of 3$ minutes and 16 seconds. Martin agreed, in making the bargain, that he would put them all out of the game In less than one hour. The vic tims of Martin's holds and the time he took to overpower them are as follows. H. Llgatfoot. first fall, 13 sec, by Chancery and oar lock: sec end fall in 5 seconds by same .hold; Frank McKeehan. la 3 niln. 25 sec. Chancery; Steve Steldl. 7 mln. 13 tec arm lock; Ira Illggerstaff, 3 rain. IS sec, oradle held; Alfred Hunnell, 2 win. 20 sec., half Nelson; 1M11- Hensley. 9 rain. 13 sec., double arm lock! Archie Melder. s mln. IS fe3 chancery and lr. John Steldl, 2 mln. 10 see., cradle hold. cry and experienced help that !.-t been secured makes this a worth) en terprise In Rend. ThU laundry v PI be operated under the latest sanlu.rv sstem known as the wet wash pro cess whereby the laundry 1 was!.-' extracted and returned ready r drying, starching or Ironing-. T ? process Is a big money and labor t, ,v er for the housekeeper. Finished work will also be solicited Ever day service will be offered Adv V FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK TEe Tailor All Kinds of CLEANING AND PRESSING Phone Bbck 14S1 Want Ads only ONE CENT a word, t TRADES IX1R RANCH. A. I- French tcday cloned a deal with J. M, Patton. ot Eugene. In which he traded acres of land near Xagene for 10 acres of land under the Tumasa irritation ;rvject. DRESSMAKING Ladles' and Chllutcn's Sewing of any kind. .MRS. R.LLHD Over R. W L. & P. Co. Offlco WILLIAM TITU DIES. William Thus, of Imperial, died of Jaoopkssr last Frtdn at the Bend Uoaaltal after a long illness. The funeral was held on Ssturday after nooa front the Nlswonger Undertak ing parlors. Rev. F. W. Keagy, of the Methodist church conducting the service. WET WASH LAUNDRY TO OPEN ' The new laundn 'cing cens-ruct-' ed will soon tie under operation Ow ing to the fact tha trodern machin- Good Eats Quick Service Cleanliness Variety at the aaanaaBaaaawamaaajaaajBawaaaanaBawjaajw Little Brick Restaurant Dream Theatre BOND STREET FRIDAY IRON CLAW The second showing of the powerful serial. Each one will be better than the previous one lWs .sptvial Moving picture showing the' log- &7xSn"co.s ras? THE siiev- SATURDAY THE THOROUGHBRED K-WxcTtW chr,ot,e B""8n- v,,aI Hlrd1""1 KKYSTONE COMEDY. "A Otrd'a a SUNDAY AT BAY wi. ?JIt,,,fl nd loosely dramatic-flUn 0Q FTorZeReV4.Snd thcTopu.a? j a