The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 21, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
1115X11, OHIXJOX, WKllXF.SllAV AFTKRMIOX, Jl'XM ill, 1111(1.
XO. 1(1.
Itoolutlons Adopted Calling1 on Oth
er Sections to Get Together Ami
Start Piwecrtiiiga .tellcrs-oii
(.'until' Man Tells of Hcncllts.
The flrst movement toVard a di
vision of Crook county at tho com
i til- election was taken Saturday
night ly tlto Ttimalo Dovolopmcnt
Leaguo at a meeting at Ttimalo. Over
2d niombors were present, Including
settlers from vnrlouB parts of tho
According to reports of tho meet
ing nil presont woro strongly In fa
vor of a division of tho county and
resolutions woro adopted urging tho
other communities Interested to pro
ceed with tho nftalr. Howard W.
Turner, of Madras, who was present,
described tho benefits of division as
thoy had been experienced In Jeffer
son county In tho past two years.
Tito ItCHolutloni.
f Tho resolutions adopted nt the
meeting woro as follows:
Whorcas, tho Redmond and Prlno-
vllle Commercial Clubs entortalned
n their rcspectlvo cities representa
tives of kindred organizations from
other pnrts of Crook ccunty, In tho
avowed advocacy of harmony among
tho various sections or ttio county;
Whorcas, this expression for com
munity co-oporntlpji Is credited to n
Blncero dcBlro to promote tho comity
., and wolfaro of thla county, and
v Whereas, no plan whataoevor look
ing toward this most dcslrablo end
has been lnltlnted,
Thereforo, Wo tho members of tho
Tumolo Dovolopmcnt Leaguo horo
r-ssomblcd, respectfully urgo upon tho
Hcdmcnd Commercial Club and tho
Prlnuvlllo Comniorclfil Club, nnd tho
appropriate bodies In other parts of
tho county, tho most onrnost consid
eration of tho following;
That, nt tho last ganoral oloctlon,
C1A per cent of tho voters of tho
proposed Deschutes county voted for
tho creation of such" county.
That, Falluro to poll tho ronulred
r.5 per cont In tho proposed county
was alleged to bo duo chlolly
(1) To prematurity of division.
(2) To lnonultnhlo division lino
end not consulting Jhoso most affect
ed by tho boundary ns to location of
That, In vlow of tlto rapid develop
ment of certain socuqaa nnd tho
(.ratifying prospects of similar do
velopmsnt oUewhoro In the county,
the objection of prematurity would
seem to be eliminated.
That if the Commercial Clubs of
Redmond nnd Prlnovillo approach the
subject with a measuio of that spirit
Known but recently, it Is our llrm
iellef that a lino botwean Redmond
and PrtnuYlllo might bo ohoaen as n
boundary for tho eorly division of
Crook county, acceptable to loth, nnd
equitable to all concerned; thus ob
v.ating the other objootlons boforo
Thereforo, recognizing that rum
ors of impending count)' division are
persistent and n constant monace to
' harmonious relations, wo bellovo that
the Untie of division furnishes an op
portune and appropriate objective
for community co-operation: and
Furthermore, IJelng wholly In fa
vor of n division of tho county at the
coining gonornl election wo urge
that tho nocossary tepa bo tnkon to
obtain united notion on the subject
Immediately and that committees be
appo'ntod from tho commercial bod
ies of this section to moot with tho
V Redmond and I'rlnovlllo clubs to
cgree upon linos to the end that an
(.mleablo sotticmont of this matter
may be had.
O. 8. Stunts' Lived Hero !K1 Veal's Ago
Visiting Urotlier.
Vleltlng Hond for tho first time
in 23 yenrs C. S. Slants arrived here
from Toppenlsh, Washington. Tues
day afternoon, coming .overland by
nutq. Mr. Staata In staying with hU
brother. W. II. Staata. Although he
had read of and been told about the
growth which has taken placo since
he lived hero 23 years ago Mr.
Staats.was unprepared to find what
he dlir on hit arrival yesterdav.
"When I lived hero." Mr. Staats
aW. "the only houses were Slse
rooro's up river, our house Itelow the
railroad bridge. Hubbard's near the
end of the old water company bridge
and Collins' down on what Is now the
road to Turualo. I've shot deer and
nKatiirui luittia nil around here.
Pilot Rutte Is one landmark which
it !.... tl, mo " Mr. StnatS Win
apend -everal days hero.
Senson Tickets Now on Sale nt $2.i0
Kitch Single Admissions Amount
to !? lli Programs In All. .
Tho llend Clin itauqun opons on
July I and continue until tho 9th
vItli two entertainments dally. In
addition thero will be a morning
program for the children conducted
by Miss Georgia Lattn.
liy arrangement with tho Ellison-
White Chautauqua Syotem, tho lo
cal guaranty has been reduced to
400 tickets nnd two tennis for tho
calo of tickets, appointed yesterday,
ato now at work. With each ticket
Is given a button to be worn by tho
purchasor. Thoro are eoveral dupli
cates and whenever tho possessors of
duplicates And each other their mon
ey will bo refunded.
Season tickets up to 100 In num
ber will bo sold at $2.50 each and
tho salo stopped. After tho begin
ning or the Chautauqua, season
tickets may bo bought nt tho ad
vanced price of t. Slnglo ndmls
slonu to the different programs rango
from 35 cents to 75 cents, tho total
slnglo admissions being ?G,00, ns
against $2.50 for n season ticket, If
bought boforo tho salo onds.
At a meeting of tho local guar
antors held Thursday night last
year's committee was re-nppolnted
to have chnrgo of tho nffnlr this year.
II. J. Ovcrturf taking tho plnco of
II. E. Allen. Tho two ticket tennis
nro as follows: 11. A. Stover, cap
tain, C. A. (Tohnson, A. L. French,
C, W. Ersklno. F, A. Woolllen, W
D. O'Donnell. 1 M. Smith, II. E.
Allon, F. R. Prince, Ward Coblo and
J. E. Larson. O. S. Young, captain,
Miss M. E. Cnlemnn, Mrs. E. M.
Tlmmpn-iiyU.-C. Ellis, F. D. Rocker.
V. V. Harphnm, R. V. Polndoxter, F.
M. May, H. Latham, C. L. Mann
holmor, A. C. Egan and Ross Farn
Wnrm Wctitlier nnd Much Needed
Hutu Put Everyone In Good Humor
Crops nro Itcncllttcd.
Old Jup Pluv. nnd Old Man Sol
must hnvo boon Inoculated with
somo of this "co-opcrntlon" stuff of
which Central Oregon has been hoar-
lng so much spasmodically for tho
Inst three months or so. Last week
thoy got tholr heads together and
produced a llttlo August wonther and
a llttlo moisture, and ns a result the
fcrmors, nutolsts, merchants and, In
facf almost everybody Is singing
tholr praises. "
Lost wook was something Hko n
Juno record Jircakor so far ns woath
er Is concerned. Wodnosdny and
Thursdny tho morcury climbed to 92
degrees nnd on Friday it Jumpod to
OB, which according to tho rec
ords of the Icnl weather station, Is
the highest tompornturo ever record
ed fn Juno. Oa Saturday tho short
nail was chockod by a fine rain.
The predication, was .53 of an Inch.
The rain which fell U roported to
have been general throughout Cen
tral Oroiron nnd was a decided boon
to the crops In overy Motion. Tho
rood out of llond which were dus
ty are mu oh Iniurovetl.
W. G. Hastings, supervisor of the
Deschutes National Forost returned
on Sunday ovenlng from an oxtendod
trip over the southern part of the
forest where ho arranged with tho
various rangers a campaign ngalnst
fires duiiiig the summer months. Mr.
Hastings roports that 10 fires hnvo
brnko out this year in tho forest.
The moil will devote their tlmo al
most ontlroly from now on until the
lira Boason closes In guarding against
(image. Every ranger in the forest
will h nrnvlded with a new telephone
' lost net which he may uttnch to the
telephone lino at any point aim an
vise tho iochl olllce of conditions In
tho forost.
J. L. Gnither. formerlv mnnngor
of the Pacific Statoa Telephono &
Telegraph Company, at Monroe,
Washington, nrrived In Rend on Sat
urday to take a similar position with
tho company hero. Mr. Gnither's
family will follow him later.
Hugh O'Kane was aurprliod on
Monday by n visit from an old frlond,
Colonel Newport, of Hermlston. Mr.
O'Kane and Colonol Newport freight
ed together on tho Missouri rlvor
hack In the 70's between Rlsmarok
and Rlckerson. North Dakota.
Liii-miii Phins "L" Shaped Addition
Coieilng .'J.700 Feot.
T'.ie maiedi: te enlt.rger.ont of ale
lrundry building to provide for the
knowing buaiaos s contemplated by
J. Edward Laraon, proprietor of tho
n- nd Steam I-atindry. The plana call
for a 20 foot extension en the south
side of the present laundry running
hack SO feet and than extending 36
feet across the rear. This v?lll give
1,700 feet of additional floor spsee.
Mr. Larson be alroady purchased
eomo now machinery for the addi
tion and expects to buy the rest in
Secttle roon. He leaven for Seattle
o rnuuj, bvsu.u.uh
to present
Mexican Invasion Will bo Xo "Joy
Junket," miys L. A. W. XUon
Hardships Face Titop.s Prob
lems in Rig Southern Country
Prosident Wilson, war, Villa, Car
ranza, mobilization, Mexico, and na
tional gunrd, wero words that woro
on tho lips of almost ovory person in
Hcnd within a few hours nfter Tho
Bulletin had published an extra on
.Monday noon, confining tho nows
that President Wilson, through Sec
retary of War Newton D. linker, had
Issued orders for immediate inomu
zntlon of tho nntlonnl guard of all
tho states In tho Union, subject to
call for Immediate service on tho
Mexican border.
Much Interest Shown.
Although thoro Is no guord com
pany In Rend to respond to the call
r.nd although tho scenes, which In
many other plnces In tho statu will
tnku placo attendant upon despatch
ing tho troops to Clackamas prepar
atory to doparturo for the front, tho
Interest manifested In the latest nnd
most drnstl action of President Wil
son In regard to Mexico woro follow
ed by keen and In. crested comment.
In less than three hours after tho
call was sent out to tho captains of
tho companies of tho Oregon National
Guard, liny Doyarmond, of Hcnd, re
ceived his call from tho hcadqunrtero
of Company L, nt Dallas, to which
ho belongs. Mr. Doynrmond respond
ed nt onco, lonving on tho Monday
ovenlng train to repoit.
Tho only other llond men In tho
stnto mllltln is G. P. Putnam, pub
lisher of Tho Rulletlii and secretary
to Governor Wltl.ycombo. Mr. Put
nam Is n member of Company M., of
Snlom, and Is now with his company
at Clncknmr.3.
Almost evorywhero about town
comment upon tho Moxlcnu situation
was rlfq, nnd Presldont Wilson wns
nlvon unstinted support In his action
against Carrnnza nnd tho provisional
govornmnnt of Moxlco, Women .woro
apparently much Interested In tho
events of tho day. Of tho calls that
wore rccolvod nt Tho Bulletin olllco
concerning probablo war, calla by
v.omon wcro in mo majurii).
Rift Task win Troops.
That tho troops iyIII havo no Joy
Junkot Into Moxlco Khould President
Wilson order ncross-tho border,
la tho opinion of L. A. W. Nixon,
wno spont U yirrs in Mexico, dur
ing which time ho traveled through
many or thp Mcxlcnn Htntos.
"Mexico," says Mr. Nixon, "or that
part thiciiRh which tho troops will
probably have to paw, Ilea much like
the High Desert country, only tho
northern Mexican country Is far
greater l'i extent, and presents far
greater piohloms to the traveler. 8o
vore hot weather and high humidity
will be depressing to the American
troopers. Scarcity of water will also
bo keenly felt should the army he
sent directly south tluough the heart
of tho country. Thero are hundreds
of mlUs nt a stretch where no water
Is obtulnnblo. The conditions under
which the troops will invade will d
tormlne much as to tho hardships
thoy will have to encounter. If they
follow the line of the Mexican Cen
tral railroad the hardship will h
loss than If they take n lots direct
CJinisfr Is TicnrlH'mii".
"The war, should It lie declared
against Mexico, will not be Just a few
month's affair for the Unltod States.
People, generally, hnvo llttlo Idea as
to tho chnructur of the country. The
'Gronwrs' know overy foot of their
own country. Thoy will never light
openly, but will rotlre to the moun
tains, pashee and canyons that they
can command with small forces whore
food Is abttrdrnt nnd continue a
guerilla warfare for months at a
time without serious lossos. It Is
understood that tho 'greaser' U
treacherous. Ho Is both clover nnd
treacherous and It will take many
months of campaigning of far great
er magnitude than In the Phllllplne
campaign to subduo tho Mexicans."
"Lot's Catch Villa" hB, of Is'".
bncomo B 'nvoriio .u, ie . n -
neighborhood liovs nnd girls In Ly-
tle and Riverside additions. More
becomo a favorite pnstlmo of the
than two score of youngsters have
hoen conducting on imaginary cam
paign against tho Mexican Uandl' for
the last several weeka over the rock
pile end In the river osnyon of their
neighborhood. Reports are that
ihov are as suoeewful oa General
With the failure, on
lut 8atur
day, of the Kalier Constniollon Com
pany of Vancouver, 8. C. te produce
Its oarneat fee of 10 per eent of the
amount of Ixmds with which to con
struct the 8uttlse I-ake Irrigation
Protect, the eoatraet wbleh existed
between the district and tho KaUor
company Is ' otllsials of the
district, to have been automatically
Avoi-mi other contractors aro in
terestlng themsolves in the Jefferson
county project.
Vhlt Ttinmlo Piojcet nnd Inspect Saw
Mill Take Lunch tit Camps
Concatenation Held on Friday
Dinner nt Emblem Club Sat.
After two days of strenuous sight
seeing In tho hottest weather known
horo this year, and after n lloo-Hoo
concatenation, a dauco nnd nn Em
blem Club dinner, tho Hoo-lioo vis
itors of Friday and Saturday loft
Saturday night on their return to
their homes In Portland and Seattle.
For two days tho town wns thelre.
According to their own accounts tholr
fcollngs on doparturo woro that thoy
would not caro to see nny food again,
having had so much while here, nnd
as for prosperity and promlso of fit
turo growth, all agreed that no plnco
they hnd ovor seen could compare
with Rend.
Arriving on tho morning trntn
Friday, tho party was escorted to tho
Pilot Rutte hotel for brcnkfiiHt, tho
procession being led by the Rend
Iwind. From brenkfast tho party was
taken ovor tho Tunuilo project, re
turning to tho RrookB-Scnulon board
lug camp for lunch. In tho nftor
noon there was an Inspection of tho
now saw mills followed by tho Con
catenation, or Initiation of now mem
bers, at tho Emblem Club. In the
ovenlng a dnnco was given.
Tho greater part of Saturday was
spent In tliu woods, In tho morning
at tho llrooka-Scnnlon camp nnd In
tho afternoon nt tho Shovlln-lilxon.
Lunch was served ut tho Shovllii
Illxan camp.
Saturday evening occurred tho
dlnnor nt tho Emblem club whoru
various Emblem Club nnd Hoo-IIno
stunts were put on, followed by
spcoches by Addison Bennett, T. A.
McCnnn, Mark Woodruff, W. P.
Lockwood and R. W. Suwyor.' E. M,
Lurn was toastmister.
Woman Who Wns .IhMit'lulrtl In
HukIi.-cxn With Dry Uiko Postmas
ter Plans l.llx)! Holts
That her reputation had been ser
loiuly damaged by newspaper reports
cf Imr alleged conuccviou with tho
p, 'illations of C. A. Hangton. the
Dr Lake post master who recently
pU'i.lwl guilty to the charge of mis
use of Unltod States money orders,
Is .ixxerted b'y Mrs. .lotwlo It. Thayer,
who was In llond on Saturday ho
foie leaving for her homestead nt
I, Lako. Mrs. Thuyor la planning
lilie! Milts agaltmt certain papers
whic'i printed, what she snys were
rr.l. i- reports of the affair.
A i cording to Mm. Thayer she free
ly visited the postal authorities in
Poi'it'Ud before returning to Rend
nnd triors mado a complete statement
of I. t business relations with lleng
tti .1 with whom she hud been caso
cUud boforo tho discovery of bis ac
tion. So completely were they sat
Isric 'I with the ficta of the matter us
expl Inttd by her that thoy told her
that thoro weiu no ahargeo ngalnat
I. or ,ind that she waa free to oome
nnd ko without restrlotlou.
In ronpoet to her homestead, which
Ker.Kiton la said to have stated had
lieen improved by the money which
h "litnlutul through his Improper
uce of monoy orders, Mrs. TJinyor
say that thoro are no Improvement
on it and offers to tako any ono out to
It t' see this fur himself. The auto
mo 'i'o which he Is said to havp
io'r.'it far liar with postal funds.
, ) hi t(J llceo ,.
, ,iwll,i ,v i.r which rimi.
oth-i ear owned by her which Bowg-
ston ware gut by rough uwago.
,vs. Thayer's horr Is at Culnm
blu Itr, about 31 miles below Port
land oa the Columbia river, fjbo Is
nou A her hometad at Dry lake.
V. vea cars, comprising 2,S'
he; i of sheeii, were shipped from
Beni on Saturday by Alex Muekin-
- '""'' WJ Hrnw. California, for th-
nir "Hi manes, ine pnee iwi
ku" n. hut it la undertool tljat It
U I-'lor than normal.
M reelltiH Lsra. a well knovii real
ostaio man of 8etllo, and tt one
time rssootatod with the Iira sum
In H' nd. died Iv.t Wedaesdar Bbjht
i.t the Harrison Apartments In to-
attlf The late Mr. Larn was 78
year old and is survived by one '.on.
I " ' -". ' 'lc',1-
More Dry Kilns Planned Stacker
nnd I'nstnckcr living Hullt Ro
Factory Ite-iui.
A renewnl of construction activity
at tho Rroks-Scanlon plant Is about
to tnko place to result In tho addi
tion of n number of now buildings
which will add to tho general elllcU
ency nnd at tho samo tlmo give em
ployment to n number of additional
Ono of tho additions, already un
der construction, Is n stacker and
urntackor system, for use nt tho dry
kilns. Tho typo to bo Installed Is
tlto Curtis which Is already In use In
ninny of tho largo coast mills, Includ
ing tho Everett, Washington, plnnt
of tho Wpyerhneusers. In tho Cur
tis slacker, tho lumbor, Instead of
dropping vertically on edgo Is placed
on n sloping arm until tho course Is
completed, then n lovor tips It to a
vortical position nnd piiBhea the load
bnck on tho truck ready for tho next
The stnekor system will hnvo a en
paclty of 100,000 foet por day, and
In connection with it thoro will bo
built four more dry kilns. Tho now
shod covering tho trncks In front of
tho kiln will bo 10x175. At ono end
will bo nnother building 32xU0 to
bo used ns a cooling shod and for
other purposes nnd nt right angles
to this last will bo a third building,
40x18 In Blze, to bo used n n sort
ing shed. Part of ono of theso
buildings Is now framed.
Another building for which tho
ground Is now being cleared Is tho
box factory, S0xl20 feet in slzo. This
will bo placed on tho trnck east of tho
planer nnd will hnvo room for addi
tions If needed. Tho motors for tho
rnninrv nm already hero nnd II Ib ex
pected to havo It In operation In
July, About 30 men will bo employ
ed In tho fnctory.
For tho pinning mill now equip
ment hn been ordered which will
provldo n total cnpaclty of 250.000
feet of drcssod lumber n day. Other
equipment Includes n now oil burning
locomotive. An oil storngu tank Is
now bolng orected. A socond Mc
Girtcrt loader has also beon ordored
nnd will bo put In opornllon ib soon
as posBlblo, Incensing tho logging
Innovation to Mlnlmlo AecldeiitH l
Taken by City Rules or Road
lliuu Reen Dlsiegarded.
Corner xtrct signs, bear'ng the
words "Keep to tho Right." will bo
erected on tho principal buslnoss
stieet corners some time this woek.
The sign were ordered Monday by
councilman John Steldl ami wilt be
hut up Just as wuiiti tuey urrne.
The signs nn iMirtahto, WKile of
steel und stand on n subslimtlal haw.
tw itunels which will Interseat each
...i..... .i ttffht ana-les will bear the
warning sign Ou team ami nuto-i..,-
Tim iianels will be painted red
mid the letter greon and will lie
orected 111 the middle of the oornurs.
The following corners imvn neon
temporarily selected for the location
of the corner signs: Wall and Green
woui: Wall and Oregon: Wall and
Ohio: Hond and Greenwood: llond
,.ad Mliineoota.
Observation of late, hnH hown
that autolsU. In purtlculnr, liave
h. mi dlareajardlng the .otivontlonal
tn Hlc rulea. of keeping m the right
and the wirnor signs ba Imoo or
dered and will bo put up to warn
drlvera of the necessity of moro pre
caution on tho main sin-oW. The
matter was provided for m tho traf
fic ordinance adopted b) tho oounoll
itttt week.
Work oa the state htuhwny south
from Rend will be dour ""
rount under tho directum o r (Joun y
Commlealoner Ovorturf. all bids re
ceived last week having b.' rejeotod
t.y the State Highway 'omiirfealon.
(1 K.I Hoss. of the atat" highway de
partment. Is here toduv lu arrttiige
or "he installation of an aeeauntlw
..,t it ! MKiiectfd that worK
will begin as soon ns rra nnd ma-
t-ilal can be assniuitieii.
ItOHllllK Refoii' 'H,',U 1"r'0' '""
minion lii Ihfiid .lujy II.
The complaint of tlu- (' O, I. 0.
Water I'iv'i Aseoeluiloii y. Ilia
rB,,.ral Qregoa .,,,,,,,,"nSfi,8!lf
lil be heard bafore the PuWla wr
v,ch commfraloa of Or,un H. BeHd
I - n July 11. acooroins i .,....-.---'....ulveil
Ihls week 1. H H. Oa Ar
i...nd. atirney for n- a4ur Ua-
k's' Aesorli'tlon
'I I',, Injunction iim--muia -tPn,-
LiouKlit before the J(UPram
(V- r' te present the wimmlsautii Iraw
hoamg the case. u..a ,2
that the eoiniiileelon h tot
!"", o"t a r-rov c ProJeiT. wore
dismissed by tho court.
375,000 POUNDS
Opinion Held Tluit. Central Oregon
Crop, Stored In Rend, Will RiIiik
A Record Price of Ul Cents
Sheep Men nro Optimistic.
Moro thnn 37R.000 pounds of Cen
tral Oregon wool will bo ottered for
snlo noxt Friday nt tho United Ware
house In Rend nt prices, It is believ
ed In ininy cases that will exceed
21 cento a pound. A conservative es
timate mado by Manager A. M. I'ln
glo of the warohouso company, places
tho clip this yonr that Is tributary to
llond, about 2G,000 pounds In excess
of tho clip that wna offered for snlo
Inst year.
That tho shoopnion of Central Ore
gon wltl soil nt tho prices raiiglug
about 21 cents per pound, and that
tho buyers will not hesltnto to offer
thlB prlco Is gonornlly thought te bo
certain. Twonty ono cents n pound
for tho flno grada of wool Bitch ob Is
clipped In this part or tho stnto Ib
considered to ho nn exceptionally
high prlco. Last year tho prlco paid
on thu uvorago, wns 1(1 cents por
pound. Tho vulito of thu clip that
will Tie nvnllnblo for snlo nuxt Friday
Is estimated (o be about $011,000, all
of which It Is conlldonlly bulhivod
will bo taken.
W. W. Rrown, of Flfo, is tho lnr
goBt contributor to tho supply Hint
will bo placed on stile Brown's clip
UiIb yonr Is 00,000 pounds and ban
boon Bold for Huvornl months at IS
centB por poiinl, which brings $10,
200. Rend has ns Its wool tributary
Rums. Flfo, Bllvor Lako and La Pino.
Tho clips throughout hnvu been very
sntlBfnctory thli eprlngl say tho sheep
men, desplto tho fact tlmt the -winter
was unusually sovo.o for sheep. Thu
lambing, rognrdless of tho cold,
backward spring, has also been bet
tor than normal and thu sbeupinoii
say thny nro plonscd with tho out
look for tho soason. riuiuiuer grat
ing promises to bo bettor than tho
Hhoopmun havo experienced In yeara
duo to tho henvy snow full which
has brought about u prollllo growth
of grniw.
Tho sheepmen who hnvu ninilo
their shipments to Bond and tho
number of pounds they will offer for
snl aro as follows:
Ed. Laniii, 11,000 pounds; Mlko
Anglcnd. H.uOO pounds; Ned Ang
lnd, M00 pounds: Pat Augluud,
0.001) pounds: W. J. Jamison, 20,000
pounds; Alex. Mackintosh, 11,000
pounds: Murphy Bros., 1 1,0115 lbs;
Berry & Ahem, 19,000 pouiMji: Tom
Crouiii. 16.660 ii.imJs: Carroll A
llourgan. 11.560 pounds: lfUl$:"
Bros.. 7.700 itouuds; W. W. Brown,
00,000 pounds: Breen KlUiyv, H,
700 iKiiiiuls: Con O'Coimell, H.QOO
iwinuds: Dealy Bros. 10,000 piiiimU;
J. g. llogue, B47 iKiunds; John jAU
klnsou. 7.700 pounds.
Tim e mount of wo.: thst Is In sonm
In, th.s oel and !' owners rd nn
OKeefu :ros K-,000 pounds; N.
II. I'lrkor, IO.T'iu pounds: L. P. Kl
pel, 20,000 Kiunds and C. It, liny,
1P.N00 iKiunds. ,
Th ilrnm which will probagly bu
represented nt the sain are: P8iidlu
Uiu Woolen Mills, of Peudlaloii; Rot
any Woolsn Mills, Passlae, Nw 4iP
aoy; liHlluivell, Jones Dunnlll.
Iloston: Keslaud Company, RoaUm;
ICIsemami Bros., Boston.
TO I'l.W IIKMl Ki'NDAV. -The
Hhovlln-lllxiHi ComiMiny iiliiu
will meet the Bend nine noil Hull
day on the local diamond. Tho mill
team has hoen greHtly stroaglhejmil
In tho last two weeks by the millst
mmit Into Its. fold of soma "pltt
heads" In the gsine The showing
made by tho Rend nine In the niiia
last Runday agalust I'rlnevlile luia
given the mill team eonBUenfio tliat
It will take Sunday's coolest.
KllltKI' RRTl'UN.
Twenty two, of the 260 oat' of
sheep from the winter rang alwUt
Suanltui. Arllaa-teu and the naHufwi
country, arrived In Had oa ttp
day sad ware taken to the aM!iJlir
ranges In various parts of the Ulter
ior. The sheepmen t-sy that Uw -ter
feeding and giarlnu wti pjJws
Uve of good results.
A permanent brick bulldiag 40 bf
HO feel will rise on I he ground Of.
.u..i..,i i,v thu Huffachtttldl.
iA w..ri to rtmlaee the foi
balldlng recently dealroyed hft:
M.eaara. iiurrhenmiai anw mi
on Monday "UHt for Portlaad
dor new pjaihluery for the i
ti. miahfnerv formerly aassi J
beeu badly damaged by tha ftjr