W r-. U' . a rajKJM4ra ' fr ' -s 7Z' W ' V n THE DEND UULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1010. JB f 1 ' "'' V Jc -Jj PAGE It. I LAND IS GIVEN til PAISLEY MAN t- DONATES II ACRES TO RAILROAD JMukcM Gift In Bpllo of Fact Tlmt Pro- jiosctI IiIko Culls Ills Hunch Into Tlirco I'urts Elotcn Acres in- eluded In . Deed fof liind. (Chowaucan I'roBS.) -. hast Tuesday afternoon li. A. Mobs nnd Mrs. Moss walked Into the Palsloy National Dank nnd plncod their signatures upon a deed convey ing to Holiort E. Strahorn for usu of tho Oregon, California & Eastern railway, olovon acres of their ranch situated Just cast of Palsloy. This tract of lnnd represents a .strip of land 2 BO foot In wlillli nearly across tho Mom ranch and olnco the r'.nch Is In tho shape of nn "L" nnd tho right Ot way crosses both ends, tjl It cuts tho placo into thrco tracts. Tho eleven acre.-, comprises nearly all -ot tho terminal ground! nsked for at I'alsley. It is thus seen that tho right of way hits Mr. Mobs hauler than any other poraon along tho line nnd por hrps ns hard as all tho rest In this district put togothor. Wlion congratulated upon his gen eroslty, Mr. Moss snld, "I am doing It for tho pcoplo of I'alsley. If they vant tho railroad on this survey I am glad to da what I can to got It thorc. It hits mo pretty hard, and cuts my ranch Into threo pieces and whother I wilt mnko anything out of It or not I don't know, hut wo need n railroad and If wo nro 'going to got ono wo must all do what wo can to help." With Mr. Moss nnd his wlfo lead ing tho way thero should he no trouble In gottlng tho rest of those whoso land Is crossed by the rail road to Blgn their deeds. it It would not hnvo boon unreason ' nblo for Mr. Moss to request tho town ot Palsloy help hint bonr a part of tho burdon thus cast upon him but ho mado no stipulations of this na ture. Mo has sajd from tho start that ho was ready to sign his deed at any tlmo and ho has fulfilled his promise. Wo congrntulato Mr. Moss upon his generosity. Tho first deed for right of way was received by tho Palsloy Commer cial Club last Thursday. It was mado by D. C. McKlssIck, who owns n large tract of land at the north end of segregation and tho dood Is for ono hnlf mllo of right of way. Tho right of way commlttco Is busy with tho matter In hand nnd now that they are at work It will cortalnly not take them long to complete tho work laid out for thorn by President Strahorn. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OP CONTEST. Department of the Interior. United States Land Ofllce, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, Juno 2, 19 10. To Julius O. Sandberg, of Aberdeen, Wash., Contcstco: You nro hereby notified that Nelco Doludo, who gives Ilcnd, Oregon, ns his post-omce address, did on April 3, 1910, fllo In this ofrico his duly corroborated application to contest nnd sccuro tho cancellation of your Homestoad Entry No. , Serial No. 013831, mado September 4, 1914, for EV4 Section 29. Township 20 8., Hnngo 17 E. Wlllamotto Meridian, and as grounds for his contest ho al leges that said Julius O. Sandborg has failed to reside upon or cultivate said land or any part thoreof;- that said ontryman, ns I am Informed and bellove, nnd thercforo stnto, has wholly abandoned said tract for mora than six months last past. You are, therefore, furthor noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken as confessod, and your said entry will bo canceled without fur thor right to be heard, clthorabofore this ofllco or on appeal, If yon fall to fllo In this ofllco within twenty days after tho FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, spoclflcally re sponding to thoso allocations of con test, togothor with duo proof that you hnvo sorved n copy of your an swer on the said contestant cither In porson or by registered mall. You should stato In your answor tho namo of tho post ofllco to tvhlch you doBtro future notices to bo sent to you. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Date ot first publication June 7, 1916. Date ot second publication Juno 14. 1916. Dnto of third publication Juno 21, 191C. Dato ot fourth publication Juno 28, 1010. 14-17c NOTICE FOR PUHLiCATlON. Dopartmont of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, June 2. 191C. NOTICE Is hereby given that Cllf- Get this $1.65 Wear-Ever ALUMINUM SIX-QUART KETTLE For Preserving, Pot Roasting, Stewing, Etc. I Useful every day v""' n m Pleaaa note new y II For ONLY nd tko coupon If presented oaor before Juno 17, 1916 98c Aluminum utensils are NOT "all the tame." Be sure you get "Wear-Ever." Look for the "Wear-Ever" trade mark on the bottom of every utensil. If it U not there It U not "Wear-Ever." 11EFUSK SUUSTITUTES. ktlKYft , . . .1 .1 . . Mf rvepmee uiojjeiw uuai wear m. with uteiuiU that "Wear-Ever" U4hU4 lHMIMt Sto for younelf the difference between "Waar-Evor" aod other klndi of aluminum and enameled ware then you will know why so mwiy women prefer "Wear-brer cookies; uteMUi. Cut out tab Coupon Bring k to us today f ton K. Evans, ono of tho holrs and for the heirs of Thomas T. Evans, deceasod, of Hond, Oregon, who, on January 9th, 1913, made Homcstcnd Entry No. 011153 nnd on November 7th, 1913 made additional Homestoad Entry. No. 012205, for SWU Soctlon 10, NWU 8ectlon 15, Township 20 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, Iiob filed notice of Inten tion to mnko Final Threo Year Proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before II. C. Ellis, U. 9. Commissioner, nt Rend, Oregon, on tho 13th day of July, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Elmer E. Culltson, Frank Hurwltz, David Rogers, Hownrd F. Dyer, all ot Mllllcan, Oregon, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, M-ISp, Roglster. NOTICE F()R PURIFICATION. Department ot tho Interior, IT. S. Lnnd Olllco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 25th, 191C, NOTICE Ib hereby given thnt Aar on D. Norton, of Mllllcnn, Orogon, who, on March 11th, 1911, mado Homestoad Entry, No. 08311, for Lots 1-2, BM NEVi nnd SE, Sec tion 5, Township 20 South, Range 15 East, Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filed notlco or intentkn to mnko Fin al Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. CommiBlson or, nt Rend, Orecon, on tho 10th dny ot July, 1916. Claimant names nn witnesses' Georgo Mllllcan, Fred O. Klger, Ef II o M. Conway, of Mllllcan, Orogon: Otts C. Henklo, Henry 11, Ford, of Dond, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 13-17t. ReglBtor NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. Department ot tho Interior, U. H. Lund Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 22. 191C. NOTICE Is horoby given that Earl J. Flomlng, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on November 23rd, 1912, mad Homestead Entry, No. 0100C0, for SEU Section 25, T. 20 S., It. 1C n and Lota 3-4, EH SWU, Section 30, Township 20 South, Rnngo 17 East. Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filed notlco of Intention to make Final Thrco Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Hon:). Oregon, on tho Cth dny ot July, 191(1. Claimant namos ns witnesses. Gilbert Q. Daughenbaugh, Samuel I. Daughenbaugh, Clomenco E. Mnstol lar, Orlea O. King, John E. Murphy, nil of Rend, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 12-lCp. Register. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Department ot tho Interior, U. S. Land Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Orogon, May 22. 191C. NOTICE Is horeby given thai Frnnk Hurwltz, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on March 31st, 191.1, main Homestead Entry No. 011601 and on Februnry 28th, 1914, made addition al Homestead Entry, No. 012592, for SEU Section 3, WV4 NEH, W S EVi. Section 10, Township 20 South, Range 14 East, Wlllamotto Morldlnn, has filed notlco of Intontlon to mnko Finnl Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before H. C Ellis, U. 8. Commission er, at Rend, Oregon, on tho 6th day of July, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses Orlea O. King, Rrothcrs, Oregon, Rniminl J Hnlinolrnl- fMlftnn t. tftt- ans, Elmer E. Culllson, David C uogem, Ainrina n. orgey, all or Mllllcan, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 12-16p. Register. RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FOREST. Notice Is horoby glvon thnt the lands described below, embracing 90 acres within the Deschutes Nntlonal Forest, Oregon, will bo subject to settlement and on try under tho provisions of tho homestead laws of tho United States and tho act of Juno 11, 1900 (34 Stnt , 233), at tho United 8tatcs land ofllco at Tho Dnlles, Oregon, on July 20, 1910. Any so'ttlor who wns actually and In good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1900, and has not nbandoned anmo, has a proferonco right to make a homestead entry Tor tho lands actually occupied. Said lands were llstod upon tho ap plications or tho persons mentioned below, who have n prerorence right subject to the prior right of any s ch settlor, provided such settler or Applicant Is qualified to mnko home stoad entry and tho preference right is exercised prior to July 20, 1916, on which dnto the lnnds will bo sub ject to settlement nnd entry by nny qualified porson. Tho lands nro as follows: Tho E4 SWU. nnd tho NE K of Lot 3 (10 acres) Sec. 30, T, 1! S., R. 14 E., W. M., 90 acres, appli cation of M. L. Hinds, Jonnlngs Lodge, Oregon: List 0-1841. May 10. 1916. 1). K. PARROTT, Acting ABsistnnt Commissioner of tho Gen sral iLand Ofllco. 13-1 6c .1 Best of WJ(n Ml Wofk Leather WMim I Quick and Used. Y By J If Neatly. Workmanship fT TC 1 T C WorkramsWp Guaranteed. V.tUj I. UDj Guaranteed. (AUSTIN'S QUICK SHOE REPAIR SHOP I SNOW CEL SHIELDS Blacksmith Shop Near Eait End of New County Diidge Wajjon Work, IIorucHhocinj; GENERAL DLACKSMITHING NOTICE KOK PURIFICATION. Department or tho flitorlor, U. fl. Land Ofllco. nt Thp Dalles, Oregon, May 13, 1916. NOTICE Is horoby glvon that Sam uoW. Robacker, of Rend, Oregon, who, on February 4 th, 1913, mado Homestead Entry. No. 011254, tor EM, Section 35, Township 19 South, Rnngo 14 East, Wlllntnotto Morldlnn, hen filed notlco of intention to niako Final Threo Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, Rotoro It. C. Ellis, U, S. Commission er, at Road, Orogon, on tho 20th day of Juno, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Petor I). Johnson, John E. JohnBon, David C. Rogers, Levi V. Smith, How ard F. I)) or, all ot Mllllcan, Oregon; Daniel W, Rcolor, of Rend, Oregon. It. FRANK WOODCOCK, ll-15p Register. VACATION TIME WILL SOON BE HERE Plan Now A Truly Recreative Trip. New ScenesNew Foods New Air Everyone Needs. Let us help you find Them. Union Pacific System OREQON.WASIIINQTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Is Tho Dlroct, Pleasant Routo to the Chlof Rosort Centors of tho Paclflo Northwest. Rooklets, fares and specific Information about Yeliowstouo National Park, North Reach, Wallowa Lake Park, M Hood and Columbia Rlvor Resorts FREE upon ap plication to .T. II. 0011111.1 Agent. A. C. 1XJAN, I), V. & l. A. ifSiiiiiV MEMBERS BEND BUILDERS' EXCHANGE 11P.NI) IIIUCK & T.UMI1KR CO IIKND HARDWARE CO HEM) PLUMIIINO & IIEATINO RKNI WATER IJOHT & IOWi:U IlllOOKH-SCANIX)N LUMREIl CO. IIROSTERHOUH. K. I. CAHUSON & JA'ONH OKNTRAIj OREGON PLU51III.V(5 & CUNNINOIIAJI. J. J. DOUTII1T, O. li. KDW.VRIKS, A. E. ;()(i(iONH, A. J. IIAZL'ICA. 3, A. HOIJIIUClia, A. F. 1NOKMANN, OKO. IVEHKON is HON, CHRIS. JOXK.4, II. K. MctX)Y H Hl'THKRia.NII . MILLER Ll'MIIEK CO. MONTGOJ1HRY, Wil. PALMER, M. A. HKl'Ki: IIAROWAItK CO. KMITII. II. P. SMITH, N. V. TANHY. JOHN WHITE. V. J. Wl WON & CO., Q. H. IIIUCK DEALER HARDWARE CO PLUMIIEll OO. , KLEOTIUC filTPLIKrt LOIIIER MANUFACTURE! W f.ENEIUL CONTIUCTOIt PM'MllEHrt IliaTINO CX. PLOIItElt (lENERAL CONTlL(rrOH i:Li:OTItIC Kl'PPLIErt PAINTER PAINTER (iKNERAL CONTRAOTOH PiaSTKRKIt (.ENEIUL CO.N'TJtACTOlt fiENERAL CONTR IOTORS PAINTER GENERAL CONTRACTORS LUM1IEU REALEiH TINNER GS3NERAL'CONTRAOTOR HARDWARE I'MHTEHHH HARIIWAIIH IIIUCK IIYING CONTRACTOR GENEiaii CONTIUOTOR tiKNEHAL CONTIUCTOK ilfaRf We will actrpttbUroapan and e to painacat for om "Wear- JtBJI RM Ever" tli quait Aluminum Kettle, wlikh mIU rcruliilr tot l Hl tl as, protldnl rou Pietcui tiM coupon In poaoa at Uxe ja or JHKV Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Huh and Washington Sltli PORTLAND, OREGON Centrally Located 4W The Hotel for YOU Room Hates Si. 00 per duy, More if you wish to pay. Excellent Restaurant in connection. Breakfast and Luncheon 25 cents. Dinner f Cents. Continuous sen'iee at very moderate prices. Hotel Benson PORTLAND, OREGON 9- LbbHESRh HBBBBffalal aaVrSaBaVSr ' aHiflaaaaaaaaaaaaal 'Xawat?! Aak ' waBavaBSBBBVsEv OLXML ITCSWaBaPCiafflfc HjHFWBnKjaxw 47aaaaaaVaaaavBr 2aUaAffSPLKf!aaaV We believe that there is no Hotel in the entire United States more JiundsoHiely furnished or that oilers more to the traveller. HATES $1.50 and up without buth. $'2.00 and up with bath. A. T. LUNDUOHG, Manager I ,1 it 'Ti I i MilLJUMULUUHIII llll II lllll IIIIHII MaaMMsaBaWdi HEADQUARTERS NO. BEND CO. BLDG. Mil 91 I a- if mini m win m mgx-jjnmm- TTWTfrKWRHUr MSim 'STnF'Z-5rTr:iTfivJi'?, T k