The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 07, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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(Vuntitlttro Appointed nt Salorn Con.
fcrenco l'lmilly Makes Ilepoit
AtlmiK'J' General Apnimcs
JIIIN Iellces Mcnstiics Good
(Oregon Journnl.)
,i'rouoscd cuiiBtltutlonnl amend
ments to provide for uso of the Btuto'B
credl' " ' irrigation nnd drain
jge districts wnB reported to A. L.
jlllh (linirinan of the Btnto credits
conference, by the committee coll
ecting of J H. Kerr, 0. C. Chapman
and Asa II. Thonip3on, appointed nt
the time of the conference, March 9
and 1. to draft tho measures.
The measures hod been approved
as to form by tho attorney goneral.
"I iiollevo they nro good meas
ures, said Mr. Mills this morning.
11m Lommlttoo makes no recom
mendations ns to tho steps which
nould be taken to have tho amend
ments plncod on tho bnllot nnd Mr.
Milts Is not ready jot to stato wheth
er tho conference should be recon
vened or to dlscucc the probabilities
of the Oregon Irrigation Congress
sponsoring nnd initiating tho meas
ures Ho will report tho proposed leg
Islntlon to J. V. Kroner, president of
tho Irrigation congress. Whllo tho
measures prepared by tho commlttco
provide for tho so of tho stnto's
credit small element of risk Is In
volved. May Isniio IIoihIh.
A regularly organized Irrigation or
drcinngo district mny Issuo bonds by
vote of tho people in tho district.
Tlio country In which the district
is located miny vote to guarantee tho
Interest on tho bonds. If tho coun
ty votes favorably, then tho state may
issuo Its bonds nnd with tho proceeds
s buy tho bonds of tho Irrigation or
dralnngo district, tho bonds, ns was
Ftatcd, to bo guaranteed as to Inter
est by tho county.
Tho stnto's bonds will bo four per
rent, tho Irrigation or drainage dis
trict 1onds, six per cent, tho two
per cent difference will provldo suf
ficient funds for administration nnd
to retire tho bonds In about 30 years.
Tho county gunrnnteo amendment
ns drafted by tho committee Is brief.
It rends:
"No county shall crcato nny debts
V or liabilities which shnll singly or In
tho aggregnto exceed tbo sum of $G,
000, excopt to Eiipress insurrection or
Topol Invasion, or to build nnd main
tain pormnncnt roads within the,
county, or to provldo irrigation for
nrld or semi-arid .lands or dralnngo
for wot or overflowed lands; and
dobts for permnnont roads shall bo
incurred only on approval of n ma
jority of those voting on tho ques
tion, and shnll not cither singly or
in tho nggrcgate with previous dobts
and liabilities incurred for that pur
pose, exceed two per cont of tho ns
Fosscd vnluntlon of all tho property
in tho county.
Mut bo Guaranteed.
"No debt for Irrigation or drain
ago shnll bo created excopt by guar
anteeing tho payment by an Irrigation
or dralnngo district vested with tho
power of taxation of Interest for a
term not exceeding 30 years nt a
rnto not exceeding bIx per cent per
annum upon bonds or other evldon
ceo of debt of such Irrigation or
dialnago district, tho Interest where
of shall bo a llrnt lien on lands In
cluded within tho llnrlts of such Ir
rigation or drainage district situated
In whole or In part within such coun
ty, In which district at least SO per
cent of tho lands so Included shnll bo
hold In fee In private ownership, and
dobts Incurred on account of such
guaranteo shnll bo Incu.rn.i nnlv nn
approval of a mnjorltj of those vot
ing on the question.
ltostilctlou s Imposed.
"No county shall gunrantoo tho
interest on bonds or other evldonces
of Indebtedness Issued to provldo for
Irrigation or drnlnago whereby tho
annual liability on account of such
Interest so guaranteed shall oxceed
two per cent of tho assessed vnluntlon
of nil tho proporty In the county."
The state amendment provides for
tho Issuo of bonds, the proceeds to
be used In buying Irrigation or drain-
ago district bonds. It Is nxnor'tnil.
of course, that tho stato engineer nnd
tho county engineer shall pass upon
tho projects.
How to Live Long !
, i
Utiles leprlutcd by permission of
Metropolitan Ufo lnsuranco Com
pany from booklet Issued by It.
Seo Edwards for paper hanging.
Diamonds sot whllo you wait. My
ron II. Symons. Adv.
Tor farm land loans seo J. Ityan
& Co. Hensonahla rntnn. nrnmnt
sorvlce. Adv.
Export watch and Jowelry ropalrlng
nt Symons. Adv.
rooi itiriii: h.
1'nt Vnilotis Kinds of Food.
Mo9t peoplo eat too much soft
food. Hard foods, llko crusts, toast,
hard fruits and nuts, that mako us
chow, are good for us. They mnko
us uso our teeth.
Hard foods also keep your teeth
from decaying.
Tho size and weight of the food
have little to do with tho work it
docs in jour bodj. A llttlo pnt of
butter, which weighs half an ounce,
holds Just as much food ns a pound
nnd n hnlf of watermelon.
Tho work that food does Is meas
ured by tho heat it makes in your
body. Hat foods which "nil up,"
but which do not mnko too much
heat. So mo of those filling or bulky
foods nro lettuco, cucumbers, celery,
spinach, asparagus, cabbage, cauli
flower, beets, onions, carrots, pars
nips, squash, pumpkins nnd tomntocs.
Starchy foods, llko potatoes, should
bo well cooked.
Some raw foods, such ns fruits nnd
salads hnvo things in thorn that nro
good for you. Thcso things nro in
soma cases lost in cooking. For this
reason, you should cat somo raw
foods each day.
Somo foods, such as potatoes and
fish should not bo eaten raw.
We Know How to
Swat the Tly
If jou vumt to seo n 111) leas store just drop around.
Wo will not tolerate tho nppcnrnuco of a II).
Our sanitary rcftlgeiator counter Keeps our fresh
and orlriiahlo good freo from contact with dust or file.
Tho very best of grocery merchandise In the vciy bewt
of condition may altwtjtt bo purchased at
Wall Street. Near Ohio
Phone Red 161
The Oldest Insurance
Agency m Central Ore.
"It's tho way we write our policies."
Our companies pay 1 00 cts. on tho dollar.
We have over 400 satisfied policy holders.
The largest insurers in Crook County are
our leading customers
Bend Insurance Agency
Bend, Oregon
Bulletin Nn. 2
Why We Are Opposing A
Government Armor Plant
To Ike People:
Somo peoplo soy that tho very fact that tho Bethlehem Steel Company is so aggressively
lighting tiio proposal to build n Government armor plant is conclusive proof that tho Company
is seeking to ussuro for itself tho "vast profits" derived from private manufacture.
The fact is thut nrmor muking is the least profitable feature of slccl manufacture.
The reason we oppose a Government plant is very simple. It is this:
Even though Micro is but little profit in tho muking of armor, wo havo invested over
$7,000,000 in our armor plant;
That plant is useless for any other purpose; if a Government plant is built tho useful
ness of our plunt is destroyed.
It would be good business for us to make nrmor for the Govcrn
ment at imv price over and above the actual shop cost, KATIIKK
Wo do not seek to save big profits; our purpose is very frankly to save our armor
plant itself built solely for the use of tho Government from going to tho scrap heap.
To ?o that, -wo are nrennrcd to agree for nny period to nny terms of manufacture
vhlch the Federal Trade Commission shall say absolutely protects the Government
of the United States.
Bethlehem Steel Company
Elizabeth tie Ilnrilo Gill, distinguish
cd linrplst. Is the "one" lntly concert"
offering of tho ChnutMin.uu. IUMiUm
tho lirllllnnco nnd chntm of tier artistry
on this Instrument, Mrs. GUI Is n con
tralto ooloNt tinil sings beautifully to
her own accompaniment, giving prefer
ence to tlwo folk hours mid homo 1ml
hula thnt llml such appeal on the
harp. She Is also n delightful enter
tnlncr of plcnslug crsatlllt.v. Her se
lections of diameter Impersonation mid
readings mo chosen with tho single
purpose of pleasing. She him chosen
No waiting at tho Metropolitan for
that Bhnvc or hair cut. Knur chairs
now ready. Adv.
When you buy a cack of outsldo
(lour vou hinder tho development of
Central Oregon's fnrm resources.
Mako It a practlco to buy tho homo
product. Uvcry Back guaranteed, adv
may .'iiiiiij vi:m..s.
Tho sum of $200,000 will ho ex
pended on experimental well boring
In Central nnd Kastorn Oregon If
an amendment to tho agricultural
appropriation bill proposed by Seu-i
ator Chaiuhorlaln becomes law. Tho
amondmont was prosonted on May in
and referred to tho commlttco on'
agriculture and forostry. j
Larger postal savings deposits will
now ho accepted at tho post olllco
This Is made possible by an amend
ment to tho Postal Savings' Act Jus
approved by President Wilson. A
postal savings depositor mnj now
havo nn account amounting to $1 ooo
upon which Interest will bo paid
Formerly $500 wnB tho maximum
r mount ho could hae to his credit.
Another feature of tho amendment
that will nold further onibarrnss
uiout to tho public and to postal of
ficials Is tho doing away with tho
limit on the amount that could be ac
cepted from a depositor numthb l'n
dor tho old law only $100 could lip
deposited In n calendar mouth. The
amendment abolishes this restriction.
While tho Postal Savings Sjstcm has
nlready proved n signal Buccoca n Is
ohown by tho fact thnt moro than
half n million depositors havo oer
eighty million dollars standing to
their credit, still It has fallen short
of meeting tho full demands of tho
public because of tho restrictions
which havo now been eliminated
In order to aid tho farmer tho
Ilend Flour Mill Co. has this year oh
tnlncd Apex Lend Plaster, a scien
tific fertilizer. Adv.
Four chairs at your scrvlco at tho
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
Lenses duplicated,
cd nt Symons. Adv.
Glasses ropnlr-
Why Fatimas
are Sensible
mest men liko their
tasto best.
they arc always com
fortable lo your ton&uo
and throat.
and thoy always
leave you feeling tip-top,
even if occasionally you
do smoko moro than
' A Sensible Cirjaretto
ruwsff j&m
tucKs'oyD h ,jy 5g
twrr'i"wMmKuia vi.v S
Dry 16-inch
Stove Wood
Delivered for
$3.00 Per Cord
Oregon Transfer Co.
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
'Jl 1