THEHEXD Hl'LLETIX, HEXD, ORE., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1010. PAOB B : , Shearings -vv Lots or Mull. 1 Hst week the locnl post ofllcu re (e veil 11,610 pounds of parcel poBt am - Micka ot first clnss and second Cl 4 mall In one day. This makes n tual of 31,135 pounds of parcel post that hns nrrlvod In Hums tn lorrol ')os. waKonn, ''ppldes several hniMircd pounds tlint nrrlvod on res stages dally. Harney County Triimne. could not ho present on that date. Hums not heard from yet. RcVlmond Spokesman. Some Km:. Omer Cyrus brought to this office an egg which wns as hlg as well we will not say how big It really was hut In order to give some Idea with out giving the Idea of prevarication, suffice It to eny that it wns served In slices like boiled linm. Deschutes Valley Tribune. PnKloy WnnN School, t a meeting of tho school bo"nrd To Study Intention. Tho people of tho North Unit aro facing tho problem of Irrigation to day. A very few of these pcoplo have had actual experience with Irrigation. Tho mnln body of tho farmers hnve never had any experience with the question at nil. Irrigation hero is a r.T Z"rlmyp- "hrc .is xv i ,o "rn"0S "'?" 1 ''.? U"f "1' of thMo communities Into one semi- .iirict In the sum of $30,000 for t' r purpose of providing rdpqunto f ol facilities here. Notice of the pii r-flon will bo published nt once and uitl be held Juno 19. Chewaucnn l'lf-9. Klnnmth FccK Hurt. Klamath County will be without a representative in tho lower house of ho Oregon legislature for tho noxt in vears unless tho democrats suc rr 1 In electing their candidate, both F "es and Hurdlck being residents or f rook county. Our district which comprises five counties hns but 'two representatives nnd Crook county with tho nld of Grant and Jefferson t elected both Crook county men. Now the democrntie nominee conies out witii tho announcement tlint ho will nlvocnto n division of tho district. l'nlcr tho existing condition ho fhould be nble to gain enough repub Vmi votes In Lnko and Klnnmth counties to elect him. Crescent News, , public corporation. It Is indeed a serious question. I; the scheme were to succeed the succecs would Indeed bo glorious. To save themselves, therefore, from posHlblo blunders either for or against Irrigation, Is the main object of tho association. In it's offortB to gather the truth tho association seeks the co-operatlau of nil thoso Interested In the lands of tho North Unit Jefferson County Hecord. ' District Vole Given. Tho district vote on Joint repre sentative wns: Huidlck Forbes Elder Smith Crook . ...9H 794 3T.9 385 JefTerson ..5C1 315 150 135 l.nko 278 .111 131 188 Klnmnth ..58C 575 8RC. 705 Grant ....703 470 2 IS 231 Totals .3102 24G5 1774 1C41 Silver Lake Leader. Jinny Voter Sworn In. Less than half of tho totnl register ed voters of tho county voted nt tho nrlmnrlos. Comploto returns show (limit 2,000 votes cast and of these 420 wero sworn In, making tho ac tual registered voto less than ono hnlf. Or the 429'sworn votes 348 wero republicans nnd 81 democrnts. Tlipro wero 85 ladles who voted In this list. Tho largest number of those Bworn In came from Ilcnd, num bering 141 j Prlncvlllo was nexf with 44- Powell Hutto 33; Post 30: Des chutes 21; Redmond 18 nnd the rest scattering. Crook County Journal. Valuable ltock Found. ledgo of olivine nndeclte wns discovered last week by Engineer Rlddell. Tho deposit Is of consider niilo commercial vnlii" ns n building Mono nnd is tho only known deposit rf Its kind In Central Oregon. Tho Chamber of Commorco building In Portland Is built or tho enmo mater ial. Tho nnturnl cement-like quali ties of tho stone classes it among tho best mnterinls for crushed rock rond construction. La Pino Inter-Moun tain. Weed Htmicr I'moiI. Tho weed btirttbr has been In use on tho Oregon Trunk lino tho past week and prows very offectlvo In de stroying weeds nlong tho track. Hy an Ingenious contrivance, nil oil flnmo Is spread among tho weeds, con suming them. A sprinkler, fastened at the renr of the tender, sprinkles wntor along over the burned nrca, thus preventing tho sprend of flro. Madras I'ioneer. T,HE GOOD JUDGE LOSES MY POUCH Of THE REM. TOBACCO TO CHEW HAS VANISHED f LIT YOU OIONT EXPECT TO. HUP AfTER ALU THE GOOD THIN63 YOUVe 5AI0 ABOUT IT DID YOU If i i ' y -aw f y i njTjrJ GET ctendy tobacco satisfaction nil dny, every diy, from n titan, small chew W-U CUT Chewing tho twal Tobacco Chew, aria tut, lent $SrJ. h'l itlid nrni that a man can't help tellln( liti filenJi about aa toou it b lcirne ttie ucti himself. TheU.le la.ts longer. You need (tnwr chews. "Notice how the salt brings out Urn ticli tobacco taste." Hade by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Uoioa Square, Hew York City V For farm land loans sco J. service. Adv. nynn Much Ilulii Full. Postmaster Green, who has charge of the U. S. Government wenther bu reau nt Cliff said tho rainfall for the last wcok ending May 27 wns .07 of an Inch. Fort Hock Times. Editors to Meet. With tho exception of ono or two editors who wero requested to meet here on Juno 10 nnd 11, nil have sig nified tholr Intention to bo present. The business manager of tho Silver Lake Leader replied tlint his paper HAI1HIT HOUXTV. (Oregon Farmer.) n. A. Ward, biological assistant nt Rodmond, Is Inclined to look with disfavor on the rabbit bounty ns n means of eradicating tho pest. Hn writes that In Hnrney county tint for tho year 1915 a bounty of 5o each wns paid for rabbits. In :ho year bounties were pnld on 952,330 rabbits, amounting to ? 17, 020.35. Tho number of rabbits was material ly reduced, but tho heavy drtbi n county funds will make It necessary to withdraw tho bounty offer mil nil tho rabbits aro not dead. Thoso re tnnlnlng will soon bring the numlurs back to ns high as ever. Ho bollews this method Is far too costly and not permanent. Tho proportion of ben efit Is not great enough to Justify such a bounty, and ho opposes it in Crook county. Somo other method of destroying the pests must ho umiL A deslrnblo bread knife frco with every nnnunl subscription to Tho Dend Bulletin. A deslrablo bread knife frco with evcrv annual subscription to Tho Ilcnd Bulletin. I '. idkier,-Raki J D1SCXL1XS iei V Steady, evenly dis tributed heat, un der perfect control makes a good oil stove wonderful for baking. A NEW PERFECTION OIL COSTOVE l m, For Best Result: Use Pearl Oil m.m A eood oil stove is just like cooking with city gas. If you haven't a New Per fection you've missed comfort for vears. Bakes, hmils. roasts, toasts. More efficient .1 .... -J . .A.l attnvat tnd COttftltata tO OP liiau juui wvvm vivii"i - . -- .ai .i k.anil tuAA.noi drudrirr. r a..dL i Tt.. ln hi ii at rhimnivi crtvcnl . . . m L.. . .. nuna afaf ate. AlaUS CblotModelwUhFifUMCooWngOtnt.AUyour(lfrtcJy STANDARD Oiu tUMrwii (Cill(irnU) BEND HARDWARE CO. F. DEMENT & CO. INSPECTIONJCOBES GIVEN State Food Commiloucr Issues Ilt In Uitost lliilletln. Tho latest Oregon Dairy & Food Bulletin, Issued by tho state dairy and food coimulscloncr, records tho scores of nil places Inspected In ovory city nnd town In tho stnto whero Inspec tion hns recently been made. For Ucnd tho scores nro ns fol lows: llnkuiic. Total score American U.ikcry, Slirlnr .t Huoy 72.1 Sanitary Ilnkery, Hopkins & lleach 70.8 Dairies. Jones Dairy, Geo. A. Jones 55.0 Dates Dairy, Geo. Hates 42.5 Lilly Dairy, X. Anderson 38.8 Hotels mill Hcstntmmts Cozy KcBtnurnut, Nettie Stoven- son 82.2 Amorlcan Ilnkery Lunch Room, Shrlner & Huoy 81.9 Hotol Wright, 11. M. Abbott, Mnn- agor 80.7 Club Cafo, Sam McMurtrlo ....74.7 Deschutes Cafe, Geo. Davis ....73.7 Tho Louvro, A. O. Armont .... ,72.2 Itoynl Cafo, U. G. ConiHtock ...71.C 1'llot Hutto Hotel, Sullivan & nrooktj i 69.5 Deschutes Hotel, J. M. Jacobs . . C2.0 Depot Hotel, J. S. Clement 59.9 Ale's l'lnce, A. D. McNeal ... . 52.7 MmkeU mid Hlmightcr Houses. Union Market, O'Donnoll Ilros. 79.4 Gilberts .Market, Gilbert & Son Pnlaco Market, Chas. lloyd . 7G.4. G2.0 YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE wk'Mj ci,i:ax vouii i,, CLOTIIKS, SILK DHKSSKS, VAv. "VVT VOUIt DUDS IX OUIt SUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DHY CLEANING Money to Loan in sums from $250 to - $25,000, 3 to 10 years time. Reasonable rates, prompt service. J. Ryan 8b Co. the Shoes We Guarantee Nnp-a-Tan Work Shoe $2.75 and up World's Work Shoe $2.75 to $5.00 Village School Shoe $2.35 to $3.25 For all purposes these Shoes will give you better wear will look better than uny you can buy for the money R. H. LOVEN IlKAL ESTATE F1HE INSUItANCH C. V. SILVIS IXVKfmfEXTU BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTH FOlt SALE IX EVEltV ADDITION IX HEX!) l'UOl'EKTV HANDLED FOK NOX-ltlIDENTH., TIMUEIt I10UGIIT AND HOLD. OFFICE OKEGOX HTItEET BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HOllEUT II. GOULD civil it Engineer V m Ilcnd Oregon Sanitary Barber Shop Will Give You Hotter Harbor Sorvlco SAM ELDEIt. Prop. W. W. FAULKNER, D. M D. D E N T I S T Ofllco Over Postolllco Dend, - - - Oregon JPQ DR. J. C. VANDEVE1! r l'liyslilnn nnd Surem Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 n in.; 1-G i 7-9 p. in. Slither llulldlui: m DANCE Every Snturdny NIrIiI At .Hntlirr'fl Hull Under Now Management With Now Orchestrn ItEXI) TO HROTHEHS AUTO STAGE Lenvcs Dend Tuesday and Snturdnyu It. D. George, Aurnt Odlco at (leorKo's Hnrber Shop W. G. MANNING, D. M .' l)eiitlo(. Ofllco In First Nntlonnl Ha lc Hulldlng Tel. nil Rend, Ori'uon WILLARD H. WIRTZ Ij a w y K It Prlncvlllo, Oregon. O. 8. UENSON Attorney, At Low Donson Building, Wall Street Ilond, OroRon. VERNON A. FORIIE3 L a w y e It First Nntlonnl Unnk IlulldlnK Rend, :-: :-: Oregon GEORGE 8. YOUNG Civil nnd lrrlKiitlon EiiKl"c-r. U. H. Mineral Siincynr. Room 5 First Nntlonal Hank Hulldlns Iho Dalles Sanatorium THE DALLES, OREGON FORMERLY DR. GEISENDORFER'S HOSPITAL Kroptnctl umlrr Ihr mninicniKiit of IlH llI.vtH This Ad is Valuable Tho new JEWELRY firm Hint N to miiipy Hie .Ml'T.KJ HUILIIING ou OIIEGOX STREET ulll Kh hyil,s a ijil.-UMl i()l,D WATCH to tho boy IhIiibIii): In the mcntcM number ol" imIs to tho sloio on oponliiK dny, uNo ii $15.11(1 GOLD WATCH o tho ulil biiiiKlni; K.'ri'ii(os iiinubor of niN lo (ho .(oi( on openlnn dny. Smu tlicio nils im (hoy ulll bo iiilunblo iiboul. AiiKiist 1st, tho ln(o of opt'tiliiK of (hi) NEW JEWELRY STORE IX THE Ml'TZIG Hl'ILDING. J. II. Uoll A. W. Slum CROOK COUNTY ARSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Succossors to Tho J. II. Hnnor Abstract Co., Prlnovlllo, Ore. AimtrnetH Insurnnco UEND PLUMHIXG AND HEATING COMPANY Snnltnry Plumbing Stonm nnd Hot Wnter Renting WALL 8TREET DR. R. D. STOWELL Xupriiputhlc PliyNlchui Ovor Logan Furniture Co. Wull 8treet HourB 9 to C Phono Red IHU POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON Business. Directory A Directory of each Clly, Town nml VllliiEe, Rlvlnir dricrlptlvo akrlrh ot rach rlnco, location, population, Mo BTRph, alilpplnir ami bnnklne point jfilio Claiilflail Director)', compiled by builnris nnd profession. t H. I. 1-OI.K CO.. HKATTI.13 C P. NI8WONGBH, Hend, Ore. UNDERTAKER IJccnsed Eiulmlnier, Funcrnl Director. Phono Red 421. Lndy Asst. DR. J. H. CONNARN I1KNTIHT Oftlce In 8nther IlulfdlnB. Houri. 0 to 12, 1 to &. Sundays nnd ovonlngs hy Appointment. I1UY YOUR Groceries AT THU NHW A1IJAT MAWKI-.T. FREE DELIVERY Gilbert (2b Son II. II. D o A H M O N D I.AWYKR Oregon Street. Rend, Oregon II. O. ELLIS AtUiroeyiU-Ijiiw United HtntcB Coininlht-hmer First National Rank Hulldlng REND,. OREGON DR. A. A. IIURRH Noturopntli DIs'iBEoa cured without tho uso of drugs or surgery by tho nat ural methods of honllng Olllco Hnther lliiiltlliiK IUnI. Ort'Kon Tel. Murk U7 1 H. P. SMITH Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING ALL WORK GUARANTEED Dwight M. Davis Company I n s u R A N c E FIRB LIABILITY PLATE GLASS UOND AUTO.MOMLE ACCIDENT Pboae Red 1621 Teraponry Office Opposite Bulletin Bldr. DR. W. D. HUNTINGTON DENTIST Phone IU-d I AT I HEND, OREGON RAG RUGS WOVEN H.1 CEXTK PER ARI Work Cillel ffr uml HoIIw! For PartlculurH H-e EDWARD II. THATCHER KenwaNl EDWARD II. THATCHER Kenwood Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt BASEMENTS STREET WORK, ETC. Leave wdni al J. A. EAS'IES OITICE Oitjon Stieel J L HooflnK of all kinds, Jtopalrln promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor GutterinK, SpoutlnK, Cornices and Skylights. 1 IE! i' J'1 1 1 . -j i i .1