The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 07, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    l'AGB 4.
thi: hkxi) nufiM-mx, msn, out:., wuirtiuii.w, .uwi:, 7, nun.
K 4
1 I
James J. Hill, Empire Builder
(Orejt 111 I'Mirral )
in Mfe of .IllllU's .teioine
1S38 Horn near (iuelph, Out.
ISfiR Left father's farm for
IiurIikmm life In Minnesota.
1S6C-186K In steamboat of-
JIro In St. 1'aul.
181)7 Mnrrlid Marv Theresa
Mliogan or St. Ihiul.
1 800-76 llmul of tlio Mill,
OrlBRH & Co., fuel and tratiHiior-
- 1870 KstalillHhad Itfid Klver
TrxDioitnlloij ommii, first lo
" ojioit communication between
St. Paul mul Wlnnlpoif
1878 Ori(anl7P(l ndlento
UiHl Hectired nuitrol of the St.
l'ntil St. I'acllle Ktllway, from
Dutch owners of securities.
187U IteorKanled road ns
- St. Paul, Minneapolis & Ma til-
- toliu mid became 11m general
- 1882-00- President or thin
roiul, which became pnrt of tho
(Ileal Northern syclom.
- 1889-07 -President of thn on-
tire Droit Northnrii. which ho
extended In PiikuI Sound from
J.nko Hiiiiurlor, with northern
11111I noiithern bninrheH mid n
steamship lino lo tlm Orient.
1007-12 President of (irent
- Xortlicrn'H hoard of directors.
No better nniiin Ih known In Ore
Hon, WnKliliiKlon and Montana Ihnn
thai of .1 miii eg J. Mill. Otlinr nillwny
innKiiatoM thoro aro and havo been,
other RinliMiiiim and economists, otli
nr bulldera of empires and developum
of ImliiHtry Iml Hill In looked noon
tut tlio premier of Hikiii all. TIip Hill
HyHtcin hnH Riven trulnliiK to pmbnblv
niiirn kioiiI nillroad iicmi thiin nnv
other tranNiortntlon nitfim mid Hill
lilolhodH am IipIiik lined tin' world
Mr. Hill was a man of many sides
Por example, hesldes belns a groat
railroad hulldor and financier, ho was
probably tho world's greatest author
Itv on uncut diamonds. Ho mado a
lirj;o collection of thoBo. Ho was n
Kn or of art ntul simnt Inrirn on.,,..
tho rail cm Md lliO'e who stood In j ,,BinMiiRM. Ho was n singer of no
their way. moan ability and loved to nln- tlm
Tho North' 1 11 Securities Company. I old Scottish songs. As a litterateur
ho had few eiiuals and spent much
In which the Northern Pacific and
Oront Northern were bound In a vir
tual merger, was ono exception. It
was in floating and maintaining this
coloMnl hold'ng rompRtiy, afterward
iirdervtl dissolved, that his hoavy
hand vvnB felt In the stock ovchange,
with K. II. Harrlniin his big antag-
I twist. ThBt battle of financial gen-
I Ilia lu fittn .tf flin r.taai'nff Itl A merln 'n
economic hlstorv.
Mr. Hill wns horn In Wellington
county, Ont-irlo, September 10, 1838.
Ills father was a hardv settler of
Scotch antecedents. Despite his
hnrd-woiklng ancestry, Hill develop
ed enrly nterslon to all form of nian
unl labor. Instead, lie spent nil the
time he could In reading pud studv
of econonil' works finally his
father derided to miiko u Presbyter
ian minister out of him since ho wns
determined net to bo a farmer. So
ho wont to Hock wood academy, whore
ho studied dusslcal branchoH for 10
Ileglim Wink In Slot i.
At 18 he decided not to bo a min
ister mid started to work In tho local
BPiioral store So succnssful was ho
that his employer guvu him tho man
agonuuut or a branch store at Cuelph.
Ontario, but this Job was not up to
his ambitions Ho resigned and
started on a travel trip which embrac
ed practically the whoso eastern sea
board, later going to St. Paul, whore
hi. real start lu Ufa began.
Thoro he got a Job as levee cleric
for .1. V. Ilnss & Co.. ngonts of the
Diihiuitio & St. Paul Paokot company,
at $15 n month. He changed about
a good deal under various masters.
Huliilng now knowlodgo with each
now Job,
In 1807 Mr. Hill became agent for
tlm St.- Paul & Purine mil way com
pany which roeelwd and transferred
over lu conception, ro.iMrurtlon, op- rrolgbt fiom the river steamers He
urntlon ami ieeuuo piiiductlon. (combined ibis work with a private
Starting Ida business In life as a whhl lit the fuel business, and bears
Hulk lu a Ciinndlnn country stole, tlm reputation of having carried the
Ilm Hill onily developed most amid- Urst coal to St. Paul. The St. Paul
tlous Ideas Many ears afterwards, & Pacific amounted lo Utile, but It
Avium he had oeiiulred more personal became the nucleus for the present
Wealth than any Individual has any (Jreitt Northern sv stem,
loilcal use for, he uirde the slate-1 II vvas bv buvlng a stoamboat mid
Jtlont lint the onlv reason he was opening up Hip HpiI river or the North
continuing lo eiirn uxno money vvas to water travel Hint hoc onnected St
Hint ho lit I Klit achieve the power that
money hi lugs and with that power
iii'CiiiupllHh mere for liniiiiiiiltj.
Illg Hi bellies I'lonK'il.
lint the mine umbltlnn Hint took
him away from Hie rami and country
store and sent him west kept him
inning west He bridged tho uintl-
Paul with Winnipeg nnd round the
vendue a paving ono from the sturt.
In 1871 he counollilaled his 1 1 tie with
a competing one. effecting valttnble
alliances with tho Hudson Hay com
pany. Line U Aciilllied.
In 187 a svndJcate which he had
lient with steel and spanned the Pa- formed bid In the property of n little
(ijlle vvltli ships, As tho rails ctept
west wind In earning out the Idg Idea
that HCOITeiH tluhhed 'Hill's folly."
u parallel with them nwived Industry.
Karnis tool: (ho plsce of unbroken
prnlile. The IiiiITmIo vnitlshed, ills
plmcil by beef cut He The MiiKebrttsh
was siippliinleil bv wheal
struggling line built under n stale
land gimil, known ns the Minnesota
& Paclllc, under mortgngo fnrecloa-
urn. Itelncorporatlng ns tho St. Paul,
Minneapolis & Manitoba, (leorgn
Slophen. Inter Lord Mount Stephen,
wns iniide president, nnd Mr. HIM
'general nmeager. Prom that time
I Ills whk dime, eonirary to all rail- came the real '('ginning or thu (Ireat
road precedent, without vubsldv fiom Northotn sstem.
lhe goveiiimenl, elthpr lu esah lion-' The (treat Norlliern wiih cnmpleted
nawi or In enormous imd gtaulH to Hie coast In 1S!t:t, from Dnliitb to
which mlglit Miilmiuiiilly become Mi ocean. Feeder lines were then
Immmm foi incriminations ami chargon bitlli. iiopnuse It was apparent that
of fraud and iimlndmliiUlrallou of the Paclllo coast lumber Irnilo was
tho peopleV triiMl. When be needed NiHIIclent for HHstliouud trallle but to
tnony o build a iihvv railroad he send ears out omptv Mr Hill eon-
almplv went nut and got it. Ilia pr- rldeied mi eCo waste To 111!
auaalvff pitwcntntlon of facta was thu the wcHtbnitnd cars, he ronrolvod tlm
'Inad plpn" Hist k tided onr innnv a Idea of opening connections In tho
dubious niiNtielHr. When the lliiau- orient with stenmshlps lo tnke the
slpra "canto to" after the knivckout. iHitton and Hour from east and south.
thy found tlioioaclvo'i i Ichor than Thus tho westbound srs vveio fllloil,
tliwy were hofortt I the orientals fed and clothed with
Unlit!-to Hie Con-t. American commodities nnd tho rail-
Mr. 1 lilt a grejtMSt wotk vvas Hie
ooimtruetloii of Hie (irest N'oilliern
rnllmul In (ho Paclllc Const This
HrrulHii task, though II occupied
yara. waa kept up constuntlv, with
(wntcelv a dav's Intel r pllou fiom lhe
HlUe It iMtgMII. .
The nnt sccompllsliiiient. so far ns
Portland la eoncerned. ws lhe con-
atructleii of Hie No i lb llruk road
down the OuIiiiiiMh river In Porllui'd
built Jointly by tbw Noilheru Pacific
and Oruit Nuithoin rallwavs Sub
mniisiiHv Mtniii the Hciiilaiiiou of the
Oregon Kk'otrlc ami the Astoria
Coin m blu liver railroad and Hie later
construction of the Oregon Tiunk up
the dltlltuilt Diwchutca cans on to
UataldlHhiuout of steamship ser
vice between the CoUiiiildii liver and
thu Oiddeii Halt vvaa Him IIiiiiI ae
coiHplUdiiiieitt of the Hill mind. M
frit another need for an outlet from
ink east. lie felt that prohibitive
cot Is woi.ld prevent const ruction of
a rail Hue to the San Kranclacn gate
way. Therefoie, lo imikf f Hilar use
of the North Itauk, the (treat North
ern Staamshlp immimny was foriHtnl
and two palatial vel built.
ThHM aoMimpllahineiiia all wtr
coucrir! by Jant J. Hill m th oiit
wiirVlmt of the IiIk idea One fnt
IowmI anutber. Tbev were the aolu
linn tu proldauu t up l) pruvlovw
Nov Hie Hill svatem rach(M friiw
M. UtuU to the mouth of the Colum
bia rlvor ami to Puaet Bound fruaK
tha haaU of thu grant Ukaa ocnaa Uf
rail and watr to Snu t'ranclsoo, wlUt
lanumarabla fmiMlera
(llwlnile-. nee Ovcicoiue.
Mill tnalr(ulMui urtad at a
liNUt mllar in many an Inatauw
when his naatatM could nut see tho
whMiotu uf bis daui. Hut It vvs 1
dmn that ha overwnie his opponent
through the stock exchange route,
thereby bo many uthor muKnutws of
roads and thousands
made iuoiiov
of producers
tlpie with tho best hooks, fiction nnd
P'ptry ns well ns works on philoso
phy nnd economics.
AM filtcn tho Farmer.
Possibly grontost of all his achieve
n ents. hecaiiKn it had moro to do
with tho Individual prosperity of tho
people wao his pollcv of dovoloplng
tho country his rail linos woro trav
ersing. For ovnmplc. ho frit It a to
gltlmato railway function to hcln tho
smnll farmer not a stnrt. Ho would
give outright flue cattle and hogs that
fanners might hotter their herds He
employed agricultural exports to
studv ways of making difficult soils
nrndiico. Ho helped Irrlgntlon pro
tects nnd fostored pvory rorm of in
dustry. Ho renllrod that lr his rall
rond was to bo prosporous the people
who lived along It mtiBt bo prosper
ous. and so ho gave thorn evnrv aid
As n philanthropist Mr. Hill was
among tho nation's foromost. Ho
contributed heavily to Wlllamotte un
iversity nl Salem: Albany college at
Albany; Paclllc collcgo at Novvherg
and tho Mblo college at Hugeno. He
was ono of tho largest patrons of the
Pnclfic Intcrnntlonnl Livestock show
at North Portland nnd hns nlvvas!
Iieoii a llbornl sttbscrihor to tho Port
land Iloso Fast I vol association.
Kiidovvmenls Weio Miniy.
Many institutions nround St. Paul
his home, weio rich bonellclnrles of
his ponoroslty. Perhaps tho most
favored Is tho St. Thomns Somlnarv
and Collogo of St. Paul, which ho
founded and endowed. This Is n
Catholic Institution. Ho nlsn en
dowed art museums nt Minneapolis
ndii St. Paul, and other Institutions
all over tho country.
His benefactions worn itsunllv on
tho hnsls of ono to flvo, ho providing
20 per cent of tho amount needed
provided 80 por cont woro rnlsod else
where. In splto oMils long nnd varied nc
tlvltlos, Mr. Hill round timo for tho
cnlnyment of an ideal homo life Ills
wUo, who was his companion for 10
years, survives him.
Hlicceeded by lll Hon.
I.oula W. Hill, who Bitcceodod him
as tho presldont of tho Oreot North
ern railway, was tho rnvorlto rou.
Ills lire-long plan wns to lmvo T.ouls
succeed to the post ho had achieved.
J. N. Hill, his oldest son, Is Ilkowlso
In tho rnilroad busleuss.
Ono or his daughters Is the wire
of (loorgo T. Slndc, ono or tho Wee
presidents or tho Northern Pnctflc.
nnd imnthor Is thn wife of Samuel
Hill, Portland capitalist, head of tho
Homo telephone company and high
vvav onthiislast.
Tho younger son Is Waller Hill,
bettor known around St. Paul nnd
Chicago than In tho west.
P ' kW I
VATLA -.. Wh, "C2Z, i
Bt'i.'&v. in ' ASJKf. xn&isi, I f. r
Xv-Vi TBMm (if- x
I W iftSs'toO' t cv
K,.w Yyr,ntnm. rSpir-'
SOB39K7 i
f-. V rm
fjP JjiiiwsR--""1 J I
BEWffiH 4
in i vtefW'V a li
JULY 30T-M 1907
Winston Saum.N.CU.5 A.
P. A. puts new joy
into the sport of
smoking !
YOU may live to
be 110 and never
feel old enough to
vote, but it's certain-sure
you'll not
know the joy and
contentment of a
friendly old jimmy
pipe or a hand rolled
cigarette unless you get on talking-terms
with Prince Albert tobacco 1
P A comes to you with a real reason for all the
goodness und satisfaction it offers. It is made by
a patented process that removes bite and parch!
You can smoke it long and hard without a come
back ! Prince Albert has always been sold without
coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality!
Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette
enjoymentl And that flavor and fragrance and
coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just
aris'ers the universal demand for tobacco
without bite, parch or kick-back I
Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder
than to walk into the nearest place that sells
tobneco nnd ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay
htiJirZuV'ltZVAoXZ.i out a little change, to be sure, but its the cheer-
fullest investment you ever made I
Print Atbtrt i $otJ twrjivhif
in toppy tad bagt, Set Utiy rtJ
tint, tOet hond$om pound and
haff'pound tin humidor and
lop that Ap tho tobacco in $uch
plondid condition
It J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Wlntton-Salem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Raynoldt Tobacco Co.
For sign painting sco Edwards.
A desirable bread knlfo freo with
nvorv annual subscription to The
Mend Bulletin.
m.w nr.viaop vi:i.i.s.
.1 i: lllntnn. of Shnnlko, probably
one of the best known sheep mpn In
Central OrnKeu, was In llend last
week nnd In cnmpnnv with Supervisor
(! I lant Inics, of tho Deschutes Na
tional Porest, inado a trip to Tort
Hock vvhero tliev wont over tho dry
rniiRe in tho vicinity of Te Untie.
Mr lllntnn Is interested In obtaining
innie ranue for his 10,00(1 sheep. Mr.
HiinHuks iiolnted out the possibili
ties of drlllliiK wells In that vicinity
and Mr lllntnn dlsplnved consider
able interest lu the prospect nnd limy
make some well drlllliiK eporlmonts
In the near fiituie
ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little
Want Ad will cost you.
Sco J. Ryan
loniiB. Adv.
& Co., for farm hind
Clean up and paint up.
wards. Adv.
Sco Ed-
Tl 1 1'1'IInMt
Made LiKe New
ll'n wis j to vliaiiKO old bliubliy fiirnltiirtv to iii'ihopin.v,
llubt oak, ihuk oaK or pildtMi mik, or to MVtiro perftvt,
lliillntlous of eviKMislvo Intrtl vvikmIs. No hihmI to ilKcjtnl..
old furnltiiie bocau-o It's Miilfed or worn,
for Vaino-Uie will miiko It like new.
A few vents
Is n i-ouibliiatloii of tlio IhM htaliis mid v.irnlbe.s. li run
ho hi1 on iIimu-n, (uniltiiiv, wtHulwork, or practically
liny hiiifnfio iiImhiI tlio homo that iiniiiIh' ivIliiMiln.
Ak for color rurtls.
Bend Hardware Co.
m A
Bend now has the Lowest Electric Cooking Rate m
the State.
Cooking and HeatingMeter Rates
First 100 K. V. II. in Any Month.... He per K. W. II
Next 100 K. V. II. in Any Month.... 2c per K W H
All Over 200 K. W. H. in Any Month, lc per K. V, H.
Effective April 1st, li)io.
WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from $40 up which ,
we sell on easy terms.
Phone 551
I . r-r .., I