The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 07, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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VMiK 2.
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- II
(Special to Tlio lliillctln)
TUAIALO, .Iiiiir ". -A largo num.
liar of rrlonds gathered Ht the homo
tif Mr. Hint Airs. J. N. H (lerklng on
Tuesday evening to liel tliein celo
liretu their Koldnti wedding miniver-
miry. Mr. nnd Mi 8 (.erKing wero
nrosullted Willi a handsome leather ' "--ujneu i
cllNlr n n testimonial or the regard
111 which tlinv nro h Id In Ihe com
munity. During Hie hwmiIiik let rrenni
Mild cnko wure srvd to those pres
urit who Included. Mr. and Mm. It
IT. Flleliii?Hr. Mr. and Mra Allien
Harper. Mi. ami Mra. I'. N. Wallace,
Mr. and Mra, t. J, Mork, Mr. and
Mm. John IiiiIhiIr. Mr. and Mrs. A.
0. Cute. Mr. and Mm .Inlm Htvlui.
Mr. U. ('. Cidv. Airs. .1 W. Hndor,
Airs. J. P. Tullar, Mrs. Dell Parker,
Jfrs. .Mildred Taylor, Mra. John (' ion.
Mr. T. O, Meeker, MIhb Margaret
Moek, Minn Carol Dnvtnn, Mra Frn'ik
Dayton, fieri Mlllor, Win. linker, I'niil
Hlylee and W. 1). Hnriirs.
The selection sung lv the class
llllllor the direction of Mra. Dell Pnr-
kr at tin) concert Wndnewlav nlKllt
were all well received liv Hie audience
as wero also Ihe anloa hv Mra. I'lah
or Hand and Mr. IiiioiiIn. . Aim
Wrril'a violin solo wns greatly np
lirecluted. Other roatures or the pro
Krain were a rending ly Mra. lar
1'er niul aeleelloiia hy the I'oreat
Kolio Trio or llulid. After Ihe con
tort an Inforninl dance wan enjovod.
The members of tho Tlllieimi Lltor
liry Club rinsed the club year with a
picnic mi Tumnlo creek near llio homo
or Mr. and Mra T. (1 Meeker. Th
liuabnnda and iV-eelheiiiM of the
liMHilber were the guests of the club.
Over 10 wero present mid all declared
It to be one of Ihe heal "Kood tlinea"
over given hv I tin Tuinalo crowd.
.Mra. Parker' singing clnaa closed
their lessons on Krltluv ove'iluic. nf
for which thny held ii little reception
for their teacher. Itiifriwliimtnt
wore served and tho ineuihera of
tho class Indulged In a half liour'x
.11. ('. Oady relumed Saturday
ii Ik ) t from a week'a trip down to
1'alalev and Silver Lake.
Little Robert Mnrali wna ipilto 111
Tor several ilnya Inat week.
I.oyd I'iiik left I'rldav for tho
lunger station on tho McKonzIn riv
er where ho will he atntloiied during
the Hiiiniuer.
Huy llrown enmo over from Prlno
vllln on Hundnv to apeiid a few lioura
wild hla pin'iilH.
Mra. II. (!. Cadv. Mra. Mildred Tay
lor nnd Mra. 0 P. Meeker leave Tues
day night Tor Portland to attend the
UoHe Fiwllvnl
Mra. Thompson apent Saturday In
Rmlmnnd vIhUIiik friends.
J. W, Minwii iiiado a business trip
to Itudtuouil Saturday.
Wemlall TlieuFphon went to Mend
Saturday ami MIbk I'raiicea Thompson
lutlirued homo with him.
H- -- -- "
I Noblo Oranii i r the Mend
iMii Tausi lier has taken Ills leavo
of nliBonce .mil la working In Port
land., vt
A. ,li, r.nHoii, a California man.
hnB boon Impeding Mllllcan'a Block
i rnncli, AvIiP ii he contemplated pur-
cliufllnc. s et no offer has been
Mr. Mllllcan. Mr,
son left for Mend Wednesday.
Krntik Mi (HltiKale linn returned to
the vnllo .irter more than a yonr'B
reflldencu In California.
101 mur liter made a boldness trip
to Ilond. returning Wednesday. He
has been engaged by Mr. Mllllcan to
build wuieriiiK troughs nnd to Install
the new windmill
Mra. P II. JoluiBon motored to
Mend Wednesday, returning the same
day. Wlibe there Mra. JohtiBon had
dentnl woi k dune and wns n dinner
guest of Mr ami Mra. A. 0. Allen.
Word wis tecelved hero from Port
land of the Milieu of Mr. nnd Mr
MeaBluy'a Iniant daughter. Tho child
la IioIiik treated by a specialist. Mrs.
Ilonsley w fornitrly Gertrude Mar
kol. KrncBt Iner Ih plowing for Mrs.
Mary A. Ilonnev iIiIh week.
It. It. Keller Ih moving tlio Mllll
can telephone line for P. II. Johnson.
A part of IIiIh line runs through the
timber between hero niul Mend, enus
lug irmrli trouble In bad weather.
Mr. .Toll MKon phuiB to have the line
follow, a h near iih pOHBlble, tlio llend
llurua road.
Mill TIIiih. iiloneor liomeBtnnder
Ileheccni and freighter of Imperial, was strlck
cn with paralysis at his homo and
found Inter In a sorlous condition by
ono of his nolghbora. Ho was taken
to Mend In Mr. King' car, nsslated
by It. C. Johnson of Imperial. .Mr.
Titus ft well known hero.
N. II. Ilogue, chlcr englncor of the
Strnhorn railroad project, stopped nt
Mt. Pino Inn enrouto to tho railroad
Among' the guests registered nt
Mt. Pino Inn this week wore: Ivnn
Kllgoro or Sink; Mrs. Wilson and
son, Kdwnrd, or Dry Lake; Oeorgo
Thompson and W. E. Cummlngs. or
fort Hack; II. A. Johnson, r J
chrlstlnBon, Held, Oregon and F. II.
Honey, or Adams, Oregon.
Mrs. Oeorgo Powers, Enrl Powers
and Mr. Oakca went to Mend Satur
day Mr. Onkes Intends working
there ror tho'summer.
0. O, nnd S. J. Dnughenlmugh.
homesteaders near Porclvnla;, have
taken leavo o! nbsenco and nro work
tug In Ilond. ,
fSnpclnl to Tho Tlullotln)
HAMPTON'. May 31. Miss Darlo
Murton spont Thursday nt J. O. Whtt
akers. A. S. Fogg, Miss rcthel Fogg and
MIbb Zoln Martholomow took dinner
at C. H, Hnrmnn'H Frldjy;
Miss Lorindn Crow cnlled on Ml
Fogg Saturday.
Mrs. J. O. Whltnker spent Saturday
nfternoon nt C. M. Hnrmon's.
A iIcHlrnlilu bread knlfo free with
everv annual aiihscrlptlou to The
Mend lliillcllu.
(Special to Tho lliillctln)
Hrube fti'iit In Mend Tnemlnv.
Mrs. II. IC. Allen, Mra II. K. Vlu
iMini, Tlllle DavldHoii and Kthel Vin
cent of SlHlera spent Wednesday ut
Mr. (lotter wna In Kedmond Wed
nninlny. MIkhch Anna and Kinma Mock nf
(irandvlew vlnlted at It. J. Skelton'H
from Wediieaday until Snturdav.
Chlldren'a D.iv exerclHi'a will be
lield at the Hiihoul Iioiiho next Sunday,
llluntir will'ho served on tho ground
lifter the program.
A law ctowd attended the f.ire
vell narty given MIkh D.ivIiIboii on
Saturday uli;ht.
Several from here and Slater at
tended the hall game In Mend Sun
ilav The Cloverdale Council Club held
II renular iiieetlug Friday night
After lulef IiiihIiiohh Hennlim n
IMickeil Iioiiho listened to the follnw
1 ii K program: Selection. Clovordalo
oielumtra. vocal duet, Mr Spno and
Mr. 'IVinjileloii: play, two net, ' Not
Man in the Hoitfe." huii. Mil
TliiiU'iiit: Heading. Mra Klmx solo
Mr. WVUh; wnter burleanuo, Ladle
of the Club; dialect iukiioIokuo, Mr
"Waul: Clorilalo Tattl.r, Mr
(IriilM: luviriiiuiiiitiil duet. The Mock
Inn Itlrd, Mr. Spno and Mm. Klina
MIm Tllllo DavldiMtii. prlinarj
ItHifVtrr in Hlnter, loft for hor liome
Ih HtHXl Itlvor Sunday morning
1 ' rPicnt to Tho Uiillottn).
IMNBIlllltXT. June It. Cha 11
mh and famllv were kiiomI at
tho John HniMHitlHtrK place loe
llrnd Vuiulnj-.
Mra. CI. W ttnvder Hint chlldron
raliad at tb 8wlhttr huum on Sun
fta "floruoou
UUIwirt DlHtrlrta U Ihmii haullin
h to HMid ttw mt wmK.
MIm 'hll 8nih i'mmI do Hml
of th Mk with MIm ltutli Halev
I. H Hoot Hd Mr Orell er In
Hend ut to' ! 'k
II J. Overture li'il Hi roil mi
Vlvvhunl W ill wy to 8llom Tuo
ilay. Paid PM'lay fwt uiuln vlth
imer tuytlAr.
DtirvarU M l.ullla Hill niudo
trip la tow op day lai ok
Hi. A. MANalr waa a ralto- at
til ho of Mri.J H Rut on rtuu
day evenlM
M1I.L1CAN. June I - Mr and Mr I
Ktrt tir moved to Mend Men da t
wkr Mr Dyer tll Im oniilMil for
H auii'iurr The hv luiMi ou II
P. Dymr'a itropwly In Kwo"l
- ni' Mr I llenVle and
oUlitlru are iiirantlnil In Urmik
geanlou cnl No. 1 wlww u oaae of
siUHll lo wa rtKiontly rimrtd.
Mm. I II. UIm tia been olovtoit
We are getting
the business-
Because we are giving the
people of Bend the prices
they want on GROCERIES
coupled with the quality.
Not only these but we are
giving them SERVICE.
Right Prices Quality Service
A store that can give you
these three things will
If you are not now one of
our patrons it will pay
you to consider us. We
want your business and
will strive to fullill the
above three requirements
We have tried
the rest but
this is the best
Bend Flour Mill Co.
1IKN1), OUi:iOX
MIbs Zola Hartholomew spent S'in
dny night with Miss Florence Hunt
ing. "' '
Afr. nnd Mra., Johnson a?ul family
of Holynt Bpeit Sunday at Lee KlKK.
Mr, Glover went to Imperial Mon
day to visit with his daughter, Mm.
Ilalloy, sovernl'dnys.
E. At. Peek Is tlio proud pofesor
of n hrand now woll 177 feet deip,
drilled hy,A. T. Shaver.
Dave Spurhcck Is workln? for Or
vlllo Davidson.
Illnlno Hoffman of Hond wai re
nowliiK nc(iialutnncos In thle valley
the latter part of tho week.
William Titus was taken out to
Hend Alonday riulto sick.
hamitox iirni:.
(Special to The Pulletln.)
C. Kwlng went out to Ilond last Snt
.1, AL llrlckey mnde a trip 'o Tim-k
Creek this week to Bet provisions for
tho liuccaroog, who are camped fit
his plncc.
( Airs. A. AIcKeown and Airs. Joo
.lohiiBon wero visitors nt JlrooklngB
sioro today.
Owing to his wlfo's Illness Oicnr
llutZQln wns iinahlo to ro to Lost
Creek Alonday where ho teaches
Airs. Rhodes nnd Air. nnd Airs.
Alenr or Lost Creek Jook n truck out
to Hend last Saturday.
Cecil Alberts nnd J. V. Johnson
siient Saturday night with Wm.
John Williams anil Clvdn Nlco
ilcmiiH roturned rrom Ilond .Monday.
Airs, llort Aleeks nnd children vis
ited with Airs. Jesse Monroe last
A. T. Shaver and Port Alecks help
ed Air. llrlckey put n now head on his
windmill last Snturdav.
C, K. Klrkhrldgo who hroiight Air.
Rogers' team from Ilond to pasture
horo, took a truck to Hums Alonday.
A gentlo rain and a suspicion of
snow wero enjoyed hero Inst night.
V. P. Wrny has put another auto
stngo on the road and will now lenvo
Hend nnd Hums on Alouilavs. Wed
nesdays, FrldnyH nnd Sundays.
Tho law creating the Oregon Stnto
Wntor Hoard wns declared valid hy
tho Supremo Court or the Pnlted
States In n decision handed down on
Alonday. Tho enso heforo tho court
Involved wntor rights In the Sllvles
river nnd wns hroiight hy llio P.i
clllc Livestock Company. Ab a result
or tho decision It Is expected that
Important progress enn ho mailo to
ward tho scttlomont or water rights
in tho soml-nrld sections, or the state.
At the Movies
., ih
Ooou pictures will dr.
rrods That Is the npni.on
-.i .h..iiirp nianiiKers ihli
who nv that they nre no enU.s
cnpm-lij hoi'-'M "t nlmost fveo "-imtt
Itcnil Tlii'iidf.
Thl ' paramount pictuie iU
The Hi'inl Thontro shows V.U-iKi
Suratt in the "linmlnrHvi." "" '
,Uy I.lttlo Is knnn h-r
of Miss HiirH'.t, hut Hip pl. "'N
i. i.b., lmnl Znnitw Ill's "Alrr u '
Pot." Tlili piny lias h-eli repres
n.i i .. Htrnnr. This feature
he hon Sundny nlRht. Toiilpm ii
tomoirrw nlKht AlneKiwi ,riiu-"-will In "Tho Reform Cm'!
date." Tl'l I'letiiro shows the t pi
ca I ho operations in a large clt
and has aoine rich liuinor. On frhl.iv
niul Saturda William H ' ."k
comes Ii "David ilaruin." rh s phu
has heen cite of tlio man to kk' 'i('
ParaiiK nut Picture the standing
thoy hae gained. Air. Crane (s one
of the Pest known actors of the leg
itimate stage, nnd his impersonation
of David llaruin Is exrollent. Thl
film will prniialily ha the host of Ihe
Dieiini Tliealie.
Alntihger lludnw hns not complet
ed llio pwrun for the week, hut h"
has one offering Unit Bhould attract
en par' tv house on Siridny. Iioro'liv
Douuell M1 appear In Alexander
IllsHon's faun us hook, .Madam X.
This photo play has heon shown up
on the srrcen for several In
mrny pli.cis H linn heon a repeotT.
It has draw m Pig liouees on everv oc-
erslon. Alrdcm X Is l.itoneely dram
atic. Dorothv Donnelly as .Madam X
Is n .striking rlinrnctflr.
Tcnlghi Valll Vrlll will appear In
the Turmoil. Vr.lll Valll has np
peared at the Dream Theatre several
times nnd will prolmhly score n big
lilt In the Turmoil.
lost Richly-Flavored Chew
That Was Ever Pressed
Into Plugs
IisikmI hy CiiMik Couuly Ahslriirl Co.
Henry Llnstor to Frea Ooodfellow
Its. Ua-ll. hlk. 7, Aubrey Heights.
Jennie Terrell to A. M. Prlnglo
Its 1-2, hlk. 2!i, Center ndd. Hend.
Con. Ore. Power Co. to Ilond Water
Light & Power Co rtnet nw no 32-17-12.
Honry Llnstor to Hend Water
Light & Power Co., hill of salo water
equipment. JO.'li.UO.
C. AI. Redllold to Alary L. Red-
field. Its. 8 to 12, hlk. 10. Center.
Tho Hend Co. to W. A. King, It.
9. hlk. 12. Center ndd. Hend,
Tho Hend Co., In L. A. ALicomher
Its. G-fi, hlk. 'jr., 12-13-1 1, hlk. 30.
Its. 11-15, hlk. .'17, Center ndd. Rend.
Red-blooded men with real tobacco
1 ungcr find that they can satisfy it rnlr
y chewing, and the most wholcuime
nd satis f)ing tobacco to chew is that
Made in plug form.
The limit of luxury in tobacco a tw
in? is the rich, sweet, juicy flavor that
trickles through your system when you
chew Spear Head.
No oilier chewing tobacco is so mel.
low, so luscious and so satisfying No
other equals Spear Head for putt..j a
keen edge on your appetite.
Spear Head is made of the world's'
hest tobacco leaf the choicest of red
Kentucky Burlcy. This leaf is selected
for its full, Juicy richness with the
most painstaking care, is stemmed by
hand, is pressed into Spear Head plugs
so slowly that not a drop of the rich,
natural juice escapes.
Your first chew of Spear Head will
open your eyes to the genuine enjoy
ment there is in chewing.
Chew the rich and mellow tobacco
that has been the favorite for a third
of a century that's Spear Head. In
10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper.
Indiana Mini's i:pcilence.
Trnnk Aloseloy, Alooro'a Hill, Ind.,
writes: "I was troubled with almost
er.nstnut pains In my aides and hack.
(Jrent icllef wns apparent after the
Ilrst doEo of Foley KIdnoy Pills and
in 4S hours nil pnln loft mo." I'oloy
Kidney Pills make tho kldnoys nctlvo
and healthful and ctop slcop-dlsturli-ing
bladder ailments. Sold every
where. Adv.
And Investigate our prices
before buying your groceries.
Wo can kuvo you money.
P. B. Johnson's
Mllllcnn, Ore. Telephone
Dry Factory Wood
This wood is the
trimmings from sash
and door cuttings,
is kiln dried and planed
and requires
no cutting
tried once
used alwavs.
Bend White Pine Sash Co.
Phone 441
MamBmttBBsk T v '"l'r , LLJi: -:f
BMFilianVli;f;TI.l WW) TfwrtWW" i .", - anni an .ta-ppMaiiiiiiii illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBIAillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH
. v6rl
tlMf "ill ,Uat.WaMtMHBMH