The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 07, 1916, Image 1

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uKNi), urkcon", wi:ixi:srayafti.hxoo.v, .irxi: 7, mm.
NO. 1 I.
V ,
1 , 'lr Service Commission May Xoxx
, rstignlo Au'ulr.s of Company
KIi View to Ortlei lug Adjust-
inonta Ktrultubli' to Settleis.
1 Special to Tho llullotln.)
SALKM, Juno C. Tlio Supremo
(ourt'ln a decision handed 'down this
nu rnlng, refuses tho request of the
Co trnl Oregon Irrlgntlon Company
f-ir an Injunction restraining, the
Public Service Commission from pro
ceeding with nn Investigation of its
affairs. Tho Court holds that It has
no authority In tho promises.
Tho Court did not express Itself
on the question of whether or not the
Commission hns Jurisdiction over tho
affairs of tho C. O. I. Company,
l'rolmhly tho Company will try to
make a fight on that head, pursuing
tho plnn It has thus far followed of
1 locking In every possllilo way Inves
tigation of Its nlTalrs hy tho Commis
sion, l'rolmhly this could only ho
accomplished through a suit, follow
ing tho Commlslson's Investigation
mil suhortiuont orders, which might
ho taken to tn Supremo Court.
It Is believed by attorneys hero
that all tho Company cau now do Is
to seek an Injunction similar to tho
.mn denied It by tho Supromo Court,
in thn Inrnl Circuit .Court. It Is
confidently predicted that such nn In
junction would not, ho granted.
llrmvn for Settler.
The application for tho writ of
prohibition wiib filed with tho Su
premo Court by Jesso Stearns and
Denton 0. Hurdlck, of Redmond, at
torneys for tho CO. I. Company.
Attnrnnv Conernl Hrovn and H. 11.
Do Armond, of Ilond, represented tho
Apparently tho refusal of tho Court
to accept tho views of tho company
p.ttornoys now opens tho way for n
r.nmnlMn Invest Icntlon 1)V tllO Public
-Sorvlco Commlcslon of all tho affairs
of tho Company. Tho original honr
tner in thn enso wr.s called for ns far
back as Jan., but was blocked by tho
DuCK lln uilii,, inn mho imuv,... ... i
... I. ,. .... Unfit ttt,1 fnf
E. 0. 1.
company luruiiK'i n riim."" in mu juiuuiiii system ui nu oiuiu
a writ of prohibition to rostroln thojwnB thus perpetuated until othor
Commlsslon. When tho Commls- wBn 0langod by fnturo legislation,
vfon first npplled for data from theH defined nnd limited by section 0
Company tho latter refused to fur- 0f tM0 original article VII of the Or
nish Information, contending that BnMC aw in thesb words: 'The su
tho Commission had no Jurisdiction prenio court shnll have Jurisdiction
ovor Its nffnlrs, becnuso tho Com- ()niy t0 rovlso tho final decisions of
nuny, under tho provisions of tho ( t,0 circuit courts.'
Care- Act, was In tho nnturo of nn furthor restriction Is found I11
agent of tho stnto. I section 9 of Mio samo original article.
Quick Act Inn Prniiilncil. Vz: 'All Jurisdictional power, nuth-
Members f tho Public Service orty nml Jurisdiction not vested by
Commission stato that thoy will pro- tlla constitution, or bv laws conslst
recd with tho enso with all promptl- wlt thorowlth oxcluslvelv In sovo
tudp A bearing will bo sot probably ()tlor court, shall belong to vtho olr
wlthln two weoks. Thoso who nro'cu)t courts.'
InlTestod In tho settlors' conten- ..T10 proiont litigation ounnot be
tlons thnt tho, Company Is not giving i ciMBfle,i m,der olthor mandamus,
tbetii a square deal declare that now ()10 warranto or hin corpus,
n lenst nil facts relative to tho con-1 W,Pi, nro the only lntane8 In
dur cf the Compsnv will be nindw, , this court oan aomime original
Tm'il. even If through possllilo legal jllridlctlon ovon In Its diwretlon. In
lecbulcnllt'os lntor tho actual orders B0))e CHIM gllcl, nB j.onlev v. Krabs
rf the Commission might bo avoided jIop Co B7 or n6St 97 jsc. 718,
TIip Commission npparontlv feU 107 ac (COl 112 pc . we have
that It will bo nblo to go Into tho jeBlle(j injunctions as aielllary mans
rnse Just as It takes up the affairs of nrM to protect or enforce our own
nnv public sorvlco corpdrotlon and jurisdiction alroady rgulnrly ae
rompel adjustments oqultablo to t''e I quired; but In nculnstawe havo wo
public, which In this onso la the set-ovor exeroBod primary authority In
tiers. I such n caso ns tho petitioner proMiita
In Mm nna InvnsttcntlonS of tllO ! ., it la liAvnnil nur ponstltutionill
affairs of tho Company by the i"ori
Land Hoard havo been blocked be
cause tho Hoard bos lacked proper
nuthorlty "nnd the Company has al
ways succeeded In keeping tho Hoard
at arms reach. It was this situation
which caused tho settlers to place
their caso In tho hands of the Public
Service Commission.
This will bo tho first tlmo that tho
Commission has delved Into tho prob
lems of an Irrigation company.
Tho DecUlon.
Tho corploto opinion Is as follows:
"It seems from tno pennon um
the Central Oregon Irrlgntlon Com
pany Water Users' Association has
preferred n complaint of some sort
to the Public Service Commission
asrafnst the petitioner. This is an
original proceeding In this court to
wure a prerogative writ of prom
otion restraining and forbidding the
"resent respondents from doing any
thing In respect to the complaint be
fore tho Commission. The defend
ants have demurred generally to tho
petition bofore us.
' Ournett. J. Section 2 of Article
II of tho State constitution. aB
-memlnd tiv the nleblsclto of Novan
r 1910. reads thus: 'The courts
r mio, reaa? ... -. . " ""
O JX V"r as .!
thuneed by this amendment, shall re-
r n as at present constituted "nMI
otherwise provided by law Dut the
UU IIHUrtl, rlUUUUI iu
Uidk'M Library Club Selects Rate n(
I Meotlnjj YeMcitlnj Potted Plants
to be Sold Committees Named
Friday, August 18. has been se
lected as tho ii.r ijr tho animal
liownr nlimv if tltu 1.n,1tia t 1 1,.. .-
Clllb. till! nrtn. n liuvlni' liunii tnknii
at a mooting of tho club yostorday
iiiiuiiiuuii. .i ino biiow mere win
lift 11 Hrilit nf ttlitti..! iln,,ta t,1,,rllt.i
-.- . ...,, v.. '"ii w UUKint ).ii.,.,t.iig,
ltoreo plants am: lerns, and all wlio
are interested to doimto to this
branch of tho work nro asked to
Bturt thnlr slips row.
Comiuilttcos for this year's show
woro nppoluted estorday ns follows:
Goncrnl chalrmnn, Mrs. J. 1). Da
(louernl arrangements, ehnlrmnn.
Mrs. C. S. Hudson ,
Heceptlon Comiulttce, Mrs. Fnulk
ner, chairman, Mrs Kcyos, Mrs. Has
tes, Mrs. Mnddock, Mrs. Minor.
Refreshment C o m m Ittee. Mrs.
Henklc, chairman, Mrs. Lucas, Mrs.
Sprout, Mrs. Unuer, Mrs. Sllvls.
Togs and Register entries, Mrs. B.
M. Thompson, chalrmnn, Mario Fox,
Mario HroBtcrhbuil. Clalro Hunter,
Suslo Kelley.
Soliciting prizes, Mrs. McKuy,
chairman, Mig. Karris.
Auveriising' nnn itcss cuiiniuuuu,
Mrs. Kurst. Mrs. Cobb.
Vegetablo enmmttteo, Miss Cole
man, chairman, Mra. Swartz.
Individual entries, Mrs, Mannhelm
er, chairman, Mrs. I'rlnco, Mrs. Nor
ton. Mrs. Docker. Mrs. Furst.
Children's exhibit, Mrs. N. G. Da
vis, chairman, Mrs: Cunningham.
Floxvorind plant solo, Mrs. De
ment, ehnlrmnn, Mrs. John Kynn.
Commlttco for potted plant ex
hibit, Mrs., chairman, Mrs.
Commlttco to sccuro Judges, Mrs.
Hudson, ehnlrmnn, - Mrs. Wilson,
Mrs. Davidson.
Committee for nsslgnmont of
prizes, Mrs. Overturf, chairman, Mrs.
Commlttco for distribution of
prizes, Mrs. Thompson.
Commlttco for special exhibits,
Mrs. Hudson, chairman, Mrs. Ford.
Clonn up commlttco, Mrs. Faulk
nor, Mrs. Honkle, Mrs. Thompson,
Mrs. Mclay, Mrs. Furst, Miss Colo
man, Mrs. Mannholmor, Mrs. Davis,
Mrs. Dement, Mrs. Inncs, Mrs. Hud
son, Mrs. Ovorturf.
Supromo Court mny. In Its own dis
cretion, tnko orlglnnl Jurisdiction In
mnndnmus, quo warranto and habeas
corpus proccodlnga,'
i nu iiuiuiiuii in uiiihiiiw mn
ll.. ...,1-lL, m. , . ,l.n ntn.A
ITM... ..... t.... n ,1.. ail.tPAtllft m,tt
"Thn nucstlons nrosnted by tho
petition and demurrers are Interest
ing, but as to this court they are ns
yet only academic nnd as suoh wo
cannot undertake to decide them In
advance of a regular appeal from a
circuit court decision. Tho petition
Is dismissed.
"Mr. Justice Eakln took no part
In the con3ldoratlon of thle case."
it 11. no Armond. who Is tho at
torney for tho Water L'sers Associa
tion, received tho news 01 me au
prenio court decision this morning,
with considerable Interest. Acoord
Ing to Mr. De Armond the next step
In the case will bo the hearing by
the Public Service Commission, which
will be held In Hond as soon as pos
elblo, If tho plans of the Commission
an carried out. -
Th nnd baso ball team defeated
the Culver team at Opal City on Fri
day by a score of five to one. ine
ain sii thn third annual ulcnle
of the Opal City Orange and visitors
were presant from all pans 01 jei
farscn eounty and from Terrebonne
-" nldmond ln Crook. Except for
-e M"""'
as easi 1
fcm " i.a. vas . -on
Dry liiiko I'ostiniistor Mnkes Any
Willi :l,7:!:i or (loveinnient Cash,
MniilpiilalliMi Is Ciiirleil on
lly L'.se of Money OhIcis.
C. A. Ilengston pleaded guilty be
fore the federal authorities Monday
ln Portland to tho chnrgo of misap
propriation of postal funds of tho
Dry I.ako post olllce of which ho was
postmnster uill his arrest laBt Tues
day by postal Inspector C. W. Unu
baugh, of Portland.
Wholesale dealing In monoy ordors
made payable to hlmsolf, which ho
deposited In banks of Ilond and
Prluevlllo In which he had n checking
account, without funds to back tho
ordors, represents the oporntlons
which Ilengston hns been carrying on,
It Is bcllovcd, hlnco about January 1.
Although ho said that much of tho
money went to his assistant In tho
post ofllco, a Mrs. Jesslo 11. Thayor.
In tho Improvement of her lnnd nnd
tho purchaso of nn automobile, Ileng
ston says that sho Is Innocent nnd
Mint ho assumes full responsibility
for tho crlmo.
First Impressions thnt Ilengston
was tamporlng with postal funds Wore
brought to light during the month or
April when Ilengston deposited 31
ono hundred dollar monoy ordors
pnyablo to hlmsolf on n local bank.
Upon tho recent trip to Ilond of Mr.
I.lnnhnimh tho mnttor was brought
up mid upon Investigations of the
Dry Loko post olllco Ilengston was
arrested. Ilengston mode no olTort
to hldo his guilt. Carrying on tho
operations hns been mado possible
through tho Infrequent visits of tho
postal Inspector, who hns not been
nt tho Dry Uake ofllco slnco last Sep
Heiigston, who Is n natlvo .of
Sweden, lips not been naturalized. Ho
has been, living for tho last tliroo
years on his hoirtestend near jDry
l.oko nnd was making arrangements
for proving up and his naturalization.
Mrs. Thayer also has a homostend
near Dry I.ako. Hor sudden dopnr
turo InBt week for tho Wlllumetto val
ley led the authorities, nt llrst, t.o
bellovo thnt she was Implicated In
tho Dry l.ako affair. Ilengston, how.
over, claims that she Is Innocent.
Ilengston will probably recelvo his
senteuco this weok.
Klewii lilts nnd lit Itiins In Thin!
linilnii W'ii Fatal VInIIoi'm l'lli
lp HI Kri-tirs.
Woven hits In the third Inning
which netted IS runs was a lend too
long for Culver to overcome or oven
attempt to over come Mid llend, with
the annexation or 10 morn scurefl,
defeated the much ton toil Culver nlnb
on the local diamond last Suuduy by
a score of 23 to 2.
Th'e game was ir complete walk
away for Heml with the exception of
the first two Innings. Then the Hond
nine started on a swatting hoe and
mn the urtuntlet of tho batting order
twice before It stopped. Thirteen er
rors by the visitors helped coiujdor
ably to augment tho scorn.
Clow pitched for llend and allow
ed only four hits whllo Wlegan of
Culver was touched up for a total of
18 hits. llend la credited with 7 er
rors. The lineup was:
Culver Debuhr. 3b; Horlng, lb: I
Oherhuse, c; MoKenzle, 2b; N. Wle
gan, p; P. Wlogan, If; Housluy, ss;
I'lorce. cf; Homes, rf.
llund Horton, ss; Totherow, 3b:
O'Donnell, c; Stover, If: Houston.
2b; Clow, p: Johnson, rf; Steldl, lb;
Hudson and Kulp, cf.
Sriiio by Innings,
12 3 4 C C 7
Hond ....0 2 IS 1 4 2 I
Culver ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 2
Hntterles Culver: N. Wlogan and
Overhuso; llend: Clow and O'Donnoll
Owing to Irregularities In the pro
cadlngs leading up to tho olectlou
tho city of Prlnevlllo will have to
vote again upon the railroad bond
Issue. In Its recent action the city
council failed to state la Its election
notices. Oie polling places and a ver
batim copy of the charter amend
ment was not published. The coun
cil Itst night instructed the city at
torney to prepare a new aniendme it
The a1' " ui' if the issue this tii.i.-
,. IU i. ... it 1. 'l0 lusie..d if
1 .
Tia U
L J j
Will Unit Straight Acroos Country
Kiiiin "'Waugh's C01 ner" Cti'ts
Oil llnir u Mill l.a Piiie-I'iliigl'o
1 "nils Itoutc llclni; Impi'iitoil
Work has begun this week on tho
new rond to Powell llutto for which
the Commercial Club subscribed sev
eral weeks ago, tho fund to bo
nintched by nu equal amount from
tho county. &
Tho road will start from the point,
known as "Waugh's corner," a short
distance, beyond tho Crnngo ball,
nuil run directly ncross country to a
connection with nn existing rond
about ono milo south of the present
travelled rond. This route will ef
fect a saving of about half a mllo
over tho present road, so for as dls
tanco Is concerned, whllo other nd
vnntngM ore that thero will bo no
grndo over llvo per cent and no rock
lodges to pass over. This connec
tion will bo seven miles In length.
The work, which Is beginning now,
Includes pulling trees and grading
on n 10 foot right of wny. On tho
Powell llutto end two nnd a half
nillos of existing road, over which
travel will go, havo been Improve.!.
To n large extent tho new road will
nlso servo tho llutto Vnlloy district,
tho cut-off coming In nearer that
Bcctlon than did tho old Hue.
Other Itoml Woik.
Other road work now bolng tlono
Is on tho routo between Ilodmoiul
and Sisters where a 1C per cent grndo
is being changed to ono of four por
cont, and between Prlnglo Falls nnd
1.n Pine. At the latter point four
nillos nro nlready finished nnd two
remain to bo built. When complet
ed tho rond formerly travelled, 11
miles long, will bo eliminated.
In tho I,n Pine vlclnlty,"iilso; 'nn
Investigation hns recently been mnda.
bv Commissioner Overturf, under!
M-hnsn illrnrllnn nil rond Work Oil
tho west flldo of the county Is being
clone, of tho now routo to Paulina
lake, which was begun by tho I.a
Pino Commercial Club last year. A
routo hnV been selected which will
do nwny with the crossing of I'nul
I in creek nnd give onsler grade to
the summit.
lllds for Ibo work on tho, slnte
rond south from ilond will bo open
ed on June IU. Ulght of wny for
the rond has been given by the
llrookB-Rcnnlon Lumber Company.
The Shovlln-lllxon Company, the
1 Fremont Land Co., and tho Huron
Timber Co. A special mooting of
the county court wos held yusterilay
to arrange for other rlitht of wny.
The bids for the construction of
j the auttlee hake Irrigation Project
xveie opened at Hrundvlew on Tuea
lilnv. Only one was received, thla
l being from the Kaiser (.Vnatrintlon
1 Co.. of Portland and Vatiottuvar.
j (! re S. Yuiiiig. of llend. agglneer
foi the project, attendeil the meet
1 Iiik Declalon In the matter will b
gi 11 later.
The band concert this Friday even
pi will bo held oil the Central Ore
gon Hank corner. A week from this
Friday night the concert program
will consist of selections combined
and arranged by local musician,
nnd ns -these iiumberH coutnlii real
mei.r the music for tho ovonlng will
be ,1 llttlo out of tho ordinary.
.Moihoii Coiopnny (! Fixe Visin.
.More on 1 .11 PlueWoik.
(The Oregonlan.)
StKM, May 31. (Special. I-
J The Desert Land Hoard today receiv
ed imtlfloatlon thut tho Department
of thn Interior had granted the state
appllcajlnn for a five year's extension
on ihe state's contract witu the biv
. , . .,..
ernmnt for ine ooinpieuou ui uiBia-'" i-.... ...
Morson Land Company's project , 8. Ilamton and bride. Also n fare
near U Pine In Crook county. This well tMrty for Prof. " 0
proje ais known as Oregon sogrega-' kins and Mls Hertha Wllklna. erv
tlrn list No. 11 and comprlgea 27.000
Tli granting of the extension toFarohaw aad mother, Mr. and Mrs
e Mate will result lu the Hale , I.. 8. Pertfua. Mr. and MW-"
anilMK tho Morsou Und Company I Mr. and Mj Tralferry. Mrj,'sill
,i,.,r ti,,. m.ix Piimiianv
.. ,.l o.i.n.l,.n nn ltn oantrapt
III- 'he linmedla-e pushing to com -
of the went unit of the pro
niiprifdng a'
mplete the
out 1" "U
.nt In 000 hi r,.
. . ,i,jt It i
descent Iltiluestciidci' Thi-imht
lime Diouncil by Fulling Ihioug
The lee .nt 'Mnifh.
The hodv of F. S. Wilson a home
stoadnr who lived In the lclnlt of
Crescent. wa. round on Friday af
tenio'iii 1-y I Chamborli'in. a for
est ontomolralat of tho Oiemm Ag-rl?ultiM-nl
Ctillrye. imi the Miiks of
Odell Lake.
Wilson has beon mlsalna iroiu his
homo since late Jn March When
ln wen r henid of by his famll)
13 started on an overland trip to
Kukpiio to transact some, real estate
business, lie travelled on smow shoes
mil had supplies sulllcleni to curry
him to the west side of the Cascade.
Ho yiis gono almost a week before
his family became nnxlous Sex oral
more days lapsed and xvhen no word
wns received a Boarchtyig parly xvas
sent out. Wilson could be traced on
ly to Odell l.ake. Somo entertained
tho belief thnt ho xvns lost while oth
er theories os to suicide oud foul
play were held.
It nppears that Wilson attempted
to shorten his dlstnnco by crossing
on tho Ico nnd foil through Tho de-
censed leaves a xvldoxv and three chll
dron. The burial xvns held last Frl
day nt Crescent.
Ijixt Month (Jets Teste of Fnlrcr
Seasons of Yew.
The merry month of May exper
Icticed n little spring, n little sum
mor, a llttlo fall and a little winter
temperature. May, xvlth two days on
which snow fell, plenty of tho stilt
March winds, txvo days xvhen tho
mercury registered nt tho SO degree
mark and one dny nt 1 1 degrees,
1.01 Inches of rain fnll, 10 clear days,
11 partly cloudy days nnd 10 cloudy
days, gnvo the people of llend 11 vn
rlety of xveathor. Tho nvorage max
imum temperature for tho month xvus
fiii.G dogreoa nnd tho, average mini
mum temperature 'xvas 29.7.
The temperatures nnd character of
day worn ns folloxvs:
Date. Max. Mln. Char of Day.
1 71 ' 31 Clear.
2 82 39 Clear.
3 80 38. Clouiv
09 ' ;u Clear.
c x....ns Jin cloudy.
fi (10 3 1 Cloudy.
..7 Ti7 29 Cloudy .
8 r.2 25 Cloudy.
.0 , .... Hi II Cloudy. ,
10 19 20 Ptly. Clily.
11 48 2H Ptly. Cldy.
12 r.o 21 Ptly. Cldy.
U....J ill 32 Clear.
II (10 3R Oloar.
U f.9 83 Clonr.
HI 72 30 Clear.
17 70 XI Clear.
18.. .." 7 81 Ptly. Cldy.
la (18 21 I'lly. Obly.
SO OK it Cloudy.
21 ill! 20 Cloudy.
tt nil 0 Cloudy.
XS II 81 Cloudy.
l , 8n Cloudy.
IS..'. nfi 81 Clo.ur. '
8 Iftl 88 Ptly. Cldy.
S7 10 SI I'tly. Cldy.
SR BO 38 Ptlr. Clily.
St II 81 Cloudy.
30 -10 2 Ptly. Chl
ai 11 s Ptly. Cldy.
Willi CoiiiipIIiiuii McKay at Al
bany. Councilman llroHierhnua at the
Rose Festival and Conn. Iliimti Stteldl
at the bedside of bis nick wife In
Portland, thero xvas n quorum of
the council for the reaulnr meetltiR
last nlaht. The meeting adjourned
until n later date. It Is expeoted that
tho matter of bonding for the Srrit
born mads xvlll eonie up nt the
meeting, when It la held, impure hex
ing been received from Heeler llrotb
era this morning.
One of the most striking Improve
ment effected In HHtl In recent
months has been the removal by the
llend Water Mght & Power Co. or
the ninny logs which luv In the river
below Its dam. Tho dam nnd no$r
by river nro frequunth visited by
neweomerH to town and the clourliiK
away of the log makes a iiniuli more
beautiful view,
(Contributed 1
Thursday evening, June l.'.n verv
enjoyable and ontortalnlng evan took
place at tho home of Rev. nnrirniiit.,
when tho church and Ladles (lulld
........ n vii4.,kiiTi i iKiiiitr or M r. u.
delicious reiresumeins i'ini
Those present were Mr nu Mrs. Roes
Up. muiI UfL TrIfferrv. 2!rvSt()Ut
, I.nont. MM. Cauaail. Mr. BJIU Mrs
. Wail. Mr. and Mrs Wlnit, Mr. and
xfrs Anderson. Mrs 1 ro. ,r.
ir, l',.tioii J'n.r 'i i". n"i-
1 in. Mm !'-' lu V - h- Mr ;tul
miiuuii umimuL
rnlllnfeiro III others llulbllim null
Aiijoliiluu limber Shop lleMiojctl
llutler Ping Stoic Demollsliisl
Loss Kstlnuiteil at SUO.lllllt.
Tho xxorst llro In Its history visited
Iledmoud early this morning, doing
imiiiy thousands of dollars worth of
ilnmago and threatening all tho build
ings In tho main business block of
the city. Only tho clty'H spluudld llro
protection nnd the' luck or xvlud pre
vented tho diimngo from being great
er than It xvns.
The lire xvr.s discovered about 2:30
lu tho rear of the barber shop own
ed by It. h, Reynolds. Fronw thU
point It spread Into tho general mer
chandise store belonging to Taliafer
ro llrothors, completely destroying
both building and contents. Iliillur's
drug store, on the other side or tho
barber shop, xvas demolished In tho
light ngalnst tho tiro, but not before
the greater part of tho utock liad
been removed,
Tho chief losers In tho lire am Tal
iaferro llrothors, who had only re
cently started In business as succes
sors of Tnlllnforro &. Anderson. II.
I,. Retinoids nnd C. llrown, thn
proprietors of the barber shop, lost
everything. Complete lignum of thn
lost have not yet been cnllertud but
estimates put tho tolaf ut nboiit $20,-
000 of which txvo thirds Is believed
to bo covered by Insurance.
During the course of the Urn 11
call xvns sent to Ilond for help, the
message being recolvcil by Night
Watchman Frank Kulp nt about
3:30. Ho xvns imablo to arrange ,
anything. 1
Tho cuuso nf tho flro Is unknown.
T1111111I0 Inhibition to bo Held nit
.September l!!l,
TUMAI.O. Juno R. At n recent
meeting of thn bonrd of directors of
tho Agricultural Aaeoclatlini tho ilntn
for the Sixth Annual Agricultural
mid Domestic Science Kxhlblt of Tum
nlo xvus sot for Snturduy, September
23rd. This Is u week oarllor than
last year In order that tho exhibit
mny be taken from liore to Prlnnvllbt
for the Crook county fair the follow
ing weok.
The W. H. U. Club olllcors, Mm. O.
.1. Mock, Mrs. C. P. Meeker nnd Mrs.
II. C. duly huve eouiploted the prize
list for the women's ti it tl ahildriin'a
departments, and as aeon iih I Imi list
for the agricultural display Ih Hindu
tho priie Hit xvlll be printed for dl
trlbutlou. Special premium xoluntarlly of
fered by the First National Hank of
Mend for Die local school children
have aroiiaed a ureal dual of lulnmat.
Nu premiums will be sollrlted from
the merchants of neUbliorlna; towns.
No business of Importance xva
transacted at the Coiumeretnl Club
luncheon on 8aturda.x. the uhlef In
terest of the iMscaalou centering
around a 11 urn her or railroad men
who wore present. liiiludlnK Cunnral
Manager I P O'UHhii, trallle man
ager F. W. Rnbliiauu ami F. h. Coy-
kendall. of the O.-W. R & N.. mill
I). C. Freeman, or the Orenon Trunk.
Willi Mr. Ire'iuan was K. II. Paxil In.
editor or the Wealem Farmer.
Meaars. Robinson, FrennMii aiul 1'a
vllle gave short talks complimenting
the vlitlt on Its work and pointing out
the things which the country needed
for the best success
Dan Winkle, of tUsters. baa bought
the saxv iikill formerly operated by
II. ,. Davis, lulu of Cist Mr. Winkle
will set tho mill up on the Parsom
place near Plalnvlew
Tho report that J'hn Hteldl has
illscovertMl a dnnoalt of clay vulunble
for paint nmklnf was contlrmud (hb
week by II. It. Jones, the local paint
er. According U Mr Jones, who bus
experimenting with samples of the
material, it l eaperUlly valuable for
tint lug purposes, inking a body,
when mixed with oils, which la un
usually satisfactory One of the d
slrable colors which It produce, Mr.
June Ha. be can only gat othar
iu 1,1 mliin four colors, air.
'.Jones Is maklnir eprlmeiitB wtth
the wh'b- li stfl.1l In for-
i! 11 1 IM'IK pi 10- ' ' il"' '"'' Pru
i i. 1 mi. 1 I 1 -i
1' '-Til