The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 31, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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tub imxn nuiAKTiy, mam, ore., avkdnksday, mav at, ioto.
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I'rofCodlnRs Judge Duffy Accepts
(Jlft In Patriotic Speech Address
cd 1 Xcw Citizens Present.
Thursday nftornoon, Mny 2Gth, n
Ibcaiitltul silk American (Idb was pro-
rented to the Circuit Court of Crook
county by tho Sons of the American
Revolution represented liy Lako M.
lieclitcl of Prlnovlllo. Four foreign
torn cltlzons Jiad Just been ndmlttol
to citizenship and tho flag was pre
sented to bo used In tho proceeduro
ot naturalization. A largo crowd
packed tho circuit court room and
the students of tho Crook county
high school nttonded In n,body and
ang America and tho Star "Spangled
Banner during tho coremonles.
Lako M. llechtel presented the flag
In a speech descrlp'tlvo of tho pur
poses of tho ceromony; Jay H. Up
ton, addressed tho court aB a repro
fcntntlvo of tho Veteran soldiers,
Georgo II. Ilnmsoy spoke on Ameri
can citizenship and N. Q. Wallace
tpoke for tho bar.
Judge T. E. J. Duffy accepted tho
flag In an Instructive and patriotic
speech addrc'ssod principally to tho
new cltlzons. Ho said In part: "This
thoughtful and beautiful gift from
the Sons of tho American Hovolutlon
Is most grntofully received by this
court with the assuranco that so long
as I am tho presiding officer, It shall
he used far tho purposes you sug
"Your oath of allcglanco Is tnkon
to tlioso tdenls of freedom and Indo
pendenco Implnntcd In ovory human
heart nnd sot forth In our constitu
tion In tho following words: 'Wo hold
these truths to bo solf nvldont, that
il all men aro created freo and cqunl,
P that thoy nro endowed by their Cro
ator with certain lnnllenablo rights
among which nro llfo, liberty and tho
pursuit of happiness, that to secure
these rights governments have been
Instituted among men deriving tholr
Just powers from tho consent of tho
Rovcrnod. As Individuals you hnvo
co mo from tho four quarters of tho
earth, bidding farewell to tho coun
try you hnvo loft behind and In doing
so you liuvo brought with you nil
which Is for your wolfaro and you do
I not look back seeking to porpotuato
thq Ideas of government which you
have abandoned. From this day for
ward your Intorosta aro horo nnd
llkowlso your duties and I doubt not
that If tho destiny of this country
hung trembling In tho bnlanco and
Its fato depended upon tho loyalty
of Its citizens of foreign birth, thoy
would rally around this standard as
did tho Revolutionary Fathers In tho
dark doys of tho revolution, ns did
tho soldlors of tho Civil war when
they fought and bled In Freedom's
cause, ns did tho Spanish War Veter
ans when thoy planted tho flag of
liberty on San Junn Hill proclaiming
tho causo of humanity to all tho
"A man cannot bo a truo Ameri
can unless bo stands for what Amorl-
stands for. Ho mint i,n r.i
American nil tho way through and
. .j muu in hub country who seeks to
dlvldo and separate one national
group from nnother, violates the let
ter and spirit of his oath of aleglnncc,
Ho Is not n good citizen. Your oath
of allcglanco calls upon you to pro
tect nnd defend our Constitution
against nil foes both forolgn nnd do
mestic. You can easily tell who our
foreign enemies nro but how aro wo
to dotormlno tho enemies In our own
citizenship. This much Is certain:
Any man or rilemont who goos among
you seeking to undermine your loy
alty, who attomps to persuade you to
change your citizenship of lnw nnd
order to one of anarchy and disorder,
who leadB you to bellevo that Ameri
can citizenship can bo a class citizen
ship, n race citizenship, n religious
citizenship, n rich citizenship or n
poor citizenship, thnt man or olement
you will know Is not only an enemy
of yours but an cnomy of our com
mon country as well. A good cit
izen makes no such distinctions or
proposals, 'for he knows but one
country, he sees hut ono flag and is
loynl to but ono people Ho knows
thnt oach citizen has tho snmo rights
and tho same duties as every othor
c'ltlzon. Ho knows the full meaning
or tlioso Immortal but oft mlsundor
stood words: A gflvemmont of tho
people, by tho people and for the
people America at this Btngo of your
Journey In citizenship has contribut
ed to your welfare. See to It that
It cnji bo said of you In futuro gener
ations thnt you havo madp America
groatcr and hotter by your presenco
In It."
I'AOK 0.
Furnaces Now on Ground Kvnpor-
ntlng SKed With OIilsm Roof to Ho
Hullt to Aid In Work Kicct
To Hnvo larger Plant Later.
Tho Lako County Court has np
proprlntod n sum of $800 to bo used
on tho road from Fort Rock north to
tho Crook-Lano county line. Tho
farmers In Crook county expect to
ask tho Crook county court for n llko
sum with which to Improvo tho China
Hat road to tho county lino. It Is
estimated that this rond will shorten
tho dlstanco between Rend and Fort
Rock about 15 miles.
S. J. Hubbard, of HtautTor, tho Jub
tlco of tho poaco In that section, was
recently arrested and takon to Lako
vlow by Sheriff Snyder, nccordlng to
roports from Stauffer. Ho Is alleged
to havo forged tho namo of Georgo
Mehrer to a complaint on which n
young man was arrested charged
with hoi bo stealing. Hubbard has
lived In Stauffor for threo yonrs.
(Chownucan Press.)
Tho furnnces recently ordered by
tho Amorlcnn Soda Products Com
pany nro now being laid In position
at Alknll Inko and It Is only a mat
tor of a fow weeks at tho most until
that a company will begin tho ship
ping of soda products from tholr min
eral depoBltB on Alkali lako.
Tho beginning of tho Ttlnal chnp
tor In this great Industry will then
begin in earnest.
Besides tho furnaces which nro
now on tho ground a largo drying or
ovaporatlng shed will ho constructed
In which tho Boda will bo plnccd in
Its natural stato and left thoro for
several days. This building will bo
constructed with a glass roof and tho
cun'fl rays will rapidly vaporize a
great portion of tho wntor contnlnod
in tho product ns It comes from tho
nnclont lako. In this mannor tho
work of tho furnaces will bo greatly
Whllo tho present plant Is merely
an oxporlmontal ono tlioso who nro
handling tho affnlra of tho company
nro confldont that tholr result will
bo very gratifying and that It Is on
ly n question of a short tlmo until a
much larger plant Is Installed.
J. D, Sprocklcs, Jr., and his chlof
chemist, W. J. Dlnsmoro, both of Snn
Francisco, visited tho lako last week
nnd woro woll pleased with tho pro
gress mndo. It Is through tho work
Mr. Sprocklcs, who Is known tho
country over as tho great sugar king,
that Alkali lnko Is now being devel
oped, as ho In a financial way has
mado tho work possible
Stephen Foiter'i Ballads Won th
Heart of America.
Htcpucn u. Foster, the wilter of
American ballads, the producer of
Ainorlcn' most distinctive song, mny
or may not have lived In the golden
ago of American music thnt each may
decide for himself but It was nt least
a glittering npe. Foiter fashioned his
songs, sang them nnd died. Thoy were
American. And Foster has had no sue
In that day many person sntig nnd
played. Hvery little hamlet had Us
singing society. Music was In the
hands of the people nnd for tho peoplo
nnd to the people nnd even of the peo
plo Foster composed. His songs have
lived. "The Old Folks nt Home."
"Nellie Cray." "My Old Kentucky
uome. "i omo wucre My Love I.lci
Dreaming" these nnd others from hU
pen have survived many strange and
weird twists nnd turns In tho hUtory
of American music. They were born
out of the heart of the nntlon.
Foster's name mny not be entitled to
place with grent composers, and musi
cians may turn contemptuously away
from his songs, but his song9 live.
That may not make them greater mil
sic In tho Judgment of musicians, but
It gives them claim to respect He
was a "popular" song writer. Wo
have "popular" song writers today.
Their number Is legion. Uut thoro Is
uo Foster among them. Indianapolis
Silver Inko ltlpiii'liiu Owners Have
Seed In.
(Silver Lako Lender.)
With all tho heavy snows of Inst
winter, Sliver Lake boglns to look
llko It will not fill up. At this tlmo
tho wntor edgo is about whero It wns
ono year ago with most of tho water
shed, which supplies tho water, dry
and dusty. Tho riparian owners
along tho border havo this sprit
seeded about GOO ncres to grnlu.
Former years havo proven that
tho receded lands of Silver Lako aro
very productive For Instnnce: LiiEt
enr ono farmor had 18 acres of tho
beach land scodod to oats. Tho oats
j,row so rank thnt they could not bo
bound with a self blndor nnd bo tho
idea was conceived to cut the crnn
high enough with tho hinder to catch
tho heads nnd then mow tho stubble
for hay. Tho oats threshed C7 bush
els per ncro, beside producing 7 tons
of ont straw heads nnd 18 tons of
hay from tho second cutting.
Is your cigarette
No waiting nt tho Motropolltnn for
that shavo or hair cut. Four chairs
now ready. A'dv.
5 Garbage. This is food waste
only. Always keep It In a metal
I can with n tight cover. Do not
J let flics get Into It
s Rubbish. This Includes ashes,
J bottles, tin enns. Junk nnd liouso
sweepings. Alwnys keep it In
J boxes or barrels of average size
Wnsto Paper. This should bo
kept from rubbish. Alwnys koop
it dry. Put It in burlap bags or
I tlo It up In bundles. If kept In
. tho babcmcnt It should never bo
Best of
Oak Tan
not Vpairfd
All Work
Quick and
near tho furnace nor under tho
Vacant Lots. Tho owners of
vacant lots nro, rcsionslblt for
keeping them clean. Do not
throw your rubbish or gnrbago
In these lots. It Is not good citi
zenship nnd is a mennco to your
health. Try to get them cleaned
up nnd sco If you enn put In n
Fire Dangers. Clcnr out nil
wnsto pnier nnd rubbish of nny
kind in your attic or bnsemeut.
Never blockndo flro csenpes. halls
or stalrwnys.
When you buy n enck ot outside
(louf vou hinder tho dovolopment of
Central Oregon's farm rosources.
Mako It a practlco to buy tho homo
product. Every sack gunrnnteed. adv
Alt wo say ts thto tnaka But
' your steady dfraretla la amK
eJble, whether It ia Fatlma,
or socio other one.
laltoooandfrinndlytoyou '
throat and tongue f Does it '
leave yon feeling O.K. after
a Ions day of smoking? ,
Patlmas certainly make good .
on thosa two points.
The only question Is will
they lust suit jrotrr indi
vidual taste? Thoy mayor
they may not. But It seems
reasonable that they should
for they outaoll any other
dgaretto coating over 5c
So you ought to try them.
Do that today.
feftjimgyM ML
Tg Tvaxim iuxp
A Sensible Cigarette
2Q for Ktl
Dry 1 6-inch
Stove Wood
Delivered for
$3.00 Per Cord
Oregon Transfer Co.
Bulletin No. 1
A Mistake in the Policy of
the Bethlehem Steel Company
To the People:
The Senate of tho United States has passed n bill to spend $11,000,000 of the People's money
to build a government armor plant The measure is now before the House of Representatives.
It is said Uist manufacturers of armor havo "gouged" tho country In the post, nnd that a government
plant is necessary to secure armor moro cheaply.
The mUtake of the Ilethlcliem Steel Company haa been that it Ima kept quiet.
Wo havo allowed Irresponsible awertiona to bo mado for eo long without denial, tiiat many people
now believo them to bo proven fuel.
We shall mako tho mUtake of alienee nc longer.
Henceforth wo shall pursue a policy of publicity. Misinformation will not be permitted to go
It b and has been the policy of our Company to Jdeal with the American Government fairly
and squarely.
"Wo shall henceforth place tho detail of onr-relations with tho Government before
the American People.
Tho United States has for twenty years obtained the highest erode of armor and baa paid a lower
price for it than baa any other great naval power.
thlBaf pyiM f aVUattf I
England, $503 per tont France, $460, Cermany, WW, Japan, $.90, UNITED STATH3, i23.
A government plant cannot make armor any cheaper than we can do it; and
We are prepared to manufacture armor at any price which the Government itself
.hall name as fair. THAT BEING SO. SHOULD $11,000,000 OF THE TEOPLE'S
am m, sciiwab. cw Bethlehem Steel Company
EUGENE Q. GRACE, fimUtot .
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
. smallest risk.
Bend Park Company