W 3Sf , J. . w. Tuff IIK.M) UULlAm, 11KNI), ONE., WEHXK81UY, MAY JIV1010. PAOK t ' Remember that the Outing Season , is at hand and that we can supply you with many necessities for it. We can suggest muny , invaluable articles for the medicine chest. THERMOS BOTTLES KODAKS FISHING TACKLE REED & H.OR TON H. M. Grolner has ncccptod n po sition with Tho Pond Company. Claudo Mannhclnier went to Port land Sunday evening on business. , Sirs. S. Mcintosh has opened a frutthnd cigar stand on Wall sheet. Miss Donnio Hess leaves tomorrow Tho members of tho graduating clnss or tho Mend high school were entertained on Friday evening by tho management ot tho Ilend Theatre. ' Mr. and .Mrs. It. Q. White left on Saturday for Portland. Mr Whlto expects to bo associated this summer with tho Ulllson-Whito Chnutnuiiua. for her hnmn In Win If mil Mmitnnn. ,,. T , , , , ... '" o. leinoni return a on W. L. Cobb nnd family have mov- Tliurstf rom Portland whero she ed to their homestead for a short was colled on account of the death bend The 5feqfc store oreoon -I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS T. J. Murphy is reported to bo sick. John Dubuls was up from Tumalo jesterday. A. O. Walker of Alfalfa, was In tonn on Sunday. E, U Clark, of La Pine, was In tonn on Sunday. Alphonso W. Aya camo down from La Pino Monday. Dorsoy Helslng was over from tho Mctollus Inst week. H. J. Ovorturf went to Sisters yes terday on business. Tho work of oiling tho streets was completed dn Sunday, t Mr. and Mrs. F L. Shaw were over from Sisters on Monday. II. Sphler this week purchased two acres of land In Lytic Acres. John Combs waB a Pond visitor from Prinovlllo on Sunday. Mrs. L. P. Iloonoy was In from her Mtlllcan homestead last week. Mr. arid Mrs. John 13. Itynn went I to Klamath Palls on Thursdny. Jlrs. W. J?. 3)oudlai ' Wishes to Jtnnpunce to the H'ubllc thnt Shi . Utas Opened lJ UJ . . LU j. Lri A nrtstpnnp . A ip.nji.tn r7 v J. arlor in the Qawrence Building on Wall Street , . " . DELICATESSEN SUNDAES I BAKERY GOODS ICECREAM GREEN VEGETABLES FRUITS Tj J Boirir 111 Vall Street Lawrence DuilJint' Bend, Ore. I THE EVERYDAY NEEDS of the Workingman are the Needs to which we give our closest attention Till: IinilfiHMAX loggers shoes have no equal In tho market. They will stand the test of nil kind eof wear and weathor and will nover give foot trouble. KLK KKIX .XI Jiri.K SKIX SIIOHS A most suitable shoe for Inside factory work light and easy on tho feet. S nntl $: v pair. AVOHK 8HIHTS May we Impress you with the fact that our lino of work shirts will moot every requirement. We have a very largo assortment of all slxoa in n SO cent garment. They will not be this price very long. A slightly hotter quality at l"c mill 7.V. KHAKI THOL'SKIW Tho very best for hard service. Per pair SI.SM $l."ft KHAKI XOHKOI.K COA1H . . . . W and Utt-BO Hi:iI)IXn A large lino ot most, sultablo. Bedding for camps. Largo assortment of wool and mixed wdol trousers, extra good values $2. '-' H L. rrCIlvIl Furnishings -1 time. Frank Sullivan returned on Tues day morning from a business trip to Senttlo. W. II. Martin is building n modern six room bungalow and garaga In Wlestorla. Miss Gertrudo Hanks left Tues day morning for her homo In Snn i ranclsco. Guy LaFollottc, editor , of the Crook County Journal, was in town On Sunday, H. P, Smith has been awarded tho contract for plastering tho now Mut- zlg building. T. II. Foley plans to Icavo with Mrs. Foley for Portland on Monday, going by auto. The Commercial Club luncheon will bo held on Saturday at Uio Pil ot Butte Hotel. Tho whlto pelican, which was seen In the river lost week, left for tho south on Friday. Tho Ladles Presbyterian Guild will meet with Mrs. H. I). Ford on Wed nesday, Juno 7. A. L. French Is remodeling tho interior of his store to mnko room for an enlarged stock. Mrs. J. H, Stanley entertained a company of friends at tho Emblem Club this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sutton, of Burns, wcro in town on Sunday and visited with friends. Miss Mnrgarct Downs left Tuesday morning for a vacation with hor par ents In Boise, Idaho. Miss Luclllo McKay loft last night for California whero she will spend a part of her vacation. Miss Inez Peun leaves tomorrow morning for n summer vacation with hor parents In Indiana. Tho Ladles of tho Methodist Aid give a cafeteria dinner tonight In tho Commercial Club rooms. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. J. Pugsloy and family loft Tuesday morning to ro- sldo In Diamond, Oregon. Mrs. C. E. Nichols Is leaving on tonight's train to spend a month vis iting relatives in Poitland. F. S. Francis left Saturday even ing on n vacation to Portland and Walla Walla, Washington. Services of tho Scandinavian-Lutheran church will bo held on Sunday nt 2:30 at tho Methodist church. C. C. Cogswell, recently of Itny moiul, Washington, hns nccoptcd a position with tho Oregon Trunk. The Ladles Library club will hold a regular business .meeting on Tues day nt threo o'clock at tho library. F. F. Hetishnw, of tho V. S. Geo logical Kiirvoy, passed through Bend on Suuda onrouto to Klamath Falls. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold K. Smith of tho Pino Mountain ranger stntlon have been In town tho Inst few dnys. A party of Itedmond moil, Includ ing M- A. Lynch, C. II. Irvln and Jnr ed Moore, was In Hand Monday night. John W. Swyer, of tho Huron Milling Company, pasod through Uond onrouto from Portland to his home. Paul Ollson hnB recently arrived hero from Illtzvllle, Washington, and will tnko n position with A. L. French. Miss Daisy Stuart Is In town ths week from hor homestead nnd hns returnod to hor iKwItlon In Judge) Ki lls' olllco. Epli. Miller, mnnagor of tho Clio waucan Mercantile Company of Pau ley, was a business visitor In Ilend on Tuesday. Alfrod Sullivan, of Port Angolos, Washington, arrived In Bond on Sun day and will take charge of the Sul livan camps. Secretary of Stato Hon W, Olcott nnd family returned on Sunday even ing to Salom lifter a short business visit In Bond. Tho Baptist Womon's Union will hold Its regular mlslsonnry meeting Thursday nfternoon nt 2:30 o'clock at tho church. P. Blalsdoll, of Christopher, Wash ington, is visiting with friends In I Bend. Mr. IllsUdell camo overland by motoroyolo. ' The Ladlos Aid Society of the Joan. dlnavlan Lutheran church will meet with Mrs. J. P. Johnson on Monuuy at three o'olock. Mlsa Helen Thompson, who has beon visiting with Mrs. N. V. Heed, loft on Tuesday morning for hor home in Burns. Mrs. A. G. Duncan and Mrs. II. Horton of Seattlo, passed "through Bend on Sunday with Dr. II. M. Hor ton enroute to Burns. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Ward. Misses Bonnie Hess, Myrtle I'ugsley, Lot tie Pugsley and Obert Illloy spent Sunday at Crane Prairie. J Mrs. Hugh O'Kano this week pur chased a new 48 horsepower seven passenger Paige automobile through the Bend Garage Company. The Bulletin has received a copy of "The Index," the neatly printed and attractive annual issued by the Redmond Union High school. of her brother, who died on Mav II Hunter & Stnats have greatly 1m proved the appearance ot poiuo of their vacant property recent lv by having all brush and other debr a re moved. G. W. Cheney, who will havo chnrgo of the box factory at tho Shevlln plant, has purchased the un completed Parsons' house1 In Park ad dltlon. Homo mndo baked beans and brown bread Tuesdays and Satur days. Dot Palnly. Adv. A largo assortment of copies of selections from light operas at Day's music store. Adv. a Don't forget thnt Dr. Turner f3BK2the well known cyo specialist of Portland will be In Ilend again Saturday nnd Sunday, Juno 10 11 at Thorson's Jewelry store tlnd every 30 days In future. Hendnches relieved, cross eyes straightened, sat isfaction guaranteed. Examination and consultation free, Dr. Turner Is n specialist of experience nnd standing and you will mnko no mis take In consulting htm. Don't for got tho date. Adv. Suitable Material for Home and Street Dresses .7i:vi:i.i:it itirnmxs. P. E. Clidsc',1 JeWor.-'lins' return ed to Bend. I am pleased to an nounce to the pcoplo of Bend and vi cinity thnt I have returned to Uond and will open up a Jowelery storo In tho Oncll building ono door west of tho Bend Press Juno 1st. Fifteen years of experience cnnbles mo to ns suro you that my work Is absolutely first class. I will npprcclnto a share of your patronage nnd gunrauteo sat isfaction. Yours truly, 13p. P. H. CHASE. The woman, in planning her wardrobe, will profit by pro curing her requirements in these fashionable materials for street and house dresses. The values are special. ini)SWAXTi:i i-'on paixtixo. Tho director ot school district No. 01 (Plnlnvlow school) will receive bldB for painting tho school houso nt tho regular school meeting on June 10, 19 10, nt 2 o'clock. Bids are do Blrcd on tho following bnslH; two out sldo coats covorlng 2,100 feet each coat, inside, about 2,100 feet, ono coat, celling nnd sldo walls, COO feet of wnlnscoatlng, stain nnd varnish combined, 1400 feet of rubbcrold roofing nnd small belfry. Tho dis trict will furnish nil oil, pnlntH nnd stnln. Bids should bo mailed to 11. L. Glllett, clerk, Tumalo, (1) to do work with prcpnred paint; (2) to mix paints nnd do work. Tho dis trict reserves tho right to reject nny and all bids. 12-11 - - I SPECIAL J TURKEY DINNER j SUNDAY The Cozy -- - WE TOIMIT KOAP HIIAVIXCi SOAP T.1IOTI POWDIJIt faci: rnwiwit vaski.ixi: MHXTIIOLCItKAM ( UCUMIIHK CIlltAM COLD CIIKA.M l'lIltO.VIDi: CltKA.M H1CAUTV OltKAM TOOTH JlltUMIKS T60Tl'i PASTU HAY HP.M WITtJII HA.HL (WACKItlNK AMI BOSK WATIEIl and lots op hvhky iay toii.kt xi:ci-shitii:k f FOK ECONOMY SAKE SHOP AT New 30 Inch Cord Vollo nt a.!e j'&oV Jtitich Whlto tinbnrdlne, beautiful lino, twill, snow whlto finish, vnrd :ioe New SC'inch Uepp Mercerized ynrd. . . . , :trc New 4 Cinch Mercerized Lin weave, elegant silky lln Iflht 'for waists, drtsses, lingerie, nrd '15c Now 3(5 Inch Llnweno Nainsook flnlsh, extra special value, yard ir, A 'variety of printed voiles, some shadow striped, ;IC and 40 Inch, si different from tho ordinary kind white, pink and bluo grounds, ynrd Sflp Marquisettes Printed, jatd :irc New AunliiK Striped Middy cloth, for middles nnd skirts, 32 Inches wide, ynrd alio Awning striped wash skirts at !j!2.0(l Whlto Wash Skirts of Gabardine S1.7B, $11, Jiili.nt) Whlto wash skirts of Jeans nnd Indian Head $1,125, $t..10 Kha)ci Outing Suits Consisting of middy nnd skirt, of good quality Khnkl Jeans, all sizes; suit 1.7." Blous es ...in ' 111 Now Organdy nnd Vollo blouses Plain nnd embroid ered In dependnblo wash material especially priced . . . , !j!t.'J.1 Others at $1.30 ami $1,7.1 Stop and Shop at IPSB88PSR THE COZY. i Cozy IloHtaurant. Old fnnlilonotl Fresh tomntooH, cueumberH and strawberry short cako n specialty. strawberries now on tho menu nt the ' Chicken dinner every Sunday. Adv L,m r w. arner s Bend's Economy Center CLOSING OUT SCREEN DOORS Etc. rices We have on hand, it mixed n.ssorlmciil of Screen Doors, Ciinip Stoves, Hum Push Uroonis, Ihindle Forks, Hand I lay Hakes, Tenls, Hoat Oars, Garden Sprinklers, Etc., anil to close them out quickly, we have Marked Them Away Down 'J-(i-(J-(t Screen Doors, were Si. OS, now. $1.00 4-1 Iole Camp Stove, were 81. 7-J, now .. $1.45 Hickory Hum Hrooms, yverc T.'ic, now 50c 2(l-ineh Ilund Hay Hakes, were 7fie, now . 25c 1-Tine Humlle Koiks, were !u, now 50c 8x10 Wnll Ten Is, were $7.50, now $6.25 0 ft.-G Hoat Oars, were $!.."(), now. $1.50 Jl-Gal. Garden Sprinklers, were iWc, now 50c YOU HAV IILIUKY WY Lio Jfi. udinCI mV:kciia.v.. Z. - fa. nohU TwllfT THK United Stales 1 Hli 49 will get you there without difficulty fewer hlow-outs, punctures better trad all uround better service ami more mileage, We carry a full line of UNITED STATES TIKES ami TUBES. rrr- y i-z- tir' iigiii Skuse Hardware Company Fishing Tackle. Flower and Garden Seeds. i ! ( 5 1 r X