J'' PAGE 4. THK BEXI) BCLXKTIX. BEXT). OIIE-, WEDNESDAY. StAV 31. 1010. The Complete Primary Vote for County Officers "We linow How to Swat the Fly 'TM- I. 1 , How to live Long j 1 1 si ; Iri ' n . i H . M J . HirriKUC.x. J 2 . i J v 'a. ! i ! ' t.- k l . : s T H V h B A jt '- fc' ' lg g - - si- . I -r- x s : lPrWai rtr-7"Titr " ? in-;!- n. tij isv-f? : r iv. I II nil . ii ! am fi l ' J - is I Mead a. 1 . . . It ; ITS' 1S7 Sfc TMOt 1J 1 14 121 21; IS 73 '155 Boad Mo -... IT ! ) U i$ (1 ! T t SI : S XT iSt C? 27 74 BM IfO 5 . . 41 ' " 5" iI Z7 60 Xwitotirr . j a 3 3 1 1; 4 ; i s S : l 9 , t t MCIUUT i: 1, 1 1 1 V IM if 1! i 11 6 IX L"r Bridf iV 1 i , 1) 14 $ 11 , 11 J 14 t Mr ... 15 11 4; mt it t i: 14' ! 11 4 ( 41 4 ' 2C 13 '4 I C-mtrmto ... 10 If 17 If t J 7 t IS 17 1 17 Si i 1 ,1J ia&tU . ! 1 U' 18 I 5 6 7- ft 19 1J. 12 SI II 7 4 11 I.- Dwckotta . . J at li j 44 St 1 IS lt 47 3S 24$ (. i 20 SI Maui r-rek U 15 tl ) M l 4 l, li; Si S s "2 lij n 7 23 ! 310 CroV . I S j J li J. SI ; J 42 1 1 3 I j&-jf4 . 6 S 4, 7 I 1 1 7J lj 7 S S 2! 0 2 ,. 7 5aMlt . . - 0 1 1 0, & 4 S , 1 1. li 0 ' S I ! Ifcar CrMt . l 1 2 ! 4 1 V I, 2 2I ll 1 1 " 3 WfclU Bft . (, li IS U l a 10! SI V 7' IS 11 lj 41 7' 0 13 ! HMiif ' IS 17 1! 11 " I ! IS 21 IS IS ;! SI C 13 l . urr ' j ii s; I s i a j 4i r s s 4 ' j 2 4 ! XMi li $' It f7 II - ( 11 1) 1S t S 24 24 14 Si 2 21 I AMtta 3i 1 84 21 J 11 1 1 7 If 2 12 4 W 4 12 ttrMM I ' S & 4 i S i S t 7 S S 4i 2 S I lll Bwttm . SS 11 SS! SS 20,27 Z ' 4S 9S' S4; 27 31 31 11; 1SI 7 2S tr..-j A - i as ii i it l ii ii it ri c r. TWtlMraw , 1 37 1 1( ii 1 23, St SSj St 43 4! 60' 1C 31i 14 42 t J Ttawlo ... . 7 IV 44 S 31 ti 1 32' 14; 37. 4 C it 331 131 &2 26 62 lrlad . 27 i im t$ 12 S 4 to 40 STi U SS i! 2! 12' 49J 31 CJ ! - MiUteM .. S 12 IS IS 13 S 1 1 S' IS 3. 11 1 12j 41 5' 2 - 10 1 Itapvrlal . ..17 S 1 17 2lj 2 11 ( S 1 ia IS 17 13! 7- S. 1 L 24 7 il 2 13 2 3 t 7 i If S 5 & 5 t IK . .21 3 4 4 2 2' 3 3 4 4' 21 Si ml 4 HfMwM It 11 ! 37 ) 1 4 13 111 ' St St SS 22 7 14 4 23 ! CUb Pall 14 10 17 2S $ lit ' I i, lit 5 It 16 24 S' SI 6 17 . Hat KocK 33 i 7S2034S 2 7 41 1 4 1 6 Modwond ''- i 1161 21U2 41 6fi 4S, 77 St SS) 13S1 SI IS! 14 SS J TOTAl T 4 1114 H4t,7;i7S421 til Urn 7S t30 1 l2'10Sj 914j SS? 7S4! 3S4I110S J " ' ' . - - -- - -- .----- PAISLEY GLUB IS BUSY I TO Tl GEHINC RI6HT OF WAY j "" " i 8I 's i j ' n r- fix " pRBCiNcrr '-l. i: - o 5 J5 P S - 5 ! ... tt SI 44 IS S2 44) 32 2 ... 4 S4 45 ' 29 C4 56 SI 44 H 21 21 " S SI 27 22 IS ; IS IS 12 11 St IS 14 -li S3 31 SS 12 SI Si 33 U IS 11 IS 1 14 11 19 12 6 T 6 6 fi C 4 4 4 s e s a 4 a ; . .'. 13 14 St 2 2t IS IS 17 tit 0 10 S 8 7! f It It 2 12 It 10 IS ; 11 It IS 2 17 IS 12 11 2 39 2S 14 37 3 20 2$ J ..4 6 4 C 7 5 C C 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 9 fc b 1 ...... -f 0 V I 4 7 6 3 6 9 C 9 C S g 14 6 13 13 9 10 24 1$ 25 4 24 21 20 17 11 It 16 4 14 12 12 11 ; 34 SS S3 10 37 26 26 27 IS 16 12 7 23 IS 20 IS . 3 S 4 4 4 4 4, S73S12 946 7 $ IS S IS S 10 10 I It It 10 1 12 11 11 10 li 20 15 4 27 21 24 16 11 IS 14 3 17 IS 9 9 J TC&0S7S7 ... .5 S 6 a 7 8 7 7A a a a t 2 2 2 2 I 4 3 4 t 4 4 4 3 is 11 19 s 13 ia ia 9 7 s 9 a is it 9 9 S S S 0 S S 4 S ! Redmond St 23 2 2$ 25 21 17 X . 4 st Tit tit TTi esr tsl 4I4 412 ---- Rates leprinied br permission of I Metropolitan Ute Ioiuraace Com : pmr frm booklet Iseoed by it. FOOI nCLE 7. lo Xot Eat Mnrla MnU and Eskx. Foo4s are of tvs klsds repair food ad fuel food. The repair foods are called "protein ' The fael foods are called "earbohy drates." and "fau." We aut eat a certain amount of roteta."er repair food, each dar to replace those parts of tfae body whkh axe belag used p. If we eat more of this "protein, ' or repair food, than e reo.Hr need, the sur- plas food deoays In the 1hwc1s and makes poisons. This works the liver , and kidneys too hard, because ther I are parts of the body which have to 1 set rid of these poisons. There are two foods which we all use and vrfakh has this "protein" J or repair food. In large amounts. 1 These foods are aeat and ergs if ve eat too msch of meat and eggs we get more "protein." or repair food than the body needs. This makes poisons. Est little of meat and eggs. -------- IK) YOC KNOW THAT - Life U a constant struggle acalnst death? Dirty refrigerators may make sickness? The V. S. Public Health Ser- rice Ifsues free bulletins on rural sanitation? Every man is the architect of his own health? Iri the baby that lives that count - Tuberculosis Is contagious, pre- rentable, curable? The full dinner pall th open window the clean well make for health? " -- If j,. mini I" n 11 IIIi " J"-1 rtroP'-ronnd. Woulllnoi (..U-nilo lu niiMrn.lly. (r mhiIIhm irlilWinl'"1 """",'r k'H our frCTh , .cilHl.al.1o KmI '' r' "" M",,mt "'", '"",t r ",CN TI10 -ij IhI r ii'U ilin"o In the cry best f ...mlltl.m mat nitt ' I"1" '""",l nt BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phone Red 161 TM.I-HI. jjKNn HAL'LING CO. TKANSFEK AND STOKAGE. HOUSEHOLD OUOUS MOVED. COAI. ANU WOOD. Oregon Transfer Company orncu I.OU CA1IIN COIINER. I'liono lllark 151 Movlnc llouwliiil.l ., ,, (Joal nd Wood Goods Our HiK-cliilly '-'K'lt nnd Hear Insight llXI'ltllSS AND HAfiOAGK AUTO THICK MOVING ANYWHERE yol'h iticoAoi: ciii:chi:i) at hojie (fWinnlllM l'rrn fiffi-rclal (ThIi 1 at Wort-llwj. T llBf IhU S ruml WllJiln a .Mnnlb. (Cbewaacaii Praaa ) TVs daarfs for rial of way aad Uto mumm ioInr tb rbsht of way aad all land trareracd by it. hava Ihkm ree4vd froai th seneral oflcaa at Um 0ro. Caliiorala & Kstera railway aad ar now la th- hands of lb PaMer Canfnarclal Club TVs rigait of way coann'tt. the aaftatetaMNit of which was no'sbwd kt liiexrt racalar aaMtiac of th elwb, will afasrt work lmmdlitel and l la kwpad by taarn that thev wilt ba able to nat all tracts daeded wlth la a txr afcart tlnw PrvsWoat RciK-rt K Straborn of tba Ha will be la PaJstay wKhlu boat Mtaath aad tbta visit I aa 44mI laaaatiTe to the caaimltta as lhay mmMm to hav- their work com atatod bfare bis arrival That Uiare lll b a Hvaly eoataat lnf the tllffarant lorilltlea later iMmm la ax Mac their (bar of the rlgfct of way aad iwnalaal sroaad rat. ha aaaa ladsraivd oa aral U I hoped that oar aajfttae will 4a all la tbair paw- r ta aaa tau thai haaor eoaira to PajaJar. Try oar fraah broad aad pastry. Garaody Krothort. Bond r a. at tf COMMinEE IS FORMED OatioM ll4lr oh InrMtn Vivjt-t Hop In (in( Arllnn. iCraacwat Kawa.1 Tka hvldara of oatioas uiion laad ta tka Irnaatloa pro)oct ol tha D efcatra Load Coaiaaar. aavlas; grown Hrod of alUa for Um laUlllaaoat of ta auar aroaiiaoa of J K. Moraoa arasUsBt of th Cosapaay. aad l Itavlag that tb tiaia has rotr waan II aroaaacttve aattlart shoald Jota In (b fartbaraaca of oat arotaetlvr i coaatrootlv) program for the raaaajia taUraat. aro pratiarad to aitaak a alaa aaaar wbjch tho pro tact aroald ba ukaa ovor by ta oa-tl-a aoldaru aad aaaaod to aoaipl lloa. A eoamittoa o( optloa aoldar haa baa aaajolatad roaatatlag of -r ft sfadoaa. i. i Kaaaody aad Jallu U rtakar. with ogkaa al lt Yaon batMIac. Hortlaad. to eoaiasaaleai with ail aatwa hoidars aad if agr bla aabwlt a plan for oaaataonukta How that Moraoa la abeat ta b co Btlfad to giro aa Uh arojxt. tba oal) rhaaoo for th aatsoa hoidon la lo davlaa aaiaa way wharoby thay can tak tba iroprty ovor or saoaro aid froas tba Sia( Tador la pro at eoaditloa of tk afiaira t the Uooiaaay it U aot Uki tho aoastax tagttlatar woald do aayibiar. la the asauor aad If the V S. Kavaraatoat wtM Hataml the Unto far eootpiaUnK tb t to tba Ststa aad tba op toa hoMara Meare the Mtally of Mor aoa. sM4Mag may be iloae lo aave lao Uml tw the soltlar. At aay rate, aatlaa boldars boW aarrasaoad Mb tba MHamllloe aad ani bat ptaa thay bava iUtt rboWlte Wok l'rioortllo xo a No. 4 Boad No 5 MoaigotDtry McKar Iswer Bridg Stater . Ceairaio Roberts Duathaias Joaaaoa Craek Mm Ork Howard HajBMHt nmr Craak Caaap Creek Whit Butt . ivr .... Maary .. .. WMBI AlfoUa tVV9 a a Powell Butte . Kaawogd .... Tothorow . . . Tamala Irlaad MIIMraa Isopwrlal .... I jva KM irilsa.a rila Kalh . . Ha Rook .. Redmond .... 7ut TIiU Out It Is Worth Money Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5 cent to Foley & Co.. Chicago, III , writing your name and address clearly. You win receive '.n return a trial package containing Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar tic Tablets. Sold everywhere. Adv. See J. Hyan Co, for farxa land leans. Adv. A desirable bread knife frco with every annual subscription to The Bend Bulletin. Clean up and paint up. See Ed- 1 wards. Adv. Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Walter Coombs, L. D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. A detlrAbl broad knlf frj with txwry annual aabocrlptloa to The itaad Bulletin. A dislrable bread knife free .with every annual subscription to The Dend Tmiletln. -yi? Pj'ala.aaaaaaaaa.a.aa.aaaaaaaaaaH Kr?tlnK Up To Ttie Mark. "ptfac ttr" ia aot always a )oka If fm fttal dull aad slagirith. Uro4 aad war oat. uar from back Mb of wosk bark, tkemaatUw. sore MWOkas alltr Jolms or othar ladln ilea of kldaor trottblo. It will nay y la tavoatleata Kly KWa PilU. JIMbT ar blphiv raaamntandod tVwaatii aaj gfflalaat abs to hoalih 4aM nrjrvlmra. Adr. Use More Paint Do Les Scrubbing' Painted kitchen Hoors nre sanitary and easy to keep clean. 'Pli.. ci.rvr4li )iui-l KiirCnni will nni nllnvi ilirf tr "cinL in " , ..v ....vl. ....... - ' -- - j There s no need ot the work, worry and backacne caused' by 1 scrubbing bare wood Hoors. I -ACME QUALITY ! FLOOR PAINTS are inexpensive alwut six cents n square yard for two coats. They are easy to apply you can do it yourself and they tlrv quickly. Ask at our store for color sample card, which tells you about painung.staining.vamisiungand waxing lloors Bend Ha.rdvaire Co. BBND BE COOL in YOUR KITCHEN. COOK WITH electricity Bend now has the Lowest Electric Cooking Rate in the State. Cooking and HeatingMeter Rates First 100 K. W. H. in Any Month He per K. W. H. Next 100 K. W. H. in Any Month. .. 2c per K. W. II. All Over 200 K. W. H. in Any Month, le per K. V, h! Eflective April 1st, 101(5. WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from $10 up which .' : C we sell on easy terms. y BEND WATER UGHT & POWER CO. Phone 551 i V' & t lc Wl th th fe w v tl tt n1 e .tl e c i n y ' - . x I P -TL: "' - ''riaaaaaaBaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaBBaBaBaaa 1 . ,L, XT '" ' H-J " --- ..'aaJ- MajSaMiaawTlJJJl .. u i mmimmmmmWmLmtL IfSl' JhKr j ..XBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB