The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 31, 1916, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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1'AOE tl.
ArcoMllnR to tlio Amcrlcmi Tiiuiibcr-
nmn (liu Wooden Container Is (Jo-
JiiK Ahead of Fibre Ilo Hcmilt.H
Klectl to llo rcriiiancnt.
In view of tho coming development
of tlio box making Induntry hero tho
S following nrticlo from the Amorlcan
Lumberman Is of Interest:
Hoy Market Improving.
Itoports published In this Issue,
coming from various manufacturing
points scattered but roprcsentntlvo of
wldo sections of prominent activity,
oro to tho effect that box making has
had nnd probably will for many
months enjoy a rojuvonntlon on ro
bust lines at some points n restora
tion to nnd increase of Us best ac
tivity. Tho Immodlato cause Is giv
en as tho higher prices of metal and
Low grndo lumber Is responding In
demand and prices In tho sections
first affected nnd tho influence) prom
ises to cxtond. Tho wooden con
tainer is coming back to ltB own nnd
In Instances is reaching n plane bet
ter thnn Its previous best; and vood
eu contnlnors In most cases aro made
of low grndo hard or soft woods. The
extraordinary demands upon tho iron
and steel 'manufacturers and upon
manufacturers of Ilbro demands
that aro n direct outcomo of tho Eur
opean war nnd that thoy aro increas
ingly unablo to meet and tho con
sequent higher prices for thoso ma
terials automatically throw them out
of consideration as materials for box
making, nnd shippors of manufactur
ed product must turn to tho logical
container, tho wooden package, what
ever their inclinations or prejudices
mny bo.
Tho results hold promise that thoy
will not bo merely temporary. Should
tho direct Influenco of this condition
become at onco inoperative lta ear
lier effect, tho greater demand for
tnc wooden nrticlo, could not as n
business proposition censo at onco;
but, boyond thnt, tho relntroductlon
of tho wooden package where recent
ly it 1ms beon noglcctcd and its In
troduction whore It hnB been un
known signify not only nn affective
advertisement for It but afford it
rich opportunity to show Its super
iority over containers of metal and
flbro thnt will hnvo lasting effect,
And so low grndo lumber makers
of wooden boxes and tho natlonnl
classification commlttco of tho lum
ber, wooden box and allied Interests
find n substantial silver lining to tho
bellicoso black cloud across tho Atlantic.
Wouldn't You Rather
Live In a Clean Town
Than a Dirty One ?
Of Course You Would!
So Would Your Friends
Who Come to Visit
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No Action Taken by Committee nnd
Monilx-rs Admit I.tttto Likelihood,
of Any Inrgo Portion of IMir-
Voi-c of Salem Conference Uiss
Gleanliness Would
Prevent Many Fires
Glean Up and
, Prevent Criticism
ATltAIN on -which n well difsscd
8L Paul cltlien was reiPiitly
traveling stopped at n smrt!!
town. From the car window could bo
seen a dozen or more ba"k yards.
Heaps of lofuse won? scattered over
tho weedy ground. Herd nnd tlicru a
tin can glistened in the tur.,
1 The houses were dull. Uninteresting
nnd In bad repair. A couplo of listless
men boarded tho train ami snnk into
their seats, apparently thankful to be
leaving tho place.
An hour later they npfroached an
other town. There was no dismal out
look there. The onck yards woro car
peted with closo cropped grass and pat
terned with uower beds. Fresh paint
ed whlto fences separated the lawns.
Most of tho houses had been recently
"Is this tho county seat?" tho cltlren
asked tho conductoi.
"No; thnt last town is the county
scat." was bis answer, "but this place
Is going to be. That other town hasn't
got enough self respect to Ocht the bill
thnt will uiako tho chenge. This town
U a hummer. It deserves to win."
Adds to th Apprne and Valu of
Ask any real estate man what pr
etntago of value Is added to a house
by a fresh coat of palm nnd you will
bo surprised at tho size of the figure he
will give you. Too rauny householders
bavo the habit of putting off painting
until a house fairly screams for It.
nnd they perhaps figure thnt tbey are
economizing. Not so
Good paint applied at regular inter
vals, uot too far apart, is the tru econ
omy in that it not only actually raises
the value of the house by Improved
appearance, bnt through preservative
Ingredients prevent and arrentj" do
cay. The man who lata his bouse become
an eyesore In an otherwise well kept
locality should be taxed for tbe heavy
damage he Is doing to that community.
uya the Rul Estate Journal.
F tho clean up and paint up Bplrlt
wcro observed by all tho year
around n largo majority of Arcs
could b,e provented. according to a
Philadelphia Ore marshal. And ho fol.
lowed up this statement with tho fur
ther somewhat startling assertion that
"nunually n certain portion of tho pop
ulation in Philadelphia Is burned to
death by fires In homes tvlicro In most
enses tho Oro would never hnvo oc
curred If a little enro had been exer
cised in keeping the bouso free of rub.
Every citizen or group of citizens
representing a family, nn nssoclntlon
or business establishment should tnlco
part in the clean up cnmpatgn this
year In an endeavor to decrcaso tho
number of Ores nnd save tho money
loss nnd lives that fires cause, npnrt
from tho obvious creation of better
and moro healthful living conditions.
To get In lino with tho cleanup
movement nnd to bo one of tho clean
up citizens should bo the nlra of every
ono during tho clean up tlmo to pro
tect your llfo nnd property by removing
tho causes or cause of needless (Ires.
Mnko n study of your household con
dltlons nml remember thnt n dirty
houso Is worse than n dirty fnco and
may cnuso lots moro trouble, nnd cost
moro money nt any time. Clean up
nnd paint up nnd uld In reducing tho
number of fires nnd other evils.
Export wntch nnd Jowolry ropalrlng
nt Symons. Adv.
Four chairs at your service at tho
Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv.
Ovls your neighbors lot ns
you do your own, but bo
sure to lovo your own.
Don't plant tomato cans and
rubbish on unused lund. Their
fruits nro withered civic pride.
Don't nllow yourself or your
city to crento dumps. Wnsto can
bo made to pay for Its own de
struction at n profit.
Don't allow tumbled down
buildings to stand on vnluablo
land. They nro financially waste
ful. They crento filth, Invito vlco
und nro n niennco to life.
A fencu that has cmscd to bo
n fenro and bns becomo nn of
fense should bo repaired or de
stroyed. Unregulntcd ndrcrtUlng on un
used lnnd pays for the mainte
nance of n public nuisance.
Two gardens may grow whero
ono dump has bloomed before.
School gardens aro valuable
adjuncts to education nnd recre
ation. They can bo cultivated
on nn open lot
Let tho children pin? on tho
unused bind, so they mny be
como strong nnd beep out of tho
hands of tho law.
Let not nn Inch of land be
kept In Idleness. It bns n dlvluo
right to bear fruit nnd flowers
and ever servo the highest In
tercut of man.
Expectation lessens that a nicasuro
putting tho stato back of Irrigation
and dralnngo development will bo
submit od to tho voters of Oregon nt
tho Isovembor election.
The special committee of tho Ore
gon Irrigation, Drainage nnd Kurnl
Credits conference ,whlch nccoptod
tho responsibility for drafting tho
mensuro and dovlslng ways and
menns of putting It on tho ballot,
has not reported any formal meetings
nor has It submitted to public dis
cussion any formal draft of an Irri
gation and dralnngo measure. Mem
bers of tho commlttco whllo Inclined
to bo noncommlttnl, ml ink there Is
little likelihood of deflnlto action.
Ituiiit CrcdltH Men
Tho commltteo nuthorlzed by tho
Oregon Irrigation, Dralnngo and Itur
al Credits conference to drnft n rur
nl credits mensuro has practically
completed Its work and announces
that It will organize tho campaign for
signatures to tho petition and to or
ganize tho campaign for Its adoption.
Tho measure, which has been submit
ted to a number of public dlscusslona
and In which lta frnmors hnvo sought
to adapt to Oregon needs tho best
rural credits systems elsowhcro suc
cessful, Is to bo issued within a few
days In printed form, nccordlng to
commlttco announcement.
To understand what, led up to tho
appolntmont of tho two committees
it is ncccEsary to go back a llttlo.
Irrigation Conference Held.
"Wlion tho Oregon Irrigation Con
gress wns held In Portland, Decem
ber 27, 28 nnd 29, It brought from
Irrigation projects throughout tho
stato men convinced that there must
bo uniform orgnnizntlon of projects,
that uniform securities must bo Is
sued nnd that tho stato must put Its
crodlt bnck of fcaslblo projects. Tho
llttlo homos on tho projects, It was
agroed, would never bo prosperous
and happy otherwise nor would on-
vTuxedo Nights
by Walt Mason
When the day's work's clone, and the good old sun
has sunk in the well known West, then I stretch my
form by the fireside warm, I sit at my ease and rest.
Then I take my pipe which is mildly ripe, as the pipes
of good smokers are, with a chortling soul then I fill
its bowl from my glass Tuxedo jar. And I smoke at
ease, and my trouble flees to
the place where dead troubles
go; and my worries seem, in
my waking dream no longer to
have a show. And I say, "In
deed, it's a noble weed that
drives all tho ghosts away, and
clamps the lid on the cares
that skid around through the
busy day. The worries and
woes nnd such things as those
in the daytime leave their scar, but there's rest at
night and a calm delight in my
glass Tuxedo jar." 'CbatijAi
Irl -Jm
tlrcly meritorious projects bo proper
ly llnnnced under presont conditions
without tho mnrk of tho state's ap
proval. Whllo tho subject of draln
ngo has been less discussed ns n pub
lic question, It wns slmllnrly ngreed
thnt dralnngo Bhould bo stato backed.
Slnco rurnl credits Is another far
mers' necessity It wns concluded that
tho thrco questions should be taken
up together nt tho conference nuthor
lzed by tho Irrigation congreso nnd
hold at Snlom, March 9 and 10.
Mill AppoIntM Committee.
Wbii the appointment of special
committees ono to drnft n rural
credits measure, tho other to draft
an Irrigation nnd drainage bill was
authorized, tho rural crodtts commit
too was named from tho Door; tho
chairman of tlio conference, A. h.
Mills, however, wns empowered to
nnmo tho membors of tho irrigation
and dralnngo commlttco. On the
rural credits committee, nnmed from
tho floor, C. E. Spenco, mnster of tho
stato grange; J. D. Drown, president
of tho Farmers' Union nnd T. II,
Ilurchnrd, then president of tho Stnto
Fodorntlon of Labor, woru appointed.
Mr.. Mills unmod ns members of tbu
Irrigation and dralnngo commltteo .J.
11. Kerr nnd C. C. Chapman of Port
land nnd Asa II. Thompson of Uma
tilla county, Tho Inttor represents
tho Irrigation men of rnstaru nnd
central Oregon.
AVits Troubled ut Night.
Pnlnful, nnnoylng blndder weak-
nosses usunlly Indlcntes kidney
trouble So do bnckncbrs, rhoumn
t'sm, soro, swollen or stiff muscles or
Joints, Such symptoms hnvo been re
lieved by Koloy Kidney Pills. Honrv
Itudolph, Cnrml, Hi., writes: "Slnco
taking Foley KIdnoy Pills I sleep all
night without gottlng up," Soldi
every whore.- Adv.
A dcslrnblo bread knlfo freo with
ovcry nnnunl subscription to The,
(lend llullctln.
For farm land loans bco J. Ilynn
& Co. llcnsonablo rates, prompt
sorvlco. Adv.
Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables
Only everything of the very beit
on our tablet.
Mm. Nellie Slcvcnion
In order to old tho fnrmor tho
nond Flour Mill Co. has this year ob
tnjnod Apox (Lend Plaster, a scien
tific fortlllzor. Adv.
------------------ --
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Preparedness and Peace and the Engineer
HE United Sutti drtiret pelte, bated on juuice nd mtuitiined
with honor, Uut to tniuie Uiu kind ol peace American! mutl
know thai oationi are now defended not alone by fighting men,
but by fizhting mdunrki.
Tk Eninne:ri ol thia country, trained ai only American En.
einecra art trained, hold that truth lobe at fundamental at the law olgravitjr.
With the authority ol the United Slttet Government mote dun 30,000 En
gmeert and Chemuta. member ol five eminent American toentiEc bodiea,
are making lor the nrtt time in the hutory ol the Go vera mem a minute,
iweeping turvcy ol die mdiutnal retourcea ol America. They will go to
ihe lactone! and minet of the land and with their tole method, emciency,
and their tole motive. patnotUm, lorm a t art, flexible organization, audi at
the world hat never known. ... ,.
Their wvk will be the baiii lor creating in thia country a true line ol
de'ente in time ol war ihe ability to produce iwiltly, abundantly and with
tutUoed power all the thouiand and one clementa ol modem wailaw.
Without aueh prodjeuon iheie can be no efficient army and navy.
Military Preparedneti wui the battle. But InJuilrtal PrtfartJnm
winathe WAR I Indutlrul Preparednett mvolvet no huge cipentea. Only
Ihe KNOWLEDGE, ol what American tnduttnr can do. To KNOW
die extent oi each plant, the equipment ol each ahop, the capacity ol each
machine, the ability ol each man. THAT la the cuence ol lndutnal rre
patedneu. Thai u die ladt to which duty thouund Engineer are pledged.
The Engineer' work will lay for all time the ghott oi the "munition
rruit" by making pouible to have munition made in tboutaad of plant.
Thia vital work ol the Engmeei will uipoly the miliary audiormea m
Waihingtoa with wlormatwn never before collected, and a ia canted for
ward without a dollar' coat to the Government. And thu advertiaement u
not paid for. The Ataacuted Adverluing Clube of the World have pre.
pared the copy and the publthco have patnoueally letponded and pnsled
wvhout pay lor the tike ol National Delente and International Peace.
411 JmitttSBi m't ait'J (ft ' ttii alM. m ll AmuU $kH
4,M M ,.!,, ., tm l'"' ual ft iilfit tflmilt 4t it tHtl,
co-oprrtboo wall
k ABktfKaU Urt.tVtf 4 MaftUt tJaM I Ik BrtXkCS UJCIaiM U UYt UftWH
X Aahiivas t I Vn-ta
&arM BuUoa w y s
. Nrw Yert
is CHEAPER because it
makes MORE loaves
Don t be fooled into buying LOW
PRICED flour thinking you are getting
something cheaper than "WHITE
RIVER" flour.
PRICE does not decide the value
of a barrel of flour as much as the
that can be made from the barrel of
Every suck of "WHITE RIVEiV'JHoiir is GUAR
ANTEED. Your grocer will refund the
price without argument H you do not (ind "WHITE
RIVER" flour the BEST you ever used.
Try a suck of ."WHITE RIVER" flour at our
risk, made from a special blend of the finest selected
wheats, by Oregon's finest mill.
Sold by the grocers at llend, Oregon.
Wasco Warehouse Milling Co.
The Dalles, Oregon
-v--- ---- ---