I pact: 2. THE DEM) ntXLKn.V, BEXD, OKE., WED.VESDAV, MAY 3J, 1910. 1 S , I CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. s -------- Tl MLO. (Special to The Holletln) TVMAIX). May 28. Mri Dell J-rfcsW of Head bat besrn in town t t (at wib teaching inwn Bae kf flrmalMd a fx4 aStd et M ad U Imoii will close on Wtdneaday Wll- !. May 31 with c concert. m md ware fallen at Brookings Son wmm will b a-Htted by talent from -n stood tlxad crowd attended tne 0fW Mace hurt Haturdcy stent. TVs Board of Director! of tb ball 1MM a aeetlna; Saturday night In the IMOjufti Oftfce Mr. and Mn John T. I'r.rker and faatttr were dinner guest of Mr. and J. X. Jfarab on Sunday. U. . Bollard returned Sunday from Koaeburft whcr be attended tlw I. O O P. convention. Mr. and Mm John Stllea. Mrs li. C. Cady. Mm Mildred Taylor. 1'anl Btlfen, Graver O. (Jerkins and Bert Miller wit up to l:nd Wadnaday Might to lb movie Harold. Caul and lon Mar left Monday morning for Kndlcott, Wash ington, to upend a month risking wttk relatives Mildred Banta ac ooMpMled tbf m aa far ai Walla Walla, where Hhe will vlult ber annt. Mr. and Mr C J Mock and Mla-i Margaret Mock were dinner guest Of JKit and Mr T E J. I hi fly of I'rfnerlll m Thurada) Mr. C I'. TlecKer went to I'rlne rllto lat week to vlait relatives for H Week. Mm. Clarence Handel returned from St. I .on Is, Misaourt, on Satur day evening. Jinn are being made for the Tll-)le-a stub iifcnle on next Sunday on the Tumalo. ' d- and Sunday t the homo of R been vlaltlng at the Holland home. ?. aDd Mrs- l- Rooney. who habeen Uan an Matre woat to Bend Sat-, visiting In Itend will return to their urday and returned Sunday, home today. Clyde Johnson woa-. to Portland Mrs. Alex Mcintosh stopped at Mt. Tmrsday and returned Sunday I Plae Inn oa his way to Bend rred Welt re urned from the val-l II. It. Koller spent Sunday with his if riiuai momma wnere ne naa . lamnr. J. B. Myers of Paulina, pawed through the valley with a band of saeep enroute for Alex Mcintosh s r pects to r-' r t-is fall Clyde n drrus and John llama are u. to Bend. Mrs. Horare Brookings made a bueinoM trip to Bend this week . Xr. King returned from Bead 14 ThHrsday Alex M'Kon and Mrs. Joe John- tir.on Innlrfnp at Innrf ' ay. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edmondson and Mur- l-oona Monroe was the guest of Id left for the southern part of the Otadfs Mks last Saturday. , state and valley points Monday morn- Wjh. Hoist Is on the Mek list. ing. They will travel all summer In Oabriel Batontl Is doing some an automobile, plowing for G A Jobneon. ! Paul Brooking, who attended high i MILI.ICA.V. reboot at Hnd the past year, baa re- turned to his home. (Special to The Bulletin.) hearing corrals John Edwards' brothers and fam ily, from Washington are Waiting with the John Edwaids" family this weoK. I'l.VEIiniST. MIM.ICAN, May 28. Tuesday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Keller fSnc-lnl m ti. n..u.tii ami family and Wednesday afternoon. PINEHL'RST. Mav 9 Mrs Clir- n.AnJu,??. --'J: U A "'" cal,ed at the J J ence snd1'. h" n visiting w WmXi ..J u.h.1 f s na nome "er Inotn'- 'n St. Paul, returned lo Mrs. Kflmondson end Muriel of bis- r t u nu.ii ., .. .... .,.. ,. t, c......j ,.'. u. rugn n,r g,,,, and (jftughter. Earl Rjssell Andrew McAlIster Is visiting hit ana .Mrs. jonn -awards tnis weeK, j parents, .Mr. and Mrs. A. McAlIster, expeota to leave '-r her home in , of this place. Mr. and Mrs. C. H Snsiigh and CLOVRDALH. ters, apent the week with W. and famlh Word s received from C M Krucbek of Rlck-rall. Oregon, of the prosser. Washington, soon. birth of a fine baby boy at tbelr home W. I). Pugh. Calvin Burnslde, John Sberpak ind Warren Edmonds aut oed to Prinellle Thursday. Mr. and Mr I,. O. Ornl.e went to Bend Friday and returned Satur day, bringing with thent two loads of household goods They are moving out their children who havo ben at tending school in Bud for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Noble and dsughtor of Prlnevillo spent Satur- A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The mmd Bulletin. MsT CltKKIC. (Saeolal tn The Iliillntln) I.ORT CIIKKK. May J3. Mr "Wfdgel of Taroma I the gueat of Mr. J. I Weigel ad family. Mr. (' ( Rhodes rame home from Btid but Thursday. C. J. Iavi wa the guest of frlMda at Hllver Crook laat week. Primary election pasaed off very sjNfatly. AlHHit 15 vote were csat Inr Wnodmw Wilson for prealdent. Mm. C C Rhmlea and Ben Rhode wmt U I(iktvlew Monday as wit Mimm for (eo Mehrer to make ftn- fl fmt r. lila Snf-ifi"H (r. CoW- nn took thetn down In his car. Mr. anu Mr Cowan did shopping In- Hend lnl week Mr. ami Mr Ben DeWItt and ehllilrttn were guest "' C. 8. Davis tho fore jHirt of the week. Mrs. l.Hperrirfi left lat Prldav for hur liftno in Indian. Page Hlnuf fer took her out to Mrek. Mr. 0. It Vnung and son Ribnrt illd Nliopftlng at Buck Creek latt llnr. While returnliiK home in Keturdav the I on in rmi awny anil amaahed the rig l.iirklly no one wn Inlnrwl Xnlilu Wiegel. Mary Boat. Robert Yon iib. Howard Wlegel. Itny Staiiffnr and Cecil Hubbard will lake the Slli grade examination tlu 2St It and Hith A dimlrnble bread knlfo fron with nverr aNimnl Niilirlptloti to Tim lleml lliilleiln. HAM PI ON. , ' (fli.irlM to The Hullellnl HAMPTON. Mar 2fl.--.Mr. J O. Wbltaker NMnt Wedueaday at Mrs 0. A. Iturrla' Mlaa Zil Bartholomew f Portland arrived TKurwlnv to simiiiiI the hiiih Wer with Mlit Uthel Pogg A MumlMr frtim this lclully were Impe-rlftl ealler Prlday. the occalon being tb iirlHinry hIhciioii Mr. and Mr C II Harmon look ?: trip over In the Dry Lake countn 'rl.Uy. Ml Ktnrence lltintlng railed on Mlaa Ittbel I'ogg I'rl.lny M. I. Crvv lind the mlfortniw lo Mi hi honM rui In the darbwlre on Frldav n'ght while nt Hi" il hut Quit an atlendniiri' ami a good lime I rtrtd lv than- that won t lb da'ir at Ittiternl I'rldnv nlvlii Mr. and Mr It liltt'iker "f Dr. Lake took t the linpr'-UI ilriure KrtMt Millar and fuimlv pH. 1 taramgn Mampiitn naMirdnt. iiioik to flaee liUlto ibelr former Iioiii Dr. and Mr W Huntington hii I fasallv end Maear Vlitor hmI C llurrla drove out from Bi-ml soikh In FVr. Hhtlnsi,"ir rar mid ltt-1 wl M C A. llurrla Mr. Olnvar wu a Hampton riiler Mamsay Wm Iterl I'url"'! i'il Mi"dn wttb Ml P ami llartholniiuw Mr M II Crow entertained Tni' dar attereiHt" In h'-nr i( wr dmitli ter. Lora'a 1 7th blrtbiUv IMri-h-man's w se'vej w lilrh were en t ved bv ll. Tb yiMiti ladlei went fcoirw wlablMg Ml lr in nut Jiap iy -trtbdva. Mrs I urv t lltoti railed at Mr A. f. Kow'a WwlBMday A itotlraUle bread knife fr. with Ct hhkI aubacrlptlon to The 4 Btilli In. IIAMITdN III TTi;. Ifl: tn Th nelletln ) HAMPTON BUTTB. Ma 27 Ml All MrooUlnr. of StaHtfrr simitt reral dv with ber brother lloraie Mr and Mr Jao Johnon ba DOM) rut U thatr homtMlMd In I'Ioko nai vallav Thla tetltiy wag ittl ' n snow fall last Tttewlay Vir JohnaoH ma do a bultu trli to Murk Cek limt week Page 8turrr of Htatiffer spent ft"turda and SuhiU) wuli Beit Meek. M V P Wrav made llnal irMf na aar buMlnd last week before fomnnr 8Uitffer Bert Meek4 a ad in llrWVay wore r wtuHe Mr. amt Mra Prml. Miller left for Idaho lui.t Baturdny. Mr Mtllor ox- A Cafe that never closes WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT Mrs. P. B. Johnson and Mrs J J family made a trln in rtotmnn,i ci. Holland called on Mrs. II. It. Keller urday. Thursday afternoon. Mr. Yager of Bend was a guest of J. J. Holland moved Rosin's cab-, the Spaugh's Sunday evening. In on Mrs. Rosin s deaert claim. Misses Notta and Nellie Howll Mr. and Mrs. Wltte and little son i has Men quite 111 with her tonlsIltU. w,rs callers at the P. U. Johnson i Ruth Bayley, Violet Spaugh and homo Sunday afternoon. ' Ethel Snvder called on Esther Dlet- Mra. Warrington and children are rich Sunday. stalng at Ml. Pine Inn for a fefw The Sunnyslde Sunday school was dayi during Mr. Warrington's ab-, organized Sunday, the following offl M1'e ,n "end. jeers being elected: Superintendent. Mrs. Mary A Rooney. who has . a W. Dietrich, assistant suDerlntend- eat, iirs. u. v. Couch, secretary and treasurer. Miss Fredn Clark, Sunday school will be at 10:30 Mrs. R. E. Spaugh of Portland Is visiting her brother In law, C. H. Spaugh. Mrs. C W. Snyder and daughter Irv were Bend visitors Seturdav Mrs. Reed went to Tumalo on Sat urday. P. V. Swisher hns been hauling hav to Anderson's sawmill the paat week. A break occurred In the main canal Saturday, the water rushing down through Mr. Spaugh's place caused a good deal of damage hy hrbeaklng head gates and drowning several of his livestock. Charllo Howell and Tom Orell were llshlng on the Deschutes Sun day. guests of Llovd Uussett Sunday. A veri p.easant surprise party wn given Mr. Peter Pauls at her homo Thursday afternoon. The tlmo wnsi spent In Msltlng. Delicious refresh-1 rants were lerteu -inosu ihotc. were Mesdamea Pauls, Morse, l.lnd quiet. Sears, Hall, Htn, Inig, Mus tard Agee vlssler, South, Van Dorn. and th" MisseH Ada More Una Moore Mabel Allen and Eiiim Mnd- l"!?1- .. . ...!.. Iiarold ooper anu ,n ii Bayn were dinner gucsU at the Ban home Saturd y. Clarke Morso went to Prlnevllle to attend the Alumni banauet Friday etenlnff. , Mr Bussitt made a trip to rnne 1lle one da this week to nrlng out their piano. Among those who attended tne commencement exercise Friday oven log at Prlnevllle were Mr. and Mrs A. YV. Ban. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ouy Soars. Mlea Ada Sears. Mr. Oils Rhode and J. A. Rlggs Two members of the graduating rials were from Powell Butte, dng Hnrold Charlton and Miss Uadya llnyn. The Misses Orisa Sears, Unsnl Bayn, Pauline Truesdale. I'a IUt sett and Gladys Pauls, students of C. C II S , are home for the sum mer. , , Gu) 3ors lost a valuable colt last Wednesday SELLING DEAD LETTERS. WHY THE BEST OF CHEWS IS "SPEAR HEAD" " Its Rich, Sweet, Mellow Flavor Has Been Famous for a Generation Moderate Prices and Quick, Polite Service is now at your dis posal and solicits your patronage. The Bend Cafe ON BOND STHI.ET FOKMEKLY THE LOUVRE Under Management of Win. Peterson POWI.'M, UlTTi: fSrwini fo Tho Bulletini POWELL BUTTB. Mav 29 Tho dootor was called to attend Ros Bti sett the early part of tho ueek He was suffering from a severe attack of pleurisy. " Mrs A W. Hnyn spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. Peter Pauls. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Mustard took In tho movies In Prlnevllle Saturday evening. Willie nnd Otto Pauls were dinner American. One Peitoffiee Custom That Teaches Moral Letion. Twice a year In Washington they hold a curious miction. It If called tho dead letter wile, but In reality It U tho cole of packages that hnto bedU sent to the dead letter office became of de ficient postage or wrong directions. After liee packnges have been held for u certain length of time. In order to give senders or owners an opportunity to claim them, they are sold ut public vuctlon. It I often a strange nnd pntlietlc col lection. Most of tho articles nro cheap enough, nlthouch valuable things aro not lacking. But who can I'stlmatc tho Intrinsic value of some of thoo lost gifts tho time and sacrifice and love they respect? How many llws wcro robbed of n hnpplnos that rightfully belonged to tlicm because of tho send er's cnrclessness or Ignorance! Is there not n parable lurking some where about this strnnce miction? How many lives are there today that hold tho possibility of gifts for othor lives, yet through carelessness or Igno rance or Indifference are robbing both themselves and others and nro care lessly making "dead letters" of gifts for which eager ejes and hearts are longing? There Is no sale of these dead glftn. No one has any chance at them. They are doubly lost lost to tho one who should have used thorn end to tho world that needs them. What a piti ful waste of iKiwer and Joy. Baltimore MADE OF CHOICEST RED BURLET The secret of tobacco satisfaction ii known only to the man who chrxt flag tobacco. The reason is that a good chew gets right next to your taste, while the leaf in plug tobacco is in a state of fresh, juicy richness that is not possible in any other form of to bacco. There's no tobacco in the world that can g've Jou th hearty, wholesome flavor that you get from a delicious chew of Spear Head. Spear Head is made exclusively of ripe, red Kentucky Burley the most richly-flavored chewing tobacco that grows. Still more, only the very choic est red Durley leaf is used for Spear Head. This choice leaf Ss selected with the most painstaking care, is stemmed by hand, is thoroughly washed free of all foreign matter, and is pressed into Spear Head plugs so slowly that not a drop of juice or an atom of the nat ural flavor escapes. Try Spear Head, and you'll get a sweet, mellow, luscious, satisfying chew that cannot be obtained in any other tobacco. In 10c cuts, wraoped in wax paper. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FORElGfl ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES P- STOP! 1 i - L: Anil Imcstlgnto our priced beforo buying your groceries. Wo can mho you inonoy. P. B. Johnson's Mllllcnii, Oro. Telephone :S We have tried the rest but this is the best Deschutes 1 RYE ( FLAKES I BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. Dry Factory Wood Bend Flour Mill Co. A J KHOKNKIIT, rresldent-Minager iu:.M), omxio.v This wood is the m trimmings from sash and door cuttings, is kiln dried and planed and requires no cutting or splitting. tried once used always (Pt ORDER TODAY a PROMPT DELIVERY Bend White Pine Sash Cv Phone 441 , a rFSBteW' Vt?,h : m r u,f atl