WIE nEXD nUIiUTHN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, IAY 01, 1010. .PAGE 10. I I i i ', ( .! i Mi v RURAL CREDITS MEASURE IS PUT IN FINAL FORM For sign painting see Edwards. Adv. ONE CENT A WORD la all a little Want Ad will cost you. LODGE DIRECTORY The rural credits measure to be submitted to the voters at tho Ren em! election In N'ovembor has now re ceived Its final form, having been completely worked out from the pre liminary draft printed In Tho Bul letin on May 10. This Mil has re ( elved the endorsement of the com mittee ropresentlnjr. the state grange, Oregon Tanners Union and State Federation of Lnhur, appointed to prepare tho measure for the ballot, nnd has been approved hy Attorney General Drown. In Its final form the measure Is as follows: 'llie Ituiiil Credit lllll. Section 1. - Notwlthstanil'ng the limitations r mtslned In Section 7 of Artlolu XI of this constitution, tho credit of tho Mate may lie loaned and Indebtedness Incurred to an amount not exceeding two per cmi of the nsnossod valtMtlon of all property In tho state for the purpose of providing funds to be loaned upon th secur ity of farm lands within thp stato, subject to the limitations herein con tained Soft Ion 2. The Governor. Secro- tnry of State and State Treasurer ulinll constitute the State Land Hoard which hoard Is hereby authorized nnd directed to Issuo nnd Hell or pledgo bonds In tho ntirno of the state to bo known na Oregon I'nnn Credits Honda In an amount not to exceed snld two per cent of tho assessed valuation of nil property In the stnto nnd to plnco the proceeds In tho stnto treasury In n fund to be known as the "Rural Credit Loan Fund." Section 3. Snld bonds shnll bo Is sued In denominations of $25. $100, fr.00 nnd $1,000, nnd shall be In filled In series of $50,000. or multiples thereof, drawn to rnnture In not morn thnn thirty six years They shnll bear Interest nt tho rate of four per cent jior annum and shall be exempt from nil taxes levied by the stnto of Oregon, or nnv of Its subdivisions, Section 4. Snld Stnto I.iind llnnrd Is nuthorl7cd and directed to loan tho moneys In snld Rural Credit Lonn Fund to owners of farm lnnds In Ore gon upon notes secured by mortgnges or deeds of trust constituting (lrst Hens on such farm lnnds In nmounts which shnll not exceed fifty per cent of tho vnlue of such lands nor $50 Tier ncro on such lands, nor less thnn $200 nor more thnn $5,000 to nny Individual. If pending iippllcntlo'ns filial! nt any time exceed tho funds available, preference shall lie given to loans not exceeding $3,000 In amount. Suction C. Such loans shnll not bo iiinrto except to owners who opernto nnd occupy tho lnnds mortgaged, nnd shall be made only for tho following purposes; (a) the pnymnut for lnnds purchased; (b) the purchase of llvo slock and other equipment, nnd the making of Improvements which, In tho Judgment of wild board will In crease the productivity of audi lnnds or add to their value as a farm home In n degree to Justify such expendi ture; and (c) for tho HHttsfnrtlon of cncunibrnnceH upon such lands which In the Judgment of said board, were Incurred or assumed by snld appli cant for the aforesaid purposes. Sitctlon C Kvnry applicant for n fnnu lonn shall stnto clearly In his nppllimtlnn tho purMsos for which such lean U desired and upon Its ap proval by the bosrd, thin statement shnll bn deemed a part of the note or contract under which tho lonn Is grnnted. Hut no failure to apply such funds to the purposes stated In such appllcntlon or na enumerated he rid n shnll Invalidate i lonn when once nmde, nor shnll anything herein lmum charge to be ten dollars to cover tho cost of nppraliml and ex amination of title. Section 'J All surplus funds ac cruing from the operation of the ss tem of rural credit herein provided for after pacing Interest accruing on tho aforeseld bonds, and all operat ing and o'her expenses arising from tho administration of j-ald system of rural credit shall be placed In thr State Treason and become a part of ft fund to be known as the "Rural Credit Reserve Fund." Said Rural i Credit Keserte Kund shall be loaned on farm lands In tho manner herein provided for the Rural Credit Loan I Fund, and the Interest accruing from loans mode from said Rural Credit Reserve Kund shall be added to It and become ,srt of It. The said Rur al Credit Reserve fund shall be Ir reducible except that It may be drawn upon to rflmbtirse tho state for loss Incurred In the administra tion of said Mstemi of rural credit Section 10 Tho legislative as sembly shall provide In such detail as It shall deem advisable for tho carrying out and administering of tho provisions of this araondment nnd shall provide adequato safe-guards against the use of such loanB ns an eld to the purchasing and holding of sueh lands for purposes of specula tion. Such safeguards shall Include clear definitions of tho terms "op ernto" and occupy" used herein. In tho nbsenco of such legislation, nnd subject to the samo nftcr Its onnct mont, tho Stato Land Hoard shnll proceed to administer Bald system of rural credits under rules nnd regula tions provided by Itself, but subject to tho provisions horeln contained. Section 11. Tho provisions of tho constitution nnd InwH of Oregon In conflict with this amendment nro hereby repealed In so far ns they con flict herewith. Tho provisions or mis amendment shnll bo solf executing, nnd ahnll take efTect nnd be In opera tlon GO days after their approval and adoption by tho people of Oregon A. K. & A. 31. Meets second and fourth Thursday nights at 8 o'clock. Masonic Hall. J. D. Davidson, Secretary. Visiting Members Welcome. . X X if j It. A. 31. Meet3 first and third Friday nights t 8 o' clock. Masonic Hall. Visiting Members Welcome O. 1'. 8. Meets second and fourth Al o n d a y nights at 8 o'clock. Ma sonic Hell. Mrs. C. M. McKay, Sec. Visiting McmberB Welcome 31. W. A. Meets first and third Tuesday nights at 8 o'clock. Sathcr's Hall. E. E. Hanna, Clerk. Visiting Neighbors Welcome. K. of 1. Deschutes Lodge No. 103. Meets every Wednesday nlgiit at 8 o'clock. Sather'a Hall. Visiting Members arc Welcomed iL. M. McReynolds, K. or R. & 3. OREGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives 8 a. m. Leaves 8 p. m. Except Sunday Leaves 6.30 p.m. O.-W. . & N. TRAIN. Arrives 7:46 p. m. Leaves 7:26 a. m. AUTO STAGE LINE SOUTH. Leaves 8:45 a. m. Arrives S p. ni. AUTO LINKS. Cars to Burns, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Lake and other points south and south east. POST OFFICE HOURS. General delivery open dally 9:15 a. m. to 6 p. m. No mail distributed on Sunday Night train mall closes C p. m. Day train mall closes 6:30 a. m. TELEGRAPH HOURS. Western Union dally 7 a. m. to 7 p. rn, Sunday and holidays 8-10, 4-6. TELEPHONE HOURS. Pioneer Co., twenty-four hour service, Including Sunday. - ' . ii : A desirable 'bread knife free with every annual subscription to Tho Bend Bulletin'. Lots at Half the Price .. i tX 1 T !!... Vsked in other additions or jwiuiu quince irom thp Business Center. Lots 40X105. -$75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lois 50X125 $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Automoble Life Accident Surety Bonds j. a. EASTES OREGON STREBT. BEND. OREGON .Member Portland Realty Itanrd. jsp-va,, I. O. O. F. Rend Lodge $&?' No. 218. McetB every ' Monday night nt 8 o'clock S tier's Hall. Visiting Members Wolcomo. II. I. McKIm, N. O N. P. Welder, Secretary. POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON Business. Directory Directory of tch Cltr. Town anJ Village, ilTlnt descriptive tketeh of each place, location, population, tclo rraph, shlpplnr and banking point: also Classified Directory, compiled bjr business and profession. It. I. I'OUC ft CO., BRATTLE ,WWVWWWVWWVVWWW True Economy fflc-the wUelpcndlne of one's " n4 hIu In return an article Hut wiU slbfy you In . a(JP 1 4BF af fi JarA 4T wmiL making every dollar do full duty every way. The Beo Edwards for papor hnnglng.-Adv. Hits a Court Hcpiitntlon. Tho orlglnnl nnd genuine Honoy nd Tar cough syrup I Foloy's Hon;v nnd Tnr Compound and becnuso this hnn given such universal Bntlsfnctlon nnd cured so mnny cnes of coughs, colds, croup nnd whooping cough tli ro are imltntlons nnd substitutes offered to tho public. Insist upon Foley's. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. Tho Amcrlctin Hnfcery hns n nice line of fresh homo mndo cnndles. ndv. ninmnnds set wlillo you wait. My ron II. Bymons. Adv. I), of II. Rend Lodgo No. 208 Meets second nnd fourth Friday nights at 8 o'clock. Sathcr's Hall. Visiting Mombors Wolcomo. Mrs. Ethel M. Fleming, Secretary. T. F. 11 Meets first nnd third Friday nights nt 8 o'clock. Sathcr's Hall. Visiting Membora invltod to Attend. C. W. Thornthwnlte. Sec. VZL&2. ,w' No. 2 0 1 3. -jaiSVi!r7 . Moots o v u r y .frZZZJPr" Thursday nt 8 cT-SSSoe o'clock. Sath. or's Hall. Visitors always Welcomo. Chaa. W. Ersklno, Secretary. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE . GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES U a real bargain because it Is told at a popuUr price l because It gives you the kind of Kwlng you delight In) because It will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of sjtbi actory service! became It Improvement! will enable you to do things which can't be done on any other machine i because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and desirable from every point ot view. Be sure to ee the White dealer wbowi ce El wauuw yuuuuwpwi, ..c.i ..- mil. i. If ihe Is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat- ajogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE LU. u.uviiLAiNU,u. l)IRi:CTORV OF OFFICIALS. POINT WINNERS NAMED List iliii nfTlioxn Who Took Places In IUmIiiiiuiiI Mwt. 'J hu list of point winners In tho HMil twitl truck mi'ct nt Redmond on Miiy 20, crowded out of lr.st week' jinper. Is nit follows: r.o nrit ibu.li llroslus. Prlnovlllo: hrmidt'Ubui'K, lltind, t lino fi !& hoc. Qovurnor James Wlthycombo ioo (inl tl.'ioli-llrosliiH, iTlnovlllo; Hocrotnry of Stnto ....II. V. Olcutt United StJiteH. President Woodrow Wilson Vlco President. . Thomas R. Marshall Secretary of Stnto ..Robert Lansing Secretary ol Navy . .Josophus Daniels Secretary of Wnr . .Nowton I). Raker Secretary of Interior . . . .F. IC. Lane Socretnry Agriculture D. F. Houston 8ocretnry of Treasury ,W. F. McAdoo Socretury Commerce . ,W. C. Rodfleld Secretary ot Labor . . . . W. 1). Wilson Attornoy Gonornl T. M. Orogory PoMtmuulor General .Albert llurleson State. llriuidenburK. lU'iul. Young Redmond tiiuo 11 M-f. M.'int lard jIjikIi llroslus, Prlno vlllo. UrnndonburK. Ui'iitl; McCaffery Rtidiiioud. Time Mil uil ibisli Tuck, Redmond; Hkcen, Prlnevllle; Sicfdl, Ilend. Tlmo CtV hko unl run KhIi-b. Prlnovlllo: ewitnlned m ileeineil to prevent nny,Vnn Alk-n, llcdmoml, llorton, Jlotid. farm owusr from selling or leasing Time 2:17. lnnds subject to such (incumbrance; but If bu shnll violate his twld oou ,trut by npiilylng for IIih hhuihjn borrow.(l to uirpowi other Ibsn tlitMHt slHtixl In bis aiiiillcnllon or cnu. ... . ". i "" nmrtuuu Hereto, or II lit shall ImtA n.iiul, l'rouc, such lnnds or soil thttni to nny per- m fui.t sou not ruiiniiiiK Uih rondlttons mid pHrpoeMW provldud for herttln, nsld liounl U Miitlnrld nnd directed to rsMiuIre tho rnpnyiinuit nf snld loan upon six iiioiith's notice, nud iwld not) or contrast slmll conuin u oIkiio tftilillng tlierufnr. Sixitbin 7. Such loans shall b r pnld with InterMt sciruliiK In semi siniisl or hiiiiiikI IiihImIIiiiiiIh mi tho RlWirlliatlun plsii, such Initalluieiitg IImk Htd at Much sums as will cov r tho lutHreit rsto hiw will liquidate lb) iltbt In a period to bo ngrAed on itlws)m shIiI Uiard and ths aiiull-1 cavttl. susli ptrlod to bo not loss than tH nor wore thnn thirty sU )er, but any tUUIor nuty llqultlsto any part or all of his Indnbimtnttss in taunts of I0 or mulilplMS thttrtnif HtiDH suy HHMirt Initios pavmwnt dstv. tMlliw S. Tht rsto of lnttrt oii.losMS shall be lhi pi vnt pr mhhhiu, priivhlsd tliut lu ( any Mrjao Of Mid Farm Credit HouiU I sold nt any avsrag of loss than iwr llu Hoard may (than upon sueh farm loans m nr iHKdt from th pro rewls ot Uio srl9 ft sattl ar par a cat of Intsrsst In trH of f rt pt oent, but whlsh shall not j by mar Ihan one imw cout iti mt Miuru uio Main imin pfl (0r , fumls nclually nbtslntiA frwm ths din vwsal of Its Mid rmndn. The ftuurb hnwQvor. shall roontrt. onoh auniiJ apt to pay an Inltlnl rharg 0f permit f thojimn Brutd th Wn. .Mllivjohuson, Redmond; Swnrtb IIuihI. ell, Prlnovlllo. Tlmo CilO. Polo Miult. stulnkopf, Redmond: lCslcs, Prlnovlllo. Height 10:2. Jut illii Tuck Redmond; Gorton. Prlnovlllo, Distance High Jiini Tuck. Redmond; llro slus, Prlnovlllo; Stoldl, Iloud. Height 5 2. Ilcoiiil Jimi -Sluvoly, Redmond; llrenuun, Prlnelllo; Stoldl, Hend. "UtRiic l'J ft. 3 In. Shot put llrnilus, Prlnovlllo; Johnson, Redmond, llrandeuburg, Hend 30 ft. 8 In. RlxiiA llrandeuburg, Hend; John son Rttdmoud; llreiinoii, Prlnovlllo, ttw ft. 4 in. f-tl )iinl bkli liunlli Tuck. Red mond. Ilondrloksen, P r I n o v 1 Li o ; StWdl. Hend. Tlmo. IS 2-6 sec. 1K!0 jnnl lo liunllew llroslus, Prlui'Mllo; Young, lloiul. McCaffery, Kodiuniid. Tlmo IEiflil...llnilttlnllil lrlnnvl1t.i 1 Tim .mi iiiii mi 1. 1 Hi.. i Vai OointmToliU Club was r .eVAoWil th Ui-imond Union ' --Mtn o Couu Suporlntep & o Viy to i In Redmon' ."i't J H, Myers c'ld by Sl -J '"naV t was r- Priuev" " 'Wnsb,, public 'lV7 tlrst placo In th school tV4,otlo ovonts I ,., ,!ft!ilrwKeUiilwr. 'frnm. iT 'p woUhbor whose child bad 1 wiiL .!? Foloy'H Jlnncynd Ttir," !,ILW ytv. Rohkamp. '-MOt Horthau . ' OovliiKtonk Uy. "When sha , '' ''. counlo of doses sheens so !'iws,j Nvith'tho change sho didn't ;no ithnt tovsay." TbU 'rollabla "' icHir hHnH courhs. cobrs. croup "r 4 whtooplnc cougb. Bold overy- Troiisuior Thus. II. Ka Atty. Gonornl , Goo. M, Drown Supeilnloiulent Public Instruction .. J. A. Churchill Stnto Printer Arthur Lnwronce Commissioner Labor Statistics .... . . i.o. p. Hon Game Warden . . .Carl I). Shoomnker State Engineer John 11. LovU United Stales Scnntora Georso L Cliamborlaln Harry W, Lnn) (JoliKresstnon C. N. McArthur . 8. Slnnott t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A, Hawley Crook County. Circuit Court Judgo. . T, B. J. fluffy District Attornoy W. 11. Wlrtx County Judgo G. Springer Clerk Warren Drown Sheriff H 11. Knox Treasurer Ralph Jordan Assessor II. A. Foster School Supt J. K, Myers j uoroner y, n. roinaoxie' 8urveor II. A. K'jdy Commissioners J. F. lllnr CDnrj 11, J Jvorturf llio CoiirtN, Cltcult -Meets f) . Mnnrtnv !n September and I)- " . ",nLnd Monday lu M' . 'oom,)0r nnd MCond Prui-ate -."' . . ,,. ,n each r .rnvvi. ..., - r onn. ... . rfWWlnslunors' Meets first wca .'A January. March. May. July, M)0i Novetnbor rtnd December. Ilolltl HVIiUOl lilinti .. - Ulrt-'tort N Hunter, CUmn. R M. Smith .O.....J. Rdward Larson tlorV . , H. J. Orerturl City of Ilend. Mo) J. A. Eastoa Recorder II. O. Ellis Vrtaaxtror Mary K Coleman Chief of Pollcs S. K. Roberts City Attorney' ...II. H. Do Arinond City Physician U. a Coe Couucllmen John Steldl , , , ,,...,., C M, McKay C V. CUvIs L. C. Rudow , ,E. P. Hrostorhous , , 8. C. Caldwell J us tiro of the Pmcs Usnd Proclnct J. A. fiastes EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BROOKS SCANLON LUMBER CO. DEALERS LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES, Cement, Lime, Piaster and Brick. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Fir Flooring and all kinds of Finish Lumber Lath for Irrigation Spouts 3 AND 4 FOOT BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. CH. or phone. SlSSr I . W y lb S- - SWtiw J,lZMlfcsJfciMjMi1iSMiiidMfcMBMfcMaslSSSMSlMtMfc JMHMtjH WtwVMiJHHBMkKgjSjHM!U