The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 31, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
XO. lit.
Operation on Friday and Hutut day
I'alled ( Check Infection-Funeral
In Today LouIh W. Hill Expect.
ed to Succeed us Head.
(Tho Orcgonlnn.)
ST PAt'L, May 29. James J.
Hllli W' 7S ynrs, railroad builder
who probably moro tlmn any other
one man has aided In tho upbuilding
of tho Great Northwest, died hero to
day following an Illness by Intes
tinal catarrh of sevoral years' stand
ing, but only of recent sovorlty.
Tho "omplro builder" and financier
his wealth Is rated In the hun
dreds of millions becamo gravely 111
only Fcveral days ago and operations
of Friday nnd Saturday failed to
check the Infection which had re
sulted and Mr. Hill gradually lost
strength, losing consciousness lato
last night, nnd romnlnlng In a state
of coma until llfo passed nt 9:30
I o'clock this morning.
Family nt llcdslde.
All rlie members of Mr. Hill's Im
mediate fnmlly, with tho oxcoptlon of
Mrs. M Oeard, of Now York, a daugh
ter, wcro at tho bedsldo when tho
end came.
Tho funeral will bo held Wednes
day at 2 p. m., and Intormont will bo
In a prlvnto mnusoloum nt Mr. Hill s
I funJmcr homo flvo miles from St.
Louis V. Hill, son of tho rallrond
Imllder nnd genornl manager of his
properties nnd business Interests,
was visibly .nftected upon lcnvlng tho
1III1 residence with Iter. Thomas J.
Millions, vlcar-gonornl of tho St.
Paul nrch-dloccso, who was with Mr.
Hill at tho end. Ho will probably
remain as tho head of tho various
Hill Interests, becoming executor of
I "the vast estate.
Stock fihen to pon. t
That tho absoluto control- of tho
first Natlonnl Hank of St. I'nul pass
ed from Mr. Hill to IiIb son, Louis,
two weeks ngo bocamo known today,
I following tho ilojith of Mr. Hill.
Tlio First Nntionni lianK nas n
cnml Ined capltnl nnd surnlus of
jn.000,000, nnd moro thnn $0,000,-
nno In deposits, which mnkes tho In
fltuUon tho second largest west of
the Mississippi river.
Mr Hill hnd planned a great fu
turo for tho bank and his policy will
bo curled out bv his son.
in passing ovor tho control of tho
bink, Mr Hill told his son that ho
wnn moro rosnonslblo for ItH rat"'"
Towth nnd dovolonment thnn nnv
otbor porson, Including blmsolf. nnd
that his son was entitled to tho re
ward of his offorts.
At tho tlmo Mr. Hill gave his son
tho control of tho banking Institution
lio transferred his stock to him.
Flans ut llnlf-Miixt.
Governor J. A. A. Ilurnqulst order
ed nil tlrgs nt hnlf mast on the Cup
ml mid Jollier r.tato buildings In
honor of Mr. Hill. Tho Governor
the" Issued a statement, Baying:
' In the passing of James J. JIM
tho -ventest constructive gonitis of
the Northwest Is gono. Ho was nok
nowledned as Its foremost railroad
builder nnd business man.
"Ho wns over groatly Intorosted In
agriculture, art nnd oducatlon. Tho
loss which his city, Btnto and Nation
has sustained through his doath can
not be measured."
Mr Hill's last public bequests were
gifts for tho advancement of educa
tion, In which ho was deeply Inter
ested throughout tho latter yoars or
his life.
Ona of tho moat Importnnt dona
tions was a $50,000 gift to tho Col
Ugo of Puget Sound nt Tacoma,
Washington, made shortly boforo tho
beginning of his last Illness, An
f'her bequest of $25,000 wns prom
ised tho Marquotto University at M
...lukeo nt the same time.
High Tribute Paid.
rchlilshop John Ireland, com
r. anting on Mr. Hill's death, said:
V great man has gono from oarth
.. life. Not only n man of rarest
dent of mind, a genius such as is
EP'dom to bo seen nmUl tho moving
Ffrnes of humanity, but also ono
who has put his wondrous talont to
ho service of fellow mon, whoso
whole career was marked with strict
ln'egrlty .ntod highest seoso of hon
or Thfc nwich, tc;o, -I must say in
slraprtSrtYifUi, tlfatlfa'lrfved and re
elected religion and held the Chris
tian faith to h? the supreme principle
of human righteousness and human
Dr Olinilan. describing the pro
gress of the disease, said;
"Mr. Hill has Buffered from Intes
tinal catarrh and hemorrhoids for n
number of yonrs. On May IS. ho
had n chill. It w lg followed ,tix,.a
fever, duo to lnfwtion bT'Ptunv&rv
hotd. Operations or Xo Avail.
"The fuver passed away next
morning and It appeared tho trouble
was over. Three days lato Blight fo
vor was prcsont and on May 22, Dr.
William J. Mayo saw Mr. Hill. At
the tlmo, there was evidence of in
fection of tho Bkln of tho buttock.
"This Infection progressed slowly
nnd Friday Dr. William J. Mayo
mado a small Incision In the Infected
"Saturday Doctors William J and
Chnrles H. Mayo returned nnd open
ed freoly tho area of Infection. From
this tlmo on tho Infection spread
down tho right thigh to below tho
kneo nnd Mr. Hill gradually lost
Forest Olllclals Ptcpnro Against Sum-
iner Flros 1'iolectho Force Is In-
creased IK I'm cent in Slc.
A shorter, but moro dangerous fire
season than has been experienced In
tho Deschutes Nntionni Forest In
many yenrs, Is expected to keep tho
forost olllclals on tho alert this sum
mer. Heavy snowc will hold the
scnton back about ono month. Forest
Suporvlsor W. 0. Hastings bolloves,
but with the Into season will coma
clangorous conditions when tho sum
mer season ndvnnccb. It has been
found that whenever thoro Ism heavy
snow fall tho under growth Is much
heavier nnd when It dries Is very In
flammable. With this to faco tho protective
forco In tho Deschutes forest will bo
Incronsed this year about 25 per
cent giving tho forest tho largest
regular summer forco It has over
Evory precaution will bo taken this
sunimor to reduce tho tiro losses to
tho minimum. Moro elllclont handl
ing of tho flro fighting forco nnd
tools nnd tho placing of them nt
points whoro they will be most ac
cessible and also to kcop thonn sop
arato from other equipment has been
nrranged. v
Tho summer protectlvo forco In
cludes tho ' following men: Frank
Chlldcrs of Gold Hill, Oregon, will
bo stntloned at tho Iookout stntlon
on Paulina poak; J. It. Chrlstonscn
of'ForCTtock aUtho Odoll rnngor
stntlon: Chestor A. Smith, of Droth
ors, nt tho Pino Mountain rnngor
station; L. W. Zumwnlt, or Slstors,
at tho Alllngham ranger station;
Clnudo Woods, of Ileitd. nt tho look
out Btatlon on Iilack Ilutte; C. C.
Malm, of La Pino, nt tho Davis Lako
rangor station; II. G. Stevens, of Cres
cent, located nt the Odell rangor
stntlon: C. G. Dowers, of Dend, nt
i tho Maiden Peak lookout station:
lllnrry Chllders, of La Pine, nt tho
' P.oslyn rnngor atnjlon; Wnltor P.
(Hunt, of Fort Itock, at tho Summit
ranger station; James i-niiuors, oi
La Pino, nt Crane Pralrlo rangor
stntlon: IlenJ. a. Hill, of Fort Itock,
nt Pino Mountain ranger htntlon;
Elmer Tylor, of Dend. nt Crescent:
Albert Wagner, of Fleetwood, nt Fox
Uutto; H. B. Ilerrlck, of Fleetwood,
at Fox Uutto: Georgv W. Wilson, of
Slstors, nt tho Slstors ranger station.
Tho foreBt protective forco will bo
at Its height about Julv 5, when tho
greatest number of flreg begin, nnd
contluuo until Into In August.
With Clow In tho box tho Dond
team on Sunday gave the Shovlln
Hixon nine a drubbing on tho new
diamond by a Bcoro of 13 to 0., Tho
game was a practlco game.
" WliiiMKMWKTWffCl'BHtZBaiiMiliMJlfelllliililiiltf
HHllillllllllllllllH A m lEw .111k. 1 sdliiv t 4v Mfi y flr
BBlllllllllllBBBllllBfHC BBttA BSHsMBjsBlk JfcBTl A tf oHlSlllllll A m! T fllE& HBvL AbVIEbIH MlllllV I M SlIllBlllllllllllllBlllllllBlllSB nBllllH
Postal Itcqulrcmeuts nrc Met
Changes Will bo Made In Olllce
Moro Hoes to Do Added Xo .
Free Dclhciy at ThLs Time.
Tho Dend post ofllce will ente,r
tho ranks of second class post offices
on July 1, all tho requirements of
the Post Olllco Department to this
end having been compiled with.
Showing, what Is Bald by tho pos
tal Inspector, C. W. Llnebaugh, wh
Inst week checked tho records of tho
local ofllce, to bo a remarknblo rec
ord of Increase In business, tho Honcl
j.ost olllco will reeolvo M.o unqualified
recommendation to the Postmaster
General for tho change. Tho nverngo
dally sales, according to postmaster
Henry 11. Ford, hnvo shown an In
crease of 75 per cent In tho Inst eight
months nnd tho total revenue for
tho last fiscal year has far oxcocdod
$11,000. more than $3,000 In excess
of tho amount required to becomo n
second class ofllce.
To Make Changes.
With tho chnngo In tho classifica
tion will coma changes In tho oper
ating schedule In tho olllco. Clerks
will bo put on n regular eight hour
Bchodulo, and It ufay lie necessary,
should tho business of tho olllco con
tinue to grow, to Increaso tho forco.
Ono man was recently added to the
clerical forco. . Alterations will be
mndo so that nt least 1C0 now lock
boxes may bo added for tho accom
modation of the domnnd which has
been pressing for tho last eight
months. It Is estimated by postmas
ter Ford that thoro Is a wnltlng list
bf nt least 200 persons who doslro to
rout boxes. When tjio olllco goes In
to the socpnd clnBs box rents will bo
rnlsed 15 Vonts a qunrtor.
Fico Delivery Held Up.
Tho Inaction upon tho part of tho
persons who would bo served by a
city delivery will dolny tho rocom
mondntlon of Mr. Llnobaugh In tho
mntter of freo city delivery. Con
tlnuotiB side walks around ovoryi
block In tho city whoro freo dollvery
Is given Is n porqulsito for service. I
"Wo hopd very soon," says post
master Ford," to bring this matter
to tho attention of tho people Wo
nro nifxlous to sen city dollvery put
In, but tho conditions necessary for,
tho change hnvo not boon met and '
freo delivery cannot bo mndo until
this requirement is fulfilled. It
would not bo n difficult task or even
very expensive ns tho department re
quires only thnt n board plank, If
necessary, bo laid continuously
nround every block."
Out of respect to tho momory of
the lato Jamos J, Hill nil places of
business In llond woro closed from
ltt4S to 1 o'clock today following a
proclamation by Mayor Hastes sug
gesting thnt this bo dono. MoBsngn
of sympathy have boon sont to Mr.
Hill's son. Louis W. Hill, by th
Commercial Club nnd City Itooordor
Kills, on behalf of tho City of Dend.
cojipumox of the hail lixe to iu:xd.
Attorney General Urouit AihiM.TjSit
' 1)111 for Change Mny lie liiltln(ctl,t
Hy People Men sine Must do "
on Itallot Text Is t!lun.
A new situation In tho county sont
fight, which Is wanning up in Jef?
forson county, hns Just been disclos
ed by tho publication of a lotter from
Attorney General Drown to Secre
tary of State Olcott, giving his opin
ion on tho possibility of placing an
Inlatlvo bill for removal on tho bal
lot In Novombor.
Tho opinion, which was printed In
tho .Madras Pioneer Inst week. Indl
c tos that It Is possible to get tho
question on the ballot by means of
tho Inltlntlvo and thnt when this Is
dono, a majority voto will decldo tho
question. This enn bo done, appar
ently, without reforenco to tho spo
clnl statute providing for removnl
which makes onoroua requirements to
got tho mntter on tho ballot nnd calls
for n high porcditago voto to carry.
In Pddltlon to creating now Inter
est In tho Jofforaon oltuntlon, wlforo
both Mndrns nnd Motollus hnvo plans
to get tho county sent away from Cul
vor, tho opinion suggests. Bovornl pos
sibilities for this section which will
bo Htudlcd thoroughly.
Tho opinion follows:
Salom, Oregon, March 21, 191C.
Mr. lion W. Olcott,
Secretary of Stato,
State House.
Dear Sir: '
"I havo your favor of tho 20th In
fetnnt, transmitting n copy of peti
tion for n proposed law 'for tho
County of Jefferson to roniovo the
county scat from tho City of Cijlvor
and to establish tho n"nmo nt the City
of Mndras In said Jefferson count,'
which hns been presented to your of
flco for approval 'as to tho form nnd
kind nnd size of palter on which such
petition shall bd printed for 'circula
tion for signatures, as provided by
chapter 359, Lnws of 1913.
"You ask mo to ndvlso (a) wheth
er tho law proposed ny bucIi petition
Is such as comes within tho scopo of
snld chnpter .159, Lawn of 1913, In
sofar ns tho Socrotnry of State shall
appro vo tho form of petition ns pro
vided therein boforo tho same Is cir
culated for slgnnturos, and (b) slmll
ho lllo tho completed petition when
presented nnd cortlfy tho snmo to bo
printed on the olllclal bnllots for Jef
ferson County at tho Genoral Elec
tion, Novombor 7. 1910?
"An examination of tho petition
shews that It Is a pot It Ion to propone,
under tho power of Inltlntlvo provid
ed In sections 1 and In of Article I
of tho Constitution n loeal lnw for
the County of .! offer on nnd Ms such
Is within the bcope of said Chapter
3 '.'.i, Laws of 1913. and Chapter 11.
Title XXVII of Lord's Oregon Lows,
as announced by the Supromo Court
In the enso of Schubol v. Olcott, (10
Or G03, although tho moro recent
cme of State ox rel. v. Port of As
toria, 151 Pac. 399, doos not seem
tn npply tho authority of municipal
corporations other than cities and
towns to legislate quite as fully as
the oarllor enso, but tho former case
being directly In point on the case
now rnlsed and tho lnttor n it In
terms rexerslng tho former. 1 ron
Tludij that the declslbn in tho S. imiiel
Olcott case Is to be followed in ilio
present Instance. I would, th"roi ire.
answer tho first question nlllrmatlve-
The nnswor to tho second division
of .xour question follows from the
answer to tho first part, namely that
tho statute urovldlnmfor tho tiling of
rthe oonipltketf'TiotlUon -jlnd certify
ing the snmo to be printed on tho
otllclal bnllots nt.tho ensuing General
Election should bo followed In all re-
i ' "eVtruly yours.
: ." " GliO. M. imOWN, Att Gen
.Ityvf, H. Van WINKLK. Assistant "
, ,- , , uC
So Hays AgilculturUt Lovett nt Cciin
incrcliil Club Meeting Cinisiiiil
Winds Mnko Trouble This Year.
Tho demonstration fnrms, main
tained by the Dend Commercial Club
on tho high desert, nro proving their
usefulness In n mnrked degree, ac
cording to County Agriculturist Lo
votl In n talk at tho club luncheon
on Saturday. Last yenr, Mr. Lovett
snld, It was learned that fencing
against rabbits was necessary If n
crop wns to mature nnd this year tho
threo plats had been fenced but a
now dllllculty hnd doveloped tn tho
Thoro had been moro frequent nnd
moro sovero winds, this year, Mr. Lo
vett Bald, thnn hnd ovor beon known
In tho hoinostcnd country. As a re
sult most of tho seed hnd beon ex
posed nnd killed, thus teaching the
necessity of planting soniu crop to
protect ngnlnst tho wind. Ono val
uable discovery mndo was that Feb
ruary sown wheat did better than any
For tho connnlttoo on tho excess
ncrongo mntter C. W. Frsklno report
ed asking thnt a longor tlmo ba given
to study tho matter and suggesting
thnt It might bo n' subject for co
operative nctlon on tho part of tho
clubs of llond, Itodmond and Prlno
vlllo. Thoro wns also discussion of tho
tlmo to hold tho next Joint JKotlng.
A committee- was nppolntoil n vlitK
for tho Cluiinberluln well drilling
amendment to tho agricultural appro
priation bill.
Locul Company ITm-n Seiles of Kl
Attractive Poster Slump.
Tho first postor stamps to bo used
by n llond firm Is n series of six
stamps muni by The Shuvllii-lllxou
Company. In otbor pnrtH ofl tho
country those stamps, tho "confetti
of commerce' hnvo had a growing
voguo nnd nro largely used as nn ud
vortlslng medium.
Tho Shovlln Horln show hcuiioh
connoctml with tho lumbor Industry
and nro of strikingly controlled col
on, making very nttrncllvo nnd benu
tlful stamps. Two of them show
plno timber, ono with snow on tho
ground mid tho other with u Mtrwim
of water Mowing through, ono pic
ture tho llllko stacker, one u sort
ing shod with loads being hauled
nwny, and thu remaining two show
n mrw mill, ono with tin- log pnud In
the foreground nud the other with a
logging road. All bear thu words,
.Shovlln Pine "
Last of Tho Stielliilllon Company
Fnctotles, Which is to lie Operated
by, The KiMpp-CluMioy Company,
Is .Modern lit i:ory Detail..
Within two days nftor tho arrival
of IS motors, which nro being held
up. It Is betlovod, on account of tint
press of war ordors, tho Knnpp
Cltenoy Company, operators of tho
bpx department of Tho Shnvllu-lllxnii
Company, will bu ready to comimmcu
cutting In the box factory. Mechan
ics are working nt top speed to hnvo
all tho machinery tn place upon
which to nttnch tho motors ns soon
as they arrive. Tho motors nro ox
pectod to nrrlvo within the next
Tho box factory, tho last of tho
factorlos to bo put Into operation at
Tho' Shuvlln-Hlxon Company's plant
will hnvo n total annual rapacity of
forty million board feet of box shooks
or live cars dally. Tho factory will
cut n large assortment of box ma
terial, but it Is thu Intention to spec
ialize upon thu highest grade of mer
chandise boxes. During thu fruit
nud berry sonsou, tho cutting of box
material In tho knock down for ber
ry nud fruit centers will bo carried
on extensively. It Is for the accommo
dation of the lnttor market that G.
W. Chcnoy, ninnngor In charge of thu
plant, Is urging nil possible speeil In
getting tho factory In Bhnpo for op
erations, ns tho company already Is
planning for n henvy market In oas
toru and northwestern centers.
Machinery In tlio Imtcxt.
Like thu other departments of Tho
Shovlln-lllxou Company plant, lint
box factory will hnvo ninny now fea
tures In junchjuery. Among the ouim
which Mr. Clionoy nyH will bo de
partures are tho cut off sawn, which
aro designed by tho Knnpp-Chmiey
Compniiy of Portland nnd wlU"bt
tried out hero In tho California u,hlto
plno of Central Oregon. Thu nin
chluory, In harmony with tho other
features of tho plant, Is of tho latest
design to meet tho demand for n high
grudo of product and tho require
meiilH of n largo output.
Thu number of mon wblcib the box
Inctory wilt employ nimalns uncer
tain, ut least until tho plant gets to
going. It Ih expected to employ nt
the beginning linens eeu 50 nud 75
in-eii on ono 10 hour shift.
Tho factory will bo driven by tilen
trlclty. 100 electrical horsepower bo
lug uerottfliiry to propel tint en tiro
equipment. As In the mish factory
all tho machine will bu direct drive.
"Wo believe," Hld Mr. (Jhentiy,
"that the lower grades of California
white pine, such us Is rut In Central
Oregon, rnpreHRiitg tho inot valuable)
quality of timber thnt can bo obtain
ed niiywhnre In tho country for mini
iifucturo Into box material. Thu clean
white texture and Its llgbtiiesH will
lie n IdK (IrwwIiiK for thu pro
ducts In renters where box shook
of this character are duioaudnd.
Duality, service and capacity will bo
the wntohwnrds of the company.
"There Ih evory reaaou to bellov
that the market for wood hot ma
terials will be good, owing to the ex
ecutive demand for pulp, paper ami
metal containers created by Ihn ds
uxiiid for paper In forelmi oeiuntrlim.
Thu p'ipr and iiihIsI being devoted
to other uiw bus ohuhOhI n muoh
heavier demand for wood oontalnent
the country ovr."
The Knapt-Clieny Company will
maintain a aalrn oltti-a In Portland
under the management of J. II,
Ihic Dolt of IIi.imoii Chosen for Com.
lug ttsir. 4
Krlc Dull, last principal of
the ltttauon blab hIkmiI, bus hami
aeatil by tbu Hnuil school bour' to
occupy the poaltluu of (irlnslpal cif
thtt Iind lilvh scboul next year. Mr.
Holt's stilm-Mon was made largely
upon the rcMouiiiioiiflatlou of Frank
lin Tborailstui, riently olwled sup
urlntendtiiit of the publlu schoola for
the coiuIuk
Mr Uolt Is a ruduat of Willam
ette ('diversity, where he hnd a ro
markalila career aa n student and
athlete. In the latter capacity ho
has had much oxp-jrlsnco and' will
have full charge of that tlld next
year In tho public schools,
i ,.
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