(CjjU- ST. iv4 I TAOK 10. THE IlEXD BULLETIN, JIEXD, ORE., WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1010. ,rUJ'.u- :i i n n it i lli Mi. Si i1 a f 5 p 1-5 r K ')i !':) , i i SCHOOL MAY DISSOLVE Election mi Question to lie llclil on Juno 10 Districts In Union Are DNxntlslled. (Crook County Journal.) An election lino been ordered for tho vnrlotiB scliool dlstrlctB which nre embraced In tho boundaries of the Union High School district No. 1, which Ih commonly known ns the Redmond High School, on Juno 19, for tho purposes of voting on tho dis solution or tin) district. This dis trict wub crentcd some montlm ngo, and Includes cloven districts, reach ing Into tho i'owell Ilutte, Terro honno nnd HIsterB countries. Tho creation of tho district brought out considerable strife, and no doubt the dissolution campaign will bo contested both for and agnlnst, In a spirited manner. Some of tho districts contend that they are tributary to Prlnovlllo and think tho county Institulon enough, while others tako the other view. Up to this time' all property hold ers hovo paid taxes for tho support of both high schools. Tto territory affected lies In dis tricts Til, 7, 49, 30, CO, sa, r.o. JAMES M. KYLE Try our froBh bread and pastry. Carmody Drothers. Uond street. Adv. 3D tf Sco Edwards for paper hanging,-Adv. Tho American Ilakery has a nice lino of fresh homo mailo candleo. adv. Diamonds Bet while you wait, ion II. Symnns. Adv. My- TAXES ARE COLLECTED Neatly tfir.0,000 ItiTchuil by Slier M'h Olllco lT to April .1. Up to April G tho taxes collected by the Sheriffs olllcc amounted to $144,109.81. Tho total Is made up of tho following: Gen'I C ty Fund $8 1, 971'. 87 (Sen'l Sch'l Fund llUGIi. IC High Sch'l Fund 8,033.00 Mbrary 1107.7C City of P'vlllo 2, 1 13.7ri City of Uond 3,673.62 City of Redmond 1,781.13 (School DIstilclK. 1 n.OIH.30 300.11 16.11 111.78 150.03 104.38 898.80 431.07 20.3 1 33.38 ..,.'..... 8,420.64 . ,..X. 8.86 ... 119.16 12.01 08.96 04.03 201.07 39.71 , 78.63 ,.,... 69.12 ...... 01.79 Umatilla County Candldato For Nomination ax 1'ubllo Scilco CommUnloncr. ' "Encourage capital; regulate If It should become oppressive," Is tho' comprehensive, slogan of James M. Kyle, I'matllla county's candldato for tho nomination for commissioner of tho public servlco commission. Commenting on this slogan, E. E. Hrodle, president of tho Oregon Stato Editorial Association, says: "Tho Stato of Oregon, and tho eastern part particularly, always hnslV been and now Is suffering for tho want of capital to develop Its mani fold resources, particularly in tho lino of Irrigation and railway con struction. "Heretofore thoro has been too much of a tendency In Oregon to antagonize money, especially such as has been invested In corporations or various kinds. Mr. Kyle Is In fa vor of Inviting money to como hero for all legitimate enterprises, but at tho samo tlmo stands ready to prop erly regulato tho samo under thu law, should It In any manner become oppressive. "Tho genernl co-operation of all Interests along the lino advocated by Mr. Kyle will lead to groat develop ment In this stnte, and ho Js entitled to tho thanks or tho people for be ing n pioneer In announcing n broad gauged policy such nB this." Mr. Kylo has tho distinction of bolng tho only candldato for tho of fice from the territory west of tho Illuo mountains. Ho Is essentially a homo candldato having lived hero nnd been Interested In this section for many years. Ho ndvances IiIb thorough acquaintance with eastern Oregon, his oxparlonro In tho ship ping business, and his 26 years ac tlvo participation In tho development of tho varjod resources oT tho coun try oh tho principal reasons why ho should rcrelvo tho support of local people. Ailv.p ,nomIngton Typewriter Co., paper Wrtz ia.r.0 Oeorgo E. Aitkin, roglsterlng I voters 4,oc A. II. Llppman St. Co., bod, etc ' 24.24 J. H. Gray, repairing sidewalk .60 Itced &. Horton, drugs, etc . 10.35 C. L. V, Marker, raklpg and hauling 2.G0 Underwdbd Typewriter Co., rib bons , , t n.io T. J. Mlngcr, work on Co. car, etc 11 jo E. II. Long, clr. ct. wit.... 28.00 Uort Gerthlng, clr. ct. wit . . . 27.00 Wm. Sutherland, clr. ct. wit.. 28.00 , Dob Iloblnett, c'r. cU wit . . . 28.00 It. 1 Sevlngle clr. ct. wit... 20.00 John S. Sande, clr. ct. wit. 17.00 I. E. Kllgre, clr. ct. wit 18.00 Hoy It. Canterbury, clr. ct. wit 18. CO P. D. Ilcedor, dep. Bherlff . , Hoy Stuart, wood for Ct. house 2.00 C9.30 16.00 H. I.oftln, 3 crds wood . . I.a Pino Intcr-Mountnln. 600 blanks, etc. 7. no W J. Smith, reportor Jam t0n .jo.OO Hedmnd Spokesman, BOO blks 10.00 Hoy M. Harvey, road wk. . . 22.50 Glon Hondrlckson, feod for Schroder maro 20.70 It. TSwlnglo, dep. sheriff for 1-ako county 4.00 Port M. Meeks, mllcago .... 10.00 C J. Strauffcr, mlleago .... 15.00 C. A. Adams, expenses 44.00 Hudson Land Co., list of flnal proofs 24.30 v. j Wrtglit, rood work . . . 3. 00 Hodsou Feenaughty Co., road drag,' etc 85.82 Prlnovlllo Drug Co., drugs . . 12.00 Crook Co. Abstract Co., bond premiums 70.00 Crandall & Hoborts, services, del. tuxes '. , . . , 337.75 Central Ore. Merc. Co., powder. COUNTY COURT (Continued from pngo 9.) .'I 4 6 C ' 7 8 9 :o 11 12 13 11 16 10 17 18 19 20 No levy. 23 ,, 171.11 21 110.13 25 45.38 20 27.98 27 315.9S 28 119.71 29 No luvy, 30 004.39 31 No levy. 32 191.72 33 v .70 31 I...... 326.13 36 .'!.... 48.30 30 162.92 37 ;... ' 176.01 38 116.33 39 '. ...:.' 2'lii.Sri 40 30.43 41 ..' -. ;..-.''.'. ... 98. 3G 4 2 No luvy. 43 .'... 2.S23.20 It 97.30 46 ;...; '71.37 Joo WomstolT, Ibr. on llond- Hurns 58.25 II. C. Ellis, registering voters 37.10 Prlnovlllo Machine Shop, sup plies, etc 217.17 It. M. Doty, pin tor grader . . 2.00 Inland Auto Co., gas 9.66 Kendall & Chapman, supplies 2.G5 Hunil Ilitllctln, ptg, ate 30.07 Norrls Bl.hy, work In clerks' olllco 130.00 D. P. AdnniBon &o Co., mdso. for olllcors 8.00 Prlnovlllo Drug Co., drugH . . 10.70 Prlnovlllo Drug Co., Ink, etc. 3.26 Collins W. ElklnB, Ynlo lock 2.00 E. L. Crabtroo, scropor, ote 15.75 II. A. Foster, supplies 28.24 T ..I. Mlnger. labor 8.86 Goldlo C, Wngnor, salary March and A,PrU ..... 150,00 C. D. Cunningham, rubber hrtndB '2.50 Prlnovlllo Drug Co., drugs . 29.95 J. II. Hosenburg, health olllcor 113.75 Henry & Clayton l.br. Co., Ibr 100.51 J. E. Mvern, nxp., Institute . 82.G0 (llad.vH 1 lay n, work Supt. olllco 10.25 J. S. Ireland, caro of Jack Cadle 100.00 Homo Hospital, rare of poor 218.36 57.00 0.80 4 1.00 40 47 48 49 60 61 62 &3 61 273.18 I.oo & Hughes, labor Mrs, A. Agostlilo, lauudrv . . Frank Porclvnl. ilop. oHe-nr Chas. W. Ersklue, dep. dint. attorney Chas. V. Ersklue, registering voters A, W. Grater, board Ynlo & To wno Mfg. Co., cylin ders for Ynlo lock 17.83 M. A. Cunning, services .... 7.50 M. K. Hrlnk, services 7.50 Hndmond it.br. & Produco Co., hair cord wood Wlllord II. Witt, postage. Tbos. M, Anderson Camp, mdse Thou. M. Anderson, nllowonco March. 1910 . ., .... 50.00 78.20 50.00 2.75 22.00 77 95 15.00 etc: 3,80 Owl Pharmacy, drugs 7.70 Hentlngton Typewriter Co., nupplles fi(j 71 1.. Nichols, witness roes .... in 00 P. D. Hoeder, deputy Hhorlff . 5.00 Howard Cooper Cor., mnch.. 751.30 J. D. Ilowman, road work dint. "' 7'.. 00 George Wilson, rd. wk. dlst. 6 30 00 M. Hnrlngton. wk. rd. dlst. 5 tn 00 C. Ii. Gist, wk. rd. dlst. 5... 10.00 A. F. Pednnvot, rd. wk. dlst.5 12 00 It. C. Foster rd. wk. dlst. 5, . 97.00 Ed Spoo rd. wk. dlst. 5 2 1.00 A. Hoach rd. wk. dlst. 6.... 2 1.00 A. W. Armstrong rd. wk.. dlst. 6 ....'. 21.50 Van Wilson ,rd. wk. dlst. 5. . 11 25 Joe Jockmlllor rd, wk. tllst 5 12 25 G. Arncsou rd, wk. dlst. 5.. 13.00 Jno. Taylor, rd. wk. dlst. 5.. 15.50 F. L. Hlcklo. rd. wk. dlst. 5 . 20.00 J, H. Stedham rd. wk. dlst. 5 31.50 Linn Wilson, rd. wk. dlst 5. . 7.60 F. Arnold, rd. wk. dlst. 5... 7.50 F. Kiiunynlt, rd. wk. dlst. 5. . 2.00 E. arohnm. rd. wk. dlst. 6. . 1 00 J. O. Jowoll, rd. wk. dlst. 5. . 123.76 J. A. Long, rd, wk. dlst. 5. . . 100.00 J. W. Wells, rd. wk. dlst. 5. . 61.25 J. W. Shrunk, rd. wk. dlBt. 5. 20.00 Irwln-Hodson Co,, supplies . 150.35 Norn F. Stearns, work in clerks ortlco 20.00 J. F. Morrltt. fixing bridges . 22.15 Prlnovlllo Meat Market, mdso, for' roads S3. 95 II nsnkor Stago Co., frig. . . 8.00 Hcdmond Mir. & Produco Co., Horlgiui & Holukc, uulee. for Ashley 14.20 Kendall & Chopuian, mdse. for road 103.48 Tum-A-I.um Mir. Co., mdso for rnnd 18.06 Collins W. Elklus, indue for rond 2.70 It. h. Jordnn, work In sheriff's olllco 100.00 Hoy Clark, serving suhpnonafl 6.00 W. F. Morkoy, wk. on bridge 7.50 W. A. Pickett, wk. on bridge 2.60 Geo. Iuuker, wk. oil bridge 1,25 I. M. Hiirlburt, Dunn's subpuona 1.25 II. J. Overturf, foes, labor nnd traveling expenses 300. SO Hobort Mooic, blacksmith bill ' 50.25 Andnron Pros. Mir. Co., Ibr. 88.09 J. F. Hlauchnrd, road work, etc 350.00 Alnx Amnions, lumber for hrldm 121.33 J. W. Hobh, circuit court wltnoss 72.00 I,. W. Davis, clr. ct. wit. ... 12.00 Port Hoe. clr. ct. wit 31.00 C. J. Stauffer, clr, ct. wit. .. 29.00 Pert. M Mocks, clr ct, wit . 2G.00 Inn ItrlcVov clr ct wit . 2G.00 I Clifford Habeack dr. ct. wit. 7G.00 Halph Habeack clr. .ct. wit... 79.00 Frank Cross clr. ct. wit 19.40 (A. I). Schroder, clr. ct. wit. . 28.00 .Hdbert Wlloy clr. ct. wit. . . . 10.60 J. E. Warner clr. ct. wit. .. 11.50 Hannah II. Dunn, clr. ct. wit. 24.00 Edith Dunn, clr. ct. wit. . . . 24.00 I. Nichols, clr. ct. wit 4.00 J. F. Hlnnchard, posts for Har din road 90.70 Gcncrul Fund Disallowed. Crook County Journal, ptg bal lots 12.0 Prlnevllle Meat Market, meat 21.50 Deschutes Pwor, Co., light, water etc , 10.00 Doschutes Cafo, meals 12.15 Ilend Water Light & Power Co 30.72 Hoy Stuart, wood for coutr house 13.20 Glon Hendrlckson, feed for Schroder maro 8.00 lltlfl T No levy. 65 No levy (0 17 iS (.0 00 81 OS 6S 04 r. .,.. 05 : li l'lrti Patrol Hedmond Union High T 90. 209. 109 05 217 167 1,4.15 129 173 169. ,918. ,001. 27S. 139. 74. 101 232. 114 7 12 919 80, 40 90 70 09 85 80, Total ao!lctluiii $11 1.109 SI Has a Good Itepiitiitloii. Tho nrlKlnu! nnd gonulno llonov nnd Tar eounh syrup l Foloy's llopuv nnd Tar Compound nnd become this nan glvfti such uulvors'tl satisfaction Mild cured so many cases of cough, colds, croup and whooping eounh thirn 11 ro imitations ami substltuto offered to tho public. Insist upon Foley's. Sold evorywhoro. Adv. A deslrablo bread knife freo with every annual subscription to Tho Pond Ilullcttn. Bud Fisher jumped tho old-time rut whert ho invented Jeff and Mutt. For years, with that amusing pair, he's chased away tho people's care, and made them laugh and throw their hats, ana cackle till they broke their slats. Tho tired, tho sad, tho weak, tho worn, have laughed with Bud, and ceased to mourn; tho lame, the halt, tho blind, tho deaf, havo whooped with gleo o'er Mutt nnd Jeff. Whero does ho find tho joyous jests which break tho buttons from our vests? You'd think tho fount would hnvo to fail, but never once has he been stale. dud fisher When ho sits down to hatch n plot r-m...eart... fo wn;ch hjs heroes will bo caught, ,,Z7;j W ho lights his pipe, and soon a joko tnkins. lucoointnanj emerges from Tuxedo smoke. Ho fitcTw? swears by "Tux" and so will you, fTjL yxihu. when yu have a or two (Uq $ &lb Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Don't miss this. Cut out this sjlp, enclose with 5 conts to Foley & Co.. Chicago, 111., writing your name and nddres3 clearly. You will receive in return a trial packago containing Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound 'for. bronchlnl coughs, colds and croup: Foley Kldnoy Pills, and Foloy Cathnr tlc Tahlots. Sold everywhere. Adv. TO WHOM IT MAY COXCKItX. Notlco Is given to all contractors and builders that no work Bhould bo hogun on nny building within tho city limits of Ilend until tho owner of tho proporty has secured n building per mit under tho recently enacted build ing ordinance of tho city or Ilend. L. A. W. NIXON, Chler or Police. Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. Lots 40X105.. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lots 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Centrql Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Automoble Life Acddent Surety Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET, BEND, OREGON Member Portland Hcalty Hoard. TVttt-? T?rKirTinr X. JUJj ' AA71IW1Y1 X mean tte vAie trending of one' moDty-makloe every dollar do futtduty and getting In return an article that will atWy you In every way. The yFTITlT Ii a real bargain because It U sold at a popular price t because It gives you the kind of tewing you delight In j because ti wui turn oui me wore; quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of satisfactory servlcej because Its Improvements will enable you to do things wwen can't ce acne on any other machine t because it will please you j with Its' fine finish and beauty of its furniture. J In short you will find the White reliable and S AeslrMt from every point of view. 1 Be sure to see the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the White Is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct lor cat- J alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. S WVWWWiWVWVW EVERY DOLLAR YOU PAY FOR BRICK THAT IS MADE IN BEND STAYS HERE Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is. All who have used our product are satisfied. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BROOKS-SCANL ON LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES, Cement, Lime, Plaster and Brick. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Fir Fl oonng an all kinds of Finish Lumber mil a E3 LUMBER CO. Call, or phone us, at mill oflice (Red U'M ) or see our representative in Bend Company Building, Wall and Ohio Sts. -t . ONE CENT A WOHD Is nil n llttlf Want Ad will cost you.