The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 17, 1916, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
VOL. xiv.
NO. 11.
wiiliwnniwwfi-sicnjf.uliMff '
Little Interest Token iocnliy In
Other Tlmn County Candidate
Clilef ContehU uro In Republican
Party Roberta Has Lead
- Ilond precinct No. 3, Council
room, Johnson building, Wall
- llend Precinct No. 4, old Wool- --
cy pinning mill, olt Ilond street
In Held school neighborhood.
Ilond Precinct No. 5, United -
Wnrohouso Co. building, near
- railroad stntlon.
Kenwood Precinct, Sam Elder -
resldenco, near Btore, Kenwood.
-- DecchutCB Prcclrct, Ilrooks-
Scanlon temporary planing mill,
easterly from end of Hond Btreot
- in mill yard. -
Ono inoro day nnd tho primary
campaign will bo ovor. Friday ,1s
election day. On Saturday nt lot of
troublo will have been ended for
somo folks, nnd a lot moro added to
tho burdens of others.
So far as can bo observed locally
llttlo Interest has boon taken In any
of tho presidential candidates, nnd
tho snmo Is truo of all state offices,
except that of Secretary of State, rop
rcncrUntlvo from this district, and
public service commissioner. County
offices, on- tho other hand havo conio
In for consldorablo attention, partic
ularly In tho caso of tho Republican
nomination for chorlff, and to a less
legreo that for county commissioner,
school superintendent and assessor.
S. B. Roborts, of llend, and J. II.
"Stanloy, of Alfalfa, aro tho opposing
candidates for-tho Republican nomi
nation for shorlff. According td" tho
best reports obtnlnablo Mr. Roberta
has tho better of tho argument al
though Mr. Stanley's frlonds say thoy
tiro confident of success. Tho Dem
ocratic nomination, lies botwoon Shor
lff Knox and P. II. Polndoxtor, both
of Prlnovllle, with odds favoring Mr.
For tho Republican nomination for
county commissioner Theodoro Auno
nnd II. J. Overture, both of llend, aro
opposed. Mr. Auno has n strong lo
cal following but ho has dnno little
campaigning. Mr. Ovorturf on tho
contrary, is gonorally known all over
tho county through his occupancy of
tho office for tho past two years and
Is bolloved to havo a slight lead over
his opponent.
Tho asscssorshlp situation in tho
Republican party Is somo what con
fused, R. D. Kctchum of llend and
rrlnovlllo, Charles Carroll, of llend,
n"d J. T. Luckoy of Prlnevlllo be
ing candidates. It Is bolloved that
tho result will bo largolv dotormlnod
by tho cast sldo vote on Kotchum nnd
Tho polls will bo opon from 8 a.
m to 8 p. m., tho voting places In
this soctlon being stated above. It
will bo possible for those who did
not roglster to &wear in their votes
nt tho polls.
Catlovr nnd Doonar Muko Extenslvo
Improvements upon Taking Charge
Chestor J. Catlow, nnd Louis Doon
or lost week purchasod tho Ilond
Theatre from L. K. Dodgson nnd took
charge Thursday evening. Tho new
management began this week repair
ing tho theatre. The entrance has
1 een remodeled and the ticket ofllco
enlargod. The seating capacity will
bo Increased by about 75.
It is tho plan of Messrs. Catlow and
rvonar to carry tho well known and
popular Paramount pictures. They
will begin this week with Gowldlno
Farrar In "barmen." A complete
dating of some of tho most widely ad
vertised and popular picture plays
lias been contracted for the future.
rum nuitxs over iso acres.
More than. ICO acres of timber In
he Deschutes National Forest la the
Mclnlty of Pistol Butte, near tho Ills
river ranger station, were burned
ever Monday and Tuesday. It Is be
lieved that the fire started as a re
sult of fires left by fishermen. Two
other small fires which were put out
by passersby, were also started.
About five men men were used In
putting out the Pia'tol Butte fire.
Pacific Will Make Study of Conditions
and All Mattel s Affecting Service
Will bo Considered.
Replying to a request of Tho Bul
letin for a statement of plans In con.
nectlon with tho telephone properties
which Tho Pacific Telephone & Tel
egraph Company has recently acquir
ed In this section, W. J. Phillips, Its
dlvisfon commercial superintendent
states that it is impossible to go nto
any detail as no opportunity has yet
boon had to make a survey of the
proporty and conditions.
The following general statomont.
however, has been give to Tho Bul
letln: "Our Mr. Do Varney, on his re
turn from Bond, advised me that ho
promised you a statomont for publi
cation from tho Company as to Its
plans In connection with tho tele
phone properties which It has re
cently acquired from tho Pioneer
Telegraph" nnd Telcphono Company.
"I am sure you will appreciate
that It would bo Impossible for mo
to go Into detail as to our future
planB at this time, as wo havo not
had an opportunity to make a sur
voy of tho property, conditions, etc.
All that can bo said would be neces
sarily of a genoral nnturo. Howover,
as Mr. Do Varney promised you a
statement, I am pleased to make ono
such as I feol wo can consistently do
at this tlmo, of a general naturo as
"Tho Pacific Telophono nnd Tolo
graph Company acquired tho proper
ty of tho Ploneor Telegraph nnd Tel
ophono company, Including tho tol-
ophone exchanges nt Bond, Madrns
and Prlnovllle, together with the toll
lines radiating from theso respective
points. Tho Pacific company took
possession of tho property Wednes
day, May 10th, and is now oporattng
It as a part of Its system, covering
gonorally tho states of California,
Washington nnd Oregon.
"Tho Company's engineers will
mako a study of conditions In order
that necessary provision may bo
mado to keep paco with tho growth
and development of this section of
tho Stato, which It will undertake to
do. All matters affecting tolophono
scrvico in this section will bo given
consideration and such ndjustmonts
and changeB mado as aro necossary
nnd wnrrnntod.
"It will bo tho aim of tho Company
to furnish reliable nnd promp ser
vlco nnd deal courteously with every
body." , ,
Citizens of Lake, Grant and Klamntli
Counties Interested In Campaign
Vernon A. Forbes, candldnto for
tho nomination of roprosontatlvo
from Jefferson, Crook, Lake, Grant
and Klamath countlos on the Re
publican ticket, was enthusiastically
rocelvod throughout Ms Itinerary
through his 'district slnco Saturday
nnd Indications are that he will car
ry the counties to tho south of Crook
by aJargo majority.
On Ills tour of Lake, Grant nnd
Klamath counties Mr Forbes was
accompanied by Jny II. Upton, of
Prlnovllle: K. I.. Clark and W. V.
Arnold of La Pino; W. D. Barnes of
Tiimalo; J. A. Eastos, W. P. Vnndo
vert, Clyde McKay, J, C Rhodes, Goo.
Young and C. 12. Sho.t of Ilond.
Enthusiastic meetings wero wore
hold at Fremont, Fort Rock, Silvor
Lake, Illy, Lnkevlow nnd Klnmath
Fnlls. At Klamath Falls, Mr-. Forbo
mot with the members of the com
mercial club nnd business mon In
which proposed legislation wns ap
proached. In Klnmath Fnlls Mr.
Forbes has beon assured of a largo
Old Wooden Stiiictiucs Being, lie.
moved New Embankment Being
Ilullt General Appearance Im-
proved !!3 .Men Employed.
Under tho direction of M. J. Dnn
iolsotf oxtonslve lmp'rovomonts nnd
additions aro being made nt tho plant
of tho Bend Water J.lght & Power
Co., calculated to Improve the np
penranco of the grounds nnd arrange
for tho production of nddltlonnl pow-i
or to meet tho growing demands of
tho town. - ' .'
The work which Is mostly in ovl
donco at the present tlmo consists in
making an embankment from tho ond
of tho spur toward tho power houso;
earth for this purpose being found
on tho compnny'n proporty toward
tho now bridge. At tho snmo tlmo
tho various wooden structures which
havo stood beahlo the fiumo slnco tho
new plant was built aro bolng re
moved. When tho work Is dono tho Humes
will bo torn nwny nnd tho old em
bankment besuio tho present pond
will bo romoved, greatly enlarging
tho size of the pond and bringing
tho water of tho pond directly up to
tho water 'Wheels instead of conduct
ing It to them by flumes ns nt pres
Although n largo portion of tho
company's proporty will ho used" by
tho enlarged pond, sufficient space
will be left below tho now embank
ment for additions as roqulrod In tho
future. A roadway will be built
along tho sldo of tlo pond passing
near tho ond of tho spur by It
will be posslblo to reach tho cream-
ory nnd Ico plnnt.
Tho now water wheol Is now Instal
led and ready for attachment to tho
gbnorator which will r.rrivo somo
tlmo this summon
About 25 mon nro employed undor
Mr. Danlelson In tho work.
Auto Ovei turns In Rounding Corner
Other Occupants of Cur Escape
George Smith, an employee of
the Shevllu-IIIxou Company, wns bad
ly Injured whon nn nutomobllo driv
en by A. L, French wont off tho side
of tho road to Tunvnlo nnd titrnod
turtlo on Thursday. Mr. French nnd
James M, Kyle, of Stnnfleld, candi
date for the Republican nomination
for Public Sorvloe Commissioner
from Eastom Orogon, wero badly
shaken up. Joo McKay escaped
Tho party was bound for Tiimalo
and was about to round tho cornor
boforo passing Into the straight road
toward the North Cnnnl whon some
thing wont wrong with tho steering
goar. iiororo tno iirnKeg couiu no
sppllod the car wont ovor tho bank
and turnod over. All but Mr. Smith
rolled free. He was caught uudor
tho car nnd when taken out was un
conscious, lie was takon to tho hos
pital and given attention but remain
ed In this condition for a number of
hours. Ho Is now recovering.
raw i
kJpKssvL. .Cjt- T" Tl 'IH HEfl ' imA' ' '
SkfSLVKiMiLLflfi kt ,MatfSB9aw&s'''HiflVLLLHLlHRHifcfLflK
LrMVHI BBBBBlBai 9K.V vcZkJL mm i,'9Mmmmmmt P?t rH VH , W Slfl BBBBiaBHiaBaVi
Graduutlng etercUc of the Senior Claji will be held next week.
Great IntcicM Expressed In Stillborn
Road-Country South of Bend Will
He Big Outer When Water and
Rail Lines are Obtained.
War and politics nre taking a ecj,
ondnry plnco in tho minds of tho far
mers and. business mon of that part
of Central Orogon lying to tho south
of Bend. Tho paramount Issue with
theso Individuals Just nt tho present
Is railroads and irrigation.
If you strike up a conversation
with any of tho pcoplo between La
Pino nnd Paisley you will find that
theso two topics are being threshod
out In evory community center." Just
nbout tho tlmo thnt your conversa
tion is exhausted nnd it Is tlmo cith
er to tnko about tho wnr or to launch
yourself Into spine local or national
topic of intorost concerning politics,
or nn International Issue regarding
tho war and Its probablo outcomo,
you will not find yourself half so
popular ns you will If you know
something nbout tho "Inside dopo"
on tho proposed Oregon, California
& Eastern Railroad and Its definitely
outlined routo through Central Ore
gon) Or how they nro going to bo
nblo to get wntor on sovornl thous
and acres of valuable land lying
south from Fromont to Paisley.
To ono who wns, last week-end,
Initiated into the wonders of tho
country lying between Bond nnd
Paisley it is obvious why railroads
nnd irrigation should bo tho loading
topics of concern to the residents of
the, vast stretch of country with great
lntfnt possibilities.
For Hock Is Hopeful.
On going south, Fort Rock la tho
first plnco whero this feeling is most
Intense With lands that Ho as level
ns a tablo and stretch for moro than
35 tnllos to tho east without Inter
ruption of tho landscape, and from
G to 15 miles In width before it
conies In- contact with tho tributary
foothills, embracing thousands of
acres of land yot in tho Infant stages
of development, theso farmors nro
dally awaiting something of n defi
nite announcement from tho sphinx
railroad builder to tell thorn whethoi
the lino which ho proposes to build
will Includo thoin. In tho propasod
lino they see ono bopo for n future
mnrkot nnd a causo for taking hold
nnd making a supromo effort to till
tholr soils. It Is said thnt for the last!
year or bo tho liomeBtcnderH have '
been leaving tho country Just iih soon :
ns they urn nblo to obtain patents to
tholr lands. Many, howover, who
havo yet to obtain patents to tholr
lands nro taking u fresh grip, plan
ning, ns fur ns tholr llnnncoR will
permit, to rultlvnto smnll strips In
hopes that tho near future will bring
better things to thorn.
Tho country south of Fort Rock,
for tho most part, is bettor off In
many respects nt the present, nnd the
people there, too, coo n gront future,
and you don't havo to tell them of
It to assure them, provided the Stra
horn railroad comes within n reason
i. Wo dlstnnce from whoro thoy live.
At Silver Lakn the railroad fuvur
Im running high. Thoy will bank
everything thoy posses In that town
n tho future of tholr locality If the
(Continued on pngo 0,)
Oicgon mid Washington Lumbri'iien
Will Frolic Hero on June - nnd tt
Many to Attend.
The members of tho Concatenated
Order of ltoo-Hoo, of Oregon nnd
WnBhlngton will hold n monster con-
catenation in Bend on June 2 and
3 nt which will be present somo of
Ufa most promluont Hoo-iloos In
tho two states. With tho appoint
m un of F. D. Becker, of Bend, as
Vicegerent Snark for Eastern Oru-
gon this week plans wero begun at
onco for a monster celobrntlun. The
Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo is
tho largest soclnl ordor of the him
bormon in tho world nnd has bocIo
ties in nlmost ovory country nmong
Tho visiting lumbermen will come
by special excursion on tho evening
of June 2 nnd will hold their copca
tenntlou Immediately ntter arrival
Thero nro nbout 35 candidates (kit
tens) who will bo taken Into lloo
Hoo during tho festivities. Promi
nent lumbermen from Washington
nnd Oregon will bo present to enrry
out tho program. Among them who
havo already signified their Inten
tion to bo present nro: R. I). Iiininn,
of tho Inninn-Poulson Lumber Co.,
of Portlnnd, Vlcogoront Snark of
Westom Orogon, nnd W. P. Iick-
wood, Bupromo Senior Hoo-Hoo of
Scnttlo nnd L. A. Flfor, of Sonttlo,
Vicegerent Snnrk of Western Wnsh
lngton. Tho plans for tho concatenation
nro In chnrga of n local commltteo
on arrangements Including Hnrpor
Skii8c, chairman; Harry K, Brooks
and Frnnk It. Prlnco.
During their visit In Bond tho Hon
lions will visit tho now mills mid the
timber belt Bouth of Bond.
McKlnlcy-llnuiption Company Buy
McNntight & GerlMOii Want.
Another pay roll wan added to tho
growing niimbor In thtH section about
tvo weeka ago whon tho McKlnloy
Hnmpson Lumbar Co. bought thiv'Mc-
Naught & Gcrtsou saw mill on tho
Bond-Burua road nnd started opera
tion. Tho compnny is employing nt pros
ont In tho mill and the. .wrfids About
30 mon nnd cutting about '20,000
feet a day. Tho whole summer's cut
has already been sold.
Interested In tho compnny nro A.
M. McKlnloy, formerly of Nnpr.vlno,
WnBhtngtou, S. L. Hnmpiion, former
ly of Tncomn, nnd P. F. Hnnipson,
fnrmorly of Portland.
l.wal High School llucqiiclnw Iom
Annual TonnU Tournament.
The Redmond high school defta:
ed tho Bend high school In tiic an
nual tenuis tournnmout held this
morning. -Bend .won only ono ovnnt
from tho visitors. Tito scores wero
as follows:
Boys singles Calvin Smith, Bond,
vs. Douglus Mnrnrky, ReduiomJ, CO,
Grodo Bchool JioyH singles Lester
Sanders, Bund, vs. Oscar Nash, Rod
ii.unil, 0-3, 2-0, 7-9.
Girls slnglos Myrtlo Pugsloy,
Bend, vs. Gladys Smith, Redmond,
0-C. 0-0.
Girls douhluH Myrtlo Pugsloy
Franco Thompson, Bund, vs. Gladys
Smith nnd Mildred Smith, Redmond,
2-0. l.fl.
Boys doubles Calvin Smith nnd
John Stcjdl. vs. Hnle Audroway nnd
Irving Smith, 2-0, 2-0.
Surveyors Aro Active In Cascades,
Apparently Honded for Mlnto Paws
Two Parties In I'leld SupiMwed
to Represent Hill Ai Iltirrlmau
(Tho Orogonlnn.) ,
ALBANY, May 13. (Special.) -Aro
tho Hill nnd Harrlmnn railroad
Interests to linvo a race to Bond
across tho Cascodo mountains from
tho Wlllnniotto vnlley ns thoy did up
tho Deschutes valloy to tho sanio
point n fow yonrs ago?
Thero nro cortnlu Indications which
lend color to nn nlllrmntlvo nnswor.
Actlvo work of survoylng parties, ef
forts toward purchnslng rights of
way and shipments of supplies for
prospcctlvo work nro tho Indications.
Several months ago thorn wns talk
of building n railroad from Salom
through Stnyton, thonco up the
north Snntlnm valloy nud ncross tho
Cascarto mountains to Bend. Thin
lino was surveyed ns far ns Stnyton
somo tlmo ngo. Recently n survey
ing party has boon active In tho
North Snntlnm valloy onst of then).
It has survoyod n lino from Stnyton
eastward to Mohnnia, thence south
ward ncross tho North Snntlnm river
Into 'Linn county, running through
Lyons nnd up Fox valley nud then
turning onstward nliout flvo miles
Houth of tho Albany-Hoover branch
of tho Southern Pacific. This crow
Is still nt work.
Ently Work Predicted.
Members of tho crow nre reported
to havo said that actlvo work will bo
gin on tho grado next month. Cur
rout rumor Is to tho effect thnt tho
Hill interests' nro backing this pro
posed road.
Soon nftor this pnrty of survoyorn
began- worjMpR' In tho lclnlty-nr,
Stnyton, n nTy of surveyors wont
to Hoover, tho Eastom lormlniiH of
tho old Corvallls & Eastern railroad,
now owned by tho Southern Pacific,
and have been nt work east of Hoover
about two wcoks.
When this rnllrond wns built, tho
grade wan extended nbout eight mlhm
beyond whoro tho track wns laid, nnd
GiIh gradn I yet In fair condition.
Tho latter party of Hiirvtiynra Is
working eastward from tho end of
this grnde, apparently with tho pur
pose of survoylng a lino norosH tho
v That tho llnrrlmnii Interests nro
contemplating the extension of tho
lino from Allinuy to Hoover nnd on
to Bond Is believed to bo roHpnuslhhi
for thlit survey. Such an extension
lias been rumored many tlmmt In past
yours, but this Is tho first tlmo that
surveying work Iuih boon done on tho
present scale. ,
Heavy Operations Indicated.
That construction work In tho
near future Is contemplated Is shown
bq the fact that two and ono half
Ions of provisions were shipped re-
etiiitly to Homer
People familiar with that Hoctlon
of tho country assort Hint both of
these proposed railroads will likely
head for Mlnto Pasn mid crows tlm
CiiHoadu mountains by that routo.
Tho CorvalllH & Eastern rullronil wan
constructed, so thnt It would crosti
tho mountains by that paw If ox
tended, mid the work of the survey
ors Indicates that the promoters of
the Salem-llniid Hue are planning to
follow tho knnio route. Tho present
uotlvltloM of both mirvoylng nr'owtt Is
what has led to tho belief thnt tho
two great rival railroad Interests of
the Northwuttt may be planning a
raee for ndvantaafoim locutions
nurotw thnt pan
The prospective rsllroad work him
nroiiHsd oonsliUrable Intarutit In tbh
section of t Iih stain and ptMipIn who
ooino down from Mill City, Detroit
mid other Utwtw along the North
Sfcuitytiii report iiaw dvUipmnnt
nliniwt dally. They assart that t Iih
work of surveying tiowa ludlmtw
that aetual eoostrucil jh work mvmt
Im ooBtuuiplated soon.
STKHirrs iim(i oii.iid.
Oiling of Hi slrHttu of Baud bo
Hntt lant waak In tba inula iwrt of
town iHttwesn OrMuwootl avenue ami
Mlunoaota trei and on Bond and
Wall lri The Hrat ear (if oil
lias bean ussd In the main part of
town. With the arrival of the sue
oad cur, whleh Is expected within u
ftw days, other soctlumt over whleh
thurd Is considerable travel wilt be
oiled. More than twlea ns inuoh oil
will Im used this year tlmn wiHusud
last year, tho total being about, 1C,
000 gallons. ' '