, 'IV 'I '. i kt ft, .I . ; .'. PAGE I. the BEcn ncixnnx. besd. ore wedxesdat. mat 10. ii6- PAISLEY FOLKS REAOY TO WORK STRAHORN ARRANGES FOR RIGHT OF WAY Ms Ifl Ita Mf7tr 35 Per Ost ( CW of R I be rwoxt Vt-mt "Sun. oCTrel C Hi-v IK Frwaa AM (Ch Prow Jlokwrt . aWofcora. pMosowt of t Oit. IMMmU iiatra. -wfja s to TwMtet toat Tbar4y. iifrli hi i ;il as aadtoat' of Paaiey Abw taw aJbwaooa apoa tbe rigbt of -way aaaatlaa aad otaor xilto sab- II auto at tbat Uas that tb sttsottor of ta road bad oe totter isaeload apoa toe eoater rowt aa tb M bast nailed to tbe tatr W f tb I1 u, ; people of Ptow. Tb. . UI roM a.p- BWOrlaoktHr llJ.b aor tba lb mvM ite bat -HU ptoe tb sti ttn aaoat oo JK etoovr to tbe iiit baatoaa eatr of oar rttr Tilt OdUHl COOt S BOt t b dl- rectly aaiwod aJSat Pafetoy a bad M lit ' atkesoate' K womUL bat vlH b 44d to lb g oral m of eoaatrartloa- A pita b wertod oat later bf taoe aartag ia aaaaetoi wrk ts tttarx wbrey i Pr of tbe M of wttftttfcw -"ill bo " agalatt tao alCsc-at cosasaaaHl taroaxb wbarb tbe road will p aad Portttad. aoooratac to tbelr aMI Itjr to par mhI H will taoa ha n d tbat tiM dlsarettf eoauaaaltie win iak wt of that mm. kt-Tr Hk. Tb trw'Ml Jtrook4 at PaUT will k atrip t kwir by XS fot to wMtk trt!sc 544 fK th of iJrtr, I-b Md t1s4la? rraas tbr oHb-rr4 li' !- lmaUTr t a)fN-oxlaMtir krwi 4 ve baJf arr. 7b Ua of Pahr tbU winaoltr " hw ako4 to pfortoc tbU otht ih r'rkt of war on bnn4r4 fr- la vWtb Um tk arrr uakt trow tb; H tb tmrtur naiir the ld( of tb Cbowaaea Ind : Cat tle Company " awrth es4 ef SaMMir lk. Tbe railroad people wIM look altw the riifht of way tbrmixh tb- laJ of tbs cattle mm- Tb rtht of war d-d rrad tva Jf a railroad la ool bulit over the -til ix tvu jtj-i 5rK lit tiae t otatia i r.rt.: of -rir li snaAl , tb eoaajxr ' BaC tw Lit-vt-ir tb tb U4 ahail revtct i b oHfaal ytrt- it U tbrefr .ai;ratfrc' tb; :lt rtrbt of -raw be Mnr( id nv. a . ifbb u tb mote It is r;:M tb foKtc tbt gnitrarci w -?t wiB Srs9rUy :5t Tb oct aj akaai4 t ior tb Patfier CMaac.'7ial Okb It sC rery dWSwiit aad ri,;.- Oore of tb- fcw iM ifcoxM oaoe wfcbte a few wa1u. Xo oxtoc U aottaiaittfrd imt U. U lAteit tfcat aoe wM be iosstr ' tbetr wrk. How. Tr. tboM -. - Lfi seeesrarT & eoadtaiiu axr -a order to fere tbe d4 tbr-o Xr. Straara au roa(i tbat tb coaapiay wlH iia d tb ift tod sror!4e all leai ulec rM.7 w tbat to tbl aais r a ? '-i?4n to rtaaored frooi tbe tboolder of tbe total K? Tbe aaaooot 4o4 toad Ik tbe crt sIts u tere win sot x e4 tec aD. tb at of K bete? tbe sank s of soatoxer take. Tbe rtbt of war otoM tbe Carer At U oc.t. of Pihy will be awrU for by tbe Xortwt 7ow. He Ooouiy Mr. ScraJxvr: atto mmH tbat tbe tboag for tbe Itoe woald be to eatei a Seod. Tbe tau of tbe Itoe wfU arrfre wfekte sboot oo w aod at tbt ttaoe tboie bariar Hods acroM whieh tbe ttoe roc vitl be teeoered a bta o-d t tbe PMy Cosaaw.' etaJ Ctab asd : at beUered tbat la asodteieiy eerr deet wfll be re toraed at flzaaed. After tbe sv-Kta? bre. Mr. Stra bora aod Cblef Easter Bo? left for Lakerlew aed froaa tbere will tfAmra to Bd via Kteaaatb Fallt. How to live Long ajjBBBE Sai tVaHHnf -- ' "'""""" tSw3i3aaaKPOSaioaBaaw - aaaaaBaaaaaaBrf AaBaaV ....ltttltllTT- -- Eilect ie?rlcte1 by j-e-iutw of M.-ooIKaa Life Iairz2e Cc ?atr fros b&oUet feaoVd br it. "Tliey'reall trying Fatim&s air. nvu: t. Hare Lot of rrJi .Ur "bere Va S-a jp4e do sot biTe tbe cbaafre to work or &t to tbe o aJr or to set frb atr la tbeirt workrooss. Bet at aiebt It is df-l iereat. We tf-e&d a tatrd of an taaae la bed, as-d wMte w are ajte-ea , we tax get ptesty t fresh air. ; To tboeld aiwars bare aH tie wadow la yowr 'edraaii w.'e oj. Tbe al?bt air will t h;rt tow It is gl for ro. If j Vreatbe goo4 air all albt. yea w.;: feel aaore rented ia tbe aoralas lii Vetr able to do yoar work. If pouibi seo oat of doers. v?t bare pleat? of a!'bl tlotbes aad .i cVotbe to keep yoa warsa. If tbere are aaoiattoej or i. kar a piece of lt?ht aaosflto t. :1a; ore-r tbe ted. hmrr ihrm boatt &i&zj p7aacr ia tat tsws. BssbaiT.afeKwVTta. Iirix jfciB bow BSH 8IBL.B aWj- . Fatl B ais bar boas JsEaf" aiMtj dx Kealr rrrorbadr oMot 19 bC7tgtiiWT. Ztm--7oT wxafaMwi1frcitc33 eeatbett ia COOL. j b bract asd isbcm cad mo rato tart aba peJoaal- OKE CENT A WORD U ail a little Waat Ad wirl eon jou. SII FAfTS TOf.li. Tbe tetett prot balietla froai tbe lOr;8 Arrtenltral Collese it de rated eoUreiy to tbe eitrUoa of lo. A ay of tbe f arts-era of this Uoa who wjh details soay obtaia tbe by writ la? to tbe college IK YOl' K.VOW T1IAT U;bt saroBctot deaaliat; A eleas aaoatb U euatial to ZG&i beattk? Fbyoioal trafalap la rbUdbeod is tbe foaadailoa of adalt baUh? The V. S. PuSlI Haltb Ser- rtee Lurc pablleatloas oa br- jriene aad Mait&tb& for free dUtrlbotioa? Isolation is tbe raesi cf3de. zaeaas of eoatrolNos lepr&sr'' Headache is Natare's warning tbat the baaaaa aacblne Is ras- sins badly. Molleu stay kill tboosaads files teas of tfaooiaadx? - Oielty ttAaaees loa?erlty? Horn Futon m aofcl fiaa ar aim Uvuua ti.''' on 5c Today tba iT yoa abaaid ay tbas A Sensible Cigarette 2Q - H REPUBLICAN CAKDmATE FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Charles B. Moores A competent business man with a clean record in public, private and political life Vote for Him Oregon Transfer Company Site Told Her Xeiahb-T. I told a aefgbbor bM s:14 had croap a toot Foley's Hosey aad Tax. ' jvrttes Mrs. Rebkaap. lit I Heraua street. CoTiastoa.'Kj-- ' Wbee b- gaTe it a to pie of doses tbe was so ' pleated with tbe cbaare be dida't ksow what to tT." This reliable i reaedy belps coogh. colds, croip ; aad whooplns coafb. Sold ererr- 1 where, Adr. OFFICE LOG CABIN CORKER Phone Black 4."l Moris: Hoasfbold Gv& Oar Speciaitr EXPRISS AND IUGGAGE ACTO TRITCK MQVIXO AXYWHERE YOCR BAGGAGE CHbtKED ATIIOME Coal and Wood Licht and HeaTj Frclit For tija paistlag see Edards. Adr. ' See J. Ryaa k. Co. loa&s. Adr. for fara laad '' ELtTKRJII.VATI.Vr; roVOTKS. Kdmnd Spokeasaaa..! A aoie from R A. Ward. Molo leal atafH. sow at Wiaaeaaoeca. Xeradt. tell ua tbat tbe work of eorote eradi-atioo ts sow to fnll swIbk. wttb 104 boaters In the field aad fifty more to -e employed Morel tbaa two tons of kis bare alroadr beea rbipped UreMock aad other lasoiatlos are co-operatls aad feel easria-d tbat the proper meth od Is now )4iac; mployed and (s far sufxrlor to tbe ancient boaaty ays-tera. 1mm ....I., .a mtA 1 .. Imtmttmm (tl. Bend Floor Mill Co. has this year ob tained Apex I.? nil Plaster, a scien tific fertilizer- Adr. FIHK AT SISTEILS. JeSenoa Coaatr Record-1 Oa Wedaeday erealax; of .t weok tbe bome of E. U Sfi-v at Sitters was entirely destroyed by fire aad maay other bnlldlags of tte towa were seriously eadaagercl on account of tbe bixh wind. On 'be eroalng of the Ore Mr. aad Vrt Spoo and tbe babr had gone to 'he count it to speed the erealng w'th friends. Darin? their absence 'be Ore broke out and ererythlni; was destroyed. The bouse was one re cently built br Mr. Spoo. being cm pleted only two dars before the fire. and there being no Insurance on the property It was a total loss. OaJr the efforts of some of the residents of Sisters saved the chnreh and school house from going a similar way. The cause of the fire is unknown RAG RUGS WOYEN Three ' J six feet for one dol lar when customer famishes the rags. Carpet wearing J'e per yard. Part;cu.ar see EDWARD II. THATCHER Kenuood THIS PAPER nlPRZSZHfZD FOR FORDGrv ADVERTISING BT THE m Lu-J'vjJ"! M IMt?TfcasaaaaaIMMfcbXy lt B aKsaoamamsastaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoT 99 ocnchai. cnecs NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IM ALL THE POJKOPAL CITIES Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Walter Coombs, L D. Fox, Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. Refinishing Marred Furniture IS EASY AND INEXPENSIVE ' Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that are unsightly and a discredit' to your home can be made to look bright and new at slight ex pense and you can do it yourself. ACME QUALITY VARNO-LAC stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to x all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur- able, lustrous surface ot beautituliy finished oak, mahogany, walnut or other' expensive woods. Call for color card. BECOOL inYOUR KITCHEN. COOK WITH electricity Bend now has tbe Lowest Electric Cooking Rate in. the State. )at"T V of AVJl daW Cooking and Heating Meter Rates First .100 K. W. H. in Any Month 8c per K. W. H. Next 100 K. W. H. in Any Month 2c per K. V. H. All Over 200 K. V. H. in Any Month, lc per K. V, II. Effective April 1st, 1910. WE HAVE ELECTRIC RANGES from 40 up which,. v we sell on easy terms. " -.-- BEND WATE UGHT & POWER CO. Phone 551 ... v ia.iatwnij.ji.n li 3WjgBPl Bend Hardware Co, BEND v