TAGR 2. THE 1JEXD Hl'LLKTlN, IJEM), OHE., WKIKSIAV, MAY 10, 1010. M H . 'M I' i fl Li M fij 1 ' i' ' n , U CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. TCMAU). (Special to Tho Bulletin.) TUMAI.O. Slay 8. Dr. I'eary, dis trict superintendent and How Kengy of Bond, hold srlces In the church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Duimls and little daugh ter nrrhed Sunday from Suletii. The Dubuls' have rented the Chapuvin bungalow and will reside hero tem porarily. 1". X. Wallace left for Portland on Saturday evening on business con nected with tho project. A numiicr or friends motored down from Henri Thursday evening mid surprised Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mo-k ami helped them celebrate their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Hay Brown Is working with a sur veying crew on the Ochoco Irrigation project. C. W. llon came over from his place on the Metolltis on Tuesday In Ills new Ford. Dr. Poary and Rev. Keagy spont Tuesday afternoon at tho W. D. Unrnos ra;ic!i. Whlterock. .1. P. Parks has purchased a now Ford Sunday afternoon to attend the ball game. Allen Wlllcoxon lost a young heif er ono day last week, It being acti dently killed. Tho roHri crow having finished the work ort the Sisters road havo moved camp and will now he located on the Powell Hi tte-Ilond road, where they will do some much needed work. A number of neighbors disposed of their sheep Saturday at c good price. Miss Mary Cummins registered at rlculturnl College and which Is pre tho Brookings Hotel last Tuesday pared ng rollowa: Coarse bran 10 liAlnff ritl linn yfr t n lin .... l near Hutto. .pounds, parts graen or white arsenic Yerv effective for killing grass hop nnri Piirintnn nprnminnin.i iiialone fourth tiound. salt one fourth 0r'a mid enrden slues. Tho "ninsh (throning tho dirt toward tho worms. About H feet farther ahead of the Insects plow another similar furrow throwing the dirt tho same way. Place soma of tho -poison bran mrsh" in each of the furrows nnri between them. This will usually get all of the Insects. The same "poison bran mnsn is ten; THE FLAVOR OF 'SPEAR HEAB" mi uncle V. (P. Wray to Uurns lastl Monday. Mr. and Mrs out to Head, McNett hate gone A deslrablo bread knife frco with evory annual subscription to The Hcnd Bulletin. AI,FAI,FA. A desirable broad knife frco with every annual subscription to The liend Bulletin. .MM.I.ICAX. (Sneclnl to Tho Bulletin) 1 I M)I,l,liUN. Mnv S. fhori ''M bo a danco nt the home of Geo. Pow ers this coming Saturdio. Wesley Street of Hiiinpton was in Hvor night guest WeilneBdny In MI1 lienn, on Ills return home from Hcnd. a en who taught tho ...oi Hcnool In the Mtlllcan district, Is engaged to succeed Mrs. A. G. Allen to teach, tho coming term of HCllOOl. ' Sheriff K. H. Knox. Miss Florence Mjirlll and Mrs. Eveljn I,. Wnlker of tho C. C. II. school, accompanied by Mrs. Ouo. Mllllcau, motored out from Prlnevllle Siindny and wero dlnnor guests nt the Mllllcau Inn. Shorlff Knox wtb out on Mondav, May 1, subpoenaing witnesses to at tend this session of court. David It Dunn and a number of wltnesaiM from Imperial passd through MllllcHii Sunday ouroutc to Prlnevllle to attend court. George Mllllcnn rpturned from tho Htook men" convention nt linker and want over to Prlnovlllo ns n wltnosti In tho "bad check nrtlstB" case '.n court. (Special to The Pulle'tln.) AI,FAI.F. Mny 5. The Jolly Nolghbors Club of Alfalfa, Oregon, held their lrm meeting with Mrs. Mullen, thirteen members being pres ent. The object of, tho club is to croato soc'nblllty and to help the members with sewing. The officers nro Mrs. H A. Wooley, president : Mrc. A. Shults, vice persldetit, Mrs. L. V. Clarke, flnancinl secretary.. Tho ball game between tho Alfal fa team end Powell Hutto was won by tho Alfalfa taanr. IIAMITOX. A deslrablo bread knife free with ovory annual subscription to Tho Bend Bulletin. (ji.ovi:iti).i.i: (Sprclnt to The Bulletin CI.OVKltnAMJ, May 7. Mrs. . 1.. Wa Id ron left for Walln Walla, Washington, Friday morning, where she will make hur future homo. " Art (liubo went to Bend Tuesday ttnri returned Weriuosilny. About sixty friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Walilron dropped In on them laot "Wednesday night and gave them u nlco little surprise. ('.nines woio played In tho fore pnrt of tho even ing and ice cream and enko woro porveil Inter. A goorilv number was out from Slaters and Cloverdnlo was nlio well represented. Tlio fnnnurs woro all busy Wed nesday and Thursday hauling laud plritor from Iteriiiionri. The Cloverdiile Council Club nut s usual Friday night. After tho buslncHW sowilnn of the club was ail rirwweri by Mr. Brown, preslriont 'f tho KiirnuT Union, wlioso motive wuh lo orgiuilro the farmers union ho-?, lift was not vory well tnken by the liiiimberH of the eluli. Tho following program wns then rendered- Hole--tlon. Clovetdnle Imuil, rending, Verno Skulton. song Van Mntro and Skel lon, paper. It. J. Skolton, playlet, "Millions In If A new tnlopliouo line Is being p'lt lip In this vlolnltv this week. Mr Miller of Uerimouri Is lustnlllug tho phones. Quito niunbor ntten.'ru iho fnr woll party on Hobort Smith and fam ily In Sisters Weriuesrinv night M Smlth will move to lleppner soon liore lie lias trailed for n ranch Mr. and Mrs. F 1. Shaw arrived In Slaters ilust Wednesday Thev lmvo been milking an extended 't through California and Mexico for the uit eUht uiontliH. Arthur Tompleton has been doing the nssossliiR la this vicinity tho Inst two weikH. A dcwlrnblo bread knife free with ovorv nuiiunl subsorlptlon to Tho Bond Bulletin. (Special to Tho Bulletin). HAMPTOX. May -l.-i-A. Vanlako was a Hampton visitor Thursday. Mr. Clover visited over Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Hallcy of Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd MeXett left for Bend Saturday. Mr. MeXett ex pects to work thoro thtc summer. Fred Miller -"n transacting busi ness In Hampton ham,-. A. Couch was seen In Hnmp. ..n on Sunday. W. Blr.ck of I.Izard Creek spent the wepk end In Hampton, W. T. Harrison and son Thomas took Sunday dlnnor with J. I,. Ow ens. Mr. and Mrs. Snnriv of Imperial spent Sundav at J. O. Whitakers. Miss Dsrlp Burton took dinner .it A S. Focg's Sundav. T. C. Ewlng of Holvct was trans acting business In Hampton Tuo.)-d-y. A. T. Framo wont to Brothors on Tuesday. Miss KHiel Fogg visited Wednes day with Mrs. C. B. Hermon. Prepare Seed Bed Well A Mttlo I Mia Tlino Spent In I'lepiuing tlio IjiikI Often Snes The Crop. By A. E. IiOVETT. pound, cheap syrup ono quprt. lemon however, contains a poison and must extract two tcaspoonfuls and enough j )0 considered dangerous for live warm water to make a coarse crumb-1 st0ck. I'se caro in placing tho ninsh, ly mnsh. Mix thoroughly and do not i Roeng that It Is thinly scattered so get the material sloppy. It should that lle stock cannot readily pick it fail npart readily In the hand after pressing together. I For worms place this "poison bran I mesh" where they will Ilnd It, and I whenover possible, where the must cr bs It In going to a plant or tree up. Was Troubled lit Xlght. Painful, annoying blndder weak nesses usunlly Indicates kldny trouble. So do backaches, rhoitmn IIAJIITOX BL'TTI (Special to The Bulletin.) HAMPTOX IirTTK. Mny f!. Alex MoKeown. of Pleasant Valley, was a visitor nt Brooking'a storo Mon day. Jako Books is plowing for Tom Ewlng. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller woro guestH or Wra. Hoist last Sunday. Mr, Woods irndo final proof on his homestead last Monday beforo Com missioner Fogg. Fred Miller nnd J. O. Whltnker woro his witnesses. Chris Tinner Is building fence. Mrs. J. M. Brlckcy loft for tho Willamette valley laBt week whore sho will visit with hor daughter for soverql weeks. Vic Schrednr Is doing somo plow ing on Vic Johnson's homestead. Alex McKcown started for Bend last Tuesday to get hls'fnfmlly who lived In Bend tho pnst winter. Mrs. Jako Hooka was n guest of Mrs. Horace Brookings Monday. Miss Mnry Stnuffcr, who attended school in Bond tho pnst year came in last Tuednv being on her wav homo. I.vle MeFaddon was the guest rt Herbert Mcoks several dnys tills ite I T C Ewing Is busy assessing lnl,vt I" recommenriori by the eto tills vicinity mology department of the Oregon Ag One of the most important Items for securing a good crop Is that of tho seed bed. If tho land Is not welt prepared, the seeds do not obtain moisture, food or support necessary for their growth. After the land Is plowed and tho greatest amount of work has been done It Is really fool ish to neglect a few extra turns with tho harrow or other necessary ma chinery to put tho field In first cluss condition. Very often a few min utes per acre will mean success where without this extra work the crop will bo a failure. This moans not only smoothing tho land but also having it flrnu The valuo of careful preparation of tho land is best Illustrated In tho plnntlng of thoso crops having smal ler seeds, alfalfa and clover for In stance. Some of our farmers declaro that a good stand of alfalfa cannot be obtained through using less than 12 pounds of seed per aero. Tho mn jorlty of our farnira bollovo that eight po Is pc acre Is necessary. I havo fund n very fow who havo plantod ns low as flvo ounds of nlfnlfa seed per ncro nnd hnve ob tained a good stand of this crop In the discussion of tno necessary amount of seed to plant we must of courso romombcr Hint various soils require various cultural methods and different amounts of seed. If tho seed bed Is not In good con dition when the seed Is planted, not only mny tho resultant crop bo a disappointment In tho matter of stand over tho ontlro Hold, but also in tho mnttor of uniformity of stand. What applies to tho seed bed for nl fnlfa nlso applies to tho seed bed for any other crop. A llttlo extra work on. tho sceri bed will pay much hot ter than will oxtra cultivation or extra water after tho crop hns been planted on n poor se'ed bed. Bet tor plant tho crop n week lato than to plnnt It on n poor seed bed. ,.. u. .. -.... ., 1 .... whlrh thov mnv nflnoL- Vhn thdie t'Stn. sore, swollen or HI u iinini:." ' worms appear In large numbers and ' jgntj lAn cross a section of country they are nudoph, cnrml, Hi., writes: "Slnre sometimes known as the "army tkit,g y0eV Kidney Pills I sleep till worm." In such an Infestation plow nght without getting up." Sold n furrow across their line of travel everywhere, Adv. USE POISON MASH Iteconimeiiileil for Cut Worms (Jro.ss Hoppers and CSnrdeii Slugs. By A. E. IOVETT. Cut worms nro nlready appearing In various sections of tho county, es pecially In tho gardens nnri around trees. This pest Is a very hard ono to combat ordlnarlLv but by propor measures can bo killed and control led. Tho best method thus far dis covered for controlling tho cut worm Is tho uso of "poison bran mash, I'OWHl.l. lU'TTE. (Dnrwlnl Th Bulletin POWMhl. BUTTK. Mnv 7 - Mr nnd Mr. Allen Wlllcoxon spont Frl- law oimiliii' nt ItnvilS. Mr unit Mr. Hon Bussott vis- Heri in Prtuovtlle Monday, returning Tuesday. .... , Homviw Wllllcoxon had tho mis fortune to loo ono or his work lmrpori. . Mr. and Mr. V. II. Bayn of Bes ehutos Hpent SKVoml dnvs nt the A W. IWH homo t w'- , , . On TurnMlo Mrs neorm Siurt nnd risuKlitnr spent tho day with Mra j SholKwt. Mrs. A. W. Bayn made a business ir to Prlnovlllo on Thursday, r mslnlni; In the evening for the Rn lr party nlven liv tho Ml liava. Huston. Mrlluyn mid Pnyn In honor tt the Senior e's and members f m faxiitiv or tho r c. H. s Jmw Shnhort inario n business trip in lluiul mi IrldrtV. John I.uekv ts seen now-nwn oidunlng around In his now run-a- Tlio Powell Hutto Development U.USU0 held their regular moetliig In the now lnll Ssturriay evening. A "od "itenilaMoe s reported. Mr. HlRga ""'I ,r- "' M"1- A V. Hayn motored to Prlnovllle on JiV : . -r2. -UMurrat uoun ncucr ni rvr PdFq I SNf i TUG H 5hsS7 Wzg g FANCY PATENT ritnn END, 4- ORC jZ? j? jg? jZ? The Flour with a Guarantee Your Grocer Han dles this Brand De cause he KNOWS POSITIVELY . (1) That tho mill stands squarely hack ot each and ovory sack produced. (JI) That people today aro demanding moro sanitary methods In handling tnblo products, and that tho Bark used as a container for Deschutes Spray flour fills that demand, (:i) That nchutos Spray Hour makes I.iailTKH, WHITISH MUUU. Spray Hour makes HirTTEU (I) That Desohutes TASTIXt! imri. (.1) That It Is made In Bend from In Crook and Jefferson counties. products grown SOI.I) BY AI.Ii (iltOCi'llS. TUY IT. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J. KnOEXEUT, Presldont-Minager IIEXD, OUEGOX JtIlm! Biggest Sale Ever Known in the history of Sisters, Oregon,'-will be put on by M. Zaslaff, successor to Robert Smith. General Merchandise Tho ontlro stock of high grade and up to date merchandise consisting of groceries, dry goods, shoes, hardware. Imple ments, wngons and tinware will be put on sale for the next 30 days and a stnggcring, overwhelming slaughter on prlcos will bo made. I hope every family In tho community will not miss this great opportunity which moans dollars saving to them It will pay you to Investigate a few of our prices. G pound Can Hoynl Club Coffee SI.: J." Hulk Fino Coffee, regular 10c nt iMc 1 pounds English Breakfast Tea Hie 1 dozen Cans Tomatoes SI..IO 1 dozen Cans Corn .5l.Hi 1 pound can Folgers Baking Powder rogular 30c nt i'.'c 7 bars Washing Soap riTc Bottle Catsup ync 1 barrel Whlto River Flur nt S.1.75 Somo of our stock which wo close out we will sell at 7Cc, COc nnd 50c on tho dollar. Ilemomber that this rale will bo a great saving to you. Sale will commence Friday, May 1 2 M. ZASLAFF SUCCESSOlt TO KOHEHT SMITH. A Chew Tliat Has Dccn Famous (or a Thin) of a Century ttASTIIERtCIIREDBURLEYTASU i Chewing is the only way to get tli rich taste of the tobacco leaf. Am the only form of tobacco in which you get me icai as iiaiurc mauc it is the U A chew of Snear Head plujj tobacco lias a wonderful flavor such as you never did and never will taste in any other tobacco. ' That Spear Head flavor is umW mellow fruity, everlastingly delicious and satisfying. Spear Head lias been famous for a inira 01 a century as 111c riuicst, tasti est of chews. It's made of sun-ripened, red Bur. Icy. And it's produced by the mo modern methods, which develop the luscious flavor of the leaf to the su it is safeguarded at every step in its g. inc tactory is cican and san -the processes arc pure-food pro ltary- cesscs. When the choice red Burlcy has been pressed into mellow, sweet Spear Head plugs you have a chew that simply can't be equalled. Spear Head is the high quality chew of thc"world. Try Spear Head you'll never again be satisfied with any other chew. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. Keeping I'p To Tho Mark. "Spilng fever" Is not always a Joko. If you feol dull and sluggish, tired nnd worn out, suffer from back, ncho of woak back, rheumatism, Bore r.iUEClcs. stiff joints or othor Indica tions of kidney trouble, It will pay you to Investigate Foley Kidney I'llu. They nro highly recommended ai prompt and efficient aids to health. Sold everywhere. Adv. W: 1 ii Sfc: STOP! And lnctIgato our priced before buying your groceries. Wo can mivo you money. P. B. Johnson's Mllllcnn, Ore. Telephone dffl BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. Dry Factory Wood o This wood is the trimmings from sash and door cuttings, is kiln dried and planed and requires no cutting or splitting. tried once used always -o Cr ORDER TODAY PROMPT DELIVERY Bend White Pine Sash Co. Phone 441