The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 10, 1916, Image 1

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Th bend bulletin
NO. 10.
'Transaction Completed Ycwtcrdny nt
Piincvlllo Lines to bo Insjicctctl
With View to Improvement
Sew Concern Took Possession
Tho I'nclllc States Tolcphono &
Tolcgrnpli Company yesterday purch
asotl tho Interests of tho Pioneor
Telephone & Tolegrnph Company.
Tho transaction was consummated
through V. D. DoVarney, a roproson
tatlvo of tho former company and
the officials of tho Pioneer company
nt Prlnovllle. Tho consideration Is
not known. Tho l'actflo States com
pany took lmmcdiato possession of
tho system.
It Is understood that tho Pacific
States Company will nt once make
an extensive Inspection of tho lines
In Crook and Jefferson counties with
tho view to learning local conditions
and to nscertaln what Improvements
nro needed to bring tho system up to
par with other portions of tho com
prny's plant. It Is understood that
tho latest cqtilpmont will ho Install
ed In tho exchanges, and that tho
lines will bo Improved.
Mr. DoVnrnuy will ho In llond to
morrow and will then tcko up mat
ters or local concern to tho now com
pany. It has not been learned whore
tho'henriciuartors for thu Crook anil
Jefferson county systom will bo.
Tho Pioneor Tolcphono & Tolo
graph Company was organized In
1904 nnd has boon operating lines
between Prlnovllle. Mndras Paulina
nnd Uedmonri: Itedmond nnd llenii
Demi, La Pino, Tumnlo and Sistori).
Its principal owners hnvo, been Dr.
C S. Edwnrds, W, F. King nnd Goo.
Noblo of Prlnovllle.
Slakes Complaint Vnncce.ssnry.
As a result of this salo It Is ex
pected that It will bo unnecessary
for further steps to bo taken townrd
obtaining n reduction of rntes be
tween llond nnd tho Powoll Huttos'
country nnd cheaper exchango sorvlco
between hero nnd Redmond. Tho
matter has been In process of nd
justmont between tho Pioneor com
nnnv nnd tho Dcschutea company fol
lowing a mooting wit' n rop-csontH-tlve
of t'.io Public Sorvlco Commis
sion last wlntor.
Hecauso of tho slowness with
which tho two companies havo ben
proceeding Countv Commissioner
Ovorturf brought tho matter up At
the recent meeting of tho county
court and wns authorized to fllo u
eomplalnt to tho commlfslon nt once.
Thh would have been dono todnv had
not tho salo boon mado. Mr. Ovor
turf 's now advised liv Mr. DoVarnev
that n complete readjustment of rntos
uid service will bo nut Into effect ns
soon as possible bv tho now companv.
.lunc ii:J Named for Iteiiri Clips Ite-
poitcri Xorriml.
June 23 has been sot as tho date
upon which tho wool sales will lie
held this your In llond. Tho salo
will bo held nt tho United Wnrohouso
i d alt tho sheep men In Central
Oregon who nro making dollvorles
to Henri for futuro shlpmont aro ex
pected to bo hero.
Shearing nnd lambing nro now in
full blast In tho sheop raising sec
tion of Contrnl Oregon, nnd reports
are that tho clip Is equal to that of
If Ht year despite tho extremely hard
That tho sheop mon will receive
top notch prlcoa this year for tho
product Is Indicated by tho prices
that nro now bolng quoted. It Is
oxpectori that Central Oregon wool
-ulll bring as high as 25 cents per
Approximately 30 ncrca of grounri
upon which there wns somo standing
timber, was burned over last Wed
nesday In tho vicinity of Sand Spring
half way between Fort Hock and
Tlenri A large part of the territory
w, 8 In the Deschutes National For
mat. A force of mon wns summonod
and tho flro extinguished beforo a
ureut deal of damago was done.
to nni.i) piixvr m'tti: hoad.
A 40 foot cinder road with a seven
per cent grrdo will bo built to the
top of Pilot Ilutto. Tho work, which
's In line with the plan hold by V.
D Cheney, of tho llond Park Com
V ", will be begun this week und"
tno direction of K. O. Clark of th
Ttnml Pintrnptlnp Pnmnnnv. The
road will imt lio completed nt once,
but will be built as the cinders from
the 'mtte are taken out. The plan
which Mr. Cheney has la to havo the
road start from the west base circl
ing tho butte one nnd ono half times
' cfore reaching tho top.
Wednesday ovenlng to Mr. and
Mrs Montelle Coe. a son.
This afternoon to Mr. sr.d Mrs. A
J Strain, a daughter.
Thursday to Mr. nnd "Mre. Thomas
Jicob. an eight and a half pound
Will Try to Oct Xct Convention to
Meet llcic Mail Delivery .Matter
Walls Action on Street Xniucs.
An Invitation will bo given by tho
Commercial Club to the Oregon
branch of tho Wcstorn Pine Manu
facturers Association to hold Its
next meeting In llcnd, nccordlng to
a vote passed nt tho meeting of the
club on Saturday. A committee con
sisting of C. S. Short, II. A. Miller
and F. D. Decker wr.s appointed to
consider the matter and send tho In
vitation. On behalf of tho mnll dollvory
committee II. C. Kills reported that
matters wero at a standstill waiting
on tho settlement of tho plan to re
name tho city' streets which Is in tho
hands of tho council nnd tho city
onglneor. County CommlcBlonor
Ovorturf reported that the county
court had appropriated $1000 for
road work In this Bcctlon nnd that
work on tho Powoll Dutto and Tum
nlo roads would begin soon.
A largo number signified their In
tention of going to tho Joint meet
ing In Prlnevlllo Monday night. Vice
president Floyd Dement presided In
tho nbsenco of President Keyes. Tho
luucncnu wns held nt tho American
A. Floyil Hills Will Fnco 'Ma!
Wuliuei' Held on llurghuy Charge.
Mjer Case Dismissed.
After entering a plea of guilty
to tho charge or forgory In tho cir
cuit court this weok, Frank Taylor
and John Stolnor, who passed bad
checks on sovornl local merchants In
December", to which wero signed tho
namo or George Mllllcan, wero sou
tencod to terms or two to llvo years
and wero paroled. They will ho put
under tho supervision or county com
missioner J. F. Hlnnclinrri, on whoso
rnnch thoy will work. Tho pnrolo Is
conditional upon tholr refunding tho
money to tho merchants.
C. Floyd Hills will bo hold for
trial nt tho current session of tho
dUtrlct court on two counts brought
by tho grand Jury. Hills Is charged
w'th forging a check nmrie nnyablo
to S. Sourud by tho Ilrooks-Scanlon
I. umber Company.
11. C. Wnhncr will also faco trial
cnarged with burglary. Tho caao
ngalnst Ole Myer, chnrged with mak
ing fnlso affidavit for the purchao
of alcohol was dismissed, no true bill
having been returned.
About 01 Feet on Miilu Tumnlo Canal
Itrenks Down.
Over $1000 damago was done in
Friday when four sections of steel
llumo on the tin In canal on the Tuin
aloo project broke. In all 64 feet
of flume wont out, necessitating the
purchuKo of new fltimo and n week's
work on repairs. Tho brenk was
enusod by n slipping of the supports
on an Inclined ledgo which had been
' slicked up" by recent rain.
Manager Wallace, of the projest
itnnnt Rntnrilnv In Pnrttanil tmrnh
rising now llumo nnd has since hud n
crow making repairs. About $200
worth of damago was done to ronds
t,i Ihn tli'lphlinrlinnfl lit tlin ftnfift
wptors roioasod from tho canal by
mo uroaiv.
wKT.Mom: ix poitTiaxi).
fTho Oregonlan.)
U. W. Wetmore, of .Minneapolis,
secretary and treasurer of the Shov-lln-Illxon
Company, or Ilend. Ore
gon, was In Portland yestordny on
business connected with his inter
ests In tho stato. Mr. Wetmore mnrio
his headquarters nt the Henson while
hore. Ho loft In the evening for
Spokane. In addition to being con
nected with the Shovlln-Hlxon Com
pany, Mr. Wetmoro hns largo mine
and tlmbor holdings In the Ilend dis
trict. A form of
Auditor For Industrial Accident Com.
mission, Hero This Week, Finds
Great Acthlty Mnny Finns
Sow Under Iiiu In Oregon.
"Tho Workmen's Compensation
Law Is becoming more popular in
Oregon every day and Is hero to
stay," said Harold A. Wllklns, nud
Itor for tli3 State Industrial Accident
Commission, who arrived In Henri on
Monriny for a 10 day's stay, during
whlcn time ho will check up tho var
ious firms subject to the law. "Ow
ing to tho financial success of tho
law and the re.ent decision of tlto
Oregon Supremo Court establishing
its constitutionality, thero hnvo beon
n larso number of appPcutlniia to se
em ro tho protection of tlm law re
ceived from omployors who formerly
rejected Its provisions.
Tp to Mnicli 1 tho Commission
has beon operating for 20 .months
nnd during thnt time has collected
rront all sources something over $1,
000,000. All of that money, exclus
ive of tho surplus on hand, hns beon
paid out In bonellts to Injured work
men and their dependents with only
a cost of slightly ovor eight per cent
for ndmlnlstratlon. Somo SHOO
claims hnvo been received during
this time, Including 10S fatal In
juries, nnd of this number only four
claims hnvo been nppcalcd to tho
courts. Not only was thero sufficient
money In tho fund to pay theso
claims, but In two months out of tho
last ten (July and February) thoro
was on hand n surplus of 30 por cent
which under the law gave both om
ployors nnd workmen theso months
exempt, furnishing them tho snmo
protection ns In other months, free
Of COHt.
"This largo amount of money has
sustained a large number of families
during their misfortunes, nnd nt tho
snmo tlmo saved the employers of tho
stato from many exponslvo dnmngo
Hiilts, Tho money. Instead of being
spout to pre'vent tho recovery of dam
ages, hns gono whoro It should go,
to tho Injured mnn nnd his family.
"Tho law automatically covers all
kinds or roiiHtructlon work nnd nil
fnctorles, mills and shops whoro inn
chlnory Is used, unless tho employ -
ors lllo a rojectlou within ten tiny
nftor thoy begin operations, Thoro
aro somo fi.100 Urine In Oregon un-
der the law, and Increasing every
liny, particularly hore In Henri, where
i tho construction work for the last
'eight months has undoubtedly been
' the most actlvo of any rlty In thn
! stnte. Other linos of business such
as stored, transfer, teaming, farming.
etc., can eomo tinrior tho law by up-
mission has nlrondy recolved appli
cations from something over lfiO
fanners to protect their men." i
Chin dies nf Ilend Piepuie Sped ill
Kert Ices fur the Oti'iislou.
Tho name of Mother will be ox-
tolleri In the pulpit of ovory church
In Hend next Sunrinv upon tho oe-
cr.slou of annual Mother's Day. Sps- his loft log last Friday at the lorf
clal services havo boon arranged with glng camps while ho was working in
spoclal mutrio In observance of the the sklildor. He was tukun to the
occasion. In sovornl of the churchoai H'-ml Hospital where tho bones we.'o
Mowers to be worn in honor of Mother set,
will bo given thoso attondlng tho .
Mother's Day throughout thei Owing to the congestion nt thn
country Is ono of the most widely depot It hns been neoeesary to move
observod days on tho onlonder, and ' Hi" freight office or tho Oregon
duo consideration Is expected In (Trunk and O.-W. It. & N. railroads
Hend. i to rooms In tho wnrohouso bulldlnK
activity to bo supplanted by tlio Struluirn
Wlllmri i:. (filbert, Fonneily of Port.
land, Taken In Custody by Munis
Dctccthi! Agency 9 1 Oil Draft
Passed on Conrad Hanking Co.
Chnrged with forging a draft to
the amount of $1011 on tho Conrad
Hanking Co., of Great Falls, Mon
tnnu, W'lllard B. Gilbert, alias W. H.
Warren, of Minneapolis, was arrest
ed Tuesday morning In tho Jobby if
tho Wright Hotel by an agent of tho
W. J. Hums Dolectlvo Agency, upon
Information or F, S. Alkus, of tho
compnny'8 district olllco In Portlnud.
On May 2 Gllburt Is alleged to
havo deposited u forged check In tho
Grcnt Fulls bank upon which ho
checked n sum almost equal to tho
drnft and departed from the city. Ho
was traced from Groat Falls to Sp)
knno, from Spokane to Tho Dalles
nnd thence to Henri. Tho alleged
forger hns been In Henri for several
(toys, mid bus been registered at tho
Wright Hotel, enjoying splendid nc
commedntioiiH nriri living In lino
Ctyle. Just yesteidav he applied to
F. Dement, of tho Henri llnrriwaro
Co., for a position, nnri was about t j
bo employed when information con
coming him was received. His em
ploy men t wiie being postponed nwalt
lng llirther Information.
It lis said thnt Gilbert has n rec
ord, "mit the Hurnn ngeut wns not m
n position to divulge Jtist what the
character of tho operations or for
mer years arc.
Cilme Is Acknowledged.
When tnktm In custody yestorriay
morning Gilbert offered no resistance
and admitted to tho HuriiH agent that
ho wns tho man wanted for tho nl
logori Great Falls, crime. It In on Id
that he will not light extradition.
In company with tho Hums ngont
nnri chief of police I,. A. W. N'lxon,
Gilbert wns taken to Prlnevlllo Tuos
dny afternoon whoro ho will bo hold
awaiting the arrival or police auth
orities rrom Great Falls whoro ho
will lie takon to race tho charges
preferred agnlust him.
(lllbort Is n married man, his wife
residing In Falls City, Oregon. Pro
vlntiB to his residence 111 Fnlls CUV
hi! lived In Portland.
Ilnthor an unusual Incldont In con
nection with Gilbert's apprehension
occurred yestorriay when G. A. Mc
Ginn n traveling salesman, came Into
lint tlnml tlnrtlu'nrn Comnmii' Mr.
1 McGinn, who snya that hn resided In
Gilbert's neighborhood In Portland
1 '"io years hko cnllod tho alleged
i"rer by his sight nnme, but (lllbort
' IKi.tat nn nMtit.w1 lifimu .llunlu l,ila,t
"7 "". ""."-'! .....i.w, mm .n.i.iv,.
the correct namo Minting that ho
W. 14. Warren, of MluneniKillH.
Operation of the HrookH-Scinlon
mill on a two shift bails will lieift'i
on Monday nlxlit. May IB. The ml'l
lias been running one shift since
1 men.
crew of men Is engugori this
week In clearing the rnllrond yard
pii'iuirntory to ballasting which w II
probably boaln within tho next two
wcks. Tho local railroad yards have
never boon ballasted and consider
able work will bo done on them this
Gus Christensou. an employee of
The Bhevllii-Illxon Company, hrok
Oxer l.-.O Citizens Sign Devolutions
Asserthe That Statements of ltur-
tllck Supporters nro False,
Over 1G0 voters hnvo signed reso
lutions In thn past fow tlas de
nouncing na fnlso statements, report
ed tb havo been mado by supporters
oi Denton G. Hurdlck, candidate for
tho Ilcpubllcan nomination for rep
resentative, to tho effoct that largo
numbers of Henri voters wero not in
fnvor or tho candidacy or Vernon .
Forbes lor tho iiomlnntlon.
According to tho resolutions the
citizens of Henri nro unanimous In
their support or Mr. Forbes nnd tho
signers riotrnro thcmsolvcs to hu In
favor of Mr. Forllos, an against Hur
dlck, signing tho statement for tho
purpose of eliminating thu Itupres
clou left thnt the citizens of Huuri
wero opposed to Mr. Forbes.
Tho resolutions conclude "Wo be
lieve Mr. Forbes to bo the most enp
nblo man now running for tho olllco
of representative from Crook coun
ty, and believe thnt by virtue of his
experience in this lino, that ho Is In
a position to accomplish more good
for tho bcnellt of the district
uny other Crook county cnmlldato. '
Coiumeirlal (iuli Appoints Commit,
teo to I'lni'o Matter llefoie Coun
cil Piopeity Desired,
(I.akovlow County Kxanilner.)
. A special meeting of the l.nlto
Vlow Commorcl.ll Club wns railed for
Monday evening for tho purpose of
tnklng action on securing the right
of way and terminals through l.ake
vlow for tho Oregon, California and
Kastorn Ilallroad, projected by Dob
ort K. Strnhorn. nnd from tho sen
tlmont expressed by those present
net Ion will be Immediately taken.
Due to tho fart that both the pres
ident and vice president of thn or
ganization were absent, W. II. Shirk
was iiuniilmously selected to act .as
president pro-torn. Mr. Shirk stated
that tho object of thu mooting wns to
lny out some course for securing tho
right or 'wny and terminals, amlthat
nil present wero entitled to express
thoniAolvoH, whether momhurs of the
club or not.
II. M. .Volte, n member of tho
right of wny committee appointed
Homo tlmo ngo, loported Ijiot an tip
proximate estimate placed tho valuo
of thu lauds desired In I.akovlow at
$18,000. It was then decided to ask
tho City Council to place beforo tho
people of thu town an amendment to
the charter providing for the voting
of bonds for the buy'nx of thn de
sired lands. This was curried unani
mously nnd 1). J. Wilcox was couse
iiiiHiitlv appointed to plnr the mat
ter before the City Council.
Kiery SpenKer Piesent Hns Cliiuice
nt It County Sent Club's llixpl.
tnllty Oveillous on Monday.
Prlnevlllo put one over' .Monday
The county seat commercial uh
eiitertululiiK the clubs rrom the nut
of the county, outdid Itself In hoapl
tnllty and entiirtninment, sotting n
nark for future gutberliiKH which. It
will ho hard for competing clubs to
reach. The ouoaaion was the aetioml
meeting of tho county commercial
IhiiUhm called to dlscusa co-operation
In tho movement Initiated by the
ItediiHinri club several weeks ago.
Thorn can bo no doubt but that
co-operation wca d!scuil, as were
a few" other things, aome of thu
spisikors having In mind thn boned:
to bo derived rrom co-operation and
some thn primaries to be held next
weok. On thu. forniHllve sldn, If u
guest may bo so ungraeluus ns to
criticise, tho meeting vaa nothing,
but as n piece of hospitality It w-as
The meeting was held In tho Com
mercial Club building, whoro two
long table and a number of smaller
onus aecoinuvodated the J00 and
mora giiwts from Trri'ua. Hori
mond. Sisters. Bsnd. I.n Pin. Powell
Hiltta it ml eUewherr During the
meal thoro waa music bv a good op
cliMtra, wings, Inclnd'ng a doubl"
niiartette oCforlng that was vary H
done, and finally tbre round go be
tween two boys from the Crook eoun
tv high school.
In the speaoumsHna that follow-
I eo-ovratlon. as Himgee4 glwvn.
oe In for a good lel of dtseiwaloii
- ng inentloneil at least oaea ov
K !i siwakar. Qther subjerta brughi
out were Irrlitstloii. roads, sauools.
msrkats and the farmer; but oo-oh
rratlon oasllr led.
At tbe close of the evealag II was
voted that pfsalilantu of Um IhMtl.
Itedmond am! Prlnevllla elubs up.
point a tnojBbor of a nrfliTOirrcom
raittee to arrange a definite program
for the next meeting, whleh Is to be
hold In llond.
iloiicnal Snjs It May Ik; Under Con-
stiuctloii In .lime Sale of DoiuU
is Alitliotireil and Other Steps
Taken by Tho City Council.
(Crook County Journal.)
Prluevlllo's rnllrond will bo under
construction, barring accidents, dur
ing thu month of Juno.
Tho Halo of tho $100,000 bond Is
sue wns authorized nt tho meeting oC
thu council nn Tuesday evening mid
a number or Important steps taken.
Tim bids for thn bonds will ho
opened In tho council chnmhnrs on
tho evening of Juno 0, ami presont
Indications nro that thoy will bo sold
at par or above at that tlmo.
Tentative offers havo been mado In
fact to mako tho council feel that tho
salt) hi going to ho completed with
out riolny.
During the nnxt ten days engineer!
from both tho Oregon Trunk nnd
O.-W. iiinln roads will decide In con
junction with an unglneer furnished
by the city, Just where the rond shall
bo located with reference to thn
north and south rIiIos or Crooked
While Biirvoys havo been mado on
both sides of the stream, tho council
Is undecided which Is tho better route
for tho rond, mid n contract which
oxIsIb between thn city nnri tho main
lino ronils, will give tho city tho ad
vantage of tho best engineering tal
ent mi tho const.
Tho council nlso empouorori Mny
or Stuwart acting In conjunction with
tho recorrior, lo enter Into n contract
with theso mnln linn roads, for thn
fteel and rolling stock to oipilp tho
lino, This may not bo dono for
thirty days, yet negotiations nro
under way, and n contract of boiuo
kind may bo entered Into during tho
curront month, that wilt enrn for thla
feature of the cniutrttr.ton and equip
ment. '
Tho matter or selecting an ougl
uoer to mako the permanent survey
and rare for the Interests or tho city
during tho construction of tho road
wns loft with n committee of conn
rlluioii, of which .1, II. Slilpp Ix
chairman. This committee will do
elde upon who the council should se
lect for this task, and draw a con
tract that will be Hiibinlttnil to tho
council at a meeting that will bo held
during the mouth which will perhum
ho signed. This con tract will be
binding only upon the condition of
the successful sale of the IhiiiiIs.
I'mlor this plan, the moment thn
bonds aie sold, thn engineer will bo
la a position to start the permanent
survey and rrom this moment, the
mutter or Pilnevllle's railroad will
be determined only by the. length of
I I ip required lo euistruet tftVnuul.
The council, while making no open
statement nt this meeting, will nk
for bids, It Is said, for (lie grading
and construction of thn ronriMlu med
iately upon the sale of the ImtlriH.
In this event. Hie lowest nnd bust
bidder will be awarded tho omit mot.
III event of the failure of satisfac
tory bills, thu city will perlmim build
the road themsnlvea.
Mayor Stewart waa autliorlxuri to
select from the council nnd dltlEeuu
a group of men who will meet with
Itedmouri huslnuaM men soon, to noil
fer with theso people about terinlllHln
ami oilier Important mutters.
Carpenter lima. A Chamberlain
nf Ilend were present and submitted
an offer to supply tlea for the new
rond. This matter was not netori
Tho right nf way for the road Is
to he secured for tbe city by a ami
mlttee of business UMti, CounollmaH
Wallace staled.
The work In connection with (he
railroad matter waa handled by eouu
I'ilmnii Wallace, who riemmistrntml
his ability and Interest In llm mat
ter lu the tiumerous resolutions nail
other matters that war bamlM
ablv and lapldly.
Mr. Wallace and Mayor Stewart
have the matter well la band, and
they have the united support of every
member of thn council In all of the
matters In relation to tho road.
Tho cltlseiv urn Indeed fortunate
In having a mum i of the ability of
these mon.
Tbe Hhevlln-Hlxon Commhf bowl
ers made a clean sweep Utt JJaUtti
day night on the Carmodr adloyn
against the liroks-(canen bomber
Company team, taking two mm as of
ten pins and one game of wvati pm.
Tbe sore ware: ten plpa liavil i
HIkoii 719 and 73: Irok-aiilon,
40ft, figl: seven pins, Shovllji'Illxmi,
IT I. Ilroqks-Kcanlon, SCI.