AI SILVER LAKE R. E. STRAHQRN MEETS T LARQEwAUDIENCE '. grounds. In selecting tlicso rnllrond grounds, Mr Strnhorn, Knglneer Boguo and thoBo who aided, took, no 011011 self Interest In tho selection liut considered thorn tho' most cen tre! placo for the whole vnlley and for tho beo Interests of tho town. A moro suitable placo could not havo been chosen than tho ono named, On nccmint of tho topography the depot will bo Immediately to the north of tho Incorporated limits nt tho junc tion, wh)le the Junction Is within tho incorporated limits. Tho blue print also discloses thnt tho right of wny from Silver Lnko to Lnkevlew enters Mnkw Prophecy of .Town of -I.OOO to '?? cUy nt t,le nortlicastcorner. run '' ' 7 . ', nlng wer.t n quarter of n mllo. Kron r,,(Hi If iwnii i.ues 'ruroiiRi! -Peo- jilo AiuIoii'h to Oho Right of Wny Irilgutloii to Klurt Soon. (Silver Lake Leader.) . "Only with your co-opnrntlon, gentlemen, In tho promoting and con btrnctlon of tho Silver Lake Irrigation project, and similar enterprises, in ducements for the settler and devel opment of this region, will the rnll rond project, of which I havo tho hon or of being nt tho head, ever bo built through this portion of Central Ore gon, Without this necessary co-op-jk oration it will not even start, for re " membebr all of this preliminary work Is being dono nt my personal o.xpoimo. With tho many lavish promises you hnvo made to mo. which ou will bo. given nn opportunity to make good, there Is no reason 'ahy this valley will not be the, oasis between Ilcnd and I.nkevlow, n'nd Silver Lako a city of 1.000 or 5,000 population within four or five years. And this will mean many civic problems for Silver ijike to meet and solvo soon, tho principle ones. It seems to mo, being v toworngo and water systems. As you nlll sco by this blueprint I hold In my hand, wo hnvo placed the torm inal grounds for the depot, awltch ) nnls, round house and stockynrds In tho northonst outsklits of tho town. We arc asking for a right of wny seven eighths of a mllo in length nnd 2C0 feet In width en tho edge of Sil ver Lake. Think of this, too wo don't want to pny, taxes on n foot of ground moro than wo nctualiy use, and tho moro land wo ask you to lUurn over to ua thnt much moro It means to your town. Ucfofo I leavo hero I will hand over to your Com mercial Club blank deeds which I want to bo used in securing n right of wny first, toSllver Lnko proper, second to Slcan Marsh and third to Fort Rock valley summit. This means n 12 or 15 mile right of wny for you to get In tho three different direc tions. Let mo again Impress upon vou the. Importance of your co-operation. Willi It wo will succeed And then ngaln. In n way, my reputation . Is at stake for upon my merely stnt- Ing there l'n possibility of tho road Helng built, one wealthy corporation hns already entered Control Oregon and startedan enterprise Involving millions in another county. There are many other good things headed this wny air depending upon our united efforts. When you got your irrigation project started, later on a ou will be given an opportunity to buy stock in tho rnllroad, nnd all fjjrthoso who haven't tho extra money rom Silver Lake to Klamath Falls tho Hno goos through tho eastorn portion of tho Incorporated limits, while the lino ftom Sliver Lnko to Rend loaves tho city limits at tho Junction bf tho roads from Silver Lnko to Laketlew and Klamath Falls. It will thus be seon, wllh the proi er support given tho railroad pro moter, Silver Lnko Is acsuced to be the principal railroad center between llend and i.akcvlow. Who can right fully deny, with t)io Instilling of "the Iiend spirit" Into tho community, that largo snwmlllH nnd llko manufactur ing Industries will oventually be lo cated hore, and "Undo Iloh's" prcj diction Hint "Sliver Lnko will In four or flvo years hnvo n population of from 4,000to 5,000"not cotno true. Cut This Out It In Worth Moncv Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, encloBo with 5 cents to Foley &Co.. Chicago, III.," writing your name and address clearly. You will receive Sit return a trial packago containing Fol ey's Honey nnd Tar Compound for bronchlnl coughs, colds nnd croup: Foley Kidney l'llls, and Foloy Cathnr- Uu iubiulB. Sold Kfeiy wiiuiu. Auv. the land within three years attor tho dnto of entry thereof," Tho bill has been a subject of con tention between cattle and sheep men of (ho west nnd would be honie- stcatlers, ,who contend tha' 'argo trncts of land can be opcueu in. a ono section homestead law, Just ns large nreriB liavo been settled under the 320-n.cro homestead acts of 1000 and 1010. llepresentatlves of the wool growers association havo argu ed ngalnBt additional homestead leg islation at this time, urging that nt teutlon should be confined to the clas sification of unentered lands of tho public domain. They hnvo nlso urg ed that tho -livestock Industry neods encouragement at this particular time, npA thnt It mny bo harrnssod by one section homestead legislation. Tho Sennto committee, how over, reported thnt It believed the bill will of great advantage In development of westorn lands, bringing largo now ar eas to settlement and to tha assess ment rolls. No waiting nt tho Metropolitan for that shavo or hair cut. Four chairs now ready. Adv. For sign painting sco Edwards. Adv. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS TO WHOM IT MAY COXCHHN. Notice Is given to all contractors and builders thnt no woik should bo begun on any building within t,ho city limits of Ilcnd until tho owner of tho property has secured a building per mit under tho recently enacted build ing ordinance of tho city of Ilcnd. L. A. W. NIXON, Chief of Pollco. Seo Edwards for paper hanglng.-Adv. The Stockraising Homestead Law AK IlKPOHTKD TO SICXATK For District Attorney. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho Republican nomination for District Attorney for Crook coun ty at tho prlmnrlcs to be held May 19, 1910. Mlfp H. 11. DC AltMOND. For Sheriff, hereby announce my cnndldncy for tho Kepubllcan nomination for Sheriff of Crook county at tho pri maries to bo held Mny id, isio. 8p. S. E. ROI1ERTS I EpQ ,H'nMKi t ttK 1 1 ufr' jn m I jSy&L J r jHil For County vcssor. f hereby announce mysolf as a can didate for tho Republican nomination for County Assessor for Crook coun ty at the primaries to be held May 10, 1910. 47tfp CIIAS. A. CAimOLL. For County AHMWsor. I hereby nunounco my cnndldncy to' tho Republican nomination for nsscssor of Crook county nt tho pri maries to bo held May 19. 101C. adv. . It. D. KETOHUM. to Invest, we can uso their toams to great advantngo In grading work. Thus the read becomes your road nnd that nfuch more Interest you will tako In seeing that It succeeds. Tho progress I havo made thus far Into this region I owo n great deal to the cordial support of the Sliver Lake fommerclnl Club nnd your news papor. The Leader, and I am dcoply grateful for tho same." Such were same of thcremarks made by Robert E. Strahorn, tho pio. neer railroad builder. In a 30 min ute address to a large and enthuslatf- Mce audience of men nnd women nt the city hall Monday morning. Mr. Strnhorn had arrived unexpectedly 1th Chief Engineer N. H. nnguo from llend Sunday night about 8 o' clock, after trying many times Satur day to telephone Sliver Lnko ho was coming, and ngaln Sunday morning. Ho was In communication with tho circuit and county courts nt Lake view, and was very anxious for their nnd tho business men qf the county seat, presence nt the meeting. Thev wero to bo here "If given afew hours' notice. At an early hour Monday morning many cars were pressed into servlco and the large crowd was tho result. Under tho auspices 'of the Silver Lake Commercial Club, the meeting wati called to order at o'clock by R. E. Storey, acting chairman. Ills In troduction of the great rnllroad pro moter ,wa most appropriate. Mr. btrahprn's remarks were concise, as usual no qulbbjlng of words. Mak. tug known his' wants, theL poople of ha Sliver Lake 'valley will see to It Me la delivered the jjeoda. G. W. Martin secretary of the Silver Lake Commercial .Club .spoke" la behalf of that organization. Telling of the work of the club, he said he bad yet to find a single landowner along the surveyed right of ways who had not stated he vu anxious to sign a deed giving a srlght of way through his property. He predicted that the re organization of the Sliver Lake Irri gation unit would take place soon and the ultimate completion of the project predestined. What of Uie Future? 4 44V IJIUtl print mianwin -w- hlblted at the meeting so that the station, round house, and stockyards hare been leeated In the northeast outskirts, due to the leyelBese of (ho (Having publlsbod tho 040 aero stock raising homestead hill Bomo ttino ngo Tho Ilulletlu now presents n cuuimnry of tho bill with amend ments as roported to tha Senate, tho summary bolng quoted from tho Oregon Journal. Ed.) As roported to tho Sennto by the commlttca on public lands, the Fer ris stock raising homestead bill con tains several amendments, ono of tho most important being a requirement thct an ontrymun bIiiiII tako contig uous -nroas that may bo, opon to en-J try berora ho Is permitted tb make additional entry of uncontlguous land. Anothor amendment Is In the na ture of a concession to tho stockmen and wrolgrowers, who protestod that drlvciwayo over public lands greater than ono fourth mllo In width should be reoened for tho movement of stock to their ranges, to shipping points and to watering places. As amendod, discretion Is allowed the secretary tof tho Interior td withdraw lands needed for such puriioses, and to Issuo'j-iiloa regarding such lands, without limitation as to tho width of driveways! Tho bill first provides for tho des Ignatlon by the department of stock raising lands, on application or other wise, this to apply to land found by tho rccrctary to bo chiefly valuable for grazing and forage crops, not con tn'nhig merchantable timber, not pug ceptlblo to Irrigation from, any known source, and of such character that fMO ncrcd are renscnnhly required for tho support of a family.. The chlof section of the bill as amended by the Senate committed Is as follows: "Scctlqn 3- That any qualified homestead entryman may make entry under tho homestead laws of lands so designated by tho secretary of the Interior, according to logal subdi visions. In areas not exceeding 610 acres, and In compact form, so far as may bo subject to tho provisions of this act, nnd secure title thereto by compliance with the terms of the homestead laws, provldod. "That a former homestead entry of land of the character described In For Hbcrlrr. I hereby announco my candidacy for tho Democratic nomination for Sheriff of Crook county at tho pri maries to bo hold May 19, 191C. 48p. P. U. POINDEXTEIt For Cli-cnlt Judge I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the Democratic nomination as circuit Judgu nt tho primaries to bo hold on May 19. T. E. J. DUFFY, Pol adv. 47 tfc (Present Incumbent.) For Sheriff. I hero'y announce my candidacy for tho Republican nomination far ShorllT of Crook county nt tho pri maries, to bo held May 19, 191 G. 48p J. II. STANLEY. For County Commissioner. I hereby announco my candidacy for tho Ilopubllcan nomination for County Commlslsoner of Crook coun ty at tho primaries to bo held on M.iy 19, 1910. II. J. OVEIITUHF. 48. p Present Incumbent. For County School Superintendent, I hereby announce my candld.icy for tho Itopubllcan nomination for bchnol superintendent or Crook coun ty at tho primaries to be held Mriy 19, 1'JIC. J. E. MYERS, 49 tt Presont Incumbent. For County School Superintendent. I hereby nnnounce my candidacy fr the Republican' nomination for school superintendent of Crook coun ty at tha primaries to bo held May 19, 1910. CI tf J. A. THOMPSON. ItOIIKUT HKIIVK'K OF 1IAK1.II For Public Hcnlco CoiiiniMsoniT. To begin with the railroads do not want him on tho commission for ho hns hammered them too often when they wore wrong o expect support; but If tho common people do and gho him tho necessary voto to elect him, horo Is what ho promises to do. Ho will be absolutely fair with tho railroads and utilities for thoy nra entitled to nnd should bo given u "stiunro deal." Hq will defend tho Interest of tho common pcoplo ngnlnst unlawful en croachments by our public servants nnd to the best of his ability seo that tha public has tho benefit of nn ceo nouilcul administration of tho affairs of ttn callraads and Utilities and that tho business, for which thoy wero chnrtcrcd, bo conducted honestly, without discrimination nqd nt reas onable rates. Itntea aro higher In Oregon than charged on tho first rnllrond operat-' cd by steam and opened to public traffic. All merchnndlso L. C. L. shipments on tho prlmltlvo rnllrond for a 25 mllo haul was $1.25, on tho O.-W. R. & N. It Is $8.13 nnd on tho Sumpter Valley It. II., $13.23. , Rates today nre tho highest In railroad history whllo tho cost to produce tho "ton mllo" (tho unit of transportation) Is tho lowest. This bIiows tho neod of regulation. Mr. Sorvlco hns hnd five years expor lenco as ntf export accountant, 1C years In business, mostly wholesnlo shipping nnd eight years In tho study and practice of law, almost exclus ively on the subject of "Rnllroad Rato Regulation," as his record shows. A voto for him Is n voto for tho best Interests of tho common peo ple. Ho stands high In his commun ity nnd Is ono oj tho best qunlllled mon In the stato to fill such n respon sible position nnd ho would llko to servo il'io manses ono IcVm. BAI1ERS GROCERY Kits just received n fresh line of Schillings Best - Teas, ColTees, Extracts and .Spices. Only the fresh est and best obtainable will be found in the grocery line on our shelves. We are enjoying an increasing business We give the people what they want when they want it. H. E. BAKER ' W.ll Strt. Near Oh!o To the New Comer: Do you know thnt Shuoys will tako enro of your gro cery wonts Just n littlo better than unyono olse--wlll offer you tha delivery service you demnnd 'will guaran tee everything leaving tho shelves and will mnkd every effort to satisfy your want In the grocory line That Stuteys carries n flno lino of working men'8 clothes shoes, overalls, gloves, shirts, undorwonr, Jum pers also can gho you moderately priced furnishings for general wear. Drop In beforo you decide upon n permanent plnec to trade,' We believe wo can gla you what yoil wunt, ' Shueys THMU'IIONH SLACK Ml BEND HAULING CO. TKANSFEK AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD ' GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET For County Clerk. I herelly announce my candidacy for tho Republican nomination for clerk of Crook county at the primar ies to bo held on May 19, 1910. adv 49 tf. J. II. IIANER. I'op Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for sheriff on the Dsmocratlc ticket at tho primaries to be held May 19, 191C. , E. D. KNOX, 49 tf. Precont Incumbent, section 2 hereof shall net he a ba to the entry of a tract within a rad-ItM-of 20 les from sueh former en try under the. provWem ef this act, which, together with the former ea- try, shall not exceed 646 aeres: pro vided further, "That the entryman shall' bo re quired to etcr all eostlguoiH areas open to entry prtar to Una entry of any non-contiguous land; provided further, "That, instead of a" residence and cultivation as required by the home stead laws, the entrymaa stall be re quired to make permanent improve ments upon the additional land en tered before final proof to submitted tending to Increase the value ef the same for stock raising purnoe. of the value of not 1m than $1.25 per acre, and at least one half of hA improvemesu shall be placed up For County Treasurer, I hereby announco my candidacy for tho nomination for county treas urer on the Republican ticket at the primaries to be held Mny 19. RALPH L. JORDAN, . Present Incumbent. For County Clerk. I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for County Clerk of Crook county at the primaries to ne ueia on May iv. ny motto: "ESlcIeat service to the Publte." WARREN BROWN, .Present Incumbent. For CoHnty Oommiiutlener. I hereby announce ray candidacy for the Democratic nomination for County Commissioner of Crook coun ty at the primaries to be held on May 19, 1910. 2p ERNEST T. LUTHV. Fer County ComwUsJener. I hereby announce my candidacy fer the olco of County CowhbUwIob- er fer Crook county on the Republi can ticket, rubject to the primaries. May 19. 1916. 3tfC TUKUUUKE AUJNfc. For the man who wants to own his own home Let us show you, for your selection, some of the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk oi; either of the big mills and are close to the bus iness district. These lots may .be had on terms that are within the reach of all and every assist ance will be given our buyers to enable them to j build a comfortable home. We will be pleased to show you. INSURANCE THAT INSURES e write insurance in all its branches in world known companies and will gladly accept the smallest risk. Bend Park Company PHONE 381. OFFICE ON OREGON STKEET. ' Mi .H i m li It ,xa k I t i '?r-vi6$&jftntft ,iWg