r Tir'K nnjjn iiuiiMrriN, iiknd, oiib., avednkbijay, may a, iom, FAOV 8, OREGON CLAIMS BEBLr'O Little Journeys With a Fly. $ AGRICULTURAL LECTURE CHARTS TRAPTHEFLY. I ': t FLIES CARRY FILTH ... - . 1 0 ': it.'' J, m 'hX UmavnihM. HUVOTB COMMNV CSfflRSE-.' BB3KKA. IUmhH f ..c fit ft II Clt 4Mv IkCUM C4 lit Mf OtT z 41 A'. Director Davl Hbjh WlienNew Work In Taken Up State W'lio Unto .Contributed Must to Fund Will JIo HcniPHiben'd-l'roJect IJ,t WASHINGTON, D, C. April 24. Over onn million acres of arid land In Oregon Is under consideration for futuro reclntnntlon projects, when ever tho day coition for taking up new work. This was brought out liy Heproson tntlvo Slnnott during n atntonient liy Director A. I Davis of the reclama tion service beforu the houso commit tro on Irrigation. Mr. Davis had up- pcared for tho purporu of making a general statement ob to the progress of rcclamntlon work and lt futuro, nnd Mr. Slnnatt took advantage ot thla to Bccuro figures on till projects that havo received attention of the reclamation service as prospective projecta. Another important statement by Director Davis was that It Is Intend ed whenever now" work In authorized 4j tako Into account tlio disadvan tages that ccrtuln states have suffer ed In having paid millions mora Into ho reclamation fund than thoy havo taken out. This statement was made after Mr. Slnnott had directed atten tion to tho (Unto of tho account so far us Oregon Is concerned.. Mr. Davis could give no Idea as to when work on now projects ran bo started. Thoro Is ot a long pull nhead for a number of tho authoriz ed projects, and until tho returns flow back In a largo stream tho ques tion of now projects Is htfld In abey ance. The nssuranco given by tho recla mation director, however, Is Import ant, because If carried out It means that soimithlng will be dono to cor rect tho discrimination sulTerd by Oregon and buiiiii of tho other states In diverting public land receipts to other portions of tho west, and (hat somo of tho first additional projects to bo authorized will tin In Oregon, Tho list of tontntho Oregon pro jects vih given by Mr. Davis for tho flrnt time, In connection with the estimated area of laud to be re claimed a ml the estimated cost with which each project will havo (o bo charged, por aero, to bring tho land under Irrigation. Tho figures nre encouraging, In that they show a largo acreage that ran bo reclaimed from tho desert at $28. no, $20, $30 and $32 nn acre. Tho lowost estl mnto or $28, CO an aero Is on the Clio waucan project of C0.000 acres, yvhjle tho HoslaniJ of GO.0,00, acres, nhd'ttio Silver l.uko Of 4&!dop acres, are es timated at $30 an acu. f Most uifpunslo of tho Oregon esti mates given la that of tho John Day project, at $100 on acre. It Is also the largest In area,' comprising 144, 000 acres. Tho next highest esti mate la for tho Owyhco project, at $7T. an acre. Nineteen possible pro jects aro named. Acreage cost Is not necessarily tho determining factor In choosing a pro ject, of rmirso, as the value added to land by Irrigation may bo far greater In one community than In an other, because of locution nnd tho character of tu land Itsolf The eatlmates given by Mr. Davis wcro stated, by him to bu In many In stances baaed on a nioro reconnalsl ranco. llufore adoption of project In any case a more careful calculation tumid bo made, which might vary thn estimates to considerable degree. Tho tcntatlva figures given for Ore gon are as follows: John Day, 144,000 acres, $100 an aero. Ochoco. 17,700 acres, $51.30. Deschutes, west unit, 20.000 acres, $40.00; north unit, 100,000 acres, $55.00; south unit, 48,000 acres, $C0. Silver Lake, 45,000 acres, $30. Sliver Oreek. 23,000 acres. $41. Harney, $80,000 acres, $42. Onjltee. 20,000 acres, $75. ' Mnllieur, 40.000 acres; 25,000 acres under privately owned ditches for $35) and 15,000 acres new, for $C5. Chewaucan, 00,000 acres, $2S 50. Ana Hlver, 20,000 acres, $34.40 Odell ami Crescent Lake, C5.0QO acres, cost not given. Upper 1'owder, 43,000 acres, $45. Ixiwer Tow-dor, 22,000 acres, $51. Hohland, 50,000 acres, $30. I'aullne. 30,000 acres,, $29. Cronked Hlver, 100.000 acres, $00. Tlockford. 25,00 acres, $32. lllltzeu, 76,000 acres, $29, vthtf HAkWM ml r fiwrf UiT tttrtomi C IB K MU FLIES CARRY DANGEROUS -DISEASES MVMIN CCCTM,-i 1WTWH- - 6uutcr -KwHtR (04HAMT ' IvIttKWlM'i MTHTsMLMCiUt tvwuiaoii. -0C llt ttri- i . , HCvrwO fUlHH-" 4t m mci f cm a ru rto on COMOM-mtt l1V COfUfcfft 1666 HP P TvllCM.0V FLIES ARE SIGNS OF FILTH trttui uuiaia res nv ucimu wni wsstk ru . too ooo rw mm nv IM.000 Mouif flV MO 000 cow stahc nv itoooo niTMr piach otNcesout TO HCAUM, CLEAN UP AND KEEP CLEW) " .Jl r'i BHBBB H IBM ' $MEHBnKmnk ms j m wvmiim,. DEATHS FnOH TYPHOID AMAITIIf llll'll f-riY SCAJOH i mn tut mumm jul ua ur Oct -ot hc Wan Troublenl at Night, l'alnful, annoying bladder weak nesses usually Indicates kidney trouble So do backaches, rheuma tism, soro, fiwollon or stiff muscles or lolnts. Such symptoms havo been re lieved by Foley Kidney rills, Henrv Iludolph, Carml. III., writes: "Binco taking Foley Kidney IMlls I sleep all night without getting up." Sold everywhere. Adv. A desirable hread knlf frea -with every annual subscription to Tho Bend Bulletin. IL. HILL THE WINTERED-OVER TLY HOW OHt flV MULTiriUS turn, ii tnmm-vit rouiii i lio TIOO 41100 IlllOfOO Mill 90.000 ?ll 1 1.000.000 Ut.iiaooo.oom. imu flirt mem IHO TO INO WOVID CXll IIO Tixlt f0V Tnt WOTLS tur I HAT I) JVt IS JUIT IS JiltT II tlH II tin IS SUMMER COMPLAINT OR FLY COMPLAINT ? t WltlS TUT 1 1 t HWCU tltr HOCKS IN K T CITY fLV NO CAHMISM CUHHISN 0UlKtL DIJIlSll. -IMHNTI I TO I TIUI- I TO II - --HI TOM . -II -II - I -J. 0 A FLY TRAP FOR EVERY HOME MAKE ONE OR lUY ONE THCMTMH CAN ( HIDE IT HOMC THI1 IIV ClUCHt too ooo rim in Cut MAIM lffi 'I MANS NI1R IAC 000 pint. euAr. os To ouast JAIi CAN IC VIIS 1 im,m rcniM IMA I VIMltAR nice V MAT ITC FLIES KILL CHILDREN ocathj rsoH oiamiaI erscAset OCATIIT IN Wr IIA50N 90 OF THE FLIES BREED IN HORSE. MANURE ISMSZHBSFJ I. DtlTioT Tun initma riAtl ir nauimi OVT AMD VCA0IN THC MAMUAC AT 1IAIT OKI A Kill t WM MHIHATt nTH mil. M IM. M IMIAO OH HAIUU UCAHI ITAAU U IU TIT HAIMTI YOU OOrfT hXED TO HAVE fLICS IN THE HOUSE : you mat nam YOU 00 - iut tou qojtj Y0l CAM , I SCRUM THC rOCHtl AND WIMOOWS t tap tmi ret icront mc oiti in X KIP THC 1AM TASO CICAN 4. OCtTSOV THC IACCOINO fUCIS A rXY IS MORE OtSCRACEFUL AN0 DANGEROUS THAN A BEOBUO -f IT SIAS0H- AMfnMAAWMTUlM AUD VtOCT ,ECC LIFE CYCLE OF A FLY LuWSk ,um 'v f3 U OATlV" t3 1 L T nil VLlzIL I AIT Himl VvnirAot: I Nfs i MARE YOUR COMMUNITY FLYLESS HOW I, CDUCATl ANO 1HIN CO I0HCTHIN0 I. 0C1T0T lACUINa flACIl ) Alt flLTM C0VttO UHTlCStMOYtO 4 mi Ait ihii mil i haic ail rmvics riv-Moor 4. tci poschcs, ooodvano wmoowj 7 tsap thc riv-twAT thc nv ft .rfffft AITIt m rullfiarM nv IIILInO leclMl AT HOHr-JOIN YOUS NCI6HI0MS AMD 0RCAHI2C pf! SEEP EVERLASTINGLY AT)lT rFl FANS fill yo' pipes I with VELVET an' "pull" for the l m Home Team. rjnDLSBHES'aBl IS ONLY , ENGINEER CANDIDATE Oiegiinliiit Sm'Lh In Conniienilntliiii ii Mnn WI111 llullt Tiiupilo I'tiijiit Mul .iv .Si'fUs lxmlnlho'.UMUo. (Portland Orogonlail,') Of ull tho 140 Itipuh'lif'an and Democratic candidates frijni the 2B rircscntatlvo' districts In the stato for the CO jilfices In iho lr(rer Ilousy (, the next leglstdttire, only cno la a civil engineer, Tho lone engineer In tho race Is O. Laurgaard, of I'ort- 1SB9 laud, who Is a candldnta for ono of 1 ort land hoard fully apprcclato that tho 12 Ilopulillcan nominations for! tho successful completion ot tho representative from M 11 1 1 no m n h Tumnlo Irrigation project has heen county. I rnnde possthlo by tho ability, energy, Mr Iaurgnard was tho engineer i-lmliiBtry and faithfulness of tho pro la rhargo of tho constructtoii of thoiject engineer, O. Iuiurgaard, nnd Tumnlo Irrigation project In Control "Whereas, the pro'ject engineer Is Oregon, which was built by the state; about to sever his connection with In 101U and 1914 aftor the 1013 the said projott, duo to Its complo Legislature 'appropriated S4CO,000 tlon; theroforo, . for the work. Mr. Laurgaard built ' "He It resolved, that the desert It for 27,000 under tho estimated land board hereby extends Its sincere cent, and as an unsolicited tribute to thnnks and hearty appreciation to hs work, the desert land board I Mr, Laurgaard for' thelt!re,less en ailoptoi) tho following resolution of orgy, tho excellent engineering and appreciations constructive ability, tho unsparing "Whcren" ,th9 members of tho des-1 attention to details, tho rigid econ- V j Announcement have purchased the grocery stock' formerly owned by. W. C Mc Cuiston and will, from this date, con duct a regular retail grocery business at thqt place, carrying a complete and up-to-date line of staple and fancy goods. We Will endeavor always to give the very best in service and quality with fair prices, paying special attention ' fresh fr veget and earnestly solicit a share of the . patronage and the co-operation community. MUllUMUAIb UIIU till Vl V 'peoplcof Bend and of tha Louis Bennett PHONE BLACK 331 GROCER OREGON STREET omy displayed by him through his connection with tho Tumalo project, and heartily congratulates him upon his splendid success In his difficult position ns prpject engineer," Mr. Laurgaard Is 36 years old, a graduato of tho University of Wis consin, married, has lived In Oregon since" 1905 and In Portland since 1910. Ho was assistant engineer. on the Okanogan, Washington, Oovcrn- Tnent project nnd engineer In charge. of the Connully dam of tho samo project. lie Is at present consulting engin eer on tho Bottle's take project In Central Oregon, tho Paisley project In Southern Oregon and tho Drow sier, Washington, project. Ho Is n member of various engineering so cieties, tho Portland Chamber of Commerce, Wisconsin Society, Sons of Norway, Masons and other frater nal organizations. Four chairs at your service at tho Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. 11ILIL KSTATi: THAN.SlTItS. iNMiei) by Crook County Abstract Co. O. W. Venderwoll to W. W. yan Matro nw 8-10-11. Chas. K0tr.1n.nn to Harry Harrison bill of sale horses. - II. Latham to C. E. Myers Us. 9 to 12, Mk. 8, Ilend'View. Ilend Park Co. to Wm. Shear It. 12, blk. 15, Center add, llcnd. Sams to sainojt. 2, blk. 91, Ilend. Park. , Tlllle Larson to, Hogors-Yumans: Lumbobr Co., nw no, s ne, ne nw 11-15-20. T. II. Foley to A. B. McKcimett It. 2, blk. 1, Bend. Imperial Townslte Co. to L, O. English Us. 14-15-16-19-20, blk. 38 Imperial. Henry Barlow to Hannah .P. Schaefers Us. 5-C-7-17-18i-I9-20, blk. 30 15-16-17-18-19-20, blk. 32; S, 9 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. 3i; 11. 12, 13,. 14, blk. 37; 1, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, blk. 39, Imperial. IL J. Overturf t M. L. Gray two lotB 3-4 blk. 12, Kenwood. Tho Ilend Co., to L. A. McComber, Us. 4-fi, blk. 25, Park Add, Ilend. L. D. Wlest to Evn Spencer It. 9, blk. 11, Wlcstnrln, $350. Kenwood Pro. Co., to David P.. Mlntor, Us. 15-16, blk. 12, Kenwood. II. M. Abbott to F. W, Cnrstons n i,4 so 20 wH sw 21-16-12. Chas; L. Wheeler to samo w'i sw 21-16-12. Mary N. Trlplett to T. W. Trlplett It. 17, blk. 18, Park add, Ilond. Anton Halda to Wayno II. Kusself It. 9, blk. 16, It. 4, blk. 17, Park add, Ilend. V. A. Forbes to Evn Ilagg It, 14r blk. 18, Park add, Ilend, $285. 1 CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS IIUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS BEND, OREGON PHONE BLACK 741 LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT AH Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLIN-HIXON LUMBER. OFFICE ON OREGON ST. PHONE BLACK 451 for 16 INCH SLAB WOOD We can deliver this in any quantity. Oregon Transfer Co. . nranHnHM, iSg? LaV7 AsaAfiwMtS 1 iHr LHw'aLLffTNLx r I KKwliV W00D-LARKr TRADE MVKRrt JPOIS 03ST QUICK, CERTAIN,. 4-DEADLY-N ALWAYS READY, jYEVMH PAILS. ?.'.trc5r u'"'..toPlirs. prlrte iM. s rata. Apnly earlr in xnrinr wh.n AT. tun. f.IZ,vf?x.l " 'rom WlBter1, .lp. Mosey wJ.'Lu "'- "Wood-Lrk,r for It --5I -." V00"! XtTT ' It' erP tawur ??.uilcAln,i roanPt. MBurcturJ bjt sen. Bay tiam your disltr, p keed;:. horton K Oi M