I . -JPAGE 0. j, ....... -...- .... - ." - T " - 1 u h '"ij .. if -.. V t V IT-' H it, ' 15!..$'-'. 7 .' iJMjft -, n KK. 1 & V. .A1 1 TillTIJKN'nirr,M?TlX tlKNI), OlUVAVmumSIUV', M.1V.V1IM0. ...,,.,.- -ii i - Mil- . 1 ' ....- THE "BEND " BULLETIN (Published Krerjr Wednesday) : OEOHOE PALMER PUTNAM' PubllBher ' ItOUEItT W. SAWYER Edltor-Mnnnger.'' Fit ED A. WOEl.FI.EN ! Associate Editor. ; An Independent newspaper stand Ing for the nquaro deal, clenii busi ness, clean politics, nnd the best In terests of Hond and Central Oregon. Ono Year 10 Blx Montlia JS fnrco Months 50 ,,'aII subscriptions nro duo and PAYA11LE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers and If (renewal Is not made within roason iiblb time the paper will, bo discon tinued. 'Plcaso notify us promptly of any chnnge of address, or of lalluro to re ceive tho paper rcgjlarly. Otherwise ro.wlll not be rebponsible for copies missed. ,VMnke all checks and orders pay able to The ltcnd Iltillctln. -r WEDNESDAY, .MAY 3, lttlfl, EXCESS ACHEAOE. ;'-A solution, of tlui excess ncrenge question of the C. O. I, Project hiis bc'on suggested. A little buost nil along the line nt this time will clear till. tho tltlu to 17000 ucres of land. iTliu excess Hcrcngu iiuestlon was long considered ,ns one solely between th'o ttettlor and Hie Company. Wits tho Company required to deliver water to every acre of Irrlgablri land tinder n contract, or only the num ber of acres, upon which tho original Hen wob estimated? If the settler was to pay anything additional, how union? iriieso are the questions which cut mlrtatcd In the suit of the Central Oregon Irrigation Company vs. Whit !, In which the Supremo Court held that the Company wns not required under Its contract to deliver water to'the excess acreage so called. This decision would not have been of ser ious consequences had nojt tho IT, S. l.nnd Ofllco about this time notified the Desert Land Hoard that In or der to comply with the terms of the Carey Actevory ncro of Irrigable land in'eacli forty ucro truct must be sup plied with water sutllclcnt to thor oughly reclaim It and havo n valid water right. Tho Commissioner pointed out that no patents would Is sue until this condition had been compiled with and that any patents Iss'uod to lands Involved In the excess ncr cago question were defeaslbjn, .This ruling of tho Land Olllce not only caused the Hoard to decllno to Issue deeds to tracts In which tho excess acreage occurred but qlso brought Into question tho validity of Mid; TJttltabiy largely finnnccd.-'llo was' elected after two years In office with tho help of the Democratic aej mlnlstration, wheso side partner he .. .( . . .1 ...111. 4 It am t naa rt riimri t t"8 IUH! Willi "U un;a w wut.tv- flftftts parading In the gulco of Repub licans, anu at xnm no mnj, uem u nu pulillcan candidate In tho .primaries by tho slight nwrgln of 240,0 votes. ( "In tho coming primaries Olcott Isj, opnosW by Charles II. Moorrs, a reaf. Republican and n man of llrst class record In public, private and political life. Indications nro that tho Republicans of tho ctato will ral ly to his support. 'Another paper, the Tillamook Headlight, dlscusics. another phase of Olcott'B record which is now coming In for much attention at tho hands of fnrmors and people Interested In agricultural development. Tho Tillamook poper says: "The flax controversy showed distinctly that Olcott was exceedingly anxious to bring the governor's advocacy of raising llax at tho state penitentiary Into disrepute, while, as n matter of fact. It Is an Industry that will be developed In Oregon and will give employment to the unfortunates In the state penitentiary and bring rev enue Into tho state rrasury. Mr. Olcott showed poor Judgment when he attempted to discredit Governor Wlthycombo over tbe Max matter, nnd It showed also that ho was uof, willing to glvo a now industry n Hquarn deal In being developed, If he could put tils political auger Into the governor, "Tho State of Oregou Is greatly In nccd of new Industries nnd do-' vnlbnniont, and Instead of the West administration doing tills Jt was all tho. time booming for Democratic politicians, scaring money nnd new Industries! from the stnto on account, of many foolish and spectacular aln surdities. Slnco (lovernor "Wlthy-j rotntjo has been at tho,(licnd of tlinj Bimu ptuvui iifiiuut, vllt1Ju o psiiiii in ui a sale. an. sano pjftss. r IWNUMASTKirH NOTICE. Nqtlco la hereby given that tho cltyo,f'H'e'nd has taken up the follow ing, described live stocx, ipwlt: One black yearling stenir, one b'lack and whlto yeaning steel, one Jilack nnd white coW, twb red Moeraypno blue roan heifer, dno whlto heifer", olio re cow', two roan owi ono Jersey steer, all branded J on right hip and J re versed on left hip. The' cost of r.i deeming said stock will bb $1 per head por day In addition to the ac tual expenso of kooplnri, together with the cost of this advertisement and all .other necessary expenses, In caEq of fatluro to redeem Uj?, tlie own er said stock will be sold'ns, jiroyld'fd by the charter and ordinances of the City Of Hcnd. Ii. A. V NIXON,. Chief of Police' nnd ox-ofllclo pound mnBter. - :J, v lly FRANK KUI.P, 9-lOc. . Assistant. Lenses duplicated, ed nt Syinons. Adv, CilnBses repafr- iA:ei: at desciiutes. Come to tho dance at the Deschutes hotel, Deschutes, Friday'- evcnlmt, Mny fi. Everybody Invited. Supper will bo served. ndv 9c A deslrnblo bread kntto frco with overy annual subscription to The Vend Bulletin. . Tho American Ilakery has a nlco lino of fresh home mado candles, adv, HOME BUILDINQ BOOM (Continued from .Page-1.) , Itvlll,be,sonio tlmb before Horn Is mentioned In tho "Half n Cctittir: Ago" column of tho Portland Ore gonlnn, We'ro still imHbut iry. i. . . '. .i ery I The earnings of all our western) railroads ara Increasing. That Isj the surest sign of expanding prosper lty. The pendulum Is slowly awing- Ing upward. , J O. I.aurgaard Is running for State; Representative In .Multnomah county Ho Is said to bo recolving much sup- port. Certainly If lie Is successful he will make a good legislator, for, puonlu'ln this 'territory know him to bo n'manot ability, Integrity nnd on-' - r- : . . -. I Mr. Strahorn, too, urges that the trees bo left In Hcnd. It U good ad vice. We Imvo fought fur the pros- tho titles to all such land that hnd ervatlon of 'the' llrio fdg pflies, find begged for thorn,. because It Is so easy to see that tucy are a great big. Im portant' Item ninpug tho tilings that go to innko fiend really beautiful and really different from the. ususl'sun- burned, treeless cast-of-thc-mmin tains town. Hon; L. II.' Austin, roilrirfcom bun galow in Riverside addition! 'Hunter A StnaU, threo six room 'bungalows In Deschutes addition; Dick DavH, three room hnngalowi In Deschute addition; J. W. Day, four room bun Billow In Park addition; J, O. En, eight room resfdence In Park addi tion; E. W. Palmer, three, room re.il-, iicnco in wants nduition; l'oter lly- Mclste'ad, residence In PSrk nddltlqu; fM', Krugdr. t'hrce room resldfcnce 'n IVenwuUU, IlUQJilS .HUllil, m-o .. residence In Lava .Road addition; H. (J. Plyniato, residence In Houleyard addition; Jqp Miller, three room buii gnlnw In lavn.Road addition; M. I1. Miller, threo Voom bungalow In Lava Road nddltlon; C. Simmons, threo room residence; J. Whitchurch, four room bungalow In Deschutes addi tion; W. A. Heaver, three room bim gnlow In Wlestorin; (1. W. Grljtln, four room bungalow in Hotllevnrd adrtttlon; Eva'llno Knight, three room bungalow In -Riverside addition; Al fred A .Rose, six room bungalow In Illversldo addition; W. Ferguson, four room bungalow In Riverside ad dition; ,W. A. Freeze, three room bungalow In Lytic Acres; Martin Palmlnnd, six, room stone hnngalow In Rlvcrsldo addition; Theodore J Tweet, four rodn bungalow In RIv eriiue-auauion; v. a. ...vnnsoa, ren Idence in Mill addition; John Newby, residence ill" Hotllevnrd addition; Wnrreif M. Murphy, five room bun galow In Houlevard addition; An drew Cleveland three room house In Houlevard addition. II. M. Melch Isedock, four room bungalow in Mill nddltlon; R. S. Linton, six room bungalow In Park addition; Joe Mar kci, four rpom residence in Mill ad dition; Ernest, Llndmark, rcsldenre In Mill nddltlon; Henry Harth, four room bungnlow In Houlevard nddl tlon: J. E. Parsons, residence In Park nddltlon; C- J. Monahan, residence In Park nddltlon; George Vnndovert, bungalow In Houlevard addition; W. H. Crawford, 'live room residence In, Riverside addition; Lola Matchett, three room bungalow In Riverside addition; J. M. Shearer, six room res idence In Rlvindde addition; J. 4. Hazukn, five room bungalow In R'v ersldo addition; Charles Pratt, flvo room bungnlow In Riverside nddl vlpili . , TJio following purchasers In Rlvor Terrace hnv'o signified their Intention to build, or arc building; Mary J. Canada, six roqm, bungalow; John J. Cunningham, five room bungalow; Harry C. Petram. temporary thrao room residence; R. I, MIttby. Clar ence Simmons, H. C. Ilerg. Rosnllo I). Nordeen, It. P. Mlnter, Jack Tan rHllll lierL'. thren room rntthirn In Pnrk ml dltlon; J. F. Mogah, 'Jlvo-rottm turt'- Bir. Frid'J, Wllky. Milton Connnra, jgulow In Houlovnrd addition: Elnor'N- A. Bouthwltk, II. A. Horn. , ,. MUNvSING UNDERWEAR. The garment Hint give the greatest satisfaction to even member of the family. Th- Munslng underwear has, been tho leader for years. Men's Suits . , I.pcllefl ChlldrenR . . Sl.A-5, tjtl.no, $2, $2.50 mill $:t ' .-.lie, 7.1c, SI, qil.no. $2, 1W.30 ,..; soc,' 7c, $i . .......... ,....... inn unit. In Hummer weight la somi'Mun new'oirthe ,naVke:'"coo.:i.ght. permit l.oo PALM BEACH SKIRTS A new shipment of ladles PALM HEAfll skirts. The Idc.it garment for summer wear. In various sImilc8 p'n(, $()n( LADIES' SUITS s Late spring and summer suits now ready for showing-, at , , , Uin, ljtlT.no, JiSO and $tt STETSON HATS The largest shipment of Stetson hats over- rc'celved In Cen tral Oregon. The latest shapes In a wdo variety1 of colors. R. M. Smith Clothing Company BEND'S LI-ADINO FURNISIIURS POR EVERYBODY been deodod.i Tho settler Is, there fore, lira position of not being able to get u valid title to his land until at water right Is secured for. every n,cre of Irrigable land which the Com 'poflXt according to tho Suponio Court ileclsriiii. Is not rcqiilred to furnish. It was 'to remi'dv this condition thut tho Desert Lund Hoard endorsed I While aon:u Impatlt'iice Is nt times j tbo iiroposltlon to havo n bill pasved nmnlfesled at the apparent slow pro by CpngrcfH continuing tne tltlu tngress of tho vfork Mr. Strnhorn has such of thosn lnnds iih havo nlrendv l undertaken, the prodigious size of neon patented in me ainm nun mini- tins task Bhould bo Kept In mind, it nrf.tliu ,t.n LVilii.nl lln.ni.niuanl tn .I.aI,1 ...t. I... r..,.n.... .I.... .. M,t,l,h W, l-.(uiu v..i ....-'... " i BUUIIIU I1IJL IIU 1UIHUIIU1I IIIUI tl lfll.1 patent tho rciiialudor of tho lands In ' amount of absolutely necessary pro- whicli this, question wns involved llmlnnry wcrk.ls belnu liiiu In a whenever tho provisions of the Cnrov gafe and business like wiX.'iJI i)t the jk nun iim-ii uwiBrwiBu niiuniuiiuiiiiv expense aim iniinito pinna oi tiui muu roropiioii with, hiicii it bill will , nt the holm, so that ivjiv" M, con siriiciioii Biago is reacneu imi loun Clothes for all lien You may; be 20 or 30. You may be' tall or short. You may. be stout or thin. You may be,. radical or conservtP'' ' tivc in your ideas about. dress.- on.. --------- - Bun Regeneration It doesn't matter. shortly bo Introduced In Congress. Thu holders of excesa ncreapo lands on tho C. O. I. project should act behind this bill and should. If possible socuro united action endors ing thu incnHiiru. It Is entitled to thu, support of the Wnter Psers Asso ciation as It affects tho welfare of lift ohtiro project (I ntl cm will havo been securely laid. i i IMQfE WORK PLAXXEII. County Commissioner Overtuit has obtained tho co-operation of Stuto Engineer Lewis, In planning nn ad vertisement or Crook county s scon. Tim rnmiiinrdni I ory and resources whleir, If carried urn. ougui in ne ono oi mo most hi Hart, SchafTner & Marx Club should lend Its aid In securing thf I., of this bill becnuse It fcrK c o f ?TlVp!rn"S Tm will remove a serious cloud to tho tl- ( (0 tt.u UovolopmU1 of th?a - Jlo to approximately seventeen tim, n, ,. m0,t iihiuudI wav nnd uousiuui acres of mr best anil moat should havo tho support of nil. Com high)' Improved itnd. ' believe I plele details will bo published In Tim that'Overy ono who Is trulv Interested nuiieiin next week. In tho fuliiro nt this feet Ion of the tnte will place his shouldur tu the wheel. MOORE8 AND OLCOTT. A surprl it's iii:m-Tiii: straw hat. If mi tco ri man eltpplne- around tho corners, not generally frequent ed, and If you think thnt this mini , looks n little shy or out of plnco, .lu CI.I Islng number of newspapers "ft Judge him top harshly especial- thmughunt tho statu nro taking an ; S'1." ' nn, A1v- . n i - u Z)nT luth, ,nh for the of- f& iX mTejiXnof ..iH . .,v.u....j ... ,.. ...... ... uio siraw nat in lientl a iiosslblllty vry county opposition to Olcott and i both from the standpoint of season approval of Moorea Is devtdoplng. I and toiuiwrnUiru. Theio.Jiavo boon Tho Rohubiirg Nows brings up the quite a number, If yuu havo obsorv question of Mhotnor Olcott Is en-1 Vii who havo doffed the winter head lined to nimther term, as he has nl-. Boar BUiaVo donned the lid apropos ready served six terms and the eon-' "' "l,r',,B- stltutlon prohibits holding the ofllco lor moru than eight yours out of twalvo. It quutuH from itrtlcle VI of the constitution, ins follows: ' Theru shall bo elected Iff. tho qualified vuters of tho stnto. . .A secretary and trous urer of alutn, who shall severally Uold their kijllc'ea for thu term of four yours.' 'That no pernun shall be eligible to cither of said otllcua inoro tliuu ulglit lirhhy period of 12 years." Tho Qpnml)ut of tho Nowm upon , this purugrnph U as follows; ' "That'wnfuts' pretty plain, doesn't, It? It inuitns. that Mr. Olcott Is do-; tying tho sptrtt If not tho nbsolutoi luttur of tho constitution. It menus ' ho' does not glvo n wholo lot for aj eonstiiuuon wnon a mouu jon is in volved, which, In ,10 'Var would bring him $O00. " "OlcoO.NmaflnjHJntod Secretary of j. 8at lit 19U ly tho Pomoc'railc gov-i arnorWosK campaign Uouunagsl for vouit Next suit Seo DICK THe Tailor All Kinds of AXINO AND PRESSING Phono Hlack 148 1 Good Eats Quick Service Cleanliness Variety 'at the Little Brick Restaurant OPEN NIGHTS) ,u .- ' nun mm . niiiiiti.Mi liioiu i)f t m;,i'. i TH-'fli Ol'TCAST (IIHIi. CAkT 1'1'O.V llllll "nuiKlfM r. lur.ivn ivii.i in-ri.-it IIHII -''' ............... .j .".-. ' ' ' ' IIV A MAN AVIIO HAH LIVED v ' ' ami.vi.: Hivn; riiii.iumni) II " -' - imi Wnniwfiil oa Qponne f iiuuuuiiu uw UbUiM c make elotbes for men; fabries for , J PAvlmvorl I .' every biste; styles for every age; -- iUllIajCu mrwlnla fVii mmir 4ifna WTa II I i 1 i II I sell ttieni. ' ' - llllll . ir- Jr"' . . lfttf AAA 1 ' ... ...... " m w n. n.Mifi m The horn of Hrt Scn.n,r & Min clolh. W' i rll! I JtvU SUNDAY. MAY 7 . llllll intnniinti llllll ; M i llllll nwmijj.wn aj Mnu IPtUNlp I I ' i I F&T&ZFk I J s'JrfJT'? i mwX -SM 1 PJb(J1AL liifeil'l ' Gallon Cans.81b.Si7ftl (cfWUUM MM(HAt CO- I III -- irni A Complete Stock of Fresh Fishing Tackle. Af 1 NREDDIEC 1 A Full Stock of.F.rcsh and Staple Groceries. lUlIAnl)LjKKlCj 1 J x,n:ii" anipment.ii.aeu uay oi ureen Uoods k T ll A Kew Supply of all Garden Seeds in Bulk. All" l A Paint Sioek consisting of 72 diflerent color. STRINfi RPAN I A First Grade Stock of Garden Hb& k Nozzles. J ' AiW H A I'RACJS WHERE YOU CAN BUY If f II hardware;, doors I B m j 1 If HP AND WINpO WS j LAST a" CAN AT THE LOWEST MARKET-PRICE. ' F. DEMENT (& CO. . E. A. SATHBR ! I ... ; M, r v i' IX. T I