iwoi: 12. thi: iiK.vn ni'iiT.iiTix, iu:.n, cmi:., mtdnksiuv, aimul 20, imo. km: S ihw ' ' .' n-i 1 i VlMI ' k . ffT? ", ( ruU m, t & it f! . ' s K ?.' ! Mk ' l r? mk" ; It. . .' "v.W L v . si I . PHEWLIf IS N C FIFTH INNING ERRORS ARE COSTLY ,1'iliH'vlllc, llltlcss mill Sriiioti'v. Tliiitimh (In. r4)in-l li Inning Lu- ' nil Mmi Illou- l'i mill l.ris In l'lxo Itlllls Tctlll'ltlU IMll'llI'll AlONEY READY (Continued from I'nge. 1.) ernblo oxtont Clearing, grubbing anil porlmit hoiiio grading will In. by contract, nml mils for bids will lie Issued liiiini'illntolv following tlio for mnt npproMil b) the county court. , That tlu creation of tills stretch of lilglixxnx. In nlnco of what luui ul- wys been one of the wtirrtt IiIIh of IromlR to tlu north iinil south Central Oregon route, will tlo much to en riint.nott thrmiuli Initial la th.t mitiilnn of nniclnls hero fntntltiir with the territory nml condition. All the Advlsorx llonrd. comprising ,. ll, Al bert of Salem. S. Ilciison of Portland nml Leslie Hutler of llond ltlvor. have enthusiastically backed Hip liroji'ci from the first . , of cattle, t'liono Ktirnl 317 I.5Wia ranch. 7 lor TO LKASK -1(50 ncro fnrm S miles from llcml. Irrigated, no In cul tivation. 15 acres nttnlfn. H II l)o Armond, llcml, Oregon, itfc KOIt BALK. I OU HAM-: A nice little Hipjo room house -III I'nrk nddltlbn close to lintli mills, Jiliio. C. V. Silvia. So KOIt .SALKSIx room house and two lots In lnrU ntldltlon; This u ""?' ."'"R0 ""'I n Biinp nt J1!.".0. C. Hll VIS, (-; , ii.'i?11. SA,."':7A ,Io,!'l1c corner on nll street n the. Deschutes addition ror iiulck snle. $800. C. V, Sllxl.. r roil SALK Two lots In Pinch i' !.'",. V1"1 nno tho rlor, $v,o. r . Silvia. " S(, I' Oil bALK Lot In Pnrk-n.lilltlnii .. .,,.,,,,.,.,. . SECOND AULL STARTS 'Soo.,0c? v?B8iwi3..',recU! n "Mp t ."Hint us If h ('ermtin projectile luul Mploiliil in i nmp, ho Old the- Mend -line blow up in the fifth Inning of lust Hnniluy'H base bull game iiRnlnst J'rlnevllle n( PrlneMlle. After will Iiir tliroiiRh penceful wnters for font ' IuuIiirh, pIhmiik Rood heitdy Imll. nml holdlhR the eon n l. seniors to no liltH tnd no runit ltend eploded on n hIIkIiI tii'i throw etror to (Irst Imso by Tflllierow Then rninn the vnude VIIlo net Intorspersed with rare rom wdy ntid ttiiRed The Inlleld was to lilnine for I lit whole performnnre. ftur ToIIidioh's error. Ilorton came mIoiir ami honied n fast one at short- vtop. O'Donnell. with a had hand anil "Totherow let In two runs liv drop pliiR the hall at the plntv. Miller, on Ihlrd, wns nt uph t nappliiR and let In Hiiolher. TlirnuKh the whole afTnlr. I'rlnexllle. who had heen held nt buy Mil oer live runs. Ileml Was t'npivpmvil. I'nprepnred. Is what the fans say about the Ileml Imih In last Sunday's vnmo. AlthotiRh four InnlnB wont I on smoothly and the Prlneillle nlnc lookod as If It wore narked In the In- j lllnl attack. Head, wit limit tmuii work iinil practice, utter tne nrst Mow up "was unnlile to draw together snlll vtnnly to win. To,lherow pliched hall In his cn totnnry form Tp to the end of thp fourth liiniim the rrlnelllns were liHlpIo to hit. lint from the fifth 'iinlnir, nwth errors and oor field ltiK Rhvo I'rluevtlle five hits Klght )wtters wuro faded l Tethirow. while ltiinlHn. erstwhile of tht Mult- lioniah Athlelle rinl.. of Portland, fanned only the men. Morton, of ileml. lead ihe He"d eorporatlon wmmn in intiinK. etiinn single. two banner and a thire banner out of four times at the bat. llonil will meet I'rlnexllle on the lnonl RrOHiuIn next Snndav afternoon t S oVlivek. Ttherw will nlteh for lliid. The 1Imp of Sundae "s name was: rrlnevlIlM tleohlell. 8h; Itowman lfeliiH, m'. Kills. Sh: Mortis MiNilial, of. Darby, If, Alheti. r, dsn, n. llond: Morion sk, Stoer, Tuthrtmw. p. O'tVmnell, r. Millar, Sprout ll. Johmnm rf. StoWl, SivriNRor, MJImrl. tt. .NpOII" ll) IllllillU-, imiii ! i e t e a l iriiTiite .,m t n u it. (Centlnued frm Pane 1.) throiiRhoiit and water pipe laid tlirntiRh Ihe jard for fire protection,' SO hydrants helnn placed around the1 mill yard ne.ir the liutldlnKK. The com-1 KOIl SA1.U l-'lvo room lnusr on corner lot In l.arch addition $-.50: SflfiO cash, balnnro onsy terms A.. dress P. o. bov 191, or Inquire on promises, two blocks Bouthea-.i of i-i!Fii;-iiriHn ciiirch. I'OIl SAI.K- Kliirst lot wood fiOxlRO. Cheap eR 'ti ii-niiTS. Kino ptirnnr pany now has 3.000 feet of hose. The, l.nre'i nddltloM. elosc In. clie'an coupllnirs are the same as those on , ,.,'r u.s no de.ilers. Address lu S e ; H. )S. I-HimVIIK. s 5 S SnuMiwiry Hlt oV Tthrnw 6; IHinlM $. Wltt4 hy Twthnrow : by Burden t. SrupV itnt hy Twh wrnw S: hr Itnntan B. 1lmtrVs: Wd- Tftherow unit O'Dcrtinell; PriiHvlll Murd on and AUh Huns 1nd M'ller i Ilorton 1 - Telherow 1: Sprou 1. Sleldl 1 Prinevllle Ib-chtell 1 . Kll.s 1 Morris 1 Michel 2 lhrh 1 AT.ee 1 liniden 1 Rei I wlb n-ul .iewelrx rci'rtlltnc at six ivomt - A Ihe clt.x fire lnse The Hrtveks-Srnnlon l.umher Co.. and nllled Interests control 38.000 acres of titular land lying wuith and east of Hend which are estimated to be sutllctent to supply the mill for 20 er runntne one shift a da. For the time bet n onlv one shift will be used but a ntnht crew inn;, he put on later. The IVrmnnel. The hiisttics of the cnmiMny Is In the hands of 4 1 Kojes. genoral mnnnfier. Mr Keo has been asso ciated with Ihe Mne,Vs-cnlon 'nter lests for a mimlw of er hnvlnR jhls first Hsitbn with Urooks Hrolh crs, at their retail vrds in St. Paul, j Later he was ccnntd with Ihe 'company Scanlon Minecta. plant. roIiir from there 1 lwell Klvcr, 11. C. where he ' u'lt th larne pulp and paper mill of The Powell Klvcr Co. Mr. Kpvm came to H-end from Powoll lllver In 112 to take charge of the saw mill of The ltend Com pony, .In which the ltrooks-Scnnlon Intnrosis owned one third. roIiir to tils present nUlon w-nen work on the new plant was bonun last fall. Hnrrv K Urooks. a son of Dr. D. F. Hrtxiks. is the resident dlr,vtnr of the eompam. which I a Mlnnesotn niiii nm iinvf rnnrisr in sales. Mr Hrooks came to llond fnim Powell Rher last summer. Many of the men In chame of dif ferent departments have been with tho llrooks-Scanlon Intereots In the past. These Include Sam Mlakely. who Is Ihe longing superintendent, dohn Knn. the yard superintendent rf and Oeorge Gove mill superintendent. lb: (Mr. Ulnkeh and Mr. Kng were com- Dnr-lpany omplovoes at Scanlnn. and Mr. I Oove had charge of The ltend Com- If. pan mill. Hh ' .1. C. Illchler will be the planing Hi. 'mill and lov fnctorv superintendent I The boarding houses in the woods and at the mill are run b Frank V. 1 Sullivan n Ken-teriiis. lot in P.1NV Aritlrnsa 1... ,c ,, . ' ""UIVM IIU1 .13 "-""" Sc POIl S-.l.K-Two saddles Just as good ns ncv . Inquire Mrs. A. M. i.hi.' or piinne lllacK 131. stfc FOIl SAI.i: or TIIADKOne Mi- .. ? ' rn,,K0 ln KOO(1 condition. III lake fnrm produce or wood. Call Tlireo Slaters Hotel nnnr iirn..i.. Scnnlon Mill. Sp nnP. S5AL'h0no Pftn of mare.i. 2600 lbs.. , and S jonra old. For cash and liarncsa and llKht wapm. or will trade for fnt cattle. Will be nt Ail',0 A,nc'R "very barn, from April 2! 12 p.m. to April 30 12 p. i,k OIL bert lllvet S, FOIl SAl.K Horses and wagons. Inquire Hay house, two blocks urn u ironi ncpni. FOIl SAUK Spnn of yhunR mill's broke. Write or nhnnn o p ri. Mouses ale For well, llond. S-!p i-t. .. -"it orti.i, iiark- linv uomimit j years old. weight 1300 pounds. IIrIu hay gelding, two years old. weight 900 pounds, groy pony, three xeais old. weight (100 ihiunds. Jersex cow. I,. O. need. Uox SG Hend. ' s-p FOIt SAI.K Cheap, if taken at onco. fnrm near Hend, house l:i cltv llmlta, furnished or unfiirnlshed. In-1 ntllm MnrtfA', fn,l.lAn. .. .-.-.. I -- .......... . u.ni.un: near nteuil s residence In north part of town, na- nnn on east siiio of DoachutM rltor. T.Sp Two choice homestoed rollnqulsh msnts with good Improvamonts In Uiilro C. A. llengston. Dry Lake. Ore gon. ;,fe FOIt SAI.K Two heifers, ono com ing fresh: one Mear. ono .lorsev mllic cow. nt a bargain. S. A. lllakley, 7.f FOIt SAI.K House and lor. nn.l txvo lots on Greenwood avenue, at a Imrgaln. S. A. Illr.kloy. 7tf We have seven new, up-to-date houses, located close to both mills, with city water, electric lights and sidewalks. Prices $850 to $i, ooo We have two houses in the most desirable resi dential district, splendid river view, only fifteen minutes walk from mills, all modern conveniences Prices $1,750 and $2,000 Our terms of payment on these houses are 1 0cc cash and balance on easy monthly installments. WHY PAY RENT when you can get H home and pay for it on about the same terms. Come and see us it you want a home or anything in real estate. ., CLASSIFIED ADS FOIt KK.VT. FOH IlKXT SlwpM room In pr. vale famllx. liaJh. Inquire Itnlle- tin , $p FOR IlKXT -Pasture. 1 rr up on the rlxer. Ienee.1 $10 sb.mi. 1. Cori.in. l'ortland. Ore S-lOp FOK ed ra Iniiune .t Kced planini; mill or ad- dlr '.. CS. lend l-e Sp 1VK HXT V st.i-. .e ,r ?: hed FOU SAI.K Ilcckmnn's engineer's and architects level. Cost J-IS xvlll sell for $27. Combination ro.i.l grader, ditch mrker. leveler and snge hmsh grubber, cost $172-prlco J100. Cream soparator, Kconomy Chief, skimming capacity 600 lbs., cuit $4R price $27. John Deere gang plow, light lift, cost $72, price $SS. Mrs. M. K Knotts. five miles out on Hen.l llurns road, l'hone Kural $-125. S-9p Foil SAI.K Five room house in I'nrk addition. $J5 down and $2R monthly. J. Ityan & Co. 4tfc FOIl SALK Fine old Snlinrd vlo Iln. Day Music storo. stfe FOIl SALK llonse and lot. fi block from mill. Favorabto terras. Inquire llullettn. tfc FOIl SALK Two lots In Des chutes addition. lovel and frag from rock, well located. Fries $7 oaeJi. Tornis J. Ityan & Co. stf l OK SALK lur verv choice i D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets. Inquire Hnllot'n. Ctfc FOIl SAI.K A niiniMr of fresh mltch cows, all young, lef prices. ft. L. Itrazee. l'oxxetl Itntte. fitf each, closti to mills and school. $2.-i 600 cash or $2,700 half casJi, balance one and two jenra. J. llyan & Co. 3tf i FOIt SAI.K Five room furnished.' house, modern except heat, corner lot CoxllO, well located. Price $1.-1 200; $200 cash, halnnee easr month-' WAXTBI) LauiMierlar w biif- lypa.xmnts J. Ityan & Ct. Stf keeping. Mr. Thomas Kandalo AVANTKD. FOK SALK The new t room house. $00 each. 10 per cent cash, balance easy monthly payments. J. llyan Co. FOK SALK House nnJ lot. Price right. Terms reasonable. Inquire A. K. Kdnards. Hend Sign Co. 37tf FOIl SALK- Single driving buggy, harness end saddle. Iaqulr Hut lctln. Stf FOIl SALK or TIIADR-For Im- pnenij iwacK (m, jit WANTKD Cowntent girl for gimerui nouws wort. Xn. h. J. Ovsr- Oregan. WA.VTBD tf clothe a commission basis. Address Vat ft Son. Portland, Oregon. WANTED A salcac n. One a' the largest manufacturers of autom -Idle psna is nor plac'ng on tho mar ket a 2300 lb. s clylnder . pasea. ger car. felling at Ims than $.1 ooi A representative Is wanted In thu territory who can afford to purch?i a demorutratlng car I dealer's dU count l and co-operate w th dlstr. t. or In Mtlfng. Address Stnte D trftHitor. StiS E. Oregon St . PortlaM 7.K.HP LOST AND FOUND. H KKST An so .ere Irrlgat-' lots In IMrk addition, price and tern- I ? Senger' cT 'inoT.Ire ' TS n.-h -o seres under c.ililxatjo.i right. J ll, an Co. Stf ' . lu.in- K ' Q If I'OIl SVLK Fixe room houw. imiucrn excepx noat. well inrnuhed. rvllnqnlshment llullettn FOIt SALK -r TKADK with For anto, nater C mtl 55 i rfsi ftf r ! ! ?! Trout Season Now Open Our stock of Hods, Haskets, Lines Het-ls, Hixiks, Spinners, Fly Books, etc, is the onlv COMPLETE sUx-k in the count. I Our Tackle Always I I Catches 'Em I And rethemler- our prices are, as usual, the lowest. Come in and look them over Bend Hardvare Co. ; SAVE MONEY EQUIP YOUR CAR WITH A MASTER CARBURETOR ftuarantrtM lit burn OUtillalp rconouilc.illy nnd glxc J on more lwer tlmii gndlnp, TIIK MASTIIK CAItHyitKTOIl orlginalctl In CiillfotnU xxlioiv Mr)ing atuuwpticric ouHlltliin-. I rout Uvs) se.-t lex el to miltlcd air of mountain tiiN xlemaml the lilgliot carburtcr efiirlcncy. The fame of Uio MASTIIK OAltltFllKTOK l. ntiroAil and tliouaniK it In xim exerjixlicre on Terj- ij-jh of engine, on the laud, on the xxatcr and In the air. IXllt SALK lV Bend Garage Company Motto: 4,SERVICE" AITO UKFAlllS, (JASOUXK. OILS SI IM'I.IKS, GOO. YliVU TlltKS, 111 UK AlTXM0ini.lS. S-b: tnvt a apoelnlty. Mrs. Qalim. ovnr . W. ! u. .- i: outre. jfcp i WA.VTKD Stoni hand mowlac . rOln Klgfn wth in vie n w machine and rak. McOtUoch at , "L Brook-SeIon mill Inqul-r : Kngliretson s shop. $,, " Amwlcsn Bkr . Park a-T ! WANTED Laundrr to do or wo-k ,l0B "Vl hy the dax Mrs M. It. Howe. llond ' XKEV vp China T1.4 treet near Rpd school. j.c w- Can I found at Hll erg WANTED Hoard and room with ' ratu?B- Tel. Rnral 7. si e nice quiet prlxate famih OI. ni,,' - and location Inqnire lilotJ. so TO T1IADK Pit EACHANC.E. WANTED voting man of gHt TO EVPH xvijp .. addreM to r,-, .efent us In ii.j i7 'i .i MN(,E Ho ise wa; n .ur ing our line of fnnt, and produce on , ockyard wagon, inquire at t:w CI3 1 S lit ivo.N. Frealdent C t"('K. Vice Proirfn, ?J,- K. A s WHKIt. Vice lre. K. M LARA. Cath'er L. C. McREYNOLDS. Asst. Cashier, . uox tu,.st Cataier T& First National Bonk OF BEND. BEND. OREGON .a.it: tu Sui u . 1-aiJ ;'-; X' All National Banks are Government Institutions.. , v tnuueii to all ot its advantages. " w 'itiwi oj7c to dcpMita uorx g -HTe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1END ? r!fat y3 ' i -, IVs . lfiSCSii EPBrlTTn t n iCPaSLi ortianoiJ-.iiiVdvl jSv Slf y CV xt,o -" ""jv J'"S'.-r'r-y' I'L't,1- "- ,.--mI ' lansassi f SBBtKSKMtfrLm