The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 26, 1916, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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VAOK 10.
I 1
IV' 1
si i
Directs Intel locutions to All Who
Seek I'irslttiiii in Mouse iii' Senate
To ICmiii Altitude Tom hi l Any
CliniiKits In Tho "Dij" litiu.
.AnliclputlnK mi attack on tho pro
hibition law at thu coming huhhIom of
tlio legislature tlio Aiitl-Suloun
J;oiikiiu of Hid Htntu Ih dlructliiK n
soriot of iiioHlIoitH to all cnudldutcH
('or tho hciiuIu und Ihiiiho Intended to
jilncc tlium on tecoid on ths matter
of clniliKt-ti In tlio "dry law".
Tlio letter of tlio ImiKiio contiilnliiK
thu lliterroRatorloH Ih mh follow h:
I'orlluml, Or, April lfi. luiB.
XJenr Sir:
"HollovinK tfnil ovory Candidate for
))M)illc iifllW lie 1 1 i'h to he frank anil
upon with tlio public ii'KiinlliiK IiIh
potillloii on ltnl iiiintloiiH which aro
Jlkoly to conio holoro tho coiiiIiik hoh
Hlon of tltu Hlntc I.oKhdntiiro, wo aro
iiHklnK every 'candidate for tho Son
n to anil IIoiihc or Representative!! In
tho coiiiIiik primary to reply, for pub
lication, to Hie follow Jiik. iiiinatloiiH:
"1. What Ih your occupation?
"2, Tho iliy law now TorlililH tho
wilo of any hnwniRo cnutnlnliiK ho
much iih oik! half of one pur cont of
nlcohol by volume. Will you voto
imnhiHt all attoiuptH to Increiiiio UiIh
"!lt Tho iiicHont law portultH driiK-
KlxtH to hoII othyl alcohol onlv, iiinl
in iiinoiiiitH not to exceed two iiuartH
In 28 hucci'shIvo iIii.vh, to ali one
ponton or family. Will ou voto
mkiiIiihI all nttoiiipta to poruilt tho
milo of other uiiconipoitiidid Intoxl
ountH, or to lurronito the ainoiiiit of
purs utb.l alcohol permitted to bo
mold to any one pernou within any l!.S
MiiccoHHho iIioh, unions upon the wjU
tou Htatomoiit of a loputnldo llceied
tiud rttKiihtily iractlc!tiK phyHlclan
that u mentor amount Ih uecoHnnry
for oxtornnt iiho or application only?
"I. Tho proHunt law forblilH tho
Kollcltiitlon of ll(iior nrilora by mull.
Owing to tho common Mile of law
which iIihmiih u Halo to bo ninilo whoro
delivery la iniiilo to tho common ear
lier, wo aro unable to reach tho mall
order solicitor) who aro violating UiIh
law. Tho U S. Supionio Court Iiiih
Krnnted i oiler to Wont VlrKlnlu, bin
ItiK tholr declHlon on tho following
wonlH which iipiicnr In tho W. Vn.
law and not In ourn: "In ciiho of n
win In which a Hhlpuiout or dullvory
)h iiiado by onmiiion carrier, tho hiiIi
lllereof hIiiiII ho deemed to bo (undo
In tho couiitj whotolu tho delivery
thereof in iniido by hiicjIi carrier to
tho coiiHlKiice " Will you put thoHo
vnrilH Into tho Oregon law and re
lievo Oioftou inotberH, wIvoh, hIhIoih
and (hiiiKhteiH fioni the liiHiiltluK no
llcittitlou by mall for lliiior onli'i-H
(This does not abridge the right to
sond for nnd recolvo lliiuor, but would
stop mall Rollcltatloti).
"C. Will you vote to require that
drttgglHtH, when Rolling alcohol not
denatured anil not medicinally com
pounded, sell only to persons) with
whom they nro personally acquainted,
or vio aro vouched for In writing by
Homo reliable person who Is known
to tho druggist, which voucher shall
ho filed with tho purchaser' affidavit
In the county dork's olflco; and for
bidding the sale by druggists when
thoy know or have renson to bollovo
that alcohol so sought to be purchas
ed Is Intended to bo used In violation
of or evasion of tho law7
"C. Will you voto for a measure
forbidding the keeping or storing of
Intoxicating liquors In nny store or
othor place of business or of public
ro"ort, or in any public storage, houso
or warehouse except that unaccepted
shipments of liquor In tho custody
of common carriers tuny bo kept In
tho 'regular storago room or ware-
houso of such common carrier?
"7. Will ou voto for n measure
empowering Justices of tho poaco and
requiring tlieni, when complaint Is
(undo by a icputnblo citizen or citi
zens, to summon witnosses before
thoin: to place such witnesses under
o.ith and question them regarding
tholr knowledge of liquor sales and
liquor nuisances: loduco their testi
mony to writing, If tlio ovldonco mi
ll cod seoniH to warrant proroeutloil;
requite Enid witnesses to sign their
teltlmony. nnd to forward such testN
inony to the District Attorney; and
empowering tho justlco of the pcaco,
nt his discretion, to require tho wit
nesses to glvo bond or recognlzauco
for tholr appearance to testify beforo
tho grand Jury, or to glvo testimony
In tho trial before tho nn'd Justlco or
ether magistrate as tho District At
torney mnv elect, but such bond or
rccognbanco not to run hoyoml tho
close of tho next regular nesslon of
Circuit Court, unless It shall ho re
newed nt the request of said District
Attorney? (This would oiinblo tho
g'.thorlng of ovldonco and tho mop
nrntlou for prosecution In remote
dlRtrlcts of n county boforo nir.torlnl
ovldonco could bo destroyed, wit
no.soH dlsnppear, or an nllbl bo con
cocted liv the ultnoHM'H 'n collusion
Thin would rcdilco tho cots of the
Dlstllct Attoriie's olllco to the Inx
payorti, and largely do nwnv with the
need for ointdovmont of dotoctles
"8. Will win voto for n measure
pornilttlug any person or organiza
tion. In tho nnmo of (ho state, cither
through the District Attorney or bv
prlvnlo nttornoy, to bring action nt
tho costs of tho stnto for abatement
of a liquor nuisance? (This Is tho
Inw which finally made prohibition
n real sucreps In Kansas.)
"Knch of tho abovo proiosod laws
Is offered for tho purnoso of mooting
concrete Hltuntlons which havo arisen
and still exist hero In Oregon. All of
thoin ,havo been tested nnd lmvo
proven Hiiccesful In othor states
whoro tliov nro nlrendy In forco.
"In publishing tho replies to tho
above questions wo shall list thorn as
yes.' 'no,' nnd 'refuses to nnswer.'
"Ah wo doslro to publish tho in
formation not later than Mnv 1, wo
nsk for n Hiicedv replv. for which wo
thank ybu In advance."
x9uv JF
Harry Lauder
World-Famotn Scotch Comedian, tayil
for mild
ness, purity
and fra
grance, THE
tobacco for
me. In all
my world
wide travels
I've yet to
find its
caual as a
alow - burning, cool- tasting,
sweet-flavored tobacco."
.He's Searched
"The Wide World"
The pipe of this king of
laughmakcrs has left a trail
of fragrant smoke clear
'round the world. Why 19
it he has never found 'the
equal" of Tuxedo? Because
it has no equal because
that fdmous Tuxedo Pro
cess," that makes Tuxedo
mild, cool and non-biting,
can't' be used in any other
1'rcpnics to OIiscmo I'omtli und
(Crook County Journal.)
I'rlnevillo will celohrato on July
4th this year, Tho celebration wns
decided upon by tho Chautauqua as
sociation at their regular meeting on
Friday ovonlng.
Tho committee on celebration was
nppolntod at this time, and cniinlntH
of Dr. J. II. Rosenberg. I,. .M. (lech.
toll, it. McCnll and II. I,. Jordan.
l'lans for celebration nnd for
Chautauqua week wcro discussed nt
Tho merchants havo decided to
hold "Dollar week" during this week
also, and 2G of the lending Imnlnnn..
houses hnvo promised to participate
In an advertising campaign that will
bo of great nsslstanco to tho Chau
tauqua committee
Go to tho Royal Cafe for your
dinner. Adv. 44 tf
Clean nti and pnlnt up.
wnrds. Adv.
Sco Kd-
The Ptttcl Tobacco for Pit mnJ Otarttlo
Tuxedo is aged three to five years.
But the big secret of that unequalled
mildness, coolness and sweet flavor
is the genuine "Tuxedo Process."
Many iiavc tried to imitate it no
one has succeeded.
Try Tuxedo one week and you'll
say as Harry Lauder docs, that it's
"THE tobacco for me."
Youcan buy Tuxedo everywhere
green tin
In Tin II w
tniJors, 40e
and 80c.
In Glass
50c and 90C.
Vonlco of Brazil.
I'ernninliuco Is called tho Venice- of on nccouut of its muntroui
lakes, rivers, waterways and nit Im
mense coral icef with which iintiiro
lint completely encircled the city und
Inside of which nil but the very larg
est ocean vcshoIs anchor.
Tho American Bakery has n nlco
lino of fresh homo made candles, adv.
Diamonds sot while jott wait. My
ron II. Symons. Adv.
IJIs Ago Against Him.
. 'I am C2 yenrB old nnd I havo boeji
troubled with kldnoys and hlndodr for
n good many years," writes Arthur
Jones,,. Allon Kiins. My .ago fs
ngalnst me to over get cured, but
Foley Kidney Pills do mo more good
thnn anything I over tried." niiou
mntlsm, aching hack, shooting poins,
stiff Joints, Irrbgulnr nction,"nII havo
bocn rollevod. Sold Everywhere, adv.
When you buy n enck of outsldo
flour vou hinder tho development of
Central Oregon's farm resources.
Make it n practlco to buy tho homo
product. Every snek guaranteed, ndv
A dcslrnblo bread knlfo frco with
every annual subscription to Tho
nond riulietln.
Lots at Half the Price
Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from
the Business Center.
Lots 40X105. .$75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lots 50X125. $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners
Central Oregon's Leading
Fire Automoble Life Accident Surety Bonds 1
.Member Portland ltcalty Hoaul.
True Economy . . .
means the wb ipendlne of one' money nukfne every dollir do full duty
,4 ,ttlr,r, t t,m .in article tiut will fitiifv you ia every way.
. white: .
lux real bargain becalise it s told at a popular
price: because it civet you tbe kind of wwb?
you dellcht lot because it will turn out tbe work
quickly and thoroughly and give you a. life time
of jallifictoryservicei because its improvements
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine; because it will please you
with, its fine finish and beauty of its furniture.
In short you wilt find the White, reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
Be sure to see tbe 'White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White is. If thre is no Wnlte dealer bandy, write us direct for cat
alogs. Wedo not sell to catalog housesv Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
When the lleht ln'clii within him
keif n iiinn's worth soinethliifc'. Browu
I nc
lleli iin llud it mime rir nur butter nnd we "111 xenil Ji'ii n cheiK for
S'J5. Tij to i-iiilxnly In jtuir mikkoMIimi Miiiii'tliliiK of tlio ihlimvs of llimir.
(lie health uIkiIchhiii'iioih mill hft-Miirlllii kikkIiicss to our iiiullt)1
initio butter.
The Norman Cream Company of The Dalles, Oregon,
Is iinvloii-. rur oil liouxelioldeih In Itenil to enjoy tlio plc.iMiio or Its now
inoiliiil, or whWh it Is justly proud. This butter is iimdo for Ihistern
Oii'Kou lesldontu by Ihistoin Oreuoii Industry! tlioiofoiv It Is tlttliiK tli.
ivHldcnts or this set-lion or tlio Muto slniiihl divide upon imine for his
ifpiosentntUo piinliu't.
Whoiv llioit' nr llcliK of MlnrfK"lis nnd tieiin feil iidenty, dalry
liik'. ns mi Indiistiy. nliis piiskm-n. I'or'tho llit tlmo In tho history of
Kiistoiu Om'Koii, a smcessfiil linn Is uiiiuufaeturliiK llrt rhiss butler tn tliU
MH'llmi r the stnto, tiiUliij; uihuutimo or the tvumli'i fill tlulrjIiiK opportun
Itli'.s of Ihisteru mid (Vutinl Oiosiou.
Tim now product, whleli Ims Just hHn pliirtMl iih.ii the market Is
pronounced by exiK'tit. as ulimo staiiilnid In oiery n)'. ' I" nmnufarturt'il
lu it Miinilei fully rltMii, iimiI, mi ii It my rmtmy. ,ml now, want n iintua
for our butler wlikli will plainly loll or Us moilneh to llio roiisiiuins.
semi jourMmuoMlons to Tho (VntoM Dopt., Tlio Norman Cic.uu Com.'
puny, The Paul's, Oio., boforo that ilnlc.
Just a little poatHcrlpt to liwlto you to visit our fnctoiy when ou aro
In Tho Dtille. Wo will Ktoot you cordlallj
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Cement, Lime, Plaster
and Brick.
Fir Flooring and
all kinds of Finish Lumber
Call, or phone us, at mill oflice (Red 1131) or see our representative
in Bend Company Building, Wall and Ohio Sts.
T i