The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 26, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
VOL. xiv.
bend, oiikcox, Wednesday aftebnoon, aphid an, into.
XO. 8.
Urooks-Scanlon Plant Now
Busy Sawing
"Will Employ SSO Men In All of The
Departments Dov Factory Mu
clilnrry Onleicd Every Posslblo
I'art of IiOK In Muiiufnctiired.
Tho second of the big saw mills
to which Bend hnu lookod forward
for so many years, tho mill of tho
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company,
began operation on Saturdny, and
has been running a dally 10 hour
.shift since then without Interruption.
Friday afternoon for tho (Irst tlmo
tho nmchlnory of tho mill was "turn
ed over." After running for several
hours, whllo parts wero oiled and
minor adjustments mado a fow logs
wore hauled up from tho river and
put through tho saws. Evorythlng
having been found to run smoothly
srwlng in earnest began on Sntur-
V Kniploylng, whon all departments
nro In full operation, somo 250 men,
tho Brooks-Scnnlon plant la n big ad
dition to tho Industries of Ilciul, and
with other local Institutions Insures
the position of tho town for years
to coma ns tho lumber milling cen
ter of Centrnl Orogon.
Comparisons Possible.
Iu various was and mothods of
operation tho now plant differs from
other local mills, thoroby affording
mi Interesting comparison between
.IIMn-..l ....... ....... I .. llin untlln l.tlltlD.
try. in tho logging, for Instance, tho
slip tongue high wheel system is In
use, whllo tho roll-off system has
been Installed to placo the sawed
lumber on tho wagons to haul Into
the yard.
At present tho company has built
about II vo miles of main lino logging
road and nn .equal length of spur
track. This Is expected to bo sulll
clent for one year of cutting. Twen
ty eight logging cars and ono stand
ard englno aro In uso bringing logs
down to tho, river.
In tho woods a McCHffort loador
Is used and ut tho unloading dock on
tho rlvor, nn unloading hoist operat
ed by an electric motor will ho In
Htalled. Tho motor for this hoist ar
rived recently. Ono hundred and
llfty men nro omployed In tho log
sing. .
Mill Is Knst.
All of tho snw mill mnchlnory
comes from tho Diamond Iron
Works, of Minneapolis, with the
single exception of tho sot works on
tho carriages, which aro furnished by
Filer ,& stowoii, or .MiiwnuKeo. ino
loe carriages havo shot gun feed,
making fast operation possible, and
about 150,000 feet of lumber will be
cut in a 10 hour shift.
Evorythlng possible Is done In tho
mill to consume the wasto from the
first cutting. As much as possible of
the material from tho big bands will
be made Into lath, of which It Is ex
pected to turn out 35,000 a day. In
tho lath mill there will be horizon
tal pony resaw- with which bonrds
l will be cut from tho slabs too short
for lath. Other wastes will go into
fuel wood, provision being made to
cut four foot slabs to 1C Inch lengths
or to lond the four foot? wod direct
ly Into cars.
Bevond tho mill the equipment
consists of four Grand Itaplds dryi
Kilns, dressed lumber shod, planer
and box factory. Work on tho box
factory which will turn out from 20,
. 000 to 30,000 feet of bo shooks n
dsv. Is about to begin. The drv kiln
will be In use shortly and tho other
buildings are completed. About 25
per cent of the cut will go through
the kilns
Tower I FurnUlied.
Power for the"" operation of the
planer and the box factory-will be
furnished by the Bend Water Light
& Power Co, Power for the mill
and steam for the dry kilns Is sup
plied from tho mill power plant, con
slrtlng of two Colby combination
boilers which have together a capac
ity equal to about five boilers of the
vne ordinarily used In a saw mill.
if Tbeeng'nelsa 26x42 Allls-Corllss.
The mill will ne sprjiiniBicu
II. W. Ii. & P. Co. Makes Improve
ment In Plant Two of Four Fnlts
Will be Complete by June IB.
Ono 500 horse power water tur
bine, and one 350 kilowatt generator
to meet tho near future demands for
oiectricnl power In Bend will be In
operation at the Bend Water Light
& Power Company's power house by
Juno 15, Tho turblno has arrived
and is being Installed this week. The
gonorntor will leave Schenectady,
Now York, about May 15. In addi
tion to this equipment the 10 panel
switchboard, which will hnndlc the
power or tho plant under Us four
unit capacity when complete, will al
so bo put In at the time tho generator
Is installed.
Whon tho now turbine and gener
ator are In oporntlon two of the four
units will bo completed, and the new
plant purchased from Steldl & Tweet
will provldo 1,500 electrical horse
power for Bend and vicinity.
With the unprecedented growth in
business In the last four months,
which, according to manager T. II.
Foley, has qxceeded tho business of
any previous 12 months tlte additions
to tho plant have become Imperative
Tho company has made a large
amount of extensions to Its city lines
Including service In Boulevard Addi
tion, Aubrey Heights, Lytle and UIv
ersldo Additions, Stints addition and
Mill addition. Many new connections
havo also been mado In parts of town
already served by the company.
In the near future tho Bend Water
Light & Power Company will supply
fi00 electrical horsepower to tho
BrookH-Scanlon Lumber Company for
tho operation of Its auxiliary plants
Including tho pinner nr.d box factory.
F. O'Luugliliu Will Soon Erect Mod
ern Brlik Building.
F. O'Lnughllu of Crosby, North
Dakota, this week purchased two lots
on Bond otrcet botwecn Orogon nnd
Minnesota streets for which he paid
$9,000. Mr. O.Laughlln purchased
one lot of 25 foot frontage from A. O.
Jones nnd ono of 50 foot frontage
from Oliver Thorbjornson.
In tho near future Mr. O'Laugulln
oxpects to erect n modern two story
brick building on ono of tho lots ho
has purchased.
Builder of Brooks-Scnnlon Mill Is
Solf-Elincliig Weldllcli Ills Asso
rlate. Quiet, unassuming, almost self ef
facing, Is W. A. Huffman, tho build
er of tho Brooks-Scnnlon mill which
began operation so smoothly on Sat
urday. If It woro loft to him you
would never know he had any part
In tho work, but oftlclalH of the com
pnny nro moro than ready to tell or
his successes and glvo htm full meas
ure of pralso for tho results ho has
produced hero.
Mr. II u ft man Is n designer nnd I
builder of snw mills, having been i
trained In tho employ of W A WI1-.
klnson, of Minneapolis, In his day tho1
best known saw mill builder In tho
country. Ho has worked for tho
Brooks-Scnnlon company buforo, hnv
lug beon head mill w right on the
construction of tho company's milt at
Scnnlon 15 years "ago. ,
Since that tlmo ho has been cnn-i
nected with tho building of manv
mllls, Including tho following Oeorgo
Palmer Lumber Co., of La Grande.
Oregon; Somers Lumber Co, Som
ors, Montana; Potlach Lumber Co,,
Potlach, Idaho; Blackwoll Lumber
Co., Spirit Lako, Idaho; Craig Moun
tain Lumber Co., WlneliesLr, dabo '
With Mr. Huffman on tho loca'
work has been II, W. We!dllc o."
Minneapolis, descubed as "the king,
of saw mill draughtsmen ' Mr
Weldllcli doilgn'.M the big Weyer
haeuser mill at Everett, Wash.
The summer band concerts will be
gin soon after Mny 1, according to
Loader Ashley Forrest. He would
like verv much to havo n full attend
ance noxt Tuesday evening as there
Is Important business to be consider
ed and all members of the 'and are
requested to come out
Saw Mill, 54x160.
Lath Mill, 32x80.
Sorting Shed, 32x240.
Dressed Lumber Shed, 96x210.
- Planer Shed 80x120.
Box Factory, 80x120.
Power Plant, 49x8.
Machine and blacksmith shop.
- Bound Houso 36x112.
Bom, 34x147.
- Burner, Diameter 30 feet, height
- 9C feet.
Stack, 1C6 feet high, or with
- base and screen. 195 feet
III Talk Itefoie Commerclnl Club
PiWhlent of (. C. A: II. Points' Out
Bendy Place In Undertaking
Cfji Tlmt Town Sae Tree.
In a talk which brought him closer
than ever to the people of Bend Bob
crt E, Strahorn projector of the Oro
gon, California & Eastern railroad,
at the Commercial Club luncheon ou
Saturday discussed his railroad pro
ject and the effect It would have on
tho growth of Bend. At the aaino
time ho showed the Interest ho takes
In tho town by urging that ovocxthln'R
possible lie dono to save thejtFeos'ln
the city, pointing out tho benellts to
be gained by attracting tourists and
other classes hero. , v , . ,4.
Mr. Strahorn began his talk' h.v
congrntulatlns tho club on the great'
developments which had taken place
ho re Blnce ho was first hero In the
fnll or. 1914. It was thqflrst, real
development which had taken placo
since tho railroads ceased construc
tion, ho snld, and meant n great deal
to tho town bccntiHo t!iQev;ulfjrgoftho
railroad building had given, thtvrlmi
prcsslon that there was notlitug here.
The next thing to do toward the
now railroad, Mr. Strnhorn said, was
to get a fow men from each of the
towns Interested, to go to Portland
and get tho attention of tho leaders
Micro. Fow of them hnvo nnyldoa
of tho possibilities of Central Ore
gon. If they can bo visited and edu
cntod to a knowlodgo of what tho
new road means to Portland a long
step toward It will have been taken.
Speaking of tho terminal bond Is
sue, Mr. Strnhorn thanked tho town
for Its recent vote and expressed tho
hopo that when tho mntter was voted
on again there, would bo none against
It. Those who feared tho loss of
business lieccttso of tho construction
of new lines were mistaken, ho said,
und told or tho experience of Denver
nnd Salt Lake nnd other western clt-
(Contluuod on pa go G.)
iHHHKc!j;K9HH ,
' SPEND $20,000
Seventeen Miles of Excellent Bond
Between Bend nnd Ui Pine Assur
ed Cinders Will Bo Tiled Out
Labor (iet.s Much of Money.
SALEM, April 21. The Highway
Commission today ordered work com
menced upon the state road south
from Bend ns soon as the Crook
county court formally approved tho
plans and produces tho $10,000 with
which the county Is matching tho
state's expenditure, .
This means the creation of n first
"class load from, Bend south for about
17, miles, scientific utilization of lava
ciuders for roadwrirkand tho ex
penditure of nearly $20,000 In labor
In tho Immediate vicinity of Bond
thlauuuner. ,.
"Tlio route selected by-the Hlghwny
Dopnrtnieut follows tho general lino
of the old road to La Pine, passing
to the east of Lava Butte. However,
whllo In tho approximate location of
the old road It touches It hardly at
all. An excollent grndo lias been He-
.qurod. ThunowpajiL.will bo built
(from tho outskirts of Bond IT miles
'scMith to n pndit no'nr Shouquest's
i ranch, where connection with tho old
road will be made.
Tho route passes clnso to the Butto
conveniently for the most elllcicnt
utilization or clndors. It Is estimated
that after tho grading has been com
pleted a considerable sum, perhaps In
oxcoss or $5,000 will remain for
surfacing work. This will bo used,
nnvs Stnto Engineer John II. Lewis,
for experimenting with lava cinders.
Hevornl different methods of working
tho lava will bo tried out, null prob
ably n short stretch of hard surface
pavement will bo laid, to demonstrntu
just what can bo don' with cinders
and to get cost data nnd ascertain
how the preparations will stand wear.
The major portion or the work
will bo bundled directly by tho Hlgh
wny Department on force account,
using county cqulpmont to n cdlisld-
(Continued on Inst we
Lectures to lie (then on Menace of
Fly Pinhlem In Fly Prodmtlon to
Be Worked Out.
With n movement welt under wax
to keep the city clean the Civic Im
provement committee Is now start
ing a "Swat tho Fly" campaign and
the next fow weeks will see nrtlit
In a fly killing mo.vement. Lectures
and demonstrations are planned nnd
the active aid of the school children
The first lecture Is bolng given In
tho Dream Thoatro this afternoon to
the school children. Tho lecture Is
furnished by tho extension division
of the University of Oregon nnd Is
Illustrated with slides. It will be re
pented tonight at tho Presbyterlnn
church nnd given again on Thursday
nnd Friday at places to bo announc
ed later.
In connection with the movement
the following problem Is bolng given
to tho children In tho schools to
work out.
"If one female, fly will lay 73 eggs
In ten days, nnd If It takes ten days
for ench egg to hatch, and. If the
young fly begins to lay eggs when It
Is ton days old nnd If It takes 100
flies to make a cubic Inch, how ninny
bushels of tiles will two female llles
produce from April 1, to Juno 30?"
Brooks . Scanlou (huieiMilps Are
Widely Scattered.
Tho local mill of tho BrookH-Scanlon
Lumber Co., Is tho llrst to be
operated by tho Brooks-Scnnlon In
torcsts In tho West, but by no mcniiH
tho first saw mill they havo been In
terested In.
Besides the Bend mill the Brooks
Scanlon Interests own two large saw
mills nt Keutwnud, Louisiana, and
ono on tho Bahama. Islands. They
hnvo also large timber holdings In
Louisiana, Florida, tho Bahamas,
Oregon and British Columbia. They
formerly operated a largo mill at
Bcanlon, Minnesota.
Thoy nro also lntcrcntod In n pulp
nnd paper mill at Powoll ltlver, Brit
ish Columbia.
Brooks Brothers, consisting of Dr,
I). F, llrooVs nnd IiIh brother, A. S.
Brooks, own n lumber yard In St,
Paul, Minnesota.
New Piece of Bond Mmiiluciy Itccent-
ly I'm chased,
(Crook County Journal.)
Commissioner Blnnchard Informs
us that the county has purchased n
new up to date Ft. Wnyne rock crush-
error uso on tho rouuty'H roads. Tho
crusher wiih shipped from Portland
to Itcdinond, Tuosduy, mid will bo
Installed at tho rocky point wost of
I the Doilsou place on Crooked rlvur
by next Monday.
Tho mnoliluo will cost approximate
ly two thousand dollnrs, Is portable
and mny bu run by any power. At
the present location electricity will
bo used nnd the county ong'nu will
be nwillnhlo nt other times.
BoadH of crushed rock lieconni V'Mi"
dltlonml for travel sooner than those
rciiKtructed of ordinary gravel nnd
'it the nmo tlmu mil b placed more
cheaply. Tho Investment Is a good
'on- and the resulting Improved roads
will moro than balance the purchase
Baptists Select I(ediiionl Hie Meeting
Placo Next Vein-,
Between 25 and 30 delegnteH from
tho Baptist ohurrhoH of Bodinond.
Prluevlllo. Clrass Valley and Bend
nt leaded tho convention of thu Des
chutes Baptist AhhocIhIIoh held In
I Bend Inat Thursday, l'rlday and Sat
ur U
' Interesting addrowes were glvon
I piomlnont HaidUt workara on
'bur'li and tnltfdonun work hliig
carried on. A iiuisIchI progrnni was
l v ii In connection' with the com Mil
lion In which local talent took part.
P.edlilOiul whs uwUcted lis the
ire -Hug pluco of the convention to
o helil noxt yoar.
Announcemont was made yesterday
of tho piirchaso by (S. W. 8lirluer or
the lot at the northwest corner, of
Wall nnd Kentucky streets. It Is
Mr Khrlnnr's Intention to build an
amusement hall 50x100 feet In size
on tho lot at once. The hall will
have n stage and floor for dancing or
skating. It will be under the man
infement of W. L. Imdlah, Mrs.
' hrlunr's son, who Is oitpwtfed to nr-
n with Ids family soon. Mrs.
n. ndlah and liar sUtar. MIb-h Minnie
I'!a7elle, expect to open u nuillleur
"ig nod hair drMSsIng shop In the
J i.trcme bulldluir
Dellnlte Derision Beached on Tliuis
ibi Milt Will Hae One Band nt
Beginning With Boom For a Sec
ond Will Add U.W Woikmen.
A definite decision to Increase tho
slzo of tho Shevltu-Hlxon plant wai
announced on Saturday, tho decision
having been mado by tho trustees of
tho T. L. Shovllii ostato In Minneap
olis on Thursday. Tho nddttlou will
bo a complete new mill, or twin mill,
to ho built Just south of tho present
mill, between It and the tunchlnn
At thu hoglnnlng the new mill will
contain only ono hand saw but spaco
will bo provided tor n second, to bo
Installed whenever tho need arises,
thereby making It tho counterpart of
tho present mill, Plans for the ad
dition nro now- bolng drawn In tlm
Minneapolis olllce of Dion fc llors
kotto. Construction will begin in
booh ns possible and It Is hoped to
havo tho now plant In operation by
Novembor 1.
To tho ShovUu-Hlxon plant tho
new mill menus an ultimate doubling
or sawing capacity. It Is pointed out,
and to this community u complete
now enterprise. With the mill lu
oporntlon larger crews will be re
quired In tlm yards and moro loggeric
In thu woods as well ns whole new
crows In tho mill ItsoK, or nn addi
tion to tho local working population
or nt least 250 men.
Tho ntiuniincoir.oii: or the new mil!
wns confirmed liv It. W. Welmoro,
secretary or The Minvlln-lllxon Com
pnny nnd n trustee or tho T, L. Shuv
1 1 ii estate who arrived Monday with
n party of Minneapolis friends and
associates to Inspect the now plant.
With Mr. Wetmoro nfo N. II. Clapp,
general counsel for the Shevlln In
terests, J, II. IlniiBcltlbl, vice pres
ident or C. W. Soxton & Co., of Mln
'ncnpolls, and Irving Fish, of W. W.
Enstmnn'Cn., bunkers nnd lookers of
Minneapolis, a closo personal friend
or tho late T. L. Hhovlln. Thoy ox
pect to leave tomorrow night.
Suit Brought to Obtain Itlglil of Way
on Siileiu-Bend Line.
(Oregon Journal.)
ALBANY, April 20. -That thu pro
posed now railroad from Knleiu to
Bend through Stnytou, Mohtuua and
Mill City, concerning which tlieie Is
much mystery because tho minion of
the hackers cannot ho learned means
IiuhIiiohs. Is Indicated by a suit filed
In the I. Inn county circuit court to
day to secure a right of way from tlm
lUmmonil l.tiuvber Company ut Mill
The proposed company given Itfl
name lu the suit ns the Hantlam Bull
way company, stating that It Is h
regularly Incorporated concern un
der the laws o( Oregon. It Is nllug
oil lu the suit t Ii ii t tho llummond Co.,
owns a tract or land lu sections is
and ll of towiiNlilp !i, Houlli of
ihiikoh four nnd live, east of tho Wil
lamette meridian through which tlm
eompMiiv lias surveyed Km propqsud
line, that an attempt Iish been mad
to purchase the land foui tho llum
mond compHiiy but that thu two oou
rorus cannot oome to an ngrtiumeut
on tho purchase of the laud by tho
pic Int Iff corporation. A Jury's Judg
ment Is asked.
lim Stinted In Woodshed ut the Hear
of the Building.
The I'lnebiirst school house win
burned to the ground jesleiday morn
ing liv a fire which started lu (Iih
wood shed which adjoins the school
building on Hie resr Tlm enut ut
tho fire Is unknown. Without uiiMim
with which to fight the II r. praotle
ally everything In the building wns
lost. Tho children, who were In
school, woro dlBinlMied and no Injur'
Iob nro reported.
Tho building was valued at about
$2,000 nnd was purtly covered by
Two HHke stackers, to bo need at'
the Shevlln-IIUon plant for Idling
1 mlinr arrived yonterday and will ho
put In oiioratlon within the next few
days. Tho stacker are electrlcallr
operated and make possible thu pll
lug of lumber to about twlao tlm
htUht of ths ordinary pile. Pciles ig
carry current for tb staokurm liavt
nlrnadv Imwi set ltw-Hii the alloys
ut the Hhevlln-lllxoii vnid
Dr D F BfoAt PttuitaX of Oft V 5enlan LucUi Co 1
(Continued on last page )