The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 19, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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Tin: HKxn-iiiTJ.KTi.v, bend, ore., wkdxksday, aphil iff, 1010.
rui-loui Tb!o Manners of England In
i .,. Scvontcanth Century.
! in amount of hospitality In England,
i ' irfl five n good idea "f the mini-
111 tUK.'l " -u""l,J h.-"lll'IHHIl Ul
(m ncrll lived, i-nuner mm supper
vrre brought In by tlio sorvnuta with
their lmt uii. it custom wlilcli "la cor
Li,nmtfil t'y I'J-11CS Morysou. who says
Hint bclnif nt " k'l'Shts houso who
lmd 'many servants to nttend lilm, they
Vrouglit In the ments with their heads
Covered with blue caps.
fter washing their hands In n basin
they Ml ,,own t0 dln"cr- nml Sir
James rrlnglo said grace. 7?lo viands
cemed to nave ueen imchuuh aim e.t-ccllent-"bl
pottage. long hale, bowe
0( white Kaic, which is cnunago;
bmch soppe." powdered beef, roast
n,l tolled mtitton, n venison pie in
form of nil egg nnd goose. TJien they
lind cheese, rut and uncut, and apples.
Hut the dose of the feast was tho
uost callous thing nbout It.
The tablecloth was removed, and on
the tabic ucte put n "towel the whole
lireatlth nf the tntUo mid half the
Icnpth of It. a basin and ower to wash,
tlien n green carpet laid on, then one
cup of beer set on tho enrpet, then n
little Inn'ii servitor plaited over the
corner of the table nhd n glnS of hot
water sot down also on tho table; Mien
lie there three boys to say grace, tha
ilrst the thanksgiving, the pcrond the
Pater Vostef. the tblid prnyer for n
U'lesstng of God's church. Tho Rood
hinn of the house, his parents, klnfolk
r.nd the whole company then do drink
hot waters. t,o nt supper, then to bed."
Some Advice to Thoto Who Yern to
Woo tha Soli.
"How can I make n start?" ask men
tilio have grown tired of uncongenial
Certain things Fccm clear. First,
yte Individual must decide for himself
(ftist which line of work he prefers, nnd
then he should Becuro n good knowl
edge of tho theory of It The next
thing Is to develop n knowledge of tho
practice of the work, und about the
only wny to do so Is actually to work
inhllo at It. Don't bo too badly
alarmed. In this day the farming busi.
Besses are crying for labor, and tho
workers nro paid well for their services.
Net, he ought never to buy n place
vuiiseen." IIo should look over the
prospective farm, consider location,
roll, climate, markets and labor condi
tions. In short, ho must bo prepared
to handlo a farm business Ukanny oth
er business. IIo must bo prepared for1
hard physical and keen mental work.
If ho is capable of these, especially
of the latter, he need not be afraid to
venture Into a farming proposition, for
It will repay bis efforts. Out if he
hasn't this ability let htm stay right
nhcro he Is.
Never let hlra attempt to Bhow tho
litiativcs how to farm, for without good
business management behind It ho will
uuu juriuiiiK uuuut lue (imrucsi worn
with tho poorest pay on 'earth. Justus
Miller In Countrysldo Magazine.
Qualities That Mako Llfa a Joy For
moir Pomossor.
Wo have potlccd the habplest man
many n time. He vorfw for'hls living,
nnd he-gets a good one. On,, thing v,-0
notice Is lie Is a man nf (in., i,i,uu.
thiesn t fcrpmnrier a cut on liquor, to
Imcco or hotting. He saves his money
nnd Is getting reniU- to buy hoiho prop
erty. He loves his home, plnvs with
the children, reads good books and
kwjps company with his wife. Hecanse
of Ills good habits he saves a little
which Mill give him a chance to make
an Investment.
And then there is another thing be
is n rename man. lie docs good work,
lie Will not smooth over bail work. it
Is lionet In whatever he does. Every
dollar he gets represents Just that
miifh or honest labor. It Is this. large
ly, that makes hhu prosperous nnd
Water keep Its own level, and so
do conduct and character and pros
perity. If a man Is mean and low. so
will the conseipjcnces he. He cannot
be one thing and his experience anoth
er. A low lived man may grow rich
and huppy. but It will not be for long.
Anybody can tell what's the matter
with a man If he U wth him a day.
He will soon s,ee If tin, nili,.r' i n
bpleen, a stoinnch. an uplift or a hope.
Ohio State .limrnal.
I'lUSl' ALTO Tllltdl'GII.
(Alturas Plnlndenler.)
According to Ford entlutBlauts the
Ilrst Ford tourist of the season ar
rived In Reno last Saturday from
Portland, Oregon, onrouto to l.os
Angeles. Tho trip was made In live
days without the least bit of tiro or
onglne trouble. Tho roads as n whole
wore said to bo In very good condi
tion for this tlmo of tho year; chains
woro need but once between Alturas'
nnd Cednrvllle, California. These
people selected their route via Tho
Dalles, Wasco, Head nnd. from thero
Into Lakevlow, thenco Into Cednrvllle
via Alturas and from that point to
Hcno via Qerlnch.
Saving For n Sunny Day.
Jake Pontlcotr was a unique charac
ter. IIo had a large family, and. al
though he woh reasonably diligent In
the use of saw and nx on the village
wood idles, ho frequently came to seek
aid from the city fathers.
"I gotta huff a sack of flour" said
Jake on one occnslon. "I'm all out,
and my family Iss starfln'."
"All right. Joke." said tho olllclal.
"If you need u sack of Hour and have
no money to buy It with we'll get you
n sack. Hut see here. Jake. There's
n circus coming to town In n few days,
and If wo get you a sack of Hour nre
you sure that you will not solfMl and
take your family to the circus?''"
"Oh. no." said Jake. "I already got
tat safed up. Yes, I got money to go
to tho circus." Youth's Companion.
A dcslrnblo bread knife freo with
every annual subscription to The
Mend Bulletin.
Spring will soon bo here, Mr. Far
mer, nnd you should be thinking of
the seed you will sow. Seo The Bond
Flour Mill Compnny's list of sultnblo
seed for spring sowing. Adv.
ONE CHNT A WORD Is nil n little
Wnnt Ad will cost you. t
For sign painting see Edwards.
For District Attorney.
I hereby announce myself ns n can
didate for the nopubllcnn nomination
for District Attorney for Crook coun
ty nt tho prlmuries to bo held Mny 19,
4-ltfp II. H. DE ARMOND,
Manager Howard of C. O. I. Co., Saj
Dlllci encos nre Passing.
(Redmond Spokesman.)
Roscoo Howard v.ns In fioin Des
chutes on Thursday, nnd In speaking
of tho water sj-tom of Irrigation here
snld thero was very llttlo difference
hotween tho ttato hoard nnd the Irri
gation company, nnd that he thought
nil differences would he opeodlly nd
The mnln loss of water In tho Ir
rigation cnncltt occurs near the head
gate, whore cracks have been found
to exist, nnd ns soon ns these nro lo
cated, nro nlways cemented.
Ills company has been compelled
to carry' quite n burden nnd nt this
tlmo more thnn $30,000 In ninlnte
nanco fees nre duo It, some of which
havo been carried for years, and
probably must ho carried until tho
farmer enn win It from tho eoII, ns
It has alwnjs been tho policy of the
compnny to nld the settler Just as
long ns io shows nny sort of n dis
position to help hlmsolf. it Is to tho
ditch compnny that wo aro Indebted
for about all we possess In tho way
or agriculture.
Has just received n fresh line of
Schillings Best
Tens, Coffees, Extracts and Spices. Only the fresh
est and best obtainable will be found in the grocery
line on our shelves. We are enjoying an increasing
business We give the people what they want when'
they want it.
Wall Street. Near Ohio
No waiting nt tho Metropolitan for
that shnvo or hnir cut. Four chairs
now rendy. Adv.
For Sheriff,
horeby nnnounco my cnndldncy
for tho Republican nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county nt the pri
maries to bo Hold May 19, 1916.
48p. 8. E. ROUERTS
On Way to Gat Famo.
Wolter was something of a wag.
One day his father said to him:
"Sec here, my son. You must begin
to think of the future. What arc you
poliitr to do to guln fame and fortune
w hen you grow up?"'
"I'm going to mako toothpicks." un
wcred the boy,
"Going to mako toothpicks! I don't
understand how you'll ever becomo fa
mous." "Why, father. It will bo easy enough
I'll manufacture millions upon millions
of them, und on each I'll stamp my
name. Tho toothpicks will he In every
liody's mouth, of course, nnd ho will
my name. And If my name Is In every
one's mouth I shall be famous enough."
"Well, well." said the astonished gen
tleman. "I think I would do well to let
that boy aloue." St. Louis Globo-Deui-ocrut.
Her Suspicion.
"1 declare for It." said Aunt Fretty
Frawlts to Mrs, J ml go Tubinau. "I
believe old Captain Pegglngton is
thinking about marrying 'again. Hurt
Blurt says the cap'n painted up his
trooden leg yesterday. Burt didn't tell
me, hut he told Elllck Sinnrt. and Kl
lick repented it to bis sister Prissy,
nd Prlss told It to Phceny Partlow,
fid Pheeny told It to tho sweet potato
rtddler, and tho sweet potuto peddler
told me not ten minutes ago. So J
mess It's so." Kansas City Star,
Why It li a.8!un of Rain When tha
Leaves 8how Their Daoks.
Persons who nro closo observers have
frequently seen the trees .when the
foliage present n much different np
penrance from' that ordinarily seen.
This is more noticeable inpoplar nnd
silver lenf trees.
Tho odd nppcarance Is duo to the fact
that the backs of-the leaves nro turned
up. showing the 'under sides, which
nre. ns n rule, n lighter color thnn tho
upper side. Somo of the leaves aro
such n light green ns to nppcnr almost
white when the backs show in the
This behavior of tho leaves Is duo
to an unusually low barometric condi
tion of the atmosphere, which causes
the leaves to curl n llttlo nnd flip up in
the breeze to such an extent as to
show their backs or under sides.
( Tho low barometric condition pro
duces 'local showera. nnd it Is nlways
safo to predict rainfall when tho leaves
nre seen to have their backs up. Long'
oeforo tho white man enmo to America
Indians knew of this sign nnd placed
great rellanco on IL Science also finds
kuowlcdgo of It among savage tribes of
Asia. Africa and the Public Islands.
New York American.
For County Assessor.
I hereby announce myself ns a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for County Assessor for Crook coun
ty at the primaries to be held May
19, 1910. " 47tfp
For County Assessor.,
I hereby announce my cnndldncy
for the Rcpubllcnn nomination for
assessor of Crook county nt tho pri
maries to ho held May 19, 1910.
adv. R. D. KETCHUM.
For Sheriff.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for the Democratic nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county nt tho pri
maries to bo held Mny 19, 191G.
For Circuit Judge.
I horeby announce myself ns n enn
dldnto for tho Democrntlc nomination
as circuit Judgo at tho primaries to
bo held on May 19.
Pol adv. 47 tfc (Present Incumbent.)
Lo'e Duslnott 8ystem.
Old settlers will tell you that the In
dians broko the ttrst ground for wheat
growing purposes In the spring of 18S1.
Tho Indians got their tlmt ldens of
settling on laud and establishing per
manent homes from usuoclV.ilon with
tho jcowboys, Members, of he tribe.'
mciuuing rocntciio Tom. Chlnn Dye
and Dig Lipped Pe,tc, broke some
ground and, 'seeded d few acres of
wheat: '. .
Whcn''tbe wheat was" harvested and
thrashed In primitive Indian fashion
the growers began, to market tno grain.
Tlie native wheat king would deliver
wheat .to American Falls or elsewhere
In tlie vicinity for TO cents n bushel.
If the customer went after the grain
tho prlco was $1 a bushel. When ques
tioned as to tho meaning of their sin
gular business methods the Indians
would Invariably rerdy: 'You como to
my wickiup, you'lienp wont 'um. Mo
come to your -wickiup, nuybo so you
don't want 'um nf all." r'nrndng-Busl-ness.
For Sheriff.
I hero'y nnnounco my cnndldncy
for' tho Republican nomination for
Shorlff of Crook county nt tho pri
maries to ba bold May 19, 1910.
For County Commissioner.
I horeby nnnounco my cnndldncy
for the Republican nomination for
County Commlslsonor of Crook coun
ty at tho primaries to bo held on
M.iy 19, 1910.
48.p Present Incumbent.
For County School HuiHMintcndent.
I hereby onnounco my candidacy
for tho Republican nomination for
school superintendent of Crook coun
ty nt tho primaries to bo held Mny
19, l:UG.
49 tf Presont Incumbent.
For County School Superintendent.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
fr tho Rcpubllcnn nomination for
school superintendent of Crook coun
ty nt tlio primaries to bo held May
19, 19IC,
Chamber of Commerce Man to Cam-
palgn for Squaw Creole Project.
(Tho Oregonlan.)
J. W. Brewer, of tho Oregon De
velopment Iiurenu of tho Chnmuer of
Commerce, went to Central Oregon
last night, where ho will assist In
tho organization of nn Irrigation dls
ti let In the Squaw Creek country.
Tho voto on tho formation of tho dis
trict will bo taken April 22, and Mr.
Urowcr's trip Is to arouse Interest In
tho plan. IIo will speak nt Sisters on
Wednesday night.
Tho proposed district comprises
10,000 acres, half of which Is under
cultivation, nnd tho project enn bo
put through, It Is dcclnrcd by engi
neers at n cost of about $20 to J 25
nn aero.
It la proposed to tunnel through
tho mountains and utlllzo tho wator
from n lake that feeds tho McKcnzIo
river on the west sldo of tho Cns-crdes.
To (he New Comer:
Do you know Hint Shueys will take care of your gro
cery wnntB Just n llttlo hotter than anyone olso will
offer you the delivery service you demand will guaran
tee ovorythlng leaving tho Bholvos and will mako o.vory
effort to satisfy your want In tho grocery lino
That Shueys carries a lino lino of working men'H
clothes shoes, ovoralls, gloves, shirts, underwear, Jum
pers nlso enn glvo you moderately priced furnlshlngB
"for general wear.
Drop In boforo you decide upon n permanent plnoo to
trade. Wo bellovo wo can give you whnt you wnnt.
Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land
loans. Adv
Diamonds sot whllo you wait. My
ron II. Symons. Adv.
ki-:s. riinNK
Reckleit Bravery.
"Havo you ever stopped to think how
Way deadly germs there are on a dob
Ur Mil?" j
"Oh. yes." replied Mr. Jobson, sigh- t
USE. "hilt wlinnnrnr T eon n mnn with a
tic roll of bills In his hand I long to
hare hU peril." Birmingham Age
Herald. The Tree of Genealogy.
It Is with tho tree of genealogy as
lth the oak of the forest wo may
U of the timbers it has given to a
lte vessel, but say naught of the
three legged stools, tho broomsticks
fid tobacco stoppers made from the
adj and ch!n,s. Douglas Jerrold.
"They tell me that Blank is awfully
"He b! Why, if that fellow killed
'0 Mrds with onn stone ho would
t the stone backr-Exchange.
fae reputation that Is built on cler
""ess b temporary; that built on char
ter b permanent.
Celebrating theopen
at Powell Butte.
Friday Evening
Everybody Come
For County Clerk.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for thp Republican nomination for
clerk of Crook county at tho primar
ies to be held on May 19, 1916.
adv 49 tf. J. U. HANER.
For Sheriff.
I heroby onnounco my cnndldncy
for tho nomination for sheriff on tho
Damocrntlc ticket at tho primaries to
be hold Mny 19, 1916.
E. n. KNOX.
49 tf. Prosont Incumbent.
For County Trensurer.
I horeby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho nomination for county treas
urer on the Rcpubllcnn ticket at tho
primaries to be hold May 19.
KAlwl'tl u. JUHUAIX,
Present Incumbent.
For County Clerk.
t i.omlir nnnminpn inv rnndldncv
fort ho Democratic nomination for
County ClerK or urooK county ni me
primnrles to bo held on Mny 19. My
motto: "Efficient servlco to tho
Present Incumbenl.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho Democratic nomlnntlon for
County Commissioner of Crook coun
ty at tho primaries to bo hold on
Mny 19, 1910.
2p KU.MVDl 1. IiUUll.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce my candidacy
,i,a mm nf County Commission
er for Crook county on the Republi
can ticket, rubject to tno primaries,
Mny 19, 191C
3tfe ' " r -.THEODUUK AUftti.
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
builpl a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
vagi: n.