tiii: nijxn iicm.btiv, rend, ore., weim,siav, aprii, to, ttn. PAOE 7. Get Your System in the Best Possible Condition sKadJL Sarsaparilla Tonic WILL DO IT. Per Bottle $1 Walch For Our Big 5 Cent Sale on May 11-12-13 REED & HORTON bend The ggcdtZ Store weuon " LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I 11 Johnson was In from Mllll ui) on Mondny. r.r r. C. Coo left Sunday for n trip io Portlnnd. lodge T. B. J. Duffy was a caller In 'tuid on Monday. v A. Forbes and II. II. Do Arraond v tent Friday In Priiievllle. n Informal dance was given at the Knililoin Club Saturday. Louis Dennett, of Medford, Is In Hi'nd tills weok on business. A Ii. French left Sunday on n litis Int'ss trip to Portland and Seattle. V I,. Irish left on Saturday for a short stay In Cnmas, Washington. C 51. Hodfleld and W. A. Nnnnoy were up from Deschutes on Tuesday. The Bridge Club will meet with .Mrs J P. Kcyes on Friday, April 21. rll 21. M II. l)of,io, engineer In chargo of tho Strnhorn survey was In Ileud en Monday. Sheldon Volkman, traveling freight agent for thu S. P. & S. was In town on Tuesday. V. A. Soutliwlck and Clydo McKny left today for a trip to Silver l.ako and Paisley. Thu Commercial Club luncheon will bo held on Saturday at tho Pilot 'jtitte hotel. David Dfe Armond, a brother of II. t Tin Ao.ttAn.l n eli.ul ntt Cli.n.tni. In Heslde here. Mrs. T. W. Trlplow, or Welsor, Ida ho, Is visiting thtH weok with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Day. County Commissioner Overturf vis ited tho road camp on tho Cllno Falls road on Mondny. Bricklaying on the August Nelson building on Hond street was begun Monday morning. Tho Bridge Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. II. V. Sktiso on Friday afternoon. 5Irs. 51. W. Matthews ond children of The Dalles, spoilt Sunday In Bend lth 5Ir. Matthews. M, A. Homor and It. 1'. Jefferson ot Seattle, arrived In Bend last week ind will locnto here. R, II. Post has returned from Cres cent where ho visited his family for short tlnio last week. A number of Bend people atteTded the dnneo given nt the Deschutes ho tel Wednesday evening. Mrs, A. G. Allen has finished the term of school at Mllllcnn and mov-l ed into town for the summer. 1 Mr ond 5Irs. C. A. O'Brien arrived 'rhursdny night from Gaston, Oregon, ind will make their home here. Frank O'Lnughlln, of Crosby, North Dakota, has been In Bond for teveral days studying conditions. Carl Wodeckl, of tho Curl Wodeckl Fruit Company of The Dalles, was a hurlneas visitor In Bend on Tuesday. Mr and 5Irs. Jack Stnnley enter Ulned a crowd of young people from Bend at their ranch Sunday evening. J E, Parsons has recently arrived from McCloud, Cal., to tr.ke a posl tlon with Tho eiievlin-HUon Com liny J. F Popo nnd family left this "lornlng for Pocatello, Idaho, whore 1 'll be In business. 5Ir. Clark pul, if Bend, Is the new manager "Mhe Pioneer Telephone Company r'ook County Journal. O. C Hcnklo returned Friday from Portland bringing with htm ti now flvj passenger Stcnrns-Knlght auto mobile. Tho 51 U Pino Iioosters. of 511111 enn, plan a picnic of Juniper Itidgc north of tho Mllllcnn valley, next Sunday. Mrs. T. II. Foley returned Inst night from Portland, accompanied by her aunt, 5Irs. K. C. Hobblns, of Portland. Tho Bond Company Is erecting a building on Wall strrot next to Bak er's grocery to bo occupied by Lyon & Carlson. Georgo N. Whistler, of tho firm of Prlco-Wnterhouso of Seattle, Is nud ttlng tho books of the Bend Company this weok. A number of Bend people went to Tumalo Friday evening nnd attended thu danco given by the Tumalo "Fair Association. Invitations hnvo been Issued for tho ninth wedding anniversary of Mi. and .Mrs. Georgo Young on Wednes day, April IsT. Phillip Brooks Is expected In town this week to make final arrangements for tho now hotel which ho and Frank Sullivan nru to build. Joe McKay, of Portland, Is visit ing with friends nnd relatives this week, 51 r. 5IcKny expects soon to leave for .Montana to reside. Fred Glonn, of Portland, rqprcsent- Ing Keelor Brothers, wns here last week on huslncsa connected with the proposed 'Strnhorn bond Issue. 51. S. Lester, n .son of Sam Lester of Silver Lnko, Is now working for tho Pioneer Auto Stago and Truck Co. at Bend. Fort Hock Times. Dr. II. K. Thnyor, of .Medford, passed through Bend today enrouto to Paisley whoro ho wns called on ac count of tho death of his brother. Tho Presbyterian Guild will hold nn Faster apron, candy and cfjoked food sale In tho Commercial Club rooms Saturday afternoon and even ing. K. F. 5IcKeo has accepted n posi tion with The Shovlin-IIlxon Com pany and will begin his duties as soon as ho can bo relieved ut tho stntton, P. II. Polndexter, 5Ir. and 51rs. II. 51. Polndexter and .Mr. and Mrs. J. Ireland of Prlnevlllu Bp.;t th week end with 5Ir, ,and .Mrs. II. V. Poln dexter. Lynn Nichols wns In town from Bend on Tuesday. Ho Is looking for sultablo horses to supply tho recent heavy demand for tho army. Madras Pioneer. 5Irs. 51. J. Harvey, of Christopher, Washington, arrived In Bond on Sat urday to join her daughtor, Miss .Montello Ilarvoy, of tho Bend Park Company, All members of the Bend, band are requested to be at tho baud room at 8 o'clock sharp noxt TuebJny night. Some Important business Is to be considered. Mr. and .Mrs. Nato Rico from Van couver, B. C, havo been spondlng the week end with Mr. and 5lrs. J. II. Ilaner. .Mr. Rico Is an old schoomate of Mr. lianer'8. Mrs. F. L. Kellehor arrived Mon day from Llbby to Join her husband. 5Irs. Kellehor Is foreman In charge of the lumber yards of The Shevlln illxou Company. i Spring Brightens Things Outside Your Home LET US BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME INSIDE A new piece of Dining Room Furniture; u Rocker Library Table -will brighten the interior of your home. We are glad to help you furnish your home on easy terms. E. M. THOMPSON TJ1E FURNITURE MAN A. P. White, president ot the Nor thern National Bank, of BemldJI, 51lnn., w,lth 5Irs. White nnd their daughter, 5IarIon, visited friends in Bend last week, O. II. Erlcksan nnd J. Cllngnn, now confined in the city Jnll after con viction In Judge Enstcs' court' will probably be taken to the county Jail In Prlnovllle soon. 51rs. Kemp, president of the State W. C. T. U Is spending a few days in iienil. She held n meeting nt the liojne of 5Irs. Chnrles Nlswongor-on Tuesday afternoon. . C. II, Bishop has recently complet ed the work of landscape gardening on the grounds Surrounding the Brooks residence nnd Is now engaged on the Lara grounds. Rev. JI. C. Hartranft returned on Sunday morning from Stnnllold where he' attended', tjie spring annual meet ing of tlio Presbytery or the Presby terian church of EaBtorn Oregon. H. G. Plymnte, n pnrponter or Pen dleton and his family arrived In Bond this week and will reside here. 51r. Plymnto has purchased property In Kenwood and will erect a bungalow. 5lrs. V. A. Forbes nnd Miss .Mar garet Wlest ontertnlned Saturday noon wjtli n luncheon. Those present were- 5Irs. 11. J. Overturr. 5lrs. L. D. Wlest, .Mrs. 51. (1. Coo, .Mrs. E. W. Wnrd, and 5Uss Nell .Market. II. C. Kills mndo n trln into tho woods on 5londay to register men on tho logging operations or The Shevllii-Hlxon Coinpnny. ,Ho wns ac companied by G. S. Young, S. 13. Rob erts, W. D. Barnes and Ashley For rest. D. F. Doherty of Vancouver, Wash., but recently or Bend, Is in our city looking after some business Interests, .Mr. Doherty Is well pelnsed with our city and mny decide to locato hero permanently. Harney County Tribune- In honor or 5IIsb Ilogan nnd 5Ilss Mnrjorlo Henderson, 5lrs. II. G. Nor ton entcrtnlnod Thursday afternoon with six tables of bridge. 5Irs. W. W. Faulkner won the first prize nnd 5Irs. E. D. Wilson the consolntlon prize. Rov. E. II. Slettednhl of the Scan dinavian-Lutheran church of Seattle, arrived In Bond this morning nnd will hold services In the Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock this evening. Af ter tho services thoie will be a Biiort business meeting, 5Ir, and Mrs. II. W. SkiiBc enter tained at dinner nt tho ICniblemi Club Snturdny ovonlng, their guests being Mr.'ond .Mrs. Frank Sullivan, Mr. nnd 5Irs. C. S. Hudson, 5Ir. nnd 51 -s. 51nrtln Kenileld, .Miss 5lnrgnret Downs, Chns. W. Ersklno r.nd W. A. Buswoll. P. W. l.ilr.n, logging superintend ent of the Crookston Lumber Co. visited the local Shevlln plant last week. Mr Lnkln was' former! a resident ur iieitd representing the Shevlln lir -rests In the purchase of Contral Oi "gon timber. The IJeiul llrlck and Lumber Com pany has placed the first order with the Huffscbmldt-Dugnn Iron Works. A. 11. Horn, malinger of the Bend Brick & Lumber Company lias ordei- ed n set or grates for the new boil ers nt the brick yard. Tho Scandinavian - Lutheran La dles Aid met Inst Mondny afternoon with .Miss Margaret Aune. Plans were mode for n solo to be held in tho fall nnd to that end the society will do private scwllirt. Severn! new members Joined the society. The Ladles Auxlllnry or the Bend Commercial Club will hold .a special meeting next Saturday afternoon in tho Commercial Club rooms to con sider matters connected with the free city dellver of mall. A full attend ance of members Is urged to be present. 51r. nnd Mrs. H. K. Brooks enter tained Saturday evening with n din ner in honor of .Mrs. Hogan and Miss .Mnrjorlo Henderson who are visiting with Mr. and 51rs. Norton. Those present wore 51r, and .Mrs. T. A 51c Cnnn, 5Ir and 5lrs. II. G. Norton, 5Irs. llogiin, 51r. nnd 5Irs. II. K. Brooks. Miss Esther 5Ioore. Miss 5InrJorlo, Henderson, Tlieo Norton, David Sullivan and Walker Buswell. Mr. nnd 5Irs. .1. H. Ilnner gave a luncheon nt the Emblem Club on Pil day In honor of Mr. and 5Irs. Arthur White and their daughter, .Marlon, of BemldJI, who wero visiting hero last week. Besides .Mr. and 5Irs. White and 5Irs. White, the guests Included Mr. nnd 5Irs. Carl Johnson, 51r. nnd 5!rs. T. -A. McCunn, .Mr. nnd Mrs. 5Inrtln Kenileld, .Mr, nnd 51 rs. Rico. .Mrs. John E. Ryan, .Alius Esther Moore It. 1). .Mooro nnd 11. Lnthnm. Expert watch nnd Jewelry repairing nt Symons. Adv. EASTER SUGGESTIONS j&-T A V T () M O II I Ij I H TS PASSING THROUGH Tl'.MALO WILL RE CEIVE COl'RTEOCH TREATMENT AND EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AT THORP'S COXI-T.CTIONERV. Adv. Lenses duplicated, ed nt Symons. AdV. Glasses repnlV- TO WHOM IT .MAY CONCERN. Notice Is given to nil contractors and builders that no work should bo begun on any building within tho city limits of Bend until tho owner of tho property has secured u building per mit under tho recently enacted build ing ordlnanco or tho city or Demi. L. A. W. NIXON, Chlttf or Police. " Mm ' TiSRlmViH: IK I ,''11 ) v'''s l ' !'. .4.' Ladi les TRIMMED! Ori 1 O EXTRA SPECIAL Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we will sell 25 trimmed hats selected from our $3-50, $4.00 and $5.00 Lines, at each $3.00 Everyone wishes to be well dressed for Easier. This Store offers many things to complete .your Easier Wardrobe Ladles Stilts Stll.no to $!tMb Ladles Coats 7.7. to ft t.,10 New Wnxli Skirts -Sport htylcs In Indian Head, Gabardines and l.lneiie Priced nt Ml.a.-, SI. no. VJ, $'J!.n, Now Sl) les In Wool Skirts .Mixtures i.nd Pnliu Bench cloths nttrnctlvoly made, workmanship the host (no chargo for alterations) at .sill, Sd.r.o, Sil.7.1, ST.r.O, $S Sun Similes A new shipment of this season's stylus Just un packed, every conceivable stylo no two nllko wo ndvls an early selection while (lie nssortment is unbroken The prettiest ones ulwuys go llrst The prices SI.U.1 to spl.no New Knyscr' Silk Gloes for Easier Blnck nnd White wrist length, nt the pnlr .toe Kill Gloves Washnlilu kid gloves, In tun, white, pnlr . , ,.$l.no Lisle (Jloes, per pair -.ie mill Jl.'o Ladles ami Children's Ovfnnls Several tUylen hurt) for EaBter choosing Prices the lowest, STOP AND SHOP AT SATISI'ArriON WITH EVERY pcrciiase. Anyone wishing to rent a vacuum cleaner mny apply nt tho Altnmont for Information. 0-7e For fnrm land loans see J, Rynu &. Co. Rensonalilo rates, prompt service Adv. FOR ECONOMY SAKE SHOP AT WARNER'S . BEND'S ECONOMY CENTElt Overall Situation Tho past four months havo shown u decided Miiirlty of ileiilius, due piliu-ipully In lbi shoitiige of d)i's. - Tbo result lias been that otemlls have iiihiini'isl mill iidkiiuei'd linlll today it Is practically liupo.slbli to se ruio mi overall or any ifiil uoilli to sell for as low, as I Dollar We, bow ever, placed orders some l iiiontlis no for fiitme delheiy for liuge Mocks of overalls; Hiese lmv now iirilwd, mid it jdenhtt. us gienlly to In) able to sell you good Reliable Overalls $1.00 Per Pair We me Striving for .MEN'S lU'HIXKSS mid FAMILV TRADE. ARE SEARCHING' (ll'T THE LOWEST I'OS rilllLE .MARKETS AM) ARE (UVt.MJ OCR TRADE THE MENEI'ITll''CISE lU'VINd FOR CASH PIRCIIASIW, It will pay you to trade at SATHER'S SS2s2s2S2S irsiSSQ? Q QSiz? iCJ. W G$? THE United States TIRES will get yon there without diiliculty fewer hlow-onts, pnnetures;--better tread all around lu-tter service and more mileage, We carry a full line of UNITED STATES TIRES and TUNES. Skuse Hardware Company Fishing Tackle. Flower and Carden Seeds. i h n '3 i I ( J 1 ":&