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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1916)
Jim- Iftfl Y SODA DEPOSITS uniinmn THE I1END BULLETHf, DEND, OUR., WKDSKSDAY, ATOIL 10, 1010. ALKALI LAKE INDUS TRY TO DEVELOP lioflnlnR Kurnncofl Shipped to Minos unit Tnirks liouglit to Truusport Product to lUllrond Soda Al most l'urc Mine Have History (Chovraucan Press.) One of tho groat Industries of Cen tral Oregon, tho dovolopriiont of which has boon patlontly nwaltod by the Inhabitants of this vast empire has corno Into Its own. The vast soda dopoBlts ot Alkali lako are to bo refined and put upon the market nt onco. F. L. Young, Buporlntendont of tho mines 'Informed a representative of tho Press last Saturday that ho had Just recclvod a tolcgram from Mr, SprecklcB In San Francisco that tho furnacos had ulroady boon ship pod and aro now enrouto to tho mines. They will arrive at tholr des tination In a few days and will Im mediately bo placed In position noar tho deposits. Fuel Is already gathor cd so that no dolay upon this scoro will bo oxporloncod. Two trucks and possibly moro havo been shipped fronn San Francisco with tho furnaco and theno will first bo used to transport the machinery to tho mines nnd later to haul tho ro ll nod product to tho railroad. As tho soda Is takon from tho de posits It contains sixty per cont of water and nil this will bo takon away In tho furnaco. This leaves a com rmratlvoly light product of which Rreat loads can bo haulod making tho transportation prqblom a much cantor ono to solve. Tho balnnco of tho pro duct, that which will bo shlppod, Is practically puro, as puro at Last as tho soda sold by nil grocors, as It contains only two por cont of Impur ities. Just how many men will bo em ployed In not known and whllo tho numbor will probably bo small It will llkoly bo Increased as tho Industry tlovelops. Tho history of theso mines Is ono of Interest. Mr. Willis discovered that tho whlto substanco commonly called alkali by tho old tlmo rangers was really soda In an oxcoodlngly puro form. This was about 15 yoars ago. Ho had tnado tho trip overland from tho Columbia river to Alkali lako and upon his return ho Imnart ed to Mr. Young, who was then living in tho northern part of tho state, tho Information gained unon thn frit. Some tlmo later both Mr. Young and Mr. Willis returned to tho lako nnd staked tho claims, lloth gentlemen soon moved to this section In order to work tholr properties and hold them. Thon bogan a fight against heavy odds to hold tholr property. Year after year theso men were taxed to their utmost to Bcrapo together enough money with which to do tholr assessment work and every year tho strugglo became moro dlfltcult. All tho tlmo thoy wcro trying tholr ut most to securo financial backing for their entorprlso. Mr. Young finally secured tho major portion of the claims and still continued his dos perato struggle to hold them. About four years ago things got to tho point whoro assessment tlmo arrived and no monoy was nvallablo with which to do tho work. Mr. Young found It necessary that year to placo sentries upon tho claims to guard them against rostaklng until ho could got togothor enough mionoy with which to mako his assessment. Ho finally succeeded and that samo year he In terested Mr. Spreckles of Snn Francis co, tho great sugar king, In tho pro ject. Mr. Spreckles visited the mlno and agreed to stako his monoy on tho project. A now company known ns tho American Soda Products Co., was formed and slneo then tho eventual bucccss of tho mlno has boon nssured. Tho mlno Is located In what was ono tlmo tho bottom of nn nnclont sea nnd from nil appearances tho dopostts aro formod from ndorground sour ces as tho product Is deposited In groat pot holos somotlmes many feet In diameter, which won emptied Im mediately refill with soda. It Is pro nounced by compotcnt. Judges to bo tho most romarknblo deposit of tho product1 to bo found nnywhoro. Tho great purity of tho soda makes the refining work a slmplo matter. tho DELEGATES RETURN AFTER WOIIHGjiJONES BILL Ti T. Ilinklo Snys llotH Jones nnd Smith Measure Llkoly to Puss nt Present Boswlon of Conrct. (Tho Oreganlan.) Joseph T. Htnklo of Hormlston, ar rived In Portland yesterday from Washington, D. C. whoro ho attended tho convention of vatlous stnto rep resentatives Intorcntod In Irrigation ad dralnago dovolopmont. Mr. Hlnklo and O. Lnurgoard, of Portland, roprosontod tho Stato of Oregon. DoIogatlonB wero presont from all ot tho Western Irrigation states, as woll as from most of drnlnngo states of tho South. Resolutions were pnsecd urging Congress to give favorablo consldo-n-tlan to tho Jones bill and tho Smith bill, both of which aio now ponding. Tho Jones bill would onnblo tho Fed eral Government to guarantee tho In terest paymonts on approved Irriga tion or dralnago projects. It would bo materially beneficial to tho Wes tern states, It Is aigued, nnd by stab ilizing tho market for Irrigation and drainage securities. Tho measures, provides, In n. Federal way what tho legislation proposed by tho recent state credits conference proposes In a state way. Senator Jones, of Wash ington Is author of tho bill. Tho Smith bill is closely rolntod to tho Jones bill. It would mako gov ernment lands c.ipablo of roctnmatlon within any Improvement district sub ject to lion, tho snmo as privately ownod lands. Ono drawback now Is that Government land Is exempt from Hens, thus rotardtng many needed district Improvements. "I bollovo that Congress will pass ono or both ot theso bills nt tho pres ont session," said Mr. Hlnklo, at tho Imperial hotel last night. A BREAD KNIFE NEW 1IOOK8 HKCEIVED. Tho following books havo been nddod to tho fiend Public Library: Ilnchollor, "Darrel of tho Blessed Is les;" n.nch, "Urldgo of tho Gods;" Harr, "Dow of Orango Illhboni" Hun yan, "Pilgrim's Progress;" Cervantes "Don Quixote;" Dana, "Two Years Iloforo tho Mast!" Do Foo, "Robin son Crusoo;" EggIc3ton, "Ilooslor Schoolmaster;" Eliot, "Silas Mir nor;" Flold, "Lullaby Land;" Fiold Ing, "Tom Jones;" Grey, "Last of tho Plainsmen;" Hnlo, "Man Without n Country ;"Hnwthorno, "Tnnglowood Tales" and "Wondor Hook;';' Honry, "Cnbbagos nnd Kings" nnd "Op tions;" Holmes, "Poems;" Irving, "Hip Vnn Winklo;" Jnckson, "Ila m6na;" Joromo, "Idlo Thoughts of an Idlo Follow;" Knlor, "Toby Ty lor;" Koats, "Pooms;" A-Kompls, "Imitation of Christ;" Klngsloy, "Water llabics;" Kipling, "Captains Courngoous;" Keller, "Story of My Llfo;" "Olllvant, "Dob, Son of Ilat tlo;" Richmond, 'Second Violin;" RuBkln, "King of tho Golden Rlvor;" Sharpo, "Whoro Rolls tho Orogon;" Spyrl, "Holdl;" Slovens, "Undo Joro mlali;" Stoddard, "Talking Loaves;" Swift, "aullivors Travels;" Wiggins, "Mother Caroy's Chickens;" Wys, "Swiss Family noblnson;" Algor, "Plcclola;" Flold, "Quest of tho Four Loavod Clovor." A doslrablo bread knlfo frco with ovcry nnnunl subscription to Tho Bond Dullotln. Try our fresh broad nnd pastry. Cnrmody Drothora. llond street. Adv. 3G tf This desirable Bread Knife, indispensable in every home, will be given free to subscribers to The Bend Bulletin in Crook County. A KNIFE WITH EVERY ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION. This Bread Knife is exactly as shown in the cut above, but without any advertising. Flexible blade, curved edge, wooden handle. Just what you want. Get yours while the supply lasts. flTo old subscribers in the county: Renew for a year and get a knife. . JTo everyone in Crook County: Subscribe for a year and get a knife. ONLY $1.50 for a Knife and THE BULLETIN for one year Jaoles ana &entle, emen LEARNlDANCE NEW CLASS NOW FORMING Satouurday Evanitag 7s30 to 9 P M. sather's hall Expert Instructor 50 Ctnti Per Lesion VOGAN'S Chocolates For a change, take home the attractive Moire package 50dts and dolt one iar Reed & Horton Bend, Orrgon Paints and Finishes for Your Home If there is s shabby surface in your home to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, we have just what you need for producing the exact finish desired in the line of ACME QUALITY PAINTS AND FINISHES Let us show you colors for painting your house or barn, samples of finishes for floors, woodwork, walls, ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby places look new and attractive. COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. It tells what Acme Quality Paint, Enamel, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be required and how it should be put on. It not only enables you to tell your painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy for YOU to refinish the many surfaces about the home that do not require the skill of the expert the jobs that a painter would not bother with. Ask for a copy. IT'S FREE. i Bend Hardware Co. BEND TAGE 3. I k S, a ' . V " i W i t i i 79 i 1 4 I I ) S