FiSrl P-o- y- 1 I itlMl I tl (.. r '- rii'-jm j tfi"!!! 'rj.' .njjf-flslfcTf ' r-mffl i "i t , PAGE 2. TUB HK.f nflJiETiy, IlKXf), OltB., WEDNESDAY, AI'ItlTj 10, 1010. 1 h I I ,1 ' I r i t ' ?.. CENTRAL '1TMAI.O. (Spcclnl to Tho Bulletin) TUMAI.O, Apr'l 17. A good sized crowd attended tho druce Riven Fri lr.y night hy tho Wwt Sldo Agricul tural Association for the benefit of the hall. A committee of flvo club ineinlitTH served suppor and a neat sum was realized. Mrs. J. .1. Coon, Mrs. II. C. Cfldy, Mrs. Olnf Anderson, Mrs. Jllnke Heritor and Mrs. C. I'. Ilfckor, tho coinnilttee, woro nnHlHtoil In the work of norvlng hy Mrs. Tullar mid Mrs, Case. .Mrs. J. W. Snyder returned homo Saturday after spending a week n Jlund visiting Mm. Thorsen. .Miss Etta .lames und Miss Hoso l.llllo sppiil .Saturday in liend alien Jv lug teacher's 'nstltuto. Air. iiml Mrs. A. O. Walker nnd children of Alfalfa spent Sunday lit I ho Sn.vdor-Cndy homo. Miss l.onoro Mock, who retunu'd recently from I'ortlund, has nccepted u position with thu llend Water Light nnd Power Co. Miss Nltti llownll, Miss Nell How nll, Hnrry McGulru rnd Hugh Dan ford went up to Iluiul Saturday night In tho Coen car. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Decker wont over to Prlnevllle on Saturday to ho XOMO several days. Special services for Pnlm Sunday vr.rc observed In tho church yester day. School district 10 hns hired Mhs Florence Morrill or Prlucvillo to loach next year. Mr. and Mrs. C P. Hooker, Mrs. Mildred Taylor and llert Miller wont to Redmond Wednesday nftornoon. Albert Dsnopon or S-nltle crnio In Wednesday to llvo on his 10 ncro tract adjoining tin' Marsh ranch. Mrs. Howard was a dinner guest of Mrs. Dorking on Wednesday. Albert lliirpor. .1. A. Mnrsh and Mr. Sroggln were business visitors In Kmlmond wedneidav. Hny llrown. P. N. Wallace, John Stiles, Thud CnnotliorH nnd Bil Dmin were doing work on tho Irrigation ditches the past week. Mr. and Mis. W. I). Clark nnd two children left for Tho Dulled Momlnv inornlng wboro Wilinn will be given trontmonts Tho baseball gsme Sunday i rier lii on between Sinters nnd Tuimilo re united In k victory for the homo tonni, the score being I to ".. A number of tho rariuors htivo l,e3ii busy hauling luud plaster from llend Iho putt week. A desirable broad knife freo with ovory nnnunl subscription to Tho llond Ilullutlu. ti.uvi:iti.i.i:. (Special to Tho P.ulletln.1 (JI.OVHUD.U.H. April l".--Tho-o wn n meeting or stock raisers In SIiIoib Snturdnv which waB nttendeil bv ii laigu' crowd Interested In thu iT.ngea. The young people or Clovenlalo r.nd u number from Sillers nttenilud the b."ll Kiinin nt Tiininlri Sunilny. ' Mr. UlvetlH mntln a trip to llond on Tunsthiy. inturnliig Wednesday. Demi Cvrtm of llnystrek country veiled his stitor. Mrs. Ceo. Altken Wedliesdav. As Mr. Kellv was lending goods on H wagon near lili iloor Huntley, Henn, his little girl, roll from tho wiigoii win! broke her arm. Mr. anil Mrs. Nap, Mr. Mills nml Ml ah (IHinoii were guests of tho Ed KlllHtnui Siindnv. Robert HiiiIMi. for niniiv venrs n HHiiural sloio keener of Sisters, litis wild out lo pnrMea rrom llcponer. Mr. Smith and family will louvo by tho llrst or Mnv. Mr. Rlvelts lias decided to have a enlo ns ho has routed bin fnrni. Tlioio wns a phono iiie(tlug on Thursdii''. The grievance of the now project Is tho price of talking to llend over the proposed line. E. I, Wnldron iiiaile a IiubIihm tiln lo Redmond Thursday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Vim Mntro und fam ily were dinner guest nt Wuhlron'M Situdny. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnril were gnosis nt the Miller homo Sunday. Mr. While, a triiollng evangollst, held week cud meet lugs In Clover dule with fnlr nttenilance. lie goes lo Sister tntliiv. Mr. Wade of .Lower Desert wns In Clovenlalo Friday for u load of seed oh I. Mr. Ray und Mr. Dnnuy from tho MrCnll ranch wmo In Clovordalo on Siindnv. W. 1) Church of Wnlbi Walla and II. II. MoMlukto of Redmond, sto-i-jud hero for a few hours while on Ihelr wm' lo Sisters Snturdnv. Mrs. Toniptoton' Is spending a few days In Slslers at the home of her dauBhler. Mrs. Spuo. , A number or llshlug p.irtlos pussed through Sinters Sunday. A desirable broml knife freo with ovory nnninil subscription to Tho Uoud Itiillollu. i I'IMilllltST. (Special to Tho niiltetln), lMXKHlHltiT. April IT MIh- Ml, l.uelle Howell Mild ' Violet Simunh ttnnh'd the loifche.s iMlltutw In Menu niiiriiu. Hugh Danforth or 8sikiuii U MU tu ir i thu I low all hoillii. MlM Carol D)ton punt the week in. I with Mini Ruth llavley Jew Hurler of Tuinulo piistod through till neighborhood last Krl- .Mr. und Mm. I.. II. Root made n trio to mul on Frldn. Horace Root entered school Mon dny. inakliiK uuvnlhiioiit of i; tm ulla i I Piin look the MlMtHi llowoU, Harry McOulre nnd Hugh Dnnfonlj tu llond Mntiinliiy nigui in in cur Ivy Mnyilnr Is Bpondlng tho week wiili linr lrtlnr. Nellie. In llend r 11 HikiiiuIi went to llend on OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. visiting friends In this vicinity. Mrs. Snyder was a llend visitor one dr.y Inst week. Sovernl people of this vicinity at tended the ball game In Tumnlo on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. It. .Spaugh and family took In the movies In llend Saturday night. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark expect to leave for Tho Dalles with their daughter Mondny. In order to aid tho farmer tho Bond Flour Mill Co. has this year ob tained Apnx I.r-nd Plaster, a scien tific fertilizer. Adv. I.O.ST CHEEK. (Special to Tho nutletln.) LOST CHEEK. April 12. Mrs. C. C. Ithodes has gone to llend where she oxpects to ho employed for sev errl months. Movd Mercer wns n business vis itor at lluck Creok during the past week. Itocce and Clarence Smith made sonto purchnpf-B at llrunklngs store .it Hampton Ilntte, cjiio dr.v last woek. Miss Carrie llrown or Pleasant vnl lev, was nn ovor n'ght guest nt the Stnurfer home Inrt Monday night. C. O. Ashbv linn returned to his work nt llend nfter snondlng sevenl davq, with h's fainllv hrc. Mr. Ilutirelii stiont tho week end nt Ills home near Hntupton. Miss Alice llrnok'ngs was the wftt of her brother nnd fntnllv at llnmp ton Ilntte several ilnys Inst week. Mr. nnd Mrs C. A. Dnrrah have cone out to Portland to bo gone In definitely. Mr. Doncor took them to Ootid In his car. A desirable bread knife free with ovorv nnnunl subscription to The liend liiilletln. MIM.K'AX. (flneelnl to The rtnlletln) AN. Anrll 17. A. 1",. t.o vett nnd (iiiv K Debon. of tlodmoiiil "ore visitors at '" lion'" f Mr. pmiI Mrs (leorjro Mllllcnn llrst or the week. Mllllcnn i-h"o report tor tnoiiih endlnij Anrll 1 Ith: numbnr or lei n'ls enrolled, la. n vertigo nttcndnnc", 11, enst's of tn-illiii.ti 7. nunl's nh en nnr Inrdv iliirlnif flio inon'h nre I'lnl Jolmsiti, .Inv r.oodmnti. Keller. Melbn Ilnnkte, flmce .Tobn i"ll. WliltT Onnilnitui, nnd Morwhi tleukle. Joseph Ilnllnnd wns nbsent bill o" il'iv. If. V. Smith nnd v't'n. f'nm n 'ouitiilti rwifir tninii viited nt Hie A'b'ii iid Kvnrm bnine Timdtl" I,, floednmn niotit "evo'nl ilovn iif inut weok helping Frank Hurwltz put up renclng. Krlc Hoi(iniiil wns n "'Hidnv dlil IW "ili't "I Mm Heoicer orin. Atlrs oi fviownv pf Ile'd I' "' King nt the home or Miss Attn Clin gim Ciii'tv ""l'Of'1 innrilpn,nt T v. M''"rM vllled JtllMciti apbnnl on Ttnrsdn' n,,tl nresnt"'i the toipii,ir, He'i. Mt'i n s'"clnl cnrllllcnlo Tbee eertinrnln ?( to .1 enp'ierH only ns do stnntlnrd school WC'V. M-. Vliorl Dvni1 vIvllOl nt 'ho I,e 1op""v lioien P'st ot t'to wk ('. I,. Fvni wex In Homl on l'Mll llo" mivortl (' lst of the wnnlf. Mrs J. '. rtitmnn mini-noil Vrhiiv from llmid nHer u weir's visit with be" Ip'sbn'iil R. R. Kollc '' ror UmiiiI Rnti. dnv wliero lw will do c'rennler worlf. toe KHIolt nf I'm-oll Unite six"t ..i-,.r,il iinvs first of tho woek nt tho Mllllcnn he"n . (lonri MMlloi't lii nnrchl'nd a flee rniUlornil KlieUli Rlilro slnlllnn UMurrai rnotuj ncutr nin w wNDWHlUf FANCY PATENT $jjf tlHD, 4. ORK , UU 11 Ul . lUII C4 (I) That the mill stands siiunrcly back of each nnd ovory nck produced. i) Thut people todny nro demanding more sanltnrv methods In bundling table products, and that the smk ustitl us u container for Deschutes Spruy flour tills demand. (II) That iwcluitiw Spmy Hour iuuUim LIGHTCR, WinTHK.RRHAD. (I) That DaochutoA Sproy Hour mnkes llltTTLR TASTINCJ IlltlUI). () That It Is inndo la Rend rrom hi Crook mid Jnftoraon countltw. SOLD HV AI.Ii GROCKRS. TRY IT. Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J KROKNHRT. President-Manager ltK.M), OltKGON Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gllmoro or llend ar c expected out Saturday ror a week end visit with Mllllcan valley friends nnd to attend the Easter pic nic. Mrs, George S, Roberts loft Friday for llend for a short visit with Mr. Roberts. Vernon Clevenger was In Hetid for several days first or the week on bus iness. A. K. Plvek or Vancouver, Wash. Ington, who has been registered nt Mt. Pino Inn tor the past ten days, loft Monday for Hear Creek on bus- UlCBH. The school picnic given by th teacher nnd pupils last Friday," Apfll 1 Ith, wns Inrgoly attended nnd n most enjoyable dnv was spent bv ul present. Ilune ball, races, a big pic nic dinner nnd n program consisting of recitations nntl songs, wore among the attractions or the day. Among those who nttended beside the teach er nnd pupils were Mr. nnd Mrs. V R. Keller, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hol land. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cllrf Kvnns, Mr. nml Mrs. Levi Smith, Mr. nntl Mrs. I.oytl Owen, .Mr. nntl Mrs. Vernon Clevenger, Mr, nnd Mrs. P. tl. John son, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Hcnkle. Mi, nnd Mrs, Gen. Mllllcan, Mrs. Charl otte Owen. Mrs. T.ouls Schmorl nnd children. Mrs. I.eo Keller nnd chil dren, Mrs. Bghort Dyer, Mrs. I.eo Rooney, Mrs, Goorgo Powers, Mis. tames Hetikle, nnd children. Miss Opal Conownv, Misses Altn and Mnrv Cllngnn, William Rahn. Leo Touch or, Howard F. Dver, William Snencr. Ilenj. Goodman. Krncst Dyor, Spencer Cllngan. A. G Allen nnd IJnrle Pow ers. All en toyed the trents or candv, bv Mrs. Mllllcnn nnd soda wntor by Mr. Allen and Mr. Johnson. It. C. Harris, or llond. wns n. Mill! can valley business visitor Wednes dnv. C. A. Smith or llrothcrn roturnod to Ills homo Mondny nrter n week's visit nt the home rif Mr. nntl Mrs. Ilnrnld K. Smith. Louis Schmorl returned to Prlne vllle Monthly ntter n short visit with his family. A tleslrnhlo hrend kuRo Tree with every nnnunl subscription to Tho Rend Ilulletln. HAMPTON m'TTK. (Speclnl to Tho nuttotini HAMPTON !HTTTI';V April 12. Mrs. M. W. Shennnrd. who Bpent tho whiter In tho Wlllnniotto vnlloy. has roturnod to hor fnrm In this vnllay. C. Illntniui mnilo n business trip to llentl Inst week, Oscar llut7oln sneut Saturday and Siiiulnv with his wife who Is on tholr homestead. Jesse Monroo spent n fow dnys with his fainllv. J. M. Ilrlckoy nnd son Jlnimlo hnuleil hny Snturtlny from tho Shop part! rnrin. Miss Alice II rook I tigs or Stnuffer "intd with her brother Horace Inst Frhtny. , . Fred Miller Is holiilng JohrvWll llnnis log sago brush aorornl ilnya th law eek. Vie Johnson, who worked In Rend ror Revernl months, linn returned to his hniiiostontl. This vnllev wns visited by n gentle rnln this week. Tim school board or District No. 17 mot Inst Monday n'id hired Mls llerlha (Irnhntu ns tonchor ror next year. T. C. Kwlng hni resigned ns clork or the scbool bonrd nntl soon oxpects lo lenve this vnlloy to lie gnno soiuo months, Mrs. V. P. Wrny wns called lo Terrehonno by the denth of hor mot her, Mrs, John McFnddon, who died or henrt failure. Gnbrlol flatontl Is bnck on tils jz? j&r jg? jgr The Flovir vitK a Guarantee Your Grocer Han dles this Brand Be cause he KNOWS POSITIVELY- products grown homesctead nttor spending tho winter In Callrornln. ' Itoyce James went to Gap Ranch to work Emll Carroz returned to work tt Ruck Creek today. Jesse Monroe Is on the sick list. I'OWBIili llt'TTB. (Speclnl to Tho bulletin.) POWELL HUTTK, April 17. A. W. Rnyn had nn unpleasant exper ience Inst week when the colt he wns driving became rrlghtoned nnd ran nwny, throwing Mr. Ilnjn Into tho wire fence nnd upsetting the buggy. Mrs. Almn Hnll came home from the road camp on Tuesdny evening of Inst week nnd has been suffering from a severe cold for several dnys. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllco.xon, Mr. nnd Mrs. 12. N. Hall, Mrs. J. Shearer, .Mrs. Renves Wlllcoxon. J. A. Rlggs. Glntlys Rnyn, Mrs. Wells nnd family represented Powell Ilntte nt tha high school dance In Redmond Mon dny evening. Mr. Scott from Redmond. Is shingl ing the J. F. Rico house this week. The Sunday school Is busy prac ticing for thu Enster service to tnko plnco in the community hull on Eas ter morning. Mr i;u! Mrs. Ross llussct spent MoiiMnr of last week with Mrs. Ida Morse and family. ProL Evans and wife of Prlnevllle were guests at the E. F. Long homo on Sunday. Mrs. Guy Sears took grandma. Senrs to Prlnevllle on Saturday ntter sev eral weoks visit with relatives hero. Mrs. E. A. Ilussott and dnughtcr, Fny, spent Sunday nt the ranch. Mrs. E. L. Iverson nntl .Mrs. II. L. .Moore visited nt tho Morse homo on Saturday. Elmer Covert rnd Clnudo Christ inndo n trip to tho Tuck ranch on S ntlny. Will llrown has moved to Redmond nnd will work on the trnnsier lino with Henry Young. Mr. ?nd Mrs. L. W. Van Doren en tnrtnlncd nt Sundny dlnnor Mr. J. J. Chnpninn nnd rnmlly, Mr. Snytlor nnd rnmlly, John Shecno and ramlly, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Rico. Mrs. Adn Ren slow, .Max Strlxnor nnd W. T. Ilen son. Mr. nntl Mrs. Jess Shobert arc tak ing caro or the Allen Wlllcoxon ranch during Mrs. Wlllcoxon'H nbsencp. Mr. nnd Mrs. Honrv Young nnd daughter. Tholma or Redmond, vis ited nt the E. A. Ilussott nnd Geo. Shobert homes on Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Llndqulst entertnlno'l Mr. nnd Mrs. Stohicup or Redmond on Sunilny. John-Tuck nnd J. J. Chnpninn nro building Bomo bridges on tho Red-niond-PrlnovIlIo rond this week. Georgo .Morgan hnB contracted to BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. i Dry Factory Wood v&r C PROMPT DELIVERY, Phone for further information Bend White Pine Sash Co. Phone 441 rarm tho north SO owned hy Wm. Wilson. The Wnrron, Dixon & McDowell Co., of Prlnevllle bold 125 head or beef cattle Irst week which they had wintered nt tho Tom Huston ranch. Peter Pauls nnd rnmlly and E. It. Agee were guests or Mr. and .Mrs, Wnllace Smith on Sundny. Harry Mertz ot Tetherow Iliittes visited at the R. L. Moore ranch nn Sunday. Tom llcnson came down trom Heir Creek last week In order to take the cattle owned by Mr. Sheeno back to the range for tho summer. J. A. Rlggs nnd Geo. II. Roe vis ited Hend on Snturtlny. Miss Pr.ullno Trucsdnle nttcnrisd Institute nt Rend on Saturday Mioses Josephine and Cecelia Man Benu were entertained nt the Llnd qulst hoirn on Sunday. Tho menu commltteo for tho opei Ing danco met with Mrs. J. F. Rico on Monda Wm. Wflnon sold IiIb entire baud of sheep last week, retaining this yenr's wool Chnrlle Munin nnd tlyrd Fnrlclgh of IlPtlmnnd spent Fcvornl days on the Minna ranch Inst week doing some work there. C. Lelt. left for Idntio Saturday morning where ho expects to reiunln until nfter hervest. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wntter Lester nnd Dick Long camped on the Mctollun river several dnys Inst week. The hor rd of directors of the coin munltv hnll nnd dnnce committee inrt with N. P Allcv on Tuesday evening of Inst week to complete nrrntlge inentB tor tho opening dnnce on Apill 28. J. A. llowninn nntl son Roland. Geo. 11. Roe nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon spent Sundny nt the Mo tollns river. Clyde Monro spent Sunday at Cllno Falls visiting rrlends, C. C. Montgomery returned to tho rond work nenr Cllno Fnlls on Sunday ntter spending several dnvs nt homo nttondfng to nccessnry business. MARKET REPORT. NORTH PORTLAND. April 17. Cattle market opened tor the week nt n rather brisk rate. Pulp fed steers ngnln sold nt $9, showing no chango over last week. Tho proportion or good steers wns liberal, the better than $S clnss being plentiful. Cows and hellers woro nt tho old rate. Hulls woro not hero In liberal num bers. Cnlves nre Bhowlng an Increase In receipts Hog receipts woro not liberal. IleRt prime lights worked thomsclves to n 5c higher level, top price holng $!).05, Market closed strong. Hardly enough sheep ennio forward to mnko n market. As usitnl all primes of Inmhs nro strong, llutchor sheop nro In excellent de mand nnd top prices nre being renl lzed. Sets J. Ryan & Co., for farm Innd loans. Adr. "nrE are now prepared r r to supply clean, dry factory wood to the homes of Bend. This wood is the trimmings from sash and door cuttings, kiln dried and planed. Re quires no cutting or split ting for household use and will be found to be the most desirable of all kit chen fuels here, as it has been proven elsewhere. PLUG CHEWING WHOLESOME In Ha Other Way Can You Get All the Richness and Flavor of the Leaf "SPEAR HEAD" BEST CHEW 'Many prominent physicians declare chewing to be the most wholesome way of enjoyinu tobacco. "I began chewing some years ago, said one, "and I soon found that it u the only way to get the benefit of all the rich juices stored up by nature in the tobacco leaf. I refer, of course, to the plug form of tobacco, which is the most natural and the cleanest form. "Chewing good tobacco like Spear Head makes the salivary glands more active, which in turn has a beneficial cfTcct on the whole system. Add to thu the sweet, mellow, delicious flavor of a chew of Spear Head, and you have the highest possible degree of tobaco satisfaction. -I mention Spear Head because I have found that this brand h excep tionally pure, being made in a fac tory that's run strictly according to pure-food rules." Spear Head is made of sur.-npcnel Burlcy. which is acknowledged to b; the richest, mildest, finest flavored to bacco leaf in the world. And it u produced by the latest processes, wine' develop the quality and luscious flavo of the choice Durley to the supreme de gree. W chew of Spear Head has a whole some relish that is not found in any other chewing tobacco. In. 10c cuti, wrapped iu wax paper. Taken With Croup. "A few nights ngo ono of my pat rons hns n child tnken with croup," writes M. T. Davis, merchant. Rears vllle, W. Vii. "About midnight ho canio to my storo nnd bought a bot tle of Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Com pound liorore inornlng tho child was entirely recovered." Mnny such 'Iciters have been wiitten. Sold Every where. Adv. w 1 STOP! Ami lnc.itlgute our price before Inlying your groceries.) We cum save you money. P.B.Johnson's Mllliran, Ore. Telephone LaL di? -t f tl I ,uilnoiw Tucxiduy. II. A. Nv.-vicomb or Coe. OrcKMi, ! BB SLsumjm