L-E3E2Ei VAC.K 12. Tin: iii:ni ufij.KTix, iikxi), oiti:., wnnxnsnAV, apmtj in, 1010 Houses For v.. The Lovable Star of the Foot-Lights, who, drawing m $150,000 salary, has been the subject of" magazine and newspaper stories for months TETHEROW MAYTWIRL FOR LOCALS BEND TOHAVE fpinj - imri! " "" I SPEEDY NINE CSSai liSai mm linn ,! fc!A Wv " ,f V ! ; i h - P r ,,Oij;uiiIiiHoii win Mmlo for lie KHeclcil anil Sclicdnlo Willi Plant Toimis I'litm Porttaiiil nml Col umbia Cher Itnslii this Sciinoii LY AS THE WINSOME AND ENTIRE- ADORABLE WILL-O'-THE WISP LASS IN JTHE SCOTCH DRAMA Prospects tiru bright for lloiul to luive Hid fattiest semi-pro banc hall term In Central Oregon. Tills was Mhown last Sunday wlimi, for tho llrnt tlmi) that It 1 1 nil lii'cn together, thu lloiul team made rimy pickings or the fast S1if Iln-I llxon Coiupiiny'H tilnc Willi .lens Tethoiow, who twirl oil for I'llnovlllu liiRt season In tho box, winning o(ir tho mill tmini by n score of K lo 0. Although tho nlno has not bruit organized Indica tions nro Hint Henil will bo represent mil bv it tentn which will give Homn of thu rlty longim teems of tho Hluto n l'nxt run. That Tellmrow. who Ik considered lo bo ono of tho best iimiil-profcBHlon-nl pltchorH In Oregon, hi nnxIoiiH to piny with 1 lotnl wits Inillcntcil hist Sunday nflor thu ganio when It Ih hi'. I (I Hint bo prnt'tlntlly gave tho team IiIb wonl that ho would twirl for Item! UiIh ition Tothorow, sup lilciiKintoil bv Norvnl Springer, will give I tun il u Htrong p.ilr In tho box. Will Oi-K'iiilc Soon. At n biiKi) bull mooting which will lip liolil within tin next fpw ilnyi nwro iIpIIiiIIp phun rolntlvo to orgn- liliitlon iiml ki'IipiIiiIp nf games for 11m ranting hciihiiii will ho iiimiIp Tho Tluml tonm expects to gut Into action onrllnr HiIh season thnii last It Ih oxpocted Hint Hut hcIipiIiiIp will In 1'ljtlll) kuiiiph will HPVPrill I'llv league tii'nniH of 1'oitliiiiil. lloiul Klvcr. Tho Dalles iiml other Columbia rlvor towiiH. PrltiovHlo, Uoilniond, Hums, I'ulHlpy iiml l.nknvlow 'IVnniH of nth or towns will bit IiicIuiIpiI just its booh ii b tluiy a it- organized. To Form City I.viiuiip. A city lpni;uit which will Incluilo Hm town Ipiitn, tho tP'im from Tho ShovUn-lllxnn Compauv ami Tho llrnokS'Scuiiloii Lumber rompnuy will bo arranged later on with a rog ulnr hoIipiIiiIi) of games. Thu ppiHotiupl of Hip team to (Into IiiciIuiIph MiiiiId O'DoiiiipII, catchpr: TdHipiow iiml Sprlimer, pltchiMH: Stolill, llrxt base: llortoii, hpcoiiiI harp: Ituv IIiivIh, llilnl buse: Miller ami Hoed, short stop: Springer nntl .lohuxnu. light IIpIiI- Snrnat, left Mold mid Stover, winter Hold. OthiT men n boil I town arp being scouted for oar ly enlistment. In' IhhI Siiiulav'rt game Tpthorow KHVo tho IIpiiiI fans foiiii'tlilntr 1IId m bnuM ball (rest Up allow c(l oiip lilt: not 20. hIiI l(o oiiIh; only two men mil on Iiiimm, anil tmo not un til tho KPVfliith limine: 11 of Hip llrHt la iikmi whip Mtriic.k out; no iiipii whip wnlkuil: In Iho Mint hpvpii IiiiiIiikh only Hut plli'lipr. calchor anil Ili-Ht liHamon loiirhnil tho ball, TotliPl'ow tint lliroo IiIIh, of which ono wh a laMPr whlnh ho tiled to Htrntch Into tt homo rim ami got caught at tho liomo plain. t. "PEGGY" 8 REELS FULL OF at tho HAPPINESS DREAM THEATRE XOTICK. Ono Hhcop nml laiuli emtio to niv pIhcu il inlli piihI or lloiul on April 11, Ownur oon havo aino by lilontl fvliin proportj. 7p. .ioiin awinnu. DILLIE liURKE Endayj Apirfl 24 ADMISSION 25 AND 35 CENTS MATINEE SUNDAY :.'0 Admission 15 and 25 Cents Irillie II WURKE CLASSIFIED ADS I'OU UKXT. rOU 1U:NT--I'lnnt. IikiiiIio Ilul lotlu or phono Red ill. 7p I'OU IUCNT-1'nnturo LMI or 2 .1 houil of cattlo. I'liono Kiiriil ."17. I.ewtii ranch, 7-1 Oc TO I, i: A Hi; UK) acio farm 8 iiiIIch from Head. IrrlKatoil, 110 In ciil t Iwittlott. l'p acres nlfalfa, II. II, Do Armonil, Ilouil, OroK'on. Itfu I'OU ham:. KOU SAI.H -Yuar old thoroiiRh- broil Whlto Hock cochorol rooHto., buul from $:ir nioHtor, I'rlco f.". Al iIiohs V. O. bo ypr.. 7c KOU SAI.H -Cheap, If. tnkoii nt ouco, farm near Ilouil, Iioiiho In city IIiiiIIh, fiiinlHlieil or iiiirurulHhoil. In qulro Monro's tPtlilpnco near Hteldl'H iimlilonco lu urn tli part of town, miar ami on ontU alilo of DoKchutM rlvor. 7-8p . Two choice hoiiumtoml rollnitilnh nioiitB with kooiI ImprovonimitB. lt iiulro C. A. lluiiBHtuii. Ury I.nhu, Oro Kon. 7tfc I'OU SAI.13-Ti) holforM, ono coin Inn fiptih: ono iitpor, ono .lomoy milk cow, at u bargain. H. A. Hlnkloy, 7.f I'OU SAI.K Hoime and lot, ami two lotH on (Iruouwooil nvoiiuo, at it baiKalii. H. A. Illrkloy. 7tr I'OU 8AI-1C Ono bpilHtoml, ono BprliiK, ono rocklntr chair, hoiiio dk-.bert. ltiioin ., .Ma AptH, ip KOU HAI.K- llirkiium'H PiiKlnuor'H nml archltfctfl lovol. Cost $18 will 3M5tM&Jl--25- .' Trout Season Now Open Our stock of Hods, Baskets, Lines, Heels, Hooks. Spinners, Fly Hooks, etc , is the onh COMPLETE stools in the county. i hoII for $27 Combination roml srailor, ditch uirknr, lovolor nml bbko- liriiBh grubbor, cost $172-prlco $100. Croani Hcparator, I'conomy Chlo', HklmmliiK capacity GOO lbs., cost $4!i prlco $27. KOU SA1.I0 John Dcoro kiiur plow, light lift, cost $72, prlco $:t.". Mtk. .M. i: KiioUh, llvo miles out m llond-llurns road. Phono Ilur.il I2fi. 7-Sp . FOU SAI.H Comploto ImchliiK otitllt. Apply I'OHt olllco box KiS. 7p FOR SAI.i: Flvo room liouso In Park addition. $2T down nml $2C monthly. .1. Uynn & Co. , Itfc FOU SAM: Flno old Snlzard vlo Hit. Day .MiihIc Htoio. 2tfc FOU HAM: Houno nrnl'Mot, fi block from mill. Favornblo terms. Imiulro Ilullotlii. ' 2tfc I'OU SAMS Two lota In Dos chutcH Dililltlon, lovel and free from rock, woll located. Prlco $27fi ench. TorniB. J. Hyan & Co. :itf FOU HAI.K Four vory choice loin III Park addition, prlco ntid turniii rlRht. .1. Uyan & Co. 3tf FOU HAI.K Flvo room hnuso. iiioderii cJcupt boat, well furnished, ncliiilltiK $ I'iO piano, two lots 10x11 1 ench, ciono to hiIIIh and fchool. $2, r(l() ciihIi or $2,700 half canlt.' balance ono nml two yearn, J, It an & Co. Htf FOU HAI.K Flvo room furnlslicd Iioiihp, moilorii except beat, comer lot liOxllO, well located. Price $1, 200; $200 cash, llalanco easy month ly payments. J, Uynn & Co. 3tf ' FOU SAI.K Theo now l room Iioiihp, $800 ench, 10 per cent cash, balance easy monthly payments. J, Uynn & Co. Sale We have seven new, up-to-date houses, located close to both mills, with city water, electric lights and sidewalks. Prices $850 to $1,000 We have two houses in the most desirable resi dential district, splendid river view, only fifteen minutes walk from mills, all modern conveniences Prices $1,750 and $2,000 Our terms of payment on these houses are 1 0co cash and balance on easy monthly installments. WHY PAY RENT when you can get a home and pay for it on about the same terms. Come and "see us it you want a home or anything in real estate. D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets. FOU SAI.K Home nnd lot. I'rfcw rl?ht. Terms reaBainbSc. InqtiliT A. K. Kilwnnla, Hon SlRn Co. 37 FOU SAI.K SIiikIo Urlvlnn buggy. hnniuKS and saddle, luqttlro Ilul lotlii. - ctr I'OU SAI.K or TUAnB Improved , of Ashland Powell Iltitlo farm at Mb sacrlllco to aid widow. Must be ltl. Spiltlg water piped to house. Qipilre Bul letin. 0-7 p. FOU SAI.K or TRADE -For lin prowd ronl estate, oiu' Plerio Arro, Buvon passenger cur, Inipilro T'.io llullctlu. Atfu FOR SAI.K or TUADISKor nuto, rellnnulBlimout with wnUr C iiiIIps from Howl. Imiulro llullctlu. Gtfc FOR SAI.K- A numhtr of fresh milch cows, all oung, Iwef prlcei. 11, I.. Ilrazeo. Powoll Iltttte. Otf FOR SAI.K 100 acre ranch on coast, for trade prlco $8,000; for I--rlKiitcil land In eastern Oregon. Ily owiipr, box 10, 11080 Koilse, Ore. C-Tp FOU SAI.K- Motorcjcle. Twin Indian, run about 1.000 miles: gooit condition. Prlco $125. Address A. I Our Tackle Always I I Catches 'Em I if. Bend Iiadvare Co, $ And remember -our prices are, as usual, the lowest. Come in and look them over Business is Good: Why? Wo havo the ppoplifu coullileuce. And In this respeot thorq Is one tiling about our liouso that goes further to prove tho BtiporlorltV of this place than imy thing wo could say. That Is tho kind, of confidence) that can be won on'v with tho right klmlial product. Tlutro nro somo stores that nro w finned fjfr Hio quality f goods thoy soil, an I lor tho Jualo h regard tli8yv,liavo for their reputntlon pud Tor the rigid and Indexible lionoaty goveniltig their whole liulne life that tlielr oustomers novor ask qtiwiHoiiH iUmiiii Hielr purchases. They simply tell what Jby want and loavo the rust to the sloio. miprumoly "confident tliut thp.faltli will novor be nutihod. This Is the llV wo mlvottUo, IIusIiimb Is good, -- Af.'U.VIS: I'm- Hip fniiuis line of lliilck iiiitouiolilli. ;(xl)ttir Tin Seixlce Siatlon, Secoml liaiiil cm for sale, $'-'00 to 1011(1. Bend Garage Company Motto: "SERVICE" NOT A SIDli UMi'WITM us hut tiiu wmolu thino i i Wall, P. O, box 233 for appoint ment. fi-7p FOR BALK or TIIAIIK Flno horns in Alb.ioy nud one largo ami ono mnall nmcli cltno In: 100 ncroa lino timber; T.r, nrres fruit ami alfalfa ranch, lino house Just out sido cllv Stock ranch wnnfod. B. (1 Snyilor, L'77 Almond street, Aih- Gtnd, Oroiwn. C-7 WAXTKI). WANTKIJ I.aunilerlnK or hoiue kccjilug. .Mrs. Thomas UugsiJule. phono ltlnck SSI. ,1tf WANTKI) Competent girl for (iiMioral liom-t work llrw. I. J. Over turf, rttr WANTKD Sewlnit: .boy nlotliM n spcclnlty. Mrs. (ioIUon, oer II. W. U. & P. olllcei. C.pp WAftTKl) (lirl for goneral Iiihno WTnrk. Good wages. Imiulro riull tln. i;.-i WANTKI) Chlckons and other farm produce for cash at Wright Iiotel. 7c WANTKO- A Hiilwiiwin. Ono of bile purls Is now placing on the nin"--ket a 2.'f00 lb. & clvfudpr. r nasse-i- gor car, soiling at loss than $1,00V ' A reprosentntho Is wanted In thu territory who can afford to '(iitrchiw a demonstrating ear (dealer's ill count) nml co-operato with dlstrlbip. r In selling. Address Stato I)'i trliiutor, 3C:, K. Orogon St., Porttaml, Oregon. . 7-8-94 WANTKI) .Man nnd wlfo to wor.t nn ranch Must bo good frrlgato Also ln) 10 or over to herd catle, Tel. Clraiioa Stpchen, 7 WANTKI) .Man to tnko workln Interest 'ii a IlKht autw truck fit llenil Addresn F. F. F., Hox 32,'J, Ilend, Oregon 7p LOST AND FOUN,l. LOST Chock book and memo rmtdiim book with somo cash in check look. Howard. A. It. Gcrt Bon, Oregon rtreet. 7p FOl'ND Elgin watch In rlclnitv of Itrooks-Scnulon mill. Imiulro i old Anuvlrnn Tlntr.m Inrt.a nililf the largest manufacturers of nutottn- tlon. 7-sc, C C. S. Hl'DSON, Presldont I'. C COK, Vice President K. A. SAT11KU, Vlco Pros. K. M I.AR Cashier I.. O. McItKYVOI.DS, ABst. Cashier; u. a siOKK,Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF BENIJ, BEND, OREGON Capital fully paid Surplus . J.00o a.'o.OOO All National Banks are Government Institutions. They are subject to the same strict rules and regulations in force in all departments of the Government, and required to live up to its high standard. I NATIONAL HANKS must belong to the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, and are entitled to all of its advantages. We will be pleased lo explain to our friends Sind o lomers the many advantages of this syttem and the pracW cally limitless protection it offers to depositors. - i TEe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND "C 5y KC2P' Q23' e3' r5' txa Jjyyyyylyy"" , r I' I 4 i r ' M. JL'J K i iii inin" '- m-mi.s u wmm ".: -k ... A.wab. ib-----H----1l L' 1