The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 19, 1916, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    rAOK 10.
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(Continued from last week.)
The lands of Crook county gener
ally, excepting the narrow river bot
toms, aro composed of a desert soil
with very little huraus or vcgetaljlu
matter In tholr composition. Yields
obtained from flolds of alfalfa which
have been planted on new lands have
provon unsatisfactory and the grow
ing of other crops together with the
addition of humus will lucrcaso tho
yields of alfalfa planted thereafter.
One of the most nwessary require
ments for tholr Improvement and for
the growing of maximum crops Is the
uddltlon of this humus. Through the
use of barnyard manures, much of
the necptmry humus may bo obtain
ed but, In a toiin'ry as now so this,
fw nulmals arc kept by the average
farmer and the manure Is not ob
tainable. "The value of crop rotation
an more fertile lands and In older
cultivated sections has been proven
nnd Is roongnls'od by all. Tho pro
duction of crops which will return a
profit ami, at the mimo time, add veg
etable matter to tho soil will usually
return a larger profit nnd allow tho
farmer to "mnko oxponses" as he Im
proved his noil.
Jn our rr'tonnnlBflanco of the agri
culture of tho county In lifll, we
found that tho majority of tho far
merH, In fart practically nil of them,
wore growing one crop or class of
crops on their fields continuously.
The value of the rotation of crops
viih recognlxod and tho practice rcc
omtnonded from the beginning of our
work In tho county but, hecatiHo of
the dllllculty always encountered
when n new man In n country under
takes to chnngo old methods and be
mine wo aro aware that compara
tively few farmers could bo Influenc
ed to follow our reronimondntlons In
this particular, tho "rotation of crops
project was maun fourth In our
plium for this season's work.
Two furmors were this year Influ
enced to start a rotation system by
plowing clover sod nnd planting on
tho flold a crop of potatoes. Rovoral
liavo dated that thoy would use n
rotation system following this Boa
Hon's ci op. UoHultlng crops from
plnntlng potatoes on clover sod, show
nn Incroniio of 10 and fiO bushelH of
potatoes on theso two Holds.
On now Inmls In this section, pota
toes make a vory fair yield. Oraln
cropH following tnnko nn Increased
yield over those planted on now
lands or on grain lands Field pons
Krow woll, especially when planted In
rowH and cultivated. Clovorn grown
with tho grains ns a covor crop, mnko
excellent growth the first year and
good yields of liny the second year
nnd pplntoes grown on clover sod
nhow IncroiiKod yields. Sweet clovor
Iiiih this year been proven a prolltnlilo
crop for this section nnd will mnko n
good growth mid yield of pasture or
liny on now lands, nnd, for obtain
Hig a fair to guod crop, requires less
work In preparation of tho laud for
planting. Mho, sweet clover will
grow well on dry lnnds, which fact
Is not truo of the other clovers. At
least one cultivated crop should bn
Included in n crop rotation.
With the nbovo facts ns our guide,
It Is not dllllcult to select tho crops
which may be used In a rotation In
Crook county with prollt. notations
riicomiuetidod aro ns follows: pota
toes, grain crop used as u rover crop
for clover, clover and potatoes; potn
toos, grain crop, Held peas, potatoes;
or, sweet clover, potatoes, grain crop,
clover; the latter being of especial
value to the dry farmer. The Unit
mentioned lotntlou will rover four
yeiirH nnd Inst two thriH) yenrs.
There lu no doubt but that any of
these rotations will prove prolltnlilo
In this county and where tho clovern,
especially sweet clover, nro grown,
Ir.rger nuuouiita of humus will be ad
ded to the soils. In adopting one of
those systems of crop rotations, It Is
nut necessary to abandon tho grow
ing of nlfnlfii for, while one or mnro
Holds may bo lined lu the rotation,
unit Held limy bo left lu alfalfa for
four to eight years. During the llrst
thitfo to six vonrs, however, the laud
"Will bo grout ly bentillttod bv use of a
relation hi litem similar to those hero
UMtdd mid the larger yields of
alfalfa tlieierfter obtained will well
TApav the flintier for postponing his
nlfHlfn plantluic
Work ngnlnst farm pestH was not
Included In tho regular plan of work
fnr this vear nn ttulimltted at the be
Ml online of the sei'snn. but lioraiiHO of
tho Hppesranre of Inrgo inunberH of
1-nbblts nnd ground niiilrreU In tho
UOllllty. II wiih foiUld, lieceiwiirv In
tnk up thU work ns fully no pmr
tlcMiilM throughout tho voar. Uoth
r.rk rabbits and ground squirrels
(locally known as sami rats) have
)mn Uuowii ns a farm pest In this
couuty fur several yoors, but In 101 1
thoy Hppmmul In largo numbers In a
few localities fnr the first time nnd
unused rouslilernblo loss. Karl)" In
19 IS very largo numbers of Jack rab
MtH appeared In prnctlcnlly every
farming sentlon and on tho stock
ranges and sago brush lands and de
nt roved groat nmounts of crops nnd
wild grass. Complete data na to the
damage done hv this poet In Crook
county during 1915 Is being collect
ed at present but boa not yot boon
obtained In full. In our opinion, the
total damage to crops In this coun
ty for 1915 will bo found to bo be
tween 90,000 and $100,000.
In a fow localities destruction of
tills pest was undertaken In the
spring of 1015 by holding commun
ity rabbit drives. As high as 1500
rabbits were killed In ono of these
drives, but this method did not seem
to diminish the number of rabbits
noticeably No Tollable Information
as to methods for the eradication of
this pest during tho surnmor or
growing noason could bo obtained.
Some poisoned oats and alfalfa were
tried by farmers but without material
success at this season of tho yoar
Wo found a few farmers who wero
succeeding In killing many rabbits
by tho use of a inlxturo of strych-
nlno and salt, some using a consid
erable amount of sugar In this mix
ture. Upon Investigation wo found
that a considerable number of rabbits
wero killed through using this meth
od and we recommended It for use
with special caution to keep It where
livestock could not reach It. Host
kills seemed to be obtained by using
two quarts of salt and one ounce of
strychnine mixed dry. This mlxturo
was placed In ono half teaspoonful
doses whore stock could not reach It,
usually placing the salt In a holo ono
Inch In diameter bored into a two
inch plank and placed In rabbit run
ways, or whero they congregate to
feed. As high as 200 rabbits per
oiinco of strychnine havo been killed
this pummer through uso of this mix
turo and many acres of crops havo
been saved In this manner.
In August wo started nn active
campaign for the eradication of the
Jack rabbit as a post In Crook coun
ty. Tho campaign was started
through tho writing of newspaper ar
ticles and through personal recom-
mondatlon In talks with Individuals
and at farmers mcotlngs. Tho coun
ty commissioners nt their August
mooting appropriated $250 to assist
In this work. This amount was dup
licated by tho stato In continuation
with the law passed at tho last Stato
Legislature. Tho plan for work In
this fight ngnlnst tho Jack rabbit Is
to form community organizations In
ovory Inhabltod section of tho coun
ty, these organizations to undortnko
concerted action In tho uso of pois
ons or other mothods recommondod
for tho eradication of tho pest. On
Novomhor 18, Mr. It. A. Ward, U. S.
Illologlcnl assistant camo to Crook
county from tho U. S. Dcpt. of Ag-
rlciilturo In nnswer to aovoral hun
dred letters recalvod by tho Doport
mont from farmers In Hastorn Oro
gon, asking for nsalstnnco In eradi
cating tho rabbit ns a farm pest. Ho
had Intended working In tho sovornl
counties of flouthoastoru Oregon In
dependently but, finding tho work
started nnd plans woll under wny for
nn active campaign of eradication, It
was agrocd between us, that tho work
would bn done co-oporntlvoly In this
county lu order that It might ho
Hliown what results can ho obtnlnod
In n count organized effort Is us
ed. Slnro November 22 wo havo held
20 meetings anil organized 20 now
community organizations. Four of
theso organizations already nctlvo
havo taken up tho rabbit work. Threo
communities hnvo organized for tho
rabbit light without our being pros
out, to follow Instructions written to
personal letters to hem or ohnlnod
from artlcloH which wo hnvo wrltton
for tho locnl pross. Six hundred and
twenty two ounces of strychnine hnvs
been purchased with tho county nnd
statu moneys to, bo distributed to
organized communities. Tho formu
lae for mixing polsona nnd Instruc
tions for ouch community's work Is
given by us. Only organizations aro
furnished froo strychnine nnd thoso
which do tho moat effective work wilt
receive a larger nmotint of frco pois
on. Knch community electa its
"poison mlxor" or "rabbit man" who
lies full charge of tho work dono In
eradicating tho rabbits, Tho inlxturo
of poisons Is under the auporvlslnn
of Mr. Ward who has recommended
for uso In this section tho following
poison mixtures: Chopped nlfulfa liny
Id pounds, sprinkled ami thoroughly
mixed with ono ounce of sulphate
Htrychnliii) In two gallons of wntor.
This has provou nil effective poison,
hit Is more dangerous whero live
stock ure present than nro tho pois
oned oats which nro prepared by mix
ing one tablespoon of gloss starch In
one half ton cup of cold water and
stirring It Into ono pint of boiling
water to make a thin clear patto; ono
ounce of powdered nlknlold strych
nine and one ounce of powdered bak
ing nod a uud ono tenth ounce of nne
clinrliui aro stirred with tho starch
to make a smooth creamy mass.
ThU Is applied to 12 quarts of clean
oats sad mixed thoroughly to coat
each kernel. This poison Is also
dangerous for livestock If placed In
largo quantities whero they can
rwu'h It. If scattered sparingly
along rabbit trails, ltui stock havo
not noticed It, but caution Is always
given that "It U a very dangerous
poison for llvostock and tho build
ing of corrals for putting out baits
and poisons are recommended. As
this article Is written, vory little fav
or ablo weathor for poisoning has oc
curred, tho ground remaining un
frozen nnd natural food fnr tho rab
bits being easily obtnlnod. Mr. K.
1). Houston, near l'nullna, on Do-
comber 14, put out two quarts of tho
poisoned oats about his hay stacks
and tho following morning wo assist
ed In the picking up of 45 dead rab
bits resulting. The Hemstad Valley
Development Club put out 12 quarts
of poisoned oats and obtained 240
dead rabbits from same.
Wo aro of tho opinion that a very
largo number of rabbits will bo kill
ed this winter through this organized
work against them. Tho organiza
tion of communities will continue and
every interested community will bo
assisted In every way possible.
Sti-ychnlno Is being purchased for
them in 100 ounce lots from tho
manufacturers at prices considerably
'clow tho retail price of tho poison.
A full report of results obtained
through this "rabbit" campaign will
be given at Its completion or In our
regular roport In 1916.
In our travels about the country
and In talks with farmers wo found
mnny farmers with livestock or farm
products for salo and often on the
same day discovered a man who
wlnhod to purchnso Hvostoc or pro
ducts Blmllar to thoso for sole by tho
first farmer. Tho value of a printed
oxchango list published monthly and
giving a list of live stock and farm
products was soon appreciated and
inking tho list of thoso articles from
o r notes taken In tho flold wo pub
lished tho flrst Crook county farm
or b exchanga list on January 22,
1915. Results obtalnod with this list
wero so satisfactory that second pub
lication was mado March 1st and tho
list continued throughout tho year,
being published tho first of each
month. Tho exchango list was mailed
only to farmers who asked that thoy
receive It. Ily Juno let tho list was
mailed to 355 farmers. On Jnnunry
lBt, 1910, thoro wero 552 farmers ro
colvlng It. During tho tlmo of pub
lication 110 farmers used tho ox
chango list as a medium for buying
and soiling. An nvorago of 13 fnr
mors used tho list each month.
Farmers using this oxchango list
wero asked to report all sales or pur
chaBos from tho list In order that wo
might havo doflnlto data to show that
tho list was of valuo as published.
Kow of tho farmors roportcd snlcs
when mado but upon Inquiry wo, In
nonrly ovory Instanco, found that
snloB worn mado. A statement print
ed In largo typo asking that report
of all sales bo mado was placed on
tho list onch month. Expressions
from thoso recolvlng tho list Indlcato
that It has been appreciated nnd that
It Is considered of valuo by tho far
mers. However, because of falluro
of tnoso using the oxchnjigo list for
advertising to roport sales and be
causa wo would bo unahlo to show a
(ash vnlvo for tho oxchango list ns
a result of this failure on tho part
of tho farmer wo havo concluded to
discontinue tho oxchango list aftor
tho Issuo of January 1st until far
mors becomo Intoroatod and will ro
port sales when mado.
Wo know this oxchango list has
been a success nnd that It has been
(pprcclntod by farmors who havo re
ceived It. Tho oxponso of publica
tion hnB nvoragod $14 per month and
bocauso of lack of wrltton Informa
tion ns to sales mado through this
medium wo hnvo boon unnblo to
show with definite dntn that tho list
tins paid. Through this medium1,
howovor, wo hnvo bocomo nsqunlntcd
with many fnrmors whom wo should
not havo otherwise reached. Wo nn
tlclpnto n Inrgo number of requests
nsklng for n continuation of the publication.
A Inrgo pnrt of tho work of tho
agriculturist for 191 0 will bo a con
tinuation of tho work of 1915, How
over, becnuso of n bettor acquaint
ance with our county and becnuso Uio
farmors nro botfnr acquainted with
our work, efforts for this season will
he lnrgoly on tho projoct plan. Three
projects nllow moro doflnlto work
along cortnln lines and will d nl
largely with arganlzod communities
Somo of tho moro Important pro
jects as plannod at this tlmo nro:
Community nnd county orgnnlzntlou
of farmers; eradication of Jack rab
bits ns a pest; eradication of ground
squirrels, commonly known nB sago
rnts, as pests; boys nnd girls Indus
trial clubs; Improvement of fnrmor's
markets; duty of Irrigation wnter;
drnlnngn of wot nnd nlknll lands and
usa of best crop vnrlotles.
Our work Is co-oporntlvo nnd when
ever wo find fnrmors, ,nnd most es
poclnlly a group of fnrmors, Inter
ested In any of tho nbovo named
projocts wo shall undortnko to spout!
the nonson with them nsslstlng lu
tho solution of tholr problems In
ovory wny possible. A largo pnrt of
our work for this senson will bo dono
through nnd with community orga
nizations, TUB KND.
Comnilslsoncr Illancliartl AVotklng
Over a Hundred Men.
(Crook County Journal.)
Tho recent storm has been of great
valuo to tho roads In Central Oregon
Many 'miles of road have been
graded during the past two years, a
largo percentage of which was be'
coming somewhat cut up by the
heavy traffic.
Qulok to tako advantage of the ac
tion of tho elements Commissioner
Dlanchard ordered out every road
drag In his territory, about twelve In
number and every road that Is In
propor condition will bo dragged Just
as soon as It Is dry enough to per
mit first class work.
Incidentally tho rains softened up
the surface of the roads and makes
Improvement nnd grading easier In
tho Crooked river road and others
that are now receiving tho attention
of tho court.
There nro now moro than a hun
dred men In tho employ oj Commis
sioner HIarnchard, rushing the work
that Is In hand, "with a vlow of having
It practically complotod before the
dry season starts.
Lots at Half the Price
His Ago Against Illni.
"I am 52 yearB old nnd I have been
troubled with kidneys and bladodr for
a good many years," writes Arthur
Jones, Allen, Kans. "My age Is
against mo to ever get cured, but
Foley Kidney Pills do mo more good
than anything I ovor tried." Rheu
matism, nching back, shooting pains,
stiff Joints, Irregular action, all hnvo
been relieved. Sold Everywhere, ndv.
When you buy a sack of outside
flour "ou hlndor tho development of
Central Oregon's farm resources.
Mnko It n prnctlco to buy tho homo
product. Every snek gunrnnteed. ndv
A desirable bread knlfo frco with
ovory nnnunl subscription to Tho
Dend Bulletin.
Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from
the Business Center.
Lois 40X105. .$75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lois 50X125 $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners
Central Oregon's Leading
Fire Automoble Life Accident Surely Bonds
Member Portland Realty Hoard,
True Economy .
means the wise spending of ooe'i money-making every dollar do full duty
and ee in return aa article that will satisfy you In every way.
The . white; .
l. a if ki renin because it b told at a vomikr
price J because It gives you the kind of sewing if
you delight In J because iiwm lurn oui me worn
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
of satisfactory service) because its improvements
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine j because it will please you
with its fine finish and beauty of Its furniture.
In short you will find the White reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
Be sure to see the While dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine tie White Is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
Clean up nnd paint up.
wards. Adv.
See Ed-
l.K.Wi: SIlA'IMt l.AKi:.
t Silver I.nko Loader.)
The Strahoru railroad engineers
and survoyors, with N. 11. Doguo at
the bond, aftor making Silver 3nka
tholr hondquartors for tho past threo
weeks, moved camp last Friday to tho
Thompson valley, 12 miles southwest
of town, having finished the prelim
inary survoy from Lnkovlow to Silver
Tho American llakcry announces
that It has begun to make lco cream
nnd from now on will have It for
salo at nil times to hotels, restaurants
and prtvato families. ndv
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
AH who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
I Cement, Lime, Plaster '
J D 1
and orick.
Fir Flooring and
all kinds of Finish Lurqber
Call, or phone lis, at mill ofTice (Red 1431) or see our representative
4 in Bend Company Building, Wall and Ohio Sts.
i i..imHE?2 r,V4kidJ