The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 19, 1916, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
ou ,v-
rend, oregon, Wednesday afternoon, apimi, ii, iimii.
NO. 7.
filler laical Interest Taken In County
('1111111111111'" Hend Men Seek Nont.
Illation For Important Olllce
Tiensurcr .Ionian Unopposed.
TIio timo within which filings for
national, Btnte and county olllco
might lie mnde expired on Saturday
nnd tho complete lint of cnndldates
lor nomination for tho various offices
on the two political tickets Is now
Locally tho greatest Interest cen
ters nt present on the county candi
dates although, undoubtedly, as soon
as party nominees aro chosen thoro
will ho considerable attention given
to the candidates for tho presidency.
In tho local fight three- county of
fices, sheriff, , nBscssor, and county
commissioner nro absorbing tho most
attention. Bond has candidates In
the raco for each nnd in tho case of
ono of them, tho Republican noinlnn
lion lies between two ilond men.
Democratic candidates nro In a min
ority on this sldo of the county.
In tho caso of thrco offices, district
nttornoy, circuit Judge and county
clerk, thoro nro Blnglo candidates for
the nomination on each ticket, so that
unless nominations nro mnda by pe
tition uftor tho primaries tho present
candidates will oppose each other as
nominees in tho general oloctlon in
the fall.
The Candidates.
The Ilond candidates for nomina
tions are, II. II. Do Armond for dis
trict nttornoy; II. J. Ovcrturf and
Theodore Auno for county commis
sioner; S. K. Ilohorts for sheriff; K.
D. Ketchuni nnd Charles Carroll for
assessor and J. II. tinner for clork.
Of these Mr. Do Armond Is unop
posed for tho Kopuhllcnn primaries,
lint will hnvo W. II. Wlrtz, of Prlno
lllo t his Democratic opponent In
November. Mr. Ovorturf nnd Mr.
Auno both scok tho Republican nom
'nntlon for county commissioner nnd
tho successful cnndldato will bo op
posed In tho fall by 15. T. Luthy. tho
only cnndldato for tho Democratic
The light for shorlff 'h now two
side 1 on both sides, Republican and
Democratic. S. 15, Roberts and J. H.
Stanley each wnnt tho Ilopuhllcnn
nomination and 15. H. Knox nnd I.
II. I'olndoxtor, tho Democratic. Mr.
Stnnloy Is from tho Alfalfa precinct
nnd tho two Domoorats, from Prlno
vlllo. Tor assessor thoro nro four candi
dates, three nfter tho Republican
nnmlnntlon, Including tho two Hend
men mentioned nbovo nnd John 15.
I.uckey nnd ono Democrat, II. A. Fos
ter, of Prlnovllle, tho present incum
bent of tho olllco.
In tho case of tho county sohool
e-.p"-lntendent tli" winner nt tho pri
maries will apparently hnvo a clear
Held for election, thoro holng only
two cnndldntcs, J. Alton Thompson,
of Tumnlo, nnd J. 15. Myers, of Prlno
vllle, tho present Incumbent. County
tronsuror Jordnn has a valk-a-wa
from tho start, bolng tho only onu
out for the treasurershlp on olthor
For county clork J. II. Hnner, of
Rend nnd Warren Hrown, of Prlno
vllle, tho present Incumhont, nro tho
only candidates for tho nomination
on the Repuhllctm nnd Domocrntlc
tickets, respectively, and will accord
ingly oppose ench other in the fall.
The snmo Is true of T. E. J. Duffy,
Democrat nnd M. 15. Drink, Republl-.
iiii, for tho circuit Judgeship. Mr.
Duffy now holds the offlco through
the nppolntment by Governor Wlthy-
For representative from tills dls
ttff tho Republican candidate are
Vernon A. Forbos, of flonil: Wesley
. .inlth. of Klamath Falls, D. 0.
rdick of Itedmond uml A. B. El-
r of Klnmnth Falls nnd tho Demo-
.t is, Fred W. llyndraan of Klamath
Mis. Messrs. Forbos nnd Smith aro
ie present Incumbents of tho olllce,
' .vwsc served together In the last
ivo sessions of the legislature.
State mill National.
Concerning the vnrldus candidates
it presidential elector?, and the dlr
ferent state ofllces, theiOregonian re
porta as follows:
For tho Republican nomination for
President of the Unltbd States the
' allot this time will offer tho names
ff Theodoro E. Hurton. Albert E.
f imralns. Charles E. Jl.ockwood, of
""rtinnd nnd possiiiiy cnas. is.
H'trhes. (
v r vice Prosjdent AVIlllam Grant
a ster. of Chicago, & the only Re-
II. A. Miller has tnknn tbn new nf.i
nco on Oregon street Just finished
off In the I.ara building. He will'
engngo in the sale of building nut
tcrlnls, Including lumber from the
Shevlln-Hlxon mill. Kor the present
his lumber will be delivered from tho
company's ynrds.
U.OIKI Cattle Will be Crazed Under
Direction of Oigiinlatloii-To Fight
Cattle Rustlers.
Tho Sisters Livestock association,
with II. L. Tone as president, and Joe
Howard ns secretary-treasurer and a
membership of 30 cattle men of tho
Lower llrldgo, Redmond, Sisters, (31st
nnd Ctoverdale sections, was organiz
ed Inst Saturday afternoon at Sisters.
Plans wore mndo by tho association
for grazing approximately 2,000 head
of cattle on tho Deschutes National
forest on tho Sisters nnd Metoltus
ranges. The association will purch
ase a large quantity of salt collec
tively and will nrrnngo for n proper
distribution of It nmong the vnrious
owners of cattle on the ranges.
A decision was reached to offer a
substantial standing rownrd of $2f0
for tho arrest and conviction of cat
tle rustlers. Range riders are to be
employed to see to tho proper distri
bution of cattlo on tho range.
According to Supervisor W. G.
Hastings of tho Deschutes Nntlonnl
Forest this year wltl grnzo approxi
mately i',000 head of cattle and G2,
000 head of sheep, which roprcsonts
95 stockmen In Centrnl Oregon who
wltl take ndvnntngo of tho national
forest grazing grounds.
Statu Senator Favors Election of
1 lushes as President.
State Senator, J. N. Uurgoss of Um
atilla county, who this weok filed
for delegate to tho Republican na
tional convention, comes out strung
for Justlco Hughes, for president If
he Is available and for u revision of
the tariff, in hit statement ho say 3.
"If I urn elected I will uso my best
efforts toward thu uomlnntlou of n
mnu for president whose political
Ideals aru along progressive linos,
but whocu fidelity to the bust tradi
tions of tho Republican party Is un
questioned. I prefer Hughes If ho
Is available. Tho country needs a
man who values porfarmaiicu more
thnu proiiilso, and who will place
true Amorlcanism ahead of political
expodloucy. I favor a revision of
tho tariff by Republicans. Ijtpprovo
the platform recently adopted by tho
Republican party of tho state of Now
York, nnd bellovo it can be need as
a foundation In tho udoptlou of a Nn
tlonnl platform.
Mr. llurgess Is n cumlldato from
the second congressional district,
comprising Enstorn Oregon, and U
well known all over tho state as n
staunch republican with high Ideals
and u capable and cnorgotlc states
man. He has served two terms In
the state senate from Umatilla coun
Nearly Slot) Subscribed With Which
To Provide Suitable ('rounds.
To provide suttahlo playing
grounds for the Rend ball team a
subscription paper has been circu
lated during the past week and near
ly $400 promised with which to-buy
and lay out grounds, Tho prosont
plans of those who nro active In the
undertaking are to secure a piece of
ground In Lytlo Acres or noar tho
Road Hurdwure Co. warehouse on
Ohio street. It Is underrtood that
officials of the Oregon Trunk have of
fered to do everything possible by
giving the use of right of way In ono
of tho two localities.
The undertaking will be discussed
rt a meeting to be hold In the Com
mercial Cluii roonw on Friday night
at s o'clock. All subscribers to he
fund and others tnteraeted are urged
to attend and arrango for u perma
nent organization.
The Crook county high school nine
of Prlnovllle was. too strong for the
Hand high school lads and won by a
soore of S to C. llend's six error
were eostly, ami despite the IS hlU
oredlted for them Prlnovllle took the
long end of the scoro. llend's bad
inning was In tho ninth when Prinoj
vllle put ovor four runs.
Score by Innings.
i ! n i n
Head 0 0 1 2 0 1 0
n.n.H.S...!0 1 1IM
Hotterlee Bend: Urand e a b u r s
and Hunnell; C. C H. S.: Noble. Es
tes and Yaiuev
I. "
Council Prepares For Resubmission
of Strahnrn Hooding Measure Or
ders City Engineer (ioiilil to Pre
pine New Name Street System.
Preliminary arrangements for n
now bond Issuo with which to pur
chase terminal property desired for
tho Oregon, California & I5as;eru
railroad are now in the hands of
Kcoler Hrothers, a well known bond
ing house, w'th headquarters In Den
ver. An agreement under which this
Is provided for was made ' otween the
city council and n representative of
the Kcelor firm at a meeting of tho
council n Saturday.
As reported In Tho llulletln several
weeks ago the recent decision of the
suprome court In tho caso of tho city
of Rosehurg relating to a bond Issue
for railroad purposes mndo nocessnry
a resubmission of the bonding ques
tion here. In order to bo on tho snfo
sldo and to provide for bonds which
any bond house would bo prepared to
take without further examination and
dolny It was though best to ohtnlu
tho services of somo bonding firm in
the preparation of the proceedings
The Keolor Jlrm ovorsnw tho issuo
of bonds under which tho city of
Grants Pass began the construction
of a railroad and also purchased tho
bonds when they wore placed on tho
In order to cover posslhlo contin
gencies the council Is arranging for
an Issuo of $3ii,000, Issuing only so
much ns Is necessary to purchase tho
terminals desired by Mr. Strahoru,
To Rename Sheets.
At tho-meeting the council voted
to purchnso the material needed by
the Woman's auxiliary of tho Com
mercial club to make strcot signs
which they plnn t." erect.
In this connection the council ill
reeled City Engineer Gould to pro
pare a new name system for tho
streetB of the city for uso In connec
tion with n proposed liouso number
ing ordinance, tbn two to prcparo tho
city for the mall dollvory now being
ngltated. As tentatively worked out,
Mr. Gould's plan Is to glvo certain
streets on the oast fddo of tho river
nnmes of fnmuos Aitmrlrnns In al
phabetical order and on tho wost sldo
to uso the 'names of American cities,
Tho expectation Ib that whon fully
worked out anyone familiar with the
Hvstem of nnmes nnd numbers wilt
ho nble to find. a certain number on
a certain street without dlfllculty.
The council also ordered the pur
chase of n garbago dumping ground.
Tho local Institute held In Hend
last Saturday was well attended by
n Inrgo number of teachers from
Prlnovllle, Redmond, Tumnlo nnd
Ilond. Tho prlncipnl speakors nt tho
meeting wore, 11. J. Ilockenberry, of
Portland, and C. II. Sevmour of the
Oregon Agricultural college.
V .-i
fyjs .a
'(' -T i y, T7T 7V
Certain Dllliciiltles Found on Horse
Ridge-Pott Rock Mile Elevation
Much Above That of Hend ami
High Viaducts Alt Necessary.
Tho Oregon, California & Eastern
surveying party working southward
from Ilond towards Silver Lake, af
ter reaching n point about forty miles
south of Ilond, has moved to the vi
cinity of Mllllcan from whore It Is
pushing eastward an the Harney val
ley Hues.
Meanwhile, the crow working south
front Silver Lake on tho Klamath
Falls line Is near the hend of Silver
Creek, some ten miles north of Sy
enn marsh.
This apparently leaves n gap of
somo twenty miles of tho l.nkovlow
lino ncroos Fort Rock valley unfln
Islied. When nsked rbout this, Mr.
Strnhorn said that the d'lllcultles In
cident to crossing. tho divide between
Hend nnd Fort Rock on the direct
lino via the west end of Horse Rldgo
aro found to ho greater thnu antici
pated. Resides reaching nil elevation
of somo lfiOO feet higher flinn Uonil,
It wns found necessary to use two
long viaducts, each about 100 feet
high, to avoid somo still more Im
portant objections. Also, with tho
molting of the snow, moro oxpenslvo
rock work wns encountered than was
rovcaled by tho preliminary surveys,
It has therefore been determined to
glvo moro serious consideration to
tho routo vln I.n Pino. This will bo
dono In the Immediate future. While
this Is some six or olght tulles longer,
tho summit botweon I.n Pino and
Fort Rock Is somo 300 foot lower
thnn the ono pn tho routo Just sur
veyed. This would apparently bring
tho lino Into Fort Rock vnlloy nenr
Fromont, leaving Fort Rock several
miles to tho cast of a direct routo
to Cllvor Lake. Whllo this morn wes
terly routo between Hend nnd Silver
Lako would not servo Fort Rock vnl
lev qulto as well as tho easterly routo
via Horso Ridge, It would probably
tap moro good timber and serve al
most tho entire DescliutoB vnllov
south of Hend. A enreful Btudv of
the mnp nlso suggests Hint If this
routo Is followed it might Inlluenco
the adoption of tho old short line nil
the wny through to Klamath Falls on
practically tho nmo routo ns tho Ore
goM Trunk nnd Oregon Eastern sur
vovs followed. In that enso tho Silver
Lake-Lakevlew lino would apparently
branch off to the southeast from the
vicinity of La Pino, crowing tln west
onil of Fort Rock vnllov ns nbovo.
As Mr. Strahom has frequently re
marked, nil theso considerations of
light grndos, easo of construction,
saving of distance to roach tho most
trnlllc, economy of oporntlop and. In
go ne rn I, tho very best way to dovolon
and servo nil of Central Orogon will
receive most sorlous nnd painstaking
attention before n shovelful of earth
Is moved. Whon this Is nil dolio
thoro will yot remain tho question or
the nmounU of nselstanco rondorod
. "
.ourlcty rhc HctUuuluu Hcord
locally In tho way of rights of way
nnd subscriptions to llnally d.'cldo
between alternate or rival routes
where other considerations ore ap
proximately the same.
Program and Itanquet d'lien at Ini
tial Meeting Held IjisI Thursday
Evening In Snthcr's Hall.
Tho Hend homestead of Hrother
hood of Amorlcnn Yoeman was for
mally Installed last Thursday even
ing by L. N. Kleex, district deputy
and organizer. Tho membership en
rolled at tho first meeting wns 57.
Following the Installation ceremonies
n program was given and n sumptu
ous banquet served. The program In
cluded selections by the Peerless or
chestra, solo by Mrs. N, F. Reed
and it cornet solo by Ashley Forrest.
Tho first business meeting of the
homestead will he hold on April "7
In Snthcr's Hall.
The charter members of the Hend
order nro;
Ross Farnhnm, Chester J. Cntlow,
Mrs. Muudo Catlow, Chas. W. ErB
klne, R. M. Smith, N. R. Speck, P.
J. White, Dr. G. U Couslucnu, Frank
Thornbruo. William Lee, R. F. Me
Lenn, C. A. Paul, O. A. Doherty,
Theo. It. Morton, C. T. Herders, llnr
ry P. Mnnlou, Louis Doonnr, Win,
Morgan, II. S. Young, 15. S. Glazier,
Alfred Hansen, S. Sonerudd, II. I less
elberg, T. J. Mulsdon, J. A. Ilrlukley,
Jay lllnke, Anton Olson. Thomas Till
man, George C. Carroll, T. G. Rigger
stuff, J. 15. Allhrlght, II. 15. Cato, L.
M. Richardson, Ralph Levering, J.
llassett. 11. 11. Davis. Win. McKay,
Henry Wnngh, Raymond Thorsou. ,1.
W. Dlmlck. Mrs. Nellie Dlinlck. Cath
erine Logan, Snmuel Elder, Mary C.
Randolph, Louis Ricks, Mrs. Louis
Ricks. Mrs. Allen Cook, II. C. Felton,
J. R. Curry, P. W. Nomor, II. llo
dlno, Dr. J. C. Vnndovort, Samuel 11.
Layman, Mrs. Samuel II. Layman,
Edwnrd Kelly, Chnrlcs 15. Hnlnes, F.
A. Woolllon.
Sidewalk Is Unfinished Ilooiii Amiss
ItUer Is Removed.
Witli tho completion of the plnuk
roadway on the new steel bridge Inst
week It became possible for teams to
cross nnd hauling cinders for tho fill
on tho wooi. cldo began at once. Tills
work has now been Mulshed nnd the
fill on tho east sldo Is nearly done, n
portion only or tho retaining walls
being unlliilshed and tho top fill still
to l.( mniln.
Lumber for the sidewalk on the
bridge nrrlved too Into lo no piano I
bv the bridge contractor and the
sidewalk rUing the fill U a Wo tuiflu
Isheil, duo. It Is understood, to lack
or Muds to pay for tho work. The
llll on the west sldo Will bo made
during tho Hiiinmer. In connection
with the work the boom which was
stretched ncross tho river iilnivo tho
dam has been removed making pos
slhlo tho free passage down river of
all Moating material and considerably
adding to the nppoaranco of tho ba
Jefferson Comity Pner Says Judge
Know Ills lluslness,
(HoschutoH Valley Tribune.)
Judge Duffy hold his second term
of Circuit Court linn- last weok and
dlspaluhod IiusIiiimw In a way that was
most satisfactory to the taxpayers or
tho county. Tho total cost or this
trm or oourt wns hut $733.20 mid
thoro wns paid Into court la linos tho
sum or $22fi leaving the nctuH com
or tho entire term at but J608. 20.
. This not only HpwkB well ror the
citizenship or tho county but nUo
shows tlwt the .Indue know how to
dltMituh liusltKNM at least expense to
the taxpayers. Judgu Duffy hns maiU
a number of tripe to Culver prior to
the convening of court mi that all
ear might be put :it hwue and no
time loat during the tor in. Ills ac
tion In this iiarttculiii was largely re
sponsible for the Iok nut of the term.
Under the supervl Urn or Dhrtrlct
Unuie Warden C. M McKay a amall
crew of men will begin this weok oh
work at the llth haKliery U put It
in ahapo ror the coming mhmom. Ih
cludtHl In tho work to ho done will
l.o tho thorough denning of tho
hrteliery Itself and cleaning nut tho
ditch which Hiipplleti the troughs with
water. Sevoral fish ponds will bo
put In.
Pltl.NT.VIM'. GETS IIRinnrJ.
(Tho OregonlaHj
S.LKM, April n.-lSpeaUil,)
Plan and speolllcatione for a rein
foreed cooorete brldae aoroee tajo
Ocboeo Croak, near Prluertlto. war
eompletad Uidity by the HJ& lllfk
way Department and forwarded to
(be Crook count ouil The e-ttl-maied
it of the fctn. line i $:i"'0
('mum! Will be Cleared of Rubbish,
Itencbes, Swings and. Rami Stand
Will he Put Up Meirlmnts and
Others (live Liberally for Day.
To The Cltlens of Hend!
- Arrangements having boon
made by the Clvlu Improvement
League ror tho uso of a tract of
- land Tor park purposes during
tho coming summer nnd Thurs-
day, April 20, having been des-
Igunted as City Park Day on
which said tract Is to bo linprov-
cd and prepared ror uso as u city
park, I hereby call upon all good
citizens to close their places or
business on thu afternoon of -
said day mid to meet nt said -
tract nt tho head or Ohio street
prepared to assist In the work
to be dono there. --
.1. A. EASTES, -
- .Mayor or IUmiiI.
When Cnplnln John Smith or tho
Virginia colony said, "Ho who does
not work shall not eat," hu establish
ed a most worthy precedent ror
lloud'H park day tomorrow afternoon,
for according to the cominltteo In
charge or the cleanup, ho who does
not lnhor ror Head's park will bo
excluded rronv enjoying the evening's
refreshments to ho served under tho
direction or tho Indies or town.
To Mohlllo I'oites.
Mobilization or tin less than 200
men, women nnd children or Hand
ror u grand smnsh attack on wnter
tower hill will begin promptly at ono
o'clock. Munitions, are being us
semhled today In preparation ror, a
four hours' dilve. Tho top of tho
hill will bo rnzud of loose rock, sago
brush nnd rubbish. The ground will
bo thoroughly swept by the Invader
of all Irtish and flnm will ho kindled
to destroy IL I'pon the conquered
territory carpenters, masons, land
scape Hardeners. teamsterM anil u
multitude of unskilled laymen will
bo proHsod Into Hurvlvo to erect
benches, pill up swings ror children,
move tho band stand from where It
stands near Tho Hend company olllco
nnd erect It Hour the north end of the
hill top.
Work He fore EiiIh,
The plans hnvo been laid out by
General Harper Skuso ror tho com
pletion or thiiHo details before mass Is
served to tho volunteers. Thy urmy
will probably bo dlvldod Into 'coin
panics nnd will ho detailed to par
ticular duties. Ilndgoa or sorvlrVwIII
ho given to the workers entitling
them to rood when tho supper timo
Merchants, carpenters, dray com
pan I oh, landscape gariluurs have con
tributed liberally In materials, labor
mid tho line or their loiims ror thlit
work. Tho Ilond Hardware Company
Is contributing tho ropo ror thu
swing. Tho Skuso Hardware Com
putiv Is furnishing the grant smut. J.
A Ilazuka. John J. Cunningham uml
E. P. Ilrotdorhoiii will1 give thulr own
labor and tho labor of tho men In
their employ. llnn.tor & Hlwats will
make a gift of a sanitary drinking
fountain and tho Hend Water Light
& Power Company will supply the
water for It fruo. The Sliovlln-IIUqit
and the HriHikM-Acunlou Lumber Com
pany are giving tho lumber for tho
htmehee and baud stand. It. N. Pal
mertou and the Auno HrM. have
aianlltml their Intention to offer the
use of teams ror clearing the grounde.
C. II. Hiuhoii. a local landaeaiHt nurd
ener, w,lll h lila own labor and the
labor of two of his euiploveei Ui lay
out the Kr'iuniia for future Iwautlll
ration The llulletln t slvlna tbo
tag badges to be mailed in for "eute"
by the workers.
Veather permitting, the y I unto
lunch will he terved on the grointi
by the ladles of town, and only tlioae
who have worked will be parmlttoU
to all at the meat table.
The Hend high acuool phty. "A
Case of Suspension," aa graoted lutit
Friday night at the Dream Thuotro
by two roll houses, and Judging by
the applruie. ths (area waa won r
celvwl. The puptU Betted about ItO
which will be devoted towr.rl tk
purchaae of baae hall aultg for lit
blgb achool baae ball ia.m. TVa
plarera re roaebal by Mtaaaw llt)tt
ManiiHv and Mnl.fl Loreuce of the
ll'rfll -.''.If 'I!'
.: Y
,' I 11
Continued on
age 6.)