The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 12, 1916, Page PAGE 9, Image 9

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., -n Parsons Should Lssrn There It
YoUn8 P. ger"ou. 8ld. to Life.
Many young persona think of llttlo
nnt how they cnu linvo n pood tlmo.
tfilicro 19 worl: to Uo It Is only some
thine in tuo wny to bo got tld of na
Son us possible, no mntter how. They
fiTk they can live as tho buttcrily
La when hi Its glory. To find some
tUlne cntortnlnlne. to bo nniUHcd, Is nil
they think of.
Tins " nniurai. iiiiu ii . ... i.v
,i,pv can lool: on tho bright side of life.
" r ... .i.milil iMinw nlso that llfn la
Mill lll"j nuwu.. .......
lint nil I'tay rj-'llero nro ,ullc9 ,0
lr' , .,,, mill linntilnrnq pnnip.1
icrforuieu, "" ,
' ly nftcr work well done. Happiness
jj not found when sought ns tho chief
thine in life.
1 incrtnlninents censo to entertain.
Tip lever companion does not please
alwajs unless there nro sterling quail!
Iks' of charncter buck of tho clover
,CS), Work Is tho blessing of ninn
Hi i Tlicio ought to bo sotno earnest
vuipc,p- somo v,'or,1,y nlm' '" tllL' cnrt
tc cry one.
Live not for the present moment.
I Ho to he und do. There nro conse
nkiires to nil our nets. Folly sown
jrlirs n hitter harvest which nono can
escape reaping. There aro Innocent
j0 - to which nil. especially tho young,
j,IC c ,t tied. Uut t should be learned
tlmt i vlng to some worthy purpomj
brln, tho truest enjoyment. Mllwau
1,1 Journnl.
Without Knowlno It tho Sentry Dis
armed Hit Opponents.
In his hook "Why Von I'rny" Dr.
Oarlcs Lewis Slnttery retells ono of
Honry Drunimond'H old stories to lllns
trnte his point that prayer produces n
tci e of human fellowship.
"One Sunday night on an ocean
Mourner a man spoke of n hymn which
Imd Just been sung ns having for him
iiocullarly sacred nssodntlons. Ho was
I in MIO i.mui'uL'fHiu uiv ,M ' "-
f lean war between the slates and wns
inlereil nt one nine iu iuiil-ijt ni-uuj
dutj As the night wore on ho felt
lils danger, und to keep up his courage
lie began to sing
Jesus, lover of my toul,
...,i nftur ntiorliiL' tho crcnt prayer of
tli.s hymn ho wuh comforted nnd felt
liuto safe.
" V strnngo expression enmo over the
fa o of n fellow passenger on the
fluu. 'I.' ho said, 'was in tho Union
army thnt night and had been sent out
fnith n party of scout. Wo saw n sol
itary sentry, nnd my men hud their
rules loveled to fire, but Just then wo
Le.ud tho clear notes iluglng out Iu
tho stillness
Cover my defenseless head
With tlio shadow of thy wine,
and "l said: "Uoys, lower your rltlts.
"We'll go homo!
Controlling the Ten per.
Good health Is tho first requisite of n
good temper. All one knows or feels
finds cxprssslon through the body.
Thought, will, nctlon, nro all Influenced
by Its condition. Whatever Impairs the
Integrity of tho body or disturbs the
bnrmony or Its wondorrui organization
creates discord for tho whole being.
Tiiinleiisimt fool lues duo to 111 health
are likely to produce corresponding un
pleasantness or disposition, tiic uis
order, If prolonged, results In n bad
habit, thus becoming nu clement In In
dlvldunl character. Dornnged digestion,
vitinteii u mod ami otuer iiupaitcu vuni
nrniexqp nio nt tho 'iintiilntluii of
much of tho Irritability. Impatience, ca
price, ill temper nnu so caned unuguti
uess of childhood. (Jood Health.
A desirable bread knife free with
every nnnunl subscription to The
uena uuuetin.
A desirable bread knife freo with
every annual subscription to Tho
Bend Dulletin.
Spring will soon be hero, Mr. Far
mer, and you should bo thinking of
the seed you will sow. Sco Tho Hend
Flour Mill Company's list of suitable
seed for spring sowing. Adv.
ONE CENT A WORD Is nit a little
Want Ad will cost you.
For Blgn painting seo Edwards.
Ginger and Popper.
Ginger was well known In England
even before the Noriuan conquest, be
ing often referred to In the Anglo-Saxon
manuscripts of tho eleventh cen
tury. It wns ory cmnnion In the thir
teenth and fourteenth centuries, rank
ing next In vnlue to pepper, which was
then tho commonest of n'l spices, cost
ing on nn average nhout Is. lid. u
pound. London Mall.
ComolAte Success.
"Somebody told Vanessa that If she
would walk backward down the stairs
she would see her Intended."
"Did It work?"
"Comtitotolv. She fell down the
ntnti-n. nnd now she Is cncscd to the
bright joung doctor they called in."-
SL Louis rost-Dlspntcii.
Negative Judgments.
Negative things often show positive
traits. For example. It Is fairly safe
tn tiiilpp n man bv the company he
quits and by the things ho does not
say. Youth s Companion.
Statement of the Ouncixhlp, .Manage
.Aleut, Cltciiliitlnn, Etc., Itcqttlrcd
liv ll.n Art of Aniri'st 21. 11)12.
of The Hend Ilullottn, published
weakly, at llcnd, Oregon, for Api'l
1, 1U1U.
County of Crook
Hcfore me, n Notary Public, In and
for tho State and county aforesaid,
personally appeared Hobert W. Saw
yer, who, having been duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and Bay tint
ho Is tho editor of Tho Uond Bulletin,
and that the following Is, to the host
of his knowlcdgo and hollof, n truo
From the evils sent by heaven there
Is dcllveranco: from the evils wo bring
upon ourselves there Is uo escape.
ritau Go Kyo.
Dlnraonds sot whllo -you wait. My
ron II Synions. Adv.
Promina the Doutlh.
"When I wns a boy Iu South York
shire." says u correspondent of nn Hug
INh Journal, "wliero most wives
their own bread, tho lost thing beforo
uit'iiif n knnndluc.' as tho lllllslieu
di'iigh was termed, down by tho tiro to
'rise' was tho two slashing cuts with
a kulfo that inado a cross. Then u
pleco of muslin was thrown over the
top of the bowl. Where ono wlfo
would admit thnt the cross was 'to
let tho witch out, another would say
it waft 'to help tho dough to rise,' nnd
a third would answer that It was 'Just
u fashion nn' nowt else' lint If some
trouble reeking boy had meddled with
tlm cross and the baking turned out
bad very seldom did tho dough maker
fall to put tho blame on him fur 'spoil
Iu' tu' cross.' "
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
Don't miss this. Cut out thlB slip,
.-.liaa ill 111 r, rnntn tn Foley & Co..
Chicago, III., writing your nnmo and
address clearly, you win rccoivo m
return a trial packago containing Fol
ey's Honoy nnd Tar Compound for
bronchial coughs, colds and croup;
Foloy Kidney rills, and Foloy Cathar
tic Tablots. Sold overywnoro. Adv.
For District Attorney.
I horehy nnnounco myself as a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for DUtrlct Attorney for Crook coun
ty nt the primal Ics to bo hold May 13,
4 Itfp H. H. DE ARMOND.
For SIierTlT.
T linrnln- nminnnnn mv rnmlldnnv
for the Ilopuhlican nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county at tho pri
maries to bo hold May 19, 191C
4Sn. S. 13. ROBERTS
l.'nr fmnlv Assessor.
I horoby nnnounco myself ns n can
didate for tho Rcpuhllcnn nomination
for County Assessor for Crook coun
ty at the primaries to bo held May
19, 191C. 47tfp
Dangerous Talk.
a now nrrlvnl ut u certain board
ing houso wns n man who had tnkeu
part in a famous arctic exploration,
und nt dinner tlmo no oncn rcgaieu
tho other boarders with stories of his
Yes." ho said after ono particularly
thrilling description, "wo wero slowly
starving to death. Just when things
were at tho last gasp ono fellow had
an idea. Ho cut up our boots and
mode soup of them, and"
"Hush! Hush!" hissed all tho other
boarders anxiously. "Don't let tho
landludy bear yuur-SU LoUU I'ost
His Own Hands.
A fusblonnblo painter, noted for his
proline output, was discussing at a stu
dio tea in New York a receut scaudul
in the plcturo trade,
"Look here, old man." sold a noted
etcher, "do you paint all your own pic
tures?" . .
"I do," the oilier answered hotly,
"and with my own hands too."
"And what do you pay your hands?
the etcher luqulred. "I'm thinking of
ttartlug an art factory myself."
A Fine Distinction.
A small boy Iu tho village scuooi
!,. n rnmnosltlon on "Quak
ers" wound up by saying. "Quakers
never quarrel, never get Into n flght.
uever claw aud never scratch." Then
be added. Taw Is a Quaker, but I
resjly don't think maw Is."
Tho Adjutant Bird.
The adjutant or marabou bird of
India, which Is valued oil account of
lis feathers, will swallow a hare or a
cat whole. It stands flvo feet high nd
has a fifteen foot expanse of wing.
'They seem to bo In love."
"Yes. I really believe those two
think as much of ench other as they
do of themselves." Louisville Courier
M.....I .1 U. 'MrPllllllcll.
Horn in Missouri In 1SGG; raised
on iLfnrm: completed public school
courBQ at tho ago of 15; nttondod col
lege two years ana uegan leuciuiin
country school at tho ago of 17:
taught school In winters and worked
on fnrm In summers until 188C, when
lm camo to Oregon. Taught school
in Oregon, nnd nttonded State Nor
mal school nt Monmouth, from which
ho sraduted n 1889 ns president of
tho class. Was principal of public
schools nt Stayton, Oregon, and nf
torward taught In Capital lliulness
College nt Salom. I'nBaed Supremo
Court examination for admission to
tho bar In ISO 1, and irnctlcod law In
Snlem until 1900. Was elected mom
bor of Legislature from Marlon coun
ty nnd served In special session of
1S98 and rogulnr bcssIoii of 1S90.
Camo to onstorn Oregon .In 1900 and
engSBod In tho practlcu of law In
Grant county. Was elocted district
nttornoy for orant, unrnoy aim .um
hour counties and Bnrvd In that cn
poclty from July. 1904, to January.
1913, slnco which time ho has been
engaged In the practice of law In
Ontario, Oregon; hna been connected
with Bovernl business outerprlses, In
all of which ho has displayed good
business Judgmont. Is married. Fam
ily consists of wlfo and flvo chlldron.
I have known Mr. J. W. SlcCulloch
slnco 1903, during which tlmo he has
been a successful praetltlonor of law
In Oils illntrlct. HIh nractlco has
been largo and varlod, and ho has
long been regarded its a leader of
the bar In this county. His ability
as a lawyer Is nquestloned. In ad
dition to his learning and ability as n
lawyor ho Is possessed of a very sound
clear Judgment, as well as of tnro
common sense. He has n peculiar
ability of making a sane, sounu appli
cation of tho principles of law to the
facts of any case, enabling him to
reach conclusions thnt aro Just and
corroct. Ho has had a wldo exper
ience In hndllng tmportont business
affairs, which has given him a com
prehensive view and sound Judgment
In matters of business as well as of
law. He Is careful, considerate, fair,
able and conscientious, and possesses
just those qualifications which would
make him a most excellent Commis
sioner of Public Utilities Dalton
niggs, Circuit Judge, for Grant, Har
ney and Malheur counties,
T almlt tin nlnngnd in extend till'
support and give my most honrty en
dorsement to J. W. McCulloch for
Public Service Commissioner. Tho
estimate I formed of him while DU
trlct Attorney prompts my bollef that
he will make an efficient and pains
taking official, should he ho chosen
to this position, wnicn, i irusi. u
be the final result. J. I.. Gault, Cash-
ler, First National Hank of Jiurnn.
Oregon. .
I want to say uiai nu tun...
Eastern Oregon stands hlghor In the
estimation of the public than J. W.
McCulloch. He Is one of our verv
best citizens. He is n good lawyer:
x.. - n.i Msnn mind, and la a pari.
onunH lnci'cnl thinker. I believe e
Is an Ideal man for public serve
commissioner. The business inter
ests of the country must have afo,
sane, conservative men In theso places
and I know Mr. McCuulIoch Is sueh
a man. a. i uucirun. .---
Nrtlonal Bank of Ontario. Adv
For County Asseijor.
I horoby nnnounco my candidacy
for tho Republican nomination for
nsscssor of Crook county nt tho pri
maries to he hold May 19. 1910.
ndv. R. D. KETCHUM.
statement of the ownership, manage
ment wiiii' 11 unny unncr, mo circu-
1nttn-l ntf, ryt Mm nfn.nonlrl -if.lill-
cntlon for the (Into shown In tho
nuovo enpuon, requireu ny tno Act or
August 24, 1912, embodied In section
413, Postal Laws nnd Regulations,
printed on the rcvorso of this form,
1. That tho names nnd addresses
of tho publisher, editor, managing
editor, nhd business managers nro-
Name of Postotllco Addresj
Publisher, O. P. Putnam,
Snlem, Oregon.
Editor, II. W Sawyer, Hend. Oregon.
luannging itiuor, it. w. sawyor,
Hend, Oregon.
Business Manager, II. W. Sawver
. Ilcnd, Oregon.
2. That the owners nro: (Glvn
names nnd addresses of individu il
owners, or. li n corporation, glvo Us
name nnu mo names aim nuuresscs oi
stockholders owning or holding 1
ner cent or moro of tho total an-auu
of stock.) G. P. Putnam, Salem
3. That tho known bondholders
mortgagees, nnd other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 por cent rr
more of total amount of bonds, mo
gages, or other securities are: (If
thoro oro none, so Btnto.) Nono.
4. Thnt the two paragraphs next
nbovp, giving tho nntnes of the own-
oro ulnpltlinlrlrru nnd BPCIll'IIV hold
ers, If any, contntn pot only the list
of stockholders and security Holders
as thoy appear upon tho books of tho
compnny but also, in cases where tho
Btocklioiuer or security noiuer ap
pears upon tho booKs or tno compauv
ns trustee or In nny other llduclnry
..l.itnn ll.n iiiiitin nf tlin nnrnnn nf
corporation fcr whom such trusteo is
ncting, is given; niso tnni uio siuu
two paragraphs contnln statements
n,.il,i-nrlni- nfllnnl'n full knnwlpdzo
nnd belief ns to tho clrcunwtnncos
nnd conditions under wnicn biock
hnldors nnd security holders who do
not appear upon tho books of the
company ns trustees, hold stock and
securities in a enpneuy otner iinn
thnt of n bonn fido owner: and this
affiant hns no reason to bellovo tint
nny other person, association, or cor
poration has nny Interest direct or
Indirect In tho pnld Btock, bonds or
other securities than as bo stnted by
li. Thnt tho nvorago number of
copies of each Issuo of this publica
tion sold or distributed, through tho
malls or otherwise, to paid subscrl,)
ers during tho six months preceding
tho dnto shown Is . . . (This Informa
tion Is required from dally publica
tions only )
Sworn to and subscribed beforo mo
this 29th day of Mnrch, 191C.
Sonl II. H. Do AKMOND,
Notnry Public for Oregon.
(My commission oxplres January 5,
Baker's flrocery
First Class Goods and Right
Prices. What is not right we
will make right. Our aim
will be to get your Groceries
to you on time.
Wall Streett Near Ohio
The Oldest
Agency in Central Ore.
"It's the way we write our policies."
Our companies pay 100 cts. on the dollar.
We have over 400 satisfied policy holders.
The largest insurers in Crook County aro
our leading customers
Bend Insurance Agency
Bend, Oregon
I'or Sheillf.
I horoby nnnounco my candldncy
for the Democratic nomination for
Sheriff of Crook county at tho prl-
mnrfiTb tn lm IIOUI .1inV IU. llflU.
I'or Cit cult .ludje.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Democratic nomination
ns circuit JudBO at tho primaries to
bo hold on May 19.
Pol adv. 47 tfc (Presont Incumbent.)
For Sheriff,
r i.nm' v n itmii tm niv candldncy
fn im iintiniiiimn nomination tor
Shorlff of CrooU county til tho pri
maries to bo noiu .May ia, ijiu.
For County Coniinlssloncr.
I horoby nnnounco my, candldncy
for tho Republican nomination for Pnmmlnlsnnor of Crook COlin-
ty nt tho primaries to bo hold on
May 19, lUiu.
4S.p Presont Incumbent.
For County School Hiipeilntendent.
I lieroby nnnounco my candld.ioy
for tho Republican nomination for
school superintendent of Crook coun
tv at tho primaries to bo hejd May
19'1!UC- J. E. MYERS.
49 tf Presont Incumbent.
For County School Superintendent.
t i.orniiv nnnnnnco mv candidacy
fr tho Republican nomination for
school euponnienuoni oi uruuiv .
ty at tho primaries to bo hold May
For County Clerk.
I hereby announce my cnndldncy
for tho Republican nomination for
clerk of Crook county at the primar
ies to bo held on May 19, IS"-
adv 19 tf. J- " "ANLR.
For Sheriff.
I horoby announce my candidacy
for tho nomination for shorlff on tho
Domocratlc ticket nt tho prlmnrlos to
bo held May 19, 1910.
E. n. KNOX,
49 tf, Prosont incumbont-
For County Treasurer.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
for the nomination for county treas
urer on tho Republican ticket nt the
primaries to bo neia May .
Present Incumbent.
I hereby nnnounco my candldncy
. .... nnui.niiii nomination for
County Clerk of Crook county at the
primaries lo no n' ; ' :
motto: "Efficient sorvlce to the
Public." VARBEN drown.
Present Incumbont.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the Democratic nomination for
Comity Commissioner of Crook coun
ty at the primaries to bo held on
t- r.mtv ('uniiiilhHloiipr
I hereby announce my candidacy
for tho offlco of County Commission
er for Crook county on the Republi
can ticket, rubject to the primaries.
No waiting nt tho Metropolitan for
that flhuvo or hair cut. Four chairs
now ready. Adv.
Seo J. Ryan & Co.,. for farm land
loans. Adv.
For the man who
wants to own his
own home
s s
Let us show you, for your selection, some of
the prettiest lots in Bend. They are level and
free from rock and are spotted with lovely shade
trees; they are within fifteen minutes walk of
either of the big mills and are close to the bus
iness district. These lots may be had on terms
that are within the reach of all and every assist
ance will be given our buyers to enable them to
build a comfortable home. We will be pleased
to show you.
We write insurance in all its branches in world
known companies and will gladly accept the
smallest risk.
Bend Park Company
I' m -
T 1
i '