pari: h. tmi: in vi) in i.m:tix, m.i. om:., vi'iimmuv. umml r nun. SEEK TO SOLVE TWOHOADSF i I'm h' '( i' 1 u lit to in - I I lands. , Huh I'lcnty of .Money. "I do not care to stale, who Is EXCESS TAWGLE SiEi PLANNED fincklnit me In the project, ' Mid Mr. Mounce to tlio Messenger represents tlvc, "httt I will state that I uae i& Yd'H plenty (if tnone back of tin proposl Hon, handled through n local lan) M ' 1 I Sl 81" H W 'n f if i f! Ki Br BILL PROPOSED COiSGRESS TO THIS IS THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT ! and it ta up to mo to put the line I through at the oarlleat date. Need 1 1 to state the people he hind m.v ,"jocit I.hihI Item ii I Wonts Tltlei Con ili'iiiftl fill' S'fttlris hiiiI I'm tliei I'ntcnts .Made l'nslWu Wheio Hces Ac'itvwiu I Imohoil. project have ample funds to cany out (Special te The Bulletin.) SAIjHM, April 10. The Dtmut Land Hoard lia submitted to Con from k bill which. If parsed, will straighten out Hit excess acrag tan;Io on the Central Oregon Irri gation Company' segregation. It will confirm title to tracts Imulvlnft ox cows acreage which alread hao ' lacuived patent, and whose nlldlty litthorlo has been questioualde, and will enable the statu to Issue ltd to tracts as yet unpatented. Tint bill will be presented to Con Kioaa Ly Attorne General Hrown, who Kens to Washington on other liusluow, and is endoriod ly evorv inwnlier of the I)e3ert Land Hoard. It Is laid to be satisfactory to the Company, and, so fr.r as state olll olnls ran determine. It meets the ap proval of cottiers, dm Its provisions undoubtedly will be helpful to thoin. Ilowcvur, It is stated that if any ob jections or stiKgestlons aro forthcom ing tho Honrd will welrome tlicm and hopes that settlors will take nctlon ut once. On another page there Is printed n comprehensive account of the en tire excess acroaftn iiuostion ns It hna developed In Crook county, which should he or interost to everyone concerned with the development of the project. Ilelow Is tho toxt of tho proposed bill: "Holntlvo to tho continuation of title In tho Stnto of Oregon to certain Innds pntoutod to said Stnto by tho United States, and authorizing tho president of the United States to patent to. Die State of Oregon certain ether Inmlp. "Wheioiu, hroiiKh the "rroncoua classification ae to the IrrlgnhlHrv In certain tracts In Orogon Segt itfin I .'ot No. (, t.nd-'r the provlal .ts ft ni. Act of Ontrtaa of Ail-tut !S, 10 I. (Mo O'v Act'l. title pii-sed u the r.iil 'liites to tho ;5 ito of Oregon Is defenrible and tho pnton's to certain other lauds aro boltiK with hold for the name rnuso to tho In- Jury of actual settlers on those hinds l who In good faith lmvo endeavored to j comply with tho provision of tho Cnroy Act, schedule of fcurh lands! hoiUK hereto attnehod. "Ho It onncted bv the Senate and , House of ltoprosentntlvrs of thoi United States In Cnncresa assembled' I "Soctlou 1. Title to InndR hi the I nttnohod schedule which hao here-' tnfnre Imhii patented bv tho I'nlted. Stiitoa to the State or Oregon Is. hereby continued and vested In the State of Oregon for the uses and i pitrpiMtw set forth In the Act of j Congress of August IS, ISO I, (the1 'Cry Act'). Th President of the! VuIIimI States Is heieliy nuthorlxed anil empowered to Issue or canst to tie IsHtied patents to the State of Ore gon to any and all lauds Included in the at Inched schedule not horetoforo patented to said Stnto for tho uses and puriMtsiMi set forth In said Art commonly known as the Carey Act whenever It shall appear that tho tnrnw of said Art hse been substan tially compiled w'th In every respect, provided, however, that the patent to no tract shall h withheld for the reason that water rights lmvo not been purchased or secured for each and every Irrigable aero with such ftrnct." tho construction of the line through to Itend and It I my intenti i to li- i gin active construction wotk early capital (liy I'lipcr hiij riopiiioii lhlg B)rIllls. Mv Hue afford i.ractlc 'N Dotible-lleaibHl Affair .1. I'. , aJly a water Rrade routo from Salem Into the foothills of tho Case ules and with little nddltlonnl oxpend'tnre. lat erals can and will be Constructed to .Mounce Is Ouo 1'ioiuotei' anil Mini Xnnied I.) not N Other. Us '.jp: . -Sr im(V W t him Ready Cut Houses Fit Your Pockelbook Vol portable but u perumii ent siiltstantl il attnictne home a homo that )ou will bo proud of after bulldliiR S'ou or an) ouo ttin Imlltl it no experience necessary All lumber machine sawed. Insur ing u perfect tit -ellmlnuie waste material reducing lubir cost- a large saving on the big Items of building. Complete houses aa low .i JH0&. Kery piece nuinberel to cotreHail with the plans and the plans are explicit. If you intend to build In the clt or country let us show von what we lme done for other. A fine catalog awaits your re liiot. READY BUILT HOUSE CO. PHI) Itnmihwiy Poillautl, Oro. (Salem KMngert) If the rumors concerning the new ly projected railroad, under survey by .Mr. Lynot, lmo any foundation of fact, which the Indications appear to substantiate, It would seem that. tho Slem-8tayton-Mlll CI t y - Ho, u d railroad connection proposition Is a double headed Affair and that, Instead of one line, thoie will probably be two, If somebody docs not ''fnll down." This deduction is made af ter a tstlk with J. F. Mounce, the or iginal promoter of a Salem-Stayton lino, who declares that he Is still in the Held with a complete survev and SO per cont of tho right of wav se cured and Intends to put his project through this summer. Mr. Monaco has been promoting n propoHed Salom-Stnyton railroad con nection for two or three yoHrs and Motes that nil Hint Is deterring hliu from boglnniiiK active construction work is tho dolay on tho part of tho stnto land hoard, or tho legislature, in granting him a right of way across tho state lands which hm survey travorsos. Ho declares ho has a .10 year franchise In tho city of Stnton am! thnt his right of way privileges extend Indefinitely. Such of tho right of way along his proposed line ns ho has not secured, ho declares, ho can get without dolay or trouhlo top the rich horticultural and ag'l cultural sections along the route such ns UNortv. Uosedale. etc. t'n qt'ostlanablv my lino will he In course of conetiurt'on during the coming summer." On the other hand, Mr. L 'ot. who Is projecting the now sur I nv Ing nothing hut "sawing wood" and the citizens of Stavton and other communities along tho line of the survey appear to liavo the utmost faith and confidence In the business llk manner in which ho goes about his work. He seems to have plentx of monev and asks no favors which ho Is net willing to pay for. If both of these projects are "on tho square" as it Is hoped they arc, or at least one of them. It begins to look ns though It will develop into n race to see which Is the first on the ground to secure the necessary privileges of right of wav. etc. , Seo Kdwnrds for paper hnnglng.-dv. Protect School Children. Measles, scarlet fevor and whoop ing rough nro prevalent nmonr school children In mnnv cltleB. A common cold never should he neglected as 't weaken tho systom so thnt It Is not In condition to throw off inoro ser ious diseases. Foley's Honev and Tar Is pleasant to tnko, nets qnlcklv, contains no opiates. Sold Kvory whore. Adv. For farm lnnd loans sco J. sorvico. Adv. Uynn A dcslrnblo hrend knlfo frco with evorv nnnunl subscription to The and is only waiting action oh the part iicnd Ilulletln. i JiWwm ill P 9 You Can Afford to Wear Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes The biggest and best reason why you should wear IIaiit, Sciiaffnt.u & Mahx Heady Made Clothes is the clothes themselves. Men buy them not just because o f the . money .savin ir, but be cause they can't get clothes more cleverly styled,. or belter tailored, or fabrics moie distinctive at any price. MODEKATELY PRICED : .- J. AT -- - W. H. MARTIN'S llond Street, next to Owl I'hurniucy A FABLE Once upon a time u man went to an animal dealer to buy a cat to catch mice. Said the dealer why don't you buy n Hon? He would bo much heavlor and stronger, nud would look so much more dignified. Hut, said tho prnspocttvo lmor, tho lion would not only cost more to buy, but so much more to keep Well thou said tho denier, got n tiger, medium weight, medium-priced, handsome creature. I am going to bu a cat, said the man. 1 know exactly what It ha done nml will do catch every mouse on high, will cost but little to keep end will live nine times as long as the other biutttu. Mqrnl: Tho nluo of a thing l dMormlnod by Ita eternal lltneaa. BUY A THE UNIVERSAL CAR Universal Garage IRFNn-RFAIFSTATF 1 Milw hLRhLJirklli . . The sloffan of this bank is "Service' service to our customers, service to Bend and the Central Oregon country. "We have always endeavored to be a constructive force in this community to do our part in its upbuilding and develop ment. There is need of more homes in Bend. To meet this need, and to assist the man or woman of moderate means in building and owning a home, or in clearing his home of existing indebtedness, we have formed a connection with the Equitoble Byildiny I Loon Association of Portland, Oregon The Equitable is one of the strongest organizations of its kind on the Pacific Coast, having assets of $3,400,000, and securities in excess of $8,000,000. We are fortunate in being able to interest a concern of this class in Bend. iThe Equitable Plan is simple and has stood the test of twenty-five years of business. Loans are made exclusively upon city property, at a reasonable rate of interest, and up on a monthly payment basis. Loans are repaid in equal monthly installments, combining interest and a payment on the principal. These payments are large enough to ma terially reduce the principal and are not so large as to be burdensome. In a general way they are about what you may now be paying for rent. Stop Paying Rent Own Your Own Home " "'" ilSSSaSSSSSSSSSMi ISSSSSSBSMSlSiiaiSSSSSSaiHMSHSMNaSMaSMMSSSlSSSSSlSSSSSSMiSMSBSSaiSSSMSWI We Can Help You The Equitable has appointed one of the officers of this Bank as its local agent and we are now prepared to receive applications. Loans on strictly first-class, close-in business properties, will also be considered. Call on us, or write, for particulars. The First National Bank BEND, OREGON Capital $25,000 Earned Surplus $25)000 C 8. HUDSON. PieIdout. U. C. COE. Vlc President. H. A. SATHKR. Vice PrMldent. B. M. LAItA. Cashier. L. G. MeRBYXOLDS, Aest. Casblor. Ii. A. STOVEK, " Asst. Cashier. Ill'll iijjii i j lit .KjgBtjrftfcaMHMMM fc-T varioVle: .. - ---