The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 12, 1916, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Tl M.M.O.
(SMclal to The bulletin)
ever, and er t.ody went home d's-appointed.
C. A. Sm 'h of Hrotners la visiting
Mr. and Mrs I. B. .Johnson ent--
talned at Sunday dinner, their guett
being .Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Allen and
K. A. Pock.
TOMALO, April 10 The funeral nl brother H&rr.ld B. Smith and
errlcaa over the remains cf Raymond i i'in mountain ranger iiauon.
RMt wer held In the church today I H. It. Keller pent the past week
at ia m . Rev Kell) 01 nena ih mna un "uwikw.
preblng the sermon. The church
M crowded with a host of frtonds.
Two wg ago Raymond was arlou
ljr lnared while working In a mine
at Anaconda. Montana. Death re
sulted on last Friday
Mttto Ave year old Welma Clark
la itaaterouab ill with dropsy which
followed a had case of chicken psx.
Mr. and Mr John Coen, Mr. and
Mr. J. C. Tullar and Nell Ray hmU
Bandar afternoon with Mr. and Mr.
Otaf Anders n of DtcbutM.
Mr. and Mr. N. G. Wallact cf
FrlMVlll were in town a abort time
llahrllle Harper spent Sunday wlh
hh brother Ivan at Oden Fall.
Tbe monthly meeting of the V. .
1,. Club will m held Friday afternoon
April 11.
Mian .lame and Mini Mill hare
ifgitod contracts to teach again ne.t
Mm. Clarence Sandel left for Port
land Saturday night on her way to
St. J.oMbt where she has len calld
on account of the serious lllnoss of
nor mother. She will ie accompanl J
on foar trip east iy her aimer
Mr. anil Mrs. H. C. rady. Mrs.
Mildred Taylor and Bert Miller spent
tho week end on the Metollus
Mr. and Mr Harper made a busl
now trip to Hend on Monday.
The youniieat daughter of Mr. anil
Mrs. Nelson la ver 111 with pneumon
ia. She was taken to Mend Wednes
day where she as plareri under tint
care of Dr. Vandevert On account
of the crowded condition of the hw
lrital Mrs. Kelson and child are at
the. Deschutes hotel.
Mr. Thompson went to Redmond.
H'jnd and Sisters on political busl
nana on Saturday
Mr. nnd Mrs. Alhert Harper and
uhlldron were dinner xueats of Miss
ItfHNi I. Mile and Miss Ktta James on
San day .
Mr. and Mrs J. C. Tullsr and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred N. Wallace went to
Hand on Sundav.
On Friday afternoon Mrs. Charles
J. Mock Kave a l.enten tea and mimi
cal! at Illllcrest fr.r the benefit of
hor church. Over thirty ladles wero
iiromint, threo cars coming down from
Jond. The musical program con
sisted of an Instrumental duet bv
Mlaa I.uclle and Miss Xeta Howell,
VocaI solo by Miss I. en ore Mock. In
lrtimmitl hiIo liy MUs Vetn Ilown'i
and a duet iy MIm Nellie and Miss
N'dlii Howell Mm. .!".' f'oon gave
a comlufll res dl nt by Hill Nye.
reported i those that attended the
I-ap Vear dance at Imperial S.itu'
day nl?ht. ,
Mr. Kirtple was a Hampton caller
Mlsa Ethel Foca risltad with Mrs.
Frank Sp-ncr. who has spent tne , Hulh Uult'eeon of Dry l-ake Irom
winter at fhehalla, Washinft j:i. !s , Monday to Wednesday.
expected home rtiday.
Bend and Iturns.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Schreder
gone out to Prlnevllle.
A. Van Lake transacted huainaaa
Mrs. Louise Olem left Monday fo-, n Prlnevllle this week.
: An Hauler program and an all day
i good Urue at A. S Fork's on Easter.
Krerybody welcome and are eerdially
Invited to attend.
Mend after a short stay on the Glees
Mrs. P. H Johnson was a visitor
at the L. Goodman home Tnursdiy
afternoon. I
L. It. Kooney left Sunday for Bend In order to aid the farmer the
whore ho has accepted a position with Rend Flour Mill Co. has this year oU
the Hreoks-Scanlon Lumber Co. ' talned Apex Lend Plaster, a sclea-
L. V. Davis and wife were Bend title fertilizer. Adv.
visitors last of the week
A iloalraliln broad knlfo free with
every minimi subscription to Tho
liQiid Ilullotln.
(Rlioclnl to Tho liullcttn.)
OLOVKItDALH, April 10. Arthur
Griilxi took a load of grain to Itod
Ktond Thursilay.
K. L. Will dmn and wlfo woro In
liond toduv.
MUw GIlMton Hpont tho wcok and In
Mr. Wallace of Prlnevlllo was n
local visitor hero Inst week.
V. L. Cobb of llond waH showlnR
friends from ItoimliiirK tho fnrtuliiK
lands of Clovnrdiile Snturilav.
Slaters, riovenlulo and Philnvlew
IihIiI h mectlim at I'lnlnvlow school
lionxo iHHt.Haturday aftornoon to ills
viibh the uuostloiis of mutual Inter
ests regarding; the water proposition
to lw voted upon April 22.
Oloverdal" Council Club gave a
program and supper Friday nt uh'ch
a small admission was charged and
over twenty dollars ndded to tludr
bank Hci'oiiut. Mr. Kktdton hid
charge. Meiwrs Cutllp mid Van
Mntie furnlshnd lustruiiieiital music
for the oveiiltig. Tho program In
cluded reottutloriH by Mrs Waldron,
Mr. Dookln, Itnvniond Anilrim, Clvl
Ducket, Katbiirlno I'ligh, Kslher Cy
rus, SIkuIiibii .lolinson. Hongn by Mrs
Temnleton. Walter Hovd. Ilvo girls
and Clovotdiile music box. Dialogues
bv ltliba niliHou nnd Walter II ivd
lilella Mlllnr. Vuru. Kkelto't and Karl
Mlllor, Arthur Drube, Dean Vim
Mwtre anil Ifiarl Miller. Tattler by
A. ("rutin.
A doHlrnblo luond knife free with
overy nuntinl subscription to The
Jland Ilullutln.
(Special to The Hulletln)
LOST rilHKK. Atirll S A-Ml.a Al-
Hazel Norton spent several da.s,ice nrtKklBirs closed a Terv succeM-
Srst of the week with Mrs. L. U.ifui term of school and is now at
Ilooney. . home to her many friends In the val-
K. It. Keller hauled a barrel '.f.ioy.
water for the school Tuesday, which c. A. Ashby came home from Uend
was very much appreciated, as the ..t Sunday and is spending a few
teacher and pupils had been carry- jays with his family.
Mrs. J. H. Hassler returned from
Silver Creek last Wednesda A
couple of friends accompanied her
for u few day's visit.
G. It. Young was over to Tom Hut
ton's the fore part of the week
Carton Denney. of Portland, Is th
guest of his friend. Howard Weigel.
Lloyd Forbes has been quite 111
d ring tho past week.
Mrs. Hrlckey. C. J. Stauffer, J O.
Perry and Ilert Mocks went in Lake
view the fore part of tho week Jlm
m!e Drlckoy took thorn down in hit
Hen DeWItt has moved his house
hold goods over to Silver Creek Wo
understand that he has taken a des
ert claim over there.
Dr. and Mrs. Potter passed through
tho valley last Saturday on his way
homo from Ilend. While In the val
ley the doctor nttended Mrs. C. J.
Stnuffer and L. Forbes, who are III.
J. II. Snnveley has gone to Dend
for a load of supplies.
S. W. Host has gone to Sllvsr
Crook for some grain.
G. It. Young made some purchases
at liuck Creek during the week
Mr. Dutzoln has moved Into C. S.
Davis' cabin.
.Mrs. C. C. Washburn has been in
tho sick list the past week.
Ing their dr'nklng water.
Father Sheehan carne out from
Ilend Frldav and conducted Catholic
services t the home of Mr. and Mm.
John Holland
William Pahn and Louis Hall were
visitors at the Leo Taucher home on
William Spencer was a Ilend visit
or first of the week.
Melbn Henkle visited her aunt.
Mrs. L. H. Schmorl Friday night.
Daniel Ileehler nnd David Ilogers
woro In Ilend last week helping Frank
Cinder make final proof on his home
L. Goodman and son. Jay. were
Sunday visiters at the home of IlenJ.
Frank Hurwltr. was a bualnew
caller nt the L. Goodman home Sat
urday. MIm Ktnrna Holier! n spent the
week end at the Garrison home 'n
Mrs. Alva Kllpatrlck returned
home Friday after a few day's visit
with her husband In Ilend.
Mrs. L. II. Schmorl and children
visited Mrs. Clifton HvanB several
days last week.
Mrs. Levi Smith called at the homo
of Mrs. P. II. Johnson on Monday.
Alox "Mcintosh of Ilend Is running
a large band of sheep on the hills
east of Milllcan.
Ralph Pepin and Mlko Mnckey au
tood to (lend first of tho week.
A very nice rain foil Iti Million
valley last night and crops are be
ginning to show up nicely.
George llarclay of Ilend wag 'n
Milllcan on business Wednesday.
Clifton Henm was a business callui'
at Johnson's Thursday.
Aj desirable bread knlfo free with
evory annual suliacrlptlon to The
Ilend Ilullotln.
A desirable bread knlfo free with
every annual (subscription to Tho
Iicnd Hulletln.
(Special to The Hulletln)
HAMPTON, April G. V. T. Hnr
rlson moved his family upon Lizard
Creek Thursday.
Mrs. 0. A. Hurrls nnd children vis
ited with Mrs. J. O. Whltnkor Thurs
day. Miss Kthol Fogg Hpont Friday with
Mir Darlo llurtou.
('. A. Hurrls Is plowing for Mr.
Itclancr this week.
Mrs. J. O. Whltnker entertained
Mrs. C. H. Harmon Friday.
Mrs. C A. Hurrls called on Miss
llorenco Hunting Friday.
i: Hunting left Saturday to con
unit n tiiiVHlrttili
largo crowd and a good tlmo lHi"Knln run n passenger truck betwoe.t
(Special to Tho Bulletin).
HAMPTON Ht'TTK. April B. Mr.
Miller of Iluck Creek was a business
visitor horn Thursday.
Dr. Potter and wlfo of Full nssed
through hern Saturday on their way
homo from Ilend.
Jimmlo llrlckov nnd mother auto
cd to llond one day last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs, C. Couch nutoed
through hero Saturday on tholr way
to Imperial.
P. C. Dencor hn8 purchnped a new
enr, which ho uses to enrry the mall
between Hold and Stnuffer.
Mr. Welcol of Stnuffer enme uri
Sunday and took n truck nut for
Hnnd enrouto to T.ncomn whoro ho
will spend sevoral weeks.
Jne Johnson was n visitor at
Ilrooklngs storo todnv.
A number of Lost Creek people
passed through hore Saturday on
tholr wsv to Imperial whoro they at
tended the dance
Mr nnd Mrs. V P. Wrav hnvo re
turned to this vallov. Mr. Wrnv will
I i"a ' """fir f
(Speetn; to Tim Ilullotln )
MILUCAN. April It) Mr
Mra. Clifton Markey of Mend
week end visitors wllli MlllUau
Mr. and Mrs. George Itav and M'
and Mrs. William sum on of Priu---v'lle
were visitors nt th home of
Mr. nnd Mi. (Joor MlllU-an tlrst or
the wtel,
I. U ttchioorl. who Is winking n
I'rlne' IIU' nuiH 8ttirdn for n --'k
OUil vtott with MlllU'ttii lelutlvcs and
Mrs. Miti'V Itiionev Is expected
Uuiho from Portland this week wheri
she Iibm beiHi vUltlng her dHUghter.
Mr. and Mre. John HkIIhikI and
ehlldrtm wme Hunda dinner khihu
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs It t
.Mr. and lire. George 8 Huberts cr
Hand oanio out to their lion uad i
ItUirdav ovenlttg. Mrs Hoherts wi;i
remain hei for n lime.
Mrs. A. (1. Allen was a Mbltnr nt
the Mllllcai luiue one nlglit last
K. A. tlvW of northern Hinj
ton. siieut the post week In MHII.un
vp- mi toialuess. He Is stopping v
'ill. Vine Inn.
A food alaed crowd gathered 'it
Johnson's Atoro Krldny even'ug e
'WMtlitc to lioer h locti)ro b Mr Lo
ved, the agriculturist. Owing to
anme cor trouble, Mr. I-mett was
prevented from roachlns horo. how-
lucunai noun naitr
gfrSIND. .. o
Jg? JZ? j? JZ?
witH a
"Your Grocer Han
dles this Brand Be
cause he IINJWJ
(1) That tho mill stands squarely back of each and
avory sack produced.
(!) That people today nro demanding more sanitary
inothods In handling table products, nnd that tho sock
used as n container for Deschutes Spray Hour tllU that
(it) That Deschutoa Spray
W1I1THK IlltlUD.
(I) That DesohutoH
TASTING Itltiai).
(rt) That It Is nindo In ilend from
In Qrouk and JuiTorsun counties
Spray Hour niakoa HIMTIIlt
produots grown
Bend Flour Mill Co.
(Special to The Bulletin.)
POWBLL BL'TTE, April lo.-l.loy.l
Uussett made a trip to Prlnevllle m
Thursday, returning Friday.
The Powell Uutte Improvement
Club met at the WH?on school a
Thursday evening. After some dis
cussion It was decided to pive an
opening dance In the Community hall
on April 2S.
Mrs. W. A. Nannev cf Deschutes
visited Mrs., Walter Fester on Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon and
Mrs. Heaves Wlllcoxon and Mr. Geo.
II. Hoe visiter Sisters and Dend on
Friday and Saturday were local
holidays for the men to work on the
hall. Conpidorable work was ac
complished and, with cvervthlng fav
orahle. it Is hoped that Easter ser
vices can be held there on April 28.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ora Foster and Miss
Kuth Foster visited Mrs K. A. Huv
sett In Prlnevllle on Sunday. Grand
ma Hrown accompanied them home
for a visit with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shearer and d (figh
ter Ituth. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reave3 Wlll
coxon and J. A. Rlegs spent Saturday
evening In Redmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sear. A. It.
Rhode and Mrs. N. P. Alley wero
Hend visitors on Saturday.
Misses Pauline Truesdale and Mar
tha Horlean visited nt tho Truesdale
ranch on Sunday.
Jess Shobert hns been very sick
with the grippe for tho past few dnv.
Dr. R. D. Ketchum of Hend vis
ited Powell Ilutte and Prlnevllle on
O. C. Tmeidnle made a trip to
Opal Cltv on Sunday, returning wPh
a fine large mnre which he had re
cently purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hayn. Mlssei
Hf.zel nnd Gladvs Ilivn nnd J. A.
Rlegs autood to Opal Springs on Sunday.
(Special to Tho Hulletln I
PINKHURST, April 10. Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Root received the sid
news of tho death of their son Ray
last Friday. Rav, who formerly liv
ed here, was well known throughout
tho country. Tho death was caused
from Injuries received while working
In a smelter In Anncondn, Montana.
The body wns brought hore for Inter
ment. Louis Dietrich, who has his home
with his parents for tho past several
months, loft last week for Tolodo,
Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and
It - ?! 1 f IS
riti-ai ' 'I. 'Ion.
Mr. and .Mrs. A. McAllster made u
besinw. trip to Bend Friday
John Haaselberg l'"r ,'
the homes of C. H. Spaitgh. and U.
H. Fia.U-v one day last ween.
M Clarence Sandll left Satur
day evenln for St. Louis. Missouri
to be at the id side of her m-ithei
Charlie .Montgomery has i-een heiri
iny Mr. McAl.ster put la his crop tn.
Mrs. L. H Root called on Mm
ReW one dav last week.
Mrs. G. V. Sayder went to Hend
0BL. H 'Root made a trip to Head
Saturday. .
Miss Nellie Snyder and Miss mi"1
Vandevert spent the week end at
Nellie's home here.
Misses Luclle and Nellie Hottell
called at the Snyder home Wednesd.o
Mrs. A. H. Reed was a Tunialo i3
Itor Saturday evening.
Charlie Howell and Tom Ore'l
fishing on the Tumalo river one da
last week.
Trv our fresh broad and pastry.
Carm'ody Drothers. Bond street.
Adr. 3o lf
For sign painting see Edwards.
The Famous Chew with the
Delicious, Fruity Flavor
That Lasts
Supreme Comt Decides Aualii't I'or-
mcr Water Matter.
(Crook County Journal.
A decision was handed down by
tho Supreme Court Tuesday in the
case brought by George 11. Brewster
against Crook county for salary as
water master. In which the county
has prevailed In the litigation. Tho
case has been a famous one, Mr.
Brewster winning In the circuit
court and he county 'nklng the
nppeal and finally prevailing against
Mr. Brewster.
Tho case wns reversed In the su
preme court and dismissed without
prejudice according to a wire receiv
ed by District Attorney Wlrtz Tues
day, which, In his opinion means that
tho supreme court has decided that
mandamus cannot be employed to
compel the county court to audit and
allow the water mnster's salary but
that an action at law against the
county Is the proper procedure to be
A most complete list of seed for
Spring sowing has been obtained bv
tho Hend Flour Mill Co. Every sack
thoroughly cleaned so nB to leave
nothing but tho Inrgo plump berry.
See our advertisement. Adv.
See J. Rvnn & Co., for farm land
lor.ns. Adv.
You want to get all the enjoyment
and benefit possible out of tobacco.
Then chew plug tobacco.
You want your chew to have the
wholesome, appetizing richness of rip
fruit. Then chew Spear Head. t
You want a plug with a dcliciously
sweet and mellow flavor that lasts at
long as the chew lasts. Then chew
Spear Head.
One chew of Spear Head will con
vince any man that there's no other to
bacco on earth with such a rich and
lasting flavor. That's because all the
natural juices of the choicest Burlcy
leaf arc retained in Spear Head.
The making ofSpear Head is con
ducted strictly according to pure-food
methods in a great modern factory that
is spic-and-span throughout.
,The most expensive, modern pro
cesses keep Spear Head fresh, swett
and pure at every stage.
The luscious plug of Spear Head,
from which you bite the tastiest,
wholcsomest of chews, represents
the highest form of plug tobacco
Try Spear Head the very best chew
that money can buy. In 10c cuts,
wrapped in wax paper.
Taken With Croup.
"A few nights ngo ono of my pat
rons has a child taken with croup,"
writes M. T. Davis, merchant. Dears
vtlle, W. Va. "About midnight he
came to my storo and bought a bot
tle of Foley's Honey nnd Tar Com
pound. Before morning the chlhl
was entirely recovered." Mnnv such
letters have been written. Sold Every,
where. Adv.
And Investlgnto our prices
before buying jour p-occrlos.
Wo can mivo you money. .
P. B. Johnson's
Milllcan, Oic. Telephone
Dry Factory Wood
i'E are now prepared
to supply clean, dry
factory wood to the homes
of Bend. This wood is
the trimmings from sash
. and door cuttings, kiln
dried and planed. Re
quires no cutting or split
ting for household use and
will be found to be the
most desirable of all kit
chen fuels here, as it has
een proven
PROMPT DELIVERY, Phone for further information
Bend White Pine Sash Co;
Phone 441