The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 12, 1916, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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rAOB 10.
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(Continued from Inst wcok.)
Stulnn grass 1b Konernlly conslclor-
od n southern plant niul not ndnptcd
to tlio cllnmto of tlio Northwest.
Trlnls with this crop by tlio ABricnl
tnrnl CoIIoro lino not proven It a
huccoss prior to lull, nnd It was not
recommended by tlio Agriculturist In
1911 although, whon wo found that
soino of our funnel h wero trying It,
wo watehud rusults with Intorest. Mr.
John Van Allen near Hedmond met
with vory promising results with this
crop on a mnnll plot of ground this
year, the plnnts growing to a height
of sovon feet and soino of the heads
maturing. In 1013 wo encouraged
trials of the crop In smml pIotH In
various sections of tlio county. Mr.
foot. Taking this basis for the
above Job: Cost of tile, $3fi (assum
ing no lodticflon for carload);
frolght, $22.50; haulage $17. fin (as
suming sumo hnul); labor $11, total
$89 or $22.23 per acre. Now as to
results: Crop, 1911. four acres, 20
bushels Ilarloy or five bushels per
aero; crop 1915, Tour acres, 278
bushels wheat and barley or G9,4
per aero. I'loclng a value of SO cents
per biiHhol on this crop tlio result Is
$222 50 minus $138.50, equals
$83.90 net gnln this year from the
nbovo operation. In our minds nnd
from these resultB wo firmly bellovo
that tile drainage Is an unqualified
success. This four ncro tract wo
tried only as an experiment and wo
Intend to drain 10 acres more ns
qulcklv ns posslblo. Thoro aro fow
Investments which pay so well on al
kali land. Hoping that 1910 may
seo ninnv urooK county acres tuo
year preceding tho fallow year or'tlllzer was applied to tlio land too
early In tho spring of that year. J lato for obtaining best results tho
Whoro' posslblo tho fall plowing Is tho sarno season and tho potatoes were
Van Allen planted about one half
ncro to tho crop and. to cur knowl- j,.,,!,,,,,!, wo ,eK to remain, vory tru-
edgo, four oilier piois wero piaiuou. ,y yourHi t. c. Cram & Sons."
It will ho noted by this report that
All who blunted Sudan grass this
year obtained a good crop, making at
least ono good rutting of hay and
Mr. Vnn Allen's crop grow to an nv
nrago height of six feet and matur
ed tho seed. This prop will b tried
on n Inrger sonle not season. Tho
plant Ik relished by stock either ns n
liny or a pasturo.
i n;i,i) I'liAs.
Klolil Peas were proven n success
ful crop for this section on tho dem
onstration farms at ltedmoud and
Metollus In charge of the Agricultur
al college In 1912 and 191.1. A con
siderable acreago of tho crop plant
ed by farmers In this county In 1911
hut practically all proved n failure
because of attacks by tho aphis. He
cnuso of those failures, the farmers
gonornlly had decided that Held peas
would not prove a profitable crop
but, because of the successes with the
crop on tho demonstration farms nnd
experiment stations, tho Agricultur
ist recommended it to tho farmers or
Crook county for planting In 1915.
Ah a result of our recommenda
tions 1200 pounds of Hold pens for
seed wore purchased and planted this
yenr. Tho varieties planted consisted
of 800 pounds of ccinmoii Canadian,
200 pounds of San I,uls valley, 100
pounds of Carlton, no pounds of
Kaiser, 30 pounds of Cossack and 10
pounds of (Iroy Winter vurletles.
Tho Jack rabb'n destroyed about
flvo iicros of this ni-n for fanners
planting It and tho nphls destroyed u
flold of ono half ncro. Tho roinnln-
dor of tho wed planted produced n
Eoort crop, tho Carlton nnd Cossnck
varieties proving a prolllablo crop
ou'ii at Mllllcan (mi tho "high des
oi t"). On Irrigated lauds, nil va-
rlotlcH mndo n good crop with tho
Carlton, tho Kaiser, tho San I. ills
Valley, tho Cossack and tho Canadian
proving most profitable In tho order
named. The (Iroy Winter vnrloty
wiih destroyed by aphis.
Tho agriculturist had advised that
seed from this crop bo saved for an
other year's planting nnd hnd opect
ed that this would bo done but. with
cno exception, tho peas wore harvest
ed l.y Iiok or cut for liny. Ono doni
oiiBliutni harvested tho seed but crop
was planted mi lato that yields were
Wo undertook tho clubbing of or
ders for Held peas for seed during
tho winter of 191 1-1 R but wltho t
success. The sauio method will bo
undertaken for obtaining seed for
crop of lit 111.
I)lt.l..(;i: OI-' AMU I.I I.A.VI)
0 lleiiiiinslratlon.)
Many otherwise fertile Holds along
tho Crooked river and Ochoco bot
tom lauds are mado unprofitable and
In soino Instances absolutely worth
less because of the piosenco of black
alkali In tho soil. An effort was
made by County Agriculturist dur
ing tho year 1911 to Interest owners
of these lauds In the drainage for Im
proving their soils. In January. 1915
wo received a leiiuest from II, C.
the absolute cost of tlio In less than
cnrload late Is Hgured. If a largo
amount of tlio wero used nnd It could
ho shipped In carload lots tho not
gain would be $222.10 minus $89, or
$133. '10. which equals u profit of
$-11.10 above tho cost of the tile for
four acres or an Increased profit
above tho cost of tho tlio nnd of the
crop grown tho provlous year or
$28.10 for four acres, or $7.10 per
ncro. It will bo noted that tho
freight hill from tho denier to tho
purchnsor equaled considerably moro
than tho first cost of tho tlio nnd If
the tlio could bo purchnscd In cnr
load lots thin cxponso would still ho
greater than this first cost of tho
Whon results of this kind can be
obtained through n demonstration on
tho ground, it Is unnecessary to
spend n grent deal of time In writing
concerning tho ndvnntngo of dralnngo
for soils of this character. In our
opinion, the drain tlio ohotild bo Inld
at least three to four feet deep and
lines not more thnn 40 feet apart.
On Inrger tracts, It will or courso ho
necessary to Increase tho size of tho
tlio an lines become longer nnd lat
erals converge and, In ovory enso, tho
Iuvo'h should ho run nnd plans for
the ontlro dralnngo system complet
ed Woro any of tho tlio Is laid.
An effort Is being mndo to discover
clay deposits for tho mnuufneturo of
drain tlio within Crook county, which
discovery niul manufacture would re
duce tho cost or this tlio nt least ono
Tlio average total rainfall for
Crook county In 1911 was fili Inches.
Tho sntuo total for 1915 wns seven
Inches, lloth of theso totals aro bo
low tho normal amount for this
section but tho maximum niiuunl
rainfall for samo, according to nil
Iniormntlon which wo can obtain, Is
below 1 1 Inch nnd, undor theso
conditions, It Is unneccpsnry to stato
Hint summer fallowing Is required for
growth of crops on tho dry hinds of
the county. Tho purpose of tho sum
mer fallow In this section Is to store
nr.d coimervo tho moisture of tho fal
low for tho two of tho crop tho crip
ytnr. N'lnety por cent of tho minimi
pretlpltntlou occurs between October
tb nnd May 1st.
So-called summer fallowing of the
laud Is practiced by nil farmers on
uulirlgiited lauds In Creel; oou.ity,
evcoptlng pofslhly n few who hnvo
cultivated tracts along tho river bot
toms which nro suh-lrrlgntcd. How
ever, In tho majority of cases, al
though a crop Is grown on tlio laud
only alternate years, tho methods
used In tho preparation and cultiva
tion or theso lands between crops do
not servo tho purpose or a rnllow In
the matter or moisture conservation.
A very largo percentage or tho sum
mer rnllow In plowed lato In tho
spring or tlurlng the stimmur or tho
fallow year. Usually cultivation of
theso fallow Holds consists In more-
Crnm &. Sons of l'rlnevlllo, locatud )v harrowing the hind from ono to
nhoiit four miles enst on the Ochoco (i,n.0 or four times with n spike
river bottoms, to visit their farm mil , tooth harrow, A rail grain crop Is
suggest meaiiH Mr correcting Ihelr j pliuittul tho same koasnn that tho
hlnck ulkall soils. Dralnngo or these, ,,0Xl B ,lono or 8,,rK cro,, ,,0
lnnds wan leconuneiided iib the hext , following snrlng. In 1915. b.m.
method for their Improvement, hut
heciiuso of the extremely high cost of
drain tlio, wo suggested the trial of
this method on a small Hold as n
demonstration. Our recommenda
tions wero followed nnd Hiilllcleut tile
for draining four ncres wero procured
nnd placed In the Held. Mr, Cram's
report of this demonstration In writ
lug shows very clearly tho results
obtained, nnd Is as follows:
"As per your request wo nro send
ing you tlio following1 report on four
acres of land which wo tlio drained
this oor: Cost of 1500 ft. 3 Inch
tile. $35; Freight l'ortlnud to Hod
inoud, $72 (split car rate); haulage,
Hedmond to ranch, $17 50; labor 7
dnys at fi, $11; Total cash. $18S 50
or $31.03 per ncro. Tho tile wns
laid 00 feet npart, thjoo foot deep,
nnd easily drained this space nt Hint
depth. A system- laid four reet deep
would hnvo drained 80 foot between
Hues, Increasing tho nrea drained by
this amount to a llttlo ovor 5 ncres.
Wo woro unabln to got tho latter
depth owing to dllllculty for securing
outlet for that level. Another Item
which would bo materially roduced
is tho freight. Taking a carload lot
or 30,000 pounds minimum weight,
tho rate would ho $109 to Hedmond,
or about ono nnd ono half cents per
of tho high cost of wheat, a Inrgo
number of fanners on dry laud plnnt
ed spring wheat without summer fal
low and In only ono Instance wua any
grain harvested and In this case, tho
yield did not prove prolllablo.
Vory llttlo demonstration work on
summer fallowing of laud wns start
ed In 1DH by the Agriculturist. Ten
fields In various sections or the coun
ty wero stnrted ns demonstrations In
1915. Those demonstrations must
necessarily cover nt least two yours
so that results from tho ones thus
tnr started In the county will not bo
available until harvests or 1910 and
1917 Ono demonstration In tho cnl-
tlvntlon or tho summer rallowed laud
was howovor, already proven or val
ue. Tho demonstrntor. Mr. A. S.
1'ogg, living near Hampton on tho
"high desert." cultivated u plot or
twv acres with a common liny rake,
tho remainder or tho same Held be
ing cultivated with a spike tooth har
row, itpon examination In Soptom
ber wo found tho moist earth two
Inches nearer tho Biirrnco or tho Hold
and moro molsturo deeper In tho soil
on tlio demonstration plot than on
tho remainder or tho Hold.
Dry land farmers nro advised ns
follows? Land should be plowed for
summer fallow In tho fall of tho
better of tho two. Tho use of a Bub
surrnco packer Immediately following
tho plow hns proven of valuo and la
necessary for obtaining best results
on spring l lowing. On full plowing,
laud should bo loft ridged as tho
packer leavoc It until spring when. It
should ho harrowed. On spring
plowing, land should be harrowed
after packer. Cultivation thereafter
must bo made with tools which will
best dcstioy the weeds nnd leave u
slightly coarse earth mulch covering
tho surface of from ono to two in
ches deep, uso to bo mado of these
tools when weeds appear, after each
rain or whenever tho surfneo of tho
Held tends to pack. The tools gener
ally used in this cultivation nro tho
spike tooth harrow or tho spring
tooth harrow but wo have found that
on tho majority of the lnnds which
nro of a sandy nature theso tools nro
too sovero and leave n deep, pulver
ized mulch which causes tho loss or
moisture. Tho tool known ns n "weed
or" Is much to bo preferred for this
cultivation and, whero this tool Is
not nvallnblc, tho hay ral;o usually
doe,'better work than will nny of tho
Tilal of t lilini Meat Company's
"Heaver liiimd E" I'eitlliei- In
('took Comity, 11)1,'.
Tho farmers genernlly In Crook
county, most especially on Irrigated
lands, are of thu opinion that their
lauds need an application of some
commercial fertilizer for obtaining
best yields of crops grown. In ordor
to provo tho valuo of n commercial
fertilizer an experiment wns under
taken during tho Benson of 1915 to
determine tho amount of Incrcaso In
yield of potatoes which might ho ob
tained front the use of a commercial
fertilizer. Results obtained from the
uso or Sulphate or Potash on tho
Demonstration Knrm at Hedmond In
1912 proved this fertilizer beneficial
on alfalfa and analysis of tho soils in
this section show thorn to bo soino
what deficient in potash nnd phos
phorous. Ilecnuso of tho high price of pot
ash In 1915 Is was not practicable
to uso this fertilizer on nny of tho
crops. The co-operntlon of tho Un
ion Mont Compnny of North Port
land, Oregon, wns obtained In a trlnl
of n commercial fertilizer rich In pot
ash nnd phosphorts nnd ns tho po
tato ylolds of lands In this section
nro comparatively small, this crop
wns chosen for tho experiment. Tho
Union Meat Compnny furnished 200
pounds of tholr Heaver llrnnd "B"
fertilizer whoso porcentngo analysis
Is as follows: nuimnuln (nnlmnl)
3.04, nitrogen, 2.50, phosphoric ncld
(nvnllablo) 5.00, phosphoric acid (In
solublo) 5,52, phosphoric ncld (to
tal) 10.52 nnd potnsh (parol K 2 O
cqunls 12.00. Mr. S. D. Mustnrd, a
Winer nnd siiccessrul potato grower
In tho Powell Uutte district, used this
rortlllzor under direction or tho
County Agriculturist nnd his assis
tance In tho experiment could not bo
Improved upon In any wny, ho taking
grent Interest and pains throughout.
Data In detail regnrdlng this ex
periment nro ns folhws: Now land
wan first irrigated then plowed Mny
1st, furrow's wero opened nnd fertil
izer dropped in hills nnd covered with
small amount of earth after which
potatoes wero dropped In snmo hills
nnd covered with small amount or
earth nftor which potatoes woro
d-iipped hi snmo hills and covered.
Potatoes wero planted .lure 1st, tho
variety planted was tho Cold Coin.
Two hundred pounds or fertilizer
were used on ono sixth ncro with un
fortlllzod potatoes on each sldo of
fertilized plot nud full ncro of pota
toes Included fertilized plot wns on
uniform soil, wns planted on snmo
date and recolvod wuno attention, In
cluding tho application or Irrigation
water throughout tho season. Pota
toes on fertilized plot and ono sixth
ncro unfertilized ndjolulng wero dug,
sacked nud weighed on November G
with tho following results:
Weight of fertilized plot of ono
sixth acre, 2371 pounds.
Weight or unfertilized plot of ono
sixth ncro, 2 ISO pounds.
An Increased yield from ubo or
rortlllzor on ono sixth ncro 185
pounds or 1110 pounds per ncro. Tho
results obtained from the uso of this
fertilizer under tho clrcumstnncos ns
round this yenr would not warrant
the use of this fertilizer on potatoes
nt tho prlco for which It soils. The
experiment Is, howovor, considered
Incomplete nnd not Indicative of tho
valuo which might bo obtained
through Its uso on potatoes undor
more favorable conditions. Tho fer-
planted later thnn Is common In this
section. Increased yields of succeed
ing crops on this plot may bo expected.
After careful study of this experi
ment and soils In Crook county gen-1
orally, It Is tho opinion of tho County i
Agriculturist thnt ono of tho first I
requirements for our soils Is humus 1
which Is lacking In tho upland soils. I
Ily planting nny clovers or other
green manures this humus may bo
added to tho soil nnd results than ,
obtained from tho uso of fertilizer
will undoubtedly bo much moro pro-f
nounced. j
This plot will bo watched for re-'
suits In yields of grain which will bo
planted next season and It is hoped
that rurther experiments may bo car
ried on with commercial fertilizer ott
tho various crops.
Lots at Half the Price.
Xet Week: Crop Notations Brail'
Icatlon of Juck Itubblt.s as a I'nnii
Pest, Btc.
(Continued next week.)
lilt Ago Agalnit Him.
"I am 52 years old and I have ben
troubled with kidneys nnd blndsdr for
n good mnny years," writes Arthur
Jones, Allen, Knns. "My ago Is
against mo to ovor get cured, but
Foley KIdnoy Pills do mo more good
than nnythlng I over tried " Hhou
mntlsm, nchlng back, Bhooting pnlns,
Btlrf Joints, Irregular action, nil hnvo
been relieved. Sold Everywhere, ndv.
When you buy a enck of outside
flour vou hinder tho development of
Central Oregon's rfnrm resources.
Mnko It n nrnntlrn tn hnv thn lininn
product. Every sack guaranteed, ndv
A dcslrcblo bread knlfo frco with
ovcry nnnunl subscription to Tho
Dcnd Bulletin.
Clean up nnd paint up.
wards. Adv.
Sco Ed-
Asked ill other additions of Equal Distance from
the Business Center.
Lois 40X105 .$75 for Inside, $100 for Corners
Lois 50X125 $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners
Central Oregon's Leading
Fire Automoble Life Accident Surely Bonds
Member Portland Itcnlty Hoard.
True Economy . . .
means the wise jpendlne of one money making every dollar do full duty
and Etting In return an article that will ntUfy you In every way.
Tb . WHITE, .
Is a real bargain because It Is sold at a popular
rtrw Ivauu It plvta vou the kind of sewlna
you delight ln because It will turn out the work )
quietly and thoroughly and give you a life time 5
of satisfactory ervlec because itj improvements
will enable you to do things which can't be done
on any other machine) because It will please you
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In sbcrt you will find the White reliable and
desirable from every point of view.
Be sure to ut the i7hlte dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White Is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines.
in South Side of town,
in New Hastings Addi
tion, close to mills and
close to town, price from
$150 to $350
annul cash payment,
balance on easy terms.
Inquire S. Muhasaki
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Cement, Lime, Plaster
and Brick.
Fir Flooring and
kinds of Finish Lumber
Call, or phone us, at mill office (Red 14H1) or see our representative
in Bend Company Building, Wall and Ohio Sts.