The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 12, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
vol. xiv.
XO. 0.
Xo Itcttcr 1'lnnt Clin bo Found In
I'nltcd .States, Hays Malinger II. (3.
Klop Will Produce li." Curs of
KuorkiMl Ronii Siish Monthly.
The Heml White Pino Sash Com
liany, operating tho Sliovll.n-Hlxon
sash factory, will commence cutting
tomorrow and tho plant which has
no peer for completeness In tho coun
try will ho manufacturing sash and
frames to Its full capacity within two
weeks. Tho cutting department, em
ploying approximately 30 men, Is tho
llrst to bogln operations, and It will
work at top Bpecd In order to hovo
u surplus stock on hand for tho othor
departments when they aro ready to
begin their work.
That nowhere In tho entire United
States can a sash factory of greater
clllclency, completeness and moro
modem In Its finish ho found, Is tho
belief of somo of tho machinists and
saw mill exports who havo boon In
llend during tho last threo weoltB
looking over Tho Sliovltn-IIIxon Com
pany's plant. Nothing, thoy ngrcod,
has been spared In tho way of money,
and export advice In tho orectlon of
tho rash factory to mako' It n model
In tho manufacturo of sash and win
dow frames. Tho door department,
which will probably be put In within
n year, will follow suit with tho de
partments which will bo operated
Money Xo Consideration.
According to II. 0. Klopp, nianagor
of tho White Pino Sash Company of
Spokuno and tho llond White- Pino
Sash Company, cvorytlilng nt tho
omnium! of manufacturers of ma
chinery for this factory has been
placed In tho way to glvo thl3 factory
distinction. Money has not bcon a
consideration In tho purchase of ma
chinery which will produce tho best
rosnltH. luilli ns regards nualltv and
quantity. Tlg machinery, all of1
which is now pracucauy in mo isi
stages of Installation, 1b of tho Int
ent typo mado for this business. In
ninny particulars, according to Man
ugor Klopp, sonio of tho machines
which will bo used In tho manufac
turo of sash and window frames aro
of an entirety now typo. Thoso ma
chines havo boon worked out nfter
many years oxporlenco In tho Spokane
plant, nnd somo of them combine
features of peroral nmchinos in one.
With these, together with Inter mod
vis In machines, It is oftlmatoil by
Mr. Klopp that the factory of the
Rend Whlto Pine Sash Co. will be
Irom 2 to :t0 per cnt moro efficient
than tho Spokane plant. Tho fnBtost
mr.chlnory o' talnnltlo will bo used.
Through tho system of conveyors the
handling of lumber 1iy hand lias
been reduced to a largo extent. Tho
ensli factory will use for tho most
part the Xo. 2 and Xo. 3 Hhop lumber
In tho manufacture of sasli and
Plant Is Kliiiient.
Ucry nuichlno In the rvirn Is dl
Toctly driven from a motor. This Is
ono of the features of efficiency,
lloltlng has beou reduced to tho min
imum. Tho power for tho plant Is
obtained from tho power houso which
nuppty all tho othor dopartmonts. It
Is estimated that approximately BOO
eloctlcal horsopowor will ho noces
sary to drlvo tho plant whon running
to full capacity.
Tho wasto olemont has also beon
vrottly reduced In tho local sash fac
tory. Everything In tho way of
scraps will bo devoted to somo pur
doso. Tho big hog will out tho smal
ler sticks Into shavings. Tho shav
ings from the planers nnd surfacors
will bo collected through tho huge
Idower for fuel to bo usod for the
tires In the power houso. Small cut
tings that nro clear will bo conserved
and shlpM?d to eastern factories for
manufacture Into veneer doors. Tho
trlminings from the sash and door
cutting will be vory deslrablo domes
tlc fuel nnd will bo sold largely for
local and nearby trade. Large bun
kers are bolng erected for handling
these trimmings.
Ciipiuity Is fjirno.
The capacity of the fiend plnt.
.when It gets into full operation. w4ll
he 3000 sash nnd 1000 frames dally.
In all the plant will havo a shipping
rapacity of 25 cars por month. Prac
tically nil of tho sash and window
frames will he shtppod from tho local
plant knocked down, exclusively for
eastern wholesale trade.
The hulldlng, whloh Is the largest
manufacturing building at tho Shev
lln plant. Is remarkably well lighted.
Cleanliness will be given minute con-
(Continued on last page.)
Use for lload Foundation With As.
plinlt MUture AIhivp Cousldeied
Satisfactory by State Engineer.
SALEM, April 10. According to
State Engineer Lewis, testa on sam
ples of volcanic cinders for road pur
poses havo been Made at the Corval
lls laboratory by Professor a. H. Graf.
A report received, from him shows
that the cinders possess hut slight ce
menting powor of themselves, nnd
therefore their uso In nn ordinary
typo of wnter .bound macadam Is not
Tho clndors also aro so porous and
brittle that thoy do not potsess tho
neccessary crushing strength to allow
their uso In cement or bituminous
concrcto roads,
The report Indicates, however that
a successful road may probably be
built by using tho cinders as a foun
dation, on top of which might be put
n binder course consisting of natural
cinders mixed with nsphnlt, tho wear
ing surfaco consisting of fine crushed
cinders mixed In tho proportions of
tho ordinary sheet asphalt. Tho lat
ter seems feasible, bccr.uso tho ma
terial of which tho cinders are com
posed Is in itself tulto hnrd and re
sists nbrnelon vory well, but on nc-
count of Its porous nnturo Is woak
mechanically, unless crushed so fine
that the porca nro eliminated from
tho Individual particles.
$80,000 MAY GE SPENT
Roadbed lU'tuccii Crooked Itlvor and
lloiul Will Probably lie Rallnsled
This Venr Work Regius.
Reports nro thnl the Orogon Trunk
Hallway will oxpend upwards of $C0.-
000 on ballnstlng Its road bed be
tween tho Crooked rivor nnd llond
this year. This strotch of tho rail-
load has nover beon ballasted, niul
expecting n henvy traffic this yonr,
the company will tako.oarly action
to bettor Its transportation facilities.
This week -10 workmon woro put
on tho road at various place between
Fallbrldgo nnd llend doing some pre
liminary ballasting nnd Improving
roadbod. It Is expected that this
number will bo augmented beforo
nnothor summer.
Tho Iinprovoments that will prob
ably bo mado this year will Include
extensive work on tho locaf railroad
Prominent Kdiinttois to Spook nt
Meeting In Hold RulMIng to Which
Public Is Invited.
A local educational Institute, nt
which prominent cd enters of the
state will bo present to speak will bo
held in tho Held uchcol building In
llend on April 1C. Tho meeting hero
is one of n series that Is being held
throughout Crook county under tho
direction of J. E, Myors, county
school superintendent, All friends
of education nro cordially Invited to
attend tho Institute.
The program for the day as out
lined by Mr. Myors Is as follows:
Morning session 10:30 n. m.:
Hand work, "Making a Doll Houso
In the Rural School," Etta James,
Tuiirolo; "Hulldfcig Illrd Houses,"
Hlnucho Wilson, Terrebonne; Gener
al Discussion. 11:15 a. m.: "Chil
dren's Heading," P. M. Nash. Red
mond; Discussion, Inez Penu, llond.
Afternoon session, (1:30): "The
Old Playground nnd tho New," II. J.
Hockenberry, Portland; "Hoys and
Girls' Club Work," II. C. Seymour,
Corvallls; Discussion, II. C. Ilaugh
maii, Prlnovillo,
.Shipment). Into llend Will lie lleay
This Year.
Wool shipments from tho sheen
oountry south and oast of llend have
begun to arrive at the United Ware
house, and it Is ejoecied that the
Incoming wool will move rapidly for
several woeks, as shearing Is ou In
full blast.
That the wool output from Central
Oregon will bo considerably heavier
via llond this year, Is the opinion of
A. M. Pringle. manager of the United
Warehouse Company, who says that
many of the sheep men have Increas
ed their bands In the last year.
lluylns in the local wool market
will probably be unusually keen
owing to the strong damand by man
ufaetureri. Already some of the
snoop men have contracted their
year's ellp for 18 cents delivered In
llend. Many It Is said are holdlag
for 22 and 23 cents per pound figure-
Only 78:1 Voters Enrolled With Lo
cal Iteglstrni Women Show Lit
tlo Intel est Hooks Will Close
On the Eenliig of Apill 1H.
Have you registered?
If not, register tonight.
You hnvo only seven days left In
which to attend to this civic duty.
Unless you register before the
evening of April IS, you will havo to
swear in your voto at tho primary
election in May,
Register nt once.
In tho Bend precinct only 7S3 vqt
ors havo registered. It Is stated by
tho registrars that only u sinnll per
cent of tho women voters havo regis
tered. It Is estimated nlso that only
nbout 25 per cent of tho voting' popu
lation of the Rend precincts has been
enrolled for tho primaries.
In tho last several weeks tho reg
istrars In the llend precinct have
boon confronted by mimorous regis
tration problems. The most preva
lent among the3o applies to aliens.
According to the Oregon election laws
nny person of voting ago, who uunl
lllcs as n voter In all respects save
that of citizenship must hnvo taken
out his or hor second papers for nat
uralization nnd must hnvo thoso
papers nt tho time of registration.
Men hnvo beon voting In Orogon and
other states for years, after having
made tholr declaration of Intention,
hut according to the most recent en
actment, In order to qualify for tho
primary election or geuornl election,
thoso second papers mist accompany
registration. It Is Imperative that
seoond papers be shown to registra
tion officers. In the case of n fathor
who becomes naturalized bbfnro he
(tho child) became of nge, he Is a
naturalized citizen, but must exhibit
tho fathor's papers or a copy of the
papors from the court Issuing thorn.
An American woman, who mnrrles n
forolgnor. takes tho nationality of hor
lutsbnud and must exhibit his pnpors.
At thu termination of tho marltnl re
lation, If sho continues to reside hero
she mav resume hor citizenship.
A foreign bom unmurrlod woman
must bo uaturallzod hersolf after she
becomos of age, or by hor father o
foro sho becomes f ago; If married
to a foreigner who Is naturalized,
sho must exhibit Ills "final" papors.
Proof of filing on n homestead Is not
Kiiffl.lcnt proof of citizenship. Anyi
foreign born womin who neulrHi
citizenship bv marriage to nn Ameri
can, retains the name tfter the tor
mluatlnn of martial relation. If "he
continues to teslde hero, nnd unless
she makes formal ronunclatlon of clt
iMiishlp. Voters reglatertug 1 bin
outside of. Rend nro urged to have
tho correct description of their prop
erty showing Bcctlon, township nnd
The loglstrntlon, nccordlng to lo
cal registrars, hns boon unusually
apathetic, and they say Hint tho vt
Ing strongth of the llond precinct Is
far from tho maxlum.
Tho registration officers aro H. C.
Ellis, on tho second lloor of the First
Xatloua! Rank building and Chus.
W. Ersklne at the corner of Wnll and
Orogon streots.
IT MA 11 DAM 1'
Latest reports are that the lenkB In the reservoir
there will be plenty of water for Irritation during
project makes a pleasant outlag frou Rend.
Civic Impioeinent Committee Makes
Plans For Rest Spot Stoics to
Clie Early Slipper to bo Pio-
lltled Clean Up Ciimpidxu,
Thursday, April 20, has been des
Ignated as Park Day and set nsldo
for the purpose of doming up the
block bounded by Ohio and Third
streets and Lava road, where tho
wator tower stands, secured for
pnrk purposes for tho coming sum
mer. Initiative. In tho undertaking
hns been taken by the Civic Improve
ment commttteo, appointed by May
or. Eastes, and tho program for the
affair will bo In tho hands of mom
bors of tho committee. Other city
organizations, including the Com
mercial Club nnd the, Women's aux
iliary, will assist.
According to the plans of the im
piovcment committee, nn erfort wilt
bo made to have all stores and liusl
mss houses closo at live o'clock ou
tho appointed tiny, and all nblu
bodied men will bo oxpectod to re
port on tho grounds propnred to
raise a fow blisters In tho cause..
Swings will bo erected for the chil
dren, loose rock will bo removed,
grass seed sown nnd benches mndo.
It possible the stand In tho roar of
Tho llond Company office will bo
moved to tho pnrk block with tho
Intention of having some of tho sum-
mor concerts given there. Already
n number of carpenters have offer
ed their services for the occasion and
promises have been made of some of
some of the supplies which will bo
needed, such ns gram seed, rope,
nails and lumber. The Rend band,
under tho direction of Ashley Tor
rest vi 111 play during the event.
If possible a half holldny will bo
declared at the high school and the
hoys given the afternoon to work on
the grounds.
Maters. Hnrtranft. Whlto nnd
Skusf, of tho committee, will have
general charge of tho work and plana
me being mndo to havo n picnic sup
per served by tho ladles of the aux
iliary club for tho workors.
To Paint Up nnd Clean Up.
As n pnrt of the program for tho
city Improvement tho committee al
so plans n campaign ngalust llles, ns
announced soti'n time ago, and also
a paint up week to be followed, pea-
slhtv, by a contest In lawn growing
and gardening, all Intended to help
beautify the it-It y.
l'nr the clean uti campaign the
committee In obtaining a number of
niirnvwTv nuTaruaiHB inuuvi nun
expects to allow moving picture of
the work In other cities. An Illus
trated lecturo on the fly pest Is nlso
In this work all will be urged to
clean up their grounds and homes
and whercevor articles nro found
which nro not desired the Rend Re
nevolont nsBocintlon Is ready to re
ceive them and sen that they are put
to a good uso. All who have nrtloles
for tho association nro urged to no
tify Mrs. Hudson or Mrs. A, M. Lnra.
(' P. Rocker of Tuiiinlo, has been
appointed deputy aaeeasor for thu vi
cinity of llond
lto.M Tin: iti.KKuvniit sini:.
whleh caused trouble last year are now st'pped and that
the ooHtluK sgasajt, A trip to the rtttrvilr and vr the
! lYoii'otei's Proposal to Incorporate
Ills Mlneinl Lake Company Out
side of Oicgou Turned Rovtn,
SALEM, April 10. Jason Mnoro
will have to "put tip or shut up"
Mny first. Ho will bo obliged to ante
another $15,000 to tho slate, and In
corpornto under tho laws of Oregon,
or lose his lease of Summer and Abort
At n meeting Krtdr.y tho Stnto
Land Hoard served notice upon tho
eastern promoter to thnt effect. Un
der tho terms of a previous extension
Mooro had been nllowed until May
first to liny the remaining $15,000 of
tho gunrauteo originally demanded
by tho state. Ho'already has put up
$10,000 which will romalu In the
stnto treasury no matter what hap
pens. The Hoard had also required that
tho proposition bo handled bv an or
ganization Incorporated, under tho
laws of Oregon, so thnt possible
stock Jobbing could be guarded
against under tho local efficient blue
sky laws.
Moore, through his attorney, ask
ed the Hoard to change this stipula
tion so that ho could Incorporate In
polaware. Ilo pleaded that tho com
pany would ho financed In tho Enst
nnd thnt a western Incorporation
would work administrative hardohlp.
However, the Hoard turned down
this proposal, and If Moore dees not
nbldo by the previous offer his lcaso
will terminate In two weeks nnd ho
will f6rfelt the $10,000 he has put
Kino of SHO mid .( Diijh Xot t'moiu-
limn In "Prohibition Com I"
Tlueo Xow Sen lug Time.
II, C. Ellis Is gaining an unenviable
reputation among certain miscreants
as judge of tho Rend "Prohibition
Court. v The .fudge, It Is said Im
making n "periodic spree" come high
or than n fashionable banquet.
Ho hna nrrlvod at tho callous stage
of a seasoned itollro Judge In n
"rough nock" ward of n city, nnd onn
sing out $50 and 20 days without
the slightest exertion to his voonl
chords nnd sentimental nature.
It lit not mirlnhniHtit nf llin pllv'u
coffers that actuates the Judge In lm
posing heavy sentences upon the ad-
Heroins or oxnoil Joiiu liarioycoru.
The Judge snys that if booze Is being
peddled In Rend In violation of the
prohibition law, the violators will-be
apprehended, and the Imposition of
the severe penalty, he believes, will
uncover the peddlers.
At the present time there are three
men, who hnve appealed on the
streets Intoxicated, who are serving
under the $50 and 20 dus sentence
from the Hills court.
(PnrilanU Telegram.)
WASHINGTON. April 7. The
llennte public lands c nn in It tee has re
ported fKvortilily the Old acre stock
raising hoinottond bill.
-----'' - -
C. S. Hudson mid V. C. Coo,
owners of tho building occupied
by Mnniihelmer Brothers, have
plans completed for building an
addition to tho store In the near
future. The uddltloii will bo In
the roar, 35x50 feet In size, and
will provide room for the grow-
lug business nf the present tun-
nuts. A heating plant will be
Installed In thu addition
BEND IS 3.200
Prof. It. '. White, Assisted by llluti
School Student, .Makes Careful
Ciiiiviiss and Cheeking Has Ileeu
Conducted to Aohl Duplicate
lU'iiil'.s population Is :t,'JO."S.
Rend's position ns tho metropolis
of Central Orogon Is now moro defi
nitely fixed thnn over, according to
tho figures which have been complied
by Prof. R. Q. White, principal of
tho Rend high school, nfter tho cen
bub tnkon recently by 12 students of
tho high school. Tho area covered
In the census eniimurntlou Is nil thnt
torrltory oinhraced In tho recently
compiled city map, which Includes
both Incorporated and unincorporated
districts and additions.
Tho census Is considered the most
complete nnd accurate ever taken to
ascertain tho population nf Rend.
The students covorcd specified parts
of town nnd every possible offort was
made to obtain tho name nf every In
habitant. It Is tho heller of Mr.
White, thnt thero can bo not over
100 people In town who have not
been reached by vlrtuo of Isolation or
nrrlvul In Rend bIiico the enumera
tion was taken. Omitting these,
however, nnd counting only thosn
found by the enumerators, tho popu
lation wan found tn bo 3,205.
"Wo are vory desirous," says Mr.
White, "of getting Just ns nrcurntn
n census, whllo wo aro at It, as pos
sible, nnd we would consider It a fa
vor If any persons In town who hnvn
not been Included would phone or
write tholr names and send them to
the high school building. W" r ,
reached, by telephone at 1111. The
students word diligent In the per
formance of thin work, nnd nvory
precaution has been taken to mako n
careful check to obvhita any dupli
cations In tho names."
Tho work will bo carried on for n
fA,u uirt i,.n,il.n l.i .li.. iA . .1.(1.1,1 n
t4U' 1111 u "iiirfi I, uiii.i .1 j-i --,. t.
1 scattering few namM wlio fltrto"' not
yet boon entered.
Dr. Sheldon Tells Audience of Cbll-
dun Who Hne lli'cu Thought
(.'en I MM (ilce Club Kings.
Ilofore nu audience which comfort
ably filled the auditorium i.t thu Held
school Monday night, Dr. II. D. Shel
don, of the University of Oregon,
gaH nn Interesting talk on "Preco
rliiiis Children," making miIhIh of
value in connection with education
In general. ,
Dr. Sheldon llrst described the
training lerelveil by various ohlhlron.
who hofliitmo of their youthful nc
roiiipllshmeutH, had beun much adver
tised and vory widely known, thoso
Including Karl Whltte, John Htuart
Mill, Lonl Kelvin, Margaret Fuller,
and more recently, W. .1. Shlls, Win
ifred Stnner nnd the llerlo children,
Fow of them, he said, had been koii
limes, the secret of tholr success be
ing tho fact that were all children of
remarkable parents who had been
nble and willing to devote consider
able time dally to their training,
The leaaon to bo drawn from these
examples, the spunker pointed out,
whs ("but home training eoubl ac
complish much in the education of
children nnd should be dulluitely giv
en In a few cultural subjects which
did not enter Into the aehool curri
culum. Following the talk Dr. Mhuldnu an
swered n uuinlior of UMtlun from
the ..udlwice. The feirhj' Glee Club
and MarKuret ThoiiipMiu ami Mary
L ustcr hang before the lecture.
Chester C U'ndolpb, a IioiiimIcmiI
i r iw M Ci.v int. was bound over to
t i
i!it,d jury of Klamath oeuiity
1 'ion i.oniia at preliminary
n,' In Id last Monday at Cres-
i 'I In- e barge praferrad aKliwt
,! .Iph Is (little stealing. The d--
i Mil v.i'4 nrresti'd last Tbumlay
i .. li-iir of Klamath county.
in w ',oo borne power turbine Is
r hi -ii .- i iicnd for the Baud Water
t u'i' & I'uwvr Company and will b
iiihi iii .1 liiiiiK-dlaielv utou lla ar
iivtl When the new turbine to put
hi opHruilou the local plant w4U lme
iPiui.Ih the praaent powar imty.
The net Ion Ukan la In Una with the
policy of tu eotftpauy bn km uliund
of the uaayii of tba towa ajid to sup
Plr the IhrH pflaalbl irrlw Uir U