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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1916)
B3Banns: THE BKVIi ItrLLKTI.Y. IJEXD. ORE WKnXESIUT, APIUL 5. 191(5 VAGT. a. A, fc ; I ! ' 1, I ft: I V I F'i- F t IH' f. ' V. : ( i a---; ! 4, i i , mi " . J h BULLETIN " to w " ',slt'T ' (PbUbd Krerr YTetoa7) Vf;" "" ,wr" - -"" i. .is !-. THE BEND GBOktiK VAL.MBK PCTSAM Pat!' .HOBBKT W. SAW'TEB KdKor-Maasger. KKEk A. WOELFLEV Aaaocaat Editor. An I Jimimiinl HnftnlHr tf liaaT- IukJot tk are dal. da bi-j .. ..,' new, c4a Ha( and tb feet to- SWWDOW terU of Bd mm Cefttral o.-ego. V& ne -ns rare eswirSi te r " t. a xratr diT.- at the Re4n i- xj1bs Itda t waart to rp: s Tbs It Oft the XisaHlsc that pa party, pro.' ly. or te thta - -tlnM etia ? rallT isdd m trt to (mk p lattr? HArtarotiaiMnJiKW-! r -, If tb-r r mt for tortavWIKr : jr -. ,-, to I ofleaf i f J-NS iSMC 1 . ti.r S co-oertoe and ,,r wr BOt , t,,. 4rK v,iU -1-. with trasueaa aaa ' -. ,Tad CJt. ..11.5 0e Year fMx Moath " Tkre Months 5 A.VD THE BOARD. It to JMt tr tiat wtttm were. fevteir dee '- a? school MiBex for wax ymrt Oi poMlttbNi ow- la fM MM onr piWt MUl e already r '." wood. Br fall tbsxe will M4(HiMfr bt T ! ar pgplte xmUx? hi4 i E4aod la CtaeW. 114. Hartnc attf4 i' bet U K-n-'.! Brtdr Clab ill MM Mttrksl All nabM-HDtlMC M 4 I PAYABUC IK AnVAKCK. NvttoM f rUd tor -bvaa eipirsUM BMIIM lDy;. Tfc fcttr " lb "! br. M tinZ4 IkM It M BOt to U VT ..' .. .-,,.i r n ' til 't it tteiod tb tb " ""' JF. , , - . ,. .. - -- . OT Of lIIOf J'y P"W KJ i IV w w. mmm rs- Cnb.'WlMr . to '.'ET HtL IOl UMK tb bor ku '- ateedM to Uw4 DM ro par rotir Um? tfa:ni br ttetr te a avaaltr for 4Mmbu toot om after him. tker eban: of 4dr cTe Lb b4br 7tK,U:iT "s m boc b rpoM(b) tor eopit to tbr bMaaa of tM MbooU ad Mak all cbckt i)4 or.- r- that H yboald lo ao wttkoat frtkr fcbk to Tb Bi4 BqIMtic iJI k th otur tbin? cfaaaoa-; -tb r. Tktti ara ftab In tb? ifrer. 7rr Mil. Ragter. WKDXJMDAT, AJKI1. 5. 11. itliilillifcai rkairf 1MU 1rflllJjr If' lac tkat orr four Btootbt o a - f la of tax pr to4 that tbi boarif t boa Id at one loo): up Mbool i Itat Jo.- iotnr srstb. a4 :owla , :.u t. ft t . ..!. i .. Tt-ii W Mtor bat tb 4lrwtor: of i""w "' 'r- '-"r ""'''", "' ""'" ov aeboot Jrlrt do aot vteb to The Halijn. soaJhmoc W alo blte tbat th Tbo toKo!nx rt-r'- br Dr. Bit SONG AT REDMOND , " KORTINATE BBXD 7k Waatara Kovi of LibVr. Mob- tbat tkk bat '' rat bOM . Una, OS tba ! ooilair of lb Mm nlll la tbat eitr. bad naar KMM Ut M J or ... TODJp7 p. .,, 0B. ,,r , ftew fcso, , M--01ld . , fc. ... . aM IU poller- Hr ! Bftd. aa o bMlMfatiM. Tfc Vord ca ltam tb ( tt Kcdnu&d Mon4-? night. Wf boeoato afonalatad lth th pnbHe'n wiabra ,r aabmlulnr a plan To tune cf I a bwa working oa lood Sborlla company. or flia to to and tb p-i He caa atlr tbn tfc, rail w4:" t,A ti Md Mr Indanent of iu '',' ? rtk" hT Jttls 4lrocU.r ie Trorkln? on the dirt road tewar It and our ;dfmi of ", kB0 g nw bnimmiiM ,r -M,4. a j Te lcn dar plaM and purpona la tb common- I c bB work,nK 0B tBe dlrt rotd Ur baooto much th am. aa 0j.R aoR.'I'LTVRMT. 1 P b- tine away tbow of tb poopla of LUbr. w t, Vft bo&4. ta4l tB rWMtrt 0; Tb1 Dost yon fool too bKUrB oomln? car back's boen aching all the moil Ixn't roti mll the luncheon com ing, bio' that dinner horn. hortfed Is 0h Syr. Hatletln are following the loatall- Mor li tbU foallog of frVtadllooM meota of Agricultortu IOTett's r- UinHh4 Ut tb Bhrlla eooipanr. Head Vx ai It appean la aaoeexlre nm- te lackr In baviog a aocond big Inm- hers of the paper. We beHere thor- br eoatpaor bera bold In oqoallr oaghlr In the work of the agrlcul- high reward. Indeed Rend 1 very turist or eouatr agent, and we - fortaoate in th character of all lu HeTe that Crook county li ocpeclalb leading mtereaU and the atntenc of fortunate In the present oooopant of friction hetweow tho and the peo-' that olflee. 8o lelleve tbat Mr. pie of the town Their occe in I-ovett'a report te a valuable docn- thtit of the people and it U bopfd that went. mthlng will ever oeror to eOect th- Today' portion of the report II-, frl-ndlr relation now eita'Jag luatrate ciearlr the value of the, . .. I The editorial in the Weatern News work which U being don. On - A J' ?'.,ve board we gath referr to above m an folk.i Klnning hi work Mr Iyjvett found ",,.. Iw" e b0ard we glh "The hlbhr Umber (pny is certain noil to the county which LotuKlnir with one accord wo want about ready to begin hat in all pro.. rMsd nothing He thought .wet " harmony harmony ability will be the H,ot proBUbl- clover waited to them. Hut there . . f 2klo hrt Lot us ne'or lo love for thee, let i r'rlnevillc worked hard for a rail road rJl the IlvaJong day Prlnevlllo prayed bard for a railroad Just to paw the night away Don't you hear the whittle tooting It doa't Mund like a Ford Don't you hear conductor aboutlng. for Prineville. get aboard. year' work In lu htetory. The mar- a a prejudice agalnt that plant kot for lumber ho unprecedented How he overcame that prejudice and activity, the price U high, and there ha etitahllohed aw-et clover Is an In- appear to be no proapect of a lurnp torestlng story and a good example of In either of theae favorable condl- the benefltR to the farmer of the tlona during the'cowpany'it run which county which reult from his work. will dtart next mtek. ' Klhewhere in this paper Mr. I.ovett "Not lioeatise cantm m us norer part. j As the band saws up at Hend with, velocity . Purr and bttxz I te them send us prosperity alone for selfish reason, nor ' tells of a potato dlnae discovered .,,, ,.. .L'" .. the company's prosperity to exist her- the discovery having ! " P"1 ome from out o large a replica of proper-1 resuli'd from the work of the Po-I,,;; . u. . .q.i... ....... -, ... ftt.. r. . ... tMll.. I . 1 I 1 . " v wumhi NU.TT BUIfl II1VIU Uk llc liy lor OVijrypMJl 1H lruJ. ion t- tuu imiw'im nmunniiuii Mi w mull mm W,J. mnner tern HiivM Is glad to take this oppor- he Is active Having rnHde the dfs-I ' free as air. A t li n lakll4 Wir In li n 1 1 A t . s a nt i i .u....-.uiu.i. i .i 4" "tiiijfc an n viirnvu u waiiuia lor iw pptHnnm rmjwru up unui ini hiww-i jumtu ujmj ihmju oui iy . with eleo Ume. and to wish ten-fold bladings market a .llaoaso free potato. A M ', .,,,, oppo.lnB. this Is for It In the future. i handicap to Its surcess Is removed. , we neneve every reaiueni en i.iw i idiuht hi innnu iiiiiikh niiinu is br will Joint In this ntlmnt for worth morn to the county than all It ' the lumber company's existence In haa ever paid to keep Mr. Lovett here, this ellr. from the very Brst. has been ' rhiwiMJtHrUed'by a continuous policy K.VOWIXI1 A CANDIIjATK.- of falrnaas. eourteay and nnliHibor. Th. unnovurfimMit ,h,t (.hn,rman iineaa w.r .... cmmr.T ", Altchlaon. of the Public Serrle Com She Forgot to Order Bread! It was nearlv time for dinnertoo; and the rrroceryman couldn't send it to her in time. So she had to "run over to the store" and get a loaf. But she didn't need to change her costume. For she had on one of her Mina Taylor Dresses and she knew her appearance was beyond criticism. These handsome, durable Dresses are a boon to women. They are stylish, economical, comfortable and above all a garment of real service suitable for both home and afternoon wear. We Feature the Mina Taylor Garments at $1.00 to $2.50 Come in and see them today. They mean real economy for you. Ladies' Spring Coats Daily we are receiving new styles, fabrics in the latest patterns available this season $6.50 to $15.00 R. M. SMITH CLOTHING CO. cot! not fall to aln the f rl-nd.l.lp , wli-0 ;, f(-g )mramlllly ,. ""ILI? . .... i .u - t. ,r lb" prlmarlaa In Mi to accept a not hn In t ha overbear-1 rwJerB, iut (iiiyJnttr in corporation In the attitude o : this vt, w, nl u, Mwaw, eompimy toward Mblir Hrt l.lbby s . ..., ,.,,, M. Hople. dldata for tba uouttMailiiu from (. Oh I see, Ob I see, a railroad coming soon It can't coma too noon for me. we Want It here In June. "Though occupying a commanding plan In the Industrial anil commer cial life of the city. It has never at tempted, as similar corporations in olli'ir communities have so often ilano, to Htttabltfth any wirt of fuedal system over the city, or to mis It- mit 10 a position of pnllttail or ! , ", btit a vary ttUlVUiaal itUlsl haft II IfMa llUAV. UUil tfWI 1 . "7f'vjr ""' --- - " - ! Known tZ hivendo a ,. '--i - sj--ns:' m.JlVhmlVlMkln '"rnl with especial Int.r- jJSwr th. oateem of the H- I. ', nWu. fTX m T tances nnd has lufluoutlul Lacking. arn Oiugon adds eonsldarable Inter est to the race for tb puidlc iter Ice 1 roftnftftlanifmuriihlii 80 far Hvu baro filed their candl-J tlacltot for the nomlaatloH, aacordlniq j to recent report in the Potlund paiMira. .Nona of the live Is known few, hut appear hero sooner or later to make thenisolra . TIIK HRDMONIi MKBTfNO. , II la undoubtedly a Rood thing for neighboring communities to moot and dlacoas local problems, patty dissension and Joalousy which eslaia between small towns has a bMfl In iiilsundarstandliig and mla- rapriHieHtatloN Ho sounds good. STOPSIS OK THB .vjrAL TATEMNT ''K TMK fireman's Fund Insurance Companz ct Sin Kr' " in lh taf. of rt furaU, am ii l, it, ;t Ij.-e.m.brr tU mad tm l(. I:,. j. . 1 .mniimur of lh UI. r o, t parani 10 aw CuiilUl. Aihuubi f capital oai4 up. I J.oOCjo loliir. i pr. nUmi r.ivo4 4urlar It. ). . . f ; .1 . i.;.ndt as4 rwiu dufina- ffc. ar. . ItUllll lBrt.111. ii.m oih.r toarcoa ra- titan iiyrii. iho .ar X. HS,0I Teutl n-vai 1 B.sua.llOai llUbur.rinriil., t ! aaM Sarta lb. . rc 1 i.MM.aMev iMviud. paio: m aapti.l luck ,iurli.( ilia iHr... . Siu,aeug C"sli aau taJaili said uiua ' ' )' . ... t.Vll.SILU Tait -. .m sad fas aaM .aen.s ! ar jo i Aaw .nl el all olh.r uuadl. tU'a. s OltC'ANI.INt; t'lll'ltC'll. and a demand to nave such a place dilution for that great union reads To the Editor of The liulletln of worship In Ilend. about as follows: 'That the joinlog- "Among the pioneers of Uend we "Rev. Slottedahl, a well known or- churches of said union is to refrain. find a number of Norwegians, and ganfzer of the United Norwegian j the Industrial developments of our .church, Is at the present making a town have lately brought a number! canvass of. the town and bis work of Norwegian families to Rend. "A number of those families are used to worship In their native tongue and It has come to be a need Ilend Noplu who are Intcri-xted In lha lflcj.1 aflhnnla will tiaar with r Moot of the urtl o1 thm radtflwtiou f Ruperts- Undent HoDklua. With thti ranld riilli ,if Ik. ah,wilM l lUnklu. t haa had unuaual liriililina ! f.ra Whan f.dlta get to ,n y,,, b B1W ,, lhB T,ia. B.ndlliiraji ...4I. Vtlua if asssia IBi.ik.i aiuti Vala. -1 !'. aa4 B.u imarsal vala. I .. ., 1. in in irtaaawa aaal eal' ilora., ttr , , . (rank, and a aa a'i 11 tour, at calla' fui.n aiaaa saaaaaaaai ISI.1 .....T.. . . ' .ml rrnta t k.U .rt. .... iilntMOO la o lifeWWlav fur Iwaaaa an- KHw oacn oinar inm misunaaraiano-, w0 BB h. BHd i lhe ttm we lHa neually end and the mlaropro- PBrid for ,, ri,Br ,,.,,, Uul MNtHlloM toaaaa .,..! lodlcatlvo of hul ablttM. It la Thai Is why lha commercial club lo ,, g,, tHBt h. wl , tt. of lliHlinoml Is In h congratulated on .i,,, , fBUIBln u, 1U,a U, OH hHVlliB started the w hlch , fOOBd,oni h. ho ,B,,, lblB )Mr resiilteil In the dinner there Monday j night, and which will apparently bei " followed bv others In Prlnevlllo audi 1n fnu lor iiolaoulng rab llend. Insofar aa the town has haen , '"f Wkm rned 1h The UmI niiUKonlstlo to tba others the luvl.j '1" ,wu 'kggo were recoiumoud tatliin and reception must he regard-1"'1 " the UoJUmI States IllologJeal ml as au olive braucU held forth lu ' . which altoolil have the credit tli.i iwtiM of Mturo peace and co-l 'w wr Utwii out In their pr.ieent oiiunitliiii usable aud useful forms. We believe . I lllaat t LX ItilnailintlAH ,u.ll...u..l A . . Wo fee. however, that If real re-"""' "- "n" b'i uy me HttllH are to hit aeeontiillshod some- M "Si" a Aaseu' "f ar4 araailaai. aa hi xuiaiaaains nsaa uwm mi st. Atr -f Tat.. aa, -ai aw. 10 Tatal 1'ix'i ui "uiaiaaatna 1 -Mi'iuwlua aad Sra 1 auilitlaa aij 0J eu iKaiiiftSr I STI.IM a.TTt.i4BS 1 inoet.ft i III aUk l.S2T.tua.ei 111 i.-meiaw .111 SM.3ea.iw t 1 1 it iwii laLT iuees illva. aselsalira tt KKh at iUsa.- I T 111) 34M. IS KMafftt b.r 31. ia llaw... Ut llranoa far Ilia ur. Tetal n.ii.Bra artllaa dur- I SH j-ar ju -.j tlfcao uraa. i" m raaaivas uur lha in. tar ..... J'ra Jin. tlilitlt must bu done beynml imtliig and milking speeuhtM on the beauties nf cooiurutl 11. There tiro tntinv tiiiitturs HffiH'lliiK nil three towim on whloh united no (Ion would be of vnlun. I( n tS 'foin onch town ron hi meet liiit'orolmnd mid tigrcii ns to what thoso matters nro and thnu jircHunt thorn to tho Joint incotlnnH forsidellnlto notion ,wo (tnlght Kt nomowhfiro. There nro Irrigation problorryj tg.ho aUaoJtui), ronij cmos- Hurey la worth many tlmtm Its cost, and that Its' published conclusions should have great weight with the nubile for whoao benefit tho work Is done. i-.-rjrnad S arias ika aahi ilurUtf IS. aar . LuSS.. hi mr.d durtni Ika .is .jntiw Tatsl -ii" MISKil n. fear 11 nf laaaraaaa ut. urrcaa fWt.m " OI hS : 4u3t court and cause, and answer tho com plaint of plaintiff now on file there in within mx weeks from the date 1 1 the first publication of this summons upon you. and If ou fall to appear and answer within the time require!, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the rellf prayed for In his complaint, to-wi' for a decree setting asldo and annul- Ing the marriage relations now exist ing betweon plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is served upon you by publication In the Ilend liulletln, a weekly newspaper of general cir culation, published at Ilend, CrooK county. Oregon, once a woek for elx consecutive weeks by order of IIo,i- T. IS. J. Duffy, Judge of said Court, said order having been wade on the 4th day of April. 161H. Date of II mt publication. April V 1916. CHAS W KRSKINB. S-lle Attorney for I'lnlntl. Good Eats Quick Servko Cleanliness Variety at 'the- Little Brick Restaurant I'lHUMI V II .Ml I.SMILWl Hi int IS Wlil,VatA. a. SUIul law.) li I. nd. r Uai'm lurll.' J wral A.i r...dal ac rlui li am.ib'li H acinic r. rt n a, r.i aa.nt H. Turn.. 1 v 'US 00 irr a at-Prt- II.. ', TJCifr WUh a riot for n sample copy of The llnllotln a man In the Willam ette vnllet write: 'How Is the weather up thorn? It Is ruining horo." It Is such tiiossngiMi that mako us moro than sntlslled with our Central j Orogon weuthur and sttiuhlue. IN TIIK t'HUTIT CXU'ltT Ol TIIK .STITi: OK OltKCON lHl TIIK I'tH'M'V Ol' fltOOK. S.'V Stexeim. I'lalntlff. s Ida K Stc)i, Defendant. SUMMONS To Ida K Htoun, the above named dofendnut: IN TUB NAMH OK TIIK STATB OK. 0UKKO.V you ar. hortvby reqiilt ud to appoar In tho alioo entitled has been such a success that he Is able to and already has announced that a congregation of the United Norwegian church will ! organised at the Methodist church. Wednesday night, the Sth of this month. "The progress of the different Nor wegian churches has been remark able of late years end a special sign of progress Is the union of three of the leading Norwegian churches which ' soon to be effected ' A paragraph of the drnwn con front working wth reformed church es and others, etc.. "Rev. Slottedahl nnd tho rosldents of Hend that are at the present mak ing an attempt to organize a congre galo scent, however, to have a broader view of things, nnd have proven thrt they hre willing to work with the reformed churches of Hend, as they have had services at the Methodist as well as at the Presby terian church, and all signs at pres ent point the way that they shall bo willing to work together In tho fu ture." A NORWEGIAN. I 1 esaaaassnaaaeBs-aaaaaasiM Millviewl 111 BtiiBiH!BiiiaiiwBiip8'tw HI I WILL OPEN I ' APRIL 1ST IN j Can-oil Ihiilding GOOD BOARD II ' AND ROOMS j, REASONABLE 1 , Make ready now for Easier! THIS JS THE DRESS.L'P TIME OF YEAR. SKI.ECT THE SKITS THAT WILL BE A 1'l.KAsTRE KOR YOU TO Vi'EAR AND WILL ALWAYS LOOK OOOD TO YOU. YOU HAVE JUST TINE TO ORDER A TAIL ORED Brownsville Voolen Mills Suit IK YOU COME IN NOW AND GET YOUR MEASURE WE CAN HAVE IT 10 R YOUR KASTEIt SUNDAY APPAREL. HUT IK YOU WANT A READY MADE SUIT .'OTII1NO WILL SUIT YOU BETTER THAN ONE OK OUR NEWEST, BRIGHTEST HAND TAILORED Brandegee-Kinoaid Suits FOR LOOKS, QUALITY. SERVICE give your rnirr some thought, no where IN TOWN CAN YOU GET THE SHOE SERVICE THAT E ARE AllLE TO GIVE YOU. EVERYTHING IN KOOTWEAR MADE TO KIT WITH COMPORT TO YOU, A, L French Men's Furnishings trfn I -1 sasa1aMaaaaBaMBaysSaTJf'J'-l,'WiV -li F3?aaaB--r "iH) 111)1 iiiHiliti f ,Ti,l