iz'juzjaes -rc fe WW ,V t' I' ' .V if : H V t V - 1 L i hW-:. - i PAGE 2. CENTRAL TtMALO. ', i (Setnl to The Bulletin-) TOSALO April Members of Lb Dtactaf Cib nad their fxfemos usjaved mi WmMl stepfiias Jrtr i mTic Cili as Mrs J. W. 2SThT!Soir2r Brtn at tfe. khoomi Iwilw camp aerorai MM lit above Bon Mrs. nWward attoaded the Baotorn Star ilumn eeseHrtton at Prias. Jaaneay monag. a: ' t& laSHaor car J A. Marsh mace a trip to Jtd anoa Bfrfrr to n sTrBl eaivoa ke too rtJ-'d u ,rMB Tillan W O lttnw BBtint tb vert: end lAlkf at bis ranch. WhHoaoe'. Tkoofh awoftt boat aiders here Jar. Bum 44 not bT Bi wvaI - ! ui Troat I jgfK. AJfcvrt Hrp " M,n llllmM kMk labnr to verr III t tb mtth nmr iwcuuw Un. JUJM ;or of PrtiIJ rUMtec MtM Molly coi uo -B. C. C4r Mr. 4 Mm Jofc CBB'.t of wr ta t IMvrdar m nla on mr ob Uwr wj to 2 tk 4r vttk Mr kd Mr. Erl Vjrftto m t Muriiat Mr. m4 M Dtetno Mid Mr. ImbUkk iord wit t th Mb rt 4r 1tfc tb Ldichw. B. C. OMr 4T "w" )HteK " " OB "''" "m?! Mm. X C niekr. Mm. MM4r Trhr. M B C Cfcdy k4 Bart Milter wrt " to ? tn UMW r rnwrnin . t. tA.r tn kU tli farr tie Bw4 Plw Kill Co. ku this year -1 ito Afi Crd Flutr. & Moa- tiac irttncr. A4r. CIXiVIIltUALK. Iiwtil U Th'- neUn) CLOVKKOALE. Art! J Mr. Ttnr' kw d " ,l eoatvats ImJ ta th ronnd Trlday. Mr. T! to to fortlmad ud rluw k rfll rhild. Mr. Tek ld f tk Hbo to to Mr Woodworta Mid Ufi tor kto aonvtotwd ita n' f un ity Tanday MKiBK r afM at U Stours caaxca dallr :. H. MUJr M4d ata youas stoct: u WMd worth teM wfc Mr. Bowmi of atotr bo dkd ThsrUay aluht o aoart failar. waa brtd la Um 9tatm cmtrr Sou-oar- W daiCBtr. Mr HoU aad mm arrived froai Wwhlwrtoa Satar day slual. Tbla)a Cobb aad Mary Fryrar were -k wid tiaftorc troat Ked Mtnd. Tb aaw mill of Sisters are bow t oasinc Mr. ItivMic ha ratod ata farm to Mr. Wni f Iiwr MrJdic. a Mcrod aad XIr. IUHta 1U lowv'e Kooti for bta old Uowe In Hutte. MBtaaa. II. Miller mad a bMiaecc trip to Heatd today. B. C. KMa wat tot Itwlmond to 4ay for hl hoonjhold gouda. ttvla Vaa Mtr- bosan work a diuh rMor laat wk. Aa MitMrtalNaMmt aad plate Mpsxtr wtll b Klvoa at Um tthtM Uo wt Friday nlfbt. Mr. aad Um. 0ml aad aoa. Ar. Ibor. woro dinner fueoU at Wald roa'f Saaday. Mr. Marrla and Mr. Miller or H! BMMd BtWWded the totopbon meet Id bar laat Friday ulgbt. Mr. Doey baa rentd bl farn laaa to Mr Hoard ,aad hired foro db oa the MrCall raacb Mr. Blmer of Read letted hU C . Tordato ranch laat weok A ooalrable broad knife freo with aamaal subscription to Tbe BalloOa. Mtl.MCA.N. trtmi t Tbe HlleMTi MIULICAN, April S Ralph P.- fa aa William and Mike Mak- tm inad In Bonbam Falla aaturda) fr aaoaral day's ohlaa. Mrs. Ada B. Mllllcan went tu M-n,l Thamday for medical treatment Mm Mllllcan rntaraen to tne rau rn- ltn MclBK-sh. Mr Adella Ha! ' tern and Mtos Ittrdella Herabe r Bofld ware woak and visitors at u. koma of Mr and Mrs A ( Allen , J. S. Hanlar of Band baa spent tl.. Mat two waoks arlth his son. Ka " Mllllenn vallev I Mr. and Mrs L.. W Davis enter.1 lalaod a number of friends at a , at their home last Kr!.l ; aean ln. At a lata hour aa elai.orn1 Manor was aorvod. Among tbow wraaant arara- Mr. aad Mr Vrrh ' Poeia. Mr aad Mr Alva KillpM Ha. Mr and Mrs. Ksbert Dyer. Mr and Mra I I. Cllnaan. Mr and Mr ChHa Aadnraon. Mr. aad Mm t OoMaa. Mr ad Mr. ' W u Mf. Marv Wltham. Halpb Pepin Mary witbam Ralph Petln iw-oii fytr, Harry Morrlsoa. Alta riiutan. Mrv ritoKan ana Moonar mr Ml Itri Snilth railed on Mn Is hi tho aaet aad of Mlllleau vallev n Trldav aftarnoon A little 4aatfar was br" to M ajssd Mr T. W. Banal ay of Portland M March Slh. Mra Beaalev ,11 W romntiar4 at MNs Oartrude Mr kntt. formerly nf MIHIran Mr. U M eamorl an.l rtlfi nnsmt laat woak visiting at tbe HeaVI honso. Ctlftos aad Thomas Henm ! naearal da of Ut weuk la Heal vtotttnc frtonn. ltoaall Drer hantod a toad of wood far the achnol TansOav Oanlat Hoohtor and Mr Hr ansaW SnnUar with f Hands north if Mhw ataiaw Mabort iMt the weak M wMh frlnnrfs In llend. The InselHtr bh1 aanlta of MIIHrtn sahenl will Rim a pirate at'lha school J OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. boas a Fr.ia- April 14th. to which til frieedc (.' be school are cordJal- Jr inrlted tmosg the features 'f tbe day ";: a MP jrtcaie dlaaer tor tL a abort progrfca: by the teaeh- anal jwpJ d games aad rwies So tlase U aaiici aas to bead looking after ba- fail toAemata. Alc Mclatoab of es- Bod was a rtatoBf at tbe JehaMoa hooae Thacs day. aborts Kae of Mo-rOtow at la MSUeaa Thursday oa osactol basi- Mr. and Mra. Lovroawe e-t -ral dayi c! mat - at th hosg of Mr. aad Mrs P B iohtmoa mrote to choir homestead east of MUtteaa eaBey. Mi- aad Mr B. B. Keller aad Mr John Hollas wore Saaday dhwiwr rmtt at tbe boat of Mr. aad Mrs. loaa If .aVasaVcaB K. B Ford tbe aootaaaarter of Bead sd the tmt oBw tojopxctor wore la MtaBeec sad mtau oaot ot aor oa bsnaatiss mat wek Prsmfc Hariu scwBt Mrral days of lt vrk a. Bead oa biweaww liowtrd F Dyer has beea eoattaei to his home tbe aet tea days wtm a hwt attack of Krlpp. Miss Selma Braaa naseod throat Mflltoaa talle? Moaday oaroate frous Bead to Bams Ceorae f - loft Moadar for BjsskJ wbere be has wod a fos- Uoe with Anne Bros. iirt. Frsnt Harwttz Is aaite ill at her home lb wt jmBcas. P. B. JobBftoa aaUKid to Bead Fri day, retarviJig bosae the saate ds. Mr. aad Mrs. LaTte aonoiaftajuea htm borne Oraee Joaaton was aa all sicat rivhmr at Mrs. A. . Altea's Tbars- dar- CMS Evaas hat aarehaMtd thirty he4 of stock oaule. Mr. aad Mrs. H. E. Smith of Plae asooDtatB raaaer e4atoa vere a Bead Moadey aad Twy of last De&zfl Drtr left Saaday for Grlf tka s mfll wkn. he -will be employed for Home time. Mr. aad Mr. Chris Aadersoa xdot d from tblr bomootoad to Bead tb rat of tbe w where they ll PBd their seaaal Ave asoaths ab seaee from their claim. Va. MahaSey of Bead was is M.I lieaa on baetaeos Wedaeedoy. Tab eommealty was vt4td by a yerr alee rain Friday Bight. SsKtaoer rilDBsa spent the week ead with has father la Bead. A desirable bread ksife free with every annual subscription to The Bead BalletiB. HA.M1TO.V HCTTK. fRf-rll tn Tho BolletJtlJ HAMPTON BITTE. March IS. Or. Potter of EbH. pasd through here Frlda on his way to Bend. Jltninle Brlekey and mother at tended tbe dance at Wallback last SaUrrday sight. Hmil Carrot, who took sick at the Gap ranch, nine borne last week. T. C. KwtnK assisted Horaee Brookings Tuesday at carpenter work fixing the garage roof which the re cent hard winds bad somewhat shat tered. Cltde Xleodemus has gene out to Bead to work for several months. Oscar Black Is doing some farm work on his boaestead this week. Mr Cowea of It Creek passed through here Tuesday on his war home from Bend with a load of sup pIlM Miss 1rhft Orm railed on Mr; l'.-ft Mw-ks n Srrtsv Mr lif.'ks f Pl-afant talev. a a '''talness t'it'.r dt t.e Itrook- muanu ucna rtair tjie rx"r fflfiSSSSSMsg 'fancy patent & tN0' - " pasnBajBBanstsawwmamaasi HIS J - i-"-'-v'C i r i bbo , (1) That the mill stands squarely back of each and uvery sack produced. (1) That pnopln t4r Me demanding mora sanitary math la handttaK tnMe ppadacu, aad that the sack uaml as a container for IHMuutes Spca BAwr fUts that nd. (it) That DnsehntM Ssway Sour ankoa LlGllTKIt, wiirrieu iiuhad. (I) That Doacbotw Hnray lotsr tonkas nilTTiCIt TASTING llltiai). (.1) That It Is mad la Band from predate. ts growa in Crook and JaffersoB couatl Wll.ll 11V ALL OIlOCKItS. THV IT. n I Bend Flour Mill Co. A. J KROEXKBT. Presldent-Mtnager HEM), OREGON THE BEST) BTLLETDC. BEXD. iss store Tuesday Rjrt '.V !! JisaolB n-irVot retaraed from Prtaertile Satird Pres DeWlu has beec qatte 111 w bre ther were .lled as wfetiesses dariap the ptst week. at ooart. Meoers WilHsms and Goodrich of A deMrsMe bread talfc free wttt Baue. passed throacb here .th a'rrecT aaaaal eotaeripUon to The load of freight yesterday. ' BeaA Ball4ln. Mr. aad Mrs J H Weasii' of Bead registered at the Brotc'casj HAMPTON. Hotes Taebosy betas ea taetr a? i from Alkali. Fefry Hartooa was seea la ttis t etolty oae day this week. Mr. Rhodes of SttaSer bar - drrtiac the stare white Mr. trv.tt awde a trip t? Bead "OW Pete, tbe 5 year old hor 'Btomstnc to Bert Meoks ec '. Monday from old aae. Mr Mr I B V2K1 J1XU1 IWI W 7BBfT ' troaijnt aim to ureon xz years as? treat DnJiots. .. , , Last Saturday Utile MtriMIB vamos rew-reo a we tsi oa n Toraeo ne ras ii'jiimm ass oio-r rothMr wbo was enUttlag wood and ! reoetved tbe blow from the rkter ar Page staaser is speaing several dars with Bert Meeks. wol Hoist has goae to Bend for a load of freight. PINKHCKST. fCnedd to Th Bolletlnl PI.VEHrRST. April X. Mrs. L ' J 2, VST M,nda,' U "rk in the Royal Cafe The program given at the school basse ws a great sooeess. A larse erawd atteadd. Mrs G W S'lvder and children ealled on Mrs. Mock one day latt week. C. H. Span Eh made a hnslnes trip to Bend on Saturday F. V. Swisher has ten working on the ditch tbe oet week. Mr. CaVe of Taaalo. oalled at tbe, O-lVirrHe Howel, W "ning on tne iescaaies nver U ., , j .u t . -.JLlZ&.'?Sri,"l "aTM. -:: .,:-, l-j::- e-s of Mr ani MrT Root iVndav afrrtnon G. W. Snyder went to Bend on Fri - F. N. WallacP of T.m.lo nase-d tbrangh hl nigbborbod Frids' MIm Ruth Bavlev called on Hf Sandel Taevlar evlnr. Mm. Sarde' fd daaghter E'he' Mllt t the Clark base In Sannr.' std Sandar CUrenc Saadll was a Bend vtsito' en SaHrdv C. W. Snyder went to Tumalo on Ratardar Scbo"! I nroe"-iog n'elr tw v.- teadershlp of Mtes Alvhlld Ront. vedt. IA.ST CREEK. fPpecIs tn Th Rnlletln.) IjOPT CREEK. March 31. Mr J H. Har'pr Is the gaest of frientls at Silver Ceok. George Mehrer lpft Thursday on a buMne tHn to Lakevlew. Htig O'VHl raade a trln to Silver CreV tho latter part of lst weeV J. H. Snavley was over to the tVal ter ra'h dnring the nt wk Jlmale Hartoon brought his tea"1 horae and expects to return to Bend In a few days, where he will be em plovet J. E S-r-ltb rad Oal prvf on M bomostead before Commissioner Stanffer Pn hs' l earrrlng t ma ' ri ti tif,r-"id r-it i le Mr 0.nrr f."t r M snring c .1 ti Haaipr has )een doing soc:-' ijiHtr ji.f'! tame VrP""n ye ""' -rfn r trl iir Crev 1 Sat.iriav l'-n T-V'tt a-d fatollv c- r- -,'-' JZ? J& JZ? j? The Flour "with a Guarantee Your Grocer Han dles this Brand Be cause he KNOWS POSITIVELY- OBE, TTEDXESDAT. APRIL 5, 1916. from Silver Creek last Sunday and are zmtmtt of C. S. Dsr.s 'Sfdal t The BaneUs) ! HAMPTON. Mart ! Miss Eth ' el Foci; 6Mertatad the small cho?l scholars Taartiday aftertooa Garnet , were layed aad refresh meet serred by the bootees, aststd Vy Miss Dark ' Burtoa. Those aree-at wee M hater Gerald Hidta, Thomas Harrison, Al bion aad Byroo Feck. Mrs. C. B. H&rasoa visited Friday t n jj Crows Barr Black aad Walter Harrison 1iiV ri to Ikj. -- .! tatnr. ur. ne, parehased a aa toaa -.liu tkv M L Crow Is tooalitg for A. Caash this week. Mise Bthel Focr aad Lors Crow ealled ot Miss Darle Barton Sa tar day James Brick ey retorned froo PrlaerlUe Friday. Bert Meeks passed throacb Hame tos Sotarday QMratag on his wy Mae irora FrtaenHe. i B "Ttert Mr. aad Mrs. O. Dartdson of SOB t. Mrs. M. H. Craw sad Miss Lora Crow tistted Saaday at Mrs. Latla's oi urr i-ake. Mrs. Beaoaa is reported quite ill. C. B. Harmon is helping J. O Whltaker pat In his crop this wk Mrs. J. O. Wbltaker and Miss Darle Barton took a trip to Held us Tuesday. Miss Ethel Fogg celled on Miss t"., Pr -Jl.- J5S &SZtf W. T. Harrison entertalaed the fol- wisg at dinner Wedaeodav Mr l- 0. Wbltaker. Mr d " -.?!..jin. j p wh. & """ " B'rr ( , A ,i6s4raWe re,d kaJfe frt, j, T eJ "B"f ' riPUoa to The i BeM gHettH- , ,,,.,,..,, , ,. POM lll.h lllTTIi . , . . ""-? IO " Uniftln l niWELL BUTTE. April 3 M' aad Mrs. Allen IVIUeoxon. Ml Ada Morse. Clark Mors. Miss MsMe AI j Jj .':H- E; ,A,,f,B attended th I -""-' "iur ceieorauon IS PrtneTJ't on Monday erening of last weV r-nu. cook left for Foil in d nosday where he expects to remain during tbe summer. A num'r of ladles gave Mrs Wal lace Sndth a very pleasant surprls aBaasas X3 BafiL ' -rT?3a9it5 s"" tw i T "f csaaai jii- f .f uTnaaaaanp w -- ' naaaaVannVaaC ' & maaaaaaBnaaaaaaaW' tS At EfBBfcaaaHannmamK f- f''XiVmtijlSSSfciTi KanBaaaVVnnnnnnnlsK -' J'rBaaBBS5L3Bs ' 'fSa?,r & i unaii ?feij. " - ITUrtnTalB I : Zil 1 Served Directly by the NEW STEEL BRIDGE Beautiful Water Front and Mountain View Lots. Three minutes from the business center. Water, Light and Sidewalk. VERY EASY PAYMENTS. MOST DESIRABLE LEAST EXPENSIVE RESIDENCE PROPERTY at the i me of Mrs E. ZS Hall on Mr a 3 Mrs A W Bam and Mrs D A. Yates and 1 A. Riggs ie)ted Z,h M- and Mrs. T B. Bayn in Defeases on Wedneeday evening Mr. and Mrs. ony sears ano Rhodes were basiaeas visitors in Prtoeriile on Setnrday. Mrs. Ross BBeu viswa n ..4 urt Hnrr Toaag in Redmond on Friday and Satarday. 0o. H. Boe ana Mrs. ah- .. easM were gneets at tbe Earl Sauo fers home on Friday. C C Moatgomery Joined the rot? crew west of RedmoBd last wees wfcere he will do tbe necessary pow der work. Mrs Jens Shobert rlsltd hr moth er. Mrs. C C Montgomery on Fridav Mr and Mrs. Rons Bossett .:ter talSMsl at Saaday dinner Mr. and Mr AH Willcoxon. Mr. Geo. H Roe aad Uoyd Batt. Lee Ho'.-bs of Bend spent Sand with bis brother Oeo Hob' E. L. Jobnscn has t-eea suffer'ng from an aack of the Ti?pe K. A Bcraett visited relatives in Prtnevtlle on Satarday aad Sondav Mr and Mr. Roes Pnaeett Mr aad Mrs A W Bar. Mr and Mrs Allen Willcoxon. Uoyd Baiett. Ri dotah JohrsoB. J. A. Rig?. CKd Moor. Mr Bowman, aad son Rolen attended the home talent plav in Redmond on Friday evening, which was prnted by the Prtaeville Dra matic Ctaf Tb Powll Batte Soros's met wb Mrs. Ida Morse on Satarday The i olio win r wre electee oCcers. Mrs Wm. W-1U. presidASt. Xrt A11b Wlllcozrn. vice presidat. Mls Ad Morse, secretarv aad Mrs. L W. Van Dorse, treaea-er. Th xt ireting win b with Mrs. C. C. Chapman on Anril 1. A. W Bava hauled frelcht to Prlsvill on Taesday of laet week for W. F Kirg Go. Mrs. B G-arfv preaehed at the W'.l ta school oe Saaday. The road crew spent Sandav their va-ion home, returning to work acain on Monday tnorsing Geo. H Ho' vie. Mrs. X. P. A Her. J. A. Rlgsts and Mr. aad Mrs. Allea Willcoxon spent Sunday evening in Redmond. Mr. and Mr Walte- roster aad Frank Lone enjoved a flblac trip on the Deschutes river Saturday aad Saaday Reave Willcoxon is treating his bow, to a cos' of palst Mtt Una Moore is him again af tr teachlag a six month's term o' school near Redmond. D. R. French of Bend moved to th Earl Saaader's ranoh last week a&d xpcts to mae hi home the-e Mr Saanders aad Mr. French having en tered Into partnership in farming A most cotstOete lt of ed tor Soring sowing ha hn o'tned 'V the Bend Flour Mill Co. Evry sack thorougblv cleaned so as to lesve nothing but th Urge plump berry See our advertisement. Adv. See J. Pvn & Co., for farm land !&r.ns. Adv. PI? ELVN PARK. FROM EAST SIDE OF DESCHUTES Pinelyn Park On the River Front Address. Pinelyn Park Co., Box. 115, or see' Any Real Estate Dealer THE FLAVOR OF "SPEAR HEAD" ISUHl(iUE A Chew That Has Been Fames for a Thtrd sf a Centey HAS THE RICH RED EURLEY TASTE Chewing it the only way to get tbe rkto taite of the tobacco leaf "-i the only form of tobacco in whi Ji j a get the leaf as Nature made it ts izt plug form. A chew of Spear Head plug toli hat a wooderful flavor such ; j sever did and never will taste tn a j otb-r tobacco. That Spear Head flavor u u-!-:, aeSow, fruity, everlajticgly de.ie:..a and utiifri.Tg. Spear Head has been famous for a tfcu-4 of a century ai the richest, tarti est cf chews. It's made of sun-ripened, red E?r ley. Aad it's produced by the c : modern methods, which develop t- hucioas flavor of the leif to the s -preme degree. It is safeguarded at every step in is rsiktng The factor' is dean aad s.-. itirr the processes are pure-food pro cesses. When the choice red Butley has ben rresied into mellow, sweet Spear Head &:t you have a chew that simply can t "equalled. Spetr Head is the high qualty chew of the world. Try Spear Head youH ceer again be satisfied with any other chew. In 10c cats, wrarped in was paper. Taken With Croup. "A few nights ago one of my pat rons has a child taken with cro-.- writes M. T. DaV.s. merchant. Bean Tille. W. Va. "'About midnight .. came to my store and bought t : tie of Foley's Honey aad Tar C n pound. Before morning the ci 1 was entirely recovered Many s kiters have been written Sold Evsr where. Adv STOP! And lutotigate our prices before buying your jrroceries. We can save yon money. P. B. Johnson's Mllllcan, Ore. Telephone h m St ahahjie ,4 TOEEKcr rsj