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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1916)
Tlin IJEXI) IlITLtiETiy, IinNI), ORR., W'KDXKSDAV, APRIL- B, 1010. TAQE 11, fc Table of Water Measures Given From Trcd'S. Stanley Tho Bulletin lias received tho following tablo show ins vnrlous rules for the mens urenient of water which will bo of interest In this section. Mr. Stanloy It, has added, also, an entlnmte of the Horse puwui .... .jg..... ... 0. One second foot cauals 40 Cali fornia minor's Inches (law of March 23 1001.) Ono second foot equals 38.4 Colo rado Minor's Inches. One second foot equals 40 Arizona miner's Inches. One second foot equals 7.48 Unit ed States gallons per second; cqualB I IS S gnllons per minute and G46,272 rnllona for ono day. i.V. Ono second foot equals about ono acre Inch per hour. Ono second foot for ono day Is 1 983 aero feet. Ono Becond foot for ono 28 day month equals 5G.5 t aero feet; for 29 day month cqunls 57.52 aero feet; for 30 day month, equals 59. GO aero feet for 31 day month, equals G1.49 aero feet. 100 Cnllfornla minor's Inches equals 2. GO second feet. 100 Colorado miner's Inches, for one day equals 5.17 ncro feet. l.OOOjpOO United Btntcs gallons per day equals 1.55 second feot. 1.000,000 cubic feet equals 22.95 acre feot. One aero foot equals 325.850 gal lons. Ono cubic foot equals 7.48 gnllons. Ono cubic foot of water weighs 02 5 pounds. Ono horsepower equals ono second foot falling 8.80 feot. To calculate wator power quickly: So3 feotxfnll In feet, divided by 11, equals not horsepower on water wheel realizing 80 per cent of theo retical powor. At Rcnhnm Falls with a 100 foot drop and 1500 second feet flow In tho Tlror, would equal 13G3G horsepower on wator wheel with 80 per cont ef ficiency. ItEAtj ESTATE TRAXSFF.RS. Isuo(l by Crook County Abstract Co. Bcttlo Erlckson to Huron Timber vCo It. 3, b nw, 4 so no 5-18-11. Northwest Townslto Co., to O. F. Putnam It. 1G-1G, blk. 45, N. W. T. 2nd add, Bond. h. D. Erlckson vs. Henry Reed quiet tltln Its. 4-5, blk 3, T,ytlo. C. II. Trlplott to T. II. Foloy ot nl It. 2, blk. 1, Bend, except tract. Ore. & West. Col. Co., to W. W. Tlrown, s'4 so. s sw 7-19-24, $1 GOO. Ethel E. Howoll to II. II. Do Ar mond Its 1G-17. blk. 1, Kenwood. C, W. Thornthwnlto to samo. Bend Securities Co., to Ednn it,. Hall It. 11, blk. 8, nivorslde, $200. Mark C. Cox to Amolla Dockor It. 19, blk. 8, Iinporlal, - B. Struble tn J. It. Currlo It. 7, 1lk. 25, nivoraldo. John H. Currlo to Mnurlco R. Gashman tt. 7, blk. 25, Riverside. Floyd Llpplncott to J. 8. Boguo & Co., Its. G-7-8-9-1G-17, zlk. 10, La Tine. Tho Bond Co. to Lang & Co., tract In nw no 32-17-12. La Pino Townslto Co. to Ei O. Clark Its. 10 to It, blk. 19, 1st add La Plno. Cen. Oro. Irrl. Co., to Knthorrn Daggv, water right wH ne, 31-1G-12. A, O. Stouder to John J. Cunning ham It 5, blk. 17, Rlvor Torraoo. J. Ryan to C. II. Swnlloy Its. 14 15. blk. G, Kenwood Gordons, C. B. Swnlley to Mrs. M. E. Morrl fon Its. 14-15, blk G, Konwood Gar dens. Information for Women. lIousovvoYk Is trying on henlth and stingth. Women arb ns Inclined to "kidney end bladdor troublo rs mon. ehliiK bnck, eoro joints and mus cles, blurred vision, pufflncss under ovos, should bo glvon prompt atten tion. Foloy Kldnoy Pills restoro healthy action to Irritated kldnoys md bladddr. Sold Everywhoro. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF CORPORATE STOCK OF DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS TO ENFORCE THE PAYMENTS THEREON. W horeas, as appears front tho cor porate records of tho Deschutes Hoc- TO THE RESCUE namnii Vf will un your linen, but Tou mutt not uu much tlmt gsttlng our rescue hand t work LOW PRICES, BBTTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRr CLEANINQ uun 3 mi Hasr i r cz2 x t does Mm uourm LAUNDRW 0 nun 1Put Your Duds In Our Suds" lamatlon & Irrigation Company, Smith, Cook & Company, whoso bus iness address Is Stock Exchange building, Portland, Oregon, are the owners of the Capital stock of said corporation represented by three cer tificates thereof, of 52 shares oach. In nil 15G shares, said certificates be ing numbers 38, 39, 122 and ' Whoreas, there Is duo and unpaid upon said 15G shares of stock assess ments amounting to 52 cents per share, aggregating at this date $81.15. Now therefore, notice Is hereby given that on Saturday, tho 5th day of May, 191G, at the hour of 10 o' clock, a. m at the South East Cor ner of Bond. Btreet and Qreonwood avenue In the City of Hend, Crook county, Oregon, In front of Charles Boyd's butcher shop, snld stock or do much thoreof as may bo sufllclont will bo sold at public auction to tho highest bidder to pay said assess ments, Including Interest to tho date of sale, togothor with costs and accru ing costs. Dated this 5th day of April, 191G. THE DESCHUTES RECLAMATION & IRRIGATION COMPANY, Uy Charles Boyd PnUlnt, By C. S. Bonson, Sccy-Trcas. Corporato seal D. H. & I. Co. 5-dc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY. In tho matter of tho Estate of Mcr.ib E. Audorway, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice Is hereby given by tho un dersigned administrator of tho es tate of Morab E. Audorway, deceasod that he has made and filed with the County Clork of Crook County, Ore gon, his flnnl account of his adminis tration of Bald estate, and that the Honorablo G. Springer, County Judge of tho nbovo ontttled County nnd State, has sot Monday, tho 3rd day of April, 191G, at tho hour of ton o'clock In tho forenoon of said day. In tho County Court room at Prlne vtllo, Oregon, ns tho time nnd place for tho hoarlng of said flnnl account of said eatato. J. N. HUNTER. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK. Henry Tamm, Plaintiff, vs. Francos S. Tamm, Defendant. To Frances S. Tamm, Dofondant: IN THE JfAMB OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you nro hereby requir ed to appeor and file your answer to tho complnlnt on fllo ngalnst you In the abovo entitled suit with the clork of tho nbovo ontttled court on or bo foro May 10, 191G, nnd In enso of your falluro so to do plaintiff will tako Judgment against you for tho relief prayed for In tho complnlnt, to-wlt: for a docrco dissolving tho bonds of matrimony existing botweon plaintiff and yoursolf. This summons Is published pursu ant to tho ordor of tho Hon. T. E. I. Duffy, Judgo of said court, mado and ontorod on March 25, 191G. direct ing tho samo to bo published In Tho Bond Bulletin for six successive weoks prior to May 10, 1910; first publication March 29. 191 G. ROSS FARNHAM, Attornoy for Plnlntlff, 4-9c. Bond, Orogon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Office at Tho DalleH, Oregon, Mnrch 1G, 19 1G. NOTICE la horoby given that El mer E. Culllson, of Bond, Oregon, who, on Mnrch 28th, 1912, mndo Homestead Entry No. 010125 and on Dccombor 5th. 1911 mado additional Homestead Entry, No. 0112G9, for SW'4, Section 3 and SEW, Section 4, Township 20 South, Rango 14 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mnko final thrco year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo dobj'Ibod, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commlslsoner, nt Bend, Orogon, on tho 24th day of April, 191G. Claimant nnmos ns wltnessos: Otis C. Honklo, Clifton L. Evans, Da vid C. Rogers, Henry B. Ford, nil of Bend, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 3-7p Roglstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Lnnd Ofllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, Mnrch 1G, 191G. NOTICE Is hereby given that Alex- andor A. Gllmoro, or Bond, urcgon, who, on Fobrunry 21st, 1913, mado Homestead Entry. No. 011314, for SV6. Section, 4,-Township 20 South, Rango lo East, Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notice of Intontlon to mnko final threo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, bo foro H. C. Ellis, U S.Comuilsslonor. at Bend. Oregon, on tho 21th day of April, 191G. Claimant names ns witnesses: Otis C. Henklo. ot Bond, Oregon; Horace White. Elmer Culllson, Eric Hostlanil. of Mllllcan, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 3-7p Roglstor. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY. In tho raattor of tho Organization of Squaw Creek Irrigation District. NOTICE OF ELECTION Pursuant to an ordor of this Coiirt mado and entored herein on tho 15th day of March, 191G, ordering an elec tion to bo hold In tho proposed Squa'V Ce'k Wlgntlon D'aulct In Crook County, Oregon nnd Jefforson County, Oregon, an hereinafter descrlbod to bo held on tho 22rd day of April, 191G, such election to bo held for tho purpose of determining whether or not the said propoood Squaw Creek Irrigation District shall bo organized and for the purpose of electing five (5) directors, one from each of the five (5) divisions of sMd proposed dls ri nnri nnn treasurer to be elected nt large, tho Court having heretofore made and enterea us oraer aeiariuw Ing the district boundaries of the proposed Squaw Creek Irrigation District, and dividing the same into flvj (5) divisions designated as first, second, third, fourth and fifth divis ions, tho boundaries of oach said proposed Squaw Crcok Irrigation Dis trict to bo as follow o: Beginning at tho northwest corner of Section flvo (5), in Township Fifteen, (15) South,, Rango Ten (10) E. W. M., within Crook County, Oregon, run ning east to tho Intersection of Squaw Creek with tho township lino on the north sldo of said Township Fifteen (15) South, Rango Ten (10) East, thence In t. northeasterly direction down Squaw Creek and following the meanderlngs of said stream along tho center ot said stream to the boundary lino between Jefforson and Crook Counties; thouce following on down said stream within Jefferson County to Its junction with tho Des chutes River; tlionco In a ooutheast orly direction up tho Deschutes Rlvor and following tho meanderlngs of said river within Jefforson County to the line between JelTerson County and Crook County; and thenco fol lowing on up tho said Deschutes r'ver to tho Intersection of said stream with tho section lino on tho south sldo of Soctlon Fourteen (14) Township Fourteen (14) South, Rango Twelve (12) E. W. M In Crook County, Orogon; thenco west erly to tho southwest corner of said Section Fourteon (14); tlionco south erly to tho quarter corner on tho enst sldo of Section Twenty-two (22) Township Fourteen (14) South, Rango Twelve (12) E. W. M. In Crook County, Oregon; tlionco west erly to the (southeast corner of tho southeast quartor ot tho northeast quarter (SE NEVi) of said Sec tion; thence southerly to tho soutli west corner of tho oouthoast quarter ot tho southeast quarter (SEVi SE Vi ) of said Section Twonty-two (22); thenco westerly to tho quarter corner on tho south sldo ot Section Twenty- two (22); thenco southerly to tho southwest corner of tho northwest quarter of tho northeast quarter (N WVi NEVi of Soctlon Twonty-soven (27) ot snld township nnd rango; thenco westerly to tho southwest cor nor of tho northeast quarter of tho northwest qunrtor (NEVi NWVi) of said section; thenco southerly to tho southeast corner of tho southonst quarter of tho northwest qunrtor (S E Vi NW Vi ) of said Section Twonty soven (27); tlionco westerly to tho qunrtor cornor on tho west sldo of 3nld Section Twcnty-sovon (27); thenco southerly to tho southwest corner of tho northwest qunrtor of tho southwest quartor (NWVi SWVi) of said section; tlionco westorly to tho southwest cornor of tho northeast quarter of tho southeast quarter (N EVi SEVi) of Section Twonty-olght (28) of Township Fourteen (14) South, Rango Twolvo (12) E. W. M.; Uonco Bouthorly to tho southwest corner of tho soulhontit quartor ot tho southeast quartor ot said Section Twcnty-olght (28); tlionco 'westorly to tho Bouthwcst cornor of Section Twenty-eight (28); tlionco southerly to tho southwest corner of Section Four (4) Township Fifteen (1G) South. Rango Twolvo (12) E. W. M.; tlionco westerly to tho southwest cor nor of Soctlon Threo (3) Township Fifteen (15) South, Rnngo Elovon (11) Enst W. M.; thenco southorly to tho southwest cornor ot Section Thirty-four (31) of said township nnd rnngo; thenco westorly to tho northeast corner of Soctlon Flvo (G), Township Sixteen (1G) South, Rnngo Eleven (11) E. w. M.; tlionco Boutn orlv to tho southonst cornor of Sec tlon Scvontoon (17) of said Township and rango: tlionco westorly to tho township lino on tho west sldo of Bald township; tlionco northerly to tho southeast cornor of Soctlon Twolvo (12) Township Slxteon (1G) South, Rnngo Ten (10) E. W ,M .; thenco westorly to tho southwest cor nor of snld Section Twolvo (12); tlionco northerly to tho township lino on tho north sldo of Township Six teen (1C) South, Rnngo Ten (10) E. W. M : thenco westerly to tho southwest cornor of Soctlon Thlrtv two (32) TownBhlp Flfteon (15) South. Rnngo Ton (10) E. W. M.; tlionco northorly to tho point of be ginning; excepting howovor, from said district, nil nnd any lnnd em braced within tho boundary nnd lim its of tho town of Sisters, In Crook County, Oregon, nnd lying within tho proposed Squnw Crook Irrigation District; provldod thnt tho following described promises nro not Included within tho boundary llmlta of snld proposed Squaw Crook Irrigation Dis trict, to-wlt: north half of Section Ono (NV4 Sec. 1), tho cast half (BV4) of Section Threo (3). nil of Soctlon Flvo (5), tho unplatted por tion of Soctlon Nino (9), tho north half (Nty) of Section Elovon (11). tho west half (WV4) nnd tho wont half of tho southeast quartor (,,i SEVi). southeast quarter of tho southeast quartor (SEV4 SEVi) nnd tho southwest quarter of tho north east quarter (SWVi NEVi ) of Soctlon Fifteen (15), Sections Sovontoon (17), Twonty-ono (21), Twenty threo (23), Twonty-Boven (27), Twonty-nlno (29) and Thlrty-flvo (35); tho north half or tho north half (N& N'lj), tho southeast quar ter of the northeast quartor (SE'i NEVi) and tho oast hair of tins southeast quarter (BV4 SEVi) of Soctlon thlrty-threo (33),Townshlp Fifteen (15) South, Rango Ton (10) E. W. M.; the north half (NV4) of Section Twenty-fivo (25) nnd tho wost half (WVi) of Section Thlrty flvo (35), Township Fourteen (14) South, Rango Ton (10) E. W. M.; tho northwest quarter (NWVi) of Section Twenty-eight (28) nnd tho north half INV4) of Section Thlrty fo r (34) In Township Fifteen (15) South. Rnngo Ton (10) East W. M.; and tho southwest quartor (SWVi) of Section Thlrty-two (32), Town ship Fifteen (15) South, Rango Ton (10) E. W. M . and Soctlon Sixteen (16) Township Fifteen (15) South. Rango Ten (10) East W Mi THEREFORE NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN that nn election will be h Id within the boundaries of said proposed Squaw Crook Irrigation District on the 22nd day of April. 1916, from tho hour ot eight (8) o'clock In the forenoon of said day until tho hour of eight (8) o'clock In the afternoon of said day for tho purpose of determining whether or not the said proposed Squaw Creek Irrigation District ahall be organized as provided by law, nnd for the pur nnsn of electing five (5) directors for , said district, one (1) of which shall bo cloctcd from ench of tho snld flvo (5) divisions of said district, nnd ono treasurer nt largo; that tho electors ot said district nnd of each of said divisions thereof shall cast ballots which Bhall contain tho words "Squnw CreWc Irrigation District Yea and "Sq'unw Creek Irrigation District No." That the polling plnco for tho first division shall bo at Allen's Hall in tho town ot Sisters; nnd for tho sec ond division nt tho' resldonce of E. L. Wnldron; and for tho third division at tho resldonce of Chns. F. Chnlfan; and for tho fourth division nt the rosldenco or Geo. F. Scott; and for tho fifth division nt tho resldonce of A. B. Chapman; thnt tho following names Bhnll bo placed on tho ballot to bo voted for on said day for the olectlvo olllccs of tho Bald prdposod Squnw Crck Irrigation district: For treasurer to ho elected at largo, Fred Wolslo; for director for tho first di vision, Frank McCaffrey, for director for tho second division John Cotter; for director for tho third division M. W. Knickerbocker; for director for tho fourth division L. A. Hunt; for director of tho fifth division a. E. SUdlg; the following are designated as tho election board for the first division: Carl Woods nnd John Den nis ns judges, C. L. Brnnton, E. II. Edglngton and Sam Wclhl ns clerks, Carl Woods to act as chairman of tho hoard; tho following nro designated as tho olectlon board for tho second division: John Gotter nnd E. L. Wnl dron ns judges, Geo. Cyrus, R J 8kolton nnd A. L. Tompleton ns clerks, John Gotter to act ns chair man of tho board; tho following nro designated as tho election board for tho third division: M. W. Knlcker- 1) cker and Alox Levering as Judges, E. A. Glllctt, Chas. Chnlfan and Guy McAllister as clerks, M. W. Knicker bocker to net as chairman of tho hoard; tho following nro designated as tho olectlon board for tho fourth division: Roy Rldor nnd A. Lcnthloy ob judges, Joo Parsons, E. R. Peter son and Axel Aloson no clerks, Roy Rldor to net as chalrmnn of tho board; tho following nro designated ns tho election board for tho fifth division: A. J. Fuller nnd F. V. Chap- man ns Judges. Grosez Krutror, Den nis Hunt nnd David -Mllburn as dorks, A. J. Fuller to act as chair man of tho board. That tho namo of such proposed district Bhnll bo tho Squaw Crock Irrigation District. Dated nt Prlnovlllo, Orogon, March 16th, 191G. G. SPRINGER. County Judgo. II. J. OVERTURF, Commissioner. J. F. BLANCHARD, Commlslonor. 3-7o. SYNOPSIS OP THE ANNUAL STATEMENT UF TUB Stuyvesant Insurance Company of New York, In the state of New York, on thti .'list day of December, 1013, made tc the Insurance Commissioner of the HUto ol Oregon pursuaDt to law) Capital, Amount of capital paid up $ 400,000 00 Income. Net premiums received during tho year .1, U21.1H2 31 Interest, dividends and rents re (wived, during the year.... . 40,300 83 Income from other souicea re ceived during the ear 27,301.73 Total Income .II.0U7.8I4 01 DUburseiiielite. Net loues paid during tho year.l 530.1UI 07 Dividends paid on capital stock during the ear 20,0(M)O0 Commissions and salaries paid during the ear , ... 3.1S.20I 70 Tax. licenses and fees paid during the year 2S.K34 30 Amount ot all other expenditures hH.lUS 2J Total expenditures , . .1,0J1,808 3d AnmIb, Due on paid looses . ....I 0,013 01 Value i'f stocks and bonds owned (maiket vuluel , . , 052.703 00 Loans m mortgages and speeUI dpuii 20,011) no Cash In banks and un hand,.. 33,300 00 I'rmiluins In euuie of collection wrltttii sine September 30, 1013 . . .. ,. 2 10. WOOD Interest and wills due and Do omed 4 37X31 Total Mt .I,3,77U:I7 !. i lat dapoelia In any stale (If any there be l Manitoba.. 0.133 1(1 Tolal assets admitted In Ore. gon .l,:tj,33l.27 Mubllltlr Qross claims for losses unpaid $ IKO.USH Amount qi unearnea iinenuuiia ,.n all uutetandlujr risks. f.KJHd M IN.IKI7 17 All other IIUBllltlw. . . . Total llabllltlns, exclusive of capital stock or f 7HI.S01 S3 Tolal intnilums In fort Dmvih- b.r .11 1015 LllH.lhNOS lulne In Or, gnu for Hie Year, Total ii suranee written during tl- .sr , . it.aoo.zat.oo dross pirmlum received during the ar . . 31,1100 01 premiums returned during tha I ear . . . ... 7H04.1H Loss s i ld during the year 2S.KIHJ1 Lossrs rurred during the year 22,3ol 01 To(ai nount of lasuramw out- staii'i'f IH Oregun December 31 lnia 1.020 000 00 hTl'llllrlANT I.MirillM'i: ((ntl'iM, Ii. C A OAHTIIWAITK V(wl'rs Slsu r teildent uenerut ugent and M toruey lr service O. .V. DAMDHO.S. Portland. Oi. notk'i: of ham: of hi:.1j i:h. TA1IS 1V isITAIIDIAX. IN TUB COUNTY COUflT OP THK STATU OF OREGON FOR CROOK COFNTV. In tho matter of tho Kstato and Guardianship of Ronald Sollors, a minor. Notke Is hereby given that ptirau ant to an Ordor of tho County Court f the County of Crook, Btnto of Orogon, mndo on tho lCth dny of Januarv, 1010, the undersigned, tho gunrdlan of the portion and estato oi w.ld minor, Ronald Bellors, will soil at prhuto salo, for cush, gold coin of the I'nited States, subject to tho con firmation of said County Court, on atid after April G, 1010, all tho right, tltio ami inioresi or mo saiu iionuid Boilers in and to tho following pur eels of real ostato. sltuto In Crook County, State ot Oregon, mora par ticularly described as follows: Lot Two (2), Illock Nlnoteon (19), Dond. Lot Twenty (20), Ulook Soventesn (17), Rend. Lots Ono nnd Two (1 and 2). Illock Twenty eight (28), Cntor Ad dition to Rend. Lot Klghteen (18), Illook Fourteen (14), I.ytlo. all according to tho recorded plats, now on fllo In the olflco of the Coun ty Clerk, In and for said County and btnto. Tho terms and conditions of salo, cash. Ten per cent of purchase price to bo paid on day of sale, balanco on confirmation of snlo by County Court. Dated this 7th day of March, 191G. JENNIE SELLERS FERRELL, Guardian of tho person and Estate cf Ronald Sollors. 1-Gc STNOrslS OP T1IK ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TUB Security Life Insurance Com pany of America of Richmond, Virginia, executive offlco Chi. cago, III., on tl 31st day ot December, 1015, made lo the Insurance CommlMioiver ot th state of Oregon, pursuant lo law: Capital. Amount ot capital pnlil up.,..$ 2:0.00000 Income. Total premium Income ...... t 610,330 97 lntereit. dividends ami renti re- celvod during the )ear ..... 100.031,33 Incomo from other sources re- ,., celved during the year 0.030 n Total Income 630,018. ,8 Disbursements 1'ald for losses, endowments. ' annuities and turrender vol- ,..,.,., UCS . . ,. ... 194.7vl.3I Dividends paid to poller hold- ,-,, era during the ear ... ... 0,417.01 Commissions and laUrlce paid durlnr the rear . 113.401.31 Taici. llceniea and feee paid ,.. during the oar 12.007.03 Amount ot all other expendl- ,.-,, lures 110,181131 Total expenditures ... 433,328 Od Assets. Market laluo of real estate owned : : Market alue ot stocks and bonds owned . ;,, Loans on mortgages and collat- eral, etc. ... ......; li 1'remlum nolcs and policy loans Cash In banks and on hand.... Nut uncollected and deterred premiums Other assets (net) 17.000.00 0.11. 372 00 041.SW10 tUS.IU.! 10 80.131, 0'l 54 310 31 40.73.2 40 Total asset .....2,883.478.78 Tolal assets admitted In Ore- gon 2,3B3.47Jl,7S I.lalhlltlee. w., , 12,003,002 00 Total' policy claim, unpaid. . . . SO.oi.4 m. All other liabilities J0.330 03 Total liabilities, exclusive i of capital stock of $220 000.. Total Insurance In force Decern- ber 31, 11)15 117,014,101.08 Iluslness lu 4regon for the Year. Total Insurance, written during ,,, the year ' 03,.5T.w Oross premiums received during T.cihseVpaid 'a'u'ring' ibV'tarl" MOp'oo Losses Incurred during th ear 6.UV0 oo Total amount of Insurance out standing In Oregon December .,.,, 31, 1013 1C,:5700 HKCUIUTY 1.IIK IVHUUVNCi: COMPANY suu OP AMKIIIOA. , O. V. JOIINHON, Eecretarr. Statutorr resident general agent and at torney tor service, C. II. Weston, l'ortland, Oregon. Synopsis nt the Annual .Statement of the First National Fire Insurance Company of WnsMiiBton, In tlio District of Co lumbia., on llio 31st dny of December, 1910, mado to the limurniico commie nloner of tlio atato ot Oregon, pur suant to law! Capital. Amount of capital paid up.l 004,fi95 00 1'urt paid 7.807.80 Total capital t 912.C02.60 Income. Not pro ml limn received ,...,, durlnK tlio ycur .$ 819,881.10 Interest, dividends nnd rents received during ..,...,. tha year . 18S.8I5.10 Income from otner sources ...,,.. received during year.... 118.164.70 Total Income $ 921,831.02 Dlnuursrlncnle. Net losses paid during the year f 204.985.20 Dividends paid on capital stoclt duilng the year... None C'ommlaslons and salaries ........ paid during the year... 187,493.81 Tuxes, llceimos nnd fees ....... paid during tho year... 22,039. 1 1 Amount of nil other ex- pcndltures 235.171.C Total expenditures ....I 739,710.37 Aaaels. Vrtlue of real estate owned ,... ,. (murltot vuluo) I 455,203.43 Vnluo of stocks nnd bonds owned (muiket vnluo).. 990,020,00 Loans on mortgages nnd ...,.,. collutornl, etc. ......... 103.J00 0O L'nsli In hunks mid on hand 84.4k3.45 Mlscrllutioou 18,797.00 ITciiiHiiiis In course, of collection written slnco ........ Hcptomlicr 30, 1915 145,251.51 Internal nnd louts duo mid (accrued 25,854.07 Tolnl nssots ..Si,iz,991.!HI Ives special deposits In uliy stulu h.lf.8.55 Totnl nssots iidmllUd In .,,,..., Oregon (1,814,523.4 1 I.luMllllc. Gross clulms rur Iimsswh tituxtld I 74.H3.32 Amount of (mourned pre miums on ull oulstmid- Ing rll(s 420.325 70 Due for oommlsslons nnd hrolteiuL'e Mino All other MuullUles 28.473.7 1 Tolnl llnbllltleH, oxolti slvn of capital stock ., of 1912,901.50 t 522,912 82 Tolnl premiums In foioo Diiceiiilwr 31. 1015 751,81.38 lluolni'SM In OrrKoli for Hie 1 rur. "lotnl Ingurunen, written ,.,..... during the yenr I 001,790 00 Oross premiums rocolved .,.., during tho year........ ,,206,40 1'iemlums returned dur- ...... Ing Hi" yenr Losses paid during our . 2,439.9s Losses fneurred during the ... yenr 2.952,10 Tolnl amount of Insur ance outslundlng In Ore gon Deo. 31. 1913 215,524 00 I'lltHT NATIONAL 1'IHH INK I'O. Ily JOHN li. 8.MITH. Ketn tury , Btatutory rssldnnt geneiul agent mid attorney for swi vlre. IIOAIUU II. fUUTII. Kalem. Or. II. U AUCIIEK A CO. 401-105 N. W Hank llldg, l!ii.'Ur.l. OLuV.. XOTICK OF COXTRSr. Doiinrtnimit of tho Interior. Unlttid Stntoa Land Olllco, The Dallus, Oro gon, Murcb 18, 19 10. To Alvln IltintHiuuu, of lleud, Oro gon, Meld, orogon, uontosieo: i Von ro hereby notlllud thnt Jos- nIii II. Thuyor. who glvss, Hend, Or goii, as hsr post ofllco sildroas, did on Msrch 18, 11)10, fllo In this of- i llco her duly corrobomtml mipllcu- tlon to confest and socure tho (ian- cellstlon of our llomostead Rntry i ..o Add. , Sorlnl No Add. OBfiSS, 09157. made March 31, 1911, July I 99 1fill f,,r Uiinlli U. 8otlmi 1. Township 20 South, ltangw 20 Knt, Wlllnuifttto Murldlau, nnd si grounds for his oontost hn alloM" that Alvlu Huntsman has nbandoued snld claim for moro than sir months last past. You aru, therefore, further noti fied that tlio wild atloKstlniiH will lis taken ns contested, and your snld en try will be canceled without further right to bo hoard, olthor boforo this ofllco or on appeal, If you fall to file In this ofllco within twonty days jf tor the FOl'RTH publication of this notlco, as shown holow, you, aswer. under oath, specifically rospoiidlr.k to Hioho allegations of ooiitust. together with due proof that you lutvo sorvod a copy of your answer on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mall. You Bhould atnto In your answer the namo of tho post ofllco to which you destro future notices to bo sent to you, It. FRANK WOODCOCK, Roglstor. Dnto ot first publication March 29, 191G. Date of second publication April 5, 1910. Dnto of third publication, April 12, 191G. Dnto of fourth publication April 19, 191G. 4-7c. Sjnopili of tlic Annual Statement of the Royal Exchango Assuranco of London, Knglnml, on tho 31t day of I)c rrriurr, Kilo, made to tho Insurance Com. ulssioner of the Slate of Oregon, pusuant to lau Capital. Amount of Deposit Capital $ 400,000.00 Income. Net premiums recelred during tho )enr 12,007,331. 1)1 Interest, dhldends. and rents re- celrrd dtirlno the car 108,318 43 Incomo from oilier sources re eclved during the )ear 1R,553.!1J Tolal Income $2,131,4ill.D3 Disbursements. N'el losses paid during tho cnr.f 1,072,1 10 8(1 Commlsilnns and saUrles paid during the ear 513,428.14 Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during me year ij,(ihj Amount of alt other expenditures 377,037.2(1 Total expenditure $1,01)3,81)0.08 Aiteti. Vnluo of stocks and bonds owned (market alue) $2, 5lfl, 01(1.31 Cash In banks and on hand .... 217,420.1)1 l'rrnilums In rourso of collection written slnco Kept. 30, 11)15. 313,3(13.01 Interest and rents due and ac crued nnd other assets D2.7M 40 Tolal assets .3,172,4 13.11 Less special deposits In any state 8,408.7a Tolnl assets admitted In Oregon. D,1(13, 074.33 .labilities (Irons claims for losses unpaid..! 200,140 00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding rinks .... 1,042,331.10 Due for commission nnd hrokerago 13,238,77 All other liabilities 34,030.53 Total llaMlitlei, exeluslto of deposit capital of 10O,O0O.l,07fl,200.43 Total premiums In force Decem ber 31. 1013 83,317.587.19 Business lu Oregon for tha Year. Tolal Insurance written during tho year fl, 814,309.00 Tlross premiums recelred during the year . . 20,410.07 Premiums returned during tho year 7,333 21 Losses paid during Die year. . . . 111,820.40 losses Incurred during the year 17,810.10 Tolal amount of insurance out standing In Oregon Decent. her .11, 1011 2,300,073.00 IIOYAL KXCIIAXtlE ASHU1UNOK. Ily X. I), llarrry, United States llranch. Statutory resident general agcr.t nnd attorney for service 1 Prank K. Hart. Portland, Or. Synopsis ot the Annual Statement of the Casualty Company of America, of (18 William street, New York City, in tha Slate of New Yorl, on ths Hist day of De cember, 10 IS, mado to the Insurance Com. mlsslnncr of the Slato of Oregon, pursuant Capital. Amount of capital paid up . ... 750,000 00 income. Net premiums recelred during tho ) ear 13,517,815.41 Interest, dividends, and rents re ceived during the year 03,931.08 Income from other sources re ceived during Ilia year . . . . -jaa.uHS 30 Total Income 3,83 1,1 41.01 Disbursements. Losses paid during Hie year, In cluding adjustment expenses, etc. 11,078,131.00 Dividends paid during the year on capital slock 43,000 00 Commissions and salaries paid during the ear 1,103,749 01 Taxes, llreuses, and fees paid during thn year 08,301.0 1 Amount of all other expendlliirea 233,'J33 00 Total expenditures (3,338,107.18 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) $1,510,001.03 Loans on mortgages and collat eral, elc DOI.883.43 fash in hanks and un lisnd 100,318 51 Premiums In rourso of collection written slnco Sept. UO, 1015. . 813,833.78 Olhcr assets ajSJtlOl Interest and riots due and ac crued '.1.1,500 3D Tolal assets 3,flVy!7l.08 Less special deposits in any stain 18,103.10 Total assets admitted In Oregon. 3,037,17'l 88 Liabilities dross claims for losses unpaid. . 1, ISI.HTJ.Ofl Amount of unearned premiums ..... nil all oulslsHdiiig risks ... 1,171,815,88 Due for commission ami brok erage .. II0.INU.O4 All oilier llaMllllee , 8Stf.87fl.S7 Total liabilities SS.OS7.170 88 Tolal premiums In furee Decern- UerSI, im . ; Sli.0o0.33 iluslness In Oregon for the Yssr. (Irss premium received during Hi. year . -- 18.l8i.70 Premiums relumed during tliu )ear F..,&,u. ,,kI,1 durlnir the year . lO.jr.1 111 14,017.01 uy jiiii j.rvin, (ifrifuif. Statutory resident general agent nnd allorney for servlre. rrnlerlck A. ilarlln. I'urtlsud, Oregon. .. r, .-,... ----"w,--- -.i;.,.,, 0 '.. Hylmvsl nf the Annual Statement of Hie Providonco Wnsliinrjton Insuranco Company nf Providence, In Hie Statu of Ithade Is)snd, nn Hie !! day of DeieutUr, 1915, mado l Ike iHsuratiee ('ouiiulssloser of lbs State of Oregon, pursuant lo law Ospltal. Amount of capital ua id up.. .11,000,000.00 IncoLie. Net premiums received during the yes r . 1,115,870, 1 Interest, dlvidsnils, and rents r- eelve-l during Ilia year . . lot, 1(13. 4 Ineoese flow oilier sources re eeived dtilHg the year . . . Pl.P88.OO Total Ineame l,0,729.7O Disbursements Net Usees psiil during Ike year l, 175,175,41) I)lvlden4s uald esplul sUiek during Ifce year 100.lWO.BO Cowwlsslons and aalarle paid luring Ik year 1.17I.I73.H Taxee. lle. and fee id ...,.,... dsrlxg Hie year .. 118.190 f 7 Amoust of alUtber estelMlUsfa 10t,13HJl Tela! einndllures f I.OTT.tWU.Ul AsiHs. Value of sloeks asd Imh4 (walkel value) I l,6I.IOH 00 I.(us 011 mortgages end tolkl- eral. te. t&MQ.OO Oaab In Uaks and ua hand ll,t7I.Hl I'rewluws In eoorae ot eolleellax written sine Sept SU, lilt . 7l,.13.4 Inleresl aad reals due usd as- truetl Sl.BflOSI T.'al assets !!'!!!'!,!!U Tout ss.sts sUssltled III Oregon. M,7SI,I.U IJsUllltUs Oross elalns fr losses unpaid 70t,SII,6l Auuunt of usesraed premlusM oh all outstanding rlsKs All 01 b.r llsbllllles . . im Totsl llakllilies, eseluslve sf capital atwfc of f I 000,000. U,MS,!.tO Totsl prewlassa In fore Doeta- .,.. Ur Si, 1913 .. MM.Wt.BI fivvstoess la Orstm '' the Yatr. Tolal Inauranee wrlllen dorlos .... lb year . . . .t,lla,ll0O dross i.reioluius received dsrlsg lb year 25.MU.SS I'rewlsius returned during Ike year - ,fl 10 Us 1 paid during Iks year . . . 7.SI7.10 Lose Iseuirxl ilailng Ike year ll.lOS.4a ToUl aueusl of Insuranee out- sUading lu Oregen Deewin- Ur 11. IM15 ... 1.1 If, I W 04 PIlOVIHilKCH WAHIMNOTOK ISSirftANOK CO. Ily A (1. Heals, 8eriiry. Statutory resident general agent and altsrner fur ser.le 1! C Morgan, 717 OorUU Uldg, I'vrllsnd, Oregon M Ml I