TIIK UV.SU I1ULLKTIN, REND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21), 1010. PAGE Will You be with the Finny Ones next Saturday? How is your stock of Fishing Tackle? April 1 Fishing Season Opens Our stocjc of Rods, Lines, Reels, Lenders, Hooks, Tackle Books, Bait Cans, is complete in every detail. See us before you lay in your sup plies for the season. Ours is the best. REED & HOR TON BEND Tke Jg2SsS iore REQON - OREGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives 8 n. m. - Leaves 8 p. m. O.-W. It. & N. TUAIN. - Arrives' 7:45 p. m. - Loaves 7:25 a. m. -- AUTO STACK LINK SOUTH. Leaves . . I 8:45 a. in. - Arrives 5 p. m. AUTO LINKS. Cars to Hums, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Lako and other points south and south oast. POST OFFICE 1I0UHS. - General dollvory open dally 9:15 a. in. to C p. m, No mnll distributed on Sunday. Night train mnll closes G p. in. -- Day train mall closes G:30 a. in. TELEGRAPH HOURS. Wostorn Union dally 7 a. m. to 7 p. in. Sunday and holidays -- i 8-10, 4-C. TELEPHONE HOUItS. Plonoor Co., twenty-four hour Borvlco, Including Sunday. ----- Ilrosterhous returned a two weeks visit In LOCAL NEWS ITEMS in II. E. Vlncont, of Sisters, was Rend on Tuesday. II. A. Word, of Redmond was In town on Tuesday. C. II. Doaly, of Hear Cr';ok Ruttes, wnn In town on Monday. . - Mrs. John Stoldl lo roportod to bo seriously III nt nor homo. L. L. Fox returned Monday from a business trip to Portland. J. L. Gibson, a farmor of Powell llutto, was In town on Monday. A dancing pnrty wns, given by the Emblom Club Saturday evening. G. W. Shriner left last night for n vacation to Portland and Seattlo. II. A. Stover returned Saturday from a business trip to Portland. Harry E. Wnlthor of The Dalles, Is In town this weok on business. A. O. Armont, of tho Louvre, was In Redmond on business yesterday. Dr. J. G. Tumor expects to mako regular 30 day trips to Ilend In tho futuro. Shorlff E. n. Knox, of Prlnovllio. was n business visitor In Hond on Monday. Mrs. E. P. Monday from Portland. Hnrrlson Latham nnd J. II. Stan loy wont to Prlnovllio this morning on business. Mrs. Nolllu Cyrus, of Tumalo, Is tho guest this week of Mrs. II. II, Do Armond. W. L. Cobb returned Friday even ing frouv a business trip to Rosoburg and Portland. W. F. Arnold, of La Pino, wns n b slnoss visitor In Ilcud on Monday and Tuesduv. Mr. and Mrs. if. A. Miller return ed to Uend on Thursday from Port 'Innd to reside SnimEldor hns purchased tho Sani tary Harbor shop forjnerly ownod by William Downing. Tho Rrldgo Club was entertained' at tho homo pf Mrs. Clydo McKay Friday afternoon. .Christian Sclenco sorvlccs nt Snth- cr's Hnll Sunday at 11 a. m. Sub ject: "Unreality." Mrs. William DouglaB Is roportod to linvo been 111 with n serious at tack of bronchitis. Frank Sullivan left-Monday night for Portland on business, returning Wednesday morning. Tho ,LndIcs Presbyterian Oulld will meot with Mrs. Ross Farnham on tho nftornoon of April C. Work wns commonccd this Aveok on tho resldenco of Dr. W. W. Faulk ner In Park addition. Rev. R. F. Jameson, of Lobanon, will preach at tho Baptist church on Sunday morning nnd evening. Mrs. nobert H. Could returned on Saturday morning from an oxtondc1 visit with rolatlves In Sonttlo. Miss llnzol Archlbnld, who has licon visiting with Mrs. Harry llrooks, left Sunday night for Portlnnd. R. 0. Smock who rccontly sustain ed n broken leg nonr Alfalfa was able to return to 'Ms homo on Mondny. , "ilomor Ross, supervisor of tho Ochoco National Forest, attended tho Joint meeting of tho Deschutes and Ochoco ofllclals on Monday and Tues day. Tho Bend Carago Company this week delivered new Iiulck Sixes to Mrs. John Ryan and E. A. Snthcr. A 30 foot extension Is being made this week on tho rear of tho Catholic church to offer n larger seating room. Willis W. Hrown, of Gntowny, for mer county commissioner, was visit ing with friends In Hend on Monday. T. C. Johnson, nn Insurance man of Eugene, has beeil visiting this week with his brother, William Johnson. Tho regular business mooting of tho Ladles Library Club will bo hold Tuesday aftornoon at 3 o'clock nt tho library. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold E. Smith,-of tho Pine Mountain ranger station woro visitors In Bond on Monday nnd Tuesday. A suppor and entertainment will bo given on tho evening of April G nt tho Grange hall. A supper will also bo sorved. Mrs. A. L. French left on Tuesday morning for Umatilla, being called nway on account of tho sorlous ill ness of her father. Mr. r.nd Mrs. C. W. Martin nnd family aro moving this week Into tho nowly finished houso of E. W. Rich ardson in Wlestorln, Tho Prlnevllle bowling team will como to Ilend Snturdny, April 1, for a tournament with local bowlers nt Carmody Uior. alloys. Miss Edna Tracoy, who has been visiting with" Mrs. James Ryan for soveral months, left Saturday night for her homo In Sonttle. Mrs. Harry Smith, who hns been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. N. F. Rood, for tho InBt week returned to her homo on Thursday. Mrs. Joseph Huttcr nnct daughtor, a nurso of Hormlston, Oregon, nrrlv ed In Ilond last evening and will bo a guest of Mrs. W. A. Denver. Services In tho Scandinavian Inn. guago will bo held at tho Prcsbytor Ion church Sunday nftornoon nt three o'clock by Rev. E. II. Slnttednhl. i ThomaB Cobb, cashier of tho Ccn tral Oregon Hank, has punfhnsed property In Park addition and ex pects soon to begin tho erection of n now homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Long and children left laBt night for Tncomn, where Mr. Long hns ncceptcd nn a3 slgnmont as clerk on tho Rainier Na tional Forest. Mrs. Laura Heddlngton, who hns been with tho Mnnnhelmer nrothors store expects to resign about April 1. Mrs. Hoddlngton will tnko a short vacation In Portland. F. L. nean, of Morno, Minnesota, nnd Hon Cromby of Eureka, Mon tann, arrived In Ilend Monday with two cars of emigrant movables. They expect to locato noar Ilond. Tho Silver Lako Loader roporta tho sorloiiB Illness of O. II. Hardy, Lako county agriculturist. Mr. Hardy Is sufforlng with pneumonln. Ho was formorly n rcsldont of this section. Mrs. C. II. Soil nnd Miss Mao Flem ing, who hnvo boon visiting with Mrs. J. C. Rhodes, will return tomorrow morning to their homo In Monroe, Wnshlngton. Mrs. Rhodes will nc company thorn. THE QUESTION 18: How aro you going to get your plumbing done in a thoroughly efficient manner? Wo can nn swer that by tolling you whero to got good plumbing dono RIGHT HERE. Wo nro golni to provo our statement by refei rlng you to hundreds of pleased patrons, merely for the asklu"?. Plumbinj?, Roofing, Furnace Work, Sheet Metal Work of All Kinds. Central Oregon Plumbing and Heating Company PHONE RED II J. E. ENGEBRETSON, MOR. Buy or Rent a Sewing Machine TO DO YOUR SPRING SEWING New Home, White, Singer and other t makes $7.00 and up. 31.00 down sends a machine to your home SI. 00 n week i makes it yours. E. M. THOMPSON The furniture man If you don't trade with ur Ve both lose money. The Bend Bulletin Is Central Oregon's Leading Newspaper. SUBSCRIBE NOW Only $1.50 Per Year. ft H W. C. Hurt, of the Interior He Iinrtment was In Uend on Monday and left for the Uonhnm Fnlls district where ho will conduct nn Investiga tion on tho properties of the Central Oregon Irrigation Company. Rev. E G. Judd, of tho Haptlst church, whoso resignation from the church becomes effective April 1, leaves tonight for Portland on a short visit. Rev Judd has not decided as yet where ho will definitely locate Mrs. C V Sllvls received word on Sundny of tho death of her mother, Mrs. H. U. Smith, who passed away nt tho hnnio of her daughter. Mrs. T. 1L Sess In Denver, on Saturday. Tho funeral wns hold Monday after noon. Roy Harvey, formerly supervisor of tho Deschutes National Forest. now lnnd classlflor for tho Northwest Including Alaska, was In Hend on Tuesday. Mr. Harvey formerlv re sided with his parents near Powell Dutte. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dlppro arrived Friday evening from Seattle, Wash ington, to uwko this their home. Mr. Dlppro hns accepted tho position of bookkeeper nt tho Universal Gnrago. Mrs. Dlppre Is a sister of W. L. and T. W. Cobb. Mrs. C. rphnm nnd daughter, Miss Elizabeth arrived in Uend last Sat urday from California, and have been tho gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. Frank U. Prlnco. They lenvo tomorrow morn ing for Vancouver, H. C, to cpend tho summer and will later return to their homo In Hoston. . James C. Wnlkor, secretary nnd editor of The Mississippi Valley Lum berman of Minneapolis and George M. Cornwall, editor of Tho Tlmber- ni nn of Portlnnd, were In Uend on Mondny looking over tho sawmills. They left this morning for Enterprise nnd will visit several other mills of tho northwest. Tho T. J. S. Club gavo n pleasant surprlso party to Mrs. C. E. Nichols Mondny nfternoou at tho homo of Mrs. L. II. Gorblng, fio occns'on bo Ihg Mrs. Nichols' blrthdny. After n dainty luncheon, tho youngest mem ber of tho club, Port Shuey, Jr., pre sented Mrs. Nichols with n beautiful gift frrim ouch member of tho club. A platform meeting will bo hold next Sundny night nt tho Methodist church. Subject: "A Hotter Hend. "From tho Huslncss Standpoint, A. O. Hunter; "From nn Educational Standpoint," Professor Francis; "From tho Civic Standpoint," Vernon A Forbes; "From tho Moral and Re ligious Standpoint." W. L. Cobb. Tho public ,1s cordlnlly Invited. Services nt tho Presbyterian church on Sundny will bo as follows. Wo In vito you most cordially: Sundny school nt 10 a. in. Prcnchlng sorvlco nt 11 n. m. Thome: "Tho futuro work "df Christ' Evangelistic ser vice nt 7.30 p. in. Wntcli for our nnnouncoment for tho Enster pro gram on tho bullotln board on Oregon nnd Wall streotB. H. C. Hnrtranft, pastor. Tho Pnrcnt-Tenchor association hold a recoptlon at tho Hold school Friday evening, Mnrch 21. Tho fol lowing program wns given: Recita tion by Frank nnd Ruth Schlnppl; violin solo, Robert Inncs; chorus by twolvo of tho school girls; Dr. U. C. Coo spoke on "Parent's Responsibil ity In Child Hyglono;" II. L. Hopkins spoko on "Education;" vncnl solo, "When Irish Eyes nro Smiling", Gon evlovo Gorrlsh, Mrs. II. L. Hopkins, accompanist; dlnloguo by Edwin FIhIi JUST INBY EXPRESS some smart new Sport Skirts in the New Plaid Effects. All w o o 1 fabrics workmanship the best economically priced $6.?5to$8.00 NEW MORNING GLORY" Houpo DresEcs nnd SPORT DKI'.SSES Sizes 31 to 52 nt $1.1.1, SI.-.. $!." "ELSIE DIXS.MOIti:" Prestos for tho little folks, Sizes 2 to 5 ... .(I0o, .- Sizes C to II .SI. 'J.", )?l An EIbIo Dtnsmore Doll cut-out with each purchase. Now gold nnd silver lnces nt, per yard ;t"r. Now gold ttlloer laces nt. yard SI. nil , Now 30 Inch Radium Allovor Lnco. per yard S'-V.i.l MENS' AND HOYS CAPS New shapes and fabrics. Hoys caps nt ."or. Men's caps nt . v. ..Mir, ".", SI, St.H." You'll llnd that "Clnnsy Cnp" you'vu been looking for hero. HOV SCOCT SHOES Hro;n Elk 11 to 12 St.oH 12',i to 2 SI.H." 2 to 514 S'J.in. Solid leather throughout. STOP AND SHOP AT FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK TEe Tailor All Kinds of CLEANING AND PHESSINO Phono Hlack 1481 C. E. HAMILTON Writes Fire Insurance Phone ULck 451 DRY WOOD FOR SALE nnd Inez Jonah. After tho program ten nnd wafers woro served and an enjoyable hour spent, MANY WILL KISII. A general exodus of nshcrnicn from Ilend Is expected on Friday nnd Saturday for tho streams of Central Oregon. If tho number of licenses that nro being sold can Indicate tho interest this year In fishing, the Des chutes nnd other trout otrenms will bo well lined on, Saturday when tho senBon opens. liny n incnl ticket mont. Ady, T. at tho Altn- No watting nt the Metropolitan for thnt shnvo or hair cut. Four chairs now ready. -Adv. - Go to dinner. tho Rnynl Cafo Adv. for your 41 tf For form lnnd lonns seo J. Rynn & Co. Ronsonablo rates, prompt service. Adv. Cleaning nnd pressing done by Cnto, Wright hotel building. II. 4 t ROAD FUND IS S7l."i. A total of $705 has boon subset til ed to the Commercial Club road fund which will bo spout with n like amount from tho county on tho Im provement of the roads to Powoll Hutto nnd Tumalo. The list of sub scribers to (Into Is nn follows! II. Forroll, f 10; United Wnroliousn Co., $50; Hand Flour Mill Co,, $100; Hond llardwnro Co., $50; Hrooks- Scnnloir Lumber Co., $60; Tho First National Hank, $100; Tho Hend Co.. $50; Anton Anno, $25; Itcoil & Hor- ton, $10; N. P. Smith, $10; O'Douuoll Ilroa., $10; OW. Thornth'vn'tc. $10; II. S. Young, $7; The Uend Prejs, by Chns. E. Short, $10; Mnnnhelmor Uros., $25; Tho Warner Co., $10; C. S. Hensou, $1; llrooks A Sullivan. $10; C. A. Nlcknll, $2; II. E. linker $10; The Hend Ilullotln, $10; It. M. Smith Clothing Co. $20; II. W. Skuse, $10; Tho Uend Water Light & Power Co., $40; llomuseekers Laud Co., $10; E. A. Slither. $15; (1. W. Horner. $5; O. A, Thorsou.i $1; E. M. Thompson, $10; The Metiopolltnu by Iunc2 A Davidson, $5; A. L. French, $10; Gilbert & Sun, $5; L. A. Sbnw, $5; II. I). Iunls, $1; CluU Cafe, $5; L. C. Rudow, $6; T. It. McCllney, $10; V. A. Morgan, $5; Geo. S. Roberts, $5; Hurt Slimy, $i'.; A. O. Armont, $6; Win. P. Downing. $5; W. II. Martin, $10; It. II. l.oveit, $5; Wright Hotel. $10; Owl Phar macy, $5: M. II. Hymntm, $3; Oregoiv Transfer Co., $5; ,1, Edward Larson. $25; Ross Farnham, $3; II. C. Kill. $5; Vernon A. Forhott, $10; II. II. Do Am d, $10; Geo. H Young, $R; P C. Garrison, $ll; 1). M. DavIh, $5; J. H. Miner, $2. HntH clenuiiil nnd blocked. IT. Cato tailor, Wright hotel building. I Four chairs nt your scrvlrn nttho Metropolitan. No waiting, Advl Ron J. Ryun & Co., fur farm liiml loans,- Adv tt fish FLIES RODS REELS LINES HOOKS SPINNERS For Economy Safe Shop at w arner s Bend's Economy Center SPRING has ARRIVED Birds are Singing Flowers are Blooming All Nature is Putting on NEW DRESS He pioiKtrod fir Krster and the nlre warm suiuhlnlHi days; start your drorumMklug right nw. W bitVM W) in b I tid a Borgni aawtrtHieut of Utstllo fabrics In VOILIW, SUITINGS, ORGA.NDIUS, IHMITIItt, And nil iiiiiiiiut nf vtuf.lt iiihIchIhIh For your linrimillftte elctlou. We havo Just received a dainty lino of Ladle g Walata. In Crape-de-Chltie and White I.nwn. Wh would tbut you ho those. CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS in white, pink, niai.e and figured oilects $2.50 to $5.00 LAWN WAISTS Crossbar, Dots, Em-hroidcrt-d and I'laiu Materials 75c to $1.75 SATHER'S TIIK KSTAIIMSIIKD STYLK CENTKK .1 y