I i TAOR 0. THE HUM) Jll'IiLim.V. HEM). OHE.. WEDNESDAY, MAIICH 20. 1010. Port - 9 ' hi i ' 1 cat ' toi UK ;si H '. ci W n ; , 5 r ! r .. -. THE BEND BULLETIN (Published Hvcry Wcdnwdny) OEOHOE PALMER PUTNAM Publisher KOBEUT W. SAWYER Hditor-.Managcr. fred a. woi:lpm:n Assoolnto Editor. ..An tudo)ond(jiit nowspnper stand (rig. for tho Bquaro deal, clean busi ness, clean polltlcH and tho best In lercsts of Rend and Central Oregon. grcs8 and undertakes development where previously was stagnation Is an Institution which should not be discouraged blindly. Olio Year $1.50 Hli MonthH 7S Three Months CO AH subscriptions nro duo and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration nro mailed subscribers and If renewnl Is not made within reason able tlrao tho paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of lalluro to re ceive tho paper regjlnrly. Othorwlio wo will net bo responsible for copies missed. Make all chocks and orders pay- Able to Tho llond Bulletin ' - - - - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2S, 1010. SCHOOL RUILDINCS. Superintendent Altbrman of tha Portlnnd schools, Is advocating the ono Htory typo of school buildings. Tho single story type Is becoming more and more popular where educa tional olllclency Htitl economy nro Htmlleri. Throughout the West, and especlully In California, there aro scores of examples which seem to bo giving groat mttlsfrctlon. Hotter , light, safety, economy and ndmluls GAME HOGS SCORED. The Pennsylvania Sportsman, a nwgazlno published bv tho sport lov ers of tho Ke stone state, has this to say concerning a game-hog practice Indulged In by Sacramento "sports men" and It's worthy of ihe atten tion of real sportsmen anywhere. "The proprieties fore offended a r. imbor of vchm a? when a certain prize fight promoter announced through tho Denver pross that there would bo a 'sacred prize fight' at the usual rendezvous the following Sun day nfternoon. Hut that was only a tamo announcement compared with ono recontl noted in a recent issue of the Hreeder and Sportsman, pub lished in San Tranclsco, California, that Sacramento 'sportsmen' are pre-1 paring to hold another wild goose stow,' "Tho Irony of the event to be held under tho auspices of 'sportsmen' Is not clearly seen until something Is known of tho details of past events of the kind. In 1812 the so-called sportsmen held a 'stew' and prepared thousands of wild geese they had slaughtered by wholesale methods for tho event. It Is declared that the big stow Is too much of an advertis ing proposition for Sacramento to permit It to bo abandoned. So an other 'stow' is planned, and It is es timated thnt It will require 10.000 wild gecso to pull off tho big feast, nnd the advertising ndvnntages to tho city of Sacramento Is expected to bo vory groat. A flno advertising stunt, Indeed, to bo pulled off by men who cnll themselves pportsmen' "When sentiment Is almost unlver- on and tho communities of the terrl- If any of us should venture to wilte tory traversed. What s more, It will! disapprovingly of a railroad compan be. Say the Oregon Voter, comment ing upon the situation: "Attorney General Urown has rul ed tnut tho State Highway Commis sion has authority to change the of llclal map that was laid out b the mighty finger of Samuel Hill, marked by Mnjor Howlby, adopted by the old Highway Commission, and because of tho sanctity of Its origin was sup posed to be as unchangeable as the laws of the Medes and Persians. "The map needs changing. The State road that runs from Mr. Hill's say, we might bo forbidden the priv ilege of buying tickets over its line. A number of communities are at tending to attract moving plctire enternrlfiea which nro conlHn? new ' I locations, having, for one reason and another, exhausted the advantages of Southern California. Why doesn't Bend mnko a bid for at least a por-! Hon of this business? We have the' sunshine and tho scenery and our' special advantage is that what we, offer here Is vastly different from the i California backgrounds which have Every Op Day is an 1 ning Day beeun to weary the nlcture natro.l- farm to California should bo re-locat-j Izlng public. Snow mountains, tim ed n iiass tlirmiL'h tho nloneer cnmi- bcr. lakes, rlvors, plains and "desert" munlties of Central Oroeon Instead are all available, Ideal settings for all of cutting across Isolated wastes for the Imaginary convenience of Uie few autolsts who prefer to drive on un frequented routes." True enough. The autocratic mis takes of the previous highway ad ministration are strikingly apparent In this country. On the map as It at present appears the "main route" through Central Oregon extends from Prlnevllle south to Lakevlow. The more fact that probably ninety per cent of the through summer 1 travel goes from Dcnd directly south v'- Crescent nnd Fort Klamath, where tho roads, scenery, service and convenience excel, seems to havo cut no figure u,hen the map was laid out It was a pnper proposition, pure nnd simple. And now the mistake of tho old map Is to be rectified. Already sorts of "frontier stuff" and out-of-door adventure, whllo tho town Itself offers admirable advantages for the location of studios and workshops. It wouldn t bo difficult to get a rep resentattvo of the Interested com panles at least to look us over. West Virginia, Iowa and South Dakota vote on equal suffrage this year. One of the old stock argu ments thnt will bo used against this common-sense reform Is that "wo men don't vote when they get the ballot." Hero Is a chance for the women of Oregon to help the big cause nlong. Won't you women In terest yourselves In public affairs and go to the polls? Your votes win help your community, your state nnd your sisters who aro trying to get their rights elsewhere. And you FOR THE LADIES New waists, spring coats and Women's ready-to-wear apparel arriving every day Ladles Sorosls Underskirts l8c to 91.5a Silk Underskirts ,s;t, ssi.no, $:).7.-, ?nf 9I..J0 snl for gamo conservation, a studied tratlvo nmcloncy aro among the prime1 nttornpt toward, extermination bv Im advantages, say those who have stud ied thu mutter. Altogether, It Im well worth whllo for llond school olllclals, nnd parents and tax pioors, to glvo tho matter careful coiiHldoratlon. Certainly tho InHt building erected horo Is not ono to boast about. Its elllcloncy Is none too miirkod, and certainly li Is about ti h homuly ;i structure hh could bo devised. In tho future wo should havo school building that will bo ti real credit and will average up to tho exceptional uttructlvoiioHH of tho rest of tho community. Holow wo print some extracts from recent remarks of Mr. Alderman on tho subject: "Portland now has two ono-Rtory school houses. Each Ib so planned thnt It can be added to at will. Tho tencherH like thesu buildings so well, properly called sportsmen of Califor nia, to engngo In an undertaking lllto thnt of tho Illg Goose Stow Club, make!! ono wonder If there can bo such n thing as sanity. An advertise ment? Ily nil that Is honorable in sportsmanship, such nn affair should lie advertised ami referred to In such terms by right thinking sportsmen In this country thnt thoso who attond will bo shamed and pointed to with scorn." tnc ingnway Lommicsion nns rccog- 0UBllt t0 rcg8tar right nowl nlzed the superiority of tho westerly! routo from Hend by appropriating money for its permanent Improve ment. We shall be pleased to see the eastern route get Its share of travel, but assuredly It Is fitting thnt our own routo be placed on tho revised map with at least as much promin ence ns tho other, If not, ns the facts roally Justify, with more. SCHOOL MILITARY TRAINING. Just at this time when so much connlderat'on Is being given military training In our schools, tho system successfully practiced In Australia Is of speglnl interest. So wo reprint tho following account of tho Austral- Inn procoeduro as recently published thorn U mtlo to disturb them on ac- ,,, T,10;0tIooH, believing It worth tho ST cost S'npXd ,7uK -"f-S; ""?'-? or ''-';trw. Oregonlans: other now buildings Is so Hiiiall, and 0n J,lly ! of M,s thirteenth yonr tho lire danger In them Is so grently reduced, that I raise tho question; 'Why build any more two story school buildings In Portland?' "I bollovo that the ono story ychool building atiHwers tho domniid for II ro protection. SlnlrwayH nro the traps whom nhlldion aro caught In case of Ilro or lire panic. Why hnvo stnlr wnyH? They nro not necessary In school buildings, There hns never been a life lost by Ilro In n ono story Fchool boiiHo In the history of tho Untied Hiatus. "Ah to tho qiiostloii of cost, why spend $ 7 f'o (I a room for u school every Australian boy who has been olllclnlly declared physical, montnlly, and morally fit stuns his training ns a Junior endet. Ho Is furnished with hat, shirt, breeches, puttees, and shoos, and Is given a minimum of nlntoy hours' olomontnry military training for each of tho two years. To this training must bu given not less, than fifteen minutes per tiny. This training Includes Infantry squad drill nnd any two of tho following mihjccts: mlnlturu rlllo shooting, swimming, i mining oxerclses In or ganized sports, anil llrst aid to thu Injured. "When tho Austrnllnn boy Is four Icon earn of ago ho becomes a son lor cadet, nnd It Is during his service house that will bit nut nf ilntn In lif. yoara at best, when a good. wine, son-, nH ,""( cadet that ho receives his slblo and beautiful school house built ' "!V. 'J""'""! ..,"!' "''i".. l .'V?' .T,1.! " I bitiiitiiiK u'liinmin in iii uiiiiuiii limit- mum oi lour tour nour (inns, twelve on tho ono Htory plan, can bo provid ed for about $2ruo a room? The cost will rntiKi from out third to one half of the cost of our recent buildings, "Why not build school buildings for school ptirpostN and not for inon mnoiita? Why build thorn high Just becnusti school bullillngu have been built high In tho past? Let us build ono ' story buildings, bccaiiHo they Hifnro anxiety, preserve health, so euro bettor school work, save money nnd save life." .HUTTKR THAN IT SOUNDS. Thn Very report of tho Secretary of Agriculture submitted to the Sea ls to, and wIhmo chief purpose scorns to linvu boon the lemmt lent Ion of the "imwer tumt" hugitlmit, contains this llliimluntltiK paragraph rceumiUlutt tliH advantages ()f Hint monopoly which w often is InevllablH In water power development: "Moiiopollrutlnti of tht mipply In any itivoii territory umkiM potudhlt. through liilerronuectlona of atutbniH and through dlvomllWtlnn of loud. OREGON IHJATS KANSAS. In recent advertising of the Curtis Publishing Company there was feat ured a story forthcoming In ono of Its publications which contained tho following statement: "Rated per cap ita tho Knnsnn Is $1030 rlcbornthan tho cltlzon of any other state In tho Union. ' ' Now It nppcnrs thnt somoliody Is mixed nn his figures, and thnt the nlllitont Knnsnn doesn't lead tho field by a long shot. Why, ovon nn nvcr ngo Oregonlan Is wcnlthlcr In 1915 tho Ilurcnu of Census of tho Dopnrtmcnt of Commorco Issued n publication entitled "Estimated Valuation of National Wealth," which sets forth tho per capita wealth of the soveral statos. And Instead of being first Knnsas ranks only. tenth,, according to Uncle Sam's stntlatioUns Oregon Is eighth. u JEvldontly Jn Novnda thero .hi a goon deal or wealth ana migniy xow people At least, Nevada leads. Hero Is the list: Ndvaila, $rQ3S: Iowa, $DQ39; North Dakota, $3374: California. $32SI; Nohraska, $3110; Montnna, 283l, Colorado, $2785; Oregon, $2001; Illinois, $2000; Kansas, $2052. Kansns bleeds no more, and sho Is n long, long way from being poverty stricken. Hut sho hasn't got all 'tho prosperity corralod. In 1912 thero were 47,001 Ore gonlnns who voted for Wilson. Roose velt enmo next with 37,000 nnd Tnft third with 34,673. If Hughes should bo the Republican candidate a con summation devoutly wished It Is m fair guess thattthoso who voted for Taft nnd for Roosevelt last time I would swing pretty nearly solid for him, not to mention some of the for-' mor WHsonltes. And the same story ! Is truo In many other states. Ladles Sateen Sorosls Underskirts 08c to ijU Ladles Suits, Latest Models and Fabrics Arriving Dally ljUB to 92.1 Spring Coats, the latest Creations $7.."(i to $l.oo Dress Skirts $1.00 to $fo.oo Children's Rompers ()c, 7."c If,,.,. "'"'&Iia,"uutlan fStt& r7 Tho Innocent bystander who tries to clean up n family ro.v after ho has I been hit on tho hend by a Btrny beer bottle Invnrlably Is set upon by tho rounded family. So It looks by tho lib Grande. OPPORTUNITY. two hour-drills and twenty -four onu hour drills. In inarching, dlrclpllno, handling of arms, physical drills, n'ml carrying out of minor mllltnry tau tlcH, A endut rlllo and bull aro udd (M to thb boy's Junior uniform, and ten per cunt of the. best shots nro giv en target practice with the regular service rlllo. "As a senior cadet the Australian boy Is part of a dollnltu mllltnry orga nization. - Senior cadets aro formed Into companies, ono hundred nnd tuent) strong, and nil tho companies In oach of tho training arean Into which Australia Is divided nro formed Into u battalion. Since, however, this battalion seldom nHsemblos as' a whole, the battalion HtalT In limited to' a commanding olllcer Vud an ad jutant. Tuwards tho end of tits per iod hh a senior cadet -that Is, the ear lit which hu iviicIioh tho ago of eighteen eaoh senior cadet Is brought boTnro 11 medical olllcsr of his training nron and, upon oainln Htlun, Im claused either iik lit or unlit tor active military sen loo TIiiih In mam cane Htudauta who ultimately prow unlit for active mllllarv ser vice in time of war nvvurllielHiw nro not prueluiled from a large h mount "To gather tho strcnuiB from waste anil to draw from them energy, la bor without hrnins, nnd so save man kind from toll thnt It can bo spnrod, Is to supply what, next to Intellect, Is tho very foundation of all our (KhlcvetnuntB nnd all our wolfnm,!' Promt 11 Supromn Court decision handed down by Justlco Holmes. In Oregon, with ten million horse power waiting development and less than half a million thus far oven fllod upon, whnt n Hold Is there for the splendid development Justlco Holmes so properly lauds! woniunliw of operation that would nut be iMNulhle for Uulnted ludepcnil-i f ihe Invaluable training and dU nut gtalloiiM. Interruption, to mi-'clpllne which Is given from tho ngos of twelve to eighteen. ' "Having, pawed his phvuloul nnd moral examination, the senior endst lro may ly lewnttuml, the umdn of thu (iiialoiiier may be better nerxed and rates may , lower with n Mingle M)stom (linn with Mineral. No better BPrvictt im gneii ami 110 lower THiea,.,,.! in 1.1..I1 I... I moal lnleronted. clmrgiid thHii In Cullfoinla. wheie.l riir the llrst seven your of hla uotwithMtiiiidlug the coiiMlderalilH service In the cltlieii forces he re miinleiiml developiiiHiit, IH) per rent ce not lews thai) sixteen whole of the total urlmiirv nower la uvu.l 1,1 , da' training a our tof which not tliu mil. tie uunlm. ml.nnriil Imt.u or In 1hH tlltlll Ulgllt Whole (I.I.XS IllllSt be Montnnii. vhi.ie 89 per rent Is owned ! c",,n,ml l" nnnunl pnmw or maneu- l.v l..,i iilllllul.,,1 .uiriwir,illiu lluvlntv- "'" llllioi .i,iiii ini ' .i "' " .,,-..,............. ....,. MlVe the 1 Some opponouts of Irrigation havo tried to rnnko much of the temporary dllllciiltles of tho Tumnlo reseryolr. Thoy blame the looks which were dis covered lust suuuuer t faulty con struction, poor planning and Inndo-J qilate eugliieeiing. As a inattor of fact, every possible precaution was taken The construction work Itsolf Iiiih proved tlawiess, and the leaks hrve been simply un unfortunate ac cident which 110 power on earth oQuld delliiltel.v foresoe or guard against until water actually was lot Into tho reservoir. Ab 1h now apparent, ilia looks are about all cured, :fnd It Is hltuply a inattor of tlnw until tho big artlllclHl pond Is sntlnfactorlh full. We wsituler what the peMluilsts who Tho acquittal of Thomas Mott Os borne, wnrdon of Sing Sing prison, is n victory for decency nnd progress In prison administration, as opposed to political chicanery and reaction. Out of 985 dolegntcB to tho com ing Republican National Convention 003 will bo chosen under provisions or tho direct primary lnw as opposed to tho old caucus system. If wo could only got those Cnnnd- Inn territorials to do soint of their trench digging training' in Crook county thore'd bo Irrigation ditches enough to go around. Shouldn't thoso merchantmen ho compollcd to warn U10 submarines of their approach, as a matter of cour tesy nnd convenience; to tho Gernuin commanders? Instead of crossing tho border why not push our southern boundary ahead of tho troops an they march Into Mexico? Even with Jefferson cut off Crook county Is largor than the states of Rhodo Inland nnd Now Jorsey com bined. Election dny Is now returning Of candidates thoro Is a mob, Public spirit, brightly burning Induces each to seek a Job. Wanted: Attractive, catchy syno nym for "economy nnd elllclency." Any candidate will pay liberally. President Wilson onco described hla mind as a single track affair. Not a slnglo term mind, howover. Pork Is said to ho getting very senrco In Germany. Congressmen will bo sympathetic. . Looks ns If Oystor Hay again would ho tho country's best ndvortlsod sum med resort. 1 Signs of spring tho Crook County Journal says "Prluovllle may build u railroad. Wear Iron Clad Half Hose. 'JY'HEN youTl Have 00 talf-tose fl trouble and you'll save money. Iron Clad Hosiery surpasses all otJaets la durability because of tnc upe tior 'quality of tnc yarn of which It Is made and tie "Extra Twist" tliat Btrcnfjthens every strand. Being: seamless, It la always comforta ble. The handsome styles are another distinction of Iron Clad Hosiery. You'll find Just what you want la half hose at our store. m R. M. SMITH CLOTHING COMPANY MEN'S FURNISHINGS PORTLAND EXCURSION LIKELY. (Tho Orcgonlnn.) An excursion to Hend to celebrate tho opening of tho Shevlln-Hlxon and tho Hrooks-Scnnlon lumber mills Is a possibility of tlio near future. Of llclals of tho Oregon Trunk road havo submitted tho plan to tho Chamber of Commorco, nnd It posslblo that n special train will bo operated from Portland to Hend for tho occasion. Tho celebration probably will bo Into In April or early In May. Tho now mills nt Hend nro among tho largest In tho country and Jointly will glvo employment to more than GOO mon. Tho people of Hend nre eager to havo Portland and othor points of sfato Join In a proper celebration. First clnss tailoring dono by II, Cnto, Wright Hotel building. 4p POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory Directory of each City. Town and Village, giving Aeecrlptlve iketch ot each place, location, population, tele graph, shipping and banking- point I alto Clmlflea Directory, complied by butlneae and profeitton. K. I- l'OLK CO., BRATTLE . U hw lii ned to that arm of the citizen . onoone to cry out "The Tiunabi Pro force to which he hooiiih best titled jt n failure." said about tho 1'n.imnm canal slldos with their re sulting delays. nnd tho lower rate. It only remains for the proper public axoncy to re quire It." ' Prom tlolr 'inherent nature water powers are monopolistic. Thero I only ono Niagara, but n slnglo falls of Celllo or Deschutes river. "Mon opoly" often Is a mlmisod word. Harmful monopoly Is to bo resisted anil, tinner uur uroguu iaw, can iy regulated prelty effectqnlly for the well bolng of tho consuming public On the other hand Ji,vJJ)llibini WiUrB0 Kn opoly which'apolia'economr nnd'protfeJr-to"i llcntlon f 'ottUdent' at an annual test or suffer tho penalty of longer ser vice. In his twent-sUth year the Australian U required to attend one muster parade only, and Is then d's charKwl fropi active service. He re mains subject to recall to the colors In time of war until lie becomes six ty vears of ago. All promotions nro made from tho ranks and based 011 merit. , THAT JIIOHWAY. MAP. Sam Hill's sacred highway map Is igor inviolate. It can be chang' Tho courts of New York havo do elded that a theatre may ovdmlo a dramatic critic or .inyono else, pro vided It U not done because of rnce, creed or color. This upholds the ac tion of a theatre management n for bidding entrance to n newspaper man who wrote tincompllnienttir) things about plas produced at that house. Tho decision strikes tho lav man ns extraordinary. liven If technically correct It soomliiuly divests dramatic criticism of every possible value. It moanHj-' In effect, that only favorablo comment upon plays will bo permit toil; If' a writer tells tho unpleasant truth.Jio Is kopt out. It would seem that iQUOr logical couchislon-.ofj'ihls" meet tho rettulrWiuwnta-is'ias-l.qurcr Btato ot affairs might bo thai t. u. vs. v. w. is now it is be ginning to look. To vote for prosldont, register be fore April IS. "nurns Junction." Do you gat thnt? the lljjl WILL OPEN 111 APRIL 1ST IN ! Carroll lhiilding GOOD BOARD AND ROOMS REASONABLE P 1 I i There is great satisfaction in being Well Dressed You can easily nnd economically have that hatlsllert Feeling, PACKARD SHOES Will make jour feet look trim. They nro comfortable! mid diessy, A Brownsville Woolen Mills Custom Made Suit Made to lit jour nct iium.nuio will gUo you nrognltlon an) where. For the latent patterns in shirts you vlll find them In the largest iiMortmeiit wo Imvo ever carried. We lme niiiile It our liiiclness this season to b rljflit iii to the M-i-ntcli on lints mid cup-.. They havo Just como liu NohIiom will j 011 llnd a belter line of tho kivncst ties. The assortment wo luau this hprlng U varied In iiutterns and fabrics, If joii lontemplnto an Haster Suit, Tho Brandegee-Kincaid Clothes Will gle )mi tho satisfaction jou'nro looking for, In fact what ever jou want hi MEN'S FURNISHINGS You will llnd only the lx?.t of ever) thing at A. L French Men's Furnishings 4 -V u ioi?''7"fHrwsw Ik a5iSf " - 7 Y" "Vft ' ' uSicr .jgafcjfcTnni,, 'i4uK' T -.. -rij - k.'